Crack egg

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Those of you who have been trying to use the law of attraction for a while have probably come across a product called ‘Crack Your Egg’. Now I guess many people have probably dismissed it as ‘yet another program’ with a catchy name that promises the world and leaves you wondering how the heck it works and waiting for miracles that are never going to happen. Before I go any further, I want to say that if this is you, I understand where you are coming from and, while I hate to be someone who makes a claim about a product saying that it’s the greatest thing since whenever, I wanted to do a review on ‘Crack Your Egg‘ because I believe that it is actually one of the best products out there that can help you to use the law of attraction. The information you receive in this program is probably the best that any of the self-help programs have to offer and is grounded enough in reality that it actually has a chance of influencing you to change the way you think and ultimately helping you to use the law of attraction to create the circumstances you wish to see in your life. Now if you have been trying the same ‘law of attraction’, ‘visualisation’ and whatever else techniques that have been made popular since the unveiling of the secret a few years ago then you’ll know that, while most of them have a solid enough basis, most of them don’t really attack the root of the problem and therefore, you find yourself back at square one, even after working on the issue for a while. That, and the fact that the authors/presenters wrap everything up in a lot of over-simplified new-age speak that have all but become clichéd nowadays. If you are a little fed up by this and you are the type of person who actually appreciates something more grounded in reality (and let’s face it, we are all rational beings, even though we may not want to be at times), then you will probably like Henk’s no-nonsense, down-to-earth way of explaining how this process works. The reason I say this is because until now, I feel that there are not enough self-development gurus who have been doing this, preferring instead to focus on the more ‘feeling’ and ‘positive thinking’ side of how to use the law of attraction etc. Now I’m not knocking this necessarily but I’m supposing that for most of us who come from a mental backdrop of rational thinking,

a more scientific approach is needed and this is where I feel that Crack Your Egg has an advantage over other programs.

So Who Is Henk Schram? Henk is presenter and creator of Crack your Egg. Now I think the thing you need to understand about Henk is that he himself has been through, as he puts it, the whole “self development cycle”. In fact he tried many methods before achieving any breakthroughs at all. He understands the importance of presenting the steps in a systematic manner that starts with understanding what is going on in your sub-conscious programming as well as understanding how to break through these constructs and alter your paradigms. The ‘Crack Your Egg’ program is the result of many years of research and experimentation by Henk and, for this reason, offers a comprehensive solution to the problems most people have when trying to use the law of attaction to their advantage.

So What Is the Egg ? Have you ever felt like there is a kind of energy field around you that seems to put up a block in whatever you try to pursue? For many of you, this statement might not mean much but there some of us who are fully aware of that negative force field around us, which is derived from a series of limiting beliefs and false paradigms. Well this, my dear, is your egg. Henk describes the egg like this,

an “energetic cocoon of low-vibrational web of suppressed

thoughts, feelings, and limiting belief systems”. In other words: it is the wall you build around yourself that keeps you closed in mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. This, of course, keeps you in a kind of low-vibrational holding pattern. Firstly, for most of you, you’re not even aware that the egg exists. And if this is the case, you’re not aware of what it does to your efforts so you don’t know why it’s hard for you to be successful. Not only this but your egg is so determined to prevent your success that “once you crack and break out of it, your life can’t help but take the form of the experience that you want it to be.”

How Does ‘Crack Your Egg’ Help Me To Crack My Egg? As I mentioned earlier, Henk’s ‘Crack Your Egg’ program has a two-pronged approach. The first thing you need to do is to become aware of your eggshell. Once you are aware of the eggshell, you can look at it from the position of the observer, learn all of it’s characteristics. You will then be in a position of control over it instead of it being in control over you. The second part of this equation is learning a step by step system or method to clear your subconscious programming. And the right process for you to do this is going to be different from that of someone else. This is where it is your job to decide which method works best for your own individual circumstances. Actually, it is this probably the best thing about the Crack Your Egg program. Rather than telling you how to crack your egg, you are given the freedom to choose a method that works for you. This is important because we are all different and our eggs all have different characterisitics. The other thing I like about this program is that it doesn’t have to replace other programs you have been using up until now. In fact, it works really well when incorporated with and can even enhance the performance of these other programs so that they work better than they previously had.

To sum up, ‘Crack Your Egg’ offers a unique, scientific and rational (there’s that word again) perspective on a subject that manages to elude most people and turns things like ‘self-development’ and ‘the law of attraction’ into things that CAN be under your control, while at the same time offering you the flexibility to choose the methods that you believe work best for you and incorporate them into the mix. For these reasons, I believe ‘Crack Your Egg‘ is a product well worth exploring. Some people consider that the price point (197 dollars for the electronic version of the whole program including DVD’s and books and 277 dollars for the physical materials) is high but considering the results which people have been able to achieve using Crack Your Egg, it’s well worth the investment.

To find out more about ‘Crack Your Egg’, get some complimentary materials or to order your copy, then click here. And while you’re at it, download a copy of my free e-book, ‘Manifestation Tips From the Experts’, which give you more ideas on methods you can use in conjunction with the ‘Crack Your Egg’ program. On that note, I have to get cracking.

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