Ozone helps if you are undergoing Chemo, have tumours, skin problems, digestive complaints or general tiredness. Ozone is a very effective pain reliever. NES body scanning has helped many ADD and ADHD children naturally. Phone to book a consultation on 082 496 5971 or e-mail: kym@ozoned.net or visit www.ozoned.net Constantia Wellness Centre, No 9 Constantia Rd, Wynberg
Health and Skin Care Facials: from R 160 Waxing: from R 30 Body Scrubs: from R 190 Massages: from R 130 Mani and Pedi: from R 80 Contact details: Business hours Monday to Friday 09h00 – 19h00 Saturday: 09h00 – 17h00 Sun and Public Holidays: by appointment 6 Glynnville Terrace, Gardens, Cape Town Tel: 021 461 9922 072 955 0054
Life Coaching / Life Balance Transform Your Life in 2 012 Do the Original Comprehensive Practitioner Certification in Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Life Coaching The NLP Practitioner Certification Training is an experiential, fun-filled and life transforming course which will enable you to fully understand and use the powerful technology of NLP in your own profession and work.
NLP is a proven technology for personal achievement that helps people to understand themselves and those around them more fully, in such a way as to achieve the most in personal growth and human potential.
NLP is the study of human excellence. It seeks to understand the natural processes of how great achievers use their minds to produce excellent results. Many managers and therapists, teachers and nurses, athletes and artists, and especially life coaches, all benefit from the technology NLP has to offer in their particular profession or passion.
The Cutting Edge Institute of NLP and Neuro-Semantics South Africa’s Longest Established NLP Training Institute, Empowering Coaches Since 1985. Registered with COMENSA
Jimmy Kyriacou 082 570 4483
Fiona Almeleh is a Course Facilitator, Public Speaker, Empathic Diviner, Intuitive Healer, Creative Colour and Art Therapist, Author and Artist based in Cape Town, South Africa Fiona and her work For over two decades, Fiona has facilitated and consulted with hundreds of clients both locally and from different parts of the world. She is highly regarded for her integrity and has established a reputation as a clear and compassionate Empathic Diviner and Intuitive Artist. She has run numerous workshops, designed, illustrated and authored several books. She has also been cited in many articles and publications, been an invited presenter on holistic programmes as well as interviewed and consulted for both radio and television. Training Fiona qualified as a fine and graphic artist in Natal in the 1970’s and turned to publishing and illustrating in the 80’s. From the early 90’s she trained as a Colour Therapist and honed her gift of Intuitive Healing. Currently her main area of specialist knowledge includes Empathic Divination and the Facilitation of an Integrated Self Awareness in others. This is a form of Life Coaching and a powerful tool for selfreflection which is available for individuals, couples and groups. Services offered Fiona offers a range of services including: • Individual and group facilitation specifically focused on shifting old paradigms and thought patterns. • Empathic Divination – Fiona is a Sensitive and translates the symbols and information held in the subtle energy fields for the purpose of giving clients greater insight into current situations. • Written articles and publications. • Film and radio interviews. • Personal development. • Creative breakthrough sessions and workshops. • Meditation • Higher Attunement to one’s Authentic Self
www.fionaalmeleh.com +2721(0) 83 599 8487
Cape Town Health – Sexuality – Spirituality
for multi-level Seminars and Associate Instructor Certification Training with UHT Faculty Coordinator Rentao Ravasio and African Instructor Team
24 September – 2 October 2011 Since time immemorial, human beings have questioned life and death, searching for answers concerning the origin of the universe and the cycles of nature. In this age, an increasing number of people want to know how to achieve a complete and harmonious health in body, mind and spirit. The Universal Healing Tao (UHT) is a practical system of techniques developed over thousands of years in the quest for answers to these questions. During this long period of time the practices were refined and tested by Taoist masters and millions of people. They lead to a deeper understanding and experience of the rhythms of our body and the universe. Brought to the west by Grandmaster Mantak Chia, the UHT is a practical system of self-development that enables the individual to complete the harmonious evolution of the physical, mental and spiritual planes leading to the achievement of spiritual independence. Through a series of meditative and internal energy exercises, the practitioner learns to increase physical energy, release tension, improve health, practice self-defence and gain the ability to heal oneself and others. The cultivation, transformation and conservation of sexual energy is essential for the work required in advanced Taoist practice. Mastery in this field of practice produces a deep sense of respect for all forms of life. For more details contact Sharon uht.africa@gmail.com
Alzheimer’s disease Hello to all our LinkUp Friends and fellow advertiser’s, We started this issue on a bit of sad note with the loss of a close family member, but despite, this we are still fighting the good fight and soldiering onward! This issue has an awesome NEW competition to win a workshop with RAWLean – the transformational lifestyle decision which has improved so many lives, in a healthy & positive way. We take an informative look at Alzheimer’s written by Dr Melissa Brown. Dr Carla Boswell discusses how to use Rejuvenating Herbs which I am sure we will all find most enlightening. If you love whales, go to page 11 and read all about what happens when a whale calf is born – written by Lorraine Martin. We just know you will enjoy it! Keep this in mind if you wish to spend a long weekend or vacation in God’s country – Witsand. Calving season is between the months of June to November. Out of whaling season is just as heavenly and you may even find a pansy shell or two. Our delighted competition winners for the honey: Guido Habets and Mrs Underwood – Congrats, enjoy your delicious honey. Then there is a new piece regarding a restaurant in the most beautiful part of our world – Witsand and all about this little gem that we found here: The Anchorage Restaurant – Bird’s eye view on the beach. THE whale nursery, with the Breede River mouth running into the sea at Witsand, (into San Sebastain Bay). Wishing you all happy times ahead and before you know it, it will be December….again.
Lindy Editor
ADVERTISING To advertise, please send adverts via email or fax. For classified adverts, specify a category and heading. We will respond with a quote. Payment is by deposit into the Link-Up bank account. All adverts payable in advance. N.B: While we do our best to accommodate our clients, placement promises are not guaranteed! 2011 ADVERTISING RATES Classifieds: R5.50 per word Noticeboard block ads: R120 each per issue Display ads: Minimum 300 dpi resolution Eighth page B&W R495 / Colour R572 Quarter page B&W R924 / Colour R1 045 Half page B&W R1 650 / Colour R1 870 Full page B&W R3 080 / Colour R3 520 Back cover – Colour R3 740 Artwork: R110 Minor artwork changes: R65 Website: Display ads ONLY (with graphics): 50% of total cost of display adverts in printed issue BANKING DETAILS Account name: Link-Up ABSA savings account: 9172 504 365 Branch code: 632 005 NB! Please reference the deposit with your name. CONTACT DETAILS Editor: Lindy Taylor Tel: 021-802 3824 Fax: 088-021-788-3824 E-mail: linkup@naturalhealth.co.za Website: www.naturalhealth.co.za Pinewood Park, Protea Road, Bergvliet, 7945
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is characterized by progressive mental deterioration, loss of memory and cognitive function as well as an inability to carry out activities of daily life. The frequency of Alzheimer’s disease rises with increasing age. Genetic factors do play a major role in the disease. Lifestyle factors include diets full of excess saturated or trans fatty acids which may predispose neurons to aluminum-induced toxicity, poor sleep hygiene, traumatic head injuries as well as increased homocysteine levels which have shown to be an independent risk factor for dementia and AD. Prevention can be targeted in 2 ways: address pathophysiology and diet. Focus on a Mediterranean diet, whole foods, fish oils, antioxidants (Vits A,C,E), B vitamins (B1, B12 ), Zinc and Phosphatidylserine which is a major lipid of the brain. Ginkgo biloba has shown in the early stages of AD to help delay mental deterioration. It would be best to see your practitioner for proper prescription of herbal medication. This illness also takes it toll on the family and loved ones of the sufferer. If your spouse or close family member suffers from AD, joining a support group and gaining understanding of the disease and how best to care for your loved one will be invaluable. Support for the person doing the caring is crucial. Contact details for support groups: Western Cape: 0860 102 681. Email: info@alzheimers.org.za Link : http://www.alzheimers.org.za/AboutAlz/ Early/homes
Dr. Melissa Brown, Naturopath www.melincaclinic.co.za 072-549-4938
DISTRIBUTION AND SUBSCRIPTIONS Link-Up Western Cape is published every 2nd month. It is a free publication. 10 000 copies are printed and distributed. Please contact us to become a distributor or subscriber. Subscriptions cost R75 per year. DEADLINES 5 October – November/December 2011 issue 23 November – January/February 2012 issue BUSINESS PARTNERS Front cover design by Dylane Lindsay Balcarres House Graphics W: 021 794 7440 E-mail: balcarres@mweb.co.za Internal layout by Lee-ann Harris of Purple Design Cell: 072-274-2111 Email: lee-ann@purpledesign.co.za Printing by Onyx Press Cheryl Graney: Tel 021-591-5857 Email: info@onyxpress.co.za Contributors Dr Melissa Brown – Naturopath Dr Carla Boswell – Herbal doctor Fiona Almeleh – Intuitive and Healer Wildepardekloof – Van Zyl Family – Honey Giftpacks Nico Opperman – Photo’s of Black Oyster Catcher & Eggs Lorraine Martin – Barry’s Accommodation, Witsand Thomas and Ronelle & Team – The Anchorage Beach Restaurant and bar, Witsand Rolene Sher – RAWLean Kim Loong – Classical Chinese Health Jasmine Grindlay – Hypnotherapy Trainer, NLP Practitioner and Human Behaviourist Facilitator Journey Work – Shifa Salih Distributors Fred of Fs delivery services Cell: 078 290 0527 E-mail: fsdeliveryservices@gmail.com G.P.O. of South Africa – Cape Mail
All advertisements have been accepted in good faith. Ideas and opinions advertised are not necessarily those of the publishers or staff.
