Be Heard
There is almost always a relentless optimism surrounding the start of a new year, a refreshed mindset fixated on hope and change for the better, on personal growth and new opportunities Yet the start of 2023 brings little promise of change, instead forcing us to succumb to apathy or frustration, inevitable when considering the same problems persist that have persisted for a while. Whether it be anger at the government’s failure to resolve the Cost of Living Crisis and consequent economic instability, or disappointment that people have somewhat forgotten about the conflict still occurring in countries like Ukraine and Iran, it is understandable this year brings with it a sense of pessimism and fear for the future, but perhaps we can utilise the somewhat naïve premise of a new year and fresh start to consider how we can collectively help others and think of different solutions to tackle and eliminate these same problems.
One of this year’s recurring themes thus far is the Cost of Living crisis, with data published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) reporting that 93 per cent of the population saw an increase in their living costs compared with a year ago, with inflation currently being at 10.7%. Fortunately, the government will be offering some financial support, such as a £900 cost of living payment to those receiving benefits, as well disability and pensioner payment support. However, with many people’s wages not increasing to accommodate this unprecedented rise in living costs, workers have resorted to strikes to demand a fair pay deal, with the continuation of strikes by groups such as teachers, nurses and ambulance workers presenting a dire need for change in these vital sectors Yet rather than attempt negotiation that could undoubtedly prevent the need for strikes in the first place, the government is currently considering passing the Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill, which would allow the government to decide ‘minimum service regulations’ and potentially give employers the right to fire striking staff Mick Lynch (general secretary of the RMT rail union), one of the critics of this bill, referred to it as ‘an attack on human rights and civil liberties’ Striking is a fundamental right and restricting it threatens the democratic values everyone should be entitled to.
Protests began in September, fuelled by anger caused by the death of Mahsa Amini, who was arrested by the morality police for violating Iran's rules requiring women to cover their hair with a hijab. Yet conflict is continuing to escalate in Iran, with threats of violence higher than ever before. Although protests initially focused on fighting for women’s rights, there are now more general demands for freedom and the overthrow of the state. There is currently less video coverage of the events unfolding, but this is due to fear of arrest and even execution by the Irani security forces, with death being an imminent fear. At least 552 people have been killed during the protests according to the Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA). Last week another two antigovernment protestors were brutally executed following an ‘unfair trial based on forced confessions’, according to the UN. Amnesty International has also reported prisoners facing torture or ill-treatment in custody and there is also recent suppression of the Internet. Ultimately, there is widespread discontent amongst the international community and a general consensus that the regime should cease to use force against protestors and innocent people.
Another prominent event in 2022 was Russia’s attack on Ukraine. Unfortunately fighting is still occurring and it unclear when conflict will end, particularly now as horror at the events unfolding has led to other countries becoming involved This is evident by the UK’s recent announcement to send a squadron of Challenger 2 tanks to ‘intensify our support to Ukraine’ and ‘accelerate Ukrainian success’, with threats from the Kremlin that ‘British tanks will burn’ being indicative of rising tensions and uncertainty for the future The war has led to immense loss of life, with over 42,000 deaths, as well as 54,000 injuries and approximately 14million displaced people Missile strikes continue, such as in the city of Dnipro, creating destruction and chaos in a once peaceful country now ravaged by war.
The cost of living crisis: a topic that you may have heard about countless times this year due to its economic relevance. So, what does it mean? People in the UK have been paying a lot more than usual for essentials such as energy, fuel and rent – all elements needed to ‘live’. However, as people are having to spend more money on these items, they have less to spend on other essentials such as sanitary products.
Sanitary products allow people who menstruate to maintain good hygiene and feel empowered during their periods, with products such as tampons making it easier to take part in sports and regular day-to-day activities However, with the cost of living crisis looming over the UK, it is becoming increasingly harder to prioritise sanitary products
As the cost for food and rent goes up, some people are having to choose between eating or buying pads and tampons. Despite the ‘tampon tax’ being abolished in 2021, period products may still remain out of reach for some who are struggling Consequently, many go without sanitary products, making their periods harder to manage and falling into period poverty A YouGov poll from August 2022 concluded that, on average, 15% of all menstruating UK citizens between the ages 18 to 24 may struggle to afford sanitary products in the next 12 months.
