LINEA DE COSTA Contemporary Art & Culture Visual Magazine issue #09#
ISSN 2340-1 575
LINEA DE COSTA Contemporary Art & Culture Visual Magazine issue #09#
Asociación Cultural Linea de Costa
Pablo Alonso de la Sierra Rocío Arévalo Vargas
Alfonso Vargas Saitua courtesy / LosVendaval
ISSN 2340-1 575 CÁDIZ (SPAIN)
www. lineadecosta. net
Linea de Costa Contemporary Art & Culture Visual Magazine es una publicación independiente. Publicación sujeta a licencia Creative Commons. Linea de Costa Contemporary Art & Culture Visual Magazine is an independent publication. Under Creative Commons License.
Monograph dedicated to the project "A month in Cádiz", which the illustrator and photographer Alfonso Vargas Saitua performed during his period as an artist in residence in Linea de Costa. Simultaneously he has been working as a professional photographer, and looking for new ways of building images. Through his drawings and his stories, he found an approach that he didn't find in photo images. While drawing he re invent his environment by elaborating fictions. He interprets his present in order to remember it on the way he drew it, by reflecting daily situations and inner thoughts. His aim is reaching a deeper knowledge of himself. During his residence, he developed a graphic report in first person written and drawn in cartoons. He tells us his experiences in Linea de Costa. The characters are all of them gaditans, their environment and his own perception about it. He also created a series of portraits based on characters of the city. They inspired him to research about it culture and the local way of expression. Monográfico dedicado al proyecto "Un mes en Cádiz", que el ilustrador y fotógrafo Alfonso Vargas Saitua / Robotv (Lima, Perú) llevó a cabo durante su periodo como artista en residencia en Linea de Costa A.I.R. Al mismo tiempo que trabaja como fotógrafo profesional, Robotv ha ido buscando nuevas maneras de construir imágenes, y ha sido a través del dibujo y de las historias que crea, donde ha encontrado acercamientos que la imagen fotográfica no le había brindado. Mientras dibuja reinventa su entorno elaborando ficciones. Re-interpreta su presente para luego recordarlo de la manera en que lo ha dibujado, reflejando situaciones cotidianas e íntimas de momentos mentales determinados, con el objetivo de entenderse a sí mismo. Durante su residencia ha desarrollado una crónica gráfica en primera persona, escrita y dibujada en viñetas donde narra su experiencia en Linea de Costa. Los protagonistas de su historia son los gaditanos, el entorno, y su percepción personal sobre todo esto. También ha creado una serie de retratos de personajes de la ciudad que le han inspirado tras indagar sobre la misma, su cultura y la forma local de expresarse.
Contemporary Art & Culture Visual Magazine