Our aim is to provide high quality education in healing, medical intuition, spirit release, psychic development, mediumship, working with Guides, Angels and Ascended Masters, spiritual awareness and much more. In June 2011 we are accepting our first intake for our 2 year Healing Course. (ALL APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED BY 30TH APRIL) Workshops R600 including refreshments & lunch (10am-5pm) Am I a Healer? – March 26 – Erin Hall Medical Intuition Introduction June 26 – Novalis Ubuntu Cord Cutting (mini workshop 7-9.30pm) – June 22 – Novalis Ubuntu (R185) Courses @ Erin Hall 8 week courses @ R600 Psychic and Mediumship Expansion starting Wed 4th May- 6pm-7.30pm Foundations in Psychic Development starting Wed 4th May – 8pm-9pm For booking and more information contact Cindy Holmes 021 788 2008/ 0725656072 www.za.intuitionandhealing.org or e-mail: info@za.intuitionhealing.org
Bridging Polarities through Art Training commencing 2011 “Deep within each soul is the wisdom to know what it needs to heal itself” Process orientated art facilitation, complementing and enriching your existing field of expertise and self development. “Artistic expression makes visible what is otherwise invisible” Elaine Millin 021 788 6493 • Ilana Rudolph 021 794 5663 bridgingpolarities@gmail.com • www.bridgingpolarities.co.za
Conscious Channelling Training DVD Set
SEE YouTube VIDEOS on Allison’s website www.allisonscott.com 3 DVDs + Audio CD (DVDs running time: 3hrs50mins)
Do you suffer from the following: Brain fog, Candida, Tumours, Memory loss?
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We can help you. Phone now to book a consultation Constantia Wellness Centre, No 9 Constantia Rd, Wynberg 082 496 5971 • kymeagle@gmail.com • www.ozoned.co.za
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Are you undergoing chemotherapy or do you have cancer? Are you stressed or suffering from stress-related conditions? Do you want to lose weight or reduce cellulite? Suffering from skin diseases i.e. acne, eczema, psoriasis, lupus, etc.? Do you want to look younger and feel better?
CONTACT 073 799 6263 E-MAIL theresamillar@yahoo.co.uk WWW.HOUSEOFANGELS.CO.ZA
Life Coaching / Life Balance Transform Your Life in 2011 Do the Original Comprehensive Practitioner Certification in Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Life Coaching The NLP Practitioner Certification Training is an experiential and fun-filled and life-transforming course which will enable you to fully understand and use the powerful technology of NLP in your own profession and work.
NLP is a proven technology for personal achievement that helps people to understand themselves and those around them more fully, in such a way as to achieve the most in personal growth and human potential.
NLP is the study of human excellence. It seeks to understand the natural processes of how great achievers use their minds to produce excellent results. Many managers and therapists, teachers and nurses, athletes and artists, and especially life coaches, all benefit from the technology NLP has to offer in their particular profession or passion.
The Cutting Edge Institute of NLP and Neuro-Semantics South Africa’s Longest Established NLP Training Institute, Empowering Coaches Since 1985. Registered with COMENSA
Jimmy Kyriacou 082 5709 4483
FROM THE EDITOR Well hello again, ladies and gents. It look’s like 2011,… has grabbed us by the horns and bolted!
New advertising special offer!
It feels as if one has just got back from vacation and all of a sudden, we are already into February. What happened to January? One great advantage is that the student’s are all back at school and hopefully, routines established. We are offering a great special with the Noticeboard, so come on everyone, the better the response, the quicker the Noticeboard is up and running…… We are finalising the new website which is looking stunning, and we have our new logo which resembles a dandelion flower, but at the same time also has “links”, that all, yes, you guessed it,… link up! We cannot wait to share our new website with you, with an online, current, LinkUp Magazine embedded into it, so you can see your ads on the website in the virtual LinkUp. You will be able to advertise your DISPLAY ADVERTS WITH GRAPHICS on the website too! Last but not least, you will be able to enter your classifieds directly onto the website into an advertising application ‘form’ which will send it directly to us. Check out our wonderful wine estate, Stellar Winery including a great competition to win some delicious, free organic wine!! Hold on to your hats and here we go…… as they say when about to jump out of an airplane, on one’s first parachute jump, “Yehaaa!”
ADVERTISING To advertise, please send adverts via email or fax. For classified adverts, specify a category and heading. We will respond with a quote. Payment is by deposit into the Link-Up bank account. All adverts payable in advance. N.B: While we do our best to accommodate our clients, placement promises are not guaranteed! 2011 ADVERTISING RATES Classifieds: R5.50 per word Noticeboard block ads: R120 each per issue Display ads: Minimum 300 dpi resolution Eighth page B&W R495 / Colour R572 Quarter page B&W R924 / Colour R1 045 Half page B&W R1 650 / Colour R1 870 Full page B&W R3 080 / Colour R3 520 Back cover – Colour R3 740 Artwork: R110 Minor artwork changes: R65 Website: Adverts ONLY: Classifieds: R5.50 per word: minimum R50 Website: Display ads ONLY (with graphics): 50% of total cost of display adverts in printed issue BANKING DETAILS Account name: Link-Up ABSA savings account: 9172 504 365 Branch code: 632 005 NB! Please reference the deposit with your name. CONTACT DETAILS Editor: Estelle Moys Marketing and Operations Manager: Lindy Taylor Tel: 021-802 3824 Fax: 088-021-788-3824 • E-mail: linkup@naturalhealth.co.za Website: www.naturalhealth.co.za Pinewood Park, Protea Road, Bergvliet, 7945
Block classifieds on our special noticeboard 4 lines @ R120,00 per block, per issue. Contact: linkup@naturalhealth.co.za or call Lindy: 021-802-3824
DISTRIBUTION AND SUBSCRIPTIONS Link-Up Western Cape is published every 2nd month. It is a free publication. 9500 copies are printed and distributed. Please contact us to become a distributor or subscriber. Subscriptions cost R75 per year. DEADLINES 2 February – March/April 2011 issue 6 April – May/June 2011 issue 1 June – July/August 2011 issue 10 Aug – September/October 2011 issue 5 October – November/December 2011 issue 23 November – January/February 2012 issue BUSINESS PARTNERS Front cover design by Dylane Lindsay Balcarres House Graphics W: 021 794 7440 E-mail: balcarres@mweb.co.za Internal Layout by Lee-ann Harris of Purple Design Cell: 072-274-2111 Email: lee-ann@purpledesign.co.za Printing by Anmore Distributors W: 021-531-8305 E-mail: anmor@icon.co.za Contributors Dr Benita Perch – Naturopath Dr Carla Boswell – Herbal doctor Wendy Roberts – Articles of interest Distributors Fred of Fs delivery services Cell: 078 290 0527 E-mail: fsdeliveryservices@gmail.com G.P.O. of South Africa – Cape Mail
All advertisements have been accepted in good faith. Ideas and opinions advertised are not necessarily those of the publishers or staff.
Coming Events
to take your breath techniques to a new level. Facilitation fee R3000 Bookings: Sharon sharon@advaittantra.com – Dan is also available for private consultations – Bookings: Shakti shakti@shakti.co.za Constellation as Ceremony with Francesca Mason-Boring in July. Enrolled member of the Shoshone American Indian nation and international family constellations trainer. Not to be missed. www.africanconstellations.co.za or 021-788-6277. Coriolis Effect Online Presence 101 Learn to: Setup your own website. Create traffic traffic TO your site! Learn how to leverage your skills for your business. All this without prior experience. In just 6 Weeks. My previous clients will tell you how easy it can be for YOU! Contact Stephan: 082-406-3920 email: stephanhffmn794@gmail.com Creative Vision Boarding Powerful creative process for making your goals and desires visual and visible. Focusing of the conscious and unconscious mind through this creative process moves and materializes your desires and intentions quickly into your life. 1 day workshop, fun and enjoyable. Next workshop Saturday 16th April. Cost R480. Enquiries and bookings: creativevision@radiantbeing.co.za Family & Systemic Constellation Workshop 27 March Uncover hidden family dynamics, begin shift towards resolution. Contact Robyn Lewis 083-260-5567 www.theinnerprocess.com Family Constellations NOW IN CITY BOWL. Evening Workshops Contact Helen & Claudio Celestino 021-785-7071 / 083-656-2580 Focus on Health Expo Featuring a broad range of techniques, therapies and products designed to promote health and well-being Fish Hoek Civic Centre: 21 March (Human Rights Day) Enquiries: 021-783-4965 / fishhoektourism@gmail.co.za Grow Organic Thorough and comprehensive 1 day workshop covering the principles, practices and possibilities of Organic gardening. Next workshop Saturday 2nd April. Complimentary post-workshop garden consultation included for each workshop participant. Bookings and enquiries: growOrganic@plantwize.co.za Healing the Heart Healing the Heart Learn 2 crucial skills:- Accurate pendulum dowsing - How to dismantle your emotional heart wall The coming Golden Age is ‘The Age of The Open Heart’. 93% of people have a ‘heart wall’ built of hurt, anger, betrayal, bitterness, despair, sadness etc. This wall enables depression, abuse, conflict, fear, and breakdowns in relationships. On a global level hatred, bigotry, brutality, terrorism & war. Raise your own consciousness & help humanity. Connect to the innate wisdom and guidance of your Higher Self, dismantle your own heart wall and learn to help others to do the same. 1 day April 16th – R750 with Rita Marr. A Teacher for a New Age. Book now – call 021-788-8040 or rita@ritamarr.co.za www.positivechange.co.za RECONNECTING WITH THE POWER WITHIN: A weekend retreat for women. 13 -15 May at the beautiful Hearth & Soul Eco Farm near Stanford. This powerful workshop gives you time out to focus on your own needs, wants and dreams. Reconnect with your inner voice & guidance through interactive processes and create your own vision for your future. Sensitively facilitated by Di Atherton. R2750.00pp incl accommodation, all meals & workshop materials. For more info/booking form contact di@diatherton.co.za 082-551-3676
