Heywood Sports Village - Safe Operations - Activities

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 Covid-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic - Safe Operation - Activities

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Covid-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic - Safe Operation - Activities

Location of Activity

Ref No.

Throughout the facility

Assessors Name 


QMS/Work Instructions

Date of Assessment

Damien Ellison


Next Review Date 20-07-2021

Names of Employees Consulted

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Hazard Risk Rating

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Training/Quali cations Required to Complete this Activity

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Required to Complete this Activity

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Please select a equipment or manually write it

Legislation, guidance and information used in support of this assessment

Other Risk Assessments Cross Referenced Potential Risk Rating

Covid-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic - Safe Operation - Building/Facility General Covid-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic - Safe Operation - Sta and Sta Areas

Potential Harm/Consequence

Likelihood That Harm Will Occur


Insigni cant


Very Unlikely
















Very Likely

VERY LOW Risk Rating

The risk rating indicates the level of response required to be taken when adding actions to the improvement plan (RRP). Ratings between 15 and 25 require an urgent review of existing control measures.

Very Low Risk 1 - 2

No action required

Low Risk 3 - 6


Medium Risk 8- 12

Action required

High Risk 15 - 16

Urgent Action

Critical Risk 20 - 25

Work Must Stop and take immediate action

If the Risk Rating is 15 or more and no further control measures are practicable, add the risk to the H&S Risk Register.





Who May be Harmed



Current Control Measure in Place

Risk Rating With Current Control Measures In Place

Sample of any Reviewed Control Measures

Additional Control Measures Required

Potential Risk Rating After Additional Control Measures Implemented

Keeping up to date with o cial guidance

 1x1


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Lack of up-to-date information regarding the Covid-19 virus

Contractors Customer Adult Customer Child

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Attendance at Covid-19 clinics, webinars and other CPD Regular review of NGB advice and guidance Following advice and guidance from industry bodies such as CIMSPA, UKactive, RLSS, PWTAG

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Reviewing best practice examples from within the industry Reviewing other sectors where applicable −

Information - Responsibilities 

Sta Contractors

Lack of up-to-date information regarding the Covid-19 virus

Customer Adult Customer Child



Activities - General Possible transmission of Covid19 due to not following social distancing guidelines Spread of virus due to



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Goverment (www.gov.uk) and NHS (www.nhs.uk) advice is regularly checked by all managers

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 3x1


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Contractors Customer Adult


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Activities - General

Customer Child


Covid-19 Response Team established. Senior Leadership Team to develop sources of information to keep up-to-date with the latest guidance available on managing response to the pandemica and feed this into the risk assessment process

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Arrangements regarding re-opening are communicated to customers prior to opening so they know what activities are available and what to expect Communications regarding re-opening arrangements include the use of website, social media, email and text Customers displaying Covid-19 symptoms are asked to leave and advised to stay home As far as possible, activities are booked and paid for in advance either online or over the telephone Frontline Sta Pandemic Awareness Training / Covid-19 training is delivered prior to reopening/re-engaging sta COVID-19 Safety Signage in place, uncluding safe distancing signage throughout the building Cleaning Stations Hand Sanitisers available throughout the building Areas locked o or barriered o to prevent unauthorised access to restricted areas PPE provided to sta Handwashing facilities available in the building Cleaning Regime in place Deep Cleaning of centre completed prior to opening Automatic Doors used at Entrance and Exit, with coneirge controlling access into the building Elbow Opening mechanisms in place on door handles that require to be pulled open High Touch Points cleaned more frequent in additon to cleaning regime Tra c Light system in place for areas where social distance cannot be adhered to on stairwells



Gym Possible transmission of Covid19 due to not following social distancing guidelines Spread of virus due to

Activities - Gym

Sta Customer Adult Customer Child

 Members and casual users book in advance (online or via telephone) to use the gym Personal training is only carried out where a 2m distance can be observed between the PT and the customer Inductions are only carried out where a 2m distance between the instructor and the customer(s) can be observed Virtual inductions are carried out online




