Scriptamanent Link2Continents

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Scripta manent 2



Description of Link 2 Continents

Where it all started. During the years 2013 and 2014 the organisation Link took part, thanks to other partner organisations, in it’s first European-Asian project. During the development of the activities, the staff noticed and realized a big gap of knowledge about cultural differences, handeling of preparation and realization of volunteer exchanges and missing opportunities for confrontation. So as youth organizations who deal with cultural differences at European level, do not always consider that globalization introduced a bigger complexity in our societies and it is necessary to work more and more in multicultural settings including people bringing culturale differences which are stronger than those existing between Europeans. The idea of Link 2 Continents was born. Increase the mutual knowledge and exchange of best practise about culture, costumes and habits, to improve youth projects which see involved participants from different continents was the main aim of the project Link 2 Continents, lasting between 2016 until 2018, involving activly 32 youth workers and 12volunteers from 6 different countries from 2 continents. The countries involved were on one side of the globe: Italy, Spain and Slovakia and on the other side: Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia. The bases of partnership was set during Kick-Off Meeting in March 2017 in Italy, where the partner organisations figured out





common strategies and started sharing ideas and needs for the realized of the whole project. The first meeting was followed by a Training Course for Youth Workers, professional and non, realized in Thailand in May 2017. The next step for L2C project was the exchange of volunteers, in the frame of European Volunteer Service. 12 young people had the chance to take part in various educational projects, promoting interculturality and non-formal education in the six partner countries, staying abroad for 2 months each. This book is the collection of this 12 stories of young volunteers, realizing their dream of volunteering on another continent. Closed the session of volunteering it was the moment for Youth Workers, staff or collaborators of each partner organisation, to set out for a job-shadowing experience. During the two-weeks stay on the other continent, working in the partne NGO, the six participants could gained knowledge about the management of youth projects, but also shared their knowledge and best practises gained and passed over from their sending organisations. Various workshops, meetings and activities were realized to promote intercultural learning and reach the objectives of L2C project.

involved, both as organizer and as co-promoter, in many other projects supported by the program: partnership building activities, training courses, feasibility visits and projects supporting innovation and quality in youth work. The promotion of volunteering activities, and the active involvement of ex-volunteers in the visibitily and dissemination about what they did during their stay abroad, what they learned and how they grew, was always a big goal of Link. So in 2008 the first writing contest of “Scriptamanent – Every volunteer has a story to tell� was born. Until today five editions, including more then 100 stories of volunteers from all over Europe, doing various types of volunteering, has been published and shared through printed books, but also available online on the webiste So it was a must to realize the first European-Asian edition within the Link 2 Continents project, and stimulate the volunteers to take a step forward sharing their personal experience and help others to take the decision to get active too.

Why this booklet? Associazione Culturale Link has been established in 2003 by a group of young people wishing to promote non formal education, intercultural learning activities and human rights education in the Region of Puglia, in the South of Italy. During the years the association has offered mobility opportunities to hundreds of young people, focussing on youth exchanges, international trainings and European Voluntary Service. Link is since 2007 a hosting, sending and coordinating organization in the frame of EVS and offers a variety of activities for young people from all over Europe. Besides, Link is also





Erasmus Plus, description and thanks

Erasmus+ is the EU’s programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Between 2013 and 2020, thanks to its budget of €14.7 billion the programm provides opportunities for over 4 million Europeans to study, train, gain experience and volunteer abroad. Merging seven prior programmes, Erasmus+ doesn’t just have opportunities for students, instead it has opportunities for a wide variety of individuals and organisations. Detailed information on these opportunities, including eligibility criteria, is available in the Erasmus+ Programme Guide, the link you can find here: programmes/erasmus-plus/resources/programme-guide_en –– Individuals (can be young people, trainees, students, teachers, staff for teaching and training) Erasmus+ has opportunities for people of all ages, helping them develop and share knowledge and experience at institutions and organisations in different countries. –– Organisations (of all kind and types can benefit) Erasmus+ has opportunities for a wide range of organisations, including universities, education and training providers, thinktanks, research organisations, and private businesses.

Find out more information on





The aim of Erasmus+ is to contribute to the Europe 2020 strategy for growth, jobs, social equity and inclusion, as well as the aims of ET2020, the EU’s strategic framework for education and training. Erasmus+ also aims to promote the sustainable development of its partners in the field of higher education, and contribute to achieving the objectives of the EU Youth Strategy. Specific issues tackled by the programme include: • Reducing unemployment, especially among young people • Promoting adult learning, especially for new skills and skills required by the labour market. • Encouraging young people to take part in European democracy • Supporting innovation, cooperation and reform • Reducing early school leaving • Promoting cooperation and mobility with the EU’s partner countries

knowledge and best practices, encourage working abroad, and increase the recognition of qualifications. • Capacity-building projects in the field of higher education to support the modernisation, accessibility, and internationalisation of higher education in Partner Countries. • Capacity-building projects in the field of youth to support the development of youth work, non-formal learning, and volunteer work, as well as promote non-formal learning opportunities with Partner Countries The partnership of Link 2 Continents wants to thank Erasmus+, European Union Fundings, to the amazing opportunity given on daily basis to organisations in all the world, to meet each other and work for creating a more “linked” future for the future generations.

The project Link 2 Continents in specific has been included in a Key Action 2 project, which means activity to promote Innovation and good practices in Europe and out of Europe, as it is our case. Key Action 2 is designed to develop the education, training, and youth sectors through five main activities: • Strategic partnerships to support innovation in the sector as well as joint initiatives to promote cooperation, peer-learning, and the sharing of experience. • Knowledge Alliances to foster innovation in and through higher education together with businesses, and beyond, contributing to new approaches to teaching and learning, entrepreneurship in education, and the modernisation of higher education systems in Europe. • Sector Skills Alliances to tackle skills gap and ensure a better alignment of vocational education and training with labour market needs. There are opportunities to modernise VET, exchange





nicolò katarina almudena federica zuzana eva

aulia pisha thi thu hue le afifa thanaphong quang anh nguyen

The stories The stories of this booklet are collected within the 12 volunteers who had the chance to participate to the mobility between Asia and Europe in the year 2017. The partnership wants to thank to all of them for their commitment, entusiasm, energy, time and smiles invested.




I am Aulia. ––––––– I do come from Indonesia where I was born on 25 october 1998 in Kabupaten Semarang. ––––––– My EVS took place in Italy in summer 2017. ––––––– My favorite food which I learned to love during my EVS is pizza, panzerotti, arancini and focaccia. ––––––– My favorite color is blue. 16




Semarang, 30 June 2017 The clock shows 02.00 am in the early morning, and I still can’t close my eyes. Everything has been packed well, but my heart feels that something is missing. Yes, today will be a new chapter in my life, begins with 15 hours flight (not include the transit) within 3 planes. Can you imagine? Italy. I never been going abroad before, this is my first time to go somewhere really far away from home. Every time I tried to say to myself “everything is going to be okay” but deep down in my heart, she didn’t really sure about that.

Don’t worry girl, you’ll go just for 2 months. Altamura, 1 July 2017

“Being in a new place is not only about finding new people, but also makes you realize who always there even if you are far, Who will stay and who will go.” 18


Birgit picked me and my partner in the bus stop at 08.00pm, and then she takes us into our flat in Porta Bari. The next day I meet the other new peoples, the Link’s staffs Giuseppe, Lucia, Mino, Katerina, and also the volunteers Veronika, Andres, Lea, Julie, Erwan, Paulina, Patricia, Iris, Alex, Tarki, Marko, Gabin, Ceyhan, aulia

Revi, Sanders, Sylwia, and Ewa. But the volunteers are come and go, because that is how volunteer’s life is going.

No. I mean, that’s how our life is going, people always come and go. No one will stay forever. During the first week I just look around Altamura, the place that I will stay for 2 months. After Altamura, I also going to the nearest town, Gravina and Matera, they’re beautiful places. I was so excited because the architectures in European countries are quite different with Asian countries. I’m feeling happy just to see them, my eyes can’t stop staring the building here.

My happiness is simple right? I didn’t really understand what my project is about, but then I help Giuseppe in Masseria, help Birgit in the office, making videos, poster, organizing the “Indonesian Evening” event, organizing the “Cena in Rosso” event, and sometimes helping the other volunteers.


But overall, I’m really enjoying my project My first month is little bit hard to through. I still cannot adapt well here. I was thinking that I know myself, but I was wrong. I’m not an adaptable person as I thought. I don’t know why, but I feel that no one wants to talk with me. I always try to talk with the other volunteer, but their respond is very simple and seems like they don’t want to have a conversation with me. It makes me depressed, because being lonely is something that I hate. I never have a relationship with people who drink alcohol until they’re drunk, and I never doing party until all night long. That’s why I’m not often to join when they drink together in Piazza, and maybe it was the same reason why I don’t have any close friend in here. I never thought that 5 hours’ time differences will did something wrong to my biological clock. I know that I’m an insomnia person, I usually sleep at 1 or 2 in the early morning. But now they have been destroyed my sleep time. In my first three weeks, I can sleep after 3 or 4 in the morning. I feel sleepy when the clock shows sleep time in Indonesia, and I can’t sleep at night. Because when I’m going bed here, is the time to 20

wake up in my country. But I don’t know if this only happened to me, or somebody feels the same?

Maybe she’s missing home, she thinks that she’s home. That’s why her body still working in home’s time. Time. Sometimes they’re going so fast when I’m enjoy the atmosphere here, sometimes they’re going so slowly when I’m thinking about home. But yes, I also need them to dealing with myself, dealing with every conflict that I have to face. The second month was the best thing in Italy, I did some travels to another city in Italy, Florence, Pisa, Venice, and Rome with my partner Afifa, and Beyza my friend from Turkey. Second month was also the day when I feel easier to be relaxed with my condition and enjoying every single difference and changing in my life. I can decrease my worries about everything, I can enjoy my insomnia time, enjoying my loneliness to think about my plan when I come back home, I have better communication with the other volunteer, I can enjoy Piazza, found a new close friend from volunteer, found my real friend from my country and so on. scriptamanent

Being in a new place is not only about finding new people, but also makes you realize who always there even if you are far, Who will stay and who will go.

months of being here. New places, new food (of course), new friends, and new family. People always say that experience is the best teacher, and yes, they’re true. I learn and earn so many things here, and the good news is that now I can feel the new me.

Many things happened, and many experiences that I get from two







Semarang, 30 Juni 2017 Waktu menunjukkan pukul 02.00 dini hari, rasanya masih sangat sulit untukku memejamkan mata. Semuanya telah kukemas dengan rapi, tapi hatiku masih merasa ada sesuatu yang kurang. Ya, hari ini akan menjadi awal yang baru dalam hidupku, dimulai dengan 15 jam penerbangan (tidak termasuk transit) dengan 3 pesawat. Bisakah kau membayangkannya?

Italia. Aku tidak pernah pergi ke luar negeri sebelumnya, ini adalah pertama kalinya bagiku untuk pergi ke suatu tempat yang benar-benar jauh dari rumah. Selalu kucoba untuk mengatakan pada diriku sendiri “semuanya akan baik-baik saja” tapi jauh di lubuk hatiku, dia tidak begitu yakin akan hal itu.

Jangan khawatir, kamu hanya akan pergi selama 2 bulan.

Altamura, 1 Juli 2017 Birgit menjemputku dan rekanku di halte bus pukul 08.00 malam, kemudian dia membawa kami ke apartemen yang akan kami tinggali di Porta Bari. Keesokan harinya, aku bertemu dengan orang-orang baru lainnya, staf Link Giuseppe, Lucia, Mino, Katerina, dan juga volunteer lain Veronika, Andres, Lea, Julie, Erwan, Paulina, Patricia, Iris, Alex, Tarki, Marko, Gabin, Ceyhan , Revi, Sanders, Sylwia, dan Ewa. Tetapi volunteer selalu datang dan pergi, karena begitulah para volunteer hidup.

“Tidak. Maksudku... begitulah hidup, setiap orang akan selalu datang dan pergi. Tidak ada yang akan tinggal selamanya” Selama minggu pertama aku hanya melihat sekeliling Altamura, tempat yang akan kutinggali selama 2 bulan nantinya. Selain Altamura, aku juga pergi ke kota terdekat, Gravina dan Matera, mereka merupakan tempat yang begitu indah. Aku sangat senang karena arsitektur di negaranegara Eropa sangat berbeda dengan negara-negara Asia. Aku senang hanya melihat mereka, mataku tidak 24



bisa berhenti menatap bangunan di sini. Awalnya aku tidak benar-benar mengerti sebenarnya tugas apa yang akan kukerjakan selama EVS ini, tapi kemudian aku membantu Giuseppe di Masseria, membantu Birgit di kantor, membuat video, poster, menyelenggarakan acara “Indonesian Evening”, menyelenggarakan acara “Cena in Rosso”, dan terkadang juga membantu volunteer lainnya. Bulan pertama cukup sulit bagiku untuk melewatinya. Cukup sulit bagiku untuk beradaptasi dengan baik di sini. Aku berpikir bahwa aku mengenal diriku sendiri, tapi aku salah. Aku bukan orang yang mudah beradaptasi seperti yang kukira. Tidak tahu mengapa, aku merasa tidak ada yang mau berbicara denganku. Aku selalu mencoba untuk berbicara dengan volunteer lain, tapi tanggapan mereka sangat sederhana, seperti mereka tidak ingin mengobrol denganku. Itu membuatku tertekan dan frustasi, karena kesepian adalah sesuatu yang kubenci. Tidak pernah kusangka bahwa perbedaan waktu 5 jam akan berimbas pada jam biologisku. Aku tahu jika aku adalah orang yang insomnia, aku terbiasa tidur pukul 1 atau 2 pagi. Tapi sekarang perbedaan 25

waktu ini semakin menghancurkan waktu tidurku. Dalam tiga minggu pertama, aku hanya bisa tidur setelah jam 3 atau 4 pagi. Mengantuk saat jam menunjukkan waktu tidur di Indonesia, tetapi sangat sulit untuk tidur di malam hari. Karena waktu tidur di sini, adalah waktu untuk bangun di Indonesia. Tapi tidak tahu apakah ini hanya terjadi padaku, atau orang lain merasakan hal yang sama?

Mungkin dia merindukan rumahnya, dia berpikir bahwa dia sedang berada di rumah Mungkin itu sebabnya, mengapa jam biologisnya masih bekerja di waktu yang sama dari tempat dia berasal. Waktu. Terkadang mereka terasa begitu cepat saat aku bisa menikmati suasana di sini, terkadang mereka berjalan sangat lambat saat aku memikirkan rumah. Tapi ya, aku juga membutuhkan waktu untuk berdamai dengan diriku sendiri, berdamai dengan setiap konflik yang harus kuhadapi. Bulan kedua adalah hal terbaik di Italia, aku melakukan perjalanan bersama rekanku Afifa, dan Beyza seorang teman dari Turki ke 26

beberapa kota di Italia, Florence, Pisa, Venice, dan Roma. Bulan kedua juga merupakan bulan dimana aku merasa lebih baik dengan kondisi yang ada, dan bisa menikmati setiap perbedaan juga perubahan yang terjadi. Aku tidak lagi mengkhawatirkan berbagai hal, menikmati saat-saat insomnia, menikmati sepi untuk memikirkan rencanaku saat kembali ke rumah, berkomunikasi dengan lebih baik dengan volunteer lainnya, menikmati Piazza, menemukan teman dekat yang baru, dan menemukan siapa teman yang sebenarnya yang tak meninggalkan saat jauh.