Coming Events
A Course in Self Mastery through Auto Hypnosis – 22 October 2011. This full Saturday workshop is a valuable investment for ANYONE who wishes to take control of their life, experience powerful ways for transformation and it serves as the entry level course to develop your skills towards a qualification as a CERTIFIED HYPNOTHERAPIST. The S.A. Institute of Hypnotism offers international certification since 1998. www.hypnotherapy.co.za / info@hypnotherapy.co.za Tel: 0861-102-318 A SOUL MATE WORKSHOP A 9-part workshop to bring you the love you’ve always wanted. Starts 18 Oct. For info email: avril@avriljason.za.net. Visit www.avriljason.za.net. A Temenos retreat, McGregor – ‘Sing, Pray, Love’ 18 – 20 November. Information Harold 021-465-6087. AFRICA SEXUALITY & CONSCIOUSNESS ‘CONFERENCE’ & ‘EVENTS’ – Cape Town: (26 – 27 Nov) ENERGETIC ORGASM WORKSHOP. In this ground-breaking 2-day workshop you will have a unique opportunity to learn this powerful energetic skill. Running for the first time in South Africa, this is a workshop not to be missed. (2 – 4 Dec) CONFERENCE: CALLING ALL PRESENTERS & SEEKERS with a common Intention to share knowledge and wisdom – an invaluable opportunity for all who work with or wish to work with or explore sexuality & consciousness. (5 -11 Dec) SACRED SEXUAL HEALERS, TANTRA TEACHERS, PRACTITIONERS & SEEKERS TRAINING. A week-long intensive training to enhance your sacred sexual healing, emotional release and shamanic practices. FOR more information to present and/or attend the conference and/or attend the workshops, email templesacredarts@gmail.com or see http://schooloftemplearts.org/africa Applied Feng Shui Are you an architect, artist, creative builder, interior designer, decorator or garden expert – perhaps you’re renovating, creating a new home or cosy apartment, a one room studio, downsizing, or simply cocooning and want to learn how to incorporate The Principles of Feng Shui into your project? Our Programme includes: * Teaching: Class instructions in the Principles of Feng Shui * Demonstration: Site visits to observe ‘Good & Bad Feng Shui’ * Coaching: Process of Implementation. Students select
QUANTUM-TOUCH® WORKSHOPS Level I QT Workshop: 17 – 18 September 2011 A scientific breakthrough in hands-on healing. Visibly aligns skeletal bones, dissolves chronic pain, relaxes tense muscles, clears energy blockages, works well for self-healing, humans, animals and plants alike. Strengthens Immune function & Accelerates Healing. Cost: R1,720 notes & cert. Incl./R220 Early Bird Discount. Advanced Level II QT Workshop: 1 – 2 October 2011 Discover a new way to run energy, New professional skills & Applications, Healing trauma, Open to greater abilities, Intuition, Love and Wisdom, Amazing new chakra discoveries, Use Energy with the Law of Attraction, Explore and enter the new Healing Paradigm. Level I Workshops – book with Johanne Werth, Certified Level I & Advanced Level II Instructor at 021 987 2605 / 072 576 5002 werth1@telkomsa.net www:quantumtouch-capetown.co.za Book Advanced Level II Workshops on-line at www.quantumtouch.com, or with Johanne. Healing Sessions offered: Quantum-Touch®, Footology, Reconnective & Personal Reconnections
their own project and will be individually coached applying The Principles of Feng Shui For further details on a personalized coaching programme contact: Margaret Tanner, Certified Feng Shui Practitioner & Interior Designer, 021-790-4678 / 073-158-3577 / email:tanner@iafrica.com Bi-monthly, one day Retreats for Women. Cultivating a state of inner tranquility Tel Jill Fisher: 028 315-2993 jill@whalemail.co.za BLUEPRINT4CREATION SACRED GEOMETRY & NUMEROLOGY WORKSHOPS by Rosalind Pape. CAPE TOWN Sept 24+25, Oct 29+30. roz@blueprint4creation.com www.blueprint4creation.com 079-049-4304 CranioSacral Therapy (CST) Training CST is a profound hands-on therapy, which evaluates and facilitates flow in the CranioSacral system – a whole body network essential for interlinking and maintaining health. Introduction weekend 14 & 15 October 2011. Full diploma training starts 2012. Call Sharon 021-685-5353 or email: integralhealth@intekom.co.za Crystal Wisdom Crystal Workshops phone Wilhemina for dates & venue. Explore a wonderful world of crystals, minerals, gemstones and jewellery. Interesting variety for collectors, healers and therapists. Durbanville. 021-976-7843. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Experience and learn a simple, effective routine to deal with stress and personal issues without tears. Ph Marion 021-696-5857. Family Constellations NOW IN CITY BOWL Evening Workshops Contact Helen & Claudio Celestino 021-785-7071 / 083-656-2580 Lana Ackerman, accredited EFT trainer, will be teaching in Cape Town! EFT brings remarkable and lasting changes to people’s lives. These courses are for lay people wanting to deal with negative emotions and practitioners wanting a quick, effective technique. Level 1 Friday 10 September 2011 Level 2 Saturday, Sunday 11th-12th September Level 3 Friday, Saturday, Sunday 16-18 September For more information contact: www.emotionalfreedomtherapy.co.za Marion 021-696-5857 Nia & Yoga Getaway at The Blue Butterfly – Tulbagh 9 – 13 September 2012 As Spring approaches join us as we spend time in the countryside unfolding, relaxing & rejuvenating ourselves through the practice of Nia and Yoga. A two night experience to give you a taste of ‘Unfolding into Spring’ and finding some fresh starting points for your mind, body and soul. R1500 incl accom, daily breakfast, nia, yoga, 1 dinner & workshop. Call Jill 082-775-0198 or Rene 076-815-6664 UNIVERSAL HEALING TAO (UHT) TRAININGS 24 Sept – 2 Oct 2011: Cape Town Achieve your full potential for health & harmony in body, mind and spirit. Developed by the Grand Master Mantak Chia. UHT is a practical system of techniques developed over thousands of years in the quest for a deeper understanding of the nature and energy of life. Email: Sharon uht.africa@gmail.com
The Way of Art in Bantry Bay Expand your consciouness through the exciting world of line, form and colour. Hilary 021-439-7756 / 076-421-4255. www.dinky-bloc.com www.hilarymaraney.com
Peace and quiet in beautiful Greyton. Zebra Moon, affordable self catering accommodation for individuals, groups and families. www.zebramoon.co.za Janet: 072-626-7052 or 028-254-9039
Arts and Crafts
ASTROLOGY Discover your potential, what life promises you and when it is likely to happen. Birth Chart analysis or annual forecasts using time tested Traditional Astrology. Call Gregory Joffe (Dip.Astr.) 084-364-8466 or e-mail: greg@evolutionart.co.za. Astrology for self knowledge, career guidance, understanding relationships children’s charts, business ventures and more. Gift certificates. Heather Koutny Dip. Astro-Psychology 078-079-0200 or 021-447-1012 (leave a message). Cape Astrology Association www.caa.org.za Meets 3rd Thursday of month @ 6pm for 7pm – iKhaya Lodge, Dunkley Square, Gardens. Visitors R30, Membership R250pa. Call 082-579-1351 or info@caa.org.za
‘Inner discovery through art’ Courses,groups & private sessions. Dru White O21-674-O899 www.bridgingpolarities.co.za Art for Adults Creativity and technical competance can be accessed at any age. Small, non-competitive painting and drawing classes in garden studio. Est. 1990 Phone Val at 021-761-7732. www.valgreen.com Explore the link between creativity and consciousness In fun and easy art classes in my garden studio in little Mowbray. I am an ASTAR trained facilitator (Awakening spirit through Art). Contact me, Hayley, on 084-444-7903 or 021-686-6455 or email me at hayley@liquidstudio.co.za Exploring basic techniques and mixed media focusing on a process towards developing art-making skills, at your own pace. Contact: Natasja de Wet: 083472-8368 natasjadewet@mweb.co.za INTUITIVE ART Allow your inner being to speak to you through intuitive exploration with colour. You already have the knowing within, I will help you to bring that knowing into the world. No art experience required. Contact Nina at 082-447-5378
Books, Magazines, Tapes, CDs & DVD’s FREE E-Books / MP 3 Recordings:- by MURDO MACDONALD-BAYNE (Beyond The Himalayas; The Yoga Of The Christ; Life & Teaching of The Masters of the Far East) Books for sale:- I Am the Life, The Higher power You Can Use Divine Healing of Mind & Body Original Text Lectures Volumes 1 to 12 082-559-7759 / bzena@absamail.co.za
Business Opportunities
Business to take over/rent/buy. Existing health practice, large clientelle base.......17 years as a very busy, thriving, successful practice. I have a very busy colon hydrotherapy practice, using the british gravity system......practice is in an existing heath practice, with 7 other health practioners. Please contact Nola if you are interested: 072-249-5786.
Counsellor DipC (Inst NH) Adoption, Infertility, Relationships, Stress, Anger, Loss, Teenagers, Work, Family and more. Call: 083-325-6034 Email: terril@mweb.co.za
Doctors of Natural Medicine
Dr Carla Boswell Plant remedies, nutritional and lifestyle counselling. 021-465-2870 / 072-056-7731 70 Barnet Street, Gardens. Dr Yesheen Singh (MBChB, MBA) GP, Functional Medicine 47 Dreyersdal Rd, Bergvliet 076-229-4662 / www.healthnation.co.za
For Sale – General
Fynbos Honey for sale: Phone: 076-905-9476 Free standing Far Infrared Sauna Cabin (seats two). Health benefits. Perfect condition. Personal/professional use. Kim 072-286-2691 / kimkulenkampff@hotmail.com. MASSAGE BED – TEAL COLOUR PORTABLE WITH HEAD PIECE AND LINED CARRIER BAG – AS NEW – R1600.00 ONO – ANNETTE – 082-375-5693 – TABLEVIEW. PORTABLE MASSAGE BED R1700 Contact: 072-262-3168 Posters & Charts & Spiritual Books Anatomy, reflexology: foot/ hand/ face/ head/ ear, aromatherapy, chakra, shiatzu, meridian / acupuncture, acid – alkaline food-combining, iridology, colour-healing, herb. 082-937-1957.
