IPMnet NEWS April 2001, Issue no. 88 ISSN: 1523-7893 Š Copyright 2005 IPM NEWS --- international IPM news and programs I. IPM NEWS / APPLICATIONS international IPM news and programs GEORGE A. SCHAEFERS The Consortium for International Crop Protection sadly announces the death on 28 March 2001 of George A. Schaefers, past executive director of the Consortium and long-time active member of its Board of Directors. Dr. Schaefers, an entomologist with strong links to African entomologists and programs, was Professor Emeritus at Cornell University (USA), and involved during his entire career in various aspects of entomology research and education locally, nationally, and internationally. "He was," noted current Consortium executive director R.E. Ford, "an effective international champion of IPM." A Vision of IPM in the Future Integrated pest management stands as one of the stronger agricultural constructs to emerge in the 20th century. Yet looking ahead, will IPM's acknowledged strengths and benefits be able to withstand the future onslaught of drastically changing conditions and increasing pressures, and if so, how might the IPM concept itself have to evolve? Two scientists recently peered into their dusty crystal ball and determined that a potent combination of societal and natural factors will ultimately shape IPM's future evolution, adoption, and application. From their vantage point as IPM researchers, M. Kogan and W.I. Bajwa envision a mix of increasing pressure on pesticide usage by consumers in the marketplace expressed through governmental action, a global upsurge of invasive species, and shifts in climatic conditions individually and collectively that could exert dynamic impacts on the future shape of IPM. In a recently presented paper, the scientists agree that pesticides will remain an integral part of IPM in the foreseeable future. However, industry, given proper incentives and with an increased understanding of pest species' vulnerable target sites, will develop effective new products. These innovative pesticides will replace old compounds and be both significantly more selective and environmentally sensitive. Advances in crop pest management research can be expected to accelerate, note Kogan and Bajwa, as "old" pesticides disappear, and strategies shift to softer, more environmentally integrated methods. Use of both sex and food attractants will grow as science produces more effective materials and improved dispensing methods. Crops with genetically engineered characteristics certainly will become a key element in the pest management toolbox. The explosion in information systems based on personal computers, other devices, and expanded
Internet access will play a major role for growers faced with critical decisions in IPM implementation. Global information systems coupled with increasingly accessible geographic positioning system devices will help managers identify emerging problem areas and improve IPM planning and deployment. If anything, IPM already an intensely information-dependent exercise is likely to be even more heavily information-based as scouting, pest identification, threshold determination, and other related techniques become the norm instead of the cutting edge. The prognosticating scientists also posit that IPM will: mature; trigger greater regional cooperation needed to advance IPM to higher levels of integration; and expand the areawide IPM concept to include the entire pest complex, not only the targeted pest. As a bottom line, crop protection, including IPM, will remain a key component of sustainable agriculture and the backbone of an overall holistic integrated production approach backed by market forces particularly in an era of burgeoning global trade and governmental action that induce producers to innovate and promptly adopt new, more environmentally compatible technologies. excerpted in part, with thanks, from, "IPM in the Next Century: How Might Things Change," Kogan, M., and W.I. Bajwa, Proc. of the Ann. Meeting of the Oregon Hort. Soc., January 2001, in press. GLOBAL IPM NOTES Based on a study in British Columbia, CANADA, timing of removals was found to be crucial to achieving an overwinter reduction in Thomomys talpoides (northern pocket gopher) abundance. *> T.P. Sullivan, Sullivan@telus.net. A biological control weevil, Eustenopus villosus (Boh.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), was found to be equally happy on herbicide resistant or herbicide susceptible Centaurea solstitialis (yellow starthistle). *> J.P. McCaffrey, JMcAffrey@uidaho.edu. Results of research conducted in Florida citrus to manage Reticulitermes spp. (subterranean termites) suggests that baiting with hexaflumuron is a viable management alternative. *> P.A. Stansly, PAS@gnv.ifas.ufl.edu. FAO publishes the monthly DESERT LOCUST BULLETIN, with glossary and maps, and distributes it freely by mail, fax, and via a website at: www.fao.org/news/global/locusts/locuhome.htm. *> Eclo@fao.org. back to top IPM MEDLEY --- publications and other IPM information resources II. IPM MEDLEY general matters, publications of interest, and other resources for IPM information IPM Award Nominees Sought in California IPM innovators wanted! According to a press release, the U.S. state of California seeks nominees for its annual IPM Innovators Awards. The awards, established in 1994, have honored 63 innovators ranging from major agricultural producers to urban community groups. The program was conceived to encourage cooperative, local problem solving and to foster an environment where pesticide users try innovative practices. Award criteria include:
"A history of using biological and cultural pest control techniques to deal effectively with pests in a particular situation or pest management system; Use of pesticides only when necessary to achieve acceptable levels of control with the least impact on non-target organisms and the environment; and, A demonstrated willingness to share technical information with others, as well as research and development efforts that stress communication with peer groups." *> C. Hunter, DPR, PO Box 4015, Sacramento, CA 95812-4015, USA. E-mail: CHunter@cdpr.ca.gov. Phone: 1-916-324-4100. Website: www.cdpr.ca.gov/docs/ipminov/innovatr.htm. PUBLICATIONS AUTHORS, EDITORS, AND PUBLISHERS IPMnet NEWS welcomes mentioning any publication, or CD, focused on, or related to, IPM. To assure coverage, please send a review copy of the publication, with full information to: IPMnet NEWS, c/o Integrated Plant Protection Center 2040 Cordley Hall, Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331-2915, USA