Berada di tempat baru bukan hanya tentang menemukan orangorang baru, Tapi juga menyadarkanmu tentang siapa yang tetap menunggu meski kamu jauh,Siapa yang tetap tinggal, dan siapa yang meninggalkan Orang-orang selalu mengatakan bahwa pengalaman adalah guru terbaik, dan ya, memang benar. Aku mendapatkan pelajaran dan begitu banyak hal di sini, dan kabar baiknya adalah sekarang aku bisa merasakan diriku yang baru. scriptamanent



I am Afifa. ––––––– I do come from Indonesia, where I was born on 25 July 1995 in Kendal Semarang. ––––––– My EVS took place in Italy in summer 2017. ––––––– My favorite food which I learned to love during my EVS is pizza, panzerotti and gelato (ice cream). ––––––– My favorite color is black. 28




I have never imagined that I would have chance to go to Italy. It’s like a dream come true. Italy is definitely more than my expectations. Altamura is such a great city. One thing that got me more excited was that I can met another volunteer from diverse countries. They were so nice and friendly, so were the staffs of Link. On my first day in Altamura I met Veronika. My very first friends. We had a small city tour. Walking around the city center. Having random talk about stereotype of Europe and Asia then we had pasta for dinner. On Monday, I had meeting with Birgit (my coordinator) and Giuseppe. Next day I visited Masseria and County Side that would be my project place. Masseria was not that far from my house, it took about 1520 minutes by car. It’s an art gallery. Its old but pretty nice. I don’t know how to explain it but I love this place.

“Despite all the differences, I can still see some common features in all those culture, which make all of us somehow belong together.” 30 afifa


In the first month. I often to work in Masseria with another volunteers in the morning then in the afternoon, we worked in office. Sometimes we go to Mediateca.


It’s a place for children and teenager to having some activity. They had library, screening place and computer laboratory. This place was pretty cool. The activity that I and my friends did in Mediateca was made some science experiments like blue sky, gravity, electricity, etc. I had an Indonesian evening in my second week. It was pretty nice because people like Indonesian food and they so curious about the culture in my country. I met new people and making friends with them. I felt more love this city because I have more Italian friends. I also have Italian lesson but it was so hard for me. One month already and my Italian doesn’t improve. But I really have a great friends they help me to learn more and more and the staffs also. Since I lived with other volunteers, I had lunch and dinner together with them. We talked a lot about various things including our own projects.

It was really fun because I could discover new sight of making friends with foreigners and the way to treat them besides improving my English skill. They helped me a lot if I found any difficulty either when I did my 31

project. The local people were so helpful as well. They were kind, they were so friendly and love having foreigners around. In order to really get to know a foreign culture, you have to become a part of it. By getting to know local people, participating in various projects, dealing with Italian music, book, literature, etc. I dived into the Italian culture, integrated myself and became involved with the local people. Furthermore, I got to know a great deal about European cultures by meeting up with other volunteers from France, Slovenia, Spain, Slovakia, Netherlands, Poland, Turkey who are doing an EVS in Italy.

Despite all the differences, I can still see some common features in all those culture, which make all of us somehow belong together. I got a chance to help youth exchange program in Valsinni. The participants were teenagers from Italy and Iceland. They had so many activities in Iceland for one week then went to Italy for one week also. Their activities were pretty cool. This program was not really common in Indonesia. I realized something that European teenagers were more independent than Indonesian. When 32

I was fifteen I just went to school, study, join some courses then repeat. But in here, they had many activities which could improve their self in various of aspects. We had so much fun and I learned a lot of things from them. After Valsinni, I and the other volunteers organized annual event Cena in Rosso (Dinner in Red). I learned how to plan, prepare and organize such events.

In the meeting I learned how to bring in criticism and mention problem in an appropriate way and how to bring in my own ideas. I gained knowledge how to change ideas into real actions. In my free time, I usually went out around with other volunteers or Italian friends. I liked to go shopping, having dinner or watching movies with my friends. I travel to some city near Altamura and also to the north of Italy. It was really beautiful. Venice was my dream city since I was a kid and finally I go there. It’s a dream come true. I literally had so many precious moments that I would never get in Indonesia. Everything was so great. I truly had so much fun doing scriptamanent

my project and it made me sad when I had to leave.

Two month is not enough for me. I do thanks to DeJavato Foundation and Associazione Link that has given me this chance to go abroad and worked as a volunteer.

I can’t describe how happy I was while doing my project because everything was afifa

so incredible and I clearly still remember every single moment I got there. Thank you for all the good memories, experiences and lessons. It’s not just a dream come true but it’s more than that and I realized that I did not found friend but family. Thank you.


Aku Tidak Hanya Menemukan Teman Tapi Keluarga Aku tidak pernah membayangkan bahwa aku memiliki kesempatan untuk pergi ke Italia. Ini seperti mimpi yang menjadi kenyataan. Italia lebih dari harapan aku. Hal yang membuatku lebih bersemangat adalah aku bisa bertemu dengan volunteer lain dari berbagai negara. Mereka sangat baik dan ramah, begitu pula para staf di Link. Pada hari pertamaku di Altamura aku bertemu Veronika (volunteer dari Slovakia). Kami berkeliling kota. Berjalan mengelilingi pusat kota. Berbincang mengenai stereotip antara Eropa dan Asia, lalu kami tuutp dengan makan pasta untuk makan malam. Pada hari

Senin, aku bertemu dengan Birgit (selaku koordinator) dan Giuseppe. Keesokan harinya aku mengunjungi Masseria dan County Side yang akan menjadi tempat proyek aku. Masseria tidak jauh dari rumah aku, butuh sekitar 15-20 menit dengan mobil. Ini adalah galeri seni. Yang lama tapi lumayan bagus. Aku tidak tahu bagaimana menjelaskannya tapi aku mencintai tempat ini.

Di bulan pertama. Aku bekerja di Masseria bersama volunteer lain di pagi hari, kemudian di sore hari kami bekerja di kantor. Terkadang kita pergi ke Mediateka. Ini adalah tempat bagi anakanak dan remaja untuk melakukan aktivitas tertentu. Mereka memiliki

perpustakaan, tempat pemutaran film dan laboratorium komputer. Tempat ini sangat menarik. Kegiatan yang aku dan teman-teman aku lakukan di Mediateka membuat eksperimen sains seperti langit biru, gravitasi, listrik, dan lain-lain. Aku mempresentasikan tentang Indonesia di minggu kedua aku berada disana. Orang - orang menyukai makanan Indonesia dan mereka sangat penasaran dengan budaya di negaraku. Aku banyak bertemu orang baru dan berteman dengan mereka. Aku merasa lebih mencintai kota ini karena aku memiliki lebih banyak teman. Aku juga mendapatkan pelajaran bahasa Italia tapi sangat sulit bagi aku. Karena aku tinggal dengan volunteer lain, aku makan siang dan makan malam bersama mereka. Kami banyak membicarakan berbagai hal termasuk proyek kami sendiri.

Sungguh menyenangkan karena aku bisa menemukan pandangan baru untuk berteman dengan orang asing dan meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggrisku. Mereka banyak membantu aku jika aku mengalami kesulitan. Orangorang lokal juga sangat membantu. Mereka baik, mereka sangat ramah




dan senang bertemu dengan orang asing. Agar benar-benar bisa mengenal budaya asing, kamu harus menjadi bagian dari itu. Dengan mengenal masyarakat setempat, berpartisipasi dalam berbagai proyek, berurusan dengan musik, buku, sastra, dan semua hal yang berbau Italia, aku terjun ke dalam budaya Italia, mengintegrasikan diri aku dan terlibat dengan masyarakat setempat. Selanjutnya, aku mengetahui banyak tentang budaya Eropa dengan bertemu dengan volunteer lain dari Prancis, Slovenia, Spanyol, Slowakia, Belanda, Polandia, Turki yang sedang melakukan EVS di Italia.

Terlepas dari semua perbedaan itu, aku masih bisa melihat beberapa ciri umum dalam semua budaya itu, yang membuat kita semua entah bagaimana berada bersama. Aku mendapat kesempatan untuk membantu program pertukaran pemuda di Valsini. Pesertanya adalah remaja dari Italia dan Islandia. Mereka memiliki begitu banyak kegiatan di Islandia selama satu minggu kemudian di Italia selama satu minggu juga. Aktivitas mereka cukup menarik. Program ini jarang di Indonesia. Aku






menyadari sesuatu bahwa remaja Eropa lebih mandiri daripada remaja kebanyakan di Indonesia. Ketika aku berusia lima belas tahun, aku hanya pergi ke sekolah, belajar, mengikuti beberapa kursus lalu mengulanginya. Tapi di sini, mereka memiliki banyak aktivitas yang bisa mengembangkan diri mereka dalam berbagai aspek. Kami bersenang-senang dan belajar banyak hal dari mereka. Setelah Valsini, aku dan volunteer lainnya menyelenggarakan acara tahunan yaitu, Cena in Rosso (Dinner in Red).

Aku belajar bagaimana merencanakan, mempersiapkan dan mengatur acara. Di setiap rapat, aku belajar bagaimana mendatangkan kritik dan menyebutkan masalah dengan cara yang tepat dan bagaimana mewujudkan gagasan aku sendiri. Aku mendapatkan pengetahuan bagaimana mengubah gagasan menjadi tindakan nyata. Di waktu luang, aku biasanya pergi mengunjungi pantai dengan volunteer lain atau teman - teman lokal di Italia. Aku suka berbelanja, makan dan menonton film bersama teman - teman. Aku melakukan perjalanan ke beberapa kota di dekat Altamura


dan juga ke bagian utara Italia. Italia sangat indah. Venesia adalah kota impian aku sejak aku masih kecil dan akhirnya aku pergi ke sana. Ini adalah mimpi yang menjadi kenyataan. Aku benar-benar memiliki begitu banyak momen berharga yang tidak akan pernah aku dapatkan di Indonesia. Semuanya begitu hebat. Aku sangat senang mengerjakan proyekku dan membuat aku sedih saat harus pergi.

Dua bulan tidak cukup bagiku. Aku berterima kasih kepada DeJavato Foundation dan Link Associazione yang telah memberi aku kesempatan ini untuk pergi ke luar negeri dan bekerja sebagai volunteer.

Aku tidak bisa menggambarkan betapa bahagianya aku saat mengerjakan proyekku karena semuanya begitu luar biasa dan aku masih ingat setiap saat aku sampai di sana. Terima kasih atas semua kenangan, pengalaman dan pelajaran yang indah. Bukan hanya mimpi yang menjadi kenyataan tapi lebih dari itu dan aku menyadari bahwa aku tidak hanya menemukan teman tapi keluarga. Terima kasih.




I am Pisha. ––––––– I do come from Thailand, where I was born on 13 september 1992 in Bangkok. ––––––– My EVS took place in Slovakia, in Cadca. ––––––– My favorite food which I learned to love during my EVS is gulash, I really love it! ––––––– My favorite color is blue. 40




All of my youth, I was asking myself what can I be or what can I do. When I was a child, I didn’t even know how I was and also I don’t have a dream or goal in my life . It was a real struggle for me to understand why I wasn’t happy when I had everything that I thought was important in life.

Currently I know about one thing of mine I adore the journey. It creates meaningful experience to our life.

“Life is to be experienced. Put yourself out there. Do things you’ve never done. Live a life where at the end, you will have no regrets.” 42


The journey is able to find out who I was and what really mattered to me eventually. It’s not always easy starting a journey, especially when it means going somewhere you haven’t been before. Journeys are often a tricky business. Sometimes you end up at exactly the place you had always planned to reach. Sometimes you end up at a completely unexpected destination. Volunteering can be an amazing journey for people to take. It’s a great way to get out and get involved in the part of your life.

It’s a journey where you can meet new people and pisha

discover talents that you may have known you had. It’s important to stop and celebrate the success of all the brave steps you have taken on the volunteering journey.

Volunteering gets you up and out the door and taking a positive action – helping others. It’s pushing ourselves into more positive action and break the cycle of negative thoughts also has the added benefit of changing your focus, even if it’s just for an hour or so. This mean you get a much needed break from your negative thoughts and might even find yourself experiencing positive ones. Volunteering does the work for you, showing you different perspectives on life by having you interacting with people you might not encounter. It might rather be a perspective shift on yourself like,

‘I do have useful skills to share or I have more power than I realised.’ Also volunteering can teach you new skills, improve the ones you already have, help you feel useful and 43





recognize your inner resources, give you more purpose, and also improve your interrelating with others. All of which are bound to help your confidence. By the way I didn’t know what to except when deciding to volunteer in Slovakia. But within couple months I’ve learned so much in

terms of people, nature, culture and self-growth as well as how to travel by myself. I was happy to be making international friends with people from all around the world. Volunteering in Slovakia really changed my life and was a wonderful experience.

แ ด่ วั ย เ ย า ว์ ข อ ง ฉั น … ต ล อ ด ช่ ว ง ชี วิ ต วั ย เ ด็ ก ข อ ง ฉั น ฉั น เ ฝ้ า ค อ ย ถ า ม ตั ว เ อ ง อ ยู่ เ ส ม อ ว่ า “ ฉั น อ ย า ก เ ป็ น อ ะ ไ ร ” ห รื อ “ ฉั น ทำ � อ ะ ไ ร ไ ด้ บ้ า ง ” ค ง เ ป็ น เ พ ร า ะ ยั ง ไ ม่ รู ้ ว่ า ตั ว เ อ ง เ ป็ น ค น แ บ บ ไ ห น ฉั น ไ ม่ มี แ ม้ ก ร ะ ทั่ ง เ ป้ า ห ม า ย ห รื อ ค ว า ม ฝั น เ ห มื อ น อ ย่ า ง เ ด็ ก ค น อื่ น แ ต่ แ ล้ ว วั น ห นึ่ ง ฉั น ก็ ไ ด้ เ รี ย น รู ้ แ ล ะ ค้ น พ บ ว่ า ตั ว เ อ ง เ ป็ น ค น ที่ ช อ บ ก า ร เ ดิ น ท า ง ฉั น ม อ ง ว่ า ก า ร เ ดิ น ท า ง มั น ทำ � ใ ห้ ค้ น พ บ สิ่ ง ใ ห ม่ แ ต่ ไ ม่ แ ค่ นั ้ น มั น ยั ง ช่ ว ย ใ ห้ ฉั น ค้ น พ บ ตั ว ต น ที่ แ ท้ จ ริ ง ข อ ง ฉั น ไ ด้ แ ล ะ มั น ยั ง ส า ม า ร ถ ต อ บ คำ � ถ า ม ใ น วั ย เ ด็ ก ข อ ง ฉั น ไ ด้ อี ก ด้ ว ย แ ม้ ว่ า บ่ อ ย ค รั้ ง ที่ ก า ร เ ดิ น ท า ง ข อ ง ฉั น เ กิ ด ขึ้ น เ พ ร า ะ ค ว า ม จำ � เ ป็ น ม า ก ก ว่ า ค ว า ม ต้ อ ง ก า ร ที่ จ ะ เ ดิ น ท า ง ไ ป ยั ง จุ ด ห ม า ย ป ล า ย ทาง

