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Lindsay Armstrong

Portfolio of Selected Works



Project: vertiPort in dWontoWn sydeny to increase sUstainable transPortation

site: barangaroo ave, barangaroo nsW 2000, aUstralia

The Canvas at Rosedale

Project: HealtH and Wellness Facility For tHe Under served commUnity

site: 1051 merriam lane, Kansas city, Ks 66103

Fabric Form-work Concrete Panels


Ripples and Roots

Project: art instillation Using Fabric to Form concrete date: sPring 2022


Living Sea Wall

Project: creating a Habitat For sea liFe and Protecting tHe existing sea Wall date: sUmmer 2022

date: sPring 2023

ProFessor: KaPila silva

date: Fall 2022

ProFessor: sHannin criss

site: 2303 bob billings, laWrence Kansas 66045

ProFessor: KeitH van de riet

site: edgeWater, Florida WorKing WitH riverside conservancy

ProFessor: KeitH van de riet

22 04


A Vertiport in Sydney, Australia

Project: vertiPort

site: barangaroo ave, barangaroo nsW 2000, aUstralia


Barangaport aims to revolutionize urban transportation by integrating eVTOL aircrafts and creating a cultural addition to the already strong infrastructure of Sydney. The city of Sydney has a high demand for air transportation, a strong aviation industry, urban density, and government support, which makes it a great location for a vertiport like this. The New South Wales government has invested $2.5 billion in the overall Baragaroo

date: sPring 2023

ProFessor: KaPila silva

Partner Project WitH danny derioUn

Development Project. Barangaroo is a major urban regeneration project that is transforming a former industrial site into a vibrant mixed-use precinct. Its proximity to Sydney’s central business district, major transport links, and key tourist destinations makes it a prime location. Barangaport showcases the latest in sustainable design and technology and exemplifies designs of the aboriginal culture this area was named after.


The redevelopment transitioned the former land use from a parking sector to a mixed use major development and this trait will be crucial to mimic in our vertiport design to not diminish the work that has already been done to transform this region of the city. The NSW government will be incorporating aboriginal design throughout the district. Doing this creates a preservation of culture, a sense of place and identity, economic benefits, awareness, and a place to educate locals and tourists.

Available Flight Paths

Barangaport - Sydney 6

Takeoff and Landing pads based on available flight paths and seasonal wind directions

Creating a heavy timber structure that celebrated aboriginal culture and sustainability

Filling in program between the structure to create a mixed use element to the vertiport for public use

Creating walkways and entrances within the program that compliments the aboriginal design of the landscaping and the flow of people through the space

Placing Vertiport support spaces between the public spaces and taxiway for easy maintenance

Adding a light well into the atrium for natural lighting and a perforated aluminum skin to limit direct sunlight

Barangaport - Sydney 7



GOAL 2. Identify the most consistent approach to integrating the vertiport with the goals and vision of the Barangaroo’s redevelopment.

GOAL 4. Identify how the vertiport design can represent the public and multicultural aspects of the city and site, while also providing the minimum precautions needed for the health and safety of the vertiport.

GOAL 5. Establish a form that is easily identifiable and unique to the surrounding context, while also not disturbing the choreography between existing iconic structures and neighborhood dynamics.

GOAL 6. Establish a design that makes specific programmatic spaces of the vertiport easily accessible and identifiable

GOAL 9. Identify the most applicable arrangement of programmatic spaces that will accentuate the desirable views at the site.


GOAL 3. Establish a system that allows the public to use programmatic functions offered to the community, while also allowing a dimension of separation between vertiport users and workers.

GOAL 4. Create a space for entertainment and travel that is accessible to all Sydney residents regardless of status.

GOAL 6. Allocate enough space for the vertiport eVTOL infrastructure that allows our vertiport to be flexible and adapt to the amount of turnover and Increases in users.

GOAL 7. Connect all access points from public transportation with public entertainment space to form a consistent flow of circulation.

GOAL 10. Confirm that each sector of the building and the interdependencies of all building systems (programming, planning, materials, operations, and maintenance) are coordinated and that the circulation between spaces is uninterrupted.


