KBS Newsletter, Spring 2014

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business scholars In this Issue: Letter from the Director Page 1 Student/Alumni Spotlight If you go to San Francisco Page 2 KBS Worldwide Page 2 Fueling our Future Page 3 New KBS Leadership Page 3 Introducing the KBS Student Fund Page 4



Hello KBS alums, parents and donors! This is a particularly special KBS Newsletter, given many exciting developments to share. To fuel our tremendous momentum, fall 2014 will welcome new leadership. I have been awarded a Fulbright Scholarship and will spend fall writing my first book at the Cardiff and London Business Schools. I am extremely pleased to announce that Professor Ric Sweeney will serve as Interim Director of KBS. Ric is not only one of the most student-focused faculty I have ever known – evident in his numerous college and university awards and leadership of multiple student organizations – but he is a long-time advocate of KBS and a dear friend. Ric’s fresh perspective, exceptional energy and marketing expertise will be highly valued additions to KBS. Know that I am not leaving KBS, as I will continue my fervent support, including teaching the Montreal and freshman course in spring 2015, and serving as emeritus director on the board. KBS has been the greatest blessing of my professional career. You have deeply enriched my life, and I am exceedingly grateful. Indeed, this year I was proud to endow a KBS scholarship, learning from such alum as Jenna Yoder and our current students, and look forward to working with Ric and the entire KBS team moving forward.

“ KBS has been the greatest blessing of my professional career. You have deeply enriched my life, and I am exceedingly grateful.”

KBS MOMENTUM • New efforts launched in 2013-2014: KB S Costa Rica summer study abroad and the Student Fund (see story here), beautifully complement KBS Paris-Belgium, Montreal and Chicago. • R ecruiting: this year we received a record 600 applicants meeting KBS criteria, and interviewed 180 for LHP and KBS. Our offers for fall include 6 valedictorians, an average 30 ACT and 3.8 GPA. Last week, we also completed KBS Transition interviews, meeting some of the most impressive freshmen imaginable. Decisions will be extremely challenging! • Leaders: KBSers continue to lead our campus as student organization and government executives, homecoming court

Past group photo from the inaugural KBS brunch

Thank you for a remarkable year and with much anticipation for our exciting future,

members, and so much more. As graduation approaches many will move to alumni, as grads take positions in Cincinnati, San Diego, Chicago


College of Business

Marianne W. Lewis

Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs Director of Kolodzik Business Scholars, Professor of Management

and beyond, and into grad programs from UC to Harvard.


If you go ... to San Francisco For her graduation gift, Jacque Stevens (’13) traveled to San Francisco with her parents. Before leaving Cincinnati, Jacque reached out to Dick Warshaw, a former Bearcat and someone who has supported Jacque’s journey at UC. Dick insisted on treating my parents and me to lunch while we were in town. So, not only did we get to meet Dick and his friend Glenn, we also got to dine at a beautiful restaurant in the wine country. It was truly a delight to talk in person after emailing the past 5 years. He is a proud Bearcat fan and seems to appreciate the opportunity to stay connected to UC through his scholarship recipients. I plan to stay in contact with him for years to come and hope that someday I can treat him to lunch. I can’t thank KBS enough for selecting me to receive the Warshaw scholarship. I feel very fortunate to have gained the financial support as well as friendship with someone whom I never would have met if it weren’t for the arrangement. I am honored and humbled to have received such a significant gift. I am excited to see KBS students and alumni continue to thrive. -Jacque Stevens

“ Itowashearhappy from Jacque and was glad we could finally meet. Over

the years I’ve kept in touch with my scholarship recipients because I enjoy the personal contact and I like to hear what they’ve achieved at UC.

- Dick


Left to right: John, Karen and Jacque Stevens, Dick Warshaw and Glenn Bowland


KBS WORLDWIDE The KBS tradition continues with the 2014 Paris-Belgium Program. Please enjoy photos from this year’s adventure.