แ ต่ ก า ร เ ดิ น ท า ง ก็ ยั ง เ ป็ น สิ่ ง ม หั ศ จ ร ร ย์ สำ � ห รั บ ฉั น เ ส ม อ เ พ ร า ะ ว่ า บ่ อ ย ค รั ้ ง ที่ สิ่ ง ไ ม่ ค า ด คิ ด เ กิ ด ขึ้ น ร ะ ห ว่ า ง ก า ร เ ดิ น ท า ง มั น ช่ ว ย ใ ห้ ฉั น ไ ด้ เ รี ย น รู ้ ที่ จ ะ เ ต รี ย ม รั บ มื อ กั บ ส ถ า น ก า ร ณ์ ที่ เ ป ลี่ ย น แ ป ล ง ไ ป จ า ก ที่ ค า ด ไ ว้ แ ล ะ มั น จ ะ ยิ่ ง เ พิ่ ม ท วี คู ณ ห า ก ก า ร




เ ดิ น ท า ง ค รั้ ง นั ้ น เ ป็ น ก า ร เ ดิ น ท า ง ไ ป ใ น จุ ด ห ม า ย ที่ เ ร า ไ ม่ เ ค ย ไ ป ม า ก่ อ น มี ใ ค ร บ า ง ค น เ ค ย บ อ ก ฉั น ว่ า ก า ร เ ป็ น อ า ส า ส มั ค ร ก็ เ ป็ น ก า ร เ ดิ น ท า ง รู ป แ บ บ ห นึ่ ง ก า ร ไ ด้ อ อ ก ไ ป พ บ ส ถ า น ที่ แ ป ล ก ใ ห ม่ ส ภ า พ แ ว ด ล้ อ ม ที่ คุ ณ ต้ อ ง ป รั บ ตั ว ใ ห้ คุ้ น เ ค ย ผู้ ค น ใ ห ม่ ๆ ที่ แ ต ก ต่ า ง ไ ป จ า ก เ ดิ ม ที่ คุ ณ เ ค ย พ บ เ จ อ อี ก ทั้ ง คุ ณ ยั ง มี โ อ ก า ส ไ ด้ ทำ � กิ จ ก ร ร ม ร่ ว ม เ พื่ อ น ต่ า ง ช า ติ ที่ เ ดิ น ท า ง ม า จ า ก ทั ่ ว มุ ม โ ล ก ร ว ม ถึ ง ผู้ ค น ท้ อ ง ถิ่ น ที่ อ า ศั ย อ ยู่ ใ น ที่ เ ร า เ ข้ า ม า เ ป็ น อ า ส า ส มั ค ร เ พื่ อ ใ ห้ เ ข้ า ใ จ วั ฒ น ธ ร ร ม แ ล ะ ค ว า ม เ ป็ น อ ยู่ ข อ ง ผู้ ค น อี ก ฝั่ ง ซี ก โ ล ก เ ห ล่ า นี้ เ ป็ น สิ่ ง ที่ คุ ณ จ ะ ไ ด้ รั บ จ า ก ก า ร เ ป็ น อ า ส า ส มั ค ร เ มื่ อ ฉั น ไ ด้ รู ้ อ ย่ า ง นั้ น ฉั น ไ ม่ เ ฝ้ า ค อ ย โ อ ก า ส ที่ จ ะ ไ ด้ เ ปิ ด ป ร ะ ส บ ก า ร ณ์ แ บ บ นั้ น ใ ห้ กั บ ชี วิ ต ข อ ง ตั ว เ อ ง ฉั น เ ริ่ ม ค้ น ห า ข้ อ มู ล ก า ร เ ป็ น อ า ส า ส มั ค ร ใ น อิ น เ ต อ ร์ เ น็ ต แ ล ะ ฉั น ก็ พ บ ว่ า ก า ร เ ป็ น อ า ส า ส มั ค ร นั้ น มี ห ล า ก ห ล า ย รู ป แ บ บ ห ล า ก ห ล า ย กิ จ ก ร ร ม ที่ เ ร า จ ะ ส ร้ า ง ป ร ะ โ ย ช น์ ใ ห้ กั บ ผู้ ค น ที่ อ ยู่ ร อ บ ข้ า ง เ ร า ไ ด้ ห ลั ง จ า ก ที่ ค้ น ห า โ ค ร ง ก า ร อ า ส า ส มั ค ร ที่ คิ ด ว่ า เ ห ม า ะ ส ม กั บ ตั ว เ อ ง แ ล ะ เ ป็ น กิ จ ก ร ร ม ที่ ฉั น ส น ใ จ ฉั น ก็ ไ ม่ ร อ ช้ า ที่ จ ะ ทำ � ก า ร ส มั ค ร เ ข้ า ร่ ว ม โ ค ร ง ก า ร ที่ ฉั น ต้ อ ง ก า ร ไ ป เ ป็ น อ า ส า ส มั ค ร แ ล ะ มั น ก็ เ ป็ น จ ริ ง อ ย่ า ง ที่ ใ ค ร ค น นั ้ น เ ค ย บ อ ก


ว่ า ก า ร เ ป็ น อ า ส า ส มั ค ร เ ป็ น ก า ร เ ดิ น ท า ง รู ป แ บ บ ห นึ่ ง มั น ทำ � ใ ห้ ฉั น ไ ด้ เ รี ย น รู ้ ตั ว เ อ ง ม า ก ขึ้ น ก ว่ า เ ดิ ม ฉั น ไ ด้ ล อ ง ทำ � ใ น สิ่ ง ที่ ฉั น ไ ม่ คิ ด ว่ า ฉั น จ ะ ทำ � มั น ไ ด้ มั น ทำ � ใ ห้ ฉั น ไ ด้ รู ้ ว่ า มี สิ่ ง ฉั น ทำ � ส า ม า ร ถ ทำ � ไ ด้ แ ม้ ว่ า สิ่ ง นั้ น จ ะ เ ป็ น สิ่ ง ที่ ฉั น ไ ม่ เ ค ย ทำ � ม า ก่ อ น แ ล ะ มั น ยั ง ช่ ว ย ทำ � ใ ห้ สิ่ ง ที่ ฉั น ทำ � ไ ด้ ดี อ ยู่ แ ล้ ว ดี ขึ้ น ม า ก ก ว่ า


เ ดิ ม แ ล ะ ยิ่ ง ไ ป ก ว่ า นั้ น มั น ช่ ว ย ใ ห้ ฉั น ไ ด้ ต ร ะ ห นั ก ถึ ง คุ ณ ค่ า ข อ ง ตั ว เ อ ง

ว่ า ชี วิ ต ข อ ง ฉั น ยั ง ค ง เ ป็ น ป ร ะ โ ย ช น์ ใ ห้ กั บ ผู้ ค น บ น โ ล ก ใ บ นี้ ไ ด ้ นั่ น มั น ก็ ทำ � ใ ห้ ฉั น ไ ด้ รู ้ จั ก ถึ ง ค ว า ม สุ ข อี ก ด้ า น ห นึ่ ง ข อ ง ชี วิ ต ด้ ว ย เ ช่ น กั น ข อ บ คุ ณ ทุ ก ก า ร เ ดิ น ท า ง ที่ ทำ � ใ ห้ ฉั น ไ ด้ รู ้ จั ก ตั ว ต น ข อ ง ต น เ อ ง เ พิ่ ม ม า ก ขึ้ น




I am Thanaphong. ––––––– I do come from Thailand where I was born on 3 September 1990 in Bangkok, Thailand. ––––––– My EVS took place in Slovakia in Cadca. ––––––– My favorite food which I learned to love during my EVS is gulaș. ––––––– My favorite color is green. scriptamanent 50




Volunteering is what I have heard about for long time ago but I never got a chance to experience it before.

Volunteering in my thought is a thing that can make you to be a better person by helping or sharing your happiness to other people.

“Overall was the best experience in my life. I felt thankful to get this opportunity and if I have a chance to do this in the future, I certainly do it without hesitation.� scriptamanent 52


It can be a journey that take you to the other unseen world of living. It can be a thing that discover your abilities or talents which you never know you had. Let me tell you about my first volunteering experience of my life. In 2011, there was a big flood in some parts of Thailand including Bangkok. This was the first time that I saw floods in Bangkok not just ordinary floods but seriously big floods because the water level in some parts of Bangkok were above waist. At that time, many universities used their location to set up helping center which cooperated with military department to help people who were in red zone. So, when I heard this event, I and thanaphong

some of my friends decided to participate this event. We went to several flooded places in Bangkok to give them food and medicine.

From this event, it gave me a positive thinking about voluntary service and I thought of myself that I would do it again if I got a chance someday. Fortunately, this chance came to me even it takes many years later. My sister told me about this voluntary service project in Slovakia. Then, I have applied for this project without hesitation. And, I was very pleased that I have been chosen to participate this project. In the next paragraph, I will tell you my experience and my feeling about this project. First, I would like to tell that this is my first time to do thing like this. For example, standing in front of class to teach student. Presenting our country to them. Showing them how cool our language is.






Moreover, I got new experience, met new people, saw new way of thinking including culture and tradition as well which are quite different from our country or even other countries that I have visited. Next, I would like to tell about my several impressions. Started with how much they cared about education. Their educational facility is very good.

No matter how small village is, they always have school. That’s mean, children don’t have to take long journey to school. This is a great point in order to develop country because everyone can receive an education equally. Next thing is about a thing between school times. I saw in most of visited schools. After each subject, there was a break for students and every students walking in circle in front of their class room. At the beginning, 56

I had my curiosity, so, I asked teacher that what they were doing. The teacher said to make them relax after sitting for a long time. Then, I thought with myself that they do care even about a small detailed which is very good. Last thing, Christian in Slovakia, they don’t eat meat on Friday. So, lunch in school canteen on Friday was only sweets which is quite strange for me. Hereafter, I will talk about impression of my own experience. The most impress is hitchiking. I did with my roommate from Honduras. At the beginning, we thought like we were going nowhere because we have to wait 1.30 hours before the first car stopped for us but finally, it was my best experience ever in my life. I met good people from teenager to middle age.

Overall was the best experience in my life. I felt thankful to get this opportunity and if I have a chance to do this in the future, I certainly do it without hesitation.


อาสาสมั ค ร เป็ นคำ �ที่ ผมได้ ยิ น มานาน มาก แต่ ผมก็ ไม่ มี โ อกาสได้ เ รี ย นรู ้ หรื อ สั ม ผั ส ความหมายจริ ง ๆมาก่ อน

โดยส่ ว นตั วผมแล้ ว คำ �ว่ า อาสา สมั ค ร คื อการกระทำ �ที่ ช่ ว ยเพิ่ ม คุ ณ ค่ าในตั วของคุ ณ โดยการ ช่ ว ยเหลื อแบ่ ง ปั นความสุ ข ของ คุ ณ ให้ กั บคนอื่ นๆ หรื อ อาจจะเป็ นการผจญภั ยที่ นำ � พาเรา ไปสู่ วิ ถี ชี วิ ต ที่ เราไม่ เ คยได้ สั ม ผั ส มา ก่ อน อี กทั ้ งอาจจะช่ ว ยเปิ ดเผยตั วตน หรื อ ความสามารถของเราที่ เราไม่ เ คย ได้ รู ้ มาก่ อน ก่ อนอื่ นผมขอเล่ าเรื่ อง ประสบการณ์ อ าสาสมั ค รครั ้ ง แรกซึ่ ง เกิ ดขึ้ นในปี ตอนที่ ประเทศไทยเกิ ด เหตุ ก ารณ์ น้ำ �ท่ วมครั ้ ง ใหญ่ ซึ่ งหลาย จั ง หวั ด รวมถึ งบางส่ ว นของกรุ ง เทพ ก็ ได้ ร ั บ ผลกระทบไปด้ ว ย ครั ้ ง ใหญ่ ท่ี ว่ า นี้ ไม่ ใ ช่ แ บบที่ ผมเคยเห็ น มาก่ อนในชี วิ ต เพราะครั้ ง นี้ บางพื้ นที่ ของกรุ ง เทพมี ระดั บ น้ำ �สู ง ถึ งเอว ในตอนนั ้ นหลายมหา ลั ยได้ จั ด ตั ้ งศู นย์ ช่ ว ยเหลื อซึ่ งได้ รั บ ความร่ ว มมื อ จากหน่ อยงานต่ างๆของ รั ฐ รวมถึ งทหารด้ ว ย หลั งจากได้ ท ราบ ข่ า วนี้ ผมกั บเพื่ อนๆก็ ได้ ตั ดสิ น ใจเข้ า ร่ ว มด้ วย พวกเราได้ ไ ปยั ง พื้ นที่ ต่ างๆ เพื่ อแจกยาและอาหารให้ แ ก่ ผู้ ประสบ ภั ย และหลั งจากเหตุ ก ารณ์ นี้ ทำ �ให้ ผ ม รู ้ สึ ก ดี กั บการทำ �อาสาสมั ค รและอยาก จะทำ �มั น อี กถ้ ามี โ อกาสนั ้ นเข้ า มา จน กระทั่ งได้ มาทราบข่ า วว่ า มี โ ครงการ แลกเปลี่ ยนอาสาสมั ค รที่ ประเทศสโลวา เกี ย ทำ �ให้ ผ มไม่ ลั งเลที่ จะยื่ นสมั ค รใน thanaphong

ทั นที และรู ้ สึ ก เป็ นเกี ยรติ มากที่ ได้ รั บ คั ดเลื อกให้ เ ป็ นตั วแทนในโปรเจ็ ค นี้ ต่ อ จากนี้ ผมอยากจะบรรยาความรู ้ สึ ก ที่ ได้ จากโครงการนี้ ในย่ อ หน้ า ต่ อไป เริ่ มด้ ว ยกิ จกรรมต่ างๆที่ ผมได้ ทำ �กั บโครงการนี้ เป็ นครั ้ ง แรกในชี วิ ต เช่ น การยื น สอนนั ก เรี ย นหน้ า ชั้ นเรี ย น การนำ �เสนอประเทศของตั วเองให้ ช าว ต่ างชาติ ได้ ฟั ง โชว์ ว่ า ภาษาของเราเจ๋ ง แค่ ไหน นอกจากนั ้ นยั ง ได้ ร ั บ ประสบ การณ์ ใ หม่ ๆ เพื่ อนใหม่ ๆ พบประผู้ คน ใหม่ ๆ ได้ แ นวคิ ดใหม่ ๆ รวมถึ งได้ เ รี ย น รู ้ เกี่ ยวกั บวั ฒ นธรรมและประเพณี ซ่ึ ง แตกต่ างจากบ้ า นเราด้ ว ย ต่ อมาผมขอ พู ดเรื่ องความประทั บใจต่ างๆที่ รู ้ สึ ก ได้

อย่ า งแรกคื อเรื่ องการให้ ค วาม สำ � คั ญต่ อการศึ กษา ส่ ว นตั ว คิ ดว่ า บ้ า นเขาให้ ค วามสำ � คั ญ ต่ อระบบการศึ กษามาก ตั วอย่ า งเช่ น ไม่ ว่ า หมู่ บ้ า นนั ้ นจะเล็ ก แค่ ไหนโรงเรี ย นก็ จะไม่ อ ยู่ ไกลจากบ้ า น นั ก เรี ย นนั ก จะอยู่ ในระยะที่ สามารถเดิ น ไปได้ หรื อ นั ่ งรถไม่ น าน ทำ �ให้ เ ด็ กไม่ ต้ องเหนื่ อยกั บการเดิ น ทางไปโรงเรี ย น ยิ่ งไปกว่ า นั ้ นตอนระหว่ า งช่ ว งพั ก เบรก แต่ ละคาบ

โรงเรี ย นส่ ว นใหญ่ จะให้ นั ก เรี ย นออกมาเดิ น ยื ด เส้ น ยื ด สายกั นหน้ า ห้ อ งเรี ย นด้ ว ย ซึ่ งทำ �ให้ ผ มคิ ดว่ า บ้ า นเขาใส่ ใจ แม้ แ ต่ เรื่ องเล็ กๆที่ เราจะอาจจะ นึ ก ไม่ ถึ งด้ ว ยซ้ำ �


