"Kasutu linn?" seminari kokkuvõte / Overview of "Vacant city" seminar

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23. aprillil 2016 toimus Telliskivi loomelinnakus järjekorras neljas Linnalabori poolt korraldatud seminar KASUTU LINN?/VACANT CITY, mis seekord keskendus linnaruumi jagamisele. Seminaril osalesid mitmed eksperdid nii Eestist kui mujalt Euroopast, käsitledes vahekasutuse erinevaid praktikaid ja hinnates tühja linnaruumi potentsiaali. Käesolevast raportist: - leiate mitmekülgset teemakohast materjali ruumi vahekasutuse kohta -

saate põhjaliku ülevaate toimunud seminar peaettekandest, välkesitlustest ja paneeldiskussioonist


leiate kokkuvõtted kõikide seminaril toimunud mõtteharjutuste kohta.

On 23rd of April 2016 Linnalabor organized already a fourth seminar in Telliskivi Creative City. This time we focused on sharing the urban space. We had experts from Estonia and Europe taking part in our seminar to discuss different practices of temporary use and assess the potential of vacant space through international examples. From this report you will find: -

information about the topic in general


get a great overview of the intro presentation, short presentations and discussion from the seminar

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find summaries of all the brainstorming sessions that took place in the second part of the seminar.

www.linnalabor.ee https://www.facebook.com/linnalabor/


Seminari teemaga aitavad kurssi viia järgnevad materjalid: -

Ungari kaasaegse arhitektuuri keskuse (KEK) on sügavuti tegelenud tühjade ruumide temaatikaga ning kogunud enda kolme-aastase kogemuse väga põhjaliku ja läbinägelikku kogumikku “Vacant city”.


Riigikontroll avaldas tänavu jaanuaris auditi “Järelvalve ohtlike ehitiste üle valdades ja linnades”.


Veebiväljaanne Deep Baltic pakub pikemaid tekste, fotoesseesid, ülevaateid, mõtisklusi ja intervjuusid enamasti asjasse pühendatu vaatevinklist. Seminari eellugemiseks on eriti hea lugu, mis kirjeldab Baltimaade suurlinna - kahanevat Riiat - ja tutvustab ka Free Riga liikumist, mis Riia tühjade ruumidega tegeleb


Koostöös Tallinna Haridusameti ja Haridus- ja teadusministeeriumiga korraldame seminaril mõtteharjutuse leidmaks juba tühjadele ning peagi tühjaks jäävatele koolimajadele alternatiivseid kasutusviise. Põhjalikku ülevaadet koolide avamisestsulgemisest saab lugeda siit.


Valga on kahanev Eesti väikelinn, kus kesklinna väärtuslikud puitmajad seisavad suures osas tühjana. Kuidas tuua elanikud keskusesse tagasi ning mida hakata peale tühjaksjäävate paneelelamutega? Ülevaate teemast saab Valga arhitekti Jiri Tintera koostatud ettekandest.


New Ideas For Old Buildings on Euroopa Liidu tegevusprogramm, mis on fokuseeritud väikeste ja keskmise suurusega linnade potentsiaali tühjade hoonete taashõivamisele.


Keiti Kljavini ja Kaija-Luisa Kuriku poolt kirjutatud ülevaatlik artikkel tühjade ruumide vahendamisest 22.04 Sirbis

To get an overview of the topic we recommend following materials: -

Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Center (KEK) has been dealing with urban vacancy for quite some time and gathered its´ experience in a “Vacant City” book as a result of multiple encounters between Hungarian and Dutch practitioners working with temporary urban solution, vacancy and reuse.


Web Deep Baltic offers long reads, photo essays, reports, meditations and interviews, mostly from an insider perspective. One particular article dealing with the shrinking of the Great Baltic city Riga is especially good pre-read for the seminar. It also introduces Free Riga, urban social movement that deals with empty spaces in Riga.

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Together with Tallinn City Education Department and Ministry of Education and Research we have organised a brainstorming session to discuss the alternative uses for empty school buildings. There is a great overview, unfortunetely it is available only in Estonian.


Valga is a shrinking small town in Estonia, where valuable wooden houses in the center are empty. How to bring locals back to the center and what to do with the empty panel housing? An overview of the topic by city architect of Valga – Jiri Tintera – is available here.


