The Unofficial Bible for Minecrafters: Stories from the Bible told block by block

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Bible for Minecrafters


nter a new world – full of exciting quests, danger, and miracles. Walk into the Garden of Eden and see tumbling waterfalls and lush landscapes; accompany Noah as he builds his ark; see the parting of the Red Sea; watch the blocks of the Jericho walls break apart; witness Jesus perform miracles – all created in Minecraft ®!


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The amazing world of the Bible brought to you by two Minecraft master builders


In this Anglicized edition, the stories from the Bible are retold in block form, capturing the breathtaking adventure of these well-known tales. Authors Garrett Romines and Chris Miko are both involved in primary school education in the United States, and in providing educational camps, workshops, and curriculum around interactive classes such as LEGO ® Robotics and Minecraft ®. Chris founded The Advanced Learning Project, an educational services company.


This book is not authorized or sponsored by Mojang AB, Notch Development AB or Scholastic Inc., or any other person or entity owning or controlling rights in the Minecraft ® name, trademark, or copyrights. UK £12.99

ISBN 978-0-7459-6827-8




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This book is not authorized or sponsored by Mojang AB, Notch Development AB or Scholastic Inc., or any other person or entity owning or controlling rights in the Minecraft ® name, trademark, or copyrights.


Text copyright © 2015 Garrett Romines and Christopher Miko Illustrations copyright © 2015 Garrett Romines and Christopher Miko This edition copyright © 2015 Lion Hudson The right of Garrett Romines and Christopher Miko to be identified as the authors and illustrators of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Published by Lion Books an imprint of Lion Hudson plc Wilkinson House, Jordan Hill Road, Oxford OX2 8DR, England ISBN 978 0 7459 6827 8 e-ISBN 978 0 7459 6862 9 Original edition published by Sky Pony Press, 307 West 36th Street, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10018 This edition 2015 Acknowledgments A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Minecraft ® is a registered trademark of Notch Development AB. The Minecraft ® game is copyright © Mojang AB. Printed and bound in China, August 2015, LH41

Meet the authors ................... iv

Jonah ......................................160

Foreword ................................. vi

The Birth of Jesus ................. 171

The Creation Story ...................1

Jesus Goes About His Father’s Work .......................178

Adam and Eve ...........................10 Noah and The Great Flood ......15 The Tower of Babel ................ 29 God Calls Abraham ................ 32 Sodom and Gomorrah ............ 40 Joseph and his Dreamcoat .....44 Moses Grows up ......................71 Moses and The Plagues ......... 82 The Parting of The Red Sea . .. 99 The Ten commandments .......105 The Battle of Jericho ............111 Ruth .......................................120 David and Goliath . ................135 David Becomes King .............. 147

Jesus heals the sick .............186 The Sermon on the Mount ....198 jesus’ parables .................... 206 Jesus Feeds 5,000 people . ....219 Jesus Walks on Water . ........ 223 Jesus Raises Lazarus............ 229 Jesus Goes to Jerusalem...... 236 Jesus in Jerusalem .............. 242 Jesus’ Final Days . ................ 248 The Death And Resurrection of Jesus ......... 265 jesus is Taken Up to Heaven .............................. 272

Meet the authors

Chris and Garrett have been working with Minecraft ® in schools since 2012. Through The Advanced Learning Project in the United States, they have created material for teachers to use Minecraft ® in the classroom. Here are their answers to some of the questions you may have about The Unofficial Bible for Minecrafters.

did you go about making The ??How Unofficial Bible for Minecrafters? Garrett wrote most of the manuscript, taking the stories from the Bible and retelling them, and bringing in Minecraft ® features and humour where possible. Chris did the technical side, including creating the skins for the characters – look at Joseph’s amazing multicoloured coat, the striking Egyptians’ dress, and the differences between the twelve disciples in the New Testament. Then Chris and Garrett designed and built the stories from the Bible actually in Minecraft ®. Chris took the photos and did some photo editing before bringing together the pictures and the text. iv

but actually because Minecraft ® characters can fly, it was quite easy to make him walk on water! More difficult was the story of David and Goliath. How do you make a character much bigger than all the other characters? Chris had to use some special visual effects to make Goliath so much taller than David.

did you choose which Bible ??How stories to include?


Garrett chose the stories that he thought connected to the big themes of the Bible, from the Garden of Eden through to the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Chris: I think my favourite is the story of Moses. It was the first really long story we did (all the stories were created in the order they appear - except for Jonah), and by the time we had finished the story of Moses, we felt very confident in our abilities to create the rest of the book, with our systems in place. Once we had that last shot of Moses standing on the hill looking down at his people with the sunset in the background, I knew we had something special, and we were going to deliver a beautiful-looking book that lots of people will enjoy. I still get goosebumps whenever I look at that picture.

stories or scenes were difficult ??Which to create in Minecraft ®? The Minecraft ® world has restrictions; there are things that the characters can’t do, such as sit down. And even the way they lie down is quite limited - they can only lie down on a bed, but often that’s the wrong way around! Even with some fiddling to get them lying on the bed, most of the time their feet were on the pillow. If you look closely at the story of Joseph, you will see this when he has his dream. This was just one of those areas where we had to work within the limitations of Minecraft ®.

what about some of the miracles ??And in the Bible – were they hard to create?