COPING WITH PIERCE'S DISEASE An informative, beautifully designed 2001 publication from the Univ. of California/Davis, PIERCE'S DISEASE, concisely covers key aspects related to a devastating bacterial malady (Xylella fastidiosa) of grapevine transmitted by four major insect vectors in the sharp-shooter subfamily. The 20-page, softbound work incorporates 26 color photos to graphically describe Pierce's disease symptoms, and to identify vectors. The text covers the role alternative plants serve as a reservoir for the bacteria, discusses pattern variations of disease spread for various vectors, and suggests methods to monitor vectors. Authors L.G. Varela, et al conclude with a section devoted to practical management strategies. Pub. #21600. *> ANR Communications, 6701 San Pablo Ave., 2nd. floor, Oakland, CA 94608-1239, USA. E-mail: danrcs@ucdavis.edu. Fax: 1-510-643-5470. Phone: 1-510-642-2431. Website: anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu. LATEST PLANT-MICROBE REFERENCE OFFERED A hardbound volume containing nearly 80 papers presented at the 9th International Congress of Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions focuses on recent developments and advances. BIOLOGY OF PLANT-MICROBE INTERACTIONS, VOL. 2, edited by P.J.G. de Wit, et al, includes information concerning viruses, beneficial and pathogenic bacteria, fungi, nematodes, and insects. The 472-page volume, published in 2000, includes 19 photos and discusses cutting edge trends and technology. *> ISMPMI, c/o APS Press, 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA. E-mail: ISMPMI@scisoc.org. Fax: 1-651-454-0766. Phone: 1-651-454-7250. FARM CHEMICALS HANDBOOK UPDATED The latest annual edition of the massive reference, FARM CHEMICALS HANDBOOK 2001, fills its more than 1000 pages with detailed technical information for thousands of products, and extends beyond pesticides and fertilizers to cover biocontrols including "biochemical pest control agents, biocontrol agents, predators and parasites, and microbials." While the section on regulatory compliance is U.S. oriented, the softbound Handbook contains a huge information base of global interest. Over 40 percent of the included data is said to have changed in each annual edition. A comprehensive index lists all product trade names, terms, and regulations while a Buyer's Guide is said to comprise 20,000 entries in 4,100 categories. *> Meister Publishing Co., 37733 Euclid Ave., Willoughby, OH 44094-5992, USA. E-mail: FCHB-circ@meisternet.com. Fax: 1-440-942-0662. Phone: 1-440-942-2000. Website: www.meisterpro.com. PEST INSECT MANAGEMENT
REFERENCE The chunky 2001 edition of the annually revised PACIFIC NORTHWEST INSECT MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK has been completely revamped. While aimed at one region of the U.S., the softbound work presents material of geographically wider interest. With material prepared by 49 technical experts, the 413-page handbook ranges across topics from biological control, through numerous specific crops, to special conditions. Editor D.M. McGrath and colleagues have shoe-horned diverse data, useful tables, and a plethora of details into a pertinent reference. *> Ext. Comm., 422 Kerr, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR 97331-2119, USA. Fax: 1-541-737-0817. E-mail: puborders@orst.edu. Phone: 1-541-737-2513. Website: eesc.orst.edu. THE WHY AND HOW OF STRIP BUFFERS A liberally illustrated 22-page work summarizes recent research investigating the ability of land strips maintained in permanent vegetation to trap and degrade pesticides carried in runoff from treated fields. Published in 2000 by a combination of U.S. federal agencies and collaborators, CONSERVATION BUFFERS TO REDUCE PESTICIDE LOSSES is intended to aid buffer design, installation, and maintenance for optimal performance. The softbound report includes full color photos to compliment discussions of buffer size and placement, plus selecting vegetation species to plant for best results. *> IPPC, 2040 Cordley, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR 97331, USA. E-mail: ParksL@bcc.orst.edu. Fax: 1-541-737-3080. Phone: 1-541-737-3541. Website: www.wcc.nrcs.usda.gov/water/quality/common/pestmgt/files/newconbuf.pdf. PUBLICATION NOTES PEST MANAGEMENT BROCHURE A new descriptive, full color brochure describes the various activities of the Univ. of Maine's (USA) Pest Management Office and emphasizes IPM efforts, said to be a prominent feature of the organization's portfolio since the first formal extension-based IPM program focused on potatoes in 1977. The October 2000 publication lists seven websites offering a wide range of fact sheets and newsletters. *> J. Dill, Pest Management Office, Univ. of Maine, Orono, ME 04469, USA. E-mail: JDill@umext.maine.edu. Phone: 1-207-581-3879. HERBICIDE ACTION SITE CHARTED A recent full color extension bulletin aims to enhance the ability of herbicide users to rotate herbicides, based on site of action, to more effectively retard development of herbicide-resistant weed biotypes. Authors C. Sprague and A. Hager designed USING HERBICIDE SITE OF ACTION TO COMBAT WEED RESISTANCE TO HERBICIDES with color-coded classifications based on 14 technical sites of action, predominantly inhibition of key plant growth processes. While targeted at typical crops, weeds, and herbicides of the midwestern U.S., the information and classification method clearly presented in this 4-page bulletin has broadly global utility. *> Info. Tech. and Comm. Svcs., Univ. of Illinois, Mktg. and Dist., 1917 S. Wright St., Champaign, IL 61820, USA. E-mail: acespubs@uiuc.edu. Fax: 1-217-333-3917. Phone: 1-217-333-3871. AN IPM ANNUAL REPORT A major U.S. landgrant university has published an informative, graphically attractive annual report for 2000 describing many facets of its IPM initiative. From defining IPM to describing its successful application, THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT PROGRAM reports the results from programs ranging across fruit and vegetable crops to turfgrass. The 60-page softbound publication also can be downloaded from the Ohio Integrated Pest Management website (below) which itself offers a broad array of useful information. *> J. Kovach, IPM Program, Ohio State Univ., OARDC, 1680 Madison Ave., Wooster, OH 44691, USA. E-mail: Kovach.49@osu.edu. Fax: 1-330-263-3841. Phone: 1-330-263-3846. Website: www.ag.ohio-state.edu/~ipm/.