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Virtual inductions are carried out online Prominent signage is displayed reminding of social distancing and sanitisation guidelines Customers are encouraged not to bring belongings into the gym and to change and shower at home Personal towels may be permitted and clear signage is displayed instructing customers to keep them on their person and not to use them for sitting on or wiping down equipment Hand sanitiser stations are tted at the entrance to the gym and throughout Sanitiser and cloths/paper towelling or wipes are provided and prominent signage is displayed encouraging customers to wipe equipment before and after use Sta check sanitiser levels regularly Sta undertake cleaning of equipment throughout the day in accordance with an enhanced cleaning schedule Deep cleaning takes place prior to opening Where possible, windows are opened to provide fresh air (where this doesn't compromise air handling) Assessment rooms are closed to customers Workout cards are not issued and members are encouraged to use an app to manage their workout Sanitiser is positioned adjacent to water dispensers Sessions are limited to 90 minutes only and then followed by 30 minutes cleaning Gym occupancy levels reduced and only a maximum of 45 people allowed in the gym at any one time Gym Equipment is spaced out 2m to ensure social distancing is observed Cleaning stations are located in the gym for customers to wipe down and disinfect equipment Cleaning Stations and Hand Sanitisers are checked and re- lled regularly Equipment not being used in the gym is stored away Areas not in use are locked or barriered o Members only to be allowed access into the gym







Gym - Capacities

Possible transmission of Covid-19 due to not following social distancing guidelines

Sta Customer Adult Customer Child

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Maximum capacity within the gym is reduced to 45 Equipment is removed to ensure at least 2m distance between each piece of equipment. Where equipment is unable to be moved, it is switched o or barriered o

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Warm up / cool down areas have retricted numbers to 6 users at any one time and signage is diplayed advising of maximum Free weights area is restricted to a limited amount of users and signage is displayed advising of maximum

Gym - Ventilation

Spread of virus due to inadequate ventilation

Sta Customer Adult Customer Child

Air Exchange increased in the gym to increase air ow



Air Filters ltered in ventilation system and AHU, are of high quality grade which lters contaminated particles

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Group Exercise Classes and Possible transmission of Covid19 due to not following social distancing guidelines Spread of virus due to

Group Exercise Classes and Studios

Sta Customer Adult Customer Child

Members and casual users book classes (online or via telephone) in advance



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Where no device is present and doors are kept open during the class, the instructor ensures they are closed following the activity

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Instructor always maintains at least 2m distance from all class participants

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Classes are scheduled to allow for cleaning and set up time in between Equipment and mats are sanitised before and after use Customers are permitted to bring their own mats Prominent signage is displayed reminding of social distancing guidelines Customers are encouraged not to bring belongings into the studio and to change and shower at home Water fountains are taken out of use Sanitiser is positioned adjacent to water dispensers Hand sanitiser stations are tted at the entrance to the studio Sta check sanitiser levels regularly Instructors guide participants into the studio (or area where classes are taking place) to ensure social distancing and allow


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ensure social distancing and allow participants to take their position Where possible, sports halls and outdoor areas are utilised for classes to allow for increased social distancing and capacity Instructors do not share head mics Amp / music system is cleaned by the instructor after use using anti-bacterial wipes Fitness classes have been relocated to di erent areas of the building to accomodate for increased space for social distancing Cleaning regime in place Cleaning Stations available for tness classes High Touch points are cleaned more frequently Adults only (16 Years +) to access tness classes Class register to be taken by instructor before class commences to ensure correct class numbers Areas restricted or not in use are locked o or barriered o preventing unauthorised access

Studio Capacities

Possible transmission of Covid-19 due to not following social distancing guidelines

Sta Customer Adult Customer Child

Maximum capacity is de ned (and recorded) for each type of class, for example, fewer customers are permitted in high impact classes than in yoga