Luckily there is hope; multiple supermarkets across the UK have introduced their ‘own brand’ period products to tackle the rising prices For example, Aldi has three different types of pads for 49p a pack and three different types of tampons for 69p a pack available, making sanitary products slightly easier for people to obtain [Figures from Manchester Evening News: March 2022].
Although the support from UK supermarkets is helpful, surely, we shouldn’t be relying on them to solve period poverty? If period products are a ‘need’ they should be accessible for everybody
So, what is the UK government doing to improve the situation? Well, Scotland has been setting a leading example for the rest of the world by being the first country to introduce free sanitary products for anyone who needs them Local councils in Scotland have set up pick-up points in accessible public areas so anyone can reach sanitary products; these points can be tracked through the ‘PickupMyPeriod’ app Although, unfortunately, the same cannot be said about the rest of the UK, there is still some sanitary support available. The UK government currently runs the ‘period product scheme’ meaning that all statemaintained schools, or 16 to 19 education organisations in England can have access to free sanitary products in their place of study. Despite this helpful scheme, it does not cover staff members or anyone outside of education – a massive group in society still without access to free period products
In 2019, Penny Mordaunt (the Minister for Women and Equalities and Secretary of State for International Development) announced that the UK government aims to end global period poverty by 2030 This plan includes the ‘period product scheme’ in England but also the provision of period products in primary schools and secondary schools in Northern Ireland Alongside this, the Welsh government have also pledged £1 million to help tackle period poverty But is this enough? Whilst we fall deeper into the cost of living crisis, the government has failed to take recent action against this issue and people continue to suffer without sanitary products
So how can we help? There are many food banks across the country, and in Leicester, that accept donations of sanitary products, so you can play your part in ending period poverty As well as this, multiple charities have been set up to tackle period poverty, including Freedom4Girls – a women’s charity based in Leeds set up with the mission to provide free period products for those who need it Monetary donations can be made to any of these charities so you can help the movement of ending period poverty Even if you can’t donate, you can still help the cause. Just talking about menstruation supports the idea that periods are not a taboo subject, they are a regular part of life The more we talk, the more normalised it becomes; the more normalised it becomes, the more governments take notice and can create change
Gracie Abrams released her second EP ‘This is What It Feels Like’ in 2021, following her first project ‘minor’ Exploring a mixture of raw emotions, Abrams has crafted a track list with vulnerable lyricism and an intimacy which makes listeners almost feel like they know the singer personally I have picked This is What it Feels Like for my album review, as I believe it can perfectly accompany anybody facing daunting new beginnings
The first track ‘Feels Like’, from which the EP coined it’s name, expresses a feeling of a new love and the naivety that can bring. With lyrics such as “I would do whatever you wanted; we don't have to leave the apartment” Abrams opens up about her seemingly happy relationship However, this is quickly juxtaposed in the second track “Rockland” (a personal favourite) in which the singer states “Bet you wish you never even met me/ I don’t blame you, broke your every heartbeat”- it’s clear here that the situation is much more complex than was once presented Even the bright piano and upbeat chorus in Feels Like mellows to a fingerpicked guitar and soft vocals in Rockland Gracie Abrams conveys almost every emotion throughout this track list meaning almost anyone can find comfort in her relatable experiences
This is What it Feels Like has also been heavily influenced by producer Aaron Dessner, known for his rustic folk sound This can be heard in ‘Rockland’, ‘Camden’, ‘Hard to sleep’ and ‘Augusta’ - some of the more melancholy tracks on the EP Their musical partnership is to be continued in Gracie’s debut album ‘Good Riddance’ to be released on the 24th of February 2023
My favourite songs on the EP are ‘Alright’ and ‘For Real This Time’, both carrying the weight of entering a new beginning. ‘Alright’ opens with a simple fingerpicked guitar melody which floats throughout the entire song, leaving Abrams’ vocals isolated and clear The singer pleads for reassurance in the recurring lyric ‘someone tell me it gets better’, a feeling understood by most listeners when venturing into a unfamiliar new beginning Although being one of the shortest songs on the EP, only 2 minutes 24 seconds long, ‘Alright’ ends the track list with a perfect taste of what Gracie Abrams’ is known for – her honesty and vulnerability
‘For Real This Time’, however, offers a more upbeat sound, almost encouraging listeners to dance along Abrams uses this song to explain her actions within a relationship - ‘I’ve packed my bags in the middle of the night’ ‘I’ve taken down all the pictures in my room’, which have empowered the singer to move on and move forward into a new beginning
A habit I’ve formed over the past 5 or so years is reading more – both academically and personally As someone who forgets next to everything, lists surround me and the goals I set, and at the end of every year I total up the books I’ve read and set myself a new book list to (hopefully) complete within the next year This past year I read 17 books, a drop from 2021, almost completing my list As a means of sharing and picking up off others I felt it would be worth putting ten off my 2023 list on here - both to remind myself of what i have coming up and to inspire anyone making their own book list.