General Services
Call-out Crew Quality handyman and Maintenance services. We cover all aspects of home services. Using envirofriendly materials where possible. Stephen White 021-461-8303 cell: 082-077-3070 Classical Guitarist available for private functions. tel: 072-685-4679 Divorce Lawyer RENETTE RAUCH ATTORNEYS offer holistic, integrated divorces with a heavy emphasis on settling matters in a way that is fair to both parties. We believe that every party to a divorce inherently knows what is fair and we guide them to act from this place, and not from their emotions, which often fuel them to fight protracted, unkind and expensive battles about right and wrong. We also handle property transfers, Wills and Deceased Estates. Please contact us on renette.rauch@attorneys.law.za or phone us on 021-418-1337/8. Excellent Carer Available Immediately – Cecilia Caring for the elderly or infirm. Home-based caring. Caring Certificate. Experience with strokes, cancer and Alzheimer’s. Good references. Cell: 084-730-8668 or 021-705-6316
Lawyer Want an alternative? I run a home-based practice providing high quality, affordable legal advice and personal assistance with Conveyancing, Contracts, Mediation, Wills and Estates. I am able to see clients in their home, if necessary. Contact Rhiannon Thomas on 021-671-5454 / 083-949-1590 / rta@iburst.co.za. For more information see: www.rtattorneys.co.za. Organic-Spaces A personalised service for carpentry – decks ,built-ins, furniture and specialized projects using eco-friendly products and materials. Contact Stephen White on 021-461-8303 cell 082-077-3070 and organicspaces.co.za
Email: naturecure@imaginet.co.za Website: www.stfrancishealthcentre.co.za Soul Song – A new private quiet place for connecting and healing in Tamboerskloof We are a group of professional counsellors, coaches and healers with the intention to creating a space for healing and connection with the outer and the inner world through compassion and empathy in times of crisis and life transitions. We offer counseling, spiritual counseling, coaching, massage, cranio- sacral therapy, hypnotherapy, reflexology, energy work and readings, family constellations and short music journeys. Please phone Anja on 073-761-5555 for appointments and information.
Health & Fitness
Health Products
Alexander Technique Visit www.alexandertechnique.org.za for info and a list of teachers in your area or phone 072-596-1083 or 021-671-2156. Golden Tai Chi – for Seniors Tuesday, Thursday mornings Rondebosch & Milnerton. Monday afternoons Pinelands. Vikki 082-342-3240. NO MO YO-YO: Life coaching support to master life long weight-challenges. Forever cutting calories and/or following exercise programs? Are you fed up with always gaining back the weight you have lost? For healthy long term weight-management, learn valuable skills to take control of emotional, mental and spiritual issues which often undermine weightmanagement. Workshops and individual coaching. Contact Lorraine: Life Coach and Weight-Management Consultant. 021-761-2479 or 084-661-2479 website: www.focusonmeaning.co.za Nutritional Analysis Using the Karnak Sensor Work out your optimum nutrition. Stress/Burnout recovery program Insulin Resistance/weight issues Menopause/hormonal Allergies & Food Intolerances 10 day Medical Detox Vegan/vegetarian diets DR HULDA CLARK CLEANSES & ZAPPERS AVAILABLE Lynne – Natural Health & Nutritional Consultant 078-787-9387 lynne@livingnetwork.co.za www.livingnetwork.co.za/lynne RUN WALK FOR LIFE Newlands am/ Newlands pm/ Milnerton pm Lose weight, Get fit, De-stress, Have Fun. Contact Naomi: cn_williams@telkomsa.net or 082-762-8984 www.runwalkforlife.co.za
A Gift Of Health A REFLEX-O-BOARD improves health and lessens stress naturally by harnessing the power of Reflexology in the safety and convenience of your own home. Enquiries to Geoff: gharris@xsinet.co.za / 082-964-1721 / www.healthyalternatives.yolasite.com African Tree Essences Enhancing Emotional Harmony & Unity of Being www.africantreeessences.co.za / 082-411-0448 CRYSTAL & HIMALAYAN SINGING BOWLS, TUNING FORKS, HARMONIC TUNER, GONGS & TIBETAN BELLS. Lindi te Water 021-797-7731. www.healingsounds.co.za ENVIRON SKIN CARE Environ skin care products. Free consultations and deliveries to Helderberg area. Regular specials available. Contact Carol 083-410-1306 carolstuart@mweb.co.za Fynbos Honey for sale: Phone: 076-905-9476 Pendulums / Dowsing Rods For sale. Cel: 084-522-3700 www.herb-hair.co.za For promotion & maintaining healthy hair growth. www.herb-coat.co.za A solution for healthy Pet’s Coats Tel: 021-982-0979
Health Shops
Health Connection Wholefoods Bergvliet, 09h00-17h30 Shop 4 Harry Goeman Centre, 151 Main Road, Tel: 021-715-6697 Health Connection Wholefoods Fish Hoek, 09h00-17h30 Shop 10, Valyland Centre, Tel: 021-782-4012 Health Matters For healthy goodies and healthy advice. Sea Point Medical Centre Arcade. Tel. 021-434-5490. The Health Path Hout Bay, 08h30-17h00 41 Victoria Ave, Hout Bay, Tel: 021-790-5231
Health and Healing
Health Nation Functional Medicine, GP, Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching 47 Dreyersdal Rd, Bergvliet 076-229-4662 www.healthnation.co.za Holistic Health Centre: We offer the ultimate in relaxation, stress relief, weight control and natural healing. Book in for the recommended 6 or 10 day stay in our single or double rooms, en suite. Vegetarian Detoxification diet and a wide range of therapies. St Francis Health Centre, Port Alfred. Tel: 046-625-0927 / 076-832-8669 Fax: 046-625-0953.
Homeopath Dr Sandra Smit: 084-700-0690. Stellenbosch.
Hypnosis 9
Therapy room in Tableview. For professionals only, daily/weekly rates available. Contact: claudia@mindworksa.com 082-676-7919
We offer the possibility to practice and participate Constellation House is filled the ideal from a unique setting of spaces that are with venue for facilitators, colour, love and attention detail. therapists and healthtopractitioners to practice in a tranquil
working environment that honours different processes
As a facilitator/therapist or health practitioner according to uniqueyou personal needs. have the option to rent on a monthly, weekly or daily basis in either the therapy rooms which are Constellation House consists of two studios for group useful for individual settings processing sessions and training of up to 25 people OR and three one-on-one therapy rooms available daily You have the choice between 2 bigger spaces and on weekends. (allowing for 15-25 people) on a daily or weekend basis for group process settings.
Constellation House is also available for exclusive team-building seminars, To get a feel for the varioussessions, spaces, please go to workshops, gatherings, events and executive meetings, where all spaces, or part www.constellationhouse.co.za and click onthereof, Spaces. are available to rent. You can contact Andrea Brand on andrea@ For detailed information on the various spaces go to constellationhouse.co.za or www.constellationhouse.co.za or contact Lara Butters at on (021) 6898107 for bookings.
lara@constellationhouse.co.za or (021) 689 8107
Pranic Healing
We are very happy to inform you about the Pranic Healing courses that will be offered in September 2011 in Cape Town. Senior Certified Pranic Healer and Certified Instructor coming to Cape Town to teach Pranic Healing. Location: Salt River
PRANIC HEALING has been taught to doctors, nurses, massage therapists, acupuncturists, chiropractors, shiatsu practitioners, and many others in the healing field. These professionals find PRANIC HEALING very effective and easy to apply. Pranic Healing is a non-touch energy healing. In the Basic Course you will learn the basics of working with your energy aura, including learning to: • “Scan,” or feel the energy, “sweep,” or clean away congested energy, and “energize,” or supplement areas in the aura that have a pranic deficiency. • Work with the network of chakras, meridians and auras to accelerate the healing processes of your body • Remove the negative energetic patterns of a disease • Step-by-step techniques for ailments related to the respiratory system, gastro-intestinal system, musculo-skeletal system, reproductive system, and common problems as migraines, burns, pain and sinusitis.
Basic Course 10 and 11 September 2011 both days from 09.00-17.00 hrs Advanced Course 17 and 18 September 2011 both days from 09.00-17.00 hrs Pranic Crystal Healing Course 13 and 14 September 2011 19.00-22.00 hrs St Mark’s Church, District Six
• Additionally, you’ll learn to apply distant healing and self-healing. During the course you will actually performing the techniques and exercises in clas – on yourself and those around you. PRANIC HEALING Level 1 is a prerequisite to all other courses. What you will learn on the Advanced Course: In this course you will learn to use colour for rapid healing results for severe and persistent ailments. By using the latest in Energy Healing Technology, it enables a student to get extraordinary healing results after doing this training. Pranic Healing is not meant to replace orthodox medicine but to complement it.
Our trainer: Sumi Lazar is a Senior Certified Pranic Healer and Certified Instructor. She has an MPhil in Counselling Psychology and did her Bachelor’s degree in Commerce from the Mount Carmel College. She has been involved with Pranic Healing since 1995 and teaching since 1996. She is presently the General Manager of the MCKS Trust Fund, India. She is one of Master Choa’s senior students, and accompanied him on his trips to India and various trips abroad. She travels teaching the Higher Courses in India, the Middle East and parts of Africa. She is currently one of the few people in the world authorized to teach Arhatic Yoga by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui.
For more information please contact Ellaine: 021-762 8633 or via email: pranichealingwp@kingsley.co.za www.pranichealing.org.za In each course you will receive a book with many protocols to heal ailments, a meditation CD, a simple lunch, coffees and teas. Costs for each course is R2 000. Crystal course R2 200. Early Bird special R1 800 per course.