Overall maximum capacity of group exercise classes is reduced to enable each participant to exercise in at least a 4m2 area

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Online booking system to allow customers to book tness classes Safe distancing signage in place Spin Bikes / Indoor Cycles are positioned apart for social distancing

Studio Ventilation

Spread of virus due to inadequate ventilation

Sta Customer Adult Customer Child

Where possible, windows/doors are opened to provide fresh air (provided air handling is not compromised) Ventilation is increased to increase air exchange Air lters in ventilation and AHU's, are of high quality grade to lter out contaminated particles



Sports Halls and Courts



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Sports Halls and Courts

Sta Customer Adult

Possible transmission of Covid19 due to not following social distancing guidelines Spread of virus due to

Customer Child

No sports activities take place in the sports hall other than for example, badminton, tennis, table tennis (2 players only for each sport unless in same household), cricket and short mat bowls



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No team/contact sports, such as football, netball or basketball take place

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No trampolining takes place unless harness is available Only non-contact martial arts take place Gymnastics and dance sessions take place wehre at least 2m social distancing can be adhered to and no physical contact is necessary Prominent signage is displayed reminding of social distancing guidelines Equipment and mats are set up by sta Equipment and mats are sanitised before and after use Sta wash their hands before and after handling equipment Hand sanitiser stations are tted at the entrance to the sports hall Sta check sanitiser levels regularly Customers are encouraged not to bring belongings into the sports hall and to change and shower at home See section on gym and studios where sports halls are used for classes or where gym equipment has been moved into the sports hall

Sports Halls & Courts -

Spread of virus due to inadequate ventilation

Sta Customer Adult

Ventilation is increased to increase and improve air exchange



Customer Child

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Swimming Pools Possible transmission of Covid19 due to not following social distancing guidelines Spread of virus due to

Swimming Pools - Refer to Swim England Guidance

Sta Customer Adult Customer Child

Lifeguard zone visability tests (LZVTs) are undertaken as necessary, for example, where lifeguard positions are changed due to Covid measures Fun sessions, including in atables and oats, are not permitted due to the inability to maintain and control 2m distance A lifeguard/supervisor ensures a 2m distance


 3x2


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g p is maintained for customers queuing on poolside to enter the pool Swimming teachers maintain a 2m distance from pupils and do not teach from within the pool Clubs are advised of maximum numbers and the need for coaches to follow social distancing guidelines Lifeguards or spotters ensure 2m distance is observed both in the pool and on poolside Lifeguards wear PPE (masks and gloves) when assisting individuals on and o the pool hoist Prominent signage is in place to promote showering before and after swimming Prominent signage is displayed reminding of social distancing guidelines Whistles are not shared and radios are sanitised when handed from one lifeguard to another Torpedo buoys are not shared or are sanitised on changeover Hand sanitiser is available on poolside Sta check sanitiser levels regularly Pool water is maintained in accordance with PWTAG guidance Prominent signage is displayed reminding of social distancing guidelines whilst swimming in the pool 2 Lifeguards on pool at all times. One lifeguard controls access into the pool Max of 30 bathers in the pool at any one time Pool equipment, inclduing rescue equipment and lifeguard high chairs and hoists are cleaned before and after use No Floats or other pool equipment to be given out to customers Members and Casuals book activity online or over telephone Sessions limited to 90 minutes only, followed by 30 minutes cleaning Large Pool Open only Small Pool Closed Lane Swimming and Club Swimming to take place in the swimming pool only 3 Double lanes to be used in the pool, with 10 people max, in each lane. Social distance is maintained whilst swimming in the lanes No belongings to be brought onto poolside


o be o g gs to be b oug t o to poo s de

Swim Lanes

Possible transmission of Covid-19 due to not following social distancing guidelines

Sta Customer Adult Customer Child

The width of swim lanes has been reviewed and increased to incorporate 3 double lanes, with 10 people maximum in each lane in order to observe safe distancing