เรื่ องที่ น่ า สนใจอี กเรื่ องคื อคริ ส เตี ยน ที่ นี่ จะไม่ กิ นเนื้ อสั ต ว์ กั นทุ ก วั น ศุ กร์ ดั ง นั ้ นทุ ก วั น ศุ กร์ อ าหารเที่ ยงตาม โรงเรี ย นจะเป็ นพวกของหวาน เช่ น พวก เค้ ก ขนมปั ง แทนอาหารจานหลั ก ซึ่ ง มั น ก็ แปลกดี สำ � หรั บ ผม และสุ ด ท้ ายนี้ อยากเล่ นเรื่ องประทั บใจส่ ว นตั วนั่ นก็ คื อการโบกรถเที่ ยว ซึ่ งผมทำ �มั น ที่ นี่ ครั้ ง แรกในชี วิ ต กั บเพื่ อนชาวฮอนดู ร ั ส ในตอนแรกเราคิ ดว่ า คงล้ มเหลวแล้ ว เพราะยื น โบกรถกั น ชั่ วโมง ก่ อนที่ จะมี รถคั นแรกมารั บ


แต่ สุ ด ท้ ายมั น ก็ เป็ น ประสบการณ์ ท่ี ผมจะจำ � มั น ไปตลอดชี วิ ต ทำ �ให้ ผ มรู ้ ว่ า ถึ งแม้ ว่ า เราจะไม่ รู ้ จั ก กั นแต่ เราก็ สามารถช่ ว ยเหลื อกั นได้ โครงการนี้ มอบอะไรหลายๆ อย่ า งให้ แ ก่ ผม และถ้ ามี โ อกาส ได้ เ ข้ า ร่ ว มอี ก ผมจะสมั ค ร อย่ า งแน่ น อนครั บ




I am Nicolò. ––––––– I do come from Italy where I was born on 4 july 1990 in Pinerolo, Turin. ––––––– My EVS took place in Hanoi, Vietnam. ––––––– My favorite food which I learned to love during my EVS is tofu ––––––– My favorite color is yellow. scriptamanent 60




I mesi di volontariato SVE che ho passato ad Hanoi sono stati un periodo ricco di emozioni e scoperte che non dimenticherò mai. A progetto concluso posso affermare che lo rifarei certamente per mille motivi, alcuni dei quali proverò a spiegare in questo breve testo. Pochi giorni dopo il nostro arrivo nella afosa Hanoi abbiamo fatto visita alla scuola dove avremmo aiutato gli insegnanti di inglese locali durante le loro ore di lezione. Si tratta di una scuola che potrebbe essere definita “professionale” poiché i curricula che essa offre sono tutti focalizzati su una specifica professione, più o meno pratica.

“Living together with people of different ages, coming from different countries and with projects and interests of every kind made the atmosphere in the house vibrant and never dull.” 62


Sin da subito ho avuto un’ottima impressione dello staff e degli insegnanti, tutti cordiali e curiosi, pronti a chiarire ogni nostro dubbio. Sebbene l’ammontare di ore passate a insegnare sia stato abbastanza cospicuo, a fine esperienza ho avuto l’impressione che i due mesi siano passati in un battito di ciglia. Prima di partire avevo già avuto esperienze come insegnate di lingua ma mai prima avevo insegnato con tanta regolarità nicolò

e per così tante ore (le mie passate esperienze sono state per poche ore a settimana, mentre ad Hanoi ero in classe 5 giorni a settimana quasi tutte le settimane). Ciò mi ha permesso di imparare molto nell’ambito della didattica e del mestiere dell’insegnante.

Avendo avuto esperienze di studio e insegnamento in Cina, immaginavo che in Vietnam la didattica sarebbe stata simile ed infatti anche qui ho trovato un approccio fortemente tradizionale. Perciò ho deciso di proporre un approccio radicalmente diverso per le mie lezioni. Infatti, con il consenso degli insegnanti, ho organizzato alcuni giochi da fare in classe che fossero divertenti ma al contempo utili per imparare nuovi vocaboli ed esercitarsi nell’uso della lingua inglese. Gli studenti difficilmente intervengono di propria iniziativa e il mio approccio non-formale li ha messi in condizione di comunicare più liberamente e senza pressione. L’informalità delle mie lezioni è stata accolta con entusiasmo dagli studenti e, mentre alcuni insegnati si limitavano ad assistere 63

ed aiutarmi nel tradurre nel caso fosse necessario, altri hanno trovato il mio metodo interessante e hanno partecipato attivamente ai giochi da me proposti.

Inoltre, mi ha fatto grande piacere che gli insegnati stessi mi abbiano chiesto di insegnare loro alcuni giochi e quiz così che loro stessi potessero metterli in pratica nelle loro ore di lezione successive alla mia partenza.


Ma i mesi ad Hanoi sono stati molto di più delle sole ore di insegnamento. La casa dove siamo stati ospitati ha cinque piani tutti adibiti ad ospitare volontari da tutto il mondo. C’è chi è stato solo una settimana e chi già era lì quando sono arrivato e che sarebbe andato via solo dopo di me.

Convivere con persone di età diverse, provenienti da diversi paesi e con interessi e progetti di ogni genere ha reso l’atmosfera vibrante e mai noiosa.


È stato bello viaggiare assieme, condividere e consigliare itinerari e destinazioni a chi si organizzava per visitare un posto in cui si era già stati.

Lo staff del CSDS è stata la miglior famiglia vietnamita immaginabile: sempre pronti ad ascoltarci, consigliarci e fare due chiacchiere. Certamente questi due preziosi mesi di insegnamento, pasti condivisi, viaggi, incontri, scoperte ed avventure in Vietnam rimarranno uno splendido ricordo. So di essere stato fortunato ad avere la possibilità di fare questa esperienza e in conclusione non posso che esserne grato e lasciare il più positivo dei messaggi per coloro che leggeranno queste poche righe di testimonianza. Da volontario e da viaggiatore quale mi ritengo di essere, vorrei davvero che a chiunque abbia la voglia e la curiosità di fare il volontario in giro per il mondo venga data la possibilità di farlo.


Partire per il Vietnam per un progetto di volontariato di due mesi è prima di tutto mettersi in gioco, è essere aperti al mondo e alla diversità. Nella mia esperienza, la curiosità e la disponibilità ad imparare dal prossimo rendono qualsiasi incontro, viaggio ed esperienza più ricchi, profondi ed indelebili. Specialmente in questi anni di tragedie quotidiane, in cui la solidarietà pare assottigliarsi sino a scomparire, schiacciata dagli slogan per i quali c’è sempre chi viene dopo di noi e che non merita il nostro aiuto, ritengo fondamentale mantenere aperte le nostre menti.

Alleniamoci dunque all’apertura, alla solidarietà, ricordiamoci che il mondo è enorme e popolato da persone, da esseri umani con i quali possiamo condividere, arricchendoci reciprocamente giorno dopo giorno, ora dopo ora, incontro dopo incontro.






The months I spent volunteering on EVS in Hanoi has been a period full of emotions and discoveries I will never forget. Now that the project has ended, I can say that I would certainly do it again for a thousand reasons. Some of these reasons I will try to explain in this short text. Just a few days after our arrival in muggy Hanoi, we visited the school where we would have helped local English teachers in their teaching hours. It is a school that could be defined as “professional”, because the curricula offered there are focused on a specific profession, more or less practical.


From the beginning, I had a very good feeling about the school staff and teachers; they have always been nice and curious, ready to listen and clarify our doubts.

ly and for so many hours (my past experiences were of a couple of hours a week, while in Hanoi I was in class 5 days a week almost every week). All this has allowed me to learn a lot in the area of didactics and about being a teacher.

Despite of the fact that the amount of hours spent teaching has been rather conspicuous, at the end of the experience I had the feeling those 2 months were gone in a flash. Before going to Vietnam I already had some experience as a language teacher but never before I had the chance of teaching so consistent-

Having been both a student and a teacher in China, I imagined that I would have found a similar didactics method in Vietnam and, indeed, there I found a very traditional approach to teaching.


For this reason, I decided to adopt a radically different approach during my classes. With the teachers’ approval, I organised some games to be played in class. Those games were fun to play but also useful to learn new words and practice the students’ speaking abilities. Vietnamese students rarely participate to the class actively and my less formal approach allowed them to speak up freely and without pressure. The students have welcomed the low formality of my classes enthusiastically and while some teachers simply helped me in translating when necessary, many others found my ideas interesting and actively took part in the games I proposed. nicolò

Further, it was for me a great pleasure when the teachers themselves asked me to teach them some games and quizzes so that they could use them in their own classes after I was gone. However, the months in Hanoi have been much more than just teaching hours. The house we were hosted has five floors, all designated to host volunteers from all over the globe. There was who was there for just a week and who was there since before I arrived and was still there when I left.

Living together with people of different ages, coming from different countries and with projects and interests of every kind made the atmosphere in the house vibrant and never dull. It has been awesome to travel together, share and suggest itineraries and destinations to those organizing a visit to a place you had already been before.

The CSDS staff has been the greatest Vietnamese 69

family I could imagine: always open to listen to us, suggest and have a chat. Certainly, these two months of teaching, shared meals, travels, meetings discoveries and adventures in Vietnam will always be a wonderful memory. I am aware of the fact that I have been very lucky, I am grateful for this chance and I can only leave a very positive message for those reading these lines. As a volunteer and a traveller as I consider myself, I would really like that everybody who has the willingness and curiosity to become a volunteer somewhere around the world, was given the chance to do it.

Going to Vietnam as a volunteer for two months is in the first place to be willing to expose yourself, it means being open to the world and to diversity.


In my experience, curiosity and willingness to learn from others make every encounter, travel and experience richer, deeper and unforgettable. Especially in these years of daily tragedies in Europe, where solidarity seems to overstretch until it disappears under the weight of slogans for which there is always somebody who is less important than we are and does not deserve our help, it is essential that we keep our minds open.

Let us train to be open, to be sympathetic. Let us remember that the world is huge and inhabited by people, by human beings with whom we can share, enriching each other day after day, hour after hour, encounter after encounter.




I am Federica. ––––––– I do come from Italy where I was born on 23th december 1994 in Udine. ––––––– My EVS took place in Vietnam. ––––––– My favorite food which I learned to love during my EVS is nem (spring roll). ––––––– My favorite color is green. 72




29 degrees Celsius in November. Crazy traffic. Horns sounding from all directions. Thousands of motorbikes; entire families on just one motorbike. Electricity wires hanging and swinging above the heads of the passers-by. People selling all sorts of fruit and vegetables on the streets. Smell of grilled meat from every corner.

A lot of warm and welcoming smiles. This is what I saw on my arrival. My first thought was: I’ve come to the right place. This is Vietnam.

“The things I appreciated a lot of my experience abroad? The fact of feeling like a superstar. I used to hear “hello!” from the people on the street all the time, everyone wanted to take pictures with me, I was always in the spotlight, and all this only because I was (and I looked like) a foreigner.” 74


This place has been my home for two months. A lovely, friendly, chaotic and welcoming home. Always full of surprises. You never get bored there. I tried to get used to people on the street waving at me and shouting “hello!” with a huge smile. Or to the students at the university where I was teaching greeting me with an applause and screaming “good morning teacher!”. But I couldn’t. I had to take so many pictures with them, group pictures, selfies, single pictures, pictures with the teacher, pictures without teacher... dozens of them every day. It was hard, it took more than one month, but then, somehow, federica

I felt almost at ease with my new role as a superstar. Because that’s exactly how I felt. The last thing in the world I would have expected. Every day as I was just walking through the corridors I could hear some students telling me things like “you are very beautiful”, or “I love you”, or even “do you think I’m handsome?”. It kind of became part of the routine. Then I will never forget the enormous amount of questions they used to ask. The most unpredictable ones. “Would you like to stay in Vietnam and marry a Vietnamese man?” was quite a common one. “Do you have a boyfriend?”, though, was by far the most asked one. Sometimes they came up with things like: “are there many beautiful girls in Italy?”, or “can you sing us a song in Italian?”.

They love singing. I had to learn to improvise, or simply, to avoid the answer. I must say, the first week was not easy. I had never taught before, I didn’t even know what it meant to be a teacher. Moreover, I wasn’t prepared for the level of English of the studen75

ts, which was extremely basic. I had no idea how to prepare the lessons, as it meant looking for very easy activities, but without being stupid or boring.

They sang songs for me, they danced for me, they even built a Christmas tree for me, as they thought I might feel homesick being so far from home at Christmas.

That was a real challenge. But the astonished faces of the students as soon as they saw me coming into the class was just priceless. I was the first foreigner they had ever seen.

Feeling such a warm and unexpected welcome, all of my fears vanished after the first day. At the end of these two months I can’t say who learnt the most, whether the students or me. I went to Vietnam to teach, but I believe it’s

more what I learnt than what I taught. I learnt a lot about Vietnamese people and culture, but I also grew a lot. I had to overcome many obstacles. Though I had no teaching experience, I even had to teach English to the English teachers. Because, as I found out after starting my project, this was part of my tasks. I was the less qualified person in the world to do that, also because I had to teach them pronunciation, without even being a native, but I really wanted to help, as that was the reason why I was volunteering.

So I just tried. I had to learn to be patient, to understand the students’ needs (and the teachers’ as well), I had to talk a lot and to get used to being in the spotlight.

I’ll remember this as the most enriching experience of my life, from every point of view. For the wonderful places I’ve seen, for the skills I gained through the teaching, for the incredible people I’ve met, who welcomed me with open arms and really made me feel one of them. I’m going to miss the Vietnamese people and the warmth they gave me, their generosity and their spontaneity. I’ll always be grateful to them for this amazing experience and for the great memories I’ll carry with me.

I had to prepare the lessons and to be ready to improvise. Sometimes the teacher left me alone in the classroom and I had to do the lesson completely on my own, with dozens of students looking at me without understanding what I was trying to explain. So, basically, I just learnt to go out and try. And it was definitely worth it.









29 gradi in novembre. Un traffico assurdo. Clacson da ogni direzione. Migliaia di motociclette; intere famiglie su una sola motocicletta. Cavi elettrici penzolanti sulle teste dei passanti. Persone che vendono ogni tipo di frutta e verdura per la strada. Odore di carne grigliata da ogni angolo.

Tanti caldi sorrisi di benvenuto. Questo è quello che ho visto al mio arrivo. Il mio primo pensiero è stato: sono arrivata nel posto giusto. Questo è il Vietnam. Questa è stata la mia casa per due mesi. Una casa accogliente, amichevole, caotica e ospitale. Sempre piena di sorprese. Non ci si annoia mai. Ho cercato di abituarmi alle persone per strada che mi salutavano con un gran sorriso e gridavano “hello!”. O agli studenti dell’università dove insegnavo che mi accoglievano con un applauso urlando “good morning teacher!”. Ma senza riuscirci. Mi hanno fatto una serie infinita di foto, foto di gruppo, selfie, foto singole, foto con l’insegnante, foto senza insegnante... decine di foto, ogni giorno.

È stata dura, ci è voluto più di un mese, ma poi, 80

non so come, mi sentivo quasi a mio agio nel mio nuovo ruolo da superstar. Perché era proprio così che mi sentivo. L’ultima cosa al mondo che mi sarei aspettata. Ogni giorno camminando per i corridoi sentivo gli studenti dirmi “you are very beautiful”, oppure “I love you”, o addirittura “pensi che io sia bello?”. In qualche modo era diventato parte della routine. Poi non dimenticherò mai l’enorme quantità di domande che mi facevano. Le più improbabili. “Vorresti rimanere in Vietnam e sposare un uomo vietnamita?” era una delle più comuni. Ma senza dubbio la più frequente in assoluto era “do you have a boyfriend?”. A volte se ne uscivano con “ci sono molte belle ragazze in Italia?”, oppure “ci canti una canzone in italiano?”.

