The Legend Of The
Written by Aryana Razmara
Once upon a !me, Far, far, far awa" Where #e grass grows blu$ A large kingdom lay.
%e people now sleeping in #eir house& %e green sun rising over #e hi'sid$
Not a sound was made, not even a mouse’s.
Surprisingly, not even a Doodle baby cried.
!e Doodle were peopl"
Who lived in #ese s$ange land% Like no#ing you’ve ever see& Not even by Me!
!e Doodles were not exactl' People like u%
!ey didn’t drive car%
!ey’d never seen a bus. !ey $aveled far and wid" But only by foo(
We), if #ey were luck'
!ey might ride a Coot.
A Coot is one unique anima! You may "n#
But let’s get on wi$ our s%r& Its one of a kind. A long 'me ago
(ere came $e Legend of $e Doodl) (is legend you probably don’t kno* But now I wi+ ,+ you now.
When any Doodle would !uch his nos" Scratch it, rub it, any#ing at a$ Purple, #eir nose would tur% And #at was #e worst of a$.
Some persons out #ere would sa& “How do you know?�
But #e very 'u# i( I do not kno)
No Doodle could give yo* Evidence ! show.
It has just been a fac+
As long as I remembe,
It is just some#ing #a+ A$ Doodles do render.
Out of fear or !igh"
No Doodle ever #ie$
To %uch, scratch, rub &eir nos' It was just a law % abide. So now you kno(
)e legend of &e Doodl'
And now our s%ry begin*
About a very special Doodle.
Doodle Laws
!is special Doodle is named Mo Mo is "e only on#
Who ques$oned why %uching your nos# Can’t be done.
A& "e Doodle'
In "e land of Chadde( Took it for gran)*
And "at made Mo even Madde(
“Why can’t we?”
Mo would ask
“Why should we?”
!ey would answer.
But Mo wouldn’t let it go He wouldn’t give u"
“I’# $gure it out!” said Mo
“Even if I have % ask Pup.”
Pup was !eir kin" Who ruled over !e lan# He was good and kin#
And had a generous hand. But he hoped it wouldn’t come $ !a% So who should he ask &o' Who would know best?
“I know, I’( ask Mum!”
!um was in "e kitche# Cooking "e dinne$
And right by her foo% Was a real live Coot. &he looked at hi'
(nd said, “Why he)o, !y li*le Doodle, Mo!
+o you happen , hav&ome"ing , show?”
“No Mum. I have a ques.on. /e answer you may know.”
Mum looked in!res!" “We# what ques$o% Could &at be?” She persis!d.
Mo &ought for a momen'
He’d choose his words wisel( He wan!d &e )u&
He’d have * get it slyly. “Mum I’m going * say &is * you s)aigh' Why can’t we Doodles scratch our noses? When did we come * &is fa!? How can we ever escape?”
“My li!le Doodle Mo
I wi" #" you what I kno$
Ever since our lands were %rst fer&l'
We knew our noses would turn purple.” “I ask you not ( %ght i) But lis#n as I sa*
If normal you want your nose ( sta* Keep your hands away.”
Mum went back ( her noodle+ As Mo s#pped out ,e doo-
.inking of how many o,er Doodle+ Also wan#d ( know more. As I said befor'
Mo wouldn’t give u/
He’d go and ask his 0iend, His 0iend name is Tuck.
Wi! his luck
Mo "na#y found Tuck
“I have some!ing $ ask you,
%e legend is what I refer $.” “Ask away my &ien'
My best answer I hope $ sen'
%ough concerning %e Legen' It is clear $ !e end.”
“Are you actua#y sayin( %at you understan'
What !e legend wi# brin(
When you $uch your nose $ your hand?’’
“Ever since I was bor!
"is is what I have hear#
Going against "e Legen#
Goes against every$ing I’ve learned.” “Understanding and believin% Are two of a separa& $ing.
"ank you for your answe'
But $at was not what I need.” Mo walked away (om $e park Feeling ra$er glu)
He wondered who els*
He could possibly ask (om.
As he went on slowl!
Mo passed "e Chadder schoo#
“Aha!” Mo "ought of an ide$
He’d ask his %acher, Mrs. Mia. As he passed "rough "e classroom doo&
'e saw Mrs. Mia, standing on "e carpet (oor. “He)o Mo!” said Mrs. Mia,
“You have a ques*on I’m sure.” “I’ve asked it many of *mes.”
