October 1998, Issue no. 58 ISSN: 1523-7893 Š Copyright 2005 IPM NEWS --- international IPM news and programs I. IPM NEWS / APPLICATIONS international IPM news and programs Program Seeks Maize that Resists Striga A major international foundation, in collaboration with the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture and other research organizations, has initiated a global research thrust to develop maize varieties for Africa that resist the devastating predations of Striga spp. parasitic weeds. The concept: focus the facilities and energies of a diverse scientific group on solving a specific, challenging problem involving crop yield loss. The Rockefeller Foundation has used the approach successfully in the past; recent advances in maize transformation now trigger cautious hope that research breakthroughs can lead to new varieties that resist Striga. Writing in a recent issue of the IWSS (International Weed Science Society) NEWSLETTER, J.D, DeVries, et al note that, "In spite of years of agronomic and genetic research, the parasitic weed Striga spp. continues to ravage the maize fields of sub-Saharan Africa." A December 1997 meeting in Kenya led to formation of an international Striga Working Group and a plan to facilitate ongoing research in: breeding, biotechnology, cropping systems, and technology transfer all aimed at reducing Striga's impact in Africa. A research strategy was formulated that is broadly based on: a) reducing the presence and impact of Striga; and, b) developing maize plant resistance. A number of specific actions are called for under each of the two main categories including everything from hand-pulling to transfer of genes that confer resistance. The authors conclude that, given the deep concern over food security in Africa, "there is a sense of urgency regarding the need for solutions to be advanced to farmers as quickly as possible." excerpted from: IWSS NEWSLETTER, July 1998.
back to top IPM MEDLEY --- publications and other IPM information resources II. IPM MEDLEY general matters, publications of interest, and other resources for IPM information Brazilian Congress Focuses on IPM With a theme of "Integrated Pest Management: A Global Reality," the 17th Congress of the Brazilian Entomological Society (Sociedade Entomologica do Brasil, SEB) convened in August 1998 and attracted over 1,500 participants from across Brazil and beyond. A 2-volume printed, bound compilation of abstracts (in
Portuguese) for the 1,041 submitted papers was produced and copies given to attendees at registration. "It was obvious that IPM was the main thrust of entomological research in Brazil," observed M. Kogan, director of the Integrated Plant Protection Center at Oregon State Univ., who was invited to present the opening address at the Congress. Dr. Kogan also noted that, "The biennial event is evolving into a focal point of entomological research information exchange for all Latin America. This National Congress," Kogan said, "provided a preview of the enthusiasm, technical capacity, and organizational skills that are being mobilized towards the XXI International Congress of Entomology, to be held in Foz do Iguacu, Parana, Brazil, in 2,000." FMI: E.B. de Menezes E-mail: cbe17@rio.nutecnet.com.br Website: carpa.ciagri.usp.br/~seb/ based on information generously provided by M. Kogan. Correction The article, "Study Reports U.S. Pest Management Practices," that appeared in the September 1998 issue of IPMnet NEWS, #57, included a web address that was valid for only a very limited time. The correct web address for accessing this interesting study is: usda.mannlib.cornell.edu/reports/nassr/other/pest/pestan98.pdf Thanks to E. Beers for bringing these facts to our attention. IPMnet NEWS regrets any inconvenience the incorrectly reported website caused NEWS readers. AD PUBLICATIONS AUTHORS, EDITORS, AND PUBLISHERS IPMnet NEWS wants to mention any publication, or CD, related to, or focused on, IPM. To assure coverage, please send a review copy of the publication, with background information where to obtain copies, data about the author/editor(s), and any other particulars or descriptive materials to: IPMnet NEWS, c/o Integrated Plant Protection Center 2040 Cordley Hall, Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331-2915, USA After review, materials will be cataloged into the joint CICP/IPPC international IPM and crop protection literature collection (which the worldwide IPM/crop protection community is welcome to use), or returned if so requested.