Adorano cantare. Ho dovuto imparare a improvvisare o, semplicemente, a evitare le domande. Devo dire che la prima settimana non è stata facile. Non avevo mai insegnato prima, non sapevo neppure cosa volesse dire fare l’insegnante. Inoltre non mi aspettavo un livello di inglese così elementare da parte degli scriptamanent

studenti. Non avevo idea di come preparare le lezioni, dato che dovevo trovare attività estremamente semplici, ma senza che diventassero stupide e noiose.

È stata una sfida. Ma lo sguardo attonito degli studenti non appena entravo in classe era senza prezzo. Ero la prima straniera che avessero mai visto. Mi hanno cantato canzoni, hanno ballato per me, mi hanno perfino fatto un albero di Natale, perché hanno pensato che potevo avere nostalgia federica

di casa, essendo così lontana dal mio paese a Natale.

Sentendo questo calore e ricevendo una tale accoglienza inaspettata, tutte le mie paure sono svanite dopo il primo giorno. Alla fine di questi due mesi non saprei dire chi abbia imparato di più, se gli studenti o io. Sono andata in Vietnam per insegnare, ma credo sia più quello che ho imparato che quello che ho insegnato. Ho scoperto molto sulla cultura e sulle tradizioni vietnamite, ma sono anche cresciuta molto a livello personale. Ho dovuto 81

superare molti ostacoli. Pur senza alcuna esperienza nell’insegnamento, ho addirittura insegnato inglese agli insegnanti di inglese. Perché, come ho scoperto dopo aver iniziato il progetto, questo faceva parte dei miei compiti. Ero la persona meno qualificata del mondo, soprattutto perché dovevo insegnare pronuncia, senza neanche essere madrelingua; ma volevo aiutare, dato che era il motivo per cui avevo deciso di fare volontariato.

Quindi ci ho provato. Ho dovuto imparare ad essere paziente, a capire di cosa avevano bisogno gli studenti (e gli insegnanti) e abituarmi ad essere al centro dell’attenzione. Dovevo preparare le lezioni ed essere pronta ad improvvisare in classe. A volte l’insegnante usciva e


mi lasciava fare lezione da sola, con decine di studenti che mi guardavano senza capire quello che cercavo di spiegare. Quindi, in poche parole, ho imparato a buttarmi e provare. E ne è assolutamente valsa la pena.

Ricorderò questa esperienza come la più ricca della mia vita, da ogni punto di vista. Per i posti meravigliosi che ho visitato, per quello che ho imparato tramite l’insegnamento, per le persone fantastiche che ho conosciuto, che mi hanno accolta a braccia aperte e mi hanno fatta sentire una di loro. Mi mancheranno i vietnamiti e il loro calore, la loro generosità e la loro spontaneità. Sarò loro per sempre grata per questa esperienza incredibile e per i ricordi fantastici che porterò con me.




I am Katarina. ––––––– I do come from Slovakia where I was born on 24 decembre 1995 in Čadca. ––––––– My EVS took place in Semarang, Indonesia. ––––––– My favorite food which I learned to love during my EVS is Nasi Goreng (fried rice). ––––––– My favorite colors are blue and green. 84




I spent as a volunteer two months in Indonesia, in Semarang. My project was located in a Christian school in a slum area. It was focused on education of poor children. I lived in a house with a director of the school and in the following senteces I would like to describe a little bit of what I have experienced, I have seen, what I used to love and things I was struggeling with.

The arrival to a new country is everytime followed with a kind of cultural shock and it is up to us show we accept new culture.

“It was wonderful to be a part of their lives at least for a while. This moment, experience has changed myself and I am proud of it.� 86


When I arrived to Indonesia I lost all my words. It was the most beautiful and the most wonderful cultural shock that I have experienced in my life. Sometimes we say, if you do not experience you do not truly understand. I totally agree with this saying. Before I came to Indonesia my family and my friends had warned me to be careful because Indonesia is the most Islamic country in the World. When I look back now, I am so angry at myself that I let myself to be influenced by the society. They have never been in a direct katarina

touch with Indonesia and yet they influenced me so easily.

The true is the opposite. My opinion is that the most friendly people are in Indonesia. I do not want to offend anybody but this is my experience. Indonesia is a place where I spent the happiest time in my life. Every morning, afternoon and evening, there were family, neighbours, collegues, friends and also children in the school who smiled at me. Children who neither had pencils. Their parents did not have enough money to buy it for them. Can you imagine it? This was the first moment for me when I was not very happy. When I arrived back to Slovakia, people use to ask me how can my God cause it.How is it possible that he does not give them the same opportunities as he gives to our children and how could I deal with it. The true is that I was really deeply thinking about it and finally I just realized that their children are even happier than our children so do they really need it? They are used to it also as we are used to our social level and living style. I realized that we often spoil our 87

children too much and we turn their opportunities. The second point we blaim God from it but we have free will and we decided to colonise, to kill, to have money even though other people suffer because of it. Honestly, sometimes in the morning I did not have a very good mood but everytime I arrived to the school, there were happy faces that became my inspiration and motivation. My job was to teach them English. The true is opposite.

During my stay there, they have taught me the real values.


I used to ask myself, how is it possible that they are so happy and they do not have enough material stuff? After some days in their community I realized that the answer is love. Family is at the first place. Everytime and everywhere. Friends are there for each other.

It was wonderful to be a part of their lives at least for a while. This moment, experience has changed myself and I am proud of it. I am proud and infinitely thankful that they let me live in their houses, in


their social class, in their homes. I am pround that I sometimes used my hand to wash my buttocks, I did not use western toilet and shower with hot water. I experienced lizards, rats and cockroaches too. It was amazing to eat home made food, to learn their language, to share differences in our culture and to spend the time with them. I appreciate this opportunity. It was perfect and I enjoyed every little difference and second. I had also free time. I tried to travel a lot and to see their beautiful coutry. They have so many hidden treasures. I had also local friends. Their religion is Islam. Honestly, I had predjudices when I arrived. I do not deny that everything is false. In Doha, I had a feeling that men are eating me with eyes. I did not feel confi. However, men are different in Indonesia. Media show us what they want but I have learnt that he is not a Moslim as a Moslim. Media usually overstate and magnify but truly I met people who I admire deeply from my heart and I will not forget about them so soon. Probably never. Participating in the EVS program is an unbelieveble and amazing experience. I recommend it to everybody. However, think twice about it, please. I met one volunteer and some international students too who were ready to leave their comfort katarina

zone and to experience something new. But, they were not ready for Indonesia. If a volunteer comes and is not able to adapt instead of it is trying to change the way the country is, it is bad for him, for the project and for people around him too. That is why think about it and go, fly. Meet new people, eat different flavors, be a part of something bigger and get know better yourself. It is astonishing feeling which is worth of leaving the protecting conch and seeing the World outside as It has been created for us. We are the World so let´s get connected.

Let´s learn to respect each other as we are. This is my new dream. To be better people and I want to start from myself. Thanks to EVS I have changed myself. Now when I am back in my coutry, there are some difficult moments because I try to apply as much as I can in my life here. My name is Katarína Čierňavová and I do accept this new challange to life. It is worth of it.


Ako dobrovoľník som strávila 2 mesiace v Indonézii, v meste Semarang. Môj projekt bol v kresťanskej základnej škole a škôlke v slume, teda vo veľmi chudobnej oblasti. Celé to bolo zamerané na vzdelávanie chudobných detí. Riaditeľka školy sa stala na tieto mesiace mojou hosťujúcou mamou. Prichýlila ma spolu s jej rodinou pod ich strechu a stali sa mi rodinou. V nasledujúcich vetách by som vám chcela priblížiť čo som zažila, čo som videla, čo som milovala ale aj ťažké momenty, ktoré prichádzali.

Príchod do novej krajiny je vždy sprevádzaný kultúrnym šokom avšak, je iba na nás ako prijmeme novú kultúru. Po príchode do Indonézie som stratila všetky slová. Bol to ten najkrajší a najúžasnejší kultúrny šok aký som doteraz v živote zažila. Hovorí sa, že keď nezažiješ, tak nepochopíš. Úplne neporozumieš. S týmto výrokom sa na 100% stotožňujem. Predtým ako som vycestovala, ma rodina i priatelia varovali, aby som bola opatrná, pretože Indonézia je najmoslimskejšia krajina na svete. Avšak, keď sa teraz pozriem späť, tak som stále na seba veľmi nahnevaná. Spoločnosť ma vystrašila so všetkými upozorneniami a nechala som sa nimi


ovplyvniť. Pritom, nikdy tam neboli, nikdy nestretli ľudí odtiaľ, neboli ani v najmenšom kontakte s ich kultúrou a predsa ma ovplyvnili.

Pravda je opakom. V Indonézii som stretla doteraz tých najpriateľskejších ľudí. Nerada by som niekoho urazila ale toto je moja skúsenosť. Indonézia je miesto, kde som strávila to najúžasnejšie leto a doteraz najkrajší čas v mojom živote. Každé ráno, na obed a večer, či už rodina, susedia, učitelia, priateľa alebo deti v škole, všetci sa na mňa usmievali. Deti, ktoré ani farbičky nemali, pretože ich rodičia na to jednoducho nemali finančné prostriedky! Viete si to predstaviť? Toto bola moja prvá a najväčšia krízová situácia. Po príchode späť na Slovensko sa ma ľudia zvykli pýtať ako môže Boh niečo takéto smutné a nefér dopustiť. Ako je možné, že im nedopraje rovnaké príležitosti ako dáva nám a našim deťom. Ako som sa ja s tým vyrovnávala... Dlho som nad tým uvažovala, rozprávala sa s priateľmi. Snažila som sa nájsť odpoveď ale nakoniec som došla k záveru, že ich deti sú omnoho šťastnejšie ako tie naše. Oni tam nepotrebujú nový telefón alebo PS4 aby boli šťastné. Sú zvyknuté na ich


sociálne postavenie rovnako ako my žijeme v tom našom. Uvedomila som si, ako veľmi rozmaznávame naše deti. Chceme im z lásky dopriať čo najviac ale pritom ich my sami oberáme o skutočné príležitosti a hodnoty. Po druhé, obviňujeme Boha z tejto nefér situácie, avšak máme predsa slobodnú vôľu. My sme sa rozhodli, že budeme kolonizovať tieto krajiny, zabíjať. Sme tak ´´´hladní´´ po peniazoch, že nám je jedno ak je to na úkor iného. Úprimne, niekedy som sa ráno zobudila nie s veľmi dobrou náladou ale vždy keď som prišla do školy tak ma tam čakali usmievavé tváričky, ktoré sa mi stávali dennou inšpiráciou a motiváciou. Cieľom môjho projektu bolo aby som ich učila angličtinu ale popravde, som si istá, že oni ma naučili omnoho viac.


Počas môjho pobytu tam, mi pripomenuli aké sú skutočné hodnoty v živote. Zvykla som si klásť otázku, ako je možné, že sú tak šťastní i napriek svojej materiálnej situácii? Po krátkom čase strávenom v ich komunite som si uvedomila, že odpoveď je jednoduchá. Láska. Rodina na prvom mieste. Vždy a všade, priatelia stoja pri sebe.

Bolo úžasné stať sa súčasťou ich životov aspoň na chvíľu. Tento moment, táto skúsenosť ma zmenili a som hrdá na to. Som hrdá a nekonečne vďačná za všetko. Prijali ma do svojho domu, do svojej rodiny, do svojich spoločenstiev a životných štýlov. Som hrdá na to, že






som si niekedy musela zadok utrieť rukou. Som hrdá a poctená, že som nepoužívala toalety ako máme tu na ´´Západe´´. Na to, že sprcha znamenala špliechať sa malou nádobkou, pričom voda nebola horúca. Spávala som s jašteričkami v izbe, v domácnosti nám pobehovali šváby a v okolí i potkany. Každý deň ma čakalo navarené domáce jedlo. Dovolili a pomohli mi učiť sa ich jazyk. Zdieľali sme svoje kultúrne a náboženské rozdiely. Vážim si túto nadobudnutú skúsenosť. Bolo to perfektné. Počas voľného času sme sa so Zuzkou snažili cestovať a objaviť viac a viac z ich prekrásnej krajiny. Majú toľko skrytých ´´pokladov´´. Spriatelili sme sa s miestnymi rovestníkmi. Sú moslimovia. Popravde, mala som predsudky keď som prišla a v Dohe, v Katare, som musela uznať, že sú na niečom založené. Pri mužoch na blízkom východe som mala pocit, že ma jedia očami i keď som bola zahalená. Avšak, muži v Indonézii sú odlišní. Média nám vždy ukážu len jednu stranu mince ale pochopila som, že nie je moslim ako moslim. Mnoho z nich sa mi stalo priateľmi. Zakorenili sa mi v srdci, a aj po roku sme stále v aktívnom kontakte. Účasť na EDS programe (Európska Dobrovoľnícka Služba), je neuveriteľný a neopísateľný zážitok. Odporúčam to každému jednému z vás. Avšak, dobre si to premyslite a


zvážte. Stretla som dobrovoľníkov a medzinárodných študentov, ktorí boli pripravení opustiť svoju konfortnú zónu a zažiť niečo nové ale neboli pripravení na Indonéziu! Ak príde dobrovoľník do novej krajiny a nie je ochotný alebo schopný sa adaptovať, ale naopak, snaží sa zmeniť spôsob akým tam ľudia žijú a robí ich tým kým sú, je to zlé nie len preňho ale i pre projekt a ľudí okolo neho. A práve preto si to premyslite a choďte, leťte. Stretávajte nových ľudí, Ochutnajte nové príchute a staňte sa súčasťou niečoho väčšieho. Spoznajte samých seba, pretože je to úžasný pocit, ktorý stojí za to aby ste opustili svoju zónu komfortu a videli svet. Ten svet, ktorý bol stvorený pre nás. My sme svet, preto sa zaujímajme o to, s kým ho zdieľame.

Naučme sa rešpektovať jeden druhého takých, akými sme. Toto je môj nový sen. Aby sme boli lepšími ľuďmi. A chcem začať od seba. Vďaka EDS som sa zmenila. Teraz, po návrate domov, narážam na ťažké momenty pri pokuse uplatniť nové skúsenosti a znalosti vo svojom živote a v živote spoločnosti. Volám sa Katarína Čierňavová a prijímam túto novú výzvu. Viem, že to stojí za to.




I am Zuzana. ––––––– I do come from Slovakia where I was born on 16 Feburary 1991 in Bratislava. ––––––– My EVS took place in Semarang, Indonesia. ––––––– My favorite food which I learned to love during my EVS is nasi goreng (fried rice). ––––––– My favorite color is yellow. 96




It was exactly 59 amazing days I spent in Semerang in Indonesia, more than 20.000 miles away, at least 30 hours in the plane, 5 visited countries, more than 10 great discovered cities, dozens of English lessons and countless great experiences. Thanks to the cooperation of the Slovak organization Keric with the Indonesian organization Dejavato, I had the opportunity to discover a new culture, to experience amazing moments with inspirational people and help students to learn English. It is very difficult to sum up a 2-months stay and a lot of experiences I went through.

These months were full of surprises, and constant confrontation.

