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Changchun City Plan Map (2014)
Changchun is located in the middle of the Northeast China Plain, with a total are of 20,571 km2 .
Changchun has a four-season, humid, monsoon-influenced climate. The winter (lasting from November to March) is very cold because cold air masses of Siberian origin prevail. However, given the low temperatures, the low amount of snow that falls doesn't melt, so the winter landscape is usually covered with snow. During the most intense cold spells, the temperature can drop to around -30 °C (-22 °F). In summer, the heat is not constant as in central-southern China. Rainy periods can be quite cool, with highs around 20/25 °C (68/77 °F). However, in good weather it can get very hot. Generally, the temperature begins to decrease already in the second half of August.42 Changchun is the capital city of Jilin Province of the People's Republic of China. The name of the city means "long spring" in Chinese. During WWII, Changchun was renamed Hsinking as the capital of Manchukuo, an imperial Japanese puppet state in modern day Northeast China.43
42“长春概貌,” 长春市人民政府门户网站 ( Changchun Municipal People's Government, May 20, 2020), http://www.changchun. gov.cn/zjzc/ljzc/zrgk/. 43“历史沿革,” 长春市人民政府门户网站 ( 长春市委, December 23, 2020), http://www.changchun.gov.cn/zjzc/ljzc/lsyg/.