1 Year Mindfulness training Presented by Luke Younge and Rob Nairn Mindfulness is training in the art of being present. Numerous studies have shown that the practice of mindfulness gives us access to inner resources for coping effectively with stress, difficulty and illness. Regular practice increases awareness and compassion, making life more peaceful, joyful and fulfilling. Modules Weekend 1 Becoming Present (12&13 March) Weekend 2 Working with Distraction (21st&22nd May) Weekend 3 Self-Acceptance (24&25 September) Retreat with Rob Nairn (Oct 28th to Nov 6th) (optional) You are welcome to attend those sessions for which you are available. Cost: Each weekend module is R795, including lunch, refreshments & tuition. Contact: For more information call 021-761-2978, email mindfulnessCT@mindfulnessafrica.org A Course in Self Mastery through Auto Hypnosis – 19 March 2011 This full Saturday workshop is a valuable investment for ANYONE who wishes to take control of their life, experience powerful ways for transformation and it serves as the entry level course to develop your skills towards a qualification as a CERTIFIED HYPNOTHERAPIST. The S.A. Institute of Hypnotism offers international certification since 1998. Now also in Somerset West. www.hypnotherapy.co.za / info@hypnotherapy.co.za Tel: 0861-102-318 A Down To Earth Festival by Rainbow Earth Journeys. Venue: Jongenskloof Farm, Riviersonderend, 170km from Cape Town, off N2. Date; Friday 29.4.11 – 1.5.11. Ticket: R250 incl camping, talks, daily yoga, raw food demos, music, meditation. Kids FREE. Accommodation available bush camp and tipis. World Music Cafe, kids fun activities, stalls. Bookings and trade enquiries / philipeeanddeb@hotmail.com 023-614-2901. Animal Communication Course for Children Age 8 – 12. Contact Debbie for next course plse. Contact Debbie Caknis 021-790-1340 or book on www.zeropointhealing.co.za BLUEPRINT4CREATION: The Universal Language of SACRED GEOMETRY & NUMEROLOGY by Rosalind Pape. 2011 WORKSHOPS: Mar 26-27, Apr 23-24, May 28-29. WORD MANDALAS & CHAKRA PRINTS. PERSONAL MANDALAS. 028-572-1819 / 079-049-4304 mandalas@mobileemail.vodafonesa.co.za www.blueprint4creation.co.uk www.blueprint4creation.com (Launch March 2011). Breathwork and Tantra Retreat 1 – 6 April 2011 (Tulbach) There are two energies running through your body that can profoundly transform your access to life and love: * Breath, prana or Chi; and * Kundalini, or sexual energy Join international teachers, Shakti Malan, dakini or teacher of the art of sacred sexuality, and Dan Brulé, teacher of breathwork to discover the art of opening your breath and your sexual energy. Facilitation fee R5500.00 Bookings: Sharon sharon@advaittantra.com BREATHWORK FACILITATORS Training: (8 – 10 April) – Cape Town As you find and practice resonance with the Vibration of the Breath within you, communication between the cells of your body flourishes, as does your entire physical body. And it all begins with the simple focusing upon your breathing to flip the switch of absolute physical well-being. Join international breathworker teacher, Dan Brulé and learn how
Health Basket
021 438 0093
8 Willesden Road, Camps Bay 8005
*Consciousness Life Coaching* One Hour Sessions at R150 Affordable Packages Available Singles . Couples . Children All Welcome
021 914 9462/ 083 764 6946
Retreat Intensive: The 11th Commandment: KNOW THYSELF – EVOLVE the SELF In the valley of Greyton, meet your ‘Diamond of Quantum Self’ – spirit walk, colour meditation, card readings, explore intuition, brain plasticity, creative visualisation, celebratory drumming. Choice is the cutting edge of Now! April: Fri 8 – Sun 10. Contact: Nodi Ipp 083-516-2970 nodi@nalinola.co.za Web: https://sites.google.com/site/nadiipp/home or Desi Byram 083-225-9139 The Creative Process in Writing and Life. The same creative process is at work whether we are writing, building, painting, or starting a relationship. On this course, you will learn how the creative process applies to writing, and you will put it into practice through writing. You will learn how to write anything, including documents, such as essays and business documents, and books, such as novels, cookery books and autobiographies. You will learn how to generate writing ideas, how to research, how to structure, and how to edit your writing. With your newfound understanding of the creative process, ‘writer’s block’ will no longer form part of your vocabulary. In the process, you will learn how the creative process applies to all other areas of your life. Through an understanding the workings of the creative process, and effective writing and project planning, your studies, career and personal life will benefit. Call 082-300-0993 or email info@writeart.co.za or for more information. TRANSFORMATION WEEKENDS Presented in groups by life coach. 26 March: Vitality & Pampering. Massage, healthy meals, yoga, walks. 9 April: Ready for Romance (Heterosexual). Awaken sensuality, self esteem, charm. www.purebalance.co.za 074-125-7667 Vision Quest – A night on the mountain. 18th-21st March 2011 Secure private cottage nestled in nature reserve, Koue Bokkeveld, Ceres, Karoo. www.dancinghands.co.za or call David 082-408-5597
The Way of Art in Bantry Bay Expand your consciouness through the exciting world of line, form and colour creating your own personal map. Hilary 021-439-7756 / 076-421-4255. www.dinky-bloc.com www.hilarymaraney.com
Cape Astrology Association www.caa.org.za Meets 3rd Thursday of month @ 6pm for 7pm – iKhaya Lodge, Dunkley Square, Gardens. Visitors R30, Membership R250pa. Call 082-579-1351 or info@caa.org.za
Books, Magazines, Tapes, CDs & DVD’s BOOKS by MURDO MACDONALD-BAYNE Divine Healing of Mind & Body I Am the Life The Higher Power You Can Use Beyond The Himalayas The Yoga of The Christ Original Lectures vol 1 to 8 082-559-7759 / bzena@absamail.co.za
Crystal Wisdom Explore a wonderful world of crystals, minerals, gemstones and jewellery. Interesting variety for collectors, healers and therapists. Durbanville. 021-976-7843. Reine Ackermann Retail and wholesale crystals and mineral specimens. 082-578-8856
Doctors of Natural Medicine
Somerset West: Holidays Self-catering, R600 per day for two. R150 for additonal adult. Less for weekly stays. Email: gudrunholidays@gmail.com or +27-83-754-2493 Health Tours with Gudrun in Winter: www.travelhealthier.com/id23.html
Dr Carla Boswell Plant remedies, nutritional and lifestyle counselling. 021-465-2870 / 072-056-7731 70 Barnet Street, Gardens. Dr David Nye is back! He is now practising Integrative Medicine at 33 Hennie Winterbach St, Panorama. Tel 082-641-8800. Please visit www.greenhousehealth.com for details. Naturopathic Doctor Dr Benita Perch Sea Point Tel: 021-433-1116 email: drbenitaperch@gmail.com http://www.drperch.com
Arts and Crafts
*Creative Beings Art Studio* Milnerton Go with the flow and trust yourself in the the art-making process! Sharon: 083-597-0032 shazzen@gmail.com Art for Adults Creativity and technical competance can be accessed at any age. Small, non-competitive painting and drawing classes in garden studio. Est. 1990 Phone Val at 021-761-7732. www.valgreen.com INTUITIVE ART Allow your inner being to speak to you through intuitive exploration with colour. You already have the knowing within, I will help you to bring that knowing into the world. No art experience required. Contact Nina at 082-447-5378 SOY WAX Eco-friendly wax for candles and body products. Candle Maker’s Deli, www.candledeli.co.za. / Tel: 021-552-4937
DreamWorker is a community based organisation, set up to help unemployed people like gardeners, domestics, painters, drivers and cashiers find work. We are government funded and our service is free. All our candidates are reference checked and personally interviewed. Please also consider joining our Link of Love campaign, whereby for R100 you could sponsor an unemployed person to work for one day in their own community: helping the elderly, caring for Aids sufferers, cleaning litter or planting township gardens. Please contact DreamWorker on 021-696-4048 or visit www.dreamworker.org.za for more information (This advert is sponsored by LinkUp Western Cape).