GOAL 1: Allow the design of the vertiport to adapt to the fast-changing nature of the surrounding neighborhoods and Barangaroo precinct.

GOAL 2: Identify points of access and what forms of public transit can be implemented and adapted to the site over time.


GOAL 2: Design with a Cradle-to-Cradle view to ensure that the facility has a sustainable and high-performing agenda that will withstand multiple generations and uses

GOAL 4: Identify the correct amount of space allocated for program

Barangaport - Sydney 8
east side along barangaroo ave
Barangaport - Sydney
West side Facingdarling Harbor
Image completed by Danny Derouin
2. 3. 4. 5.
8. 8. 7. 1. Ticketing Lobby 2. Baggage Support 3. Car Rentals 4. Scooter Ride share Hub 5. Bike Share Hub & Shop 6. Delivery Hub 7. Food and Beverage 8. Retail 9. Water Sport Rental 10. Loading Dock 11. Storage
GROUND LEVEL 1” = 32’ 0’ Barangaport - Sydney 10
12. Restrooms and Core
5. 6.
9. 10. 11.
7. 12. 12.
Barangaport - Sydney
Image completed by Danny Derouin
TYPICAL PLAN LEVEL 2&3 1” = 32’ 28’ UP UP UP 1. Security Facility 2. Air side Facility 3. Locker Room 4. Food and Beverage 5. Retail 6. Storage 7. Mechanical 8. Housekeeping 9. Restrooms & Core
4. 5. 5.
1. 2. 3. 3.
5. 5.
5. 5.
5. 5. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 9.
Barangaport - Sydney
boat HoUse
Image completed by Danny Derouin
LEVEL 4 1” = 32’ 42’ UP DN DN 1. Security Offices 2. Air side Administration 3. Administrative Offices 4. Air Control 5. Data & Technology 6. Restrooms & Core 7. Mechanical 8. Mechanical Support 9. Air Crew Facility 10. Locker Room 11. Battery Depot 13. Barangaroo
1. 2. 3. 3. 5. 7. 6. 8. 4. 6. 9. 10. 11. 13. 13. 12. Storage 12. 12.
Barangaport - Sydney
UPPer lobby
Image completed by Danny Derouin

terminal 1 gates

LEVEL 5 1” = 32’ 56’
1. Security Check 2. Administrative Elevators 4. Coffee House 5. Food and Beverage 7. Study Spaces 8. eVTOL Hangar 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 9. 3. 6. 7.
Barangaport - Sydney 14
FLIGHT DECK 1” = 32’ 95’ DN DN 1. Terminal 1 2. Terminal 2 3. Food and Beverage 4. Patio
Barangaport - Sydney 15
FligHt decK Patio
A | Exterior Column to Beam C | Taxi Way Edge B | Taxi Way Edge 1/4”=1’ 1/4”=1’
Barangaport - Sydney 16
F. D.
E. D | Gate Corner E | Exterior Column F | Glass Facade 1/4”=1’ 1/4”=1’
Barangaport - Sydney 17
60’ 42’ 20’ 30’ Steel
Frame to support 7 layers of alternating Laminated Low Iron Glass and Sentry Glass®
L-Brackets and Glulam Beam
Composite Structure of 8” Glulam Columns and Beams with Steel Connections Members and Steel Cable Rod Bracing
Barangaport - Sydney
6’ Flight Deck with Glulam Beams and SLT9 CLT Floors topped with Minimum 6” Exterior Concrete Slab
Image completed by Danny Derouin