WITNESS THE BIRTH OF A WHALE CALF IN WITSAND Witsand is officially known as “THE” Whale Nursery of South Africa. This name indicates that we have the largest concentration of Southern Right Whale calves born in our Nursery every year on the SA coastline. Stats from 1998 available on request. The largest amount was during the 2006 season when 69 calves were born and a total of 165 whales & calves were counted. San Sebastian Bay offers sheltered conditions for this important annual activity. No boat based whale watching licence has been issued to any skipper, so all our viewing is from different land based lookout points. Process to watch for: 1. If you see seagulls circling over the sea, don’t move or look away. They know what is about to happen. 2. The Mommy whale comes in close to just beyond the breakers, when she knows it is time to calve. She is accompanied by another adult whale, which is often a “male midwife.” 3. As she starts the birth process, you can see the water being twirled around fiercely by her tail. There is also evidence of blood in the water. 4. As the calf is born, normally whitish, the midwife pushes the 5-6 meter calf to the surface for its first breath of air. (Probably to have the same effect as humans when they get a smack on the bum). 5. The midwife then guides the calf onto the Mom’s teat, for its first meal of approx. 200 litres of Moms healthy milk. 6. Once the calf is satisfied, and detaches from the teat, the midwife guides the calf a short distance away from the Mom. 7. Mom then goes through the final stage of giving birth by passing the afterbirth. 8. Once this birth process is over, the seagulls start diving for the feast. What a sight! 9. Mom and calf are then reunited, and the midwife moves on to the next Mom that needs assistance. 10. Mom and calf will stay swimming just beyond the breakers for the first 2 weeks, and then move into deeper water as the calf gets stronger. Mom and calf will hang around in the Nursery, until about the last week of Nov or first week in Dec. Once the calf is strong enough to tackle the journey south, to the 40th parallel, and feeding grounds, they will depart. The main whale diet is krill and small crustacheans (planktons) which are not found in our waters. Mom sustains herself and her calf, for the duration of her stay, and feeds her calf 400500 litres of milk per day. Compliments of Lorraine Martin of Barry’s Accommodation: Although it is primarily known for its multitude of whales from June to November, there is much to keep one entertained during the summer months. With stunning beaches, some of the best estuary fishing in the country, the Langeberg Mountains providing a beautiful backdrop and an unhurried peaceful ambiance, Witsand is well worth a visit. whales@witsand.co.za +27 (0)28 537 1717 We would love to share this experience with any clients wishing to see it. Stay with us at BARRY’s Holiday Accommodation for 2 nights, and get a free tour.
Hearth & Soul Eco-farm Beautiful new residential retreat venue in Overberg. Ideal for hosting workshops or group getaways. 140m2 function hall. Sleeps 25. sybille@icon.co.za • (02834) 10513 or 082 774 5576 hearthsoul.wordpress.com
The Anchorage Beach Restaurant & Bar
To begin with, this restaurant has an unsurpassed view. Sit inside next to the fireplace in winter or outside on the sundeck in summer, to watch the river mouth running into the sea AND watch whales being born. This is an experience one has to experience oneself to understand the beauty and serenity of San Sebastian Bay, and therefore, Witsand – the official nursery of the Southern Right Whale. Hosts Thomas – (budding amateur photographer) and wife Ronelle, are a wonderful couple who have been running the restaurant for approximately two years. When you mix a little Italian with a little Mexican you, have got the best taste experience you can possibly imagine. All their staff are helpful and friendly! The interior is very much like your typical beach house with a separate pub. Clean and neat as a pin. They offer an extensive menu, even something for someone “on the run”. • Bumper Breakfasts • Luscious lunches – A wide variety, even vegetarian meals • Fresh, Succulent Seafood – Melt in the mouth calamari • Stunning steaks – Thick, juicy and straight from the farm • Full liquor license – Try the “Decadent Don Pedro” • Scrumptious Desserts – You have to try the Hot Mud Pie • Take-aways are also available They have thought of everything. All in all, a most delightful and delicious experience with very reasonable prices and excellent food. Their motto: “GOOD FOOD TAKES LONGER TO PREPARE” and they live up to their motto! Thank you to the team, hope to see you soon. Editor @ LinkUp.
Somerset West. More info: 021-685-3428 www.meditateincapetown.org Vipassana Meditation As taught by SN Goenka. Vipassana is a technique of meditation which is taught in ten-day residential courses. It is a systematic way of developing insight and can be practiced by anyone. The next 10-day course will be held in Worcester, 28 Sept – 9 October, 2011. There are no charges for the courses. Donations are accepted from those who, having benefited, wish to contribute for future students. Phone: 023-347-5446, fax 023-347-5411, E-Mail: info@pataka.dhamma.org www.pataka.dhamma.org www.dhamma.org
Complementary Health Practitioners Professional Indemnity Insurance Cover. This cover has now become available to virtually all complementary health practitioners at a rate of R1006.50 per year for R1 000 000 of professional indemnity cover. R2 000 000 cover is also available at R1270.50 per year. Chiropractors, acupuncturists, moxibustion, etc., rates are available on request. Please contact Maxleigh Derman on 021-556-5354 (office hours only).
Life Coaches
Remo Belluco Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching. 47 Dreyersdal Rd, Bergvliet. 076-229-4662 www.healthnation.co.za
Songs and Dances of Universal Peace. Information: Harold 021-465-6087.
Markets & Festivals
Holistic Lifestyle Fair Live consciously, live well. 10am-4pm, first Sunday every month, Observatory Recreation Centre. Next fairs: 4 Sept, 2 Oct, 6 Nov, 4 & 18 Dec (Xmas Fair). Info 021-788-8088. www.holisticlifestylefair.yolasite.com
Ongoing Groups/Meetings
Artists Way Workshop. Join me on a 14 week journey through Julia Cameron’s book ‘The Artists Way’. This course is a tool for increased self awareness, growth and creativity. You will have the opportunity to discover and unblock your creative self within a safe group environment. Date: ongoing Time: one morning or evening per week. Contact Nina 082-447-5378 Cape Town Study Group of Aquarian Foundation Teachings Church of tomorrow here today established in 1955. Spiritual Healing services are held every Wednesday at 7pm; Sunday morning worship services at 11am. Spiritual psychic demonstrations every Sunday. Suite 215 Rheede Centre, Rheede Street, Gardens, Cape Town. Tel: Rev Karen Barensché 021-531-5737 / 082-461-1418 Cape Town Tarot Association Offers monthly meetings, Readers’ mentorship programme, Beginners’ basic instruction, networking / trading opportunities for all Tarot fans/students/readers/ teachers/deck collectors. Join, and help build Cape Town’s growing Tarot community! Details: http:// capetowntarotassociation.weebly.com/ or phone: Hanette 083-461-9196 / nyassa@telkomsa.net. Centre of Spiritual Philosophy Sylvia Katz 021-439-6005. Weekly meetings /meditations. Explore Intuition Through Nature – Sunday Walks Are you looking to calm the soul & rejuvenate the Body or would like to meet like minded people who share similar soulful interests? Sunday walks around Table Mountain. Regular group away weekends held. Call Iain 072-3272840 / 021-462-6755 or subscribe walk update listing on info@awakening-intuition.com / www.intuitionwalks.com
Martial Arts
International Tai Chi Society The oldest Tai Chi School in South Africa. Yang style Tai Chi Chuan. Various forms including qigong. Classes in City Centre, Milnerton, Edgemead and now in Rondebosch & Durbanville. Contact: Renate 083-336-6191. Tai Chi Classes & Private Lessons, Northern Suburbs, 021-976-0003, www.tai-chi.co.za
Indian Head & Hot Stone Massage www.innerpeacehealing.co.za Robyn 083-309-6092 Indian Head Massage Rejuvenating massage of head, neck & shoulders. Heather Gaspar: 021-762-9779 Massage – Claremont For the perfect destress massage using precious essential oils – call Yvonne 021-762-3369 / 082-453-3933 Osho Rebalancing Bodywork www.innerpeacehealing.co.za Robyn 083-309-6092
Meditation classes with Buddhist monk Gen Pagpa and other Kadampa Buddhist teachers. All welcome! Regular classes for developing inner peace: Meadowridge, Milnerton, Rondebosch, Simon’s Town,
For more information or to find an AHPC(SA) registered therapist call 076 549 7753 or write to info@mtasa.co.za or visit www.mtasa.co.za
Sufi Movement Universal worship services, stressing the unity of all religious ideals, held every second and fourth Sundays of the month at 10-30am. At the Sufi Temple, 183 Campground Road, Newlands (via Mariendahl Road and Kinkleway). For further info, tel. 021-671-8807.
Aura Balancing Tandem Chakra Healing by husband and wife team. Chord cutting, Chakra Diagnosis & Psychic Activation. Franklin: 078-834-3641 BODY MIND BALANCE Intuitive Therapeutic Massage. Experience total relaxation using Gentle Massage Techniques. Combining Acupressure & Essential Oils to connect Body Soul & Spirit. Cape Town & Paarl Contact Wanda: 072-336-8518 / www.lightwise.co.za BODYTALK Your body knows how to heal itself – it just needs to remember how. Let BodyTalk help balance YOU. Emma Williams: (Cell) 082-826-6551 www. emmajanewilliams.com BodyTalk A groundbreaking form of alternative healthcare which is simple, safe and effective. Benefit from longlasting, ongoing improvements in health rather than short term symptomatic relief. Helen Crowther, Hout Bay: 083-379-1254. BODYTALK Inga Jackson 021-715-3689. Buteyko – proven method reduces reliance on chronic asthma, sleep apnoea, allergy medication. Melody Mitchell 083-494-0661. www.buteyko.co.za Chirology/Palmistry/Hand Reading Private consultations. Practitioner Training Course. Superb Home Study Course (new!) Entertaining talks. Published books. Jennifer Hirsch. Bergvliet. 021-712-2628 or 082-415-0653 jen@cheiro.co.za / www.cheiro.co.za
Parenting/Child Care
Children’s Yoga Private tuition available from 5 yrs of age and upwards. Classes are fun, creative and grounding, developing strength and flexibility, building confidence and selfesteem. Angie 084-991-4947 / ac_lawson@yahoo.com.