New Ideas For Old Buildings is and EU platform which focuses on small and mediumsized cities and their potentials.

Videoülevaade seminarist (klõpsa allajoonitud pealkirjadel) -

seminar peaettekanne “Vacant city: an introduction”

Kaija-Luisa Kurik, Manchesteri Arhitektuurikooli / Manchester Metropolitan University doktorant -

välkesitlused ∗ Anders Härm [Eesti Kaasaegse Kunsti Muuseumi juhatuse liige] ∗ Oliver Hasemann [ZwischenZeitZentrale, Bremen] ∗ Tom Lecke-Lopatta [Bremeni liidumaa ruumilise arengu, maakasutuse osakonna vanemarhitekt ja planeerija, Bremen] ∗ Jaanus Juss [Telliskivi Loomelinnaku asutaja ja tegevjuht] ∗ Jiri Tintera [Valga linnaarhitekt] ∗ Mārcis Rubenis [Free Riga rühmituse kaasasutaja, Riia]



- paneeldiskussioon Arutelu juhivad Kaija-Luisa Kurik ja Keiti Kljavin. Vestlusringis osalevad: • Anders Härm EKKM-ist, • Tom Lecke-Lopatta Bremeni liidumaalt, • Elin Vako Riigkontrollist, • Urban Jeriha Ruumipoliitikate Instituudist Sloveeniast ja • Bálint Kádár Ungari Kaasaegse Arhitektuuri Keskusest. Siit leiad fotoülevaade tervest seminarist!

Video review from the seminar (click on the underlined topics) -

Keynote lecture “Vacant city: an introduction“

Kaija-Luisa Kurik, PhD student from Manchester School of Architecture

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Short presentations ∗ Anders Härm [board member of Contemporary Art Museum of Estonia] ∗ Oliver Hasemann [ZwischenZeitZentrale, Bremen] ∗ Tom Lecke-Lopatta [Senior Landscape Architect and Planner for the State of Bremen’s Department of Spatial Development, Urban and Land-use Planning] ∗ Jaanus Juss [founder and the executive director of Telliskivi Creative City] ∗ Jiri Tintera [Valga town's architect] ∗ Mārcis Rubenis [co-founder of Free Riga movement]

- Panel discussion Moderated by Kaija-Luisa Kurik and Keiti Kljavin. Participants: • Anders Härm from The Museum of Estonian Contemporary Art; • Tom Lecke-Lopatta from Bremen State; • Elin Vako from The National Audit Office of Estonian; • Urban Jeriha from iPOP (Institute for Spatial Policies) Slovenia; • Bálint Kádár from Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Center. Here you can find photos from the whole seminar!

Mõtteharjutused Seminari teises pooles toimusid 9 mõtteharjutust, mille eesmärk oli väiksemates gruppides keskenduda aktuaalsetele vahekasutust puudutavatele teemadele. Enamik töötubasid toimus inglise keeles, kuid mõned neist leidsid asset ka ainult eesti keeles. Järgnevatelt lehekülgedelt leiate kõikide toimunud töötubade kokkuvõtted.

Brainstorming sessions The second part of the seminar was dedicated to short brainstorming sessions to discuss important topics about vacancy in the city in smaller groups. Most of the workshops took place in English but there were some only in Estonian as well. On the following pages you will find summaries from all the sessions that took place.