Before I sign this list off, here were some amazing honorable mentions from the past year that I would recommend to anyone and everyone I know...
• The seven Moons of Maali Alemedia by Shehan Karunatilaka (Winner of the 2022 Booker Prize!)
• Bird by Bird by Anne Lammot – incredible for anyone learning to write or expand their reading
• O Caledonia by Elspeth Barker
• The Disposessed by Ursula K Le Guin (the best book I have ever had lent to me)
• Eileen by Ottessa Moshfegh
• 1984 by George Orwell
And with that, the new year begins even faster than I could have anticipated. Despite still being mentally in 2017, I’m ready to take on the new reads that come this year and excited to see what genres I end up in next December Happy new year!
resolutions?IknowIdid.Making goalsbeforethestartofthenew yearisexcitingasitfeelsalmostas ifyouarebeinggivenanother chancetobecomeabetteryou. However,likeme,someoftheaims yousetsuchaswakingupearly, beingmoreorganisedandmaking moretimeforthethingsyouenjoy havestartedtobecomeabit neglected.Therearedifferent reasonswhyyoumayhavenotkept upwithgoalsandarenowthinking oflettinggoofafew-buthow aboutstartingattherootofthe problem?AsstatedbyOmarItani: “youdon'tneedbettergoals;you needbettersystems”.
Thedifferencebetweensystemsandgoalsareexplainedsimplyby OmarItani“goalstellyouwhereyouwanttogo;they’refocusedon TomorrowwhereasSystemstellyouwhatyouneedtodoeveryday togetthere;they’refocusedonToday”.Lookingbackonthegoals youset,askyourselfwhyyousetthem,asbeingreflectivecanhelp youseethebiggerpicturebutalsoguideyoutounderstandyour thoughtprocess.Takethetimetoplanandcreatesystemsthatwill helpyoutoachieveyourgoalssothatyoufeellikeyouhavea betterunderstandingandmoreconfidenceonhowyouwill facilitateyourgoals.
Thebenefitsofcreatingsystemsare thattheyaredesignedtomakeiteasy foryoutoregularlyrepeatthe necessarytasksthatwillhelp accomplishyourgoals.Anexampleof howsystemsworkthegoal:istoread 50booksperyear.System:Spendone hourreadingeachnightbeforebed. Goalscandelayhappinesswhereas systemsdon’t.Goalscreateamindset of“onceIachievemygoal,I’llbe happy”,whichthencultivatesan “always-chasing”mentality.The problemwiththisgoals-firstmentality isthatweendupdelayingour happinessandassociatingitwith theoutcomeoftheresults:“ifIachievemygoal,I’llbehappy”Asystemfirstmentalityshiftsyourattentiontothejourney—theprocess.Youendup fallinginlovewithprogressandenjoyingthegrowthyouexperience. ReadmoreaboutcreatingsystembysearchingYouDon'tNeedBetter Goals,YouNeedBetterSystemsbyOmarItani.