You might think that the story of Jesus walking on water was difficult to create,

Which is your favourite story?

Garrett: My favourite story is Jonah. For me, it was a culmination of all the work we had done. Creating the fish and the boat in Minecraft ® stretched my creativity to its limit. Writing the story and how the characters would interact added to the complexity of the design. As this story

was the last one we did, it gave me the chance to put together all that I had learned through the process of creating the book. It is, in short, the perfect story for me.

noticed that there are some ??We hidden references to the Minecraft ® game. Can you tell us about these?

We tried to draw upon our experience and knowledge of Minecraft ® to inject as many references to the game as possible, which are what gamers call “Easter eggs”. Some you might spot quickly, some might take more time. For instance, there is a reference to naming a baby “Steve”, after one of the players in Minecraft ®. If you are a Minecraft ® fan, have a look and see how many other references you can spot! As we worked together every night on creating the Bible worlds, we would talk about what should be added to the storyline to make the book even more enjoyable. The humour that you find in the conversations and pictures was a natural outcome of two close friends talking through the Bible stories.

what is your vision for this ??Finally, book? Our vision was to create something that hadn’t been done before. We believe it is the start of something special!



I’m always on the lookout for new ways to tell Bible stories. That’s what storytellers do. The hardest job is finding a compelling and original “way in” to a story. And when I find something that works, I get really excited.

The Creation Story Genesis 1-2

A few years back, the publishers behind the original, US edition of this book created The Brick Bible. My son immediately went out and bought a copy. So OK, he’s 32, but he’s a LEGO ® fanatic, and he thought that the idea was absolutely brilliant! He may not be quite so keen on Minecraft ®, but my grandchildren are. They don’t get much game-playing time, but when they do, Minecraft ® is their first choice. The older two (nine and six) love building the worlds, while the youngest, who is only three, simply enjoys digging holes and getting stuck in them. So when I showed them a few sample pages from The Unofficial Bible for Minecrafters, they got the same look on their faces that my son had on his when he found The Brick Bible. Their responses ranged from “It’s funny” (which it is!) to “When can I read some more?” As for me, I turned the pages just to see what the creators of the book would get up to next and how they would bring each scene to Minecrafter-life. And I have to say that I was surprised and delighted.


Yes, my Lord.

Do you see the vast blackness that stretches before us?

Every now and then, someone comes up with a new way of telling Bible stories that is just that little bit different. And if this is a “way in” for someone (and there are thousands of Minecrafters out there) and it’s compelling, intriguing, and faithful to the text, then I’m happy to recommend it. That’s what storytellers do.


Bob Hartman, Storyteller


I’m going to do something about that. Let’s make a start!

Where should I begin with this world? I think I’ll start with water.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and Earth.

The Earth was without form and shape. Everything was covered in darkness.


Let there be light!

Then God created light. He called the light “day” and the darkness “night”, and there was evening, then morning – the first day.

On the second day, God brought all waters together under the heavens. Evening came, and morning came – the second day.


Then God made the Sun. God then pushed the waters back showing dry land. he called the DRY LAND “EARTH” AND THE WATER “OCEANS”. God then commanded the Earth to be fruitful. So the grass grew, along with the flowers, bushes, and trees. And God saw that what he had created was good. Evening came and then morning – the third day.

And God filled the heavens with shining stars.

And he made the Moon. Evening came and then morning – the fourth day.

Let all kinds of plants grow!



I will create you in my very own image. You will have free will to choose and you will be my most precious creation.

God then created all creatures that move and swim in the waters, and every kind of bird; and God saw that it was good. Evening came and then morning – the fifth day.

AS HE WORKED ON THE SIXTH DAY, God decided to do something very special. He took up the dust from the Earth and formed it into a man. Then he breathed life into him. God called this first man “Adam” and placed him IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN.

God spoke to Adam, guiding him in his ways. Adam was happy to be in the garden, but he felt alone.

You may eat from every tree in the garden, but not from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. I say to you, my child, be warned – if you eat from the tree, you will surely die.


God THEN made wild animals, cattle, sheep, and all sorts of creatures to live on the Earth. He saw what he had created and it was good.

7 Yes, Lord.

God put Adam into a deep sleep. Then God took a rib bone From Adam AND created a woman. O Lord, she is perfect in every way! Eve, you are bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh, and we shall be happy forever. Adam, it is not good that man should be alone. I will provide a partner for you.

GOD brought the woman to Adam. Adam looked at her and was very happy. He named her “Eve”.

By the end of the sixth day, God had completed all he had set out to do. And the next day he did no work but blessed this seventh day as a holy day of rest.

So, do you want to build a house?

No, let’s go swimming instead.



I picked this flower for you.

Thank you! I am so happy.