Said Mo, “I’d like + phrase it be,er.” “No ma,er what you say,”
Said Mrs. Mia, “I’) "ink of you no lesser.”
I was wondering abou!
"e legend of #e Doodle.” said Mo.
“‘I’m sorry $ say, said Mrs. Mia, I only %ach what I know.” “And &om #at ques'on, I have no evidence $ show.”
“I wish I knew.
But whe#er fact or (c'o) I could never %* you.
Perhaps a di+erent ques'o)
You could bring $ my a,en'on?” Mo simply shook his heaHe walked out #e doo.
He’d ask someone else ins%aHe had $ know more.
Mo sat on a sma! benc"
And just scratched his hea# “I $ink I must ask Pup!� Mo %na!y said.
&e journey was long and 'rin(
Mo $ought of what he should brin( He decided ) bring his Coo*
So he would not +avel by foot.
Af!r a long da"
Mo arrived at #e castl$ He ventured in by foo%
&f!r he had 'ed up his Coot. (e castle was humungou)
Like no#ing Mo had ever seen! Af!r such a long journe"
Mo hoped Pup wasn’t mean.
Mo found Pup in !e grand ha" Si#ing on his !ron$
He wasn’t very %igh&ned un'l Pup said, “I should have known!”
Mo quivered in %igh(
From !e very spot !at he s)o*
“I would like ) hear you speak, Mo.” Said Pup Pup grinned broadly and winked. Mo +ied ) relax as he said, “W-w-what is u-u-u-u,
M-m-m-Mr.King P-p-p-pup?’’
“I’d ask !e same ques"on of yo# If I hadn’t already knew.
You come $ learn of %e Legen& Af'r your long journey’s end.”
Mo shakingly said, ‘‘Y-y-y-yes.’’ “We( look no )r!er,
I’( clear !is whole mess.
To me, %e Legend of !e Doodl* Is a lot like Chess.”
‘%ey '( me !e rules of !e gam*
And I con"nue $ play wi!out shame,
+ do not ask why !e Bishop moves in diagona, Or why !e Queen can move in any way at a(.” ‘’I accept it for what it i-
And don’t put a .nger $ my nos* And for anyone who doeIt very clearly shows.”
Mo pu!ed himself "ge#e$ And put up his chi% He had " stand u&
For what he believed in. “I’m sorry Mr. Pu&
But I can’t take #at for gran'( I just have " ask
Why #e Bishop moves slan'd.” “We should be ques)oning a! So #at #e *u# wi! ris+ And he false wi! fa!
If not, we’! a! come " our demise.” “If a! Doodles lis'ned " rumo$
Chadder would be #e land of chao,
And when every#ing we say is humo$ We’! a! be at a loss.”
“Everyone says !at purple, my nose would tur"
But if we believe a# !at we hear$ How would anybody learn?
%at is why I must do !is...�
%e next !ing Mo did: He raised his &nge'
And down his nose it slide.
%at was !e bravest !ing Mo ever did.
!e King watched in aw"
He couldn’t believe what he sa#
As Mo kept on rubbing his nos" No Purple ever shows.
Mo put his $nger in %e ai& He was over$'ed wi% jo( He had just show) A' %e Doodle*
What %ey had never known.
And !at is !e s"r# About !e very special Doodle, $at %na&y proved wron' $e legend of !e Doodle. “We should be ques(oning a& So !at !e )u! wi& ris* And !e false wi& fa&
If not, we’& a& come " our demise. “If a& Doodles lis+ned " rumo,
Chadder would be !e land of Chao-
And when every!ing we say is humo, We’& a& be at a loss.”
I would like ! dedica" #is book ! my
bro#er Ashkaun #e best bro#er one could have, it was his inspira$on #at lead me ! wri" #is book and ! a% of you who keep looking for answers ! your ques$ons.
Lindas Free Library is very proud ! publish #is s!ry wri'en by Aryana
Razmara who was (f"en when she wro" #is insight)l s!ry. May we a% ask
ques$ons and (nd #e answers. If you have a s!ry ! share please send it our way at lindas*
A% rights reserved by l+. kids for kids publishing @ 2009 Cover and book layout by Linda Anderso, Doodles by Aryana RazmarPrin"d in #e U.S.A.