PRACTICAL BIOCONTROL ILLUSTRATED From its attractive and informative front cover right through 164 information-laden pages, the Univ. of California's 1998 publication, NATURAL ENEMIES HANDBOOK The Illustrated Guide to Biological Pest Control, stands as possibly the most useful practical resource for biocontrol currently available today. Authors M.L. Flint and S.H. Dreistadt, backed by a host of technical editors, advisors, and reviewers, have included virtually every insect, mite, and spider family important in biological control, and illustrated each with a taxonomically correct line drawing or color photo. The softbound
(hardbound available) work contains 180 color photographs and 140 line drawings for hundreds of predators, parasites, and pathogens that attack pests. Beyond the visual, the handbook, while technical, provides information in a straight-forward manner that helps users find, identify, and deploy natural enemies. The comprehensive and authoritative work covers pest weeds, insects, pathogens, nematodes, and mites. A "biological pest control quick guide" section identifies those natural enemies most likely to help control a specific pest species. As with other earlier volumes in the Univ. of California Statewide IPM Program publication series, NATURAL ENEMIES HANDBOOK (pub. #3386) represents an excellent value for the depth of information provided. FMI: Communication ServicesPublications, DANR, Univ. of California, 6701 San Pablo Ave., Oakland, CA 94608, USA Fax: 1-510-643-5470 E-mail: danrcs@ucdavis.edu Phone: 1-510-642-2431 Website: www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/GENERAL/naturalenemiesflyer.html WEST AFRICAN RICE WEEDS IN COLOR LES ADVENTICES EN RIZICULTURE EN AFRIQUE DE L'OUEST / WEEDS OF RICE IN WEST AFRICA is a new, informative bilingual volume published by the West Africa Rice Development Association (WARDA). The 312-page work, prepared by D.E. Johnson, offers nearly 190 color photos, plus line drawings, of the principal weed species found in upland and lowland rice in West Africa. Attractively presented and with a weather-resistant plastic jacket, this 1997 volume was designed to assist extensionists and researchers with weed identification, but could well be useful to anyone involved with weed management in rice production. Beyond weed identification, the text discusses ecology and weed management strategies, especially for the most noxious weed species. FMI: D.E. Johnson, WARDA, 01 BP 2551, Bouake 01, IVORY COAST E-mail: D.E.Johnson@cgnet.com Fax: 225-63-47-14 Phone: 225-63-45-14 REPORT DWELLS ON CROP PROTECTION The latest in a series of highly informative and visually appealing annual reports from the UK's Institute of Arable Crops Research, IACR REPORT FOR 1997, continues the theme of "Integrated Approach to Crop Research" and devotes significant space to the Institute's initiatives in crop protection. Research involving crop canopy management, weed suppression, and crop yield loss prediction is aimed at reducing the need for herbicide application. Another thrust is focused on understanding the role of wheat crop architecture and development in epidemics of leaf blotch caused by Septoria tritici, a highly damaging foliar fungal disease of wheat in Western Europe. The balanced, 92-page, full color report succinctly chronicles these and numerous other IACR initiatives underway. FMI: R. Atkin, IACR-Rothamsted, Harpenden, Herts. AL5 2JQ, UK Fax: 44-01582-760981 E-mail: roger.atkin@bbsrc.ac.uk Phone: 44-01582-763133 Website: www.res.bbsrc.ac.uk/ CDs FIELD CROP DISEASE CD RELEASED The first in a new CD disc series from the American Phytopathological Society (APS) is DISEASES OF FIELD CROPS, offering more than 600 images for alfalfa/lucerne, barley, corn/maize, soybean, sorghum, and wheat. The included information, taken from APS photo-slide series, can be searched by host, pathogen, disease name, and key word. FMI: APS Press, 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA E-mail: aps@scisoc.org Fax: 1-612-454-0766 Phone: 1-612-454-7250 Website: www.scisoc.org Publication & CD Notes ** The U.S. National Wildlife Research Center has published its RESEARCH UPDATE for summer 1998 summarizing a wide range of vertebrate pest control nationally and internationally. FMI: NWRC, Information Services, 1201 Oakridge Dr., Fort Collins, CO 80525, USA E-mail: nwrclib@ecentral.com Fax: 1-970-223-5917 Phone: 1-970-223-1588, ext. 242 ** Beginning with its July-August 1998 issue, CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURE, the well-regarded bi-monthly covering research and activities at the multi-campus Univ. of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, began devoting an entire section to "New Pests and Plant Diseases" and their statewide significance.
