LL_FALL13_BOCA_WEST2_REPRINT2 8/26/13 3:06 PM Page 1
Boca West Country Club
An unwavering commitment to extraordinary service and amenities has made this private residential country club one of the best in the country
t is no small feat to be named the nation’s
“We are in the member-pleasing business,” says Jay
top private country club (nine years run-
DiPietro, club president and general manager. “We
ning nonetheless) by the Platinum Clubs of
understand what people want and don’t want. We
America. But in Boca Raton, a city rich with
work hard at it. And we recruit and hand pick the
the world’s finest private clubs found any-
nicest, friendliest, most attentive people in the world
where, that numero uno ranking among the elites and
to work here.” More than 800 of those hand-picked
the bragging rights that come with it just might be
employees work in the club during peak season.
the most satisfying honor. Boca West Country Club, perfectly situated on 1,400 lushly landscaped acres between West Palm Beach and Fort Lauderdale, isn’t just one of the topranked clubs in the country. With more than 6,000 residents, it is also one of the largest. Everything is bigger than life here, from the magnificent clubhouse, sports center and spa to the four championship golf courses to the six separate dining venues that rival the top restaurants of any major city. And while the club’s size allows it to skillfully handle any member function, and serve 900 for dinner in the clubhouse, Boca West’s biggest asset isn’t its grand scale, but its staff.
ABOVE: The clubhouse can accommodate a variety of social events. BELOW: A waterfall serves as the backdrop at the 18th green on Fazio II.