VIRUS EPIDEMIOLOGY SYMPOSIUM Papers based on material presented at the 1999 International Society of Plant Pathology's symposium, "Plant Virus Epidemiology: Challenges for the 21st Century," in Almeria, SPAIN, have been published as a special 262-page double issue of the journal VIRUS RESEARCH. Material includes six substantial reviews and 13 other papers on a wide range of topics, from nine countries. Copies, beyond those already sent to regular subscribers, are available for purchase. *> J.M. Thresh, Univ. of Greenwich, Chatham Maritime, Kent ME4 4TB, UK. E-mail: J.M.Thresh@greenwich.ac.uk. SAFETY TRAINING RESOURCES FARMWORKER PESTICIDE SAFETY TRAINING RESOURCES, AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BILINGUAL (ENGLISH/SPANISH) RESOURCES FOR TRAINERS OF FARMWORKERS was compiled by M. Frisk and published in 2000 by the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP). The softbound, 42-page offers an extensive collection of useful materials. *> IATP, 2105 First Ave. South, Minneapolis, MN 55404, USA. E-mail: afuller@iatp.org. Fax: 1-612-870-4846. Phone: 1-612-870-3411. Website; www.iatp.org/labels/ (click on "resources," scroll down). CD, VIDEO, & OTHER NOTES VIDEO EXPLAINS INSECT MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUE A new, 28.5-minute video examines an environmentally friendly method of pest insect management. Said to be the first video of its kind, THE STERILE INSECT TECHNIQUE (or SIT), uses graphic display clips of actual laboratory and field activities to explain the concept of areawide pest management and the principles and application of the SIT. Designed as a teaching aid for university classes, this English-language video was produced during 2000 at the request of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) member states and is available in three formats, NTSC, PAL, and SECAM. A detailed printed script in either English, Spanish, or French accompanies the video tape. *> Insect and Pest Control Section, Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture, IAEA, PO Box 100, Wagramer Strasse 5, A-1400 Vienna, AUSTRIA. E-mail: V.A.Dyck@iaea.org. Fax: 43-1-2600-7. Phone: 43-1-2600-26164. Website: www.iaea.org/programmes/nafa/d4/index.html. NEW AUSTRALIAN WEED BIOCONTROL SITE The weed section within Australia's CSIRO has developed a colorful, informative website titled "Redistribution of Biological Control Agents" highlighting a wealth of information for biocontrol agents of eight temperate, highly invasive weed species. Clicking on a weed name (common) takes users to a page with biocontrols listed, each with a further page of detailed data including aspects of release and redistribution. There are links to other relevant sites. The website is: www.ento.csiro.au/research/weedmgmt/redistribution/index.htm. *> S. Corey, CSIRO Entom./Weeds CRC, GPO Box 1700, Canberra, ACT 2601, AUSTRALIA. E-mail: Sharon.Corey@ento.csiro.au. Fax: 61-02-6246-4177. Phone: 61-02-6246-4136. PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES BIOCONTROL OF WEEDS (ENTOMOLOGIST), Ft. Pierce, FL, USA. * Develop and conduct a biocontrol of weeds program using imported phytophagous arthropods and biocontrol agents; compile weed biocontrol information and provide it to the public. Requires: Ph.D. in entomology; relevant biocontrol experience; ability to conduct field work abroad; international experience and capability in Spanish or Portuguese desirable. Contact: J.H. Frank, Entom. and Nematol. Dept., Univ. of Florida, PO Box 110620, Gainesville, FL 32611-0190, USA. Fax: 1-352-292-0190. E-mail: JHF@gnv.ifas.ufl.edu. Phone:
1-352-292-1901, ext. 128. Website: www.ifas.ufl.edu/~entweb/bioc_weeds.html. IPM PROJECT LEADER, Logan, UT, USA * Assist IPM program specialists in entom., plant path., hort., and weed sci. with coordination and implementation of Utah Extension IPM Program activities, and with evaluation of new IPM strategies; collect information and provide pest advisories; organize and direct pest scouting workshops; assist with training materials preparation. Requires: M.S. in IPM, entom., or plant path. plus 2 years or more post-M.S. experience in IPM research or outreach education. Contact: D.G. Alston, Dept. of Biol., 5305 Old Main Hill, Utah State Univ., Logan, UT 84322-5305, USA. E-mail: dianea@biology.usu.edu. Phone: 1-435-797-2516. BIOCONTROL OF ARTHROPODS (ENTOMOLOGIST), Ft. Pierce, FL, USA. * Develop and conduct a biocontrol of arthropods program using imported arthropods as biocontrol agents; teach assigned courses. Requires: Ph.D. in entomology; relevant biocontrol experience; ability to conduct field work abroad; international experience and capability in Spanish or Portuguese desirable. Contact: J.H. Frank, Entom. and Nematol. Dept., Univ. of Florida, PO Box 110620, Gainesville, FL 32611-0190, USA. E-mail: JHF@gnv.ifas.ufl.edu. Fax: 1-352-292-0190. Phone: 1-352-292-1901, ext. 128. Website: www.ifas.ufl.edu/~entweb/bioc_arth.html. RESEARCH ENTOMOLOGIST/CHEMIST, College Station, TX, USA. * Develop basic information and management strategies for agricultural insect pests, with emphasis on chemical ecology in relation to areawide pest management programs. Requires: Ph.D. in entomology or physical/life sciences; experience in gas chromatography or mass spectrometry. Contact: J.K. Westbrook, USDA-ARS, 2771 F & B Road, College Station, TX 77845-4966, USA. E-mail: J-Westbrook@tamu.edu. Fax: 1-979-260-9386. Phone: 1-979-260-9351. Website: scrl.usda.gov/scrl/apmru/index.htm.