For Sale – General
BUSINESS FOR SALE Successful, much loved, Cape Town holistic eventing company for sale. For more details 021-762-3965
LightWise Wellbeing C.A.R.E. Centre
• Burn out • Depression • Fibromyalgia • Cancer • Migraines • Loss of direction • Panic attacks • Post traumatic stress • Stress management • Chronic fatigue syndrome
Butterfly Effect Workshop
Find your Power Unleash your True Potential Manifest the Reality you have always dreamed of Dr Yvette de Villiers (PhD Metaphysical Philosophy) Cell: 082 868 5674 Workshop dates or enquiries Cristina 082 975 0406 or visit www.lightwise.co.za
For more information or to find an AHPC(SA) registered therapist call 076 549 7753 or write to info@mtsas.co.za or visit www.mtasa.co.za
MEDEC MAT (similar to BEEMER) For sale R13 000.00 demo model New R21 000.00 Increases oxygen in the body by 61% Addresses many ailments caused by poor circulation Phone Lynne for a demo 078-787-9387. Meditation Benches Wood. R140. Tel 021-696-1821 Start your own business giving Spider Veins Treatments Income potential R1000-R3000 p.week! Immaculate SVTunit (similiar to laser) for sale @ bargain price R35 000! soleil@telkomsa.net
Growing RAW Intensive (mini workshop) consultations focusing you on setting up a thriving delicious Organic nutrient-dense RAW food garden, or optimizing the quality and quantity of produce growing in your existing garden. Strong RAW food focus, emphasizing variety and diversity of interesting and tasty edibles. Contact: feedme@growingRAW.co.za Lawyer Rhiannon Thomas is on maternity leave for the next few months. However, I am still taking on Conveyancing matters. I will be referring all other matters to various colleagues who are equally well-placed to assist you. Contact me on 021-671-5454 / 083-949-1590 / rta@iburst.co.za. For more information see www.rtattorneys.co.za. Organic-Spaces A personalised service for carpentry – decks ,built-ins, furniture and specialized projects using eco-friendly products and materials. Contact Stephen White on 021-461-8303 cell 082-077-3070 and organicspaces.co.za PLANTWIZE Elegantly Organic landscaping Simple thriving beautiful indigenous landscapes. info@plantwize.co.za Salad Smart Totally organic salad delivered weekly to your door. Serves 1-2 as main, 3-4 as side. Spinach, coriander, rocket and watercress leaves as base, with up to 20 extras and fresh herbs. Not your usual lettuce and onion salad. SMS ‘Salad Smart’ to Neil on 074-802-5297 or email neil@capetown-carework.com Singing lessons by experienced opera singer. Individual lessons for all. Pairs or groups of 3 – ladies only. Beverley Chiat 073-447-4515 beverley@beverleychiat.com WORK-FOR-LOVE: (NPO) Work-For-Love is an voluntary organization based in Ocean View and Masiphumelele (Southern Suburbs). Our projects include massage training, treatments and outreach work in the community. Donations of portable massage tables, towels, screens and oils are deeply appreciated in support of this community upliftment project. Contact Elaine at 021-780-1558 or healingartsstudio@telkomsa.net www.work-for-love.co.za
General Services
Beautiful singing at wedding services, memorials, all functions. Opera to lighter music. Ph Beverley Chiat 073-447-4515 http://www.angelmusic.co.za/beverleychiat Bemer for hire. Improves cellular metabolism and immune system Excellent for Fibromyalgia, Cancer recovery, Depression. Marilyn 072-423-8644 Call-out Crew Quality handyman and Maintenance services. We cover all aspects of home services. Using enviro-friendly materials where possible. Stephen White 021-461-8303 cell: 082-077-3070 Cocoon Transforming Rooms and Gardens. A sensitive , approach to Garden and Interior Design using natural materials to create earth – and human-friendly spaces. Robbyn Paschke: 021-461-8303 cell 084-612-7634 Colour and Light Consultant, International Colour Academy, Germany. Individualized concepts and Interiors using the famous Colour Compass. Robbyn Paschke 021-461-8303 cell 084-612-7634. COMPUTERS: service, sales, support. Virus protection, data recovery, repairs. Literacy and guidance. Electrohead Computers: extremely personalised service since 2003. Contact Nolan on 021-531-3339 (l), 072-125-2561 (c) or nolan@electrohead.co.za Excellent Bookkeeper for Small Businesses Rosemary: 021-761-9815 or 084-587-0893. PAYE, VAT, To trial balance.
Health & Fitness
Golden Tai Chi – for Seniors Tuesday, Thursday mornings Rondebosch & Milnerton. Monday afternoons Pinelands. Vikki 082-342-3240. Nutritional Analysis Using the Karnak Sensor Work out your optimum nutrition. Stress/Burnout recovery program Insulin Resistance/weight issues Menopause/hormonal Allergies & Food Intolerances 10 day Medical Detox Vegan/vegetarian diets DR HULDA CLARK CLEANSES & ZAPPERS AVAILABLE Lynne – Natural Health & Nutritional Consultant 078-787-9387 lynne@livingnetwork.co.za www.livingnetwork.co.za/lynne RUN WALK FOR LIFE Newlands am/ Newlands pm/ Milnerton pm Lose weight, Get fit, De-stress, Have Fun. Contact Naomi: cn_williams@telkomsa.net or 082-762-8984 www.runwalkforlife.co.za
Health and Healing
Applied Kinesiology and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). Contact lindsey@energypsychology.co.za or 021-785-7761 Energy therapy : Neil Johnson, Reiki Practitioner/ Clinical Hypnotherapist. Effective for all illnesses, emotional and traumatic difficulties, addictions, weight management, sport and personal performance improvement. Will come to you. 074-144-6345.
Health Products
African Tree Essences Enhancing Emotional Harmony & Unity of Being www.africantreeessences.co.za / 082-411-0448 CRYSTAL & HIMALAYAN SINGING BOWLS, TUNING FORKS, HARMONIC TUNER, GONGS, TIBETAN BELLS FOR SOUND HEALING. Lindi te Water, Wynberg 021-797-7731. lindibel@iafrica.com / www.healingsounds.co.za Pendulums / Dowsing Rods For sale. Cel: 084-522-3700
www.herb-hair.co.za For promotion & maintaining healthy hair growth. www.herb-coat.co.za A solution for itchy dogs Tel: 021-982-0979
issues to give people’s lives new meaning and purpose. Dr Mouton also facilitates the ZEST4LIFE courses in Newlands and on Mahe island, Seychelles – see www.zest4life.co.za
Life Coaches
BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD WWW.YOUR-LIFECOACH.ORG Call for your FREE SESSION 021-438-0093 clivia@your-lifecoach.org 8 Willesden Road – Camps Bay – 8005 *Consciousness Life Coaching* R150 per session (one hour) – Affordable Packages Available Singles . Couples . Children . All Welcome (See the DISPLAY ADVERT on p 6).
Health Shops
Health Connection Wholefoods Bergvliet, 09h00-17h30 Shop 4 Harry Goeman Centre, 151 Main Road, Tel: 021-715-6697 Health Connection Wholefoods Fish Hoek, 09h00-17h30 Shop 10, Valyland Centre, Tel: 021-782-4012 Health Matters For healthy goodies and healthy advice. Sea Point Medical Centre Arcade. Tel. 021-434-5490. The Health Path Hout Bay, 08h30-17h00 41 Victoria Ave, Hout Bay, Tel: 021-790-5231
Markets & Festivals
Holistic Lifestyle Fair Live consciously, live well. 10am-4pm, first Sunday every month, Observatory Recreation Centre. Next fairs – 6th March, 3rd of April & 1st of May. Info 021-788-8088. www.holisticlifestylefair.yolasite.com or www.samarketmaven.wordpress.com
Homeopath Dr Sandra Smit: 084-700-0690. Stellenbosch.
Martial Arts
International Tai Chi Society Join the oldest Tai Chi School in South Africa. Yang style Tai Chi Chuan (various forms), Qigong, Sword & Fan Forms, Pushing Hands. Classes in Kloof St – City Bowl, Edgemead & Milnerton. Beginners welcome! Contact: Renate 021-559-2873 / 083-336-6191 Tai Chi Classes & Private Lessons, Northern Suburbs, 021-976-0003, www.tai-chi.co.za
Complementary Health Practitioners Professional Indemnity Insurance Cover. This cover has now become available to virtually all complementary health practitioners at a rate of R1006.50 per year for R1 000 000 of professional indemnity cover. R2 000 000 cover is also available at R1270.50 per year. Chiropractors, acupuncturists, moxibustion, etc., rates are available on request. Please contact Maxleigh Derman on 021-556-5354 (office hours only).
Indian Head Massage Rejuvenating massage of head, neck & shoulders. Heather Gaspar: 021-762-9779
Kinesiologist Dr Sibis Mouton is certified through The Breakthru Institute (USA) in Nutritional and Behavioural Kinesiology. Contact her for a nutritional analysis (+ – 1.5 hours) or full integration session (+ – 3.5 hours) at 021-671-4956. Your muscle responses will indicate whether you have a shortage of a vitamin, stress on a particular organ and why. Often allergies or bad health have underlying emotional causes. The analysis will give you the answer to this. The full integration session can determine mistaken beliefs and then clear the underlying emotional
Meditation classes with Buddhist monk Gen Pagpa and other Kadampa Buddhist teachers. All welcome! Weekly, practical classes & regular courses for developing inner peace: CBD, Milnerton, Meadowridge, Observatory, Rondebosch, Simon’s Town. More info: 021-685-3428 www.meditateincapetown.org
Mindfulness Meditation for Stress Reduction. Contact lindsey@mbct.co.za or 021-785-7761. Shambhala Meditation groups in Rondebosch and Fish Hoek Meditation instruction, group practice, talks and discussion. Please see http://www.shambhala.co.za for details, or call Shannon: 076-858-6901. The Dharma Centre – Home of Contemporary Zen Regular residential retreats at our Robertson Centre 023-626-3515. Rondebosch Centre: Tuesday Evening meditation from 7pm till 9pm, beginners welcome, 6 Lulworth Mansions, St.Andrews Road, Rondebosch, 021-686-3698. Web information: www.dharmacentre.org.za E mail: DHARMKEN@worldonline.co.za Vipassana Meditation As taught by SN Goenka. Vipassana is a technique of meditation which is taught in ten-day residential courses. It is a systematic way of developing insight and can be practiced by anyone. The next 10-day courses will be held in Worcester, 16 – 27 March and 20 April – 1 May, 2011. There are no charges for the courses. Donations are accepted from those who, having benefited, wish to contribute for future students. Phone: 023-347-5446, fax 023-347-5411, E-Mail: info@pataka.dhamma.org / www.pataka.dhamma.org / www.dhamma.org
Centre of Spiritual Philosophy Sylvia Katz 021-439-6005. Weekly meetings /meditations. Explore Intuition Through Nature – Sunday Walks Are you looking to calm the soul & rejuvenate the Body or would like to meet like minded people who share similar soulful interests? Sunday walks around Table Mountain. Regular group away weekends held. Call Iain 072-327-2840 / 021-462-6755 or subscribe walk update listing on info@awakening-intuition.com / www.intuitionwalks.com Sufi Movement Universal worship services, stressing the unity of all religious ideals, held every second and fourth Sundays of the month at 10-30am. At the Sufi Temple, 183 Campground Road, Newlands (via Mariendahl Road and Kinkleway). For further info tel. 021-671-8807.
Parenting/Child Care
Colour Aromatherapy Treatments, Ante & Post Natal Yoga with Babies, Doula Gayle 082-958-4801 Doula Maroula Lambis 082-656-1010 www.holistichealthcare.co.za MINDFULNESS : knowing what’s happening when it’s happening without preference. MINDFULNESS FOR MOTHERS: dimensions of parenting ‘When you see a straight piece of wood, you don’t want to make it into a wheel, nor do you try to make a rafter of a crooked piece. You don’t want to pervert its inborn quality, but rather see that it finds its proper place.’ – Chuang Tzu A course of 8 sessions to get in touch with the simple, yet profound, skill of being in the present to ourselves and our world starts at the end of January under the auspices of Mindfulness Africa. Please contact Marybelle Donald at 021-689-3749 /083-573-8081 / marybelledonald@gmail.com for further details
BAREFOOT BALLET FOR BEGINNER ADULTS Always wanted a slim beautiful body & serene elegance of a ballet dancer? A hard sweat-out. No experience, shoes or perfection required. Qualified teacher, Patsy (R.A.D) 30 years. Academy of Enlightenment 021-671-0231 / 082-835-2608.