FMI: J. White, CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURE, DANR, 1111 Franklin St., 6th Floor, Oakland, CA 94607-5200, USA E-mail: CALAG@ucop.edu Fax: 1-510-465-2659 Phone: 1-510-987-0044 Website: danr.ucop.edu/calag/ ** Free copies of ORCHARD PEST MANAGEMENT IN CANADA, the 103-page proceedings of a symposium held at Fredericton, NB, CANADA in October 1996, edited by C. Vincent and R.F. Smith, are available on request. The same material will soon be available electronically. FMI: R.F. Smith, Atlantic Food & Hort. Research Centre, 32 Main St., Kentville, NS, B4N 1J5, CANADA E-mail: smithr@em.agr.ca Fax: 1-902-679-2311 Phone: 1-902-679-5730 OTHER RESOURCES U.S. PEST INFORMATION KNOWLEDGEBASE The National Agricultural Pest Information System (NAPIS) incorporates a wide range of U.S. national plant pest survey data and is an electronic compilation of information formerly published in hardcopy form. NAPIS serves as the database for the U.S. government's Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey. The NAPIS gateway website at www.ceris.purdue.edu:80/napis/ is a key entry point for accessing a variety of material, both current and older, on specific pest species. An extensive portion of the included information, while based on U.S. conditions, also has international applicability. FMI: J. Pheasant, NAPIS/CERIS, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA E-mail: pheasant@purdue.edu Fax: 1-765-494-9727 Phone: 1-765-494-9853 DOSSIER OF A NASTY PEST A continuously revised and expanded website offers more data than most people ever want to know about the important pest insect, codling moth, (Cydia pomonella L.). The site, "Codling Moth Information Support System" (CMISS), is designed to provide information for research and extension and is found at: www.ippc.orst.edu/codlingmoth. One CMISS list contains 6,500 references blanketing the literature from 1700 to 1998. Several other sections are devoted to various control strategies, as well as phenology and population dynamics...even how the little rascal got its name. A generalized degree-day calculator on CMISS can be used worldwide to forecast codling moth phenology under local conditions. The site was designed and prepared by W.I. Bajwa under sponsorship of the Integrated Plant Protection Center (USA) in concert with the U.S. Agricultural Research Service. FMI: W.I. Bajwa, IPPC, 2040 Cordley, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR 97331, USA Fax: 1-541-737-3080 E-mail: bajwaw@bcc.orst.edu Phone: 1-541-737-6272 TRACKING SPREAD OF EXOTIC PLANTS "INVADERS" Database, an interactive website that tracks the historic spread of approximately 900 exotic plant species introduced to five U.S. Pacific northwest states since 1875, is intended to aid early detection of noxious plants. Core data include 80,000 distribution records obtained from herbaria, weed identification laboratories, agency surveys, and other sources. The website invader.dbs.umt.edu (note: "invader" is singular in the URL) can provide information in various configurations. Designers of "INVADERS" aim to eventually include data for all of North America. FMI: P.M. Rice, Div. of Biol. Sci., Univ. of Montana, Missoula, MT 59812, USA Fax: 1-406-243-4184 E-mail: biopmr@selway.umt.edu Phone: 1-406-243-2671 PEST MANAGEMENT IN JAPAN The July 1998 issue of AGROCHEMICALS JAPAN, published by the Japan Plant Protection Association (JPPA), contains several articles on spider mites (genetic variation, historical changes of species, resistance). FMI: JPPA, 1-43-11, Komagome, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 170-8484, JAPAN. A related group, the Japan Crop Protection Association, has established a companion website at: www.jcpa.or.jp EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS For Predators & Parasites: New Delivery Systems While the use of biocontrol agents to help manage pest species holds the potential to reduce reliance on pesticides and gain other advantages, the
practice continues to face a major challenge of effectively and economically attracting or introducing the desired agents into a targeted field, orchard, vineyard, etc. Two intriguing new developments promise to expedite the delivery process and thereby lower, if not remove, a barrier to broader use of biocontrol. A design team in California has developed a launching device that flings small, lightweight, disc-shaped containers of predators or parasites into the target area. The device officially labeled the "Aerodynamic Transport Body for Distribution of Biological Agents," or ATB uses disks designed with an appropriate exit for the beneficials to use when the disk lands. Disks can be made from any of several fast degrading materials that, says team leader L.M. Carter, "will deteriorate naturally after a few rains or after the field is irrigated a few times." An ATB unit can be mounted on a variety of vehicles which then travel along beside a field dispensing disks. The process is said to be much faster than manually placing containers of biocontrollers in an area, and obviously less labor intensive. Operating from the perimeter of the field also reduces soil compaction and lowers the potential for physically spreading weed seeds, among other benefits. The second device, the Mite Meter, dispenses a controlled stream of predatory mites that attack insects frequently found in cotton. The meter mounts on a tractor or other vehicle and can be calibrated to discharge from 500 to 20,000 biocontrol mites per ac. (or ha.) along with an inert carrier material such as vermiculite. Tests found that 95 percent of the predators survived the metering process and the short drop from exit point of the meter to the surface of the field. The Mite Meter, as with the ATB, offers several potential advantages such as pre-loading tanks of predators directly at an insectary, infrequent stops to refill the tank because of the small volume being dispensed, and cost reductions in both material and labor. FMI: L.M. Carter, USDA-ARS, 17053 N. Shafter Ave., Shafter, CA 93263, USA E-mail: LCarter@Lightspeed.net Fax:1-805-746-1619 Phone: 1-805-746-8004 excerpted from AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH, August 1998
back to top IPM RESEARCH/TECHNICAL PAPERS --- categories and topics related to IPM III. RESEARCH/TECHNICAL PAPERS research/technical topics related to IPM. IPMnet NEWS will gladly provide the postal mailing address for any first author, or journal, mentioned in the listed titles that follow. Requests for this information can be sent via e-mail to: IPMnetNUZ@bcc.orst.edu. This Month's SELECTED TILES (broadly grouped by pest or tactic categories). General "Evaluation of Mortality Factors and Risk Analysis for the Design of an Integrated Pest Management System," Roux, O., and J. Baumgartner. ECOL. MODEL., 109(1), 61-76, June 1998. "Pest Management Record-keeping Duties Shift with Computerization," Flint, M.L., et al.