Reflexologist (AHPCSA Registered) Michele de Brabander 083-333-4314 A choice of Body Balancing Techniques Balance your body / Revitalise your Being! Bowen Technique / Gentle Lymph Drainage Massage / Reiki / Intuitive Body Balancing or Traditional African Healing. Ren Redgrave (Sangoma) Cell: 082-750-3845 Alexander Technique Visit www.alexandertechnique.org.za for info and a list of teachers in your area or phone 072-596-1083 or 021-671-2156. Angel Hands Experience a deeply relaxing and healing massage treatment incorporating reiki and energy balancing. Contact Carol T: 083-293-5415 / 021-671-4531
FRANK ARJAVA PETTER world renowned Reiki teacher, author, and Vice Representative of the Jikiden Reiki Institute Japan BLOEMFONTEIN 15-19 October SHODEN & OKUDEN LEVELS (I & II) CONTACT: Susan van Heerden 083 262 0833
A BOUQUET OF HEALING Reiki, Pranic Healing, Sole Reflexology Biofield Healing, Body Processing & More! Lesley Nott Manim 021 797 8497; 082 920 4387
Notice board
Stella Seaspirit Embrace your Witchiness Bring to light the sparkle in your soul www.stellaseaspirit.co.za
FINDING YOUR OWN VOICE Highly qualified voice, acting, dialogue coach. 36 years experience in professional theatre and private individual tutoring. Lesley Nott Manim O21 797 8497; 082 920 4387
Professional Pet Sitter Southern Peninsula. Specialising in all types of pets. Kim Knight, Licensed Pet Sitter www.home-sitters.com Tel: +27-021-709-0671 Cell: +27-79-936-6459 Free Quotes & Interviews!
Consultations and courses Internationally qualified Feng Shui Master Practitioner GLYNIS DINSDALE 083 456 8238 glyndins@netactive.co.za ANGELWAYS Spiritual School Angel Readings & Courses – Mediumship/Angel Practitioner/ Psychic Development Glynis Dinsdale Angel Practitioner/Medium (certified by Doreen Virtue PhD(R) www.angelways.co.za 083 456 8238/ glyndins@netactive.co.za
Hatha Yoga Milnerton & Sunningdale Feel fitter, be more energetic, happier & peaceful Contact Jennifer: 083-461-6668
For treatments to rebalance, relax and revitalise body, mind & spirit Osho Rebalancing Bodywork Massage & Energy Healing www.innerpeacehealing.co.za Robyn 083-309-6092 Hout Bay
‘Time Out’ to soothe the Soul Walk the Labyrinth and have a Reflexolgy/Massage treatment. In tranquil Fisherhaven Call Jill Fisher: 028-315-2993
PODIATRIST – Chiropodist West Beach Corns, Calluses / Fungal / Ingrown Toenails, Sore Heels, Diabetic Care & Foot problems. Tel: 021-554-3344 or Jannice: 082-261-1790
Your body knows how to heal itself – it just needs to remember how. Let BodyTalk help balance YOU. Emma Williams: (Cell) 082-826-6551 www.emmajanewilliams.com
Ayurveda therapist specialising in shirodara. Saskia, cell 083-455-5315 e-mail: saski@mweb.co.za. Helderberg
Tera-Mai Seichem/Reiki Master Practitioner working on all 4 body levels. Saskia, 083-455-5315 e-mail: saski@mweb.co.za. Helderberg
Life Skills Mentoring & Coaching plus Louise Hay ‘You Can Heal Your Life.’ Rose Polkey 021 789 2064 / 083 400 2349 Read my BLOG for more. http://www.rosepolkey.co.za
Brand new Rife Machine for Sale GB-4000 Sweep/Function Generator with Aplifier imported from Utah. For more information, please contact Lee at 083 406 5901 or email: leescottphys@yahoo.com
Transforming Fear & Anxiety
Serve people’s soul by being a yoga teacher. Learn more for yourself. International certification Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training, as taught by Yogi Bhajan commences again in March 2012. Info: pritam.khalsa@gmail.com
Popular 6-week course for stress and chronic anxiety. Free intro talk 13 Sept, Cape Town. www.transformingfear.co.za
Photo’s compliments of Nico Opperman of Pearly Beach
AYURVEDA Add years to your life, and life to your years
n Ayurvedic head and body oleation massage therapies by skilled ayurvedic technicians n Ayurvedic medical consultations and pulse diagnoses for individualised treatments n Panchakarma programmes for deep cellular detoxification and rejuvenation n Ayurvedic perfect weight programmes n Yoga, breathing and meditation advice for individual constitution and imbalances n Full range of high quality ayurvedic herbal remedies, facial and skincare products n Perfect Health and Human Excellence lectures, courses and workshops
Dr Suresh Vassen
MB., ChB. (U.C.T.), D.Ayur., D.Acup., CEDHom.
57 Belvedere Road, Claremont • Tel: 021 671 0307 Cell: 082 772 2062 • sureshvassen@gmail.com
Planetary Synthesis: Ethics, Freedom and Love
Annual Africa Conference of Sexuality and Consciousness Cape Town: 2-4 December 2011 A common Intention to share knowledge and wisdom – an invaluable opportunity for all who work with or wish to work with or explore sexuality & consciousness. Through the media of presentations, hands-on demonstrations, and open discussions, a delightful blend of innocence and experience will be shared from the worlds of tantra, sex education, body and energy work, massage, dance, art, counselling, therapy and spiritual awakening.
Is this conference for you? The conference is for all working in the sacred sexual healing arts, sexologists, sex educators as well as professionals who would like to incorporate sexuality into their healing work. Anyone interested in this field and wanting to learn more about sexuality and consciousness, especially committed students of this field are welcomed. Spiritual teachers who have wondered how to integrate sexuality into their practice would benefit by attending. Bodywork & energy work practitioners will find many topics relevant to their modalities. Creative therapists of the art or movement traditions will be inspired by the opportunities for inter-professional and multi disciplinary networking. For more information on presenting and/or attending... CONTACT Sharon: templesacredarts@gmail.com or see... African Sexuality and Consciousness Educators Conference and Events http://schooloftemplearts.org/africa
CORE PROCESS PSYCHOTHERAPY: Susan Groves 021-761-6373 www.karuna-institute.co.uk/core. Member of Talent Exchange. Counselling Psychologist, hypnotherapist and BodyTalk practitioner Using an holistic approach focussing on the body/mind connection for healing trauma, depression, phobias, stress, inner child wounds, dysfunctional beliefs and physical concerns. (www.kerrybuchan.co.za). Kerry Buchan, Claremont, 072-720-1244. Counselling, Couples Therapy, Trauma & Grief, Inner Child Work Psychologist Reinette Steyn. Tel 021-555-4248 www.selfgrow.co.za Counsellor: ‘All of life is opportunity, had we but eyes to see’ Individual, couple and family counselling. A multidisciplinary approach towards healing and change. Glynis Depper 021-713-4195 / 083-602-6874. Counsellor: Individual/Couples/Addiction/Inner-child Work /Co-dependency – Jill Kramer Individual / Couples / Family counselling, also specialising in helping individuals / families affected by drug and alcohol related issues. Jill Kramer (Dip.Coun.Comm) (SACAP) 021-788-4882 / 082-930-2424. Cranio-Sacral Therapist / Reconnective Healing® The Reconnection® Denise Read 021-797-7396 Claremont Cranio-Sacral Therapy Gentle release of physical and emotional stress and distress, including trauma. Phone Marion 021-696-5857. Craniosacral Therapist For adults, children, infants. City/suburbs (at Drs Goldberg, Emdin). Harold Epstein: 083-613-8094. Create your best life. Professional Integral Coaching offered in Claremont by Bernie Jacobs (PCC Graduate School of Business UCT) 083-632-0429 or 021-460- 0426. Dianne Cooke – @One Journeywork www.atOne.co.za An Integral Approach to Hypnotherapy, Reiki and The Reconnection. Consultations, tuition,workshops. Based in Stellenbosch. 082-775-5585 / diannecooke@gmail.com. DNA or Life Activation Awakens & unlocks unused DNA. It is a powerful one-onone session to jumpstart your LIFE, get you moving forward and align you with your potential & purpose. An ancient process that opens your gifts, increases creativity, expands brain capacity, builds your immune system, releases unconscious patterns, clears genetic & ancestral patterns, lifts depression & brings joy, and brings light & energy to the physical body. Other: Emotional Cord Cutting, Etheric Surgery, Life Purpose Reading, Mind Region Healing, Purification by Light, Soul Retrieval, Isis Healing. Spiral Light Centre: Julia Tiffin 084-680-6029 julia@spiral-light.net www.spiral-light.net/za EMF Balancing Technique ® New Energy rewiring and DNA activation. Mervyn Feldman 021-671-3362 / www.emfbalancingtechnique.com Emotional Cord Cutting Return to joy: Clear negative emotional cords, unwanted energies and negative spells. Other: Soul retrieval, Life activation, House blessing. Spiral Light Centre: Julia Tiffin 084-680-6029 julia@spiral-light.net 16 www.spiral-light.net/za
