Christmas in Germany By. Sara White and Ravin Patel
Sara White and Ravin Patel dedicate this book to their teacher Mrs. Turner
Date: 12/19/13 Class: Mrs. Turner Teacher: Lindy Turner School: Covington St. Elementary Grade: 5th
Pictures of my country:
Children put leaves, straws, and carrots in shoes and leave them outside their doors and hope St. Nicholas comes and feeds his horse and leaves apples and nuts in the good children’s shoes.
Nutcrackers are given as keepsakes to bring good luck to your family and to protect your home. Nutcrackers are a symbol of power and strength. Advent is a religious holiday celebration in preparation for the arrival of the Christ child on his birthday December 25 ( Christmas day ). There are advent wreaths there are 4 or 5 candles on each wreath. People light the candles every week , the 5th candle ( the Christ candle) is lit on Christmas.
People in Germany celebrate Christmas a different way then we do. German kids same as us, receive gifts from St. Nicholas. If you are naughty you don’t just get coal you get a spanking from a creature called the krampus, the krampus is St. nicholas’s scary companion while the good kids get gifts you get a spanking from the krampus. There is a religious holiday called advent, advent is holiday for the preparation of the Christ child. During advent there are advent wreaths with 4 or 5 candles wreaths with 5 have the
last candle ( the Christ candle ) is lit on Christmas.
There are traditions that german families do like children put their shoes outside whith straw, leaves, and carrots. The children hope that St. Nicholas will come and feed his horse and put apples and nuts for the good children. People also give each other nutcrackers for keepsakes and good luck to their family. The nutcracker were a symbol of power and strength.
German Zimtsterne ( German Cinnamon stars ) 500g ground almonds 5 egg whites 450g icing sugar 2 tsp ground cinnamon 1 dessert spoon of cherry water Beat the egg whites until stiff and then carefully fold in the sieved icing sugar. Reserve about 4 heaped tablespoons of the egg white mixture as this will be used for the cookie topping later on. Add the ground almonds, cinnamon and cherry water (you can replace with lemon juice if preferred) to the egg white mixture and mix well. Cover the dough and let it rest in the fridge for about an hour. Now, sit down and relax with a nice cup of coffee. Sprinkle your work surface or board with some sugar and roll out the dough to about 1cm thick. Now cut out stars with your star shaped cookie cutter and place them on a baking sheet. You will now need the reserved meringue from earlier. Stir it so it becomes a smooth mix. Now brush the cookies with the topping. Leave the cookies to dry overnight at room temperature. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees C. Place the cookies in the oven and bake for 5 minutes. Check the time as the cookies should remain soft inside and the topping white! Store the cookies in an air-tight tin.
German spitzbuben cookies 400g flour 200g butter 3 egg yolks 100g sugar 1 packet of vanilla sugar (I normally use Dr Oetker) finely grated rind and juice of 1 lemon 50g finely chopped hazelnuts 1/2 cup of strawberry jam 1/2 cup of icing sugar
Sieve the flour onto a large baking board. Flake the butter and scatter evenly over the floured surface. Put the egg yolks, sugar, vanilla sugar, grated lemon rind and the chopped nuts in the middle. Bring all the mixture together with your hands and knead into a M端rbeteig (dough). Wrap the dough in aluminium foil or baking paper, and leave to rest in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees C. Take small portions of the dough and roll out thinly (to approx 1/4 to 1/8 inch) on a floured surface. Take a cookie cutter and cut out equal numbers of plain fluted cookies and fluted cookies with a hole in the middle. Bake both types of cookies on a baking sheet in the middle of the oven for 10 minutes. They should be golden yellow, not brown and burnt! Remove the cookies carefully with a knife and leave to cool on a wire rack. Mix the strawberry jam with the lemon juice. Sieve icing sugar over the cookies with the holes in. Spread the jam evenly over the round fluted cookies and then place a cookie sprinkled with icing sugar over the top and carefully sandwich together.
12 days of Christmas: m.Am zwölften Tag von Weihnachten gab meine wahre Liebe mir. 12 Trommelnde Drummer 11 Pfeifer-Rohrleitung 10 Zu zu springen Herren Das 9 Dame-Tanzen 8 Dienstmädchen-Melken 7 Schwäne-Schwimmen 6 Gänse-Legen 5 Goldringe 4 Colly Vögel 3 französische Hühner [7] 2 Schildkröte-Tauben Und ein Rebhuhn in einem Birne-Bau
English Translation: On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me. 12 Drummers Drumming 11 Pipers Piping 10 Lords-a-Leaping 9 Ladies Dancing 8 Maids-a-Milking 7 Swans-a-Swimming 6 Geese-a-Laying 5 Gold Rings 4 Colly Birds 3 French Hens[7] 2 Turtle Doves And a Partridge in a Pear Tree.
Jingle Bells Das Stürzen durch den Schnee In einem einspänniger offenen Schlitten Über die Felder gehen wir Das Lachen den ganzen Weg Glocken auf dem Bobtail-Ring Das Bilden von hellen Geistern Welchen lustig es reiten und singen soll Ein sleighing Lied heute Abend!
(Chor) Geklingel-Glocken, Geklingel-Glocken, Geklingel den ganzen Weg. Oh! welchen lustig es reiten soll In einem einspänniger offenen Schlitten. Geklingel-Glocken, Geklingel-Glocken, Geklingel den ganzen Weg; Oh! welchen lustig es reiten soll In einem einspänniger offenen Schlitten.
English translation: Dashing through the snow In a one-horse open sleigh O'er the fields we go Laughing all the way Bells on bobtail ring Making spirits bright What fun it is to ride and sing A sleighing song tonight! (chorus)
Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way. Oh! what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh. Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way; Oh! what fun it is to ride in a one- horse open sleigh.
1. Froehiliche ( Merry ) 2. Weihnachten ( Christmas ) 3. Familie ( family ) 4. Urlab ( holiday ) 5. Mittagessen ( dinner )
We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.
7 continents:
Europe is bordered by the Artic ocean, the Atlantic, and the Mediterranean sea. Europe is north of the equator and is in the northern and eastern hemispheres. Europe’s population is 733 million people.
Germany borders Denmark, Poland, Czech republic, Austria, Switzerland, France, Luzemberg, Belgium, Netherlands , Baltic sea, and the North sea. Germany’s official language is German. Germany is in the country of Europe. Interesting Facts: German families put up pickle ornaments and hide them somewhere on the tree and the first child to find it gets a extra little gift from saint Nicholas.
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