back to top IPM RESEARCH/TECHNICAL PAPERS --- categories and topics related to IPM III. RESEARCH/TECHNICAL PAPERS categories and topics related to IPM. IPMnet NEWS will gladly provide the postal address for any first author mentioned in the titles that follow. E-mail requests to: IPMnet@bcc.orst.edu. Featured Paper Severe Leaf Damage: Impacts on Rice Yield Depend on Plant Stage Researchers in Cambodia simulated pest defoliation of rice plants as a method to evaluate types and levels of (primarily insect) damage affecting yields at various crop stages. Removing 50 percent of the leaves from rice seedlings, or at the tillering stage, did not reduce yields. But at the booting stage, the same leaf loss dropped yields an average 21 percent. Writing in International Rice Research Notes (IRRN), B. Khiev et al suggest that, based on these results, rice has considerable capacity to compensate for drastic leaf damage, and that most leaf damage before panicle initiation is not worth preventing. *> Excerpted, with thanks, from: Khiev, B., et al, "Effects of Simulated Pest Damage on Rice Yields," IRRN, 25(3), 27-28, December 2000. Thanks to G.C. Jahn for information. This Month's SELECTED TITLES (broadly grouped by pest or tactic categories). General "Biological Efficacy of Herbicides and Fungicides Applied with Lowdrift and Twin-Fluid Nozzles," Jensen, P.K., et al. CROP PROT., 20(1), 57-64, February 2001.
"The Effect of Integrated Pest Management Practices in an Apple Orchard on Heteroptera Community Structure and Population Dynamics," Kinkorova, J., and F. Kocourek. JRNL. OF APPL. ENTOM., 124(9-10), 381-385, December 2000. Biocontrol "Can Snails Ever be Effective and Safe Biocontrol Agents?," Cowie, R.H. INTL. JRNL. OF PEST MGMT., 47(1), 23-40, January 2001. "Distribution of Insect Attacks in Biological Control of Weeds: Infestation of Centaurea virgata Flowerheads by a Gall Fly," Rieder, J.P., et al. BIOL. CONT., 20(3), 254-260, March 2001. Phytopathology "Advances in Understanding Plant Viruses and Virus Diseases," Zaitlin, M., and P. Palukaitis. ANNU. REV. OF PHYTOPATH., 38, 117-143, 2000. "Surface Soil Moisture and Stubble Management Practice Effects on the Progress of Infection of Wheat by Fusarium psuedograminearum," Swan, L.J., et al. AUSTRAL. JRNL. OF EXP. AGRIC., 40(5), 693-698, September 2000. Weed Management "Integrated Strategies Offer Site-specific Control of Yellow Starthistle," DiTomaso, J.M., et al. CALIF. AGRIC., 54(6), 30-36, November-December 2000. "Spatial Distribution of Weeds in Arable Crops: Are Current Sampling and Analytical Methods Appropriate?," Rew, L.J., and R.D. Cousens. WEED RESCH., 41(1), 1-18, February 2001. Entomology "Farm Management Practices and Farmers' Perceptions of Stalk-borers of Maize and Sorghum in Lesotho," Ebenebe, A.A., et al. INTL. JRNL. OF PEST MGMT., 47(1), 41-48, January 2001. "Monitoring Codling Moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) with Passive Interception Traps in Sex Pheromone-treated Apple Orchards," Knight, A.L. JRNL. OF ECON. ENTOM., 93(6), 1744-1751, December 2000. Nematology "An Integrated Approach to Managing Rice Stem Nematodes," Chakraborti, S. IRRN, 25(1), 16-17, April 2000. back to top U.S. REGIONAL IPM CENTERS AND THE IPM-CRSP --- news, developments back to top U.S. AID's IPM-Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM CRSP) back to top IPMNET CALENDAR --- recent additions and revisions to a comprehensive global
IV. IPMnet CALENDAR a global listng of forthcoming IPM-related events (conferences, symposia, workshops, training courses, etc.) for 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004 NOTES: The IPMnet CALENDAR is e-mailed to all current IPMnet e-mail subscribers just once (or twice) annually, but is kept current and may be freely requested any time from IPMnet IPMnet@bcc.orst.edu. It can also be found on this website. Information in the IPMnet CALENDAR was supplied by, and collected from, a variety of sources; IPMnet expresses its appreciation to all for their generous cooperation. Please send information about future events, or revisions, to: IPMnet NEWS at IPMnet@bcc.orst.edu or, IPMnet NEWS, c/o Integrated Plant Protection Center 2040 Cordley Hall, Oregon State Univ. Corvallis, OR 97331-2915, USA. Fax: 1-541-737-3080. New and Revised listings Previously Listed events See also AgNIC's Agricultural Conferences, Meetings, Seminars Calendar
IPMnet CALENDAR (N)EW, or (R)EVISED entries only
In 2001 (N) 04-05 June WEED MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS IN VEGETABLES, Meeting of the European Weed Research Society Working Group, Zaragoza, SPAIN. Contact: C. Zaragoza L., Unidad de San. Vegetal, Serv. de Inv. Agroalimentaria, Avda. Montanana 930, 50016 Zaragoza, SPAIN E-mail: carza@aragob.es. Fax: 34-976-716335 Phone: 34-976-716322 (N) 05-07 September INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON APHIDS, Rennes, FRANCE. Contact: Aphid Symposium Committee, INRA, domaine de la Motte, BP35327, 35653 Le Rheu Cedex, FRANCE Fax: 33-2-23-48-5150 E-mail: aphid@rennes.inra.fr In 2002 (N) 11-13 March EUROPEAN WEED RESEARCH SOCIETY: PHYSICAL WEED CONTROL, Pisa, ITALY. Contact: P. Barberi, SSSU, Setore di Agraria, Via G. Carducci 40, 56127 Pisa, ITALY Fax: 39-050-883-215 E-mail: Barberi@sssup.it Phone: 39-050-883-448 Website: ewrs.org/physical-control/2002_meeting.htm (N) 12-17 May 8TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF PLANT VIRUS EPIDEMIOLOGY, Aschersleben, GERMANY. Contact: T. Kuehne, BAZ, PO Box 1505, 06435 Aschersleben, GERMANY E-mail: T.Kuehne@bafz.de Fax: 49-3473-879200. Phone: 49-3473-879-165 Website: virus-2002.bafz.de/title.htm
In 2003 (N) 27 April-02 May 11TH SYMPOSIUM ON BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF WEEDS, Canberra, AUSTRALIA. Contact: S. Corey, CSIRO Entomology, PO Box 1700, Canberra 2601, AUSTRALIA Fax: 61-02-6246-4177 E-mail: Sharon.Corey@ento.csiro.au. Phone: 61-02-6246-4136 Website: www.ento.csiro.au/weeds2003/index.html In 2004 no new or revised entries.
IPMnet CALENDAR PREVIOUSLY LISTED entries for 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004 Current as of April 2001