Ongoing Groups/Meetings
Artists Way Workshop Join me on a 14 week journey through Julia Cameron’s book ‘The Artists Way’. This course is a tool for increased self awareness, growth and creativity. You will have the opportunity to discover and unblock your creative self within a safe group environment. Date: ongoing. Time: one morning or evening per week. Contact Nina 082-447-5378 Cape Town Tarot Association – Building Cape Town’s Tarot Community! All welcome 3rd Saturday afternoon monthly. We offer workshops, study projects, readings, networking. Phone Alison 021-554-5634 or nyassa@telkomsa.net.
* Hazel Jeannes * * Traditional Thai Yoga Massage * Oriental Upper Body Chair Massage * Reiki/Seichem * Tarot * Mediumship/Psychic * Certified Instructor Thai/Oriental/Seichem Phone: 021-788-9311 / 084-778-9231 Continued on page 15
Life-Journey Work Take Charge of Your Destiny
A dynamic process that spans your past and present life as well as possible futures. Are you • At a crossroads needing to make important decisions about your life? • Experiencing a recent setback and need to find a new way forward? • Aware of destructive patterns in your life? • Feeling stuck and unable to take new action? • Asking, “Who am I? What is my purpose in life?”
Life-Journey work enables you to find answers to your life’s questions, make informed decisions and take new action.
Faith Sax has been running these small group workshops and individual consultations for over 20 years. Her work comes highly recommended by previous participants.
(see participants comments on her website: www.faithsax.co.za)
Contact Faith 021 671 7903
Hearth & Soul Eco-farm Beautiful new residential retreat venue in Overberg. Ideal for hosting workshops or group getaways. 140m2 function hall. Sleeps 25.
Health and Skin Care
sybille@icon.co.za • (02834) 10513 or 082 774 5576 hearthsoul.wordpress.com
Facials: from R 160 Waxing: from R 30 Body Scrubs: from R 190 Massages: from R 130 Mani and Pedi: from R 80 Contact details: Business hours Monday to Friday 09h00 – 19h00 Saturday: 09h00 – 17h00 Sun and Public Holidays: by appointment
The Ultimate 2011 Tai Chi and Chi Gung Course for Personal Development, Masters and Leaderships.
6 Glynnville Terrace, Gardens, Cape Town Tel: 021 461 9922 072 955 0054
Call Dr Michael Lan on 021 4225608 for more enquiries. E-mail- Info@jing-an.co.za http://www.facebook.com/event
Asian Wellness and Chinese Medicine Fusion Treatments and Packages. We treat most common ailments with acupuncture and offers different types of asian massage treatments and packages for total relaxation,bliss and revival. Call Jurahn or Lee Shane on 021 4225608 for all bookings and treatments. E-mail-info@jing-an.co.za Branches- Thai Sabai Spa, Somerset West http://www.facebook.com/group
Dr Suresh Vassen MB., ChB. (U.C.T.), D.Ayur., D.Acup., CEDHom. 57 Belvedere Road, Claremont 7708 Tel: 021 671 0307 Cell: 082 772 2062 Fax: 021 696 9571 E-mail: sureshvassen@gmail.com
Bodhi Khaya Gavin Harrison Retreats Set in the beautiful Overberg region of the Western Cape and offering a place of peacefullness and tranquility. Bodhi Khaya is a sanctuary where you can escape the stresses of everyday living and renew your perspectives. Bodhi Khaya is pleased to announce 3 new retreats lined up for the new year: • The Fire of awakening | 5 days | R1400 – R1740 p/p sharing | March 4 – March 8 • An Undivided Life | 10 days | R3150 – R3915 p/p sharing | 25 March – April 3 • Love without condition, love without limit • AN EASTER RETREAT 5 days | R1400 – R1740 p/p sharing • April 21 – April 25 2011 Silent retreats are a unique opportunity to put down familiar concerns,conclusions and habits of mind for a while, and instead nurture the very heart of one’s being, free from the distractions of worldly commitments. It is a chance to come together in shared passion for authentic spiritual transformation, opening to the possibility of discovering who we are at the deepest level of our being,and what it means to live a full,awakened and loving life in the world. Retreats with Gavin are suitable for both beginning and experienced meditators. Sitting and walking meditation instructions will be offered along with talks and opportunity for dialogue and enquiry together. The schedule includes time to enjoy the beautiful surrounds for hikes and silent sitting.
For bookings contact David: info@bkr.co.za • 028 388 0156 www.bodhi-khaya.co.za
E-mail: info@ernesfrostnlp.co.za Cell: 082 926 7970
NLP Coaching Practitioner – Course Dates 19- 26 Feb. Johannesburg 23-30 April. Natal Midlands 15-22 May. Cape Town 18-25 Sept. Johannesburg 6-13 Nov. Cape Town
REGRESSION SPECIALIST from the UK, also trained with Dolores Cannon in Advanced Past-life Regression
Addictions Depression Stress Anger/Anxiety
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We offer the possibility to practice and participate from a unique setting of spaces that are filled with colour, love and attention to detail. As a facilitator/therapist or health practitioner you have the option to rent on a monthly, weekly or daily basis in either the therapy rooms which are useful for individual settings OR You have the choice between 2 bigger spaces (allowing for 15-25 people) on a daily or weekend basis for group process settings. To get a feel for the various spaces, please go to www.constellationhouse.co.za and click on Spaces. You can contact Andrea Brand on andrea@ constellationhouse.co.za or on (021) 6898107 for bookings.
Pranic Healing Chinese and Asian Wellness Massage Courses Effective diagnostic techniques and 5 Elements. Call 021 4225608 and get certified http://www.facebook.com/group
Helps the body heal itself For courses and healing contact: Ellaine Tilley 1 Truman Road Claremont Cape Town Tel 021-6712650 ellainetilley@mweb.co.za
Counselling, Couples Therapy, Trauma & Grief, Inner Child Work Psychologist Reinette Steyn. Tel 021-555-4248 www.selfgrow.co.za Counsellor and Clinical Psychologist: Change Matters Dr Jana Lazarus and Ms Miranda Wannenburgh: Individuals/couples/ families/children. Trauma/bereavement/addiction/co-dependence/ personal growth/self-esteem. Play therapy/parent guidance. 021-788-5727 www.changematters.co.za changemattersinfo@gmail.com Counsellor: ‘All of life is opportunity, had we but eyes to see’ Individual, couple and family counselling. A multidisciplinary approach towards healing and change. Glynis Depper 021-713-4195 / 083-602-6874. Counsellor: Individual/Couples/Addiction/Inner-child Work / Co-dependency – Jill Kramer Individual / Couples / Family counselling, also specialising in helping individuals / families affected by drug and alcohol related issues. Jill Kramer (Dip.Coun.Comm) (SACAP) 021-788-4882 / 082-930-2424. Cranio-Sacral Therapist / Reconnective Healing® The Reconnection® Denise Read 021-797-7396 Claremont Cranio-Sacral Therapy Gentle release of physical and emotional stress and distress, including trauma. Phone Marion 021-696-5857. Craniosacral Therapy – Adults, Children, Infants City; Suburbs (at Dr Goldberg). Harold Epstein 083-613-8094 Create your best life. Professional Integral Coaching offered in Claremont by Bernie Jacobs (PCC Graduate School of Business UCT) 083-632-0429 or 021-460- 0426. Cupping Therapy Dr M Lambis 082-656-1010, www.holistichealthcare.co.za Dianne Cooke – @One Journeywork www.atOne.co.za An Integral Approach to Hypnotherapy, Reiki and The Reconnection. Consultations, tuition,workshops. Based in Stellenbosch. 082-775-5585 / diannecooke@gmail.com. DNA or Life Activation Awakens & unlocks unused DNA. It is a powerful one-on-one session to jumpstart your LIFE, get you moving forward and align you with your potential & purpose. An ancient process that opens your gifts, increases creativity, expands brain capacity, builds your immune system, releases unconscious patterns, clears genetic & ancestral patterns, lifts depression & brings joy, and brings light & energy to the physical body. Other: Emotional Cord Cutting, Etheric Surgery, Life Purpose Reading, Mind Region Healing, Purification by Light, Soul Retrieval, Isis Healing. Spiral Light Centre: Julia Tiffin 084-680-6029 julia@spiral-light.net / www.spiral-light.net/za Ear Candling Manufacturer & practitioner – course offered – R400.00. Dawn Shrock: 082-485-6361. Educational Psychologist (Wynberg) My practice is open to receive children, adults and families. I’m offering psychotherapy for those who are experiencing trauma, emotional or behavioural difficulties; Career Counselling; Scholastic Assessments. Call Charmaine Davids 021-704-4809 or 084-869-3119. EMDR, Counselling Psychologist: Lesley Chorn, 021-762-8909 EMF Balancing Technique ® New Energy rewiring and DNA activation. Mervyn Feldman 021-671-3362 / www.emfbalancingtechnique.com Emotional Cord Cutting Return to joy: Clear negative emotional cords, unwanted energies and negative spells. Other: Soul retrieval, Life activation, House blessing. Spiral Light Centre: Julia Tiffin: 084-680-6029 julia@spiral-light.net / www.spiral-light.net/za
Continued from page 10 A choice of Body Balancing Techniques Balance your body / Revitalise your Being! Bowen Technique / Gentle Lymph Drainage Massage / Reiki / Intuitive Body Balancing or Traditional African Healing. Ren Redgrave (Sangoma) Cell: 082-750-3845 Alison Effting – Aura-Soma and Biochemic Tissue Salts Your face reveals some secrets, as do the colours you choose. Revitalize, rebalance and empower yourself! Call for an appointment: 021-761-2808. www.allisone.co.za Allison Scott – international healer, teacher, counsellor, soul coach Consultations: The Reconnection® and Reconnective Healing® (Dr Eric Pearl); Aura-Soma Colour Therapy; Aura cleansing & Chakra Balancing; Regression Therapy; Channelled Healing Sessions; Spiritual Counselling; Grief Release & Counselling. Contact: 021-557-4554 / 082-4555-297 / e-mail: allisonscott@mweb.co.za SEE YouTube VIDEOS on www.allisonscott.com Angel Hands Experience a deeply relaxing and healing massage treatment incorporating reiki and energy balancing. Contact Carol T: 083-293-5415 / 021-671-4531 Animal Communication, Healing and Courses Offered I can speak to your animals and hear their replies. Also photographic consultations. Debbie 021-790-1340 / 083-558-2555. info@zeropointhealing.co.za www.zeropointhealing.co.za BODY MIND BALANCE Intuitive Therapeutic Massage. Experience total relaxation using Gentle Massage Techniques. Combining Acupressure & Essential Oils to connect Body Soul & Spirit. Cape Town, Stellenbosch & Paarl Contact Wanda: 072-336-8518 / www.lightwise.co.za BodyTalk Inga Jackson 021-715-3689 BodyTalk Utilises your body’s innate wisdom to determine imbalances in the bodymind system, facilitating selfhealing for physical and emotional concerns. Kerry Buchan, Claremont: 072-720-1244. Buteyko – proven method reduces reliance on chronic asthma, sleep apnoea, allergy medication. Melody Mitchell 083-494-0661. www.buteyko.co.za Carol Ward Reiki Practice A home-based practice in Bothasig that offers Reiki treatments, courses, various oracle card readings and more. 083-225-8183 www.serenehealing.co.za carol@serenehealing.co.za Clinical Hpynotherapist and Psychologist Speciality areas: Trauma, stress, adjustment difficulties in young adults, anxiety, depression, inner child work, performance anxiety, cessation of habits e.g. smoking, fears and phobias, and exploring dysfunctional beliefs. Kerry Buchan, Claremont: 072-720-1244. Constellations Explore important decisions, crossroads, landmarks or rites of passage in your life. Individual sessions use systemic constellations (part of family constellations) to strengthen your connection to your mind, heart, body and intuition as a resource to deal with challenges and change. Di Koch 083-749-6594 / diza.k@telkomsa.net www.dikoch.wordpress.com CORE PROCESS PSYCHOTHERAPY: Susan Groves 021-761-6373 www.karuna-institute.co.uk/core. Member of Talent Exchange.