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1. Kruusatud parkimisplatsid – kas tõesti parim vahekasutuse mudel terves Baltikumis? Teele Pehk Seitsmeliikmeliseks kujunenud grupis sai Teele Pehki juhtimisel sai põhirõhk suunatud küsimusele, kuidas motiveerida maaomanikke ning praeguseid parklaoperaatoreid alternatiivseid valikuid tegema. Kõrged parkimishinnad toodavad hetkel kasu kõigile osapooltele ning omanikel ja ettevõtjatel puudub initsiatiiv muudatusteks. Maa omanikel on küllaltki ootuspärane soov valdavalt võimalikult vähese isikliku pingutusega teenida maksimaalset kasu või vähemasti olla ise kohustustest vaba ning kulude-tuludega nullis. Oluline küsimus on, et kes peaks üldse pakkuma omanikele alternatiivseid lahendusi? Ühe hea näitena jäi eelnevatest ettekannetest kõlama Läti kogemus riigi sekkumine ning maksusoodustuste kasutamine, näiteks võiks mitte tulundus tegevuste puhul kehtida maale sotsiaalmaa maksumäär. Või kui jätkata parklate rajamist, võiks olla nõue, et teatud protsent alast peab olema jalgrattaparkla. Omanikud kardavad kaotada ka kontrolli piirkonna imidži üle ning see piirab tulevikukasutuse võimalusi. Kardetakse vandaalitsemist või ebasoovitava kontingendi tekkimist piirkonda, kuigi tegelikkuses võib olla tegemist justnimelt tulevase kliendiga. Hirme aitaks hajutada kindlasti eeskujujuhtumi loomine ja ulatuslikum teavitamine. Vääriliste partnerite leidmiseks võiks luua omanikele nn ideede börsi, kus on võimalik pakkuda erinevaid ideid konkreetse ala vahekasutuseks. Nende hulgast valib omanik ise endale sobiva lahenduse ning partneri, kes tegelikult suudab pakutu ka ellu viia. Vahekasutus aitab välja selgitada, millised funktsioonid võiksid antud piirkonnas üldse tulevikus olla, millised tegevused sinna tekivad, või see võib olla ka indikatsioon tulevikus planeeritavast kasutusest (elamupiirkond-laste mänguväljakud, kontorihoone – ärid jne). Aga võib läheneda ka lihtsalt ning lähtuda parkimisega haakuvatest tegevustest nagu lastehoid, kohvilett, koerapark, terviseväljak jmt. Üheks võtmeküsimuseks sotsiaalse vastutuse suurendamises on kindlasti kommunikatsioon ja eeskujulike ettevõtjate esile tõstmine, rõhutades nende julgust, innovaatilisust ja vastutustundlikku käitumist. Neid tuleb kõigi ees kiita, ning loodetavasti õhutab see järgmisi tegudele. Merlin Rehema

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2. What kind of empty space exchange agency do we need? Andres Wagner Our session discussed the need and reasoning for an intermediary between vacant spaces, use scenarios and users. The different scope is another important delimiter, as such activities should be considered for big cities, urban centers, and countryside differently. An agency can furthermore help distinct between temporary or permanent projects, help identify all institution, persons, and yet unconnected parties.

# What obstacles should an agency help overcome? There is a lack in flow of information between space owners and space users. On the owner side, there is lack of experience in taking on the responsibility of allowing projects in temporary, non-standard settings. The incentives to trigger projects on is low, and the uncertainty of legal liabilities hampers enthusiastic engagements. Owners are not strictly forced to consider abandoned spaces a problem. The seasonal planning requires good and reliable planning. Missing data of past ventures on the side of users and owners makes starting projects tedious. The lack of a psychology of the commons, a feeling to own the space through usage is difficult to establish. Owners might miss expertise in the legal and practical sense. Missing information also means missing data. Many types of projects have been seen in different scopes, but the knowledge on how they solved common problems is lost after temporary or seasonal activities subside.

# Outlook In the long term a network of agencies should establish a database of buildings, places, money sources, bureaucracy advice, materials, names and institutions to provide a tooling framework, widely accessible. The reestablishing the flow of information between local government and subjects can be a founding identity. The direction goes both ways: as users and activists tend to have more hands-on experience, the administration an profit by formalizing knowledge, and providing moderation between involved parties, in particular administrative departments inside the city bureaucracy. Andreas Wagner

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3. New use for monofunctional buildings – example of schoolhouse – Elo Kiivet There is growing number of empty schools and kindergartens in Estonia and also in Tallinn – in six years there should be 132 elementary schools less. The biggest problem for municipality is the maintenance of an empty house and the goal is to find new use, not to gain any profit. Another problem is that usually these empty buildings are in a bad condition and do not measure up to new concepts of education. City government usually tries to move in its own institutions (hobby schools, sport facilities etc) but ideally they seek for a new manager so that the building can be handed over as a whole and they will have only one partner to deal with. We think that the biggest challenge for the municipality is to see the potential and estimate the perspective. First thing to do should be mapping the existing situation (who lives there, what are the future deveolpments of the area, what services already exist, what are missing) which has to include participation of local communities and then making a vision and/or usage strategy. This could be done by a professional partner (architect, urban planner, urbanist, etc). Other option is also making open call or competition so that future tenant must also present its vision. City goverment should focus more on the communication – information about the vacant space can be found on their website but only if you know what and where to look for. It should be integrated with mapping and digital environment to propose new ideas/uses for empty building: a website and app. Municipality should not be afraid of a temporary urbanism so that there will not be „readymade“, complete solutions right in the beginning but rather opportunity to test different ideas, adjust the space to changing needs/possibilities. The key is always strong community, people´s acceptation of space, its new use. To create a habit to use old vacant space, add life and new acitivites one must really involve local citizens into decision making process. Also offering space for local events, fairs, (temporary) community gardens, generational centers could be useful.