Family & Relationships Coach Child Counseling/Adolescence/Young Adult Student Issues Divorce – Grief & Loss – Anxiety EMDR – Trauma & Post Traumatic Stress Marie Petousis – SACAP – EMDRIA /EMDR Practitioner 021-671-2225 / 084-823-1933 Family & Systemic Constellations Individual sessions, workshops. Contact Robyn Lewis: 021-788-1101 / www.theinnerprocess.com Family Constellations Helen & Claudio Celestino Monthly Workshops/ Trainings/ Individual Sessions 021-785-7071 / 083-656-2580 Homeopath Dr Heather Lockyear, Kalk Bay 021-788-9602 Homoeopath & BEST Practitioner: Dr. Megan Jones Claremont 021-683-2996 and West Beach 021-554-4433 Homoeopathy Dr Philip Sherwin. Seapoint Medical Centre. 021-434-0244. www.miracleliving.co.za Hypnosis, EMDR, Psychotherapy Certified by SASCH, EMDRIA and HPCSA. Reinette Steyn [MAClinPsych]. Tel 021-555-4248 www.selfgrow.co.za Hypnotherapy / Life coaching Russel Brownlee offers a direct, yet empathic, approach that gets to the core of any issue. Phobias, trauma, past lives, personal/spiritual development, and more. Rondebosch. 072-714-1213 www.inspiredcoaching.co.za. Imago Relationship Practitioners Husband and wife, Barry and Ingrid Hoffman-Devlin, offer unique support to mend ruptures, clear the relational space, practice conscious spiritual living, in partnership. Camps Bay. www.trueheartwork.com, info@trueheartwork.com, 021-438-0748 or 076-922-1082. Kinesiologist Dr Sibis Mouton is certified through The Breakthru Institute (USA) in Nutritional and Behavioural Kinesiology. Contact her for a nutritional analysis (+ – 1.5 hours) or full integration session (+ – 3.5 hours) at 021-671-4956. Your muscle responses will indicate whether you have a shortage of a vitamin, stress on a particular organ and why. Often allergies or bad health have underlying emotional causes. The analysis will give you the answer to this. The full integration session can determine mistaken beliefs and then clear the underlying emotional issues to give people’s lives new meaning and purpose. Dr Mouton also facilitates the ZEST4LIFE courses in Newlands and on Mahe island, Seychelles – see www.zest4life.co.za Kinesiology Kay 021-715-3142. Len Smuts Metaphysical Healer, Reiki Master and spiritual growth Facilitator. Consultations in both the Cape Peninsula and Hex River Valley areas. Tel 023-356-3394 or 083-530-1692. Life Coach & Counselor Self-Esteem & Motivation – Emotional Intelligence Personal Growth – Communication Skills Relationships Coach & Couples Dialogue Restore & Revive Relationships Marie Petousis – SACAP Grad Dip – EMDRIA /EMDR Practitioner 021-671-2225 / 084-823-1933 Lymph drainage For water retention and detoxification.Phone Marion on: 021-696-5857
Lymph Drainage Massage – Claremont Gentle massage to detox, cleanse, revitalise and stimulate the body’s own healing process. Highly beneficial to those recovering from surgery or illness. Yvonne Keen 021-762-3369 / 082-453-3933 Massage Back, neck, shoulder emphasis. Mervyn Feldman 021-671-3362 Massage – Indian Head Massage/ Back, Neck & Shoulder Gardens Lindsay Meyerowitz www.healingfeet.co.za 083-232-2930 Metaphysical Counseling Specializing in death and dying, bereavement, grief, loss, healing and hope. BA. Psychological Counseling (Unisa) and modality qualified. R500 per session. Based in Tableview. Karen Brooks 083-326-3902 or 021-557-9836. Naturopathy Dr Philip Sherwin. Seapoint Medical Centre. 021-434-0244. www.miracleliving.co.za Past-Life Regression Therapy Offering healing insights into your everyday life. I am able to channel lives related to the many questions you have. All sessions recorded for your private use. Tel. Judy le Cash 021-462-2011 / 082-777-6005 / judylec@netactive.co.za. Philosophical Counselling A meaningful alternative to psychology-based therapy. Visit www.philosophy-practice.co.za. Helen Douglas MA, 021-788-4667 Talent Exchange member. Physiotherapist / Cranio-Sacral Therapist / Kinesio Taping Denise Read 021-797-7396 Claremont Physiotherapy / Integrative Fascial Release Anna Prinsloo 072-380-4830 Bishopscourt Podiatrist – Tokai Deepika Patel 021-715-3142 Psychic Counselling in all areas of mind, body and spirit i.e. emotional decording, grief counselling, inner-child healing. Hilary 021-439-7756 / 076-421-4255 www.dinky-bloc.com www.hilarymaraney.com Psycho-Spiritual Counselling Combining spiritual healing with person-based counselling. A peaceful, gentle way out of any problems into new insight and healing. Judy Le Cash 021 462-2011 082-777-6005 judylec@netactive.co.za Psychologist & Life Skills Coach Holistic approach. Reinette Steyn. Tel 021-555-4248 www.selfgrow.co.za Reflexologist Encouraging the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Gardens Lindsay Meyerowitz www.healingfeet.co.za 083-232-2930 Reflexologist Mervyn Feldman 021-671-3362 Reiki Intiutive healling, balancing Reiki Master – Heather Gaspar: 021-762-9779 Reiki & Pranic Healing www.innerpeacehealing.co.za Robyn 083-309-6092 Reiki / Sole Reiki Treatments and tuition. Reiki Master. Mervyn Feldman 021-671-3362. Reiki Master and Animal Communicator (Pinelands) Corina 083-749-1179 REIKI TREATMENTS Treatments and workshop – Reiki Master: Fouzia Sultan 021-591-5372 / 084-301-7067
Sacred Beings I offer a place to rest your senses and soothe your soul. Choose a series of balancing treatments to harmonise and restore you to optimum wellness. Call Tanya 021-712-6053 SCIO Physical, Mental & Emotional Detects deficiencies & imbalances Sends healing frequencies to body Sharon Baker @ Steps to Health 082-455-1844 Shiatsu works! Using meridian pressure point therapy and deep tissue work I provide relief from back & joint pain, headaches, insomnia, depression and stress-related conditions; your immune system’s boosted too! Experienced practitioner (Dip S.A.A.S.P. C.T.A.S. C.I.A.H.S.) based in Claremont. Nicole 083-420-9262, 021-674-6719, www.shiatsuworks.co.za Sole Reiki / Reflexology Reflex therapy with energy healing Reiki Master – Heather Gaspar: 021-762-9779 SOUND THERAPY Lindi te Water, Wynberg 021-797-7731. www.healingsounds.co.za Survivors of Abuse Sexual, physical and emotional. Recovered incest survivor and counsellor for twenty years offers counselling and spiritual healing which has proved to be a powerful path to recovery from traumatic or dysfunctional childhood experiences. Tel. Judy Le Cash 021-462-2011 or 082-777-6005, email judylec@netactive.co.za. Transformations Weight Loss Coach Try Something that Works Kim Knight, M.Ed., CPC, NLP www.kimknightcoaching.com Tel: +27-021-709-0671 / Cell: +27-79-936-6459 Re-focus on What’s Important in Your Life!! Travelling Massage Therapist Massage at your home. Contact Sue, 082-6877-345 for treatments + rates. YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE AFRAID OF WHO YOU ARE. Guidance, support and insight grounded in 26 years of Buddhist practice. Jennifer Woodhull, counsellor. 021-788-3466, jennifer.woodhull@gmail.com.
‘ A gift to read is not learnt, it is a faculty of the soul.’ (copyright quotaton.) Patsy Johnson accurately reads your future anywhere anytime. www.patsyjohnson.co.za. Born Psychic, consults, phone reads, e – mail reads. End despondency, have a destiny. Ph Patsy’s Academy of Enlightenment 021-671-0231. ** Accurate and Gifted Psychic Medium ** Private Group / Telephonically. Readings. Michael 074-136-5787 www.pmolsen.com About Angels Accurate Psychic / channelled readings by Tanja Jaeger via appointment, telephonic, e-mail or Skype. Ph: 083-229-4222 tanjasangels@gmail.com www.tanjasangels.co.za Animal Communicator & healer www.bridgeoflove.co.za / Diane 083-383-7533 or diane.budd@lantic.net
THERE IS NOTHING MISSING Have you ever thought about the principle of “nothing is missing”, or, put differently “everything is here”. Every situation that triggers a certain emotion, whether good or bad, holds the total opposite emotion as well, if you are willing to look for it. If you’ve ever flipped a coin, you will choose heads or tails, if you have to flip the coin a few times, and to win you only want to see heads, you are ultimately refusing to accept that the coin could land tails down, and you experience the feelings of disappointment, amazing, why do we have this unrealistic expectation of only wanting the coin to land heads up when we know that both sides are present. Is possible to see that neither one is “good” or “bad”. Look at the words used associated with the coin; “heads up – tails down”. Depending on your personal circumstance will you PERCEIVE one to be good, and the other one to be bad. More often than not we will only want to see the one side. To give you an example: if you are insecure about health there must, by nature, also be a part in you that is totally secure, perhaps about your finances. If there is an area of your life where you are angry, there are other areas in your life where you are totally happy. Another example: in every event that you consider negative, there is something positive or beneficial as well. The situation ‘IS’ of benefit somewhere, because where there is one side, there is a flip side! So ask yourself could if this holds true for things in life, could we look at our perceptions of this yo yo life of ours in a more balanced way, this may well sound somewhat offensive , it is in no way meant to be. When you stop and think about the literal pain and suffering some go through when losing a loved one to death or divorce, suddenly losing your job after many years of service, losing a limb or coping with a debilitating illness, trying to survive in a war torn country where the thought of peace and security appears to be a forgotten dream. Of course this is a simplified version of what is being said here, and to my mind, it holds great truths. The event of my father leaving the family home when I was a very young 18 years old for instance, had very negative sides to it. If, on the other hand, I check how my life has evolved after that event, I see a lot of “good stuff” too. It is all in our perception that we judge events and people “good” or “bad”. If we focus on just one side of the coin, it will give us a lopsided perception, and “nature” will balance that one out, one day! Why not do it yourself, and have love and appreciation for the event, situation or person in question. Saying “thanks” to everything and everyone that played or plays a part in your life (yes, everyone and everything!) will allow for more events, situations and people to be grateful for, which is absolutely worthwhile.