With over 10 years experience in the field of Hypnosis Jason now wants to share his passion & expertise with you. He is offering 2 workshops in March and April, designed to compliment other therapies or stand alone 1 Day Self Hypnosis workshop – R1 100pp 2 Day Hypnosis Foundation Workshop – R2 400pp Prices include, notes; tea’s; lunch and a free bonus gift. For more information on what the workshops entail, the dates and venue please contact Jason on 072 2392 760 or go to www.hypnosisworkshops.co.za
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Experience and learn a simple, effective routine to deal with stress and personal issues without tears. Ph Marion 021-696-5857. Family & Systemic Constellation Workshops and individual sessions,. Lynda Silk 084-875-4585 www.beingwellbeing.com Family & Systemic Constellations Individual sessions, monthly workshops. Contact Robyn Lewis 083-260-5567 / www.theinnerprocess.com Family Constellations Helen & Claudio Celestino Monthly Workshops/ Trainings/ Individual Sessions 021-785-7071 / 083-656-2580 Family Constellations. www.tanjameyburgh.co.za / 021-788-6277 Heather Linn – Metaphysical Healer Chronic illness, trauma, anxiety, depression, migraines, stress? Metaphysical healing recalibrates the energy system and activates healing on all levels. Sessions include chakra balancing, channeling and practical tools for transformation. Heather 072-210-0071 / www.heatherlinn.co.za Homeopath Dr Heather Lockyear, Kalk Bay 021-788-9602 Homoeopath and BEST Practitioner: Dr. Megan Jones Claremont 021-683-2996 and West Beach 021-554-4433. Homoeopath and Herbalist Dr Barbara Lewis. Rondebosch and Sea Point. 021-433-2858 / 082-902-4982 Homoeopathy Dr Philip Sherwin. Seapoint Medical Centre. 021-434-0244. www.miracleliving.co.za HUMAN EXCELLENCE – Coaching Practitioner: What if you could get that kickstart you need or want... What if today was that day... Would you take action... Or would you walk away... Call in for your Free session today. DO not delay! Be the picture of Human Excellence you know you are! Contact Stephan: 082-406-3920 email: stephanhffmn794@gmail.com Hypnosis, EMDR, Psychotherapy Certified by SASCH, EMDRIA and HPCSA. Reinette Steyn [MAClinPsych]. Tel 021-555-4248 www.selfgrow.co.za Hypnotherapy / Life coaching Russel Brownlee offers a direct, yet empathic, approach that gets to the core of any issue. Phobias, trauma, past lives, personal/spiritual development, and more. Rondebosch. 072-714-1213 www.inspiredcoaching.co.za. Imago Relationship Practitioners Husband and wife, Barry and Ingrid Hoffman-Devlin, offer unique support to mend ruptures, clear the relational space, practice conscious spiritual living, in partnership. Camps Bay. www.trueheartwork.com, info@trueheartwork.com, 021-438-0748 or 076-922-1082. Jin Shin Jyutsu Demonstrated on Free Spirit: simply holding energy locks on the body brings profound harmony to all aspects of being. Come for a session or to learn personal toolkit. Contact Lynda Silk 084-875-4585 www.beingwellbeing.com Kinesiology Kay 021-715-3142. Len Smuts Metaphysical Healer, Reiki Master and spiritual growth Facilitator. Consultations in both the Cape Peninsula and Hex River Valley areas. Tel 023-356-3394 or 083-530-1692.
Life Coach & Counselor – Marie Petousis SACAP – Grad Dip Couns & Comm – EMDRIA – EMDR Practitioner Tel: +27-021-671-2225 / petousis@iafrica.com Cell: +27-084-823-1933 Self-Esteem & Motivation – Emotional Intelligence Personal Growth – Communication Skills Relationships Coach – Couples Dialogue Family & Child Counseling Adolescence/Young Adult Student Issues Divorce – Grief & Loss – Anxiety Trauma – Post Traumatic Stress – EMDR Live Your Dreams Today Evolved Life Coaching. Contact Alan: 076-264-9127 www.ultimatecoaching.co.za Lymph drainage For water retention and detoxification. Phone Marion 021-696-5857 Lymph Drainage Original Vodder method is gentle, deeply relaxing and effectively supports any condition where there is fluid accumulation/retention. French certified. Lynda Silk 084-875-4585 Massage Back, neck, shoulder emphasis. Mervyn Feldman 021-671-3362 Massage – Hawaiian Therapeutic, nurturing, energy balancing oil massage. Lisa: 082-451-5968 Massage – Indian Head Massage/ Back, Neck & Shoulder Gardens, Lindsay Meyerowitz www.healingfeet.co.za 083-232-2930 Massage – Rondebosch Holistic approach using massage, aromatherapy, reflexology and energy balance eases stresses lodged in the body. Lynda Silk 084-875-4585. Massage – Sea Point Intuitive, healing, relaxing and soothing massage by qualified therapist. Call Janet 078-102-3110. MASSAGE THERAPIES: Studio near Gardens Centre. Wouter: 074-125-7667 www.purebalance.co.za Massage Therapist (AHPCSA Registered) Deep Tissue & Therapeutic treatments to relieve muscular pain, injury and stiffness. Plumstead. Catherine Hoets 082-691-9610 Me Thyme REFLEXOLOGY. Everybody deserves a little ‘me thyme’ For an extremely relaxing treatment call Catherine 082-926-8104 catherine@methyme.co.za (city bowl). Mindfulness-Based Interventions (MBSR / MBCT / MBST) for Stress Reduction. Contact lindsey@mbct.co.za / 021-785-7761. Mineral Therapy Dr Philip Sherwin. Seapoint Medical Centre. 021-434-0244. www.miracleliving.co.za Naturopathy Dr Philip Sherwin. Seapoint Medical Centre. 021-434-0244. www.miracleliving.co.za Past-Life Regression Therapy Offering healing insights into your everyday life. I am able to channel lives related to the many questions you have. All sessions recorded for your private use. Tel. Judy le Cash 021-462-2011 / 082-777-6005 / judylec@netactive.co.za. Philosophical Counselling A meaningful alternative to psychotherapy. Visit www.philosophy-practice.co.za. Helen Douglas MA, 021-788-4667 Talent Exchange member.
