Wetcats splash into first conference meets
REVIEW November 11, 2013
Linfield College
>> page 14
McMinnville, Ore.
119th Year
Issue No. 11
PLACE panel talks ‘War and Citizenship’
INSIDE Marseille revealed Senior Katherine Thomas will present on her study abroad experience and delve into the rich history of the French city.
Olivia Marovich News editor
>> page 4
Model student
Sophomore Savannah Fellers works as a runway model, and recently appeared in the FashioNXT show in Portland. >> pages 8 and 9
Spencer Beck/Staff photographer Senior Julia Galan and freshman Luis Santillán-Guzmán educate students about French history and the Linfield French Club at the French History booth in Walker Hall.
Midnight meeting
Adjunct Professor of 3D Design Totem Shriver’s class, inspired by artist James Turrell, created art projects that lit up the night sky. >> page 11
French Club engages campus Samantha Sigler Editor-in-chief Linfield’s French club has taken a national celebration and turned it into a local bonding experience for the campus. Senior Julia Galan, president of Linfield’s French Club, took charge of French week with the hopes of making French club
more exciting and encouraging people to join. Galan, along with other members of the club, planned seven events for both students in French club and students not to participate in. The events included a French history booth, French scavenger hunt, French game night, showing of a French movie, making
crêpes, attending a dinner at Bistro Maison and having a French cuisine contest in Dillin Hall. Certain events, such as the French scavenger hunt and French cuisine contest, had prizes for winners of the event. “Through French club we >> Please see French page 5
What does it mean to be a loyal citizen when your country is at war? This issue and more were addressed at the collaborative Program for Liberal Arts and Civic Engagement panel on ‘War and Citizenship.’ Assistant Professor of Political Science Pat Cottrell moderated the event where four Linfield professors spoke from their individual experiences on their ideas about being a citizen in times of war. The panel included Professor Chair of English Barbara Seidman, competitive scholarship adviser Tom Mertes, professor of anthropology Tom Love and professor of economics Eric Schuck. Each professor took ten minutes to explain what the theme of war and citizenship meant to them, and often drew on personal experiences. “The notion of citizenship and civic engagement is absolutely fundamental,” Cottrell said after the panel. “And the point of these PLACE lectures is to show that every person on this campus has their own set of skills and talents to offer to society.” Mertes spoke first and began his lecture by playing “Machine Gun” by Jimi Hendrix for the audience. The song set the mood for a look at how issues of free speech have shaped U.S. history. This helped set the background for the rest of the >> Please see PLACE page 6
Boot camp helps students learn to de-stress Stephanie Hofmann Sports editor
Dirks dunks Junior Chris Dirks, the highest scoring player for the men’s basketball first game, talks about his hopes for the team this year. >> page 16
Editorial ...................... 2 News ........................... 4 Features........................ 7 Culture....................... 10 Sports ........................ 16
Every Wednesday for the next three weeks students will be meeting in Walker to kick out bad stress in the Stress Relief Bootcamp starting at 12:15 p.m. Sponsored by the Student Health and Wellness Center, this boot camp is meant to teach students about what stress is and how to deal with it in their own personal way. Students that came into the bootcamp were looking for solutions to different problems that stress causes them. In the beginning of the first session they talked about the goals that they have for the rest of the weeks to come. >> Please see De-stress page 6
Stephanie Hofmann/Sports editor Counselor Amy Halloran-Steiner, a part of the Health and Wellness center on campus, shows students different yoga poses to help with their stress.