Sports >> page 16 Football opens with
crushing victory over the Bearcats.
October 8, 2010
Linfield College
McMinnville, Ore.
116th Year
Issue No. 6
Student Senate discusses variety of issues in finals for blog contest Kelley Hungerford Editor-in-chief
Editorial .......................... 2 News ............................... 4 Features.............................7 Culture............................10 Sports .............................16
Sarah Hansen/Photo editor Junior Katie Patterson, vice president of the Associated Students of Linfield College, addresses senators Oct. 4 in Rilley Hall. ASLC voted for junior Bradley Keliinoi as president pro tempore, allowing him to substitute for Patterson should she be absent. Productions. The agenda item was presented to Senate last week (Sept. 27) for consideration and went to vote this week. No discussion of the topic occurred at either meeting. “I was shocked as well that there was no discussion,” Pat-
terson said. This was likely either because senators understood the guidelines completely or they did not look at them. Patterson said it would be difficult to determine the reason. “There’s no way for me to know if the senators are put-
ting in the time to read what I’m sending to them,” she said. The Campus Improvement Committee received many concerns from the senators on topics such as bike racks, window >> Please see Senate page 6
Grade-point average causes job termination Septembre Russell Copy chief After organizing her third successful Cat Cab, which took place Sept. 23, sophomore Alyssa Hood was asked to attend a clandestine meeting Sept. 27. Hood said she sat down with Director of Student Activities Dan Fergueson; senior Colin Jones, Associated Students of Linfield College president; and senior Nicole Bond, vice president of programming for the Linfield Activities Board. Bond informed her that at the close of the meeting she would be released from her position as LAB musical entertainment chair,
Hood said. The reason, she said, was that her grade-point average was too low. It was three-hundredths of a point shy of the GPA required for ASLC employment. “When we are hiring, we look at someone’s cumulative gradepoint average,” Bond said. “It’s a standard. You have to have a 2.5 grade-point average.” Fergueson, Bond said, verifies GPAs; she said she does not receive anyone’s specific GPA. “He tells me if people are above or below — that’s all we care about,” Bond said. “We have to cut if off somewhere. When you apply for LAB, we check your grade-point average. If it’s below
2.5, you don’t get a position.” Article III of the ASLC Bylaws states that at the time of election or appointment, candidates for any stipend-receiving position must have a cumulative gradepoint average of 2.5. “The grade-point average requirement was passed by the general student population when those bylaws were enacted,” Fergueson said. On the surface, the ASLC hiring standards appear to be cut and dried with no existence of any gray area, yet Bond, in an April 15 e-mail to Hood, offered her the position knowing that her GPA was below the requirement. “We have a minimum grade-
>> page 15
point average requirement of 2.5. We were able to look at grades for everyone that we would like to hire and know that you had a rough time with a class last semester so you are just below it,” Bond wrote in the e-mail. “I am aware that you fall slightly below this level.” Hood accepted the position. She completed the training and became the LAB Musical Events Chair for fall 2010 — despite Article III of the ASLC Bylaws. She said she was fully aware that her employment was “at will,” as defined by the ASLC >> Please see Firing page 6
>> Please see Contest page 6
With a play on the term, “Freshman 15,” the Huffington Post is holding a contest encouraging students to get the “Freshman 8” — eight hours of sleep a night, that is. With a grand prize of a trip to New York City, the Post’s editors selected Linfield freshman Kate Woginrich as a finalist. What began as a national competition more than a month ago, in honor of October’s National Sleep Month, has been reduced to six finalists, with Woginrich competing against Justine di Giovanni of St. Olaf College, Gordon Finnegan of the College of William and Mary, Patrick Finnegan of Whitman College and others. She is currently in fourth place, with Justine di Giovanni, of St. Olaf’s College, in first. Woginrich said she read about the competition in the Huffington Post a month ago. “I read the Post everyday and just saw it on a page,” she said. Inspired to attempt the challenge presented by the competition, Woginrich struggled to begin what experts consider a normal sleep cycle. At first it was difficult, she said, and that she wasn’t accustomed to going to bed at 11:00 p.m. and waking up at 7:00 a.m. Woginrich said the first few days were extremely tough. “But eventually I got used to having my sleep schedule on Pacific Standard Time,” she says in a video created for the competition. Shortly after she changed her habits, Woginrich said she began to notice results. She received A’s on two history papers in a row and is no longer spending tons of money on coffee. Throughout September,
Matthew Sunderland Senior reporter
The Associated Students of Linfield College Senate covered much ground during its Oct. 4 meeting. “I’m anticipating great things in the month of October from our Senate,” junior ASLC Vice President Katie Patterson said. Senators voted junior Bradley Keliinoi as president pro tempore. In this position, Keliinoi will fill in for Patterson in case of her absence. Keliinoi is also the Hawaiian Club senator and Senate Governance Committee co-chair. The Whitman Hall senator expressed concern about Keliinoi’s other commitments to Senate, but Patterson isn’t worried. “He knows the standing rules and bylaws pretty much better than anyone,” Patterson said of Keliinoi. Keliinoi beat out freshman Marissa Cole for the position in a 37-8 vote. Senate also voted unanimously to approve Communication Board Guidelines. The guidelines govern the relationship between ASLC and campus media: the Review, KSLC 90.3 FM, CAMAS and Wildcat
>> page 8-9
Cat Cab
>> page 11