Wintergracesuswithdarkfrosty morningsthatmakeuswanttogoback home,cosywithyourfavouritewarm beverage(mypersonalisgreentea always).However,wemustpersevereas achievinggoalsandmaintaining systemsarenoteasybutthesatisfaction ofaccomplishingyourgoalwillbeworth it.
Yourimmunesystemismadeupof severalcomponentssuchasskin,mucus, lymphsystemandthegut.Themain purposeofyourimmunesystemisto protectyourbodyfromvirusesand harmfulbacteria Didyouknow70%of ourimmunesystemiswithinour digestivesystem?Tofindmoreaboutthe immunesystemsearchimmunityguide: supportingyourimmunesystemat HollandandBarrett.
Thiscoldandfluseasonletustryandstrengthenourimmune systemsbecausejustevenhavingthesnifflesisan inconvenience.Herearesometipstostayhealthyduringthis season
1.Gettingagoodamountofsleepwhichwouldbe 7-9hours(fromexperiencethistipiseasiersaid thandone!)
2.IncludeProbioticfoodssuchaskefir,yogurtwith liveactivecultures,fermentedvegetables, sauerkraut,tempeh,kombuchatea,kimchi,and miso.
3.IncludePrebioticfoodsintoyourdietsuchas garlic,onions,leeks,asparagus,Jerusalem artichokes,dandeliongreens,bananas,and seaweed.However,amoregeneralruleistoeata varietyoffruits,vegetables,beans,andwhole grainsfordietaryprebiotics.
4.Aimtomanagestresssuchidentitywhatmight causeyoustressandifpossible,tryandplanso youwilllessenthechanceofbecoming overwhelmed.
6.Trytobeactivee.ghavingfundancing toyourfavouriteplaylist,running,really anythingyouenjoythatgetsyou moving.
Wishingyouallalatehappynewyearand remembertoreachforthestars–yourgoals awaityou:)
-byGraceMcIntoshThe aero of a golf ball is a fascinating topic that has been explored for decades. The principles of aerodynamics and fluid dynamics define the flight behaviour of a golf ball, which is majorly influenced by its dimples; a common feature in this article. In fact, the golf ball was originally a ‘perfect’ sphere. It was only after observing the flight of scuffed and worn balls, that these balls would accelerate faster and attain more lift.
To touch on the first point of dimples increasing the acceleration, this is a result of less drag acting against the ball. Drag is the force that opposes the motion of an object through a fluid, in this case air. When a golf ball is in motion, the air molecules in front of the ball are compressed and pushed out of the way, creating a turbulent wake (a region of turbulent air behind a solid object as it moves through the fluid or gas). This wake generates a great deal of drag, which slows the ball down
Figure 1 above demonstrates how a smooth ball would fare The front is exposed to oncoming air which flows unopposed (and quickly) on the back, resulting in a broad wake behind the ball. A larger wake increases air pressure behind the object, decreasing the pressure gradient and so increasing drag
The dimpled ball of Figure 2, shows how the airflow differs after first contact Dimples disrupt the turbulent wake created by the ball; small pockets of low-pressure air that cling to the ball are created, which in turn increases the time of contact between the ball and the air These pockets are known as the "boundary layer" of air, and it reduces the drag on the ball, as the turbulent wake is thinner. This is why a dimpled golf ball will travel further
Another perk of the dimpled golf ball, briefly mentioned before is increased lift. Provided there is sufficient backspin, the air molecules on the top of the ball are moving faster than at the bottom and so there is a difference in pressure above and below the ball. On a dimpled ball, similar to the previous explanation, the lower pressure on the top of the ball creates a lifting force, while the higher pressure on the bottom creates a drag force.
Once again, the dimples on the surface of the ball disrupt the turbulent wake to form a boundary layer, hence reducing drag on the ball and helping to create lift. The amount of lift generated by the dimples on a golf ball is also affected by the shape and size of the dimples Smaller and deeper dimples create more lift, while larger and shallower dimples create more drag. This is because deeper dimples create a greater difference in pressure (due to a thinner wake), and smaller dimples create a more stable boundary layer of air.