//Eesti keeles// Kuidas tekitada paindlikke lahendusi seal, kus ruum seda ei luba? Monofunktsionaalsete hoonete uued kasutused - koolimaja näide Eestis ja Tallinnas kasvab tühjade koolimajade ja lasteaedade arv pidevalt – 6 aasta pärast peaks meil olema umbes 132 põhikooli vähem kui täna. Kõige suurem probleem kohalikule www.linnalabor.ee https://www.facebook.com/linnalabor/


omavalitsusele on tühjade hoonete korrashoid, siiani on eesmärgiks olnud hoonete rendist või müügist kasumi teenimise asemel pigem leida nendele hoonetele uus kasutaja. Teine probleem on nende hoonete seisukord – nad ei vasta enam tänapäevastele nõuetele ja nende taaskasutus koolina on seetõttu kulukas. Linnavalitsus püüab enamasti tühja hoonesse paigutada mõnd linna institutsiooni (huvikool, spordiklubi) aga ideaalis võiks tühjade hoonete haldamise ja uute rentnike leidmise enda peale võtta usaldusväärne partner, kes tegeleks kõikide vajalike toimingutega. Meie arvates on kõige suuremaks väljakutseks kohalikule omavalitsusele näha tühjade hoonete potentsiaali ja hinnata perspektiive nende taaskasutuseks. Esmalt oleks vaja kaardistada olemasolev olukord tühjade koolimajade vahetus läheduses – kes seal elavad, millised on ala lähiaja arendused, mis teenused on piirkonnas olemas ja mis veel puudu – kaasates sellesse kohalikke kogukondi ning tegema kaardistuse põhjal visiooni või strateegia tühja hoone kasutusele võtmiseks. Selle analüüsi võiks koostada erialaprofessionaal – arhitekt, linnaplaneerija, urbanist jne. Teine võimalus oleks tühja koolimaja vahekasutuseks korraldada avalik konkurss, kus tulevane rentnik pakub välja oma visiooni. Linnavalitsus peaks rohkem rõhku pöörama kommunikatsioonile – informatsioon tühjade hoonete ja ruumide kohta on nende kodulehelt leitav, kuid üksnes siis kui sa tead mida ja kust otsida. Vahe- ja taaskasutajate efektiivseks leidmiseks peaks info olema kättesaadav kaardirakendusena ja äppina. Kohalik omavalitsus ei peaks pelgama ajutist kasutust, mis ei ole konkreetsed valmislahendused, vaid peaks olema avatud võimalusele, et esimene uus funktsioon vanas hoones ei pruugi tööle hakata. Tühjad ruumid on ideaalsed paigad, kus testida erinevaid ideid ja lihtsate vahenditega muuta ruumide esmast funktsiooni. Võtmeks on siinkohal tugev kogukond ja inimeste ruumitaju. Selleks et leida tühjale ruumile uus kasutus, tuua sisse uued funktsioonid, on vaja kaasata kohalikke otsustamisprotsessidesse. Kindlasti on üheks võimaluseks tühjade hoonete/kinnistute puhul ka nende pakkumine kohalikule kogukonnale erinevate ürituste ja laatade korraldamiseks, kogukonnaaedade ja kogunemiskohtad loomiseks. Elo Kiivet

4. Tuline tühjus. Milliseid tuleohutuse nõudeid tuleb täita hoone vahekasutusel? (mõtteharjutus jäi osalejate puudumisel ära)