CALIF. AGRIC., 52(4), 27-31, July-August 1998. Biocontrol "Are Aphidophagous Ladybirds (Coccinellidae) Prudent Predators?," Hemptinne, J.L., and A.F.G. Dixon. BIO. AGRIC. & HORT., 15(1-4), 151-162, 1997. "Insect Pests and Arthropod Predators Associated with Tree-turf Landscapes," Dix, M.E., and F. Baxendale. JRNL. OF ENTOM. SCI., 32(3), 257-270, July 1997. "Perfumed to be Killed: Interception of Mediterranean Fruit Fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) Sexual Signaling by Predatory Foraging Wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)," Hendrichs, M.A., and J. Hendrichs. ANNS. OF THE ENTOM. SOC. OF AMER., 91(2), 228-234, March 1998. "The Importance of Parasitoids in Apple Orchards," Balazs, K. BIO. AGRIC. & HORT., 15(1-4), 123-130, 1997. Phytopathology "Composted Municipal Waste Reduces Infection of Citrus Seedlings by Phytophthora nicotianae," Widmer, T.L.,et al. PLANT DIS., 82(6), 683-688, June 1998. "The Virtual Plant: A New Tool for the Study and Management of Plant Diseases," Wilson, P.A., and S. Chakraborty. CROP PROT., 17(3), 231-240, May 1998. Weed Management "Effect of Ridge Truncation on Weed Populations in Ridge-tillage Corn (Zea mays)," Buhler, D.D. WEED SCI., 46(2), 225-230, March-April 1998. "Incorporation of Weed Spatial Variability into the Weed Control Decision-making Process," Zanin, G., et al. WEED RESCH., 38(2), 107-118, April 1998. Entomology "Control of Codling Moth in Small Plots by Mating Disruption: Alone and with Limited Insecticide," Vickers, R.A., et al. ENTOM. EXP. ET APPLIC., 86(3), 229-240, March 1998. "Effect of Plant Phenology and Climate on Russian Wheat Aphid (Homoptera: Aphididae) Damage to Winter Wheat," Archer, T.L., et al. ENVIRO. ENTOM., 27(2), 221-231, April 1998. "Integrated Management of Helicoverpa armigera on Gram (Cicer arietinum)," Sanap, M.M., and V.M. Pawar. IND. JRNL. OF AGRIC. SCI., 68(3), 162-164, March 1998. "Predicting Insect Adaptation to a Resistant Crop," Hawthorne, D. JRNL. OF ECON. ENTOM., 91(3), 565-571, June 1998. Nematology "Estimation of Entomopathogenic Nematode Population Density in Soil; Correlation Between Bait Insect Mortality and Nematode Penetration," Koppenhofer, A.M., et al. FUND. AND APPL. NEMA., 21(1), 95-102, January-February 1998. "Influence of Soybean Cropping Sequences on Seed Yield and Female Index of the Soybean Cyst Nematode," Young, L.D. PLANT DIS., 82(6), 615-619, June 1998.
Vertebrate Management "Long-term Cost Effectiveness of Fences to Manage European Wild Rabbits," McKillop, I.G., et al. CROP PROT., 17(5), 393-400, July 1998. back to top U.S. REGIONAL IPM CENTERS AND THE IPM-CRSP --- news, developments back to top U.S. AID's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM CRSP) back to top IPMNET CALENDAR --- recent additions and revisions to a comprehensive global IV. CALENDAR a global list of forthcoming IPM-related events (conferences, training courses, symposia, etc.) Information was collected from, and supplied by, various sources; IPMnet expresses its appreciation to all. NOTE: this issue of the NEWS contains both Calendar 1, (events new to the Calendar, or containing revised information) and Calendar 2 (Previously Listed Events, but for 1999 only). Additional information can be found at the website: www.IPMnet.org. New and Revised listings Previously Listed events, for 1999 only See also AgNIC's Agricultural Conferences, Meetings, Seminars Calendar