For decades, scientists across the ever-populating world have been searching for more ways to solve humanity’s most crucial problem: finding a new, greener source of energy to replace fossil fuels The best possible solution to this has been to use the power of nuclear fusion, a ‘limitless energy source’ obtained by combining two nuclei together Although this feat seemed nearimpossible for decades, a significant step has recently been made as a team of scientists have managed to harness the power of fusion, releasing a more significant amount of energy
To understand how this discovery will impact the future of renewable energy, we need to understand what makes nuclear fusion so sustainable, and a better alternative to current energy sources Nuclear fusion is the process by which two lighter atomic nuclei combine to form a single heavier nucleus while releasing massive amounts of energy
Fusion reactions take place in a state of matter called plasma a hot, charged gas-like substance made of positive ions and free-moving electrons [with properties different from solids, liquids or gases ] Normally, putting two positively charged nuclei next to each other will make them repel, similar to two positive poles in a magnet However, if enough energy is inserted into them, they can overcome this mutual repelling force, allowing them to fuse.
The sun, along with all other stars, is powered by this reaction constantly occurring in their cores, where extremely high pressures (due to its massive gravitational force) and temperatures of around ten million degrees naturally induce fusion. On Earth, however, without that extra pressure, a temperature even higher than in the sun is needed for the reaction to take place – temperatures of over 100 million degrees Celsius For many years, this has not been possible
Currently, the most widely used and produced process used to generate electricity in nuclear plants is nuclear fission Although nuclear fusion and nuclear fission both draw energy from the atom, they work differently Fission releases energy when heavy radioactive atoms such as uranium split and releases heat energy However, this creates nuclear waste, and thus is difficult to safely dispose of as it can cause mutations in living organisms through radiation, especially if it enters watersystems in habitats. Furthermore, fusion could generate four times more energy than fission and nearly four million times more energy than burning oil or coal
Fusion has been under development for more than 70 years, and while fusion of nuclei has been achieved before, it has ended quickly This has not been worthwhile as a massive amount of energy has been required to start the fusion process, with little output
This breakthrough, on the 5th of December 2022, is the first time they've produced more energy from a fusion reaction than they put in A total of 192 lasers at the National Ignition Facility (NIF), part of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California, fired about 2 megajoules of heat energy into the two ends of a tiny cylinder holding a pellet of frozen (deuterium and tritium, heavier forms of) hydrogen, and struck the inner wall of the cylinder. The pellet generated temperatures and pressures intense enough to cause the hydrogen inside it to fuse into helium In a tiny blaze lasting less than a billionth of a second, the fusion released about 3 megajoules of energy about 50% more than what had been used to heat the pellet.
If the technology can be replicated on earth at an industrial scale, nuclear fusion offers the possibility of "unlimited" fuel This is because the elements needed are easily available in seawater, and the process does not create the radioactive waste of nuclear fission, or produce the pollution caused by generators fueled by fossil fuels
Previous estimates have said that the first electricity-producing fusion power plant could be built and operating by 2050, and if this were to happen the world's shift to renewable energy would become supercharged, helping to fight climate change Although the significant scientific milestone proving a fusion reaction can generate more energy than put into it has been achieved, the research and resources invested has brought criticism from some: the major problem being that the experiment required 300MJ of electricity to power up lasers, producing 3MJ worth of energy from the fusion reaction As such, they had put in 99% more power into the than they had got out, so as a whole was actually a huge net energy loss Furthermore, billions of dollars have been invested into the project ($3 5bn in this California project) with only just enough energy to boil a few kettles. However, researchers argue that the promise of a limitless clean energy source is worth the short-term investment
Fusion energy is still in the early stages of development, and although it could take anywhere from two decades to a few generations, it could provide virtually limitless clean, safe, and affordable energy to meet the world’s ever-growing demands Columbia University estimates 83 million excess deaths by 2001 as a direct result of climate change (e g through flooding), but this could be lowered with alternative energy sources. Nuclear fusion is definitely one of the most exciting scientific developments to keep an eye on, and has the potential to save billions of people worldwide