Journey work (Part 1) In its simplest description, journeywork is the process of going on a meditative journey for our own healing. The aim of journey work is to release emotions, decisions, vows, outmoded patterns and beliefs, in fact anything and everything that is no longer serving us, to allow us to be more present and make choices based on whom we are now and what we wish to create. The journey we take, whether it is a past life experience, rebirth, present life memory, future creation or any of a number of scenarios, is therefore a tool that leads us along the bends and curves we need to follow to discover that which needs healing and to recover the energies that we have lost or unwittingly discarded along the way. The tool comes as a story because it resonates with our psyches and engages our imaginations. All of which gives us a freer rein to explore what we may not otherwise consider in our daily lives. In truth, the story is a means of accessing that which is blocked or hidden from our normal consciousness. As such it is not nearly as important as our experience of it and what we make that experience mean, that is, what patterns, decisions and emotions we have as a result. Bringing these into a space for resolution allows us to release the subconscious effects they have on our present choices and perspective. Belief or disbelief in past lives therefore becomes irrelevant, as does the notion that we ‘made it all up.’ The story itself comes from within you, just as your own life story does and as such is no more ‘made-up’ or ‘imaginary’ than your own life. Journey work is the practical means by which we recover our entire being and remember who we truly are in the present. Each session is unique and provides what you need at the time, regardless of what you may think you need. There is always some purpose to the journeywork – you don’t use all that energy to experience and heal a past life (for example) for no reason. Your Higher Self understands that purpose, even if you don’t at the time. Your inner wisdom knows how to guide you to open up the energy in just the right sequence of events that will allow you to receive, accept and work with what needs love/healing at that moment in time. In essence, the purpose of this work is awareness, freedom, self-discovery & unconditional love for who we really are. For further information, to make an appointment or book a course, please contact Shifa: 084 4533414
TRY THIS: Firstly: Find out in your life where you have a lopsided perception regarding a person or event. Anything you feel overly positive or overly negative about will give a good indication. Secondly: With the “bad stuff”, see how it has benefited you. How has it taught you a valuable lesson you still use today? With the good stuff, see what drawbacks there are to what you consider “good”. If you don’t find them yourself, life is going to show them to you anyway! Thirdly: Realise that there is always balance in what you experience. This is one of the Universal Laws: “everything is”, neither good or bad. It just “is”. Lastly: Be grateful and appreciative for the lessons taught, and experiences that came from it. The more you can do that consciously, the more you will find that life always flows according to its purpose, even when we think it doesn’t. Trust me, I could tell you stuff from my own experiences that there is more that I am able to see. Arrogance is thinking that I know it all! AND I DON’T!!! Once you are able to find balance in everything, life becomes more enjoyable in my experience, very enjoyable, and sometimes quite exciting. You will lose “infatuation” with anything, and will lose “desperation” with other things. You will come to appreciate that life is the way it is, and that it is up to us to make the best of it for ourselves and those around us. Now that is what I call a balanced flip of the coin and a rewarding journey.
Jasmine Grindlay Tel: 072 444 8762 – Cell: 021 790 4198 Seta Certified Life Coach & Mentor Hypnotherapy Trainer, NLP Practitioner Human Behaviourist Facilitator
In Loving Memory of Robert Taylor (Born 22/11/1932): This is a new voyage, there is no end... He was a Viking true Honey blonde hair & eyes of blue Strength & steel Determination & zeal A deep love for the sea And ever loyal to a “T”. I never really knew you dad but now I look at me,.... and see YOU. Words can never express how much you mean to me. Your daughter.
BLUEPRINT4CREATION: PERSONAL BLUEPRINT MANDALAS. (with a 20-25 page reading). by Rosalind Pape. 079-049-4304 roz@blueprint4creation.com www.blueprint4creation.com Clairvoyant / Medium 36 years insight into Life Situations and Spiritual Purpose. Past Lives, Guides and Removal of Curses, etc. Eileen 021-465-5991 Indepth Therapeutic Tarot Shirley: 072-146-3357. Life Purpose Message Channelled from the archangels and ascended masters plus spiritual healing, past-life regression therapy and counselling. Tel. Judy le Cash 021-462-2011 or 082-777-6005. E-mail judylec@netactive.co.za. Sacred Mayan Code Readings Murray Smith: 072-362-4934 Tarot & Crystal Ball By world travelling Shaman. 23 Years trance mediumship. Franklin: 078-834-3641 TAROT READINGS For spiritual and practical Life Path Guidance, call Nina on 082-447-5378.
transformation. Michele, Polarity Therapist, Soul Integration. Tel: 021-794-7963. BRANDON BAYS: Inner Journey – Fouzia Sultan 021-591-5372 / 084-301-7067 SOUND THERAPY Lindi te Water, Wynberg 021-797-7731. www.healingsounds.co.za
‘’Authentic Massage Modalities’’ Indian Head Massage R750.00 / Hot Stone Massage R950.00 or R1500.00 both. Covering Meridians, Brain Integration + Certificate. Desi 083-225-9139. Addiction Counselling Learnership Locally reputable part-time training in counselling for recovery from addictive/ compulsive behaviour. Comprises of 4 stand alone modules of 6 sessions each (on alternate Friday afternoons), which include an introduction to basic counselling skills. The full course includes an internship at a registered addiction treatment facility. For more detail call 021-761-9049/ 083-218-7186 or visit http://www.prospecthill.co.za. Classical Guitar lessons Tel: Fabrizia 072-685-4679 (B.Mus.Ed.HDE.Perf.Dipl) also fun flamenco lessons. Psychic Development Course Learn to develop intuition to make accurate life choices, ESP, Telepathy, reading energies and more. Ph: Tanja 083-229-4222 tanjasangels@gmail.com, www.tanjasangels.co.za Reiki Master Len Smuts. Tuition to Masters level, manuals and certificates provided, courses adapted to your individual needs in both the Cape Peninsula and Hex River Valley areas. Telephone 023-356-3394 or 083-530-1692. SHIATSU TRAINING Short courses part-time 3 different styles Certified courses for Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced levels Massage therapy based on Japanese Acupressure massage & Traditional Chinese Medicine. Contact Beryl 072-991-6369 info@academyshiatsu.co.za http://www.academyshiatsu.co.za Shiatsu: Namikoshi School Practitioner and home-use courses. Thorough practical and theoretical training. Practitioner training starts July. Phone Marion 021-696-5857. Sole Reiki A blending of two powerful healing tools: foot reflex therapy and reiki. This unique course will equip you with simple and effective skills that can facilitate profound transformation in self and others. The price is R1470 and includes Reiki 1 and 2 certification. (R890 without Reiki.) Ongoing courses. Mervyn Feldman 021-671-3362. merfeld@mweb.co.za
A mix of Energy Healings, Activations & different massage techniques Refer web: www.michelewilliamsesoterics.co.za / 021-558-5965 Are you tired of the way things are? Change begins from within. Sessions include inner child rescue to initiate
Life-Journey Work Take Charge of Your Destiny
A dynamic process that spans your past and present life as well as possible futures. Are you • At a crossroads needing to make important decisions about your life? • Experiencing a recent setback and need to find a new way forward? • Aware of destructive patterns in your life? • Feeling stuck and unable to take new action? • Asking, “Who am I? What is my purpose in life?”
Life-Journey work enables you to find answers to your life’s questions, make informed decisions and take new action.
Venues & Premises
Faith Sax has been running these small group workshops and individual consultations for over 20 years. Her work comes highly recommended by previous participants.
(see participants comments on her website: www.faithsax.co.za)
Contact Faith 021 671 7903
Zebra Moon Greyton. Once a school hostel. Sleeps 66, large kitchen and dining hall. Peace and serenity in the mountains. Labyrinth. From R90 p.p.per night www.zebramoon.co.za Janet: 072-626-7052 or 028-254-9039 Aseyah R – aromathérapie et parfumerie has: * Two treatment rooms for hire on an hourly basis * No monthly rent due; pay as you go * Conveniently located in Plumstead
* Reception services * Professional workplace where you will feel supported * Focus on building your practice without the distractions of home T’s & C’s apply. Enquiries – Aseyah: 083-266-2461 Professional venue in a serene setting for workshops and lectures in Tableview. Contact: claudia@mindworksa.com 082-676-7919 The Christian Community Plumstead. Hall: seating 150, kitchen facilities, parking. Meeting Room: 10 / 15 people. Flatlet: overnight accommodation R200 p.p. per night. Tel. 021-762-0450.
http://www.rosepolkey.co.za Blog covering contemporary women’s lifestyle and spiritual health issues all in one place. Sale of Essential Oils, Smudge Sticks, Herbs, Resins etc. www.michelewilliamsesoterics.co.za www.awakening-intuition.com Your Conscious Online Free Resource Centre, offering over 650 articles & Free Online Movies. Also included: Awareness Updates, Conscious Movie Events, Intuition Nature Group Walks. Open to all. FREE Weekly Intuition Newsletter – info@awakening-intuition.com www.innerpeacehealing.co.za For treatments to rebalance, relax and revitalize your body, mind & spirit.