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5 Seconds gap must be left between each person in a lane

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Swimming in pairs in a lane is prohibited

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Single le swimming only Lane Direction must be followed at all times No stopping at the end of the lanes and talking

Bather Loads

Possible transmission of Covid-19 due to not following social distancing guidelines

Sta Customer Adult Customer Child

Maximum bather loads are reduced to 30 for all sessions



Maximum bather loads are monitored throughout and communciated to the manager

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Sessions reduced to 90 minutes only

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Online Booking controls amount of people attending each session



Outdoor Fitness

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Outdoor Fitness

Sta Customer Adult

Possible transmission of Covid19 due to not following social distancing guidelines Spread of virus due to

Customer Child

 Outdoor exercise classes are booked in advance



Participants are spaced out to ensure at least 2m distance between each participant and the instructor

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The instructor promotes social distancing

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Hand sanitiser is available Class register taken by the instructor before class commences Members and Casual book onto tness class online or by telephone

Outdoor Fitness Capacity

Possible transmission of Covid-19 due to not following social distancing guidelines

Sta Customer Adult Customer Child

Instructor led group exercise classes are in place with a maximum number of participants, based on tness class taking place. 30 People maximum in anyone class outdoors



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Meeting Rooms and Community Spaces

Meeting Rooms and Community

Sta Customer Adult

Possible transmission of Covid19 due to not following social distancing guidelines Spread of virus due to

Customer Child

Separate risk assessments are carried out if hirers with to book meeting rooms or community space (depending on what they want it for) to ensure social distancing guidelines can be met

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Tables and chairs are set up to ensure at least a 2m distance

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Only essential participants attend meetings face to face; virtual meetings are encouraged Hand sanitiser stations are in place on entry to meeting rooms and community spaces Sta check sanitiser levels regularly Prominent signage is displayed reminding of social distancing guidelines and hygiene Catering items including refreshments items are not to be used Tables and Chairs cleaned on a regular basis Cleaning Regime in place Fot tness classes taking place in the Community Rooms, please see Fitness Class / Studio Risk Assessment


Spread of virus due to inadequate ventilation

Sta Customer Adult Customer Child

Windows/doors are opened to promote fresh air ow (without compromising air handling)



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Air handling is set to increase air ow  View Files  View Links



Changing Rooms, Showers and  Possible transmission of Covid19 due to not following social distancing guidelines Spread of virus due to

Changing Rooms, Showers and Toilets Sta

 4x2


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Customer Adult Customer Child

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Sanitiser is avaialble adjacent to hand dryers and hair dryers Sta supervise access to facilities to ensure social distancing Signage promoting social distancing guidelines and requirements is displayed Cleaning schedule is followed to ensure all areas are cleaned and sanitised regularly Changing rooms and toilet areas are regularly checked throughout the day Paper towels and Pedal bins are available for hand drying. Hand dryers are turned o Maximum of 30 people in total, accessing the male and female changing rooms Family / Village Changing Rooms Cubicles, lockers and toilets, closed o for use Every other changing room cubicle is locked o to observer social distancing guidelines Every other changing rooms toilet is locked o to observe social distancing guidelines Lockers are locked closed at regular intervals to restrict access and observe social distancing guidelines Online booking system used to control access into the changing rooms for swimming Entrance and Exit points established and de ned in the changing rooms Toilets that are unable to observe social distancing are locked o Toilets are restircted to be used by one person at a time and operate a one in, one out policy Use of showers within toilets are strictly forbidden Elbow opening mechanisms are placed on door handles were a customers is required to pull open a door Deep Cleaning completed prior topening Cleaning regime in place Hand Soap, Toilet Rolls and Paper towels are checked and re lled regularly Hand Sanitiser thorughout the building, which is checked and re lled regularly High touch points cleaned on a regular basis






Changing Room Capacity

Possible transmission of Covid-19 due to not following social distancing guidelines

Sta Customer Adult Customer Child

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Dry sports / communal changing rooms reduced to 6 people at any one time

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Wet Changing Rooms have a maximum of 30 people at any one time  View Files  View Links

Toilets - Capacity

Possible transmission of Covid-19 due to not following social distancing guidelines

Sta Customer Adult Customer Child

Maximum of 1 person in each indivudal toilet at any one time.