IPMnet Calendar 1. NEW=(N), or REVISED=(R) entries only
In 1998 (N) 11 November NATIONAL IPM NETWORK (USA), Las Vegas, NV, USA. Contact: R.E. Stinner, NSF Center for IPM, 1017 Main Campus Dr., Suite 1100, North Carolina State Univ, Raleigh, NC 27606, USA E-mail: CIPM@ncsu.edu Fax: 1-919-513-1114 Phone: 1-919-515-1648 Website: ipmwww.ncsu.edu/cipm/ (N) 9-11 December 17TH COLUMA INTERNATIONAL MEETING ON WEED CONTROL, Dijon, FRANCE. Contact: C. Duboscq, ANPP, 6 Boulevard de la Bastille, F.75012 Paris, FRANCE E-mail: anpp@anpp.asso.fr Fax: 33-1-43-44-29-19 Phone: 33-1-43-44-89-64 In 1999 (N) 15-18 February 1ST INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON WEED RISK ASSESSMENT, Adelaide SA, AUSTRALIA. Contact: J. Virtue, GPO Box 1671, Adelaide SA 5001, AUSTRALIA Fax: 61-08-8303-9559 E-mail: virtue.john@pi.sa.gov.au Phone: 61-08-8303-9502 Website: www.pir.sa.gov.au/about_pisa/weedwatchPR.shtml
(N) 19-23 July INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA, Ouagadougou, BURKINA FASO. Combined: 1st Meeting of the Entomological Society of Burkina Faso, and 13th Meeting of the African Association of Insect Scientists. Contact: D. Traore, Station de Farako-ba, 01 BP 910 Bobo-Dioulasso 01, BURKINA FASO E-mail: dtraore@fasonet.bf Fax: 226-97-09-60 In 2000 -0-
IPMnet Calendar 2. PREVIOUSLY LISTED entries for 1998, 1999 and 2000 Current as of October 1998 1998 1-4 October BIOCONTROL FOR THE NEW MILLENNIUM, Annual Conference, Association of Natural Bio-control Producers, Scottsdale, AZ, USA. Contact: ANBP, 10202 Cowan Heights Dr., Santa Ana, CA 92705, USA E-mail: maclayb@aol.com Fax/phone: 1-714-544-8295 Web: www.anbp.org 4-7 October 1998 SOCIETY FOR VECTOR ECOLOGY ANNUAL MEETING, College Station, TX, USA. Contact: P. Teel, Dept. of Entomology, Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX 77843, USA E-mail: pteel@tamu.edu Fax: 1-409-845-6305 Phone: 1-409-845-2516 5-8 October FIRST ARGENTINE CONGRESS ON BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF PLANT DISEASES, Circulos Oficiales de Mar., Sarmiento 1867, Capital Federal, ARGENTINA. Contact: G. Cap, Lab. de Nematologia IMYZA-CICA-INTA, CC 25, 1712 Castelar, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA E-mail: gcap@cica.inta.gov.ar Fax: 54-1-621-0670 Phone: 54-1-621-1683 12-15 October 8TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON FIRE BLIGHT, Kusadasi, TURKEY. Contact: H. Saygili, Faculty of Agric., Plant Protection Dept., Univ. of Ege, 35100, Bornova, TURKEY E-mail: fblight8@ziraat.ege.edu.tr Fax: 90-232-388-1864 Phone: 09-232-388-0110, ext. 2743 18-23 October (repeats 25-30 October) HERBICIDE ACTION INTENSIVE COURSE, West Lafayette, IN, USA. In-depth survey of the activity, behavior, and fate of herbicides in plants and the environment. Contact: S.C. Weller, 1165 Horticulture, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN 47907-1165, USA E-mail: weller@hort.purdue.edu Fax: 1-765-494-0391 Phone: 1-765-494-1333 20-23 October 22ND ANNUAL NORTH AMERICAN PLANT PROTECTION ORGANIZATION MEETING, Halifax, NS, CANADA. Contact: R. Bast, E-mail: rbast@em.agr.ca Fax: 1-613-228-6606 Phone: 1-613-225-2342 25-29 October REGIONAL SYMPOSIUM FOR APPLIED BIOLOGICAL CONTROL IN MEDITERRANEAN COUNTRIES, Cairo, EGYPT. Plenary sessions, posters, workshops (entomophagous predators, parasitoids, entomopathogenics); official language is English.