“Thanks to Indonesia and the great people I met, I broaden my horizons, improved my soft skills, became more patient, tolerant and adaptable person.” 98


Living in a host family as well as staying in a foreign country means to look under the “blanket”. I had to confront my ideas and opinions with reality, recognize local culture, leads long dialogues about life and habits, constantly adapt and becomes part of a new, alien family. It would not be a stay in a foreign culture without many cultural shocks. One would have thought, that after experiencing the co-existence with the three siblings, nothing zuzana

would surprise me, but the opposite is true.

The first surprise was the style of living. Houses are quite simple in comparison to Europe, but on the other hand, you can find really unpredictable things in the house. For example, my family had the kind of pool in the middle of the house. It was not for swimming but for fishes. Another surprise was the bathroom. I was looking for a shower or shelves, but there is none of them. In the bathroom there was only a 1 square meter “basin” with water and a plastic bowl. To take shower, you are supposed to splash cold water on you by using a bowl. If I did not want them to be discontented, I had to take shower at least twice a day. To Europeans quite unusual. Also basic thing as using of toilet paper is not common there. So if you plan to come to Indonesia, rather bring your own toilet paper. The second visible difference is a cuisine. Maybe it is not only a stereotype that Asian people love rice. They really enjoy it and eat it almost all day long. The day starts with rice for breakfast and finishes with rice for dinner. It would not be a tasty meal if there were not at least 99

a few chili peppers. Never trust the Indonesian when they tell you that it is not spicy. :D But anyway, the food was excellent and I really enjoyed all typical dishes.

Do you want to get somewhere? Ride a motorbike. The specialty of Indonesia is that people do not walk at all. Children, adults, elderly people, almost all of them have their scooter, which is used on a daily basis. Even 200 meters can be a long distance enough to ride a scooter. The perception of time is also different. Being late for 15-20 minutes is usually perfectly fine. People are very spontaneous,

so do not expect big planning or organizing.

On one hand, there were many things that were different. On the other hand, thanks to this unpredictable situations, I have learnt a lot. I guess you will not be surprised to hear that the people in Indonesia are an unbelievable sweetheart. They smile at every step, help whenever they can and love to take photos with Europeans. I have to say that the way of thinking of local people is completely different to European style.

They care more about family, relationships, happiness off their friends is much more important than their own happiness. We, European, should learn a lot from this culture. Staying in Indonesia was a big change for me and if I should summarize it, I would mention these quotes: Not everything is as we imagined or thought.

Before you judge, think and study. Sometimes no plan is a good plan. No worry, be happy. Not everybody in the world actually walk :D. Keep 100



smiling and be grateful for what you have. Muslims can be perfect people with amazing heart. Be respectful is really crucial. You need just great friends around you and you can be truly happy. Give more, take less. Positive thinking!

Thanks to Indonesia and the great people I met, I broaden my horizons, improved my soft skills, became more patient, tolerant and adaptable person. Do you want to be happy? Come to Indonesia! ÄŽakujem! Terima Kasih! Thank you!






Bolo to presne 59 úžasných dní, ktoré som strávila v indonézskom Semerangu, viac ako 20 000 odletených kilometrov, minimálne 30 odsedených hodín v lietadle, 5 navštívených krajín, viac ako 10 veľkých prebádaných miest, desiatky odučených hodín angličtiny a nespočítateľné množstvo skvelých zážitkov. Vďaka spolupráce slovenskej organizácie Keric s Indonézskou organizáciou Dejavato som mala možnosť spoznať novú nepoznanú kultúru, zažiť úžasné chvíle s inšpiratívnymi ľuďmi a v neposlednom rade pomôcť


študentom zo strednej školy Krista Mitra s hodinami angličtiny. Veľmi ťažko sa mi zhŕňa 2 mesačný pobyt a množstvo zážitkov, ktoré som zažila.

Tieto mesiace boli plné prekvapení a neustálej konfrontácie. Život v “host family“, ako aj pobyt v cudzej krajine znamená nakuknúť pod pokrývku. Tu človek konfrontuje svoje predstavy a názory s realitou, spoznáva miestnu kultúru, prispôsobuje sa, vedie dlhé dialógy o živote, neustále sa učí a stáva sa súčasťou novej rodiny.


Celý pobyt bol popretkávaný množstvom tzv. kultúrnych šokov. Človek by si myslel, že po skúsenosti so spolužitím s troma súrodencami ma už nič neprekvapí no opak je pravdou. Prvým prekvapením bolo, že moja rodina mala v strede domu niečo ako bazén s kaprami, alebo podobne vyzerajúcimi rybami. Ďalším prekvapkom bola kúpeľňa. Márne by som hľadala sprchu alebo poličky. V kúpeľni sa nachádzala iba murovaná “vanička” o veľkosti 1m x 1m napustená vodou a pri nej umelohmotný kýblik. Sprchovanie prebieha vo forme špliechania sa studenou vodou s použitím kýblika. Ak som chcela, aby ma nepovažovali za špinďúra, sprchovať som sa musela aspoň dvakrát do dňa. Pre Európanov celkom nezvyčajné. V bežnej indonézskej domácnosti taktiež nenájdete toaletný papier v kúpeľni. Nič také sa nepoužíva, takže keď plánujete pobyt v Indonézii, pribaľte si aj toaleťák. Druhým viditeľným rozdielom je strava. Celodenné menu sa dá zhrnúť do pojmu ryža. Deň nezačína nikdy bez ryže, to je základ. Taktiež by jedlo nemalo tú správnu chuť, keby sa v ňom nenachádzalo aspoň niekoľko chili papričiek. Nikdy zuzana

neverte Indonézanom, keď vám povedia, že niečo neštípe. Z 99% to štípe extrémne, aspoň pre bežného smrteľníka. Jedlo bolo ale vynikajúce a naozaj som si všetky typické jedlá vychutnala a obľúbila.

Chcete sa niekde dostať? Sadnite na motorku. Špecialitou celej Indonézie je, že ľudia peši nechodia skoro vôbec. Deti, dospelák, starší človek, skoro všetci majú svoj skúter, ktorý využívajú na dennodennej báze. Dokonca aj 200 metrov vie byť dostatočne dlhá vzdialenosť na to, aby sadli na motorku. Vnímanie času je taktiež odlišné. Meškať 15-20 minút je veľakrát v poriadku. Ľudia sú veľmi spontánny, takže veľké plánovanie a organizovanie nečakajte.

Bolo toho naozaj veľa, čo bolo iné a na čo si musel človek zvykať. Na druhej strane, práve vďake rozporuplným a neznámy situáciám som si neustále „obrusovala moje vlastnosti. Asi vás až tak neprekvapí, keď vám poviem, že ľudia v Indonézii sú neskutočné zlatíčka. Usmievajú sa na každom kroku, pomôžu kde sa dá a zbožňujú európske historky. Musím povedať, že spôsob myslenia miestnych 105

ľudí je úplne odlišný od európskeho štýlu. Pre nich je na prvom mieste rodina, vzťahy, šťastie priateľov.

Ich spokojnosť a šťastie sa nachádza na posledných miestach v rebríčku. My, Európania, sa máme od nich ešte čo učiť. Moje pôsobenie v Indonézii bolo sprevádzané niekoľkými sloganmi, výrokmi.

Pár z nich by som vám rada priblížila. Nie všetko je také, ako sa na prvý pohľad zdá. Pred tým ako súdiš, najprv premýšľaj a hľadaj informácie. Niekedy žiaden plán 106

je najlepší plán. Nie každý na svete preferuje kráčanie a prechádzky. Rešpekt je kľúčový v mnohých situáciách. Moslimovia môžu byť úžasní ľudia s veľkým srdcom a pre nás veľmi inšpiratívny. Potrebujeme iba skutočných priateľov okolo seba a s nimi je svet lepší a my sme spokojnejší. Mysli pozitívne!

Vďaka Indonézii a skvelým ľuďom, ktorých som stretla som si rozšírila svoje obzory, zlepšila soft skills, naučila sa väčšej trpezlivosti, tolerancie a prispôsobivosti a bola naozaj šťastná. Ďakujem! Terima Kasih! Thank you! scriptamanent



I am Thi Thu Hue Le. ––––––– I do come from Vietnam where I was born on 16 novembre 1994. ––––––– My EVS took place in Lorca, Spain. ––––––– My favorite food which I learned to love during my EVS is sangria and tortillas. ––––––– My favorite colors are green and blue.



thi thu hue le


Hola, I’m Hue - a volunteer coming from Vietnam and I just had 2 months working on Summer School Project of Cazalla in Lorca, a lovely yet very hot city of Spain called Lorca, Murcia, Spain.

2 months is not long but instead of measuring it with the number of days, I would measure it with things I’ve learned and the experience I’ve got. Living in an alien place with people speaking different language was such a great chance for me to challenge my adaptability and open-mindedness. I find myself lucky as I was surrounded by supportive and inspiring people throughout my journey: staff of Cazalla who always try to help me to make sure I can enjoy and learn something from my work and daily life; mentor who takes care for me as a family and show me the real Spanish value; other volunteers who had always stayed by my side and together we made beautiful memories of our volunteering life.

“My trip already came to an end, but the memories, the feelings, the inspirations are still living.” 110


I’m happy and grateful that I could fill my every day here with brand-new experience while thi thu hue le

exploring Spanish culture and getting to know people from many walks of life. Our project was such a precious opportunity for me to learn many things as well. Our team for Summer School was a mixture of 6 nationalities, with different working styles and language barrier being the biggest challenge.

It was not easy at the beginning to work together, but rapidly we could reach the consensus based on mutual respect and tolerance. Together we work hard and even play harder. We always tried to think outside of the box to create interesting activities for the kids, each week of the Summer School, we designed different topics such as Olympic, Nature, Music, Theatre, Culture Exchange... It was not a simple work but seeing the children enjoying each activity utilizing their creativity and having great fun with each other has always been significant motivation for our team the work harder.


“The best moment of the journey was when the children gave me a big hug before I left with gratitude filled in their eyes. I got mixed feelings at that moment: happiness, sadness, gratefulness, and I can feel the strong ambition of learning and helping the community burning in my heart.� 112


thi thu hue le


Hola, mình là Huế - một tình nguyện viên đến từ Việt Nam và mình vừa có 2 tháng chạy dự án Trường học hè tại Lorca, một thành phố xinh xắn và đầy nắng của Tây Ban Nha.

2 tháng không phải là một quãng thời gian dài, song thay vì tính bằng số ngày, mình sẽ đo bằng những điều mình đã được học và trải nghiệm.

My trip already came to an end, but the memories, the feelings, the inspirations are still living. To me, this was also the journey of exploring myself. I had chance to see different aspects of mine, the aspect that I had never seen before.

It is usually said that the more you go, the more you realize how little you know; 114

I’ve heard that quote hundreds of times but this time, I got to understand it genuinely. The desire to go and learn is overwhelming my mind these days,

I want to broaden the window through which I see the world. This trip shows me that human beings have the great ability to learn as long as we want to learn and become better person, we are definitely moving forwards.


Sống tại một nơi xa lạ, nơi mọi người nói một ngôn ngữ khác quả thực là một cơ hội tuyệt vời để mình thách thức khả năng thích ứng và tiếp thu điều mới của chính bản thân mình. Mình thấy bản thân thật may mắn vì suốt chuyến đi, mình luôn gặp được những người bạn rất tốt bụng và họ đều truyền cảm hứng và động lực lớn cho mình. Đó là những nhân viên tại văn phòng Cazalla, người luôn cố gắng giúp mình để đảm bảo rằng mình có thể tận hưởng và học hỏi từ chính công việc của mình; hay mentor, người chăm sóc cho mình như thể mình là một phần trong gia đình, chỉ cho mình thấy những giá trị Tây Ban Nha thực sự; và cả những tình nguyên khác nữa, họ là những người luôn ở bên mình và chúng mình đã có rất nhiều kỷ niệm đáng nhớ.

thi thu hue le

Mình thật sự thấy rất hạnh phục và biết ơn khi mỗi ngày ở đó, mình đều có những trải nghiệm vô cùng mới mẻ khi khám phá văn hóa Tây Ban Nha và làm quen với các bạn đến từ khắp nơi trên thế giới. Dự án tình nguyện mình làm chính là một dịp đáng quí giúp mình có thể học hỏi được rất nhiều điều. Nhóm chạy dự án của mình là sự hòa trộn của 6 quốc tịch, mỗi người có một cách làm việc khác nhau, thêm vào đó nữa, rào cản ngôn ngữ cũng là một thách thức rất lớn đối với cả nhóm.

Lúc mới đầu làm việc với nhau thực sự không hề đơn giản chút nào, nhưng rất nhanh sau đó chúng mình đã thông nhất được cách làm việc chung dựa trên nền tảng tôn trọng lẫn nhau. Cùng nhay chúng mình làm việc rất hang say và vui chơi “chăm chỉ” hơn nữa. Chúng mình luôn cố gắng nghĩ đưa ra ý tưởng mới lạ để lên kế hoạch hoạt động cho các em, mỗi tuần chúng mình lại đưa ra chủ đề khác nhau như Olympic, Thiên 115

Nhiên, Âm nhạc, Điện ảnh, Giao lưu văn hóa… Việc này không hề dễ dàng song được nhìn thấy các em thích thú với từng hoạt động và phát huy được tính sáng tạo của mình luôn là động lực lớn để cả nhóm cố gắng hơn nữa.

Chuyến đi của mình đã kết thúc, những những kỷ niệm, cảm xúc, và cả những cảm hứng vẫn còn rất sống động trong tâm trí mình. Đối với mình, chuyến đi này còn là dịp để mình khám phá chính bản thân. Mình đã nhìn thấy nhiều khía cạnh khác nhau của bản thân, những khía cạnh mà trước đây mình chưa hề nhìn thấy. Người ta thường nói rằng khi bạn đi càng nhiều, thì bạn càng


thấy nhũng gì mình biết thật nhỏ bó. Mình đã đọc tram ngôn đó rất nhiều lần những lần này, mình mới thực sự thấm thía ý nghĩa của câu nói đó.

Ước muốn được đi và học hỏi luôn choáng ngợp mình sau khi trở vì, hơn bao giờ hết, mình muốn mở rộng hơn cánh cửa mình nhìn ra thế giới bên ngoài. Và chuyến đi này cũng cho mình thấy rằng con người ta có khả năng học hỏi tuyệt vời và miễn là chúng ta vẫn muốn học hỏi để trở thành người tốt hơn, thì chúng ta vẫn đang tiến lên phía trước.


thi thu hue le


I am Quang Anh Nguyen. ––––––– I do come from Vietnam where I was born on 27th october 1998 in Ha Noi. ––––––– My EVS took place in Lorca, Spain. ––––––– My favorite food which I learned to love during my EVS is tinto de verano. ––––––– My favorite color is green. 118


quang ang nguyen


Recuerdo inolvidables Who is Lorca? To every Vietnamese student, Lorca is known as a Spanish artist with his well-known guitar and his idea of freedom. That was also my first impression on the word “Lorca”! Then the summer came, I received a project from CSDS relating to working with children. I was incredibly happy but also pretty worried because it would be my first time to come to Europe as well as live far away from my family for a quite long time – 2 months. So what is our job in Lorca, you ask? We were responsible for hosting a summer camp for the children there, which included a variety of different themed activities.

