TLR, Issue 24, 5-21-10

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May 21, 2010

Linfield College

McMinnville, Ore.

115th Year

Issue No. 24

Freshmen enrollment reaches top numbers

Penny wise or pound foolish? Clubs see $35 cut

ALSC cut club budgets because they were not using the money allotted to them.

There are 91 more incoming freshmen committed to attending Linfield than there were this time last year. Braden Smith Managing editor

More than 500 incoming freshmen have paid their matriculation fee and plan to attend Linfield this fall as of May 18; this is the highest number of incoming freshmen who have committed their money within the five years to have done so at this point in the year. Director of Admission Lisa Knodle-Bragiel said that the admission staff surpassed its goal of 460 students but warned that the 541 would likely decrease during the summer. “Throughout the summer, we get what’s called summer melts, which is basically students who paid their deposits and decide either to go to another college or to stay home, or they cancel their enrollment for one reason or another,” Knodle-Bragiel said. A couple of important dates for anticipating “summer melts” are housing and billing. Billing usually takes place between July 8 and 10. “When prospective students receive their bill for fall tuition payments, sometimes that’s a trigger to ... reconsider their enrollment,” Knodle-Bragiel said. Final numbers will not be secured

Massive increase The Club Director’s budget skyrocketed 130 percent.

LAB up 28 percent

Part of LAB’s budget increase will go to the Wildstock stage, normally paid for using the Activities Council funds.

Bike Co-Op ups budget

Despite cuts to the hours of the CIC and Gameroom, workstudy positions at the Bike Co-op have garnered funds for the Student Center.

Athletics training eliminated After years of miscommunication, ALSC got rid of an unused $8,000 athletic training budget.

Photo by Kelley Hungerford/Editor-in-chief

Senate approves ASLC budget, only three areas see funding increase

Park Debate

>> page 5

“I think [not having food] reduced attendance at the activities fair,” he said, adding that it especially decreased incentives for upperclassmen to attend. The school cut the barbecue because it cost Sodexho more than $5,000 to pay for the event, Jones said. It will be a less expensive to get food from a different venue, which is what the Club Director’s budget increase will go toward. The budget for Student Center Director junior Evan Hilberg increased 8 percent from >> Please see Budget page 6

Cat Cab

>> pages 8-9



Editorial .......................... 2 News ............................... 4 Features.............................7 Culture............................10 Sports .............................16


The Associated Students of Linfield College budget increased 1 percent for the 201011 academic year; however, despite the overall increase, all but three segments were dealt budget cuts. The ASLC Senate approved the budget unanimously with almost no discussion May 17, although the spreadsheet distributed to Senate was not the final version and edits were still necessary. Of the 22 groups that receive funds from the

ASLC, only the Club Director, Student Center and Linfield Activities Board received increased resources within the overall ASLC budget of $350,000. Freshman Club Director Keevin Craig’s funding jumped from $619 to $1,423 — a skyrocketing 130 percent increase. Junior ASLC Vice President of Business and Finance Arielle Perkins said the extra money will pay for food at the fall’s Activities Fair. In the past, the school has provided a barbecue at the event, but ASLC President Colin Jones, former club director, said the event did not take place this past year.


Kelley Hungerford Editor-in-chief

>> Please see Admissions page 4

Alien Takeover >> page 10

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