Adi Shakti Yoga Centre in Camps Bay for Hatha Yoga Hatha Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Pre- and post natal & Hormone Yoga. 1, SHANKLIN CRESCENT, CAMPS BAY
TEL. 082-808-4275 / 021-438-9667 dorlyv@webafrica.org.za / www.adishakti.co.za Children’s yoga. Private tuition available from 5 yrs of age and upwards. Classes are fun, creative and grounding, developing strength and flexibility, building confidence and selfesteem. Angie 084-991-4947 / ac_lawson@yahoo.com. ‘ Claremont Small yoga and relaxation classes in private studio. Marjolein 021-671-4068. mailto:marjogamble@gmail.com Durbanville – I am Yoga Studio Joyfully discover more about yourself through the journey of yoga in tranquil surroundings. Mareth 083-620-2857 or email: mareth.spamer@telkomsa. net. Durbanville Yoga Centre Morning and evening classes. All levels. Tel: 021-976-4947 Hatha Yoga Classes Teacher has 20 years experience. Constantia, Rondebosch, City Bowl, Harfield and Meadowridge. Yoga classes on CD also available. Contact Amber 021-696-3088 / 073-203-7617. www.hathayoga.co.za TOKAI – HATHA & VINYASA FLOW Small classes. All levels. Experienced and qualified teachers. 084-486-5444 / 021-713-4000. saskia@serenityyoga.co.za / www.serenityyoga.co.za WORLD’S VIEW YOGA CENTRE, SOMERSET WEST Domenique 021-851-3821 YOGA Know yourself. Heal yourself. Consciousness teaching ‘The Power of Now’. Knowledge of the I AM. Tree of life Studio – Tel:.021-976-7121 sdarinreimann@gmail.com
REGRESSION SPECIALIST from the UK, also trained with Dolores Cannon in Advanced Past-life Regression
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Deeksha Giver Initiation Philip de Vos is approved as a new standard trainer of “Oneness University of India “and he will be visiting South Africa to perpetuate the transmission of Deeksha blessing in order to become a Deeksha Giver. The program takes place over two days, on the 29th and 30th of October, and revolves around a process of liberation developed by Sri Kalki Bhagavan, during which you will extend your understanding of the nature of the mind, the importance of parental relationships and early childhood. The approach is convenient and comes through exercise of liberation, meditation, visualization, chants, etc. Sri Amma and Sri Bhagavan, a couple of avatars from India has the mission to provide an Energy-Consciousness and leads us to align internally to bring us to enlightenment. The Deeksha is the expression of this energy, and can help humans to create a breach in the wall often engendered by the mind. It leads to neurobiological changes in the brain, aligning the three brains: reptilian, limbic and neocortex. This process can evolve into a growing realization Full Consciousness and open access to achievement of Oneness. Oneness is a natural state, during which one feels deeply connected to life, to the world, to others, as if all was involved in a same dance. Oneness Deeksha is not an event limited to a small region of southern India, it is a phenomenon that is spreading across the earth, and that affects millions of people! The strength and direction of Deeksha renew and stay updated regularly with new data transmissions initiation in Golden City. The Deeksha is becoming more and more powerful and efficient, correlated with: • the increasing number of those who bear the “presence” • the proximity of 2012 • the intention of Sri Amma and Sri Bhagavan This process was spread over several weeks, and which was much more expensive, can now be done in two days thanks to guidance and transmission of “trainers” (certified trainers).
Registration by e-mail or by phone: David Mazuy, Cell: 076 6302 728, E-mail: daoudamazuy@yahoo.fr or sparavicini@gmail.com Oneness Institute website: http://www.oneness-institute.net/?l=en
Price: 2000 ZAR
Rejuvenating herbs How many emails or conversations have you had lately with friends who say “I am trying to be less busy, or I have been so busy, I want a quiet evening at home, a weekend with no social commitments.” Life today is busy, endlessly so. Even when we get sick, we expect to feel better almost instantly. The concept of convalescence has disappeared. Often there is too much to do, so we cannot slow down, let alone create time for rest and restoration. But where does the extra energy come from to perform consistently or to manage periods of extra stress without getting sick? One way to maintain energy is by regularly making healthy choices about what we put into our bodies. Eating a selection of colourful fruit and vegetables, prepared with care, as close to nature as possible is nutritive. Or preparing what I call honest food, mixing ingredients where you can taste each different flavour and feel each different texture around your tongue. Adding nutritive herbal tonics can also make a difference to daily life, nourishing our bodies, reducing dryness, restoring minerals, increasing body fluids, muscles and fat, building blood and lymph, increasing milk and semen, softening, soothing and calming the nerves. Often these herbs are sweet in flavour such as angelica, licorice, marshmallow root, rehmannia, shatavari and slippery elm. This includes foods such as dates, almonds, raisons, sesame seeds, honey and coconut which can enhance many dishes. Rejuvenating tonics work on the body and the mind: shifting awareness and renewing brain cells. These include ashwaganda, bacopa, ginseng, aloe vera, gotu kolu, marshmallow, oatstraw, rehamannia, saw palmetto, shatavari and include foods such as garlic, onion, sesame seeds and sweet potato. At the same time perhaps we need to question what stops us from slowing down, from creating time to pause, to reflect. Silence, stillness and time alone often leads us to our own wisdom, giving voice to the soul. Sometimes it is in the silence and stillness that we find a new solution to an old problem. A retreat into nature or a quiet place even for a few hours can be restorative. I had the pleasure recently of sitting outside a café sipping on fresh mint tea over a business meeting. I left the meeting refreshed, my mouth filled with the minerality of the mint, pleased not to be experiencing the quick high of drinking a coffee. Even making one healthy choice daily can make a difference over a year. Written by: Dr Carla Boswell, 70 Barnet Street, Gardens Tel: 021-465-2870 Cell: 072-056-7731
Join RAWlean for a fun filled amazing experience, learn about RAW options, receive RECIPES, ask questions about HEALING the body and WEIGHT loss through HEALTHY eating. This workshop is not just about raw food preparation, it is also about understanding the connectedness of body, mind, heart and spirit. Come and enjoy the experience and eat the food we LOVINGLY prepare together. What do we mean when we say Raw Food? We are talking about eating high vibrational, healthy, nutritious foods rich in minerals that are easily absorbed into the body. That means uncooked and unprocessed foods. Value of prize is R350.00 Please email: linkup@naturalhealth.co.za with the correct answer, your name, e-mail and contact number. Question: How many kilograms did Rolene lose?
ROLENE SHER, founder and director of New Beginnings, has researched, developed and delivered the New Beginnings Empowerment Workshops for the last 9 years, and over the last year has created the RAWlean workshops. Both sets of workshops are unique and powerful and both have been facilitated in the corporate market and on wellness days and are taking the country by storm. Rolene (RAWlean) transformed her eating lifestyle with a positive approach that has enabled her to successfully lose 37 kilos and heal her body from Breast Cancer by changing the way she eats, thinks and exercises. Learn how to improve your lifestyle by adding some RAW option eating programme and when you actually feel the difference you will be ready to add more. My RAWfood prep workshops are not just about food, they are much much more. We look at and discover our relationship to the Universe and how everything we do is connected, the use and power of words on our psyche, the value of breathing, exercise, and making healthy choices for us as individuals. At the workshop you receive RECIPES, and ask questions about HEALING the body and WEIGHT loss through HEALTHY eating. Rolene has also devoted herself to studying and applying nutrition and wellness through ‘How to heal the Body though Food and Life Style Changes’ meeting her incredible personal challenge of healing from breast cancer. Rolene has hosted her own radio show and been a regular guest commentator on several radio stations in Botswana and South Africa. She combines her passion for life and her varied life’s experiences with practical business experience, dynamic people skills, keen sense of humour and a professional approach to ensure that her inspirational training workshops and talks, achieve lasting results. Rolene’s (RAWlean) vision is to touch the lives of millions and facilitate change on the planet through enabling people to glimpse and begin their own personal journey of understanding ‘Who They Really Are’, to use this knowledge to facilitate living a life of abundance, radiant health and open into their own intrinsic magnificence. In contributing to the lives of such individuals, the natural evolution then come together in teams through corporate and teambuilding experiences, the entire community begins to see and feel the shift…profound change, one person at a time. For more information about workshops in your area phone: Rolene 082 700 6669 or 021 701 2973 E-mail: rolene@newbeginningsint.com www.newbeginningsint.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/RAWlean
Ozone therapy • • • • • • •
Detox on a cellular level Lose weight and centimeters Burn calories Purify the blood Prevent and assist in treatment of lifestyle diseases from arthritis to cancer Boost Immune system And many more
Holistic Therapy • Reflexology • Sports Massage • Swedish Massage • Manual Lymphatic Drainage • Hot stone Massage
The word, Jing-An, literally translates as “Source of Serenity”, which was exactly what Dr Michael Lan envisioned to offer South Africans when he started his business. Jing-An – The Asian Wellness Experience, was established almost 14 years ago, and continues to offer a natural, non-invasive form of healing the body; based on the ancient Chinese practices he was trained in. Dr Lan saw the need for Western Cultures to embrace a NEW level of awareness within themselves by discovering their Chi (inner strength) and wanted to encourage people to incorporate the ancient art of Chinese Medicine Healing into their lives and to find a balance between Eastern and Western philosophies. Jing-An – The Asian Wellness Experience has done exactly that. He is an accomplished traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner by trade and an accomplished Martial Artist highly respected by his peers. He has been interviewed by many South African Health and Wellness magazines and TV programmes, such as Longevity, Men’s Health, Destiny Man, Odyssey, Naturally You (The Home Channel), The Power Within (SABC3), and Free Spirit (SABC3). He is also the official representative in South Africa for The World Tai Chi & Qi Gong Federation, and organizes the annual Tai Chi & Qi Gong Day in Cape Town.
INTERNATIONALLY ACCREDITED 2 YEAR HEALING COURSE (starting November) Grounding and Protection with the Angels for Children (Ages 4-6) Cindy Holmes & Simone Katz Friday 7th October – 9am-12.45pm – Sea Point WORKSHOPS@ Ubuntu Novalis: Ascended Masters and Angels: Cindy Holmes Saturday 17th September – 10am-5pm Cost: R600 (includes lunch & tea) Wisdom Speaks: Connecting to Your Infinite Wisdom: Claire Creighton Saturday & Sunday 15th & 16th October – 10am-5pm. R600 per day or R1 000 for both days (includes lunch & tea). Conscious Channelling Workshop: Allison Scott Saturday & Sunday 29th & 30th October – 10am-6pm. Cost: R1 600 (reduced rate) for both days (includes lunch & tea). Ancestral Healing: Sue Allen Saturday 19th November – 10am-5pm. Cost: R600 (includes lunch & tea). Spirit Release Mini Workshop: Sue Allen Tuesday 22nd November – 7pm-9.30pm Cost: R185 (includes tea). Intuitive Spirit Release & Soul Retrieval: Sue Allen Thursday 24th November – 10am-5pm Cost: R600 (includes lunch & tea). For bookings and further information contact Cindy Holmes 021 788 2008/ 0725656072 www.intuitionandhealing.org or email : info@za.intuitionandhealing.org
Over the years, realizing its tremendous healing potential, Dr Lan has focused strongly on making his art more accessible to more people, and has indeed taken the art of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Tai Chi to a whole new level in South Africa. Dr Lan continues to develop his passion and art, and is committed to improving the lives of his patients and clients on a daily basis. For more information on Jing-an or their services, you can contact their wellness centre in Gardens, Cape Town on 021 422 5608, email them on info@jing-an.co.za, or visit www.jing-an.co.za.