FLOW RATE = 2 m/s


WATER DENSITY = 1000 kg/m³






4,120.928 kWh per day = 1,502,874.72 kWh annually RAIN WATER COLLECTION Volume of water = 9781 m² = 10,503,780 L = 2,777,408 Gal
ft² AVERAGE RAINFALL = 1,200 mm RUNOFF COEFFICIENT = 0.9 (90% of the rainfall will actually be collected) 105,283 ft² 10.76 ft² = 1 1 0.9 9,781 m² 1 m 1 m² 1200 mm 1000 mm 1 ( (
AREA = 29,268 ft² WATTAGE/ SQFT = 17.6 W
ft² 17.6 W = 515,116 W
watts = 515.116 kilowatts (kW)
kW per hour 8 hours = 4,120.928kWh
= 105,283
4 kW 1 day = = 1 s 345,600 kW per day 126,144,000 kWh annually 86,400 s
SWEPT AREA = 5 m² Power = (0.5 1000 kg/m3 0.4 5 m2 (2 m/s)^3) = 4000 watts = 4 kW/s
Level 1 - Retail Level 2 - Retail Level 3 - Retail Level 4 - Admin & Mechanical Level 5 - Hangar and Passenger Lobby 34 MOSTLY OVERLIT EQUIPTMENT DOMINATED 16 MOSTLY WELL LIT COOLING DOMINATED 19
Barangaport - Sydney atriUm 20
Barangaport - Sydney 21

The Canvas at Rosedale

Project: mUlti-Use residential and commUnity center site: 1031 merriam ln, Kansas city, Ks 66103


In Rosedale, the access to different essentials such as grocery stores, educational facilities, and recreational spaces is limited. As a team of 5, we each chose one site at an intersection and worked to improve these issues. With

date: Fall 2022

ProFessor: sHannon criss

the addition of a pedestrian road connecting the current residents to the newly improved downtown, spaces for the arts, and apartments, The Canvas supports the residents of Rosedale to find their creative path.

Art Classes 14.9%

4 3 1 2 6+ 5
of People per House
for Community 2 22
Cooking Classes 10% Priorities
Creating an Axis to Connect the Residential area to Downtown and the Drive-in Moving a Side of the Form Back to Physically Guide People Down the Street and to the Axis Voiding Space Within the Form to Create an Access into the Courtyard and Physical Transparency Wrapping the Form with a Skin to Shield the Private Spaces from the Public and the Art Galleries from Sun Extruding the Site with Setbacks to Create Initial Form
The Canvas at Rosedale 24
Overall View of Site and Form with Neighboring Buildings
The Canvas at Rosedale 25
Studio Bedroom one Bedroom two Bedroom team working Space rental office admin office co- working Space rentaBle retail reStauraunt kitchen reSturaunt admin retail Storage 2 1 3 4 5 7 10 11 12 6 8 9 The Canvas at Rosedale 26
mechanical room puBlic reStroomS courtyard 5 5 5 7 10 11 11 12 6 6 8 9 The Canvas at Rosedale 27
north elevation north retail Space The Canvas at Rosedale 28
South elevation
The Canvas at Rosedale 29
South courtyard
One Bedroom Apartment 10 Units @ 1,000 sqUare Feet Studio Apartment 9 Units @ 650 sqUare Feet The Canvas at Rosedale 30
Two Bedroom Apartment 7 Units @1,350 sqUare Feet The Canvas at Rosedale 31
Studio unitS one Bedroom unitS 2 1 3 4 5 7 6 8 basement level Floor Plan 9 10 11 12 two Bedroom unitS event Space reSident laundry maker’S Space puBlic reStroom reSident amenitieS art gallery community artS SpaceS Storage egreSS second level Floor Plan 5 6 6 6 6 6 9 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 14 15 16 The Canvas at Rosedale 32
13 14 15 16 mechanical Support Space parking garage Janitor’S cloSet utilitieS FiFtH level Floor Plan tHird and FoUrtH level Floor Plan 4 5 5 7 8 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 14 The Canvas at Rosedale 33

Solar PanelS TilTed aT 28 for oPTimal Performance

Powder Coated aluminum louvers

Home SHield Coating® Painted Cedar Siding

Balcony overhang acting as light shelf

White Limestone CL adding

Wood Look-ALike PoWder CoAted CoLumns

The Canvas at Rosedale 34
Boulevard drive-in TheaTre
Private SPaceS
The Canvas at Rosedale 35
Public SPaceS
The Canvas at Rosedale 36
The Canvas at Rosedale 37

Ripples and Roots

Project: Fabric Form WorK art site: 2303 bob billings ParKWay, laWrence, Kansas, 66045