“That journey has made a dork with zero Spanish knowledge like me to be able to survive and honestly, to do a pretty good job at that country for 2 entire months also. A perfect adventure indeed!” scriptamanent 120


So many memories were made with my friends and the children during those days, but one specific little girl stucked in my mind although she attended one day with us only. That morning, we arrived early as usual to prepare for a perfect working day. Then Gabi told us: “Today will be a lot harder guy’s, we are having a VERY energetic little girl”. I found it both surprising and interesting as I thought: quang ang nguyen

“Wow, today I will get the chance to play and work with a hyperactive child!” She was wearing a full black outfit and pink shoes (I still keep a picture where she kissed me on the cheek while I was taking selfy).

“We can not keep her still for just a minute!” - I shockingly said while watching my whole team, except me and Ale, were not able to control her at all. I still remember that Dory said: “Quang, you take care of her. Me and the team will take care of the rest” jajaja! “Okay, I can handle it.”, I said, and that was the day I drank more water than I have ever drank in my entire life! Every time that small girl plays any physical activity, she screamed:

“Me! Me! Me!”. She simply could not stand in one place, she always wanted to play games and win them all. When she had to wait for her turn, her face turned blue and looked like she was about to cry. But as soon as I give her a ball to play instead, she smiled like she was holding her whole world in her hands. Just by looking at her 121

happy eyes and bright smile, I can tell she was very happy and fulfilled. What a cute kid! After that, when we played cat and mouse, guess who wanted to be the mouse to run around? The girl can run so fast and so effortlessly that no other “cat” could chase her down. “When will she be tired? Does she even know what tiredness is? Who is she, N’golo Kante?”

I thought to myself while working my butt off and waiting for a breaktime to have some rest. Finally the breaktime came, but my rest not. After finishing their drinks and food prepared by their parents, the children ran towards me and tickle the poor guy, making me run with them chasing behind. This is actually quite familiar to me as I am always the prankish member in the volunteer team. “You are never gonna get me! I am Bolt, once I speed up, even 10 of you could not get me hahaha”. I opened the throttle, I played, I steered, what a superstar! 20 little kids aged 8 to 12 were surrounding the whole garden yet could not grab me. But the minute I was so full of myself and thought that I’m invincible, I fell 122

hard and get a big scratch. Ironically, we were going to taught the kids about first aids after the breaktime. Ale came to me and smiled: “Don’t wash the wound yet, leave us do it. Go over there and sit with the kids and I’ll get the stuff”. I became the mannequin that first aids classes usually use to practice. The kids sat around me and listened to Ale’s instruction on doing the bandage for skin wound. The first thing to do was to wash it with water, and then used soaps to clean the wound more carefully, that was when the pain on my leg really kicked in.

wound is in the spotlight for them and was sterilized 4 times! That was probably my most memorable working day in that long trip.

That journey has made a dork with zero Spanish knowledge like me to be able to survive and honestly, to do a pretty good job at that country for 2 entire months also. A perfect adventure indeed! Gracias!!!

A trip of youth, friendship and exploring a new land.

It was truly fun as the children seemed very intrigued by those lessons. After Ale finished sterilizing and bandaging my scratch, Alexa took a picture with me and the children holding bandages and first aids equipment’s (I’m still sad that I lost that picture in my phone). The activities continued with each kid practicing the bandaging themselves with fake wound drawn on everyone’s arms and legs.

Every one of them wanted to do the practice with the real one, so of course my scriptamanent

quang ang nguyen


“That journey has made a dork with zero Spanish knowledge like me to be able to survive and honestly, to do a pretty good job at that country for 2 entire months also. A perfect adventure indeed!� 124


quang ang nguyen


Recuerdo inolvidables Lorca là gì? Đối với một học sinh, sinh viên Việt Nam, Lorca là tên một nghệ sĩ Tây Ban Nha nổi tiếng với cây đàn guitar và tư tưởng tự do của ông. Đó là ấn tượng đầu tiên của tôi về từ “Lorca”! Và rồi khi hè đến, tôi nhận dự án liên quan đến trẻ em ở Lorca từ CSDS. Tôi rất hạnh phúc nhưng không kém phần lo lắng vì đây sẽ là lần đầu tiên trong đời tôi được đi Châu Âu cũng như là lần đầu tiên sống xa gia đình trong một khoảng thời gian dài như vậy - 2 tháng. Và ở Lorca, chúng tôi làm công việc gì? Đó là một công việc thú vị và thật khó để mô tả cụ thể.

Tôi chỉ có thể diễn tả là chúng tôi đã tổ chức một trại hè gồm một chuỗi các hoạt động theo chủ đề cho bọn trẻ ở đây. Tôi có rất nhiều kỉ niệm cùng những người bạn và những đứa trẻ ở đây nhưng có một cô bé tham gia trại hè mà tôi sẽ không bao giờ quên cho dù cô bé chỉ đi có 1 buổi duy nhất. Sáng hôm đó, như mọi ngày, chúng tôi đến sớm và chuẩn bị mọi thứ cho một ngày làm việc hoàn hảo. Gabi nói với chúng tôi: “Hôm nay có thể sẽ mệt hơn nhiều đấy, hôm nay có một cô bé hơi bị 126

nhiều năng lượng một chút”. Tôi ngạc nhiên và lấy làm thú vị.

“Wow, tôi sẽ được chơi và tổ chức trò chơi cùng một cô bé tăng động” tôi nghĩ. Và đó là một cô bé mặc full đồ đen và đi một chiếc giày hồng (tôi còn giữ bức ảnh cô bé ấy thơm tôi lúc tôi đang selfie đó - ^^) “không thể giữ cô bé đứng yên cho dù chỉ là 1 phút” đó là những gì mà tôi đã phải thốt lên và cả team trừ tôi và Ale ra gần như k ai có thể theo được cô bé. Tôi vẫn nhớ như in Dory đã nói với tôi rằng: “Quang, mày take care con bé đó. Chị với cả team lo tất cả những đứa còn lại” jajaja. “Okayy, để đấy em cân” và đó là ngày làm việc tôi phải uống nhiều nước nhất @@

“Me! Me! Me!” - đó là những gì cô bé nói mỗi khi có một trò chơi vận động nào đó. Đơn giản vì cô bé không thể đứng yên, cô bé luôn muốn chơi, muốn thắng hay chỉ là đến lượt. Đợi lâu và nói mãi không đến lượt cô bé tưởng sắp khóc nhưng ngay khi tôi đưa cho em quả bóng thì nó lại cười như tưởng chừng nó đang ôm cả thế giới trong tay. Nhìn ánh mắt và nụ cười của nó hạnh phúc và mãn nguyện lắm. Đúng là trẻ con, đáng yêu dữ! Chơi mèo và chuột, scriptamanent

nó chỉ muốn làm chuột vì thực sự chắc “con mèo” nào khỏe lắm nhanh lắm mới bắt nổi nó - nó chạy có biết mệt quái đâu. “bao giờ nó mới mệt, nó có biết mệt không, mày là N’golo Kante à” - tôi nghĩ.

Và tôi cố gắng hoàn thành công việc và mong đến lúc breaktime để có chút thời gian nghỉ ngơi một chút. Và cuối cùng break time cũng đến nhưng việc tôi được nghỉ thì không *smileyface. Đám trẻ sau khi dùng xong nước và đồ ăn mà bố mẹ chúng chuẩn bị lao đến cù tôi. Đây là một điều tôi đã quá quen thuộc vì trong team volunteer, tôi là thằng quậy với hay bày trò nhất. Và như một lẽ đương nhiên, tôi chạy và chúng đuổi.

“Có giời đuổi được tao, tao mà tăng tốc thì chục đứa chúng mày quây cũng không bắt được nhé. Tao là Bolt” tôi tự mãn. Tôi tăng tốc, tôi vờn, tôi bẻ cua. Yeah, siêu sao quá, 20 đứa con nít tầm 8-12 tuổi quây quanh cái vườn rộng phết mà k bắt được anh. Nhưng đúng lúc tôi nghĩ: “Tao là bất bại. hahaha” thì tôi trượt ngã. Và hệ quả thì mọi người biết rồi đó, ăn tóm và ăn cù kèm theo một đoạn trầy to quang ang nguyen

đùng ở chân. “Cứu, anh chị em bạn bè ơi cứu Quang. Chúng nó cù chết mất.” Tôi bị áp giải về nơi tập trung như một tên tội phạm và hình phạt chúng dành cho tôi là úp mặt vào tường cho chúng cù, tôi lại có máu buồn nữa chứ.

Tình cờ thay, sau breaktime là đến phần chúng tôi dạy bọn trẻ về first aid. Thằng Ale - một thằng cùng team và là bạn chung nhà với tôi đến bên tôi cười một nụ cười đầy ẩn ý: “Quang, mày đừng rửa vết trầy ở chân, để đấy tao rửa cho mày”. “Ồ mày tốt thế, rửa luôn à” tôi. “Không, ra kia ngồi với bọn trẻ để tao lấy đồ ra đó rửa” Ale. “Hả, tao là chuột bạch à?” - tôi nghĩ. Và tôi ra ngồi với lũ trẻ, cno cứ nói theo mấy người khác trong team: “Poor Quang”. “ồ cảm ơn các bé nhé, vui quá” -Quang nghĩ. Rồi thằng Ale lấy đồ ra, lũ trẻ quây xung quanh nghe nó hướng dẫn về cách sơ cứu các vết thương ngoài da. Trước tiên, nó rửa vết thương của tôi bằng nước. “Chuẩn bài đấy người anh em, mát quá”- tôi nghĩ. Tiếp sau nó lấy xà phòng ra và bắt đầu phun với cọ rửa vết thương. Xót quá! Rồi từng bước từng bước với thuốc sát trùng và băng thấm. Bọn trẻ chăm chú nhìn lắm và rất 127

thích nữa chứ. “tạch” Alexa chụp ảnh.

(Giờ nghĩ lại cũng tiếc vì chẳng hiểu sao tôi mất tấm ảnh đó trong máy). Sau đấy thì bọn trẻ được thực hành sơ cứu với những vết thương mô phỏng vẽ lên tay mà những người bạn tôi tạo ra và tất nhiên với cái con chuột bạch to lù lù cùng cái vết trầy cũng to không kém trên chân nó.

Và như một lẽ tất yếu thì đứa nào cũng tranh nhau để thực hành với nguyên mẫu thật sống động rồi:3 (vết trầy được vệ sinh sát trùng 4 lần).


Và chuột bạch Quang được các bé chen vào selfie cùng khi Quang muốn selfie. Đó là phần thưởng cho một ngày làm việc vui vẻ nhỉ, jajaja.

Một ngày làm việc có lẽ là đáng nhớ nhất của tôi trong chuyến đi dài. Một chuyến đi gọi là chuyến đi của tuổi trẻ, chuyến đi để có những người bạn, chuyến đi để đến một miền đất mới, chuyến đi mà một đứa không biết tiếng Tây Ban Nha vẫn có thể sống sót và làm không tệ công việc trong suốt 2 tháng. Một hành trình hoàn hảo! GRAC IAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


quang ang nguyen


I am Almudena. ––––––– I do come from Spain. ––––––– My EVS took place in Thailandia. ––––––– My favorite food which I learned to love during my EVS is pad thai. ––––––– My favorite color is azure.





La estranjera Llevaba poco en Tailandia cuando me destinaron al proyecto de agricultura colaborando con una familia musulmana autóctona. La vivienda era peculiar, de madera, construida por el padre de familia, las diferentes estancias eran pequeñas casitas independientes que se distribuían a lo largo de huerto de cultivo que componía su modo de vida. Pasamos la mañana recorriendo los cultivos, aprendiendo sobre las plantas y admirando las ingeniosas estructuras de madera en las que se hallaban los mismos, limpiando y preparando para la venta algunos vegetales y con alicates estuvimos abriendo caracolas que por la tarde llevaríamos al mercado. Cerca de medio día nos dirigimos a la guardería dónde estudiaba Olivia, la pequeña de la familia.

“As we entered the school more and more children’s heads crowded the doors, and all those eyes fixed on me, looked at me expectantly with the sweet curiosity that the children give off.” 132


Las profesoras nos recibieron con los brazos abiertos y nos invitaron a quedarnos a comer. Así que pasamos una rato en esa pequeña guardería rural, con los niños, a medias comiendo, a medias ayudando a los más pequeños a comer, y jugando a sus juegos, que no almudena

difieren mucho de los nuestros. Tuve la suerte de poder observar pequeños rituales diarios, como el de lavarse los dientes, todos los niños se ponían los zapatos, iban a buscar el cepillo de dientes y al terminar, mostrando su boca buscaban la aprobación de las profesoras.

Puede parecer una tontería, pero en ese momento fui consciente de que la gran diferencia entre ese país y el mío se encuentra en la precariedad de sus medios. Después acompañé a P’Doh, la madre, al colegio para recoger al hijo. Ese fue sin duda uno de los momentos más impactantes de mi experiencia en Tailandia, pues conforme

nos adentrábamos en el colegio más y más cabecitas de niños se agolpaban en las puertas, y todos aquellos ojos clavados sobre mí, me miraban expectantes con la curiosidad dulce que desprenden los niños.


Algunos niños de los más mayores se acercaron a hablarme, pero cuando P’Doh me traducía algo o intentaba convencerles de que me hablaran en inglés, rojos de vergüenza huían a esconderse. Finalmente salieron algunas profesoras a saludarme muy contentas preguntándome si yo iba a dar clases allí, la verdad estaba desconcertada por la emoción del momento, y tampoco conocía el colegio al que me destinarían, solamente acerté a responder que


me encantaría. Más tarde P’Doh me explicó que

el revuelo que mi presencia había generado en el colegio se debía a que a ese colegio no iban voluntarios y yo era posiblemente el primer extranjero que esos niños veían. Algunas semanas después tuve la oportunidad de regresar con mis


compañeros a ese colegio, tantos grupos querían que les diéramos clase que nos separamos, he incluso llegué a tener dos grupos de edades muy dispares a la vez en clase, y aún así, gustosa trabajé toda la jornada. Los alumnos pese a proceder de familias pobres de la zona rural estaban muy interesados en aprender inglés y participaban alegres en las clases, incluso me prepararon una presentación sobre el colegio y la zona, recuerdo aún como se le amontonaban las palabras a la niña de los nervios. También nos invitaron a presenciar ensayos de bailes regionales y en la hora de comer era un espectáculo el intento de conversación que manteníamos con los profesores. En un primer momento no entendí porque la familia acogía voluntarios, ellos no eran profesores, y nuestra colaboración en el campo agrícola no era boyante.


Es más dedicaban mucho tiempo a explicarnos cosas y llevarnos de excursión, eran más que hospitalarios, incluso me regalaron una de sus faldas típicas. Ahora soy consciente de que el nivel de inglés de sus hijos, pese a no tener más de 6 años, es superior a la media y que además son abiertos de mente, conocen mundo sin haber salido de casa, les preparan para el futuro.

Esta familia me enseño mucho sobre lo feliz que se puede ser con poco y derribó mis prejuicios por las diferencias culturales y religiosas, nunca se lo agradeceré lo suficiente.






The foreigner I had little experience in Thailand when I was assigned to an agricultural project in collaboration with an indigenous Muslim family. The house was peculiar, made of wood, built by the father of the family, the different rooms were small independent houses that were distributed along the cultivated orchard that made up their way of life. We spent the morning going through the crops, learning about the plants and admiring the ingenious wooden structures in which they were found, cleaning and preparing for sale some vegetables and with pliers we were opening shells that in the afternoon we would take to the market. About half a day we went to the nursery where Olivia, the youngest member of the family, studied.