Physiotherapist / Cranio-Sacral Therapist / Kinesio Taping Denise Read 021-797-7396 Claremont Podiatrist – Pinelands Deepika Patel 021-531-6691. Psychic Counselling in all areas of mind, body and spirit i.e. emotional decording, grief counselling, inner-child healing. Hilary 021-439-7756 / 076-421-4255 www.dinky-bloc.com www.hilarymaraney.com Psycho-Spiritual Counselling Combining spiritual healing with person-based counselling. A peaceful, gentle way out of any problems into new insight and healing. Judy Le Cash 021 462-2011 082-777-6005 judylec@netactive.co.za Psychological and Spiritual Counsellor Relationship counselling – Life transition counselling – Depression counselling – Soul and Spiritual counselling Dr Arthur Seltzer, M.Th. D.Phil. OMD. ND., Ph.D 7 Derby Rd, Harfield Village, 7708 Tel: 021-683-1490 Cell: 082-902-4981 E-mail: arthurjseltzer@gmail.com Blog: arthurseltzer.wordpress.com Psychologist & Life Skills Coach Holistic approach. Reinette Steyn. Tel 021-555-4248 www.selfgrow.co.za Psychologist – Lesley-Anne Chorn Relationships – Depression – Grief – Anxiety – Addictions *Counselling to identify life blocks keeping you trapped in situations and/or self-defeating patterns of behaviour. *Release blocks through eye movement technology, breath therapy and hypnotherapy.* Certified astrologer. Medical aid registered. Lesley-Anne Chorn. 021-762-8909 Plumstead les@lesleychorn.co.za www.lesleychorn.co.za (See DISPLAY ADVERT on p 17 .) Reflexologist Encouraging the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Gardens Lindsay Meyerowitz www.healingfeet.co.za 083-232-2930 Reflexologist Mervyn Feldman 021-671-3362 Reiki Intiutive healling, balancing Reiki Master – Heather Gaspar: 021-762-9779 Reiki / Sole Reiki Treatments and tuition. Reiki Master. Mervyn Feldman 021-671-3362. Sacred Beings I offer a place to rest your senses and soothe your soul. Choose a series of balancing treatments to harmonise and restore you to optimum wellness. Call Tanya 021-712-6053 SCIO Physical, Mental & Emotional. Detects deficiencies & imbalances Sends healing frequencies to body Sharon Baker @ Steps to Health 082-455-1844 Shiatsu works! Using meridian pressure point therapy and deep tissue work I provide relief from back & joint pain, headaches, insomnia, depression and stress-related conditions; your immune system’s boosted too! Experienced practitioner (Dip S.A.A.S.P. C.T.A.S. C.I.A.H.S.) based in Claremont. Nicole 083-420-9262, 021-674-6719, www.shiatsuworks.co.za Sole Reiki / Reflexology Reflex therapy with energy healing Reiki Master – Heather Gaspar: 021-762-9779 SOUND THERAPY Time out – be refreshed by the radiance of Sound & the presence of Silence. Call Lindi te Water, Wynberg 021-797-7731. lindibel@iafrica.com / www.healingsounds.co.za
Spiritual Medium & Animal Communicator www.bridgeoflove.co.za / Diane 083-383-7533 or diane.budd@lantic.net Survivors of Abuse Sexual, physical and emotional. Recovered incest survivor and counsellor for twenty years offers counselling and spiritual healing which has proved to be a powerful path to recovery from traumatic or dysfunctional childhood experiences. Tel. Judy Le Cash 021-462-2011 or 082-777-6005, email judylec@netactive.co.za. Tera Mai Reiki/Seichem Treatment based on universal life force energy aiding energy renewal, inner calm, toxin clearing and re-balancing of the four body levels. Supports all other therapies. For treatment in the Helderberg, contact: Saskia (Master Practitioner) Tel: 083-455-5314. Email: saski@mweb.co.za The art of conscious sexuality. Sessions, workshops and retreats with Dr Shakti Malan. shakti.co.za, shakti@shakti.co.za Travelling Massage Therapist Massage at your home. Contact Sue, 082-6877-345 for treatments + rates. Unani Tibb Doctor. Dr M Lambis, 082-656-1010, www.holistichealthcare.co.za YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE AFRAID OF WHO YOU ARE. Guidance, support and insight grounded in 26 years of Buddhist practice. Jennifer Woodhull, counsellor. 021-788-3466, jennifer. woodhull@gmail.com.
Psychologist – Alison Breen Individual/couple/family/children including under fives. Constantia and Lakeside. Tel: 021-788-4829 alison_breen@yahoo.com.
* TAROT READINGS – Alida* Intuitive guidance offered in all areas of your life online, telephonic, One on One consultations Online tarot and chakra courses offered Alida 083-409-6854 www.maginta.co.za ** Accurate and Gifted Psychic Medium ** Private Group / Telephonically. Readings. Michael 074-136-5787 www.pmolsen.com About Angels Accurate Psychic / channelled readings by Tanja Jaeger via appointment, telephonic, e-mail or Skype. Ph: 083-229-4222 tanjasangels@gmail.com/ www.tanjasangels.co.za Academy of Enlightenment Patsy Johnson accurate psychic/clairvoyant reads your life anytime, anywhere you are. Ph 021-671-0231 or 082-835-2608 or e-mail patsyjohnson.psychic@telkomsa.net. Website www.patsyjohnson.co.za ANNETTE – Accurate Readings, Psychic Counselling, Mediumship, Reiki and Prayers. I look at Medical, Emotional, General and Financial issues using Oracle Cards, Palmistry, Runes, Numerology, Astrology and Channelled Writing. Gardens and Tableview: Cell: 082-375-5693. BLUEPRINT4CREATION: PERSONAL NUMEROLOGY MANDALAS by Rosalind Pape. Discover who you really ARE! 028-572-1819 / 079-049-4304 mandalas@mobileemail.vodafonesa.co.za www.blueprint4creation.co.uk www.blueprint4creation.com (Launch March 2011).
Manual Lymph Drainage original Vodder Fully qualified teacher and therapist (France), Basic and Advanced Courses (plus revisions for ex-students), summer/autumn 2011, internationally recognised diploma. For details contact: MLDVCourses@gmail.com or phone 072-293-4756. MASSAGE COURSES: Full-body-oil massage-intensive (Level 1 & 2) Thai, Chair & Foot Massage. Elaine 021-780-1558 / healingartsstudio@telkomsa.net Psychic Development Course Learn to develop intuition to make accurate life choices, ESP, Telepathy, reading energies and more. Ph: Tanja 083-229-4222 tanjasangels@gmail.com, www.tanjasangels.co.za Public Speaking and Interpersonal Communication Guidance and teaching in public speaking, voice and speech skills development, presenting yourself with confidence. www.learncommunication.co.za Andrea: 084-586-6352 QUANTUM TOUCH WORKSHOPS: Now Presented together with Dr Isabel Reis, 26 – 27 March and 16 – 17 Apri Cost: R1,720 – Cert + Notes Incl. Content: LEARN HOW TO: DISSOLVE CHRONIC PAIN & Tension, Migraine, Backache, Shoulder, Neck, or Knee Pain. ALIGN SKELETAL BONES. OPEN INTERNAL ENERGY FLOW, Release & Clear Energy Blockages, Balance Brain Hemispheres, Reduce Stress. Stimulate Immune Function & Accelerate internal Healing. www.quantumtouch.com; INDIVIDUAL HEALING SESSIONS; Quantum Touch: www.quantumtouch- capetown.co.za; Footology: wwwfootology.com; Reconnective Healing, Personal Reconnections / www.thereconnection.com; & Regression. Johanne – 021-987-2605 / 072-576-5002 / werth1@telkomsa.net. Reiki Master Len Smuts. Tuition to Masters level, manuals and certificates provided, courses adapted to your individual needs in both the Cape Peninsula and Hex River Valley areas. Telephone 023-356-3394 or 083-530-1692. SHIATSU TRAINING Short courses part-time 3 different styles Certified courses for Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced levels. Massage therapy based on Japanese Acupressure massage & Traditional Chinese Medicine. Contact Beryl 072-991-6369 info@academyshiatsu.co.za http://www.academyshiatsu.co.za Shiatsu: Namikoshi School Professional and home-use courses. Thorough practical and theoretical training. Next short course in April, practitioner training starts June. Phone Marion 021-696-5857 Sole Reiki A blending of two powerful healing tools: foot reflex therapy and reiki. This unique course will equip you with simple and effective skills that can facilitate profound transformation in self and others. The price is R1470 and includes Reiki 1 and 2 certification. (R890 without Reiki.) Ongoing courses. Mervyn Feldman 021-671-3362. merfeld@mweb.co.za Tarot lessons : Group or private. Experienced teacher. Also – Tarot for Writers. Contact Alison on nyassa@telkomsa.net for dates/details.
Clairvoyant / Medium 36 years insight into Life Situations and Spiritual Purpose. Past Lives, Guides and Removal of Curses, etc. Eileen 021-465-5991 Life Purpose Message Channelled from the archangels and ascended masters plus spiritual healing, past-life regression therapy and counselling. Tel. Judy le Cash 021-462-2011 or 082-777-6005. E-mail judylec@netactive.co.za. MICHAEL. TAROT READER, PSYCHIC AND MEDIUM. Now at WIZARDS BOOKS, Claremont. R295.00 To book phone 021-683-0360/1 Palmistry/Chirology Consultations, lessons, home-study, ebooks. Published book – ‘God Given Glyphs’. jen@cheiro.co.za / www.cheiro.co.za Shamanic Practitioner – David Standing Deer 082-408-5597 www.dancinghands.co.za TAROT READINGS For spiritual and practical Life Path Guidance, call Nina on 082-447-5378.
Space Energy Clearing
Energetic Balancing & Clearings. Shamanic Solutions for home & business. www.dancinghands.co.za, contact David 082 408 5597
A mix of Energy Healings, Activations & different massage techniques Refer web: www.michelewilliamsesoterics.co.za / 021-558-5965 Ayurveda Massage: Head, Face, Feet, Shirodhara & Nasya (Especially effective for sinus headaches). Contact: Saskia @ 083-455-5314. Email: saski@mweb.co.za Counselling. Contact Lindsey on 021-785-7761. E-therapy / Online Counselling from the Safety of Home www.cybershrink.co.za Energy Psychology. Contact lindsey@energypsychology.co.za or 021-785-7761 Mindfulness-Based Interventions (MBSR / MBCT / MBST). Contact lindsey@mbct.co.za or 021-785-7761 Mindfulness-based Sex Therapy (MBST). Contact lindsey@mbct.co.za or 021-785-7761 Shiatsu Massage Green Hands – shiatsu massage Shiatsu uses pressure points to stimulate the flow of life force; releasing endorphins and improving circulation, this boosts all round immunity. Call Jessica 079-522-8510, at the Green Room, Observatory, Cape Town.