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5. Does temporary space usage always need loud events to keep up working? Bálint Kádár Temporary usage is often event based. So keeping up temporary use often needs a strong programme, brand and strategy. Events created don’t need to be loud, but the news about the place and its temporary usage needs to spread around. Another question is if the people need it, if people don’t need it then the thing stops working. Thing what people really want remain longer. Also right now there is trend that people look into temporary and flexible solutions, so right now temporary use is hot and it works because people are always looking for something new but this means also that many things go out of fashion and things stop working. Also the word temporary shows that the usage ends and the place changes into something else at one point, also there are exceptions but often in these cases the temporary use is turned into permanent use. Sometimes this temporary use is designed as pop-up but sometimes the use is designed as start-up and then the temporary space usage may work longer or even turn into permanent use. General conclusion was that temporary well working use needs events and strong group of leaders, events themselves don’t need to be “loud” but people need to use the place actively. Gloria Niin

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6. Brainstorming session for the topic “How small cities can make a big change?� Urban Jeriha During the brainstorming session the topic regarding the problems of small cities was discussed. It was noted, that small cities face very similar challenges and problems, which might mean that common solutions might exist. Some of the main processes effecting small towns were underlined during the discussion, and can be categorized in 3 main groups: Social - People not having jobs -

People get older




Passive community


Low collaboration between citizens


People moving to large towns


People don’t use public space

Economic - Closing shops -

Connection to agriculture is lost


Lack of domestic and international investment


Smaller towns dependent on EU and state support


Low tax income, not enough tax payers

Political - Insufficient regional politics -

Lack of manpower in municipalities


Lack of community leaders

During the session there was an attempt to understand the reasons behind these processes and it lead to the conclusions that there is a general sense of status quo and an overall lack of experience and competence on a municipal level. On a social level the society experienced the shock of transition from socialist to capitalist economy, which resulted in large scale unemployment, low initiative among the locals and often an inability to adapt to a new political environment. The centralized financial system was also mentioned as a problem for the development of small towns. Some of the solutions that were proposed for the revitalization of small cities include increasing tourism, emphasizing the history and culture of the site, advertising small towns as www.linnalabor.ee https://www.facebook.com/linnalabor/


a destination for retired people, using events and festivals as a source of revenue and a way to increase visibility, increasing cooperation on a larger regional scale and the sharing of experience between countries, emphasizing the possibility to work from home in order to avoid the shrinking of the population. Kasparas LuÄ?inskas

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7. Cultural monuments in a shrinking city – Jiri Tintera Shrinkage is a problem in many cities in Estonia. It means that there are many empty buildings left. What to do with those buildings? Where is the border – how should we decide which buildings to take down and which we should leave? Empty buildings in a city are really influencing how locals preceive the city itself. One empty house can have a negative influence on the whole street. Valga will never be the same size as before so the city has to be more compact and thus buildings have to be taken down. Problems in Valga and likely in other shrinking cities: -

state does not invest in the work opportunities to keep and bring people in Valga heritage system is not popular the heritage system works well in towns that are growing or stable in size but it is very problematic to keep those buildings up to date in shrinking cities what to do with the empty plots left after taking the building down

Possible solutions: - to select areas that are more valuable (besides milieu areas) - make a typology of buildings and keep some certain amount of each selection (public voting system on which buildings to keep) -

use more participatory planning to make and keep locals more interested


new rules for heritage protection in shrinking cities on a governmental level


website/app of empty houses and plots all over Estonia, available to everyone since it is quite a trend to move out of the cities and back to the countryside Epp Vahtramäe

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8. How and why we should adapt vacant space for refugees? Monica Knoll Human beings are just like buildings, if you neglect them, they too will become ruins, ruins which cannot be romanticized. Thus, at a time like this, it is crucial for society to stop ignoring issues such as refugees, homelessness and the like. It is time for us all to band together, and to discuss ways in which we can create a world where every single person can share feelings of belonging, of safety, of love and respect. This ideal world starts here, in our backyard, a responsibility that falls on all of our shoulders. With all this in mind, and despite the fact that only two of us were present during the brainstorming session, a conclusion was reached that we have people-less homes and homeless people, so why not marry the two together? In doing so, abandoned buildings could be given new life, awoken from their graves, whilst simultaneously, human beings, just like you and me, would be given the home they so rightfully deserve. Refugee communities, homeless communities and other disadvantaged communities, both local and foreign, could create a new type of neighbourhood, one where everyone is treated as equal, a blending of cultures, of stories and experiences, multiple hearts, all beating as one. The people would be able to smile again, the buildings would be able to breathe again, and the whole city would be able to connect again, stronger and more welcoming than ever before. Of course, despite whether you agree with this suggestion or not, we simply cannot keep ignoring the unspoken voices, no more excuses, the time to act is now. Monica Knoll