The teachers welcomed us with open arms and invited us to stay for lunch. So we spent some time in that small rural nursery, with the children half-eaten, half-helping the little ones to eat, and playing their games, which don’t differ much from ours. 138

I was lucky enough to be able to observe small daily rituals, such as brushing one’s teeth, all the children put on their shoes, went to look for the toothbrush and when they finished, showing their mouths, they looked for the approval of the teachers.

It may seem silly, but at that moment I was aware that the great difference between this country and mine lies in the precariousness of their means. Then I accompanied P’Doh, the mother, to school to pick up the son. This was undoubtedly one of the most impressive moments of my experience in Thailand,

English, red from shame they ran away to hide. Finally some teachers came out to greet me very happy asking me if I was going to teach there, the truth was bewildered by the emotion of the moment, and I did not know the school to which I would be assigned, I only managed to answer that I would love it. Later P’Doh explained to me that

the commotion that my presence had generated in the school was due to the fact that there were no volunteers at that school and I was possibly the first foreigner that those children saw.

A few weeks later I had the opportunity to return with my classmates to that school, so many groups wanted us to teach them that we separated, I even had two very different age groups in class at the same time, and even so, I gladly worked the whole day. The students, although they came from poor families in the rural area, were very interested in learning English and participated happily in the classes. They even prepared a presentation for me about the school and the area, and I still remember how the girl’s words were piled up with nerves. We were also invited to attend rehearsals of regional dances and at lunchtime it was a spectacle the attempt of conversation that we had with the teachers.

because as we entered the school more and more children’s heads crowded the doors, and all those eyes fixed on me, looked at me expectantly with the sweet curiosity that the children give off. Some of the older children came to talk to me, but when P’Doh translated something for me or tried to convince them to speak to me in scriptamanent



At first I didn’t understand why the family welcomed volunteers, they weren’t teachers, and our collaboration in the agricultural field wasn’t buoyant.

being more than 6 years old, is higher than average and they are also openminded, know the world without having left home, prepare them for the future.

They spent a lot of time explaining things to us and taking us on excursions, they were more than hospitable, they even gave me one of their typical skirts.

This family taught me a lot about how happy you can be with little and overthrew my prejudices because of cultural and religious differences, I will never thank them enough.

Now I am aware that the English level of their children, despite not





I am Eva. ––––––– I do come from Spain. ––––––– My EVS took place in Thailiandia. ––––––– My favorite food which I learned to love during my EVS is Som Tam Thai (papaya salad). ––––––– My favorite color is red.





Hace unos meses que llegué a casa, y solo puedo decir que ha sido la aventura más maravillosa del mundo, desde el momento en que llegué a Tailandia tuve el sentimiento de estar como en casa, a pesar del choque cultural que estábamos viviendo.

Pensando un poco egoístamente, puedo afirmar que he cambiado mi perspectiva a la hora de ver las cosas, he visto lo qué es realmente importante, y reflexionado que a pesar de las circunstancias siempre se puede ser feliz.

“The feeling of really living as a member of the family, carrying out daily actions like going to the cinema, having a beer, enjoying a sunset, in places that are not very touristic.” 144


En las dos escuelas base, así como en todas las demás en las que pudimos participar, todo era muy diferente a lo que aquí encontramos. Los niños tienes su espacio para SER, se acepta la diversidad con los brazos abiertos, buscan que los alumnos sean autónomos e independientes y que encuentren su lugar en el mundo. Yo no puedo estar más agradecida, he recibido amor y abrazos para 20 años, ojalá hubiese podido quedarme más tiempo, porque cuando más lo estaba disfrutando he tenido que volver.

Porque como todo en la vida construir relaciones necesita tiempo, eva

encontrarse a una misma en un país totalmente nuevo necesita tiempo, adaptarse necesita tiempo. Recomiendo esta experiencia, a todas aquellas personas que quieran vivir la experiencia más impresionante de su vida. Creo que allí, todo era posible, incluso hasta lo imposible, vivimos experiencias que me marcarán de por vida en mi forma de pensar y actuar. Quien me diría a mí que al final no echaría de menos el váter. Agradecer también, sobre todo a las familias acogedoras tanto para realizar el voluntariado, como para ser huéspedes en sus propias casas. Gracias a Tam, por la bendita paciencia que tenía con nosotros en la casa, por enseñarnos las mejores recetas tailandesas, la parte culinaria pero también por guiarnos en todo momento por el lugar indicado y por ser nuestro cómplice. También, me gustaría agradecer a Pada por su honorable generosidad, durante el último mes de la estancia, fuera de la oficina. El primer mes, se desarrolló en la oficina, quizás aún no habíamos vivido de forma tan intensa, la cultura tailandesa, pues a pesar de compartir piso con Tan, los restantes allí veníamos de la Región de Murcia, y seguíamos con nuestras


costumbres, incluyese utilizar papel higiénico en lugar de la manguerita y también arrastrábamos un poco al tailandés hacia nuestros horarios, pues el siempre quería vivir de cerca nuestra cultura. Mientras que en el segundo mes, nos adentramos de lleno y por completo en la cultura tailandesa, pues tuvimos la gran oportunidad de convivir con una familia tailandesa. Agradecer de corazón su enorme acogida y la protección que nos brindaron desde el minuto uno.

La sensación, de vivir realmente como un miembro mas de la familia, realizando acciones cotidianas como

ir al cine, tomarte una cerveza, disfrutando de una puesta de sol, en lugares poco turísticos. Incluso, ese mes realizamos un gran viaje con la familia, así como nos brindaron su mejor sonrisa y apoyo cuando quisimos recorrer la parte central del país. Si tuviera que destacar algo de Tailandia, no sería ni su cultura, ni su arquitectura ni sus grandes recetas culinarias, si tuviera algo que destacar sería su gente.

Maravillosa gente, siempre dispuesta a echarte una mano en todo lo que necesites.

A few months ago I arrived home, and I can only say that it has been the most wonderful adventure in the world, from the moment I arrived in Thailand I had the feeling of being at home, despite the culture shock we were experiencing.

Thinking a little selfishly, I can affirm that I have changed my perspective when seeing things, I have seen what is really important, and I have reflected that in spite of circumstances one can always be happy. In the two base schools, as well as in all the others in which we were able to participate, everything was very different from what we find here. Children have their space to BE, diversity is accepted with open arms, they look for students to be autonomous and independent and to find their place in the world. I cannot be more grateful, I have received love and hugs for 20 years, I wish I could have stayed longer, because when I was enjoying it more I had to come back.

Because as everything in life needs time to build 146



relationships, to find oneself in a totally new country needs time, to adapt needs time. I recommend this experience to all those people who want to live the most impressive experience of their lives. I believe that there, everything was possible, even the impossible, we lived experiences that will mark me for life in my way of thinking and acting. Who would say to me that in the end I would not miss the toilet. I would also like to thank, above all, the host families, both for volunteering and for being guests in their own homes. Thanks to Tam, for the blessed patience he had with us in the house, for teaching us the best Thai recipes, the culinary part but also for guiding us at all times by the right place and for being our accomplice. Also, I would like to thank Pada for his honorable generosity, during the last month of the stay, outside the office. The first month, it was developed in the office, perhaps we had not yet lived so intensely, the Thai culture, because despite sharing flat with Tan, the rest there came from the Region of Murcia, and we continued with our customs, included using toilet paper instead of the hose and also dragged a little Thai towards our schedules, 147

because he always wanted to live our culture closely. While in the second month, we entered fully and completely into the Thai culture, as we had the great opportunity to live with a Thai family. I would like to thank them from the bottom of my heart for their enormous welcome and the protection they gave us from the first minute.

The feeling of really living as a member of the family, carrying out daily actions like going to the cinema, having a beer, enjoying a sunset,


in places that are not very touristic. That month we even made a great trip with the family, as well as they gave us their best smile and support when we wanted to tour the central part of the country. If I had to highlight something about Thailand, it wouldn’t be its culture, its architecture or its great culinary recipes, if I had something to highlight, it would be its people.

Wonderful people, always ready to give you a hand in everything you need.




Partner organisations of the project: • Link (Italy) • Cazalla (Spain) • C S D S (Vietnam) • Dejavato Foundation (Indonesia) • Keric (Slovakia) • VSA (Thailandia)




Link – Italy (Project Leader) Associazione Culturale Link is a cultural organization created in 2003 by both experienced youth leaders and young people. Link was created with the aim of having a tool to better access the needs of young people living in our local community and territory so to give a concrete contribution to satisfy their requests in terms of participation, active citizenship, feeling of belonging to a common Europe, tolerance and antiracism. In a more specific way our aim is to get young people closer to European issues, to bring a European dimension in a region far away from decision-making centers and peripheral in terms of geographical and economic position.

We provide help and training to young people –inside and outside the organization - who wants to implement new projects fostering their participation through the organization of international youth exchanges, intercultural learning activities, information campaigns and workshops about various topics. Our activities approach youth from 8 years on with workshops in local primary schools, language classes is high schools and weekly cultural activities in our office all year long. All our activities are based non formal education and are connected to volunteers, local and international.

Contacts address: Via Santa Croce 3, 70022 Altamura, Italy web site: mail: facebook: Associazione Link





Cazalla – Spain Cazalla Intercultural is a local NGO located in Lorca, Murcia, in the South East of Spain, registered in 2007, but started to function in 2001 as youth association of Cazalla The mission of our team of professionals is “To promote active citizenship, social inclusion, youth mobility, voluntary service, sustainable development, stand up for human rights, integration, non-discrimination and against gender-based violence, through non-formal education, youth information and international cooperation. Our work is structured in 4 main fields. • Voluntary service – we work as EVS sending/hosting/coordinating organization since 2003. During the years it has hosted about 35 volunteers, sends annually nearly 60 volunteers all over the world. Cazalla is involved in the local voluntary activities. • Capacity building - on the local level through the cooperation with the Contacts: e-mail: web: twitter: @cazallaintercul 154

CSDS – Vietnam local authorities - advising and information center, local projects and trainings; and on international level by development of the quality systems mainly in the field of youth work and volunteering. • International cooperation in the field of youth – that includes promotion of the youth exchanges and offering the youngsters from our local community the first international and intercultural experience; exchange of experiences, networking and implementing the training courses in the fields of expertise of Cazalla – human rights, gender based violence, participation. • Local youth work - composed of the youth information center, and the local projects with the aim to foster the participation of the young people, integration of migrants into the local society and fight against racism and discrimination. We encourage the creativity of young people and assure the quality of their work.

facebook: cazalla.intercultural instagram: cazalla_intercultural scriptamanent

Center for Sustainable Development Studies (CSDS) is a Vietnamese non-governmental organization, focusing on youth and community development as well as international volunteer exchange. Founded in 2009, CSDS develops and implements programs in different areas of the country to contribute to the sustainable development of Vietnamese society. FOCUS AREAS 1. Youth development At CSDS, we believe in the power of youth. We work with youth, empowering them through capacity building and civic engagement. We provide training on leadership, volunteer management and social entrepreneurship using a non-formal education approach that enhances personal growth and social impacts. Our strength is tapping into the undiscovered potential of young people to educate and build the leaders of tomorrow that will drive the development of Vietnam. 2. Community development We intervene at the community level


to improve the livelihood of the poor, ensure children’s rights for better education and raise people’s awareness of the environment, water and sanitation issues. Our projects range from building schools and kindergartens for indigenous children, providing language and vocational training, educating on hygiene and sanitation, providing micro credits for women and supporting community based ecotourism. 3. International exchange program Through the international exchange program, we offer a wide range of volunteering and internship opportunities for local and international youth to support local community development in different projects: • Childcare projects: The Childcare volunteer program brightens the lives of children and makes an important contribution to their daily lives. We work with organizations in and around Hanoi to provide vital support and care for vulnerable children and young adults in childcare centers for disabled children, kindergartens and hospitals.


• Teaching projects: Working as teaching assistant or leading classes on their own, our volunteers and students bring fun and excitement to English/ French lessons in local schools, educational institutions and local community classes. They create a learning environment that encourages the students to practice their language skills and improve their confidence.

• NGO projects: Volunteering at local NGOs in Vietnam offers international volunteers a chance to utilize their knowledge, skills and experience in a holistic and stimulating working environment. These NGOs address various issues such as supporting underprivileged communities, environmental conservation and children’s rights.

Contacts Address: 63 Pham Than Duat Street, Mai Dich, Cau Giay, Ha Noi, Viet Nam. Telephone: +84 (0) 2460 278 323 website:

Dejavato Foundation – Indonesia Dejavato Foundation (DJ) is an organization located in Semarang, Indonesia that works for peace, international understanding and solidarity, education, social, and sustainable development for culture and international environment through voluntary service that involves active citizenship from local and international society. Dejavato Foundation organizes short, middle or long term volunteering programs collaborating with international organization partners around the world. Dejavato are involved in the collaboration with many European partners under Erasmus plus project as it has been accredited since 2008. Dejavato is an independent legal organization which is registered by Public Notary under The Ministry of Law and Human Rights

of Indonesia and has the legal constitution. It develops and runs the program according to the needs of the youth of Indonesia. Mission 1. To promote voluntary service in Indonesia and overseas through education, social and cultural sectors. 2. To encourage Indonesian people especially young generation to be actively involved in doing voluntary service in Indonesia and overseas. 3. To promote intercultural understanding, equality, tolerance and world peace. 4. To develop awareness and responsibility towards social environment. 5. To promote various and unique Indonesian culture and nature to the international society.

Contacts Address: Jl. Bukit Panjangan Asri Blok M - 7, Semarang 50147 - Indonesia Tel/Fax: +62-24-76636091 Email: Skype: dejavato Facebook: @DejavatoFoundation Web: Twitter: @dejavato Youtube: Dejavato Instagram: @dejavato_foundation 156




Keric – Slovakia Founded in February 2003, KERIC is a non-profit non-governmental organisation working mainly with children and youth. We offer a wide range of activities with an extra added international dimension, connecting the Kysuce region with Europe and the whole world.

Volunteer Spirit Association – Thailandia KERIC hosts international volunteers and sends young Slovak people as volunteers to Europe, Asia, Latin America and Africa, organises conversational language courses, international youth exchanges, summer camps for children, seminars and trainings for youth workers or other non-formal educational activities.


Volunteer Spirit Association (VSA Thailand) is a Informal Education Organization / Non Profit Organization (NPO) / Non-Government Organization (NGO) / Social Enterprise / Peace organization collaborating international voluntary projects for people of all ages, cultures, religious and economic backgrounds. Workcamp and International Voluntary activities is the Non-Formal learning. Our work is based on the belief that, by learning, sharing, under-

mail: website: tel: +42 1908 913 995

standing and reducing conflicts, we can achieve our final goal of PEACE. Volunteer Spirit Association (VSA Thailand) was started in 2008 as SAWASDEE Thailand (ST) and organized the first international workcamp in 2009. VSA is a full member of NVDA (Network Voluntary Development in Asia) and CCIVS (Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service). We are promoting International Voluntary Service (IVS) in Thailand.

Contacts address: 1063/379 Soi 11 Palm Spring Airport Village Kuanlung Hatyai Songkhla 90110 tel: +66 92 262 5577, +66 81 959 2961 mail:





Index p. 5 9

Description of Link 2 Continents Erasmus Plus, description and thanks The stories


















thi thu hue le


quang anh nguyen





Partner organisations 153

link – italy (poject Leader)


dazalla – spain




dejavato foundation


keric – slovakia



– vietnam

– indonesia

vsa – thailandia


Cofinanziato dal programma Erasmus+ dell’Unione europea

“This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.” For other official languages of the Program consult this link: beneficiaries_all.pdf All information are online:

Scriptamanent © Associazione Link 2018 All rights reserved isbn 978-88-9861-007-5






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