Contact: S.A. El Arnaouty, Sec-Gen., Center of Biological Control, Fac. of Agric., Cairo Univ., Giza, EGYPT Fax: 202-570-2134 E-mail: LEC@brainy1.ie-eg.com Phone: 202-569-5686 31 October-4 November JOINT MEETING, ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETIES OF CANADA AND QUEBEC, "Today's Basic Research, Tomorrow's IPM," Chateau Frontenac, Quebec, CANADA. Contact: J. Delisle, Centre de Foresterie des Laurentides, 1055 rue du PEPS, Sainte-Foy, QUE. G1V 4C7, CANADA Fax: 1-418-648-5849 E-mail: jdelisle@cfl.forestry.ca Phone: 1-418-648-2526 2-3 November IBC 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TRANSGENIC PLANTS, "Novel Developments in Insect and Disease Resistance," Lake Buena Vista, FL, USA. Contact: IBC, 225 Turnpike Road, Southborough, MA 01772-1749, USA E-mail: reg@ibcusa.com Fax: 1-508-481-7911 Phone: 1-508-481-6400 Web: www.ibcusa.com/conf/transgenic 4-6 November 21ST ANNUAL MEETING, MEXICAN SOCIETY FOR BIOLOGICAL CONTROL, Rio Bravo, MEXICO. A biocontrol short course will precede the meeting which will include a Technology Expo. Contact: J.S. Bernal, Biological Control Laboratory, Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX 77843-2475, USA Fax: 1-409-845-7977 E-mail: jsb7473@unix.tamu.edu Phone: 1-409-862-8378 Web: www.inifap.conacyt.mx/eventos.html 8-12 November AMERICAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOC. and ENTOMOLOGICAL SOC. OF AMERICA JOINT MEETING, Las Vegas, NV, USA. Contact: C.S. Dacus, APS, 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA Fax: 1-612-454-0766 Phone: 1-612-454-7250 E-mail: corie@scisoc.org 9-27 November RECYCLAGE EN PHYTOPATHOLOGIE APPLIQUEE, Training Course/Workshop, Niamey, REP. DU NIGER. Contact: S.B. Sagnia, Centre Regional AGRHYMET/DFPV, BP 12625, Niamey, REP. DU NIGER E-mail: dfpv@sahel.agrhymet.ne Fax: 227-732237 Phone: 227-734758 Website: www.agrhymet.ne 11-13 November 20TH CONGRESO NACIONAL DE ENTOMOLOGIA, Concepcion, CHILE. Presented by the Sociedad Chilena de Entomologia. Contact: L.E. Parra, Univ. de Concepcion, Casilla 2407, Concepcion, CHILE. E-mail: entomolo@udec.cl Fax: 56-41-244805 Phone: 56-41-204157 Web: www.udec.cl/entomologia/ 16-19 November BRIGHTON CROP PROTECTION CONFERENCE 1998, PESTS & DISEASES, Brighton, UK. uontact: The Event Organization, 8 Cotswold Mews, Battersea Square, London SW11 3RA, UK E-mail: eventorg@event-org.com Fax: 44-0-171-924-1790 Phone: 44-0-171-228-8034 Website: www.BCPC.org 19-20 November DEVELOPING & COMMERCIALIZING RESISTANCE MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES: Technologies and Profitable Business Models Revealed for Resistance Management Strategies, New Orleans, LA, USA. Contact: D. Merchant, GBRL, 151 West 19th St., 8th Floor, New York, NY 10011, USA E-mail:dlgbr@aol.com Fax: 1-916-773-9321 Phone: 1-916-773-3236, ext. 8092 Web: www.global8.com/conference98/rm_cover.html
24-26 November 4TH ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE OF THE TANZANIA ENTOMOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, "Challenges of Entomology in Africa in the 21st Century," Morogoro, TANZANIA. Contact: W.R. Mbise, TEA, TPRI, PO Box 3024, Arusha, TANZANIA Fax: 255-57-8217 E-mail: mbise@habari.co.tz November CONFERENCE ON SOIL HEALTH, "Managing the Biological Component of Soil Quality (with reference to IPM)," Las Vegas, NV, USA. Half-day, informal event (during the ESA-APS joint conference) to discuss which taxa are important, how to quantify them, and how to work with farmers and other clients to apply the resulting knowledge. Contact: M. Zeiss, Crop Protection Department, EAP, Apdo. Postal 93, Tegucigalpa, HONDURAS E-mail: zeiss@eapdpv.sdnhon.org.hn Fax: 504-776-6242 Phone: 504-776-6332 7-9 December 5TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH CONFERENCE ON METHYL BROMIDE ALTERNATIVES AND EMISSIONS REDUCTIONS, Orlando, FL, USA. Contact: Methyl Bromide Alternatives Outreach, 144 W. Peace River Drive, Fresno, CA 93711-6953, USA Fax: 1-209-436-0692 E-mail: gobenauf@concentric.net Phone: 1-209-447-2127 1999 18-29 January LA PROTECTION CONTRE LES NUISIBLES DES CULTURES MARAICHERES, Training Course/Workshop, Niamey, REP. DU NIGER. Contact: S.B. Sagnia, Centre Regional AGRHYMET/DFPV, BP 12625, Niamey, REP. DU NIGER E-mail: dfpv@sahel.agrhymet.ne