Possible transmission of COVID-19 due to incorrect social distancing whilst in the pool water

Sta Trainer / Assessor

Sta Trainer/Assessor


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One in, One Out policy operated within toilet areas

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NPLQ Comp Test / Ongoing Training

Possible transmission of Covid-19 due to not following social distancing guidelines

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Maximum of 2 people only in the Changing Room Toilet Area

Showering in toilets with shower capacbilities is strictly forbidden

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Personal protective equipment (PPE) is provided, in good condition and worn

 2x1


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Sta to observe handwashing hygiene procedures COVID-19 Safety Signage in place

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Max of 6 people working in a group

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Personal protective equipment (PPE) is provided, in good condition and worn



When in the pool, use the four stage approach: 1. Use casualty from same household. 2. Swap individuals with Deep Water Manakin where possible. 3. Use of no casualty, just simulation. 4. Paired with the same person throughout the course session or assessment

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PPE worn, candidates must be shown how to use corectly and dry their face prior to application of a face shield Face masks are to be kept dry and not used wet, as this compromises the equipment and may cause an obstruction to breathing


Possible transmission of COVID-19 through cross-contamination in the Poolside




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COVID-19 Safety Signage in place

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Pre-Swim Showering is essential for all candidats for 30 seconds along with handwashing Trainer / Assessors should use overshoes on poolside Hand Sanitiser located on poolside See COVID1-9 Risk Assessment - Poolside for Rules and Guidance When demonstrating Head Splint, candidate should wear a face mask

Changing Rooms

Possible transmission of COVID-19 through cross-contamination in the changing rooms

Sta Trainer/Assessor

Swimming Kit to be worn underneat their everyday clothing, so they are beach ready



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Rules and guidelines set out by the pool operator are followed at all times  View Files

Where possible, pool sessions are to be limited each day

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COVID-19 Safety Signage in place Hand Sanitiser available throughout the changing rooms Hand washing facilities available See COVID-19 Risk Assessment - Changing Rooms for Rules and Guidelines Follow one way system for entering and exiting the changing rooms

Secondary Survey or Recovery  Possible transmission of Covid-19 due to not following correct technique whilst observing social distancing guidelines

Sta Trainer/Assessor

Personal protective equipment (PPE) is provided, in good condition and worn



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Visual Aids for demonstrations should be used where possible to demonstrate the correct technique

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Verbal descriptions can also be used during training

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Trainers and Candidates can perform secondary survey or recovery position on a person from the same household Wash hands after demonstration Indiviual sections of oor space should be allocated to each candidate Floor or mats to be disinfected in between use





Possible transmission of COVID-19 through Infrequent or inadequate hand washing

Sta Trainer / Assessor

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Hand Santiser available for use before and after the classroom door Hand Washing facilities provided and to be used at all times

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Trainer to demonstrate on themselves or manakin where possible, when using bandages to demonstrate rst aid

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Bandages should be sealed new or expired Bandages to be used by one erson only and will be given to use at start of training or assessment Bandages are to be disposed of after length of a course or use Nose bleed treatment to be demonstrated on an adult manakin on a chair Treatment of bleeds on a limb can be demonstrated on a casualty manakin or a section of pre-cut 2 inch waste pipe which has been disinfected prior to use Demonstrations on a live casualty can be demonstrated on a member from the same household Face Masks must be worn when demonstrating the treatment on a nonhousehold casualty