2001 09 April VERTEBRATE DAMAGE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE, Corvallis, OR, USA. Contact: L. Parks, IPPC, 2040 Cordley Hall, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR 97331-3904, USA Fax: 1-541-737-3080 E-mail: ParksL@bcc.orst.edu Phone: 1-541-737-3541 11 April-17 May FAO/IAEA INTER-REGIONAL TRAINING COURSE, "The Use of the Sterile Insect and Related Techniques for the Integrated Area-wide Management of Insect Pests," Gainesville, FL, USA. (See details in "Other Resources" section.) Contact: A. Kellner, PO Box 100, A-1400 Vienna, AUSTRIA E-mail: A.Kellner@iaea.org Fax: 43-1-26007 08 May 53RD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CROP PROTECTION, Coupure Links, Ghent, BELGIUM. Contact: P. DeClercq, Dept. of Crop Protection, Univ. of Ghent, Coupure Links 653, B-9000 Ghent, BELGIUM E-mail: Patrick.DeClercq@rug.ac.be Fax: 32-9-264-6239 Phone: 32-9-264-6158 12-15 May 6TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ECOPARASITES OF PESTS, Ballina, IRELAND. Contact: M. Murphy, Biological Laboratories Europe Ltd., Carrentrila, Ballina, Co. Mayo, IRELAND E-mail: ballina@biolabs.iol.ie Phone: 353-096-70355 14-18 May NORTH AMERICAN FOREST INSECT WORK CONFERENCE, "Boreal Odyssey," Edmonton, AL, CANADA. Contact: J.R. Spence, Biol. Sci., Univ. of Alberta, 114 St.-89 Ave., Edmonton, AL T6G 2M7, CANADA E-mail: John.Spence@ualberta.ca Phone: 1-780-492-3003 Web: nofc.cfs.nrcan.gc.ca/nafiwc/ 14-18 May 13TH INTL. REINHARDSBRUNN SYMPOSIUM, "MODERN FUNGICIDES AND ANTIFUNGAL COMPOUNDS," Friedrichroda, GERMANY. Contact: H-W. Dehne, Inst. for Plant Diseases, Univ. of Bonn, Nussallee 9, D-53115 Bonn, GERMANY E-mail: Reinhardsbrunn@uni-bonn.de Fax: 49-228-739627 Phone: 49-228-732-444 Web: www.uni-bonn.de/pk/reinhardsbrunn/ 15 May-30 June INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR PLANT PATHOLOGY
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY SYMPOSIUM (on-line). Contact: T.M. Stewart, Massey Univ., Private Bag 11222, Palmerston North, NEW ZEALAND. E-mail: T.Stewart@massey.ac.nz. Fax: 64-06-350-5639. Phone: 64-06-350-6236. Web: www.ISPP-ITsymposium.org.nz/. 20-24 May 15TH NEMATOLOGICAL CONGRESS, "Integrated Nematode Control in the New Millennium," Skukuza, SOUTH AFRICA. Contact: M. Daneel, ARC-ITSC, Private Bag X11208, Nelspruit 1200, SOUTH AFRICA E-mail: mieke@itsc.agric.za Fax: 27-13-752-3854 Phone: 27-13-753-2071 Web: www.agnic.org/mtg/2001/15nc.html 21-25 May 12TH AUSTRALASIAN VERTEBRATE PEST CONFERENCE, Melbourne, VIC, AUSTRALIA. Contact: M. Gould, Convention Associates Pty Ltd., 13 Jeffrey St, Mt. Waverley, VIC 3149, AUSTRALIA E-mail convention@optushome.com.au Fax: 61-3-9887-8773 Phone: 61-3-9887-8003 28 May-02 June 18TH ASIA-PACIFIC WEED SCIENCE CONFERENCE, Beijing, CHINA. Contact: C. Zhang, APWSC, Institute of Plant Protection, CAAS, No. 2 West Yuanmingyuan Rd., Beijing 100094, CHINA. E-mail: CXZhang@public east.cn.net. Phone: 86-10-6281-5908. Web: www.wssc.org.cn. 01-06 June INVASIVE ALIEN SPECIES AND THEIR MANAGEMENT, as part of the Pacific Science Intercongress, Guam, USA. Contact: R. Muniappan RMuni@uog9.uog.edu 03-07 June 7TH SYMPOSIUM OF BIOLOGICAL CONTROL (VII Siconbiol), Po!os de Caldas, MG, BRAZIL. Contact: e-mail siconbio@ufla.br Website: www2.ufla.br/~siconbio 04-05 June WEED MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS IN VEGETABLES, Meeting of the European Weed Research Society Working Group, Zaragoza, SPAIN. Contact: C. Zaragoza L., Unidad de San. Vegetal, Serv. de Inv. Agroalimentaria, Avda. Montanana 930, 50016 Zaragoza, SPAIN E-mail: carza@aragob.es. Fax: 34-976-716335 Phone: 34-976-716322 04-08 June PESTS AND VECTORS MANAGEMENT FOR FOOD SECURITY AND PUBLIC HEALTH IN AFRICA: CHALLENGES FOR THE 21ST CENTURY, joint meeting of African Association of Insect Scientists and Crop Protection Society of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, ETHIOPIA. Contact: AAIS, AAIS@icipe.org 04-08 June 7TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON PARASITIC WEEDS, Nantes, FRANCE. Contact: P. Thalouarn, Groupe de Phys. et Path. Veg., Univ. de Nantes, 2 rue de la Houssiniere, 44300 Nantes, FRANCE E-mail: Patrick.Thalouarn@svt.univ-nantes.fr Fax: 33-02-511-25612 Phone: 33-02-511-25619 Web: www.sciences.univ-nantes.fr/scnat/biologie/GPPV.web/congres.html 09-15 June NATO ADVANCED RESEARCH WORKSHOP, "Enhancing Biocontrol Agents and Handling Risks," Florence, ITALY. Contact: M. Vurro, itmpmv01@area.area.ba.cnr.it.
10-14 June 4TH INTERNATIONAL NEMATOLOGY SYMPOSIUM IN RUSSIA, Moscow, RUSSIA. Contact: A. Ryss, Zool. Inst. RAS, Universitskaya emb. 1, St. Petersburg 199034, RUSSIA Fax: 7-812-323-6955 E-mail: AlexRyss@AR4280.spb.edu Phone: 7-812-328-0611 Web: www.ianr.unl.edu/son/nsf01inf.html 11-15 June IV INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC SEMINAR ON PLANT PROTECTION, Varadero, CUBA. Concurrent meetings include: - XI Latin American Workshop on White fly-Geminivirus: - 33rd Annual meeting of the Nematologist Organization of the American Tropics (ONTA); - 41st Annual Meeting of the Phytopathologist Society-Caribbean Division (APS-DC); - VII International Pest Ants Symposium; and, - II Latinamerican Congress of Neotropical Region Section of the International Organization of Biological Control. Contact: I.S. Ramirez, CP 11600, Playa, Ciudad de la Habana, CUBA E-mail: inisav@ceniai.inf.cu FAX: 537-24-0535 July AQUATIC PLANT MANAGEMENT SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING, Minneapolis, MN, USA. Contact: R. Gunkel Gunkelr@wes.army.mil 02-05 July 13th ENTOMOLOGICAL CONGRESS (SOUTH AFRICA), Pietermaritzburgh, KwaZulu-Natal, SOUTH AFRICA. Contact: D.J. Brothers, Brothers@nu.ac.za Phone: 27-0-33-260-5106 08-12 July SCLEROTINIA 2001: 11TH INTERNATIONAL SCLEROTINIA WORKSHOP, York, UK. Contact: N. Hardwick, Central Science Lab., Sand Hutton, York YO41 1LZ, UK Fax: 44-0-1904-462111 E-mail: nigel.hardwick@csl.gov.uk 10-14 July 10TH CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR MOLECULAR PLANT-MICROBE INTERACTIONS, Madison, WI, USA. Contact: 10th IS-MPMI Congress, UW-Extension Conf. Centers, Pyle Center, 702 Langdon St., Madison, WI 53706, USA E-mail: sal@plantpath.wisc.edu Web: www.plantpath.wisc.edu/mpmi 02-05 August SYMPOSIUM ON THE PRACTICE OF BIOLOGICAL CONTROL: IMPORTATION AND MANAGEMENT OF NATURAL ENEMIES IN THE NEW MILLENNIUM, Bozeman, Montana, USA. Contact: T. Kring, Dept. of Entomology, Univ. of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701, USA E-mail: tkring@comp.uark.edu Phone: 1-501-575-3186 13-17 August 6TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ADJUVANTS FOR AGROCHEMICALS, Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS. Contact: H. de Ruiter, ISAA 2001 Foundation, PO Box 83, NL-6870 AA Renkum, THE NETHERLANDS E-mail: h.deruiter@isaa2001.com Fax: 31-317-350-812 Web: www.isaa2001.com 14-16 August NEW ZEALAND PLANT PROTECTION CONFERENCE, Palmerston North, NEW ZEALAND. Contact: A. Rahman, AgResearch, Private Bag 3123, Hamilton, NEW ZEALAND Fax: 64-7-838-5073 E-mail: Anis.Rahman@agresearch.co.nz Phone: 64-7-838-5280 Website: www.hortnet.co.nz/nzpps/