SACRED EARTH RETREATS by ELIZABETH BARDIN www.arthurianschool.com MAYAN TEMPLES Mexico & Guatemale February & Aug 2011 MACHU PICCHU Peru- April 2011 PRINGLE BAY Regular 5 day Dr Dukan healing retreats tel 028-273-8277 cell 078-371-6343 email info@arthurianschool.com
‘’Authentic Massage Modalities’’ Indian Head Massage R750.00 / Hot Stone Massage R950.00 or R1500.00 both. Covering Meridians, Brain Integration + Certificate. Desi 083-225-9139. Addiction Counselling Learnership Locally reputable part-time training in counselling for recovery from addictive/ compulsive behaviour. Comprises of 4 stand alone modules of 6 sessions each (on alternate Friday afternoons), which include an introduction to basic counselling skills. The full course includes an internship at a registered addiction treatment facility. For more detail call 021-761-9049/ 083-218-7186 or visit http://www.prospecthill.co.za. Allison Scott – international healer, teacher, counsellor, soul coach Workshops that transform your life: ‘Conscious’ Channelling™ 2-day (NOW AVAILABLE ON DVD!); The Art of Manifesting Abundance™ 2-day; Empowering Your Life Through Energy Healing 3-day. Contact: 021-557-4554 / 082-4555-297 / e-mail: allisonscott@mweb.co.za SEE YouTube VIDEOS on www.allisonscott.com Chirology/Palmistry Courses Jennifer Hirsch. Bergvliet. 082-415-0653 jen@cheiro.co.za / www.cheiro.co.za COLOR REIKI 1, 2 , 3 AND MASTERS COURSES LEARN TO HEAL WITH THE ENERGY OF COLOR AND REIKI CALL TANYA 021-712-6053 Dancing Hands Shamanic Tuition – Basic & Advanced coursework in the arts of Shamanism. www.dancinghands.co.za, contact David 082-408-5597
Venues & Premises
LOVELY THERAPY ROOM TO LET In established health & skincare clinic in Tokai Village with shared receptionist. Contact Annelie: 072-447-4754. The Christian Community Plumstead. Hall: seating 150, kitchen facilities, parking. Meeting Room: 10 / 15 people. Flatlet: overnight accommodation R190 p.p. per night. Tel. 021-762-0450. THERAPY ROOM TO RENT Beautiful room, 9.5 m2, view of pool and garden at private practice in Constantia. R3200/month. Available 1 March or 1 April 2011. Contact 021-794-5920 or 082-770-5354 or mariaan.nell@netpoint.co.za
Blog Meistress Affordable, updatable websites & blogs. Basic website – from R1,800 / Customised – from R3,200. Wordpress-based websites for individuals & small businesses. Easy to update and manage yourself (no monthly fees). Contact Pia on 021-689-6151 or 082-494-0092. www.blogmeistress.co.za CyberMaster.co.za provides Content Management Systems and Blogs. Contact lindsey@cybermaster.co.za or 021-785-7761 CyberShrink.co.za provides Online Counselling from the Safety of Home. Contact info@cybershrink.co.za Continued on page 22
QUANTUM TOUCH® INTERACTIVE HEALING WORKSHOPS Join Dr Isabel Reis and Johanne Werth on 26 – 27 March 2011 in Cape Town to learn this powerful method of natural energy healing (next workshop 16 – 17 April 2011) ALIGNMENT OF SKELETAL BONES
A scientific breakthrough in hands-on healing! Quantum Touch is a powerful tool, in enabling self regulating mechanisms in all organisms, including plants and animals. It works excellently for selfhealing and can be used by almost anyone. This workshop provides leading edge information and techniques to increase your efficacy as therapist, no matter what modality you use. Dr Reis, ND has been using Quantum Touch in all her major clinics in Angola, Australia and now also in South Africa with great success. Using breath and focusing techniques as vehicle to increase frequencies; transmitted to diseased areas, causes chronic pain to dissolve and illness to be alleviated. LEARN HOW TO: Focus & amplify life-force energy with a series of breathing & body awareness exercises; With the lightest of touch, trigger the amazing ability of skeletal bones to adjust; Enhance the energy your body needs to keep truly healthy; Combine Quantum-Touch with other healing modalities to turbo charge your sessions, using the Amplified Resonance Technique; Dissolve Chronic Pain & Tension, Migraine, Backache, Shoulder, Neck, and Knee Pain; Powerfully Reduce Swelling and Pain resulting from Injuries; Relax tense Muscles, Tendons & Ligaments; Relieve Migraine and Neck pain by Opening Spinal flow; Stimulate the body’s Immune function & Accelerate healing. DURING A QUANTUM TOUCH WORKSHOP: A Man with a stiff hand-elbow, (broken 40 years ago) could bend it once again; A Woman with MS felt as though her painful knee melted and then all the pain disappeared, feeling so good; A Man, who after a back operation, suffered with neurological problems for eight years, was pain-free after only a few minutes of QT treatment; Painful jaws stopped clicking and hurting, easily opening wide again; Scoliosis backs started to curve straight; Painful knees, backs, toes, necks, and headaches etc. disappeared. CASE STUDIES: Sue, Quantum Practitioner: “Let me tell you about a little boy, named Bin, who lived in a Vietnam orphanage. Most of the children in the orphanage suffered from trauma and where disabled in some way. When energy healing was done on the children, the results were truly amazing. In fact, little Bin was healed miraculously after five Quantum Touch sessions. He was blind and the nuns and housemother asked me to work on him. Before I began, I tested Bin’s eyes with a little coloured light and I noted that there was absolutely no movement in his eyes at all. So I began working on Bin, 30 minutes a day, for a week, using Quantum Touch. The most amazing thing happened on the sixth day. On entering the room, I noticed that Bin was following my movements with his eyes. So I re-did light test again with his eyes, and again saw Bin following the movement of the light with his eyes. Wonder above wonder! It seemed as though Bin could really see! I arranged testing at the Fred Hollows Foundation and their tests confirmed that Bin’s eyesight was restored. Thanks to Quantum Touch, Bin is no longer blind”.
Dr Isabel Reis: “Lorenzo, a 76 year old man came to my clinic in Luanda for treatment. Lorenzo suffered from first stage prostrate cancer, and from birth, had a condition referred to a Short Leg Syndrome, causing him to limp badly and drag his right leg. During his very first QT session, as both legs aligned, he stood up straight, bearing his weight equally on both legs. For the very first time in Lorenzo’s life, he was able to walk normally. This was truly amazing to witness”. “This work is truly a gift to humanity”. Jonathan D. French, Chiropractor D.C. When I incorporated this technique into my practice, I was able to produce some remarkable reductions in my patient’s pain levels for a variety of conditions ranging from the usual neck and back complaints to those of knee, wrist, elbow and temporal-mandibular joint (TMJ) pain. I am certain that with further research, the application of Quantum-Touch will become the first action we resort to when someone is in pain, precisely because it is instinctive, natural and effective. This work is truly a gift to humanity.
Cost: R1 720 (Manual & certificate included) Bring a friend along and receive a discount of R100 each. To book for any of the workshops, contact Johanne at 021-987-2605 / 072-576-5002 / werth1@telkomsa.net For additional information, please visit the website: www.quantumtouch.com
The Healing Cloister for Emotional and Spiritual Transformation
DreamWorker is a community based organisation, set up to help unemployed people like gardeners, domestics, painters, drivers and cashiers to find work. People who want to work, but struggle with access to Internet sites or employment agencies. People who have been unemployed for a while and need to feel motivated to believe they really do have worth and WILL find work again.
Dr. Arthur Seltzer
M.Th., D.Phil., O.M.D., N.D., Ph.D.
DreamWorker is government funded and our service is free to both employer and employee. All our candidates are reference checked and personally interviewed. Our dream is to see unemployment in the Western Cape halved by 2014! In 2008 DreamWorker launched the Link of Love campaign whereby vouchers of R100 can be bought to pay for a day’s work for an unemployed person. That person will be put to work in their own community – helping the elderly, caring for Aids sufferers, cleaning litter or planting township gardens.
Psychological-Spiritual Counselling
We appeal to all readers of Link Up to link to Link of Love and help an unemployed person to work today! Please contact DreamWorker on 021 696 4048 or visit www.dreamworker.org.za for more information. (Offices in Athlone, Somerset West, Hermanus and Stellenbosch)
Reiki, Daoist and Kabbalistic Soul Energy Healing Chinese Medical Psychiatry and Emotional Healing For appointments: 7A Blackheath Road, Kenilworth 7708 082 902 4981 • arthurjseltzer@gmail.com
Location: Durbanville Tel: 021 553 4348 E-mail: info@reflectionz.co.za Web: www.reflectionz.co.za
Reflectionz, where horses are the true therapists and coaches! • Suitable for ages 9 to adult • We are able to accommodate groups of 5 – 30 • Session times vary depending on programme chosen • We can tailor-make programmes to suit your needs Reflectionz is a company offering a new approach to therapy, skills development and team building. We work in a team with horses to help empower clients.The unique partnership with horses allows for a powerful yet non-invasive experience. Clients are given activities to complete from the ground i.e. there is never any horse riding involved and one does not need any horse knowledge – while two facilitators observe the interaction between the horse and client.
“We will be known forever by the tracks we leave”. DAKOTA Tribal Quote
Horses use body language to communicate and are thus hyper sensitive to our nonverbal body language. They will respond to these non-verbal cues, essentially delivering a message of what that client may be feeling. The facilitators are present in the arena to ensure both emotional and physical safety for both the client and the horse and to interpret the body language of the horse and client as well as the response to the client. We facilitate for skills development, team building, leadership development, conflict management (bullying), ADD, ADHD, Autism, Aspergers and many more. Our clientele ranges from individuals through to families, school groups and corporates.
Asthma – Steps you can take to counteract asthma
Are you living and eating to support your health and happiness?
Asthma is defined as a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways. Key symptoms include wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, chest tightness and sputum production. Infants are born with a predisposition towards pro-allergic and pro-inflammatory Th2 immune responses, but early exposure to infections and endotoxins shifts the body towards Th1 responses which suppress Th2 cells and induces tolerance. However in developed countries, the trend towards smaller families, cleaner environments and early use of vaccinations and antibiotics deprives children of these Th2 suppressing mechanism which may partly explain the increase in asthma prevalence. Other reasons for this rise in asthma prevalence include the quality of food we eat and the quality of air we breathe. We are unfortunately living in a toxic world. There is not much that can be done about the air we breathe, but keeping the air as clean as possible in the home of an asthmatic is very important. Keep the bedroom dust free and have an air purifier. Keep a pet free environment especially if there are allergies to dog or cat fur and use a hepa vacuum cleaner.