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9. Urban laboratories: Multifunctional spaces for experimental constellations in new neighborhoods. ZwischenZeitZentrale. Many places slumber empty buildings and derelict land to himself. The interim headquarters Bremen wakes with temporary use again! Between uses arise from the interplay of creative intermediate users with good ideas and open-minded owners of vacant buildings or brownfields. The interim headquarters feels appropriate objects, advises owners, developed with users and concepts accompanied interim use projects. The result is a win for all stakeholders. - This is how ZwischenZeitZentrale introduce itself on their website. The main question on the short brainstorming session was: how to great a good neighborhood that includes different groups of people? ZwischenZeitZentrale have recently thinking of opening a bicycle shop. All brand-based activities are usually oriented to specific client groups. Trendy places might be difficult to include older people or people with different cultural backgrounds. A good example of a place, which is open to a wide audience is traditional market place, where people come together to buy and exchange goods. For example Balti jaam market in Tallinn have unique identity thanks to its multicultural background. Telliskivi is a good example of similar activities-based companies that collaborate and work together. Universities can be useful bridges between organization and government. They also have lots of active people and creative ideas that can be useful source. Lisete Kivim채gi

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10.Juriidika linnaruumi vahekasutuse hõlbustajana või takistajana. Karin Henno ja Jaanus Prost. Mil määral toetab või takistab kehtiv seadusandlus maatükki, rajatist või hoonet ajutiselt kasutada? Maaga on käed vabamad – olgugi et sihtotstarvet ajutiselt muuta ei saa, lubab üldplaneering juhtotstarbe kõrval lisakasutust teatud protsendi ulatuses. DP puhul olneb konkreetsest olukorrast. Iseenesest on võimalik planeeringutes otstarbed vabamalt kirja panna – näiteks loetelu kahest-kolmest ilma osakaaluprotsendita. Siiani oleme olnud keerulises olukorras, kus muutunud situatsiooni tõttu jääb maa või hoone tühjana seisma, olgugi et nt kool või hooldekodu on antud piirkonnas ilma majata: sihtotstarve ei võimalda sisse kolida. Ärifunktsiooni puhul on ilmselt kõige rohkem tõlgendusvõimalusi – kontorist ja viinerikioskist külaliskorterini. Ajutise kasutaja õnn nõrgalt määratud sihtotstarbe osas võib aga kujuneda ka linnaehituslikuks õnnetuseks: planeeringusse joonistatud unistuse ja lootuse võib arendaja jokkida masendavaks õnnetuseks. Tuleohutuse seisukohast on vana hoone otstarbe muutmine peaaegu võimatu, koolist hotelli või tehasest lasteiaia tegemiseks on lihtsalt ohutusnõuded nii erinevad, et see on tarvis planeeringuga läbi mõelda. Ka vahekasutuse mõistet tuleohutuse sõnavaras ei eksisteeri, see on ohutuse seisukohalt enesetapp. Küll aga toimib avalike ürituste praktika: korralikult läbimõelduna on ajutine kasutus võimalik ja tervislik. Maa ajutine kasutamine võib laheneda ajutise ehitise püstitamisega, mis on asjaajamise poolest pigem lihtne, eriti kui püstitada alla 20 m 2 suurusi väikeehitisi (elamu puhul teavituskohustus puudub, mitteelamu puhul esitada ehitusteatis, projekti pole vaja). Mõtlemiskoht on taoliste moodulite (a la KODA) kombineerimine: tuleohutusreeglite järgimisel saab kokku laduda suurema hoone; tuleohtlikuma ehitise puhul järgida 8m tuleohutuskuja. Veel lihtsam on eriti ajutine ruum: treiler või burgerilavka, mis sõidab õhtul minema; aktuaalsed on ainult äritegevusega seotud load. Üldkokkuvõttes on hiljutiste seaduse- ja määrusemuudatuste tõttu paljud olukorrad veel läbi mõtlemata ja pretsedendid olemata, ent lootust jätkub. Anna-Liisa Unt

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Seminari korraldamist toetasid/the seminar was sponsored by:

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