14-17 August 4TH ASIA PACIFIC CONFERENCE ON ENTOMOLOGY, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA. Contact: I.A. Ghani, School of Env. & Nat. Res. Sci., Fac. of Sci./Tech., Univ. Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor D.E., MALAYSIA E-mail: IdrisGh@ukm.my Web: www.mapps.org.my/mapps/APCE.html 19-22 August INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ORTHOPTEROID INSECTS, Montpellier, FRANCE. Contact: Le Corum, Service Congress, Esplanade Charles de Gaulle, BP 2200, 34027 Montpellier Cedex 1, FRANCE E-mail: gestion@corum-montpellier.com Fax: 33-(0)4-67-61-6684 Phone: 33-(0)4-67-61-6761 Web: os2001.cirad.fr 25-29 August SOCIETY OF NEMATOLOGISTS ANNUAL MEETING, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. Contact: A.P. Nyczepir, USDA-ARS, 21 Dunbar Rd., Byron, GA 31008, USA E-mail: anyczepir@byronresearch.net Fax: 1-912-956-2929 Phone: 1-912-956-6438 25-29 August AMERICAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETTING, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. Contact: APS, 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA E-mail: aps@scisoc.org Fax: 1-612-454-0766 Website: www.scisoc.org 25-30 August 34TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SOCIETY FOR INVERTEBRATE PATHOLOGY, Noordwijkerhout, THE NETHERLANDS. Contact: J. Vlak, Dept. of Virology, Agric. Univ., Binnenhaven 11, Wageningen 6709 PD, THE NETHERLANDS Fax: 31-31-748-4820 E-mail: Just.Vlak@viro.dpw.wau.nl Phone: 31-31-748-3090 Website: www.sipweb.org 02-06 September 3RD EUROPEAN VERTEBRATE PEST MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE, Kibbutz Ma'ale Hachamisha, ISRAEL. Contact: Ortra Ltd, PO Box 9352, Tel Aviv 61092, ISRAEL E-mail: vert@ortra.co.il Fax: 972-3-638-4455 05-07 September INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON APHIDS, Rennes, FRANCE. Contact: Aphid Symposium Committee, INRA, domaine de la Motte, BP35327, 35653 Le Rheu Cedex, FRANCE Fax: 33-2-23-48-5150 E-mail: aphid@rennes.inra.fr 06-07 September 3RD ASIA PACIFIC CROP PROTECTION CONFERENCE, New Delhi, INDIA. Contact: P.P. Dave, PMFAI, B-4, Anand Co-op Housing Soc., Sitladevi Temple Rd., Mahim (W), Mumbai 400-016, INDIA E-mail: PMFAI@bom4.vsnl.net.in Phone: 91-11-6960338 Web: www.pmfai.org 09-14 September 3RD EUROPEAN VERTEBRATE PEST MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE, Kibbutz Ma'ale Hachamisha, ISRAEL. Contact: Ortra Ltd., PO Box 9352, Tel Aviv 61092, ISRAEL E-mail: vert@ortra.co.il Fax: 972-3-683-4455 Phone: 972-3-683-4444 Website: ortra.com/vertebrate/ 10-12 September ROYAL ENTOMOLOGICAL SOC. ANNUAL MEETING, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK. Contact: A.J. Mordue, A.J.Mordue@abdn.ac.uk
11-14 September DYNAMICS OF FOREST INSECT POPULATIONS (IUFRO, Div. 7), Aberdeen, Scotland, UK. Joint mtg. with Royal Entom. Soc. Contact: A.D. Watt, Banchory Resch. Stn., Hill of Brathens, Glassel Banchory AB31 4BY, UK E-mail: ADW@ite.ac.uk Fax: 44-0-1330-823303 Phone: 44-0-1330-826344 Web: iufro.boku.ac.at/iufro/iufronet/d7/wu70307/aberdeen_firstannounce.htm 12-15 September 6th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT OF ALIEN PLANT INVASIONS (EMAPi) 2001, Leicestershire, UK. Contact: L.E. Child, Centre for Environmental Studies, Loughborough Univ., Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 3TU, UK E-mail: L.E.Child@lboro.ac.uk Phone: 44-(0)1-509-222558 18-21 September 3RD MEETING, IOBC/WRPS WORKING GROUP "INTEGRATED PLANT PROTECTION IN ORCHARDS," Dundee, Scotland, UK. Contact: S.C. Gordon, SCRI, Invergowrie, Dundee, Scotland DD2 5DA, UK E-mail: SC.Gordon@scri.sari.ac.uk Fax: 44-0-1382-562426 Phone: 44-0-1382-562731 Web: www.scri.sari.ac.uk/assoc/IOBC2001/ 23-26 September RESISTANCE 2001: MEETING THE CHALLENGE, Rothamsted, Harpenden, Herts, UK. Will review the latest research on the origins, nature, development, and prevention of resistance to insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides. Contact: Resistance 2001 Secretariat, IACR-Rothamsted, Harpenden, Herts AL5 2JQ, UK E-mail: res.2001@bbsrc.ac.uk Fax: 44-0-1582-760981 Web: www.iacr.bbsrc.ac.uk/iacr/tmeeting.html Phone: 44-0-1582-763133 23-28 September 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ARTHROPODS: CHEMICAL, PHYSIOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS, Ladek Zdroj, POLAND. Contact: G. Rosinski, Dept. of Animal Physiology, Inst. of Exp. Biol., Adam Mickiewicz Univ., Fredry 10, 61-701 Poznan, POLAND Fax: 48-61-8523615 Phone: 48-61-8524592 Web: gerwazy.chem.uni.wroc.pl/arthropods/ 24-27 September 13TH BIENNIAL AUSTRALASIAN PLANT PATHOLOGY SOCIETY CONFERENCE, Cairns, AUSTRALIA. Contact: S. Denyer, Center for Trop. Agric., PO Box 1054, Mareeba, QLD 4880, AUSTRALIA E-mail: denyers@dpi.qld.gov.au Fax: 61-7-4092-3593 08-12 October 9TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON FIRE BLIGHT, Napier, NEW ZEALAND. Contact: C.N. Hale, HortResearch, Private Bag 92169, Auckland, NEW ZEALAND E-mail: CHales@hort.cri.nz Fax: 64-9-815-4207 Phone: 64-9-815-4200 Website: www.hort.cri.nz/confer/fireblight2001.htm 21-24 October JOINT ANNUAL MEETING, ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETIES OF CANADA and ONTARIO, Niagara Falls, ON, CANADA. Contact: C.S. Dupree, Dept. of Environ. Biol., Univ. of Guelph, Guild, ON N1G 2W1, CANADA E-mail: CSDupree@evbhort.uoguelph.ca Phone: 1-519-824-4120 25-27 October ASSOCIATION OF NATURAL BIO-CONTROL PRODUCERS ANNUAL CONFERENCE, Washington, DC, USA. Contact: ANBP, 10202 Cowan Hts. Dr., Santa Ana,