We all have goals we want to achieve during our lifetime. These goals vary as we progress through life, at times prioritizing our careers, at other times our family. No matter our individual goals, as we go through life many of us also strive to make a difference. Jenna Yoder (’09) is one such difference maker, and one of her goals was to make an impact on the future of the KBS program. She chose to do so by making a life insurance policy gift.

I was fortunate to have an amazing collegiate experience and I attribute most of this to the KBS program and its leadership. A life insurance policy can help create a generous gift that is much larger than what otherwise might be possible, even for individuals with limited resources. This is a simple and effective method that is beneficial to both the charity and the donor. To begin, all you need to do is apply for an insurance policy and then pay the annual premiums. This vehicle lets the donor make small, annual payments toward what will eventually become a major contribution to the charity, like the

UC Foundation and KBS, and provide income tax benefits to the donor.

At the time I started giving, I was able to support myself enough to the point where I could start making an impact through financial planning. Jenna selected the option to fully pay for her policy over a short number of years instead of over her life. “This option is such a cool way to give back in a big way! I never imagined I would be able to support KBS to this extreme but the life insurance policy gives me the chance to impact KBS ten times bigger than I had ever thought.” Gifting a life insurance policy to the University of Cincinnati Foundation also enrolls you as a member of the Herman Schneider Legacy Society. “I hope my gift will encourage alumni to re-commit themselves to the KBS program through financial planning as well as identify options that can make a huge impact on future students! You’re never too young to start giving back to KBS!” If you are interested in learning how to make a big impact, please contact: Jennifer Barlow 513-556-7827 Jennifer.barlow@uc.edu Or visit the UC Foundation’s gift planning site: uc.edu/foundation/giving/insurance .

Jenna Yoder

NEW KBS LEADERSHIP Ric Sweeney is an Assistant Professor – Educator in the Marketing Department at UC’s Lindner College of Business. Ric joined UC in 2005, and has been actively involved in engaging students both inside and outside the classroom. Ric serves as Faculty advisor for the UC American Marketing Association (AMA), and received the 2009 Hugh G Wales Faculty Advisor award from the AMA. Ric is also Faculty Advisor for CATALYST Marketing and the Cincinnati Dance Marathon, and is a Faculty Fellow and Faculty Advisor for Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity. Ric is a member of Order of Omega Greek Honorary, Omicron Delta Kappa Honorary, Beta Gamma Sigma Honorary, and Delta Sigma Pi professional business fraternity. Ric has received numerous awards for excellence in teaching and service, including the Michael Dean Excellence in Classroom Education and Learning (EXCEL) Undergraduate award (2009), the Student Activities Board Faculty Advisor award (2008), and the Harold Grilliot award for exemplary service to undergraduate organizations (2007, 2010, 2011). Ric also received the 2012 George Barbour award from the University of Cincinnati, the universities top award for student/faculty relations. Ric is a member of the International Board of Directors for the American Marketing Association, currently serving as Chair-elect. Ric will assume the role of Chairperson of the Board for the AMA in July 2014.





This year the KBS student body held their first-ever student campaign to give back to their program and invest in future opportunities for our students. The campaign was completely student driven, with particular leadership from Drew Harmon (class of 2014). We’re pleased to reveal that 97% of our KBS students made a donation to establish the KBS Student Fund. The KBS Student Fund will enable students to participate in a variety of study abroad opportunities by helping to defray the cost of travel. Students will apply for grants to pay for airfare, accommodations, passport fees, and other expenses incurred during international experiences in support of their business education. As you know, the Lindner College of Business encourages our students to travel internationally to learn global business practices, gain firsthand experience, and have an understanding of different cultures. These experiences are vital to their development, especially in light of increased globalization. In addition to our students, we are also extremely appreciative of Marvin Kolodzik for his ongoing generosity by matching our students’ campaign contributions by 10:1; and to UC President Santa Ono, for doubling what the students raised. Congratulations to the KBS students for this great effort!

I invite you to read more about their teamwork and inspiring generosity as featured in The News Record.



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