The Banana Travel Journal

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TRAVEL JOURNAL OF Brianna the banana




Finally it is time! After spending a 9 months growing up at my

home orchard, I’m finally ready to take my first steps towards

a new adventure. I’m so eager

to find out what lies beyond the edges of my orchard.

o h y M

m r a f me




Everything is in order to leave.

Some people just brought me up

to a sort of storage (def sure it’s a banana camp) to check me for damage? Anyway the farmer

was real nice and I made some

new friends. Now I just have to wait for my truck so I can see Rio De Janeiro :D


5 AUG 17


So I arrived at the port of Rio de Janeiro after taking a big

‘banana’ truck. I’m astonished by how many bananas want to see the world. I’ve overheard that we’ll be sleeping in big reefers. I think these are

bedrooms. Some bananas tell me

the room is really chilly. Anyhow, I’m ready to cross the big blue. New land awaits and I can’t arrive soon enough.

ere w k ruc na t riends a n f ba The my new > met




Arriving in Europe can be a bit of a shock when you don’t know what to expect. Apparantly they greet their guests by putting them into rooms that are filled with ethylene? gas. They said it’s good for my peel... I turned My room yellow!!! Yellow!!!


I have arrived in Ghent a few days ago... Here you can see me meeting the family I will stay at... She took me by suprise but I’m really looking forward to meeting everyone <3



d out n u o f I oday Well... T know n a c y l u never tr u o y t a h t ing in v o M . n o i s intent ’ e n o e m o become s e v ’ I y famil w e n y m with e eat l p o e p d nvince pretty co banana a m ’ I ... and bananas


BANANA FACTS ONE BANANA Total travel time: 15-24 days Water consumption: limited as many bananas grow on 1 plant Carbon footprint: 80g CO2 MEXICAN AVOCADO INDUSTRY Total banana consumption easily exceeds 100 million tonnes per year Total land use for avocados equals to 5.6 million hectares with 30 tonnes of bananas per hectare average banana water footprint is 7 900 000 litres per year


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