CA 92705, USA Web: www.anbp.org E-mail: execdir@anbp.org Fax/Phone: 1-714-544-8295 November BRIGHTON CROP PROTECTION CONFERENCE 2001, Brighton, UK. Contact: The Event Organization, 8 Cotswold Mews, Battersea Square, London SWll 3RA, UK E-mail: eventorg@event-org.com Fax: 44-171-924-1790 Website: www.BCPC.org 06-09 November INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, ENVIRONMENTAL RISK ASSESSMENT OF PESTICIDES AND INTEGRATED PESTICIDE MANAGEMENT IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, Kathmandu, NEPAL. Contact: A. Herrmann, K-IPM Conf., Inst. of Geog. and Geoecol., Tech. Univ. Braunschweig, Langer Kamp 19c, D-38106 Braunschweig, GERMANY E-mail: ipmktm@tu-bs.de Fax: 49-531-391-8170 Web: www.tu-bs.de/institute/igg/physhyd/conference.html 12 November THE WORLD'S WORST WEEDS, Brighton, UK. One day symposium preceding WEEDS 2001 BCPC Conference; ... and .... 13-14 November PESTICIDE BEHAVIOR IN SOILS AND WATER, Brighton, UK. Research symposium in conjunction with WEEDS 2001 BCPC Conference. Contact: The Event Organization, 8 Cotswold Mews, Battersea Sq., London SWll 3RA, UK E-mail: eventorg@event-org.com Fax: 44-171-924-1790 Website: www.BCPC.org 26-29 November 4TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON DIAMONDBACK MOTH AND OTHER CRUCIFER PESTS, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA. Contact: F. Campbell, Conference Management, Univ. of Melbourne, VIC 3010, AUSTRALIA E-mail: fionacam@unimelb.edu.au Fax: 61-3-8344-6122. Web: www.studentadmin.unimelb.edu.au/moth/ 03-09 December 2ND AFRICAN ACAROLOGY SYMPOSIUM, Nairobi, KENYA. Theme: "Novel Approaches to Tick and Mite Management in the New Millennium." Contact: M. Knapp, ICIPE, P.O. Box 30772, Nairobi, KENYA E-mail: MKnapp@icipe.org Fax: 254-2-860110 09-13 December ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING, San Diego, CA, USA. Contact: ESA, 9301 Annapolis Rd., Lanham, MD 20706-3115, USA E-mail: esa@entsoc.org Fax: 1-301-731-4538 Website: www.entsoc.org Phone: 1-301-731-4535 2002 10-13 February WEED SCIENCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING, Reno, NV, USA. Contact: WSSA, J. Breithaupt, PO Box 1897, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA E-mail: jbreith@allenpress.com Fax: 1-913-843-1274 Phone: 1-913-843-1235 19-20 February CROP PROTECTION IN NORTHERN BRITAIN 2002, Dundee, Scotland, UK. Contact: T. Heilbronn, CPNB, SCRI, Invergowrie, Dundee DD2 5DA, UK E-mail: T.Heilbronn@scri.sari.ac.uk Fax: 44-01-382-562426 Phone: 44-01-382-562731 Web: www.scri.sari.ac.uk/assoc/cpnb2002.htm 11-13 March EUROPEAN WEED RESEARCH SOCIETY: PHYSICAL WEED CONTROL, Pisa, ITALY. Contact: P. Barberi, SSSU, Setore di Agraria, Via G. Carducci 40, 56127 Pisa, ITALY Fax: 39-050-883-215 E-mail: Barberi@sssup.it Phone: 39-050-883-448 Website: ewrs.org/physical-control/2002_meeting.htm
May IOBC WORKSHOP: BIOCONTROL AGENTS MODES OF ACTION AND THEIR INTERACTION WITH OTHER MEANS OF CONTROL, Kudadasi, TURKEY. Contact: Y. Elad, ARO, Volcani Ctr., PO Box 6, Bet Dagan 50250, ISRAEL E-mail: elady@netvision.net.il Fax: 972-3-968-3688 Web: www.agri.gov.il/Depts/IOBCPP/IOBCPP.html 06-10 May 6TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON FRUIT FLIES OF ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE, Stellenbosch, SOUTH AFRICA. Contact: The Secretariat, Fruit Fly Symposium, PO Box 12311, Die Boord 6713, South Africa E-mail: agritour@adept.co.za Fax: 27-21-88-77-255 Phone: 27-21-88-74-257 08-11 May IPM IN GLASSHOUSES MEETING, IOBC WP&N Working Groups, Victoria, BC, CANADA. Contact: D.R. Gillespie, Pacific Agri-Food Rsch. Ctr, PO Box 1000, Agassiz, BC V0M 1A0, CANADA E-mail: GillespieD@em.agr.ca Fax: 1-604-796-0359 12-17 May 8TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF PLANT VIRUS EPIDEMIOLOGY, Aschersleben, GERMANY. Contact: T. Kuehne, BAZ, PO Box 1505, 06435 Aschersleben, GERMANY E-mail: T.Kuehne@bafz.de Fax: 49-3473-879200. Phone: 49-3473-879-165 Website: virus-2002.bafz.de/title.htm 24-27 June 12TH EUROPEAN WEED RESEARCH SOCIETY SYMPOSIUM, Papendal (Wageningen), THE NETHERLANDS. Contact: EWRS Symposium 2002, PO Box 28, Doorwerth NL-6865 ZG, THE NETHERLANDS Fax: 31-317-319-652 Phone: 31-317-313-750 Web: www.ewrs.org/w2002/register.html 04-09 August 10TH IUPAC INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON THE CHEMISTRY OF CROP PROTECTION, Basle, SWITZERLAND. Contact: M. Haeuselmann, c/o Novartis CP AG, WRO-1060.1.42, CH-4002 Basel, SWITZERLAND E-mail: Marlies.Haeuselmann@cp.novartis.com Fax: 41-61-697-7472 Phone: 41-61-697-4507 Web: www.cp.novartis.com/iupac2002/ August AMERICAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING, Milwaukee, WI, USA. Contact: APS, 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA E-mail: aps@scisoc.org Fax: 1-612-454-0766 Website: www.scisoc.org 08-12 September 13th AUSTRALIAN WEEDS CONFERENCE, Perth, WA, AUSTRALIA. Contact: 13th AWC, PO Box 257, South Perth, 6951 WA, AUSTRALIA E-mail: convlink@iinet.net.au Fax: 61-8-9450-2942 Phone: 61-8-9450-1662 08-13 September 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF ACAROLOGY, Merida, MEXICO. Contact: J.B. Morales-Malacara, XI ICA Secretary, Lab. de Acarologia, Dept. de Biologia, Fac. de Ciencias, Univ. Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Coyoacan 04510 DF, MEXICO E-mail: JBMM@hp.fciencias.unam.mx Fax: 52-5-622-4828 Phone: 52-5-622-4923 12-13 September ROYAL ENTOMOLOGICAL SOC. ANNUAL MEETING, Cardiff, UK. Contact: H. Jones, Jonesth@cardiff.ac.uk
30 September-05 October 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF DIPTEROLOGY, Brisbane AUSTRALIA. Contact: S. Brown, Conf. Conn., PO Box 108 Kenmore, QLD 4069, AUSTRALIA E-mail: sally.brown@uq.net.au Web: www.uq.edu.au/entomology/dipterol/diptconf.html Fax: 61-7-3201-2809 November 4TH INTERNATIONAL NEMATOLOGY CONGRESS, Tenerife, Canary Islands, SPAIN. Contact: Congress Organizer, congress@ifns.org Web: www.ifns.org November BRIGHTON CROP PROTECTION CONFERENCE 2002, Brighton, UK. Contact: The Event Organization, 8 Cotswold Mews, Battersea Square, London SWll 3RA, UK E-mail: eventorg@event-org.com Fax: 44-171-924-1790 Website: www.BCPC.org 25-30 November 4TH ENCUENTRO INTERNACIONAL DEL GRUPO DE TRABAJOS DE MOSCAS DE LOS FRUTOS DEL HEMISFERIO OCCIDENTAL, Mendoza, ARGENTINA. Contact: O. De Longo, Mellado Boulogne Sur Mer 3050, Ciudad, Mendoza, (CP 5500), ARGENTINA E-mail: iscamen@cpsarg.com Web: www.iscamen.com.ar Fax/Phone: 54-261-425-8741 10-15 December ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING, Philadelphia, PA, USA. Contact: ESA, 9301 Annapolis Rd., Lanham, MD 20706-3115, USA Fax: 1-301-731-4538 Phone: 1-301-731-4535 E-mail: esa@entsoc.org Website: www.entsoc.org 17-21 November New information * ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA. Contact: ESA, 9301 Annapolis Rd., Lanham, MD 20706-3115, USA E-mail: meet@entsoc.org Fax: 1-301-731-4538 Phone: 1-301-731-4535 Website: www.entsoc.org 2003 No date ANNUAL MEETING, SOCIETY OF NEMATOLOGISTS, Ithaca, NY, USA. Contact: W. Brodie, USDA-ARS, Dept. of Plant Path., 334 Plant Science, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY 14853, USA E-mail: BBB2@cornell.edu Fax: 1-607-255-4471 Phone: 1-607-272-3745 02-08 February 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF PLANT PATHOLOGY, Christchurch, NEW ZEALAND. Contact: ICPP2003 Conference Secretariat, PDG, PO Box 84, Lincoln Univ., Canterbury, NZ E-mail: icpp2003@lincoln.ac.nz Fax: 64-3-325-3840 Phone: 64-3-325-2811 Website: www.lincoln.ac.nz/icpp2003/ 27 April-02 May 11TH SYMPOSIUM ON BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF WEEDS, Canberra, AUSTRALIA. Contact: S. Corey, CSIRO Entomology, PO Box 1700, Canberra 2601, AUSTRALIA Fax: 61-02-6246-4177 E-mail: Sharon.Corey@ento.csiro.au. Phone: 61-02-6246-4136 Website: www.ento.csiro.au/weeds2003/index.html 06-11 July 15TH INTERNATIONAL PLANT PROTECTION CONGRESS, Beijing, CHINA. Contact: W. Liping, Inst. of Plant Prot., Chinese Acad. of Agric. Sci., #2 West Yuanmingyuan Rd., Beijing 100094, CHINA E-mail: cspp@ipmchina.cn.net Fax: 86-10-628-95451 Website: www.ipmchina.cn.net/ippc
09-13 August AMERICAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING, Charlotte, NC, USA. Contact: APS, 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA E-mail: aps@scisoc.org Fax: 1-612-454-0766 Website: www.scisoc.org 26-30 October ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING, Cincinnati, OH, USA. Contact: ESA, 9301 Annapolis Rd., Lanham, MD 20706-3115, USA E-mail: esa@entsoc.org Fax: 1-301-731-4538 Website: www.entsoc.org Phone: 1-301-731-4535. November BRIGHTON CROP PROTECTION CONFERENCE 2003, Brighton, UK. Contact: The Event Organization, 8 Cotswold Mews, Battersea Square, London SWll 3RA, UK E-mail: eventorg@event-org.com Fax: 44-171-924-1790 Website: www.BCPC.org 2004 Date unspecified 4TH INTERNATIONAL WEED SCIENCE CONGRESS, Durban, SOUTH AFRICA. 24-28 July AMERICAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING, Spokane, WA, USA. Contact: APS, 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121-2097, USA E-mail: aps@scisoc.org Fax: 1-612-454-0766. Website: www.scisoc.org 07-11 November ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. Contact: ESA, 9301 Annapolis Rd., Lanham, MD 20706-3115, USA Fax: 1-301-731-4538 E-mail: esa@entsoc.org Website: www.entsoc.org
Please send information about future events or changes to: E-mail: IPMnetNUZ@bcc.orst.edu, or to IPMnet NEWS, c/o Integrated Plant Prot. Center 2040 Cordley Hall, Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331-2915, USA Fax: 1-541-737-3080
IPMnet's Sponsor IPMnet is a free, global, IPM information service sponsored by the Consortium for International Crop Protection (CICP). The Consortium, 12 educational/research institutions with strong interests in development, research, and productive application of rational crop protection and pest management, has been an international presence for over 20 years. Current members are: Univ. of California, Cornell Univ., Univ. of Florida, Univ. of Hawaii, Univ. of Illinois, Univ. of Minnesota, North Carolina State Univ., Oregon State Univ., Univ. of Puerto Rico, Purdue Univ., Texas A&M Univ., and the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. J.D. Harper (North Carolina State Univ.) chairs CICP's Board of Directors, M. Kogan (Oregon State Univ.) is Vice chairman, D. P. Schmitt (Univ. of Hawaii) is Treasurer, and R.E. Ford (Univ. of Illinois) is Executive Director. The Consortium maintains its administrative office at: CICP, Univ. of Illinois, N533B Turner Hall, 1102 S. Goodwin Ave., Urbana, IL 61801-4798, USA E-mail: CICP@uiuc.edu Fax:
1-217-244-1230 Phone: 1-217-333-7346. IPMnet's Web page (www.IPMnet.org) and computer server are administered by R.E. Stinner (North Carolina State Univ.) E-mail: CIPM@ncsu.edu; HTML coding by J.E. Bacheler.
The IPMnet NEWS ISSN: 1523-7893 .....is sponsored, produced, and provided by CICP. Mention of specific products, processes, institutions, organizations or individuals in IPMnet NEWS implies neither support nor criticism by CICP, or any individual associated with CICP, or any of its member institutions. Viewpoints expressed in the IPMnet NEWS do not necessarily reflect those of CICP. IPMnet NEWS is protected by copyright. Items in IPMnet NEWS may be reprinted or quoted without permission, but only when IPMnet NEWS is clearly identified as the source.
CICP Newsletter Advisory Committe: .... J.D. Harper, chair JAMES_HARPER@ncsu.edu; A. Alvarez, D.W. Dickson; ex-officio, M. Kogan, and R.E. Ford.
IPMnet NEWS Editor / Coordinator: .... A.E. Deutsch, IPMnet@bcc.orst.edu.
Contributions to the IPMnet NEWS: .... the NEWS welcomes short articles describing research, or other IPM-related information, and opinions, as well as notices of events, publications, and materials or processes.
Subscribe / Unsubscribe: ..... send the message "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" to: IPMnet@bcc.orst.edu and include an e-mail address.
IPMnet NEWS Mailing List: ..... is a PRIVATE list and is neither rented, sold, nor authorized for use by any institution, organization, or individual beside the Consortium for International Crop Protection, which highly values the confidence, and respects the privacy, of its global readership.
To contact IPMnet NEWS:
E-mail: IPMnet@bcc.orst.edu (preferred method) Fax: 1-541-737-3080 Phone: 1-541-737-6275 Postal: IPMnet NEWS c/o Integrated Plant Protection Center 2040 Cordley Hall, Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331-2915, USA
This World Wide Web version of IPMnet NEWS was prepared by J. E. Bacheler for the Center for IPM. The Center takes full responsibility for the appearance of this document.