Life is nothing but change, yet change is not easy. Our lives and our bodies are in constant flux, yet it is our resistance to change that can create our greatest mental and physical discomfort. We all know that “Rome wasn’t built in a day”, but “little by little”. If we want our life to progress toward peak experiences in all aspects of living it will take time. Drastic changes don’t stick, much like New Year resolutions before we fall back into our old ways. Similarly changes to health and happiness made gradually will allow for a set of behaviours by which you can adopt lasting principles and embody certain values: create a lifestyle. Certainly two concepts can be discarded instantly: the idea that deprivation is the key to weight loss and that indulgence causes weight gain. To quote Mirelle Guiliano author of French Women Don’t Get Fat “Pleasure has proved itself to be the most powerful and lasting motivation, even more compelling than the dream of dropping a dress size”. If we can harness the pleasure principle, we can lose weight. It’s simply a sense of proportion and cultivating an appreciation of taste. Change the way you eat and the weight will take care of itself.
There is much that can be done about the food that an asthmatic eats. They should eat whole foods, anti-inflammatory diet, preferably organic as much as possible. They should lean towards eating animal protein that is wild caught (fish), free range chicken, beef or lamb, and grass fed game. Their diet should include lots of fruits and vegetables filled with antioxidants. They should eat only whole grains and include legumes. They should steer away from fast food, fried food, sugar, cool drinks and the like which are all inflammatory. It is also worth being tested for IgG food intolerances as many asthmatic do really well avoiding dairy, wheat and eggs among other things.
If we add herbal tinctures into the mix, such as bitters, which stimulate the beginning of the digestive process, and treat more deep-seated clinical problems and herbs to reduce one’s craving for sweet food we are well on the way to transforming the body’s response to food. The end result is good energy, good mood and inner resource. Education is crucial. We need to understand what we are putting into our bodies and the consequences of this. For example drinking fruit juice which contains too much concentrated sugar can be detrimental to maintaining steady blood sugar levels, or drinking bottled water that has a high sodium content is not good for those with high blood pressure or a high calcium content which affects those with kidney stones. Reading labels is crucial.
There are many risk factors for developing asthma. Those with a first-degree relative with asthma are more likely to develop it. Breastfeeding seems to prevent the development of atopic conditions and even poor maternal diet while pregnant has been associated with an increase risk of asthma. Gastrointestinal symptoms seem to be common in children with asthma, showing the connection between dietary factors and also dysbiosis. Stress is another big factor that contributes towards asthma.
Developing a relationship with food doesn’t have to be difficult or time-consuming and may well prove to be one of the most intensely pleasurable experiences we can have on a daily basis. Everything from how we move to how we present ourselves and greet each day has the potential for making life feel richer and fuller. More pleasure is the key.
From a naturopathic point of view treatment aims to do a number of things. Firstly as mentioned above to identify allergic triggers and encourage avoidance whether these are food or environment related. To modulate the immune response appropriately, using herbs and nutrients to do this for example, vitamin C & A. To reduce airway hypersensitivity by using anti-inflammatory herbs and nutrients like omega 3 fish oils. To enhance bronchodilation and promote expectoration if needed, again using various herbs and nutrients. To correct any underlying digestive dysregulation, by fixing dysbiosis and repairing the gut lining. Lastly, to support the nervous system to reduce the stress response. I personally also use classical homeopathy to treat the whole person and stimulate the body to heal itself.
Dr Carla Boswell 70 Barnett Street, Gardens Tel: 021-465-2870 Cell: 072-056-7731
Naturopathic medicine has much to offer an asthma sufferer and can truly make a huge difference with some simple steps. Dr Benita Perch: Cape Health Centre 94 Regent Road, Sea Point. Tel: 021-433-1116 Email: drbenitaperch@gmail.com
Ponder a moment … Think deeply Speak gently Love much Laugh often Work hard Give freely Pay promptly 21
Be kind
Continued from page 18 Find out more about Mindfulness-Based Interventions at: www.mbct.co.za Sale of Essential Oils, Smudge Sticks, Herbs, Resins etc. www.michelewilliamsesoterics.co.za www.awakening-intuition.com Your Conscious Online Free Resource Centre, offering over 650 articles & Free Online Movies. Also included: Awareness Updates, Conscious Movie Events, Intuition Nature Group Walks. Open to all. FREE Weekly Intuition Newsletter – info@awakening-intuition.com www.beingwellbeing.com Therapies, workshops and blog www.naturalbeing.co.za Pranic Healing and Reiki for animals.
Transform your life on the Pathway to Ascension. Workshops presented by Jacqui Gilbert (Transvoice channel for the Ascended Masters) and Dr. Tertia Vogt (Clinical Hypnotherapist). Upcoming workshops: Cape Town: 12-13 March: ‘Evicting the victim’ Johannesburg: 19-20 March: Holotropic Breathwork Johannesburg: 5-6 March 2011: Releasing your anger Registration or enquiries: Jacqui@transformation.za.com or tvogt@mweb.co.za. 082-400-2329, 071-326-0200 www.stargateway.co.za
Abundance Yoga Centre – Claremont Discover your potential of abundant health and vitality. Bring strength and poise to the body, serenity and clarity to the mind and awareness to the soul. Offering beginner, intermeditate and pre-natal. Cynthia & Gary Fort 021-674-2497. Email abundanceyoga@telkomsa.net www.abundanceyoga.co.za Adi Shakti Yoga Centre in Camps Bay for Hatha Yoga Hatha Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Pre- and post natal & Hormone Yoga. 1, SHANKLIN CRESCENT, CAMPS BAY TEL. 082-808-4275 / 021-438-9667 dorlyv@webafrica.org.za / www.adishakti.co.za
Ante & Post Natal Yoga with Babies Gayle 082-958-4801 ASHTANGA AND HATHA – TOKAI Group or private tuition from home-based studio. 084-486-5444 / 021-713-4000. saskia@serenityyoga.co.za / www.serenityyoga.co.za Claremont Small yoga and relaxation classes in private studio. Marjolein 021-671-4068. mailto:marjogamble@gmail.com Durbanville – I am Yoga Studio Joyfully discover more about yourself through the journey of yoga in tranquil surroundings. Mareth 083-620-2857 or email marethc@telkomsa.net Durbanville Yoga Centre Morning and evening classes. All levels. Tel: 021-976-4947 Hatha Yoga – Marina da Gama Beginner / intermediate level. Small classes or individual tuition. Well-appointed home-based studio. Victoria 083-440-7346 or victoria@fearon.co.za Hatha Yoga Classes Teacher has 20 years experience. Constantia, Rondebosch, City Bowl, Harfield and Meadowridge. Yoga classes on CD also available. Contact Amber 021-696-3088 / 073-203-7617. www.hathayoga.co.za Integral Hatha and Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy Individual and group classes in the southern suburbs. Contact Jennifer on 082-822-5212. Kundalini yoga taught by Jai St. Josephs Adult Education Programme R350 for 8 weeks call Jai 021-685-1257 Oranjezicht Yoga Centre An innovative variety of yoga disciplines taught by a selection of teachers. Daily classes held mornings and evenings from this scenic venue. Holistic massage therapy also available. Tel Claudia 083-442-7261 / info@yogacentre.co.za / www.yogacentre.co.za WORLD’S VIEW YOGA CENTRE, SOMERSET WEST Domenique 021-851-3821 YOGA in NEW ENERGY Consciousness teaching. Learn to live in the NOW. Use the Power within to heal yourself. Contact Susi Da Rin 021-976-7121/ www.paradiseonearth.co.za
STELLAR Winery, South Africa’s largest producer of fine organic wines, processes just over 4500 tons of organic grapes for the South African and export markets. The grapes are drawn from farms straddling the northern boundary of the Olifant’s River wine region and Namaqualand. This is an area famous for its spring flowers and is also the only semi-arid Biosphere hotspot in the world. Situated in the Namaqualand hamlet of Trawal, STELLAR Winery is privately owned, with the workers having a 26% shareholding in the cellar and 50% in STELLAR Agri – a table and wine grape farming operation. Well-known for its innovative approach, STELLAR has achieved a number of “firsts” in the wine industry. It was the first organic winemaking operation in the world to gain the coveted Fairtrade certification and the first cellar in Africa to produce commercially viable no-sulphur-added wines. STELLAR has subsequently become the largest producer of these wines in the world and is the number one organic wine brand in the UK. The organic vineyards and winemaking process are fully certified by the internationally recognised Control Union Certifications, based in the Netherlands.
What are No-sulphur-added wines? These are wines produced without the addition of sulphur dioxide at any stage of the winemaking process.
Sulphur dioxide is one of the oldest known food additives and has been used in wine since ancient times when sulphur was burnt before sealing the wine in the barrels. It also develops naturally in wine as part of the fermentation process.
However it is also added as a preservative to prevent oxidation of the wine and at the grape-crushing stage as a cleansing agent to kill unwanted bacteria and wild yeasts.
Rabbi Arthur Seltzer, D.Phil.
What is Organic?
Organic refers to a system of farming that maintains and replenishes the fertility of the soil. The grapes are grown without the use of chemical pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, or fertilizers. Only compost and organic materials are used, with indigenous vegetation for mulching. Weeds and pests are controlled using environmentally sound practices that sustain the health of our planet and ultimately our own well being.
Zohar Text Study in English
In the cellar the maximum allowable quantity of sulphur dioxide is half that of the maximum permitted for conventional wines and certain chemicals are forbidden which is generally what contributes to most people’s misery, that is, those with allergies and intolerances.
Begins Monday 4 April
Tree of Life Healing and Magic Begins Sunday 3 April
LinkUp Western Cape Stellar Winery Competition:
Kabbalistic Astrology and Astral Magic Merkavah Studies
Win a gorgeous gift pack of organic wine from Stellar Winery. Question: Are all wines of Stellar Winery, organic and sulphur free? The first correct answer sms’d to: 33903 with the competition keyword: “007” with your name, address and contact numbers will win this lovely gift! Sms’ are charged at R1.50 per sms (incl. vat). Once off charge. No free minutes apply
For information and registration: 7A Blackheath Road, Kenilworth 7708 082 902 4981 • arthurjseltzer@gmail.com