Coughing or Sneezing

Possible transmission of COVID-19 through coughing or sneezing


Remind of using and disposing of tissues


Where tissue is not available, sneezing or coughing into elbow is advised



Handwashing procedures after sneezing or coughing to be encouraged

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Possible transmission of Covid-19 due to incorrect use of equipment or incorrect disinfection




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Personal protective equipment (PPE) is provided, in good condition and worn Sta training - on-going/ refresher programme Sta to observe handwashing procedures COVID-19 Safety Signage in place Equipment to be cleaned before and after use Hand Sanitizer available on poolside Individual manakins to be used thoruhgout the session for each candidate and lungs changed after each session. Where this is not possible, shared manakins must be fully disinfected and lungs changed before next person use Clean chest and whole face with 70%+ alcohol wipes after each use and allow to dry naturally before next use After training session or assessment, all manakins cleaned with a suitable disinfectant solution and left for 72 hours before use again All equipment to be disinfected prior to use and after and again the end of the season or assessment Individual pool equipment should be issued. Where this is not possible, poolside equiment will have to be cleaned before the next person uses it Where possible arrange the training or assessment to allow person to demonstrate all skills using the piece of equipment before handing to the next candidate PXB to be disinfected prior to use and after use All candidates using the PXB should wear a dry face mask Where possible, when using the PXB, exchange casualty for a submersible manakin Candidates are kept in groups to minimise contact with too many individuals


Possible transmission of Covid-19 due to not following social distancing guidelines




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Personal protective equipment (PPE) is provided, in good condition and worn Sta training - on-going/ refresher programme COVID-19 Safety Signage in place Sta to observe handwashing hygine procedures Cleaning Regime in place Equipment to be cleaned before and after use Classrooms setup to adhere to socil distancing rules Equipment to be left at the venue where possible and disinfected on a daily basis Paperwork to be issued electronically where possible Individual registers for each candidate to complete Sta and Trainers to use their own stationary only Adequate air ow to be intorduced into the classroom Max of 6 People in a group Hand Sanitizer available for use −



Access Possible transmission of Covid19 due to not following social distancing guidelines Spread of virus due to

Astro-Turf Pitch / Grass Pitch


 2x1


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Customer Adult Customer Child

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Club Bookings Only to be taken only Risk Assessments from each individual club to be completed and given to centre Safeguarding Certi cation must be given to the centre Public Liability Insurance documentation must be given to centre Booking form completed before allow use of ATP Each Club booking must have participants details and contact numbers available at all times for checking, in order to adhere to track and trace Referee's Room to be used by players for toilet access Building access at the rear of the building and not through the main entrance Changing Room Access Closed o for use Handwashing Facilities available in the Referee's changing room Only one person in the referee's room at any one time Intercom system to be used to gain access to rear of building Hand Sanitizer available on entrance to the referee's room Social Distancing to be observed at all times Prominant signage displayed reminding of social distancing and sanitisation guidelines Sta check sanitiser levels regular Area cleaned on a regular basis No external equipment to be brought into the centre

 Revision History 


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Reviewed By





Damien Ellison

Gym Environment Completed

14-06-2020 14:12:54

Reviewed By





Damien Ellison

Other Area added.

14-06-2020 14:30:05


Damien Ellison

Further updates completed from NHS guidance and from LAC regarding research on air ow

14-06-2020 14:48:10


Damien Ellison


14-06-2020 15:04:45


NPLQ Training added

Damien Ellison

23-06-2020 17:45:26


Damien Ellison

Social Distancing 2m rule adjusted, to account for social distance change

24-06-2020 07:54:06


Damien Ellison

NPLQ Training / Assessment / Comp Test Added

24-06-2020 09:26:25


Damien Ellison

Further amendments as per government guidance

13-07-2020 09:54:06


Damien Ellison

ATP and Grass Pitch Use added to Risk Assessment

20-07-2020 14:28:25

Showing 1 to 9 of 9 entries

STITCH - RA Š 2020





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