Concrete is often seen as a rigid, brutal, and unyielding. Often used in rigid molds to create footings and other unrelenting structures, concrete is now being explored in a way that turns it into a delicate and flexible material. Using fabric form work, mixes like concrete can be manipulated and formed into an endless array of shapes and forms. Mark West, an architect and professor in the USA, Canada, and across Europe, proves just this. Through his instruction,

date: sPring 2022

ProFessor: KeitH van de riet

ARCH 509, and classes throughout KU’s Architecture program explored how fabric and flexible material can create a form where concrete takes on an infinite amount of forms with an endless amount of uses. However, we focused on how concrete can be perceived in an exquisite and impactful way. Located at The Interdisciplinary Ceramic Research Center, the concrete instillation shows one uncommon way concrete can be used.


Sketching Patterns

tHroUgH sK etcHing varioUs Patterns, W e decided to mirror, rotate , and F liP a F e W designs to save materials to bUild 18 seParate molds tHe design created a seamless design t H at F loW ed.

Creating Molds

tHe F inal molds For t He Project W ere constrUcted Using Folding ePdm WH at Was maniPUlated to create diFF erent Folds and creases tHese W ere attacHed to a Particle board or Ply Wood base Using nails and sta Ples.

Pouring Panels

WitH tHe HelP From a raPid set rePresentative, We Were able to Find tHe most eFFicient Way and best coUrse oF action to taKe in order to maKe oUr Panels sUccessFUl. We created a mix Using cementall, Water, and additives tHat liqUeFied tHe mix and sloWed doWn tHe cUring Process, giving Us as mUcH WorKing time as Possible. tHe ancHor bolts Were Placed Using a rig so tHat tHey Were in tHe exact same sPot every time once tHe Form WorK Was leveled and said to Have no leaKs, We began to PoUr.

Fabric Form work - Ripples and Roots

3x3x.25” Angle Steel Expanding Joint

Anchor bolt with locking washer

Corrugated Metal Siding

Creating Structure

20x18 concrete panel

Z Sub girt

Anchor bolt with locking washer

tHe strUct Ure consisted oF angle steel , steel Plates, ancHor bolts, ex Panding joints, WasHers, and locK WasHers a ll oF t Hese sa F ely secUre t His 4,000lb concrete instillation onto t He Facade oF t His bUilding smaller Pieces oF t He angle steel W ere secUred to t He Z sUb girts existing in t He Wall and t Hen connected to t He longer 9F t angle steel t H at Held t He concrete Panels in Place steel Plates W ere W elded to t He angle steel and connected to t He Footing in order to transF er loads to t He groUnd.

Fabric Form work - Ripples and Roots
3x3x.25” Angle Steel
Expanding Anchor CMU
3x3x.25” Angle Steel Gravel Earth Existing Foundation .25” Steel plate

Installing Panels

installing t He Panels Was one oF t He most PH ysically demanding Parts oF t His Project. Wit H Panels ranging in W eigH t F rom 90lb - 125lb, it Was not an easy tasK. We H ad to ma K e sUre eacH Panel Was lined UP correctly, in its correct sPot, and in t He correct orientation. once t H at Was done , t He H ard WorK commenced. We WorK ed oUr Way UP to yo t He toP, ensUring a Place to set t He Panel as W ell as t He most access to t He bolts t H at W ere tigH tened once t He Panel Was loaded into its Place

Fabric Form work - Ripples and Roots 42

Final Installation

tHe Final installation sHoWs tHe Possibility oF tHat Fabric Form WorK oFFers sUcH a rigid material it alloWs PeoPle to see tHe FlUidity and tHe Possibilities tHat come WitH it. not only is a beaUtiFUl addition to tHe Facade oF tHis bUilding, bUt it alloWs PeoPle Passing by on tHe adjacent sideWalK to come and exPerience WHat maniPUlating tHis material can bring not only FUn For tHe eyes, bUt also tHe Fingers and Hands tHat Will graZe tHe sUrFace oF tHis, tHinKing it is a Flexible material, only to Find it is constrUcted Using one oF tHe most brUtal