Fax: 227-732237 Phone: 227-734758 Website: www.agrhymet.ne 25-28 January WORKSHOP OF THE SEARS/IOBC WORKING GROUP ON GREENHOUSE/PROTECTED CROPS IPM, "Natural Enemy to Biological Control Agent: Evaluating the Process," Sydney, AUSTRALIA. The event is primarily for researchers and IPM practitioners concerned with protected crops. Contact: S. Goodwin, Horticultural Research & Advisory Station, NSW Agriculture, PO Box 581, Gosford NSW 2250, AUSTRALIA E-mail: stephen.goodwin@agric.nsw.gov.au Fax: 61-2-434-81910 Phone: 61-2-434-81929 8-10 February WEED SCIENCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING, San Diego, CA, USA. Contact: WSSA, J. Breithaupt, PO Box 1897, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA Fax: 1-913-843-1274 E-mail: jbreith@allenpress.com - - Phone: 1-913-843-1235 18-19 February 2ND ASIA-PACIFIC CROP PROTECTION CONFERENCE, Juhu, Mumbai, INDIA. Contact: P.P. Dave, PMFAI, B-4, Anand Co-op Housing Society, Sitladevi Temple Road, Mahim (W.), Mumbai - 400016, INDIA E-mail: pmfai@bom4.vsnl.net.in Fax: 91-22-437-6856 Phone: 91-22-437-5279 (N) 8-10 March INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES IN IPM: CONCEPTS, RESEARCH, AND IMPLEMENTATION, Raleigh, NC, USA. Aim: to provide a forum for examining emerging technologies and discussing constraints to their development, implementation, and integration into IPM programs. Contact: T. Sutton, Dept. of Plant Pathology, Box 7616, NCSU, Raleigh, NC 27695, USA Website: ipmwww.ncsu.edu E-mail: turner_sutton@ncsu.edu Phone: 1-919-515-6823 16-19 March LATE BLIGHT: A THREAT TO GLOBAL FOOD SECURITY, Quito, ECUADOR. International conference organized by the Global Initiative on Late Blight (GILB).
Contact: GILB, CIP, Apartado 1558, Lima 12, PERU E-mail: m.kearl@cgnet.com Fax: 51-1-349-5638 Web: www.cipotato.org 18-19 March SYMPOSIUM ON BIOLOGICAL CONTROL IN THE TROPICS, Serdang, Selangor, MALAYSIA. Organized by the National Council for Biological Control Malaysia, in collaboration with CAB International. Contact: Symposium Organizing Committee, MARDI, PO Box 12301, 50774 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA E-mail: anwar@mardi.my Fax: 60-03-948-7639 Phone: 60-03-943-7432 Web: www.mardi.my 21 March-3 July 28TH INTERNATIONAL COURSE ON INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT, Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS. Contact: International Agricultural Centre, PO Box 88, 6700AB Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS Fax: 31-317-418552 Phone: 31-317-490353 Web: www.iac-agro.nl 23-25 March CROP PROTECTION IN NORTHERN BRITAIN 1999, Univ. of Dundee, UK. Contact: D.H.K. Davies, CPNB, Crop Systems Dept., SAC, Bush Estate, Penicuik, Midlothian EH26 0QE, UK E-mail: k.davies@ed.sac.ac.uk 19-21 May WORLD NEEM CONFERENCE (and Tradeshow), Vancouver, CANADA. Contact: M.B. Isman, Dept. of Plant Science, Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver V6T 1Z4, CANADA E-mail: isman@unixg.ubc.ca Fax: 1-604-822-8640 28 June-1 July 11TH EUROPEAN WEED RESEARCH SOCIETY SYMPOSIUM, Basel, SWITZERLAND. Contact: EWRS Symposium 1999, c/o FAW, CH-8820, Waedenswil, SWITZERLAND Fax: 41-62-868-6341 E-mail: Daniel.Gut@wae.faw.admin.ch Phone: 41-1-763-6111 Website: www.res.bbsrc.ac.uk/ewrs/ewrs_symp.html 5-9 July 10TH BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF WEEDS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM, Bozeman, MT, USA. Contact: N.R. Spencer, USDA/ARS, 1500 North Central, Sidney, MT 59270, USA Fax: 1-406-482-5038 E-mail: nspencer@sidney.ars.usda.gov Phone: 1-406-482-9407 Website: www.symposium.ars.usda.gov/ 25-30 July 14TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON PLANT PROTECTION, Jerusalem, ISRAEL. Theme: "Plant Protection Towards the Third Millennium - Where Chemistry Meets Ecology." Contact: S. Barnett, Congress Coordinator, PO Box 50006, Tel Aviv 61500, ISRAEL E-mail: IPPC@kenes.com Fax: 972-3-514-0077 Phone: 972-3-514-0014 6-12 August JOINT MEETING OF THE AMERICAN AND CANADIAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETIES, Montreal, CANADA. Contact: APS, 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA. E-mail: aps@scisoc.org Fax: 1-612-454-0766 Phone: 1-612-454-7250 29 August-3 September VII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON JUVENILE HORMONES, Jerusalem, ISRAEL. Contact: S.W. Applebaum, e-mail: jhvii@indycc1.agri.huji.ac.il Website: www.agri.huji.ac.il/~jhii
