One Woman's Journey by linda anderson

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One Woman s Journey Written by Linda Anderson

I watched both of these speeches on the television when I was young. Those speeches made an impact on me till this day. I still believe in the dream and what can we can do for our country. I would like to add “What we can do in our home, in our schools, in our community and the world to make a difference.�

Asking myself those questions, I came up with several ideas; for example, when I was twelve, I wanted to set all animals in cages free. Well you can imagine how far that went! It only took one loose guinea pig in the bedroom for me to realize some animals like their cage. As time went on, I followed other’s ideas on how to make a difference. I discovered fulfilling ways to spend my time; teaching adults how to read, volunteering at schools, visiting and helping the elderly. However I wanted to make more of a difference and it took me several years to come up with just the right way for me!

The right way for me was to help others publish their stories, especially children. My hope was that the library would share the joy of reading around the world and by sharing we would be able to realize that we all face similar problems. Sounds good doesn’t it? I soon learned it takes money to run a library even if it has no walls. My thought was “build and they will come” and some did. But what to do about the bills?

I kept writing and helping others publish their stories. In the meantime I was asked by fellow horse owners for my homemade fly repellent which was made from my flowers in my backyard. I loved making recipes taken from Native Americans and my own Grandmother. Doing research for other products I discovered how toxic products that I used everyday were to my animals, the ground water, fish, trees, the air and myself. I was outraged the more I read.

To learn more about household products that are potentially dangerous to pets, consumers can contact the Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435 or visit its Web site at apcc.!

I felt I could offer a non-pesticide eco-friendly product for our loved animals to free them from harmful pests. I am proud to offer an alternative to toxic sprays, safe to be used around and on plants, animals, and water. It Works Green has met all the EPA Guidelines set out by the Federal Government. It Works Green has been effective on Bed Bugs along with flying and crawling insects.

Either'by'using''It'Works'Green'or'sending'a'story'you' have'wri7en'to''you'can''help'us' make'a'dierence.'Thank'you'for'taking'the'@me'to' read'this'li7le'book.'''''''' ' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''I'am'looking'for'ideas'how' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''we'all'can'make'a'dierence.' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Please'send'the'ideas'in'either' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''story'form'or'just'a'thought.' to' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''







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