Fabric Form work - Ripples and Roots 43

Living Sea Wall

Project: concrete sea Wall instillation site: river side conservancy, edgeWater, Fl


Taking what my team learned in our 509 Design Build studio, we headed to Florida to work with The Riverside Conservancy. Though with more obstacles such as: the weather, high tide, marine life, little air conditioning, and power tools used directly above the ocean, we were able to cast around 40 panels. Altering our mixture with additions of oyster powder (ground up oyster shell, coconut husk, and control set) created an oysterfriendly technology that

date: sUmmer 2022

ProFessor: KeitH van de riet

accelerates shellfish growth and ensure longevity of the panel itself. These walls add visual and functional value to seawalls; create vertical habitat surfaces that fit within the sectional profile of most Florida canals; offer a wall surface that avoids resting on the sea floor, thereby disrupting natural habitat; help dissipate shoreline wave energy; help minimize invasive species growth; and provide places for fish and shellfish to hide around constructed shorelines.


Riverside Conservan-

a yoUng bUt Fast groWing non-ProFit organiZation WitH a Passion For conservation. liKe tHe bUdding mangrove oF oUr logo We are sPreading oUt and taKing action to Preserve oUr beloved Florida sHoreline oUr mission is to create and exPand sUstainable living sHorelines tHroUgH edUcational oUtreacH and land conservancy Programs tHat UtiliZe commUnity-engaged design For tHe beneFit oF tHe indian river lagoon and For tHe greater PUblic HealtH and recreation oF tHe sUrroUnding commUnities.

oUr goal is For tHe beaUty aroUnd Us to be conserved and Used to edUcate FUtUre generations. tHroUgH riverside conservancy, We can HelP create commUnity leaders, restore sHorelines tHat bring bacK natUral WildliFe sUcH as oysters, and create a more resilient

all images and Words come From riverside conservancy’s varioUs Pages

HttPs://WWW riversideconservancy org/

HttPs://WWW FacebooK com/ riversideconservancyorg/

instagram: @riversideconservancyorg

Fabric Form work - Living Sea Wall

tHe existing seaWall WHicH Used a constrUcted oF coqUina , sedimentary rocK t H at is comPosed eit Her WHolly or almost entirely oF t He transPorted, abraded, and mecH anically sorted F ragments oF t He sHells oF mollUsK s, trilobites, bracHioPods, or ot Her invertebrates tHis ma K es t He Wall extremely soF t creating a stable base For t He Panels to H ang on t Hese Walls Was ParticUlarly diFF icUlt. tUcK Pointing Was a mUst to F ill in ga Ps and reinForce t He Wall

Servicing Existing Setting up Molds

molds W ere designed in r Hino t Hen W e carved a Positive W it H a cnc macHine a F ter t H at, silicone Was Used to create a negative oF t He design, somet Hing W e coUld PoUr into and recreate t He original model . P ieces oF treated Wood W ere Placed aroUnd t He Perimeter oF t He molds to K eeP concrete in and not absorb any oF t He moist Ure Used dUring t He cUring Process.

Fabric Form work - Living Sea Wall

Pouring Panels

Wit H t He sPecial mixt Ure oF oyster PoW der and coconU t HUsK , t He concrete mixt Ure is PoUred over t He molds tHe rigH t amoUnt oF concrete H ad to be PoUred becaUse too mUcH meant Heavy Panels t H at t He strUct Ure may not sUPPort and too little meant not enoUgH concrete Holding onto t He bolts Used to H ang t He Panels

Creating Structure

becaUse oF t He soF t nat Ure oF t He coqUina Wall , setting ancHor bolts into t His strUct Ure Was a diFF icUlt tasK Water sa F e ePoxy Was Used in t He Holes W e drilled to Hold t He bolt better. tHis strUct Ure consisted oF ligH t W eigH t angled alUminUm, ex Panding joints, WasHers, and barriers bet W een t He stainless steel bolts and angled alUminUm. Wit H limited tools and access to electricity, creating all Pieces For t His design Proved cH allenging, bU t Possible

Fabric Form work - Living Sea Wall

Final Design

Fabric Form work - Living Sea Wall

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