12-16 September 12TH AUSTRALIAN WEEDS CONFERENCE, Hobart, Tasmania, AUSTRALIA. Contact: Conference Design, PO Box 342, Sandy Bay, Tasmania 7006, AUSTRALIA Fax: 61-03-6224-3774 E-mail: mail@cdesign.com.au 15-18 November BRIGHTON CROP PROTECTION CONFERENCE 1998, Brighton, UK. Contact: The Event Organization, 8 Cotswold Mews, Battersea Square, London SWll 3RA, UK E-mail: eventorg@event-org.com Fax: 44-171-924-1790 Phone: 44-171-228-8034 Website: www.BCPC.org November 17TH ASIAN-PACIFIC WEED SCIENCE SOCIETY CONFERENCE, Bangkok, THAILAND. Contact: R. Suwanketnkom, Dept. of Agronomy, Kasetsart Univ., Bangkok 10903, THAILAND 2000 5-10 February WEED SCIENCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING, Toronto, CANADA. Contact: WSSA, J. Breithaupt, PO Box 1897, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA Fax: 1-913-843-1274 E-mail: jbreith@allenpress.com - - Phone: 1-913-843-1235 3-6 June XXII BRAZILIAN WEED SCIENCE CONGRESS, Iguassu Falls, PR, BRAZIL. Contact: B.N. Rodrigues; e-mail sbcpd@cnpso.embrapa.br 6-11 June III INTERNATIONAL WEED SCIENCE CONGRESS, Iguassu Falls, PR, BRAZIL. Contact: J.B. Silva; e-mail sbcpd@cnpso.embrapa.br Web Site: www.foztur.com.br/iwsc 20-26 August 21ST INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF ENTOMOLOGY, Iguassu Falls, PR, BRAZIL. Contact: D.L. Gazzoni; e-mail gazzoni@cnpso.embrapa.br Web site: www.embrapa.br/ice
Please send information about future events or changes to: E-mail: IPMnetNUZ@bcc.orst.edu, or to IPMnet NEWS, c/o Integrated Plant Prot. Center 2040 Cordley Hall, Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331-2915, USA Fax: 1-541-737-3080
IPMnet's Sponsor IPMnet is a free global IPM information service sponsored by the Consortium for International Crop Protection (CICP). The Consortium, 12 educational/research institutions with strong interests in development, research, and productive application of rational crop protection and pest management, has been an international presence for over 20 years. Current members are: Univ. of California, Cornell Univ., Univ. of Florida, Univ. of Hawaii, Univ. of Illinois, Univ. of Minnesota, North Carolina State Univ., Oregon State Univ., Univ. of Puerto Rico, Purdue Univ., Texas A&M Univ., and the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. R.E. Ford (Univ. of Illinois) chairs CICP's Board of Directors, J.D. Harper (N. Carolina State Univ.) is Vice chairman, G.L. Teetes (Texas A&M Univ.) is Treasurer, and G.A. Schaefers
(Cornell Univ.) serves as Executive Director. B.D. Russell is Assistant to the Director. The Consortium maintains an administrative office at: CICP, Cornell Univ., NYSAES, Geneva, NY 14456-0462, USA. E-mail: CICP@cornell.edu Phone: 1-315-787-2252. IPMnet's Web page (www.IPMnet.org) and computer server are administered by R.E. Stinner (North Carolina State Univ.) E-mail: CIPM@ncsu.edu
The IPMnet NEWS .....is sponsored, produced, and provided by CICP. Mention of specific products, processes, institutions, organizations, or individuals in the IPMnet NEWS does not imply support nor criticism by CICP, nor any individual associated with CICP, nor any of its member institutions. Information in IPMnet NEWS may be reprinted or quoted PROVIDED that the IPMnet NEWS is duly identified as the source.
CICP Newsletter Advisory Committe J.D. Harper, chair JAMES_HARPER@ncsu.edu; A. Alvarez, and D.W. Dickson; ex-officio, M. Kogan, and G. Schaefers.
IPMnet NEWS Editor/Coordinator - A.E. Deutsch, IPMnetNUZ@bcc.orst.edu.
Contributions to the IPMnet NEWS .... the NEWS welcomes short articles describing research, or other IPM-related information, as well as notice of events, publications, and equipment and processes.
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E-mail: IPMnetNUZ@bcc.orst.edu (preferred) Fax: 1-541-737-3080 Phone: 1-541-737-6275 Postal: IPMnet NEWS c/o Integrated Plant Protection Center 2040 Cordley Hall, Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331-2915, USA
This World Wide Web version of IPMnet NEWS was prepared by J. E. Bacheler for the Center for IPM. The Center takes full responsibility for the appearance of this document.