Adam and eve Genesis 2-3

ADAM AND EVE WERE PERFECTLY HAPPY IN THE GARDEN UNTIL... What do you think, Gabriel? Not bad for a week’s work, eh?

Yes, I think the Earth is perfect, my Lord. Is it true that God has forbidden you from eating from any tree in this garden?

We may eat the fruit of other trees but not of this one. If we do, God said we will die.

God only told you this because if you eat from this tree you will become wise, like God himself. But wouldn’t that be nice?

Wow, that would be amazing.


a serpent came and spoke to Eve. The serpent was more crafty than any other creature God had made.


The good feeling didn’t last long. Adam and Eve suddenly knew the bad things of the World. THEY WERE AFRAID AND HID.

What have you done?

Go on! It looks delicious!

God is going to be so angry with us.

Eve wanted to be wise and forgot that God’s rules were there to protect her. So She took a piece of fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

We are going to be in such big trouble!

God, looking down on the Earth, knew what Adam and Eve had done, and he was sad. HE WENT TO SPEAK to THEM.

As Eve took a bite, she felt a surge of knowledge consume her, and the feeling was great. She gave the fruit to Adam. She did it!

It tricked me.

Have some!



Adam blamed Eve.

Eve blamed the serpent.

You must go – and, from now on, you will have a hard life toiling the soil in order to survive.

Noah and The Great Flood Genesis 6-9

Adam and Eve had to leave the garden, and, because of their sin, they and all their descendants were now separated from God. But God had a plan.

What’s happening to the perfect world you created, Lord?

I don’t know. But the wickedness I can see everywhere makes me wish I’d never made it.



when Noah was in town Among a throng of people, he heard God’s voice.

Lord, I offer up my prayers and sacrifice to you. Guide me in all that I do.

Noah, I have decided to destroy all the people and animals I have created. But I have chosen you and your family to be saved.

From the time of Adam, people had chosen wickedness over goodness and God had become sorry he had created them. Yet, among all the wicked people of the Earth was a man named Noah. HE WAS GOOD.

Noah had three sons - Shem, Ham, and Japheth. They too obeyed God. God had a special plan for Noah. Noah, I want you to build an ark – a boat big enough for all the creatures I shall send to you.

O Lord, grant me the ability to be truthful to all.

Lord, grant me wisdom.

Give me strength, so that I may serve you.


God warned Noah that a great flood would sweep over the Earth because of people’s wickedness. God told noah to build an Ark – a wooden boat – onto which he must bring creatures of all kinds, to save them from the flood.


All the pens for the animals are nearly ready.

Looks like we’re gonna need a bigger boat! I’d better get to work!

I’ve almost finished.

Well done, boys. We are making good progress here.


NOAH FOLLOWED GOD’S INSTRUCTIONS FOR HOW TO BUILD THE ARK. god said, “The Ark is to be made of cypress wood, with rooms in it, and coated with pitch inside and out. The ark is to be 133 metres long, 22 metres wide, and 13 metres high. It is to have a door in the side, with lower, middle, and upper decks. Take with you Two of every kind of bird, of every kind of animal, and of every kind of creature that moves along the ground in order to keep them alive. You are to take every kind of food that is to be eaten and store it away as food for you and for them.”

Noah and his family worked non-stop on the Ark. In time the Ark had form and shape and soon it became a boat.


Wow, there are a lot of them! Now I understand why the ark had to be so big.

Brothers, I am carrying out God’s plan.

Are you crazy?

What are you doing?

The people who lived near Noah couldn’t understand why he was building such a big boat.

NOAH continued his work until the time came when the Ark was ready.

Now Noah gathered together the animals – two of each kind, one male and one female.

I hope everyone is comfortable. This is going to be our home for a while.

Lord, I am your faithful servant and have done as you have asked. The work is complete.

It’s time to fetch the animals...


It took some time but all the animals were finally loaded onto the Ark by Noah and his family, and then tended to in their pens.


Oh no, I forgot something.

Too late now!

Seven days later, it began to rain.

By the way, does anyone get seasick?

All aboard!

For forty days and forty nights the rain fell onto the Earth and the waters swelled to lift up the Ark. The Ark safely floated on the surface of the waters.

Hooray, it’s the sun!


after all the animals were safely installed, Noah, his wife, his three sons, and their wives entered the ark. Then the door was shut.

Then the rain stopped. Noah and his family were glad to see the sun once again.


For months the Ark floated on the water with no sign of land in any direction. Have faith in me.

Please be patient – God has a plan for us.

I hope we’ll see land soon.

I am tired of being on this boat! When is this going to end?


finally, the waters began to go down and the ark came to rest on the top of Mount Ararat. Noah sent out a raven and then a dove to find dry land. The birds returned to the Ark with nothing, which was a sign that the Earth was still covered in water.


I hope the dove finds something this time.

Come out of the ark, you and your wife, your sons and their wives. Bring out every living creature that is with you. Let them roam free on the Earth so that they may be fruitful and increase in number. Life will begin again.

Thank you, Lord!


BUT Noah and his family did not lose hope. A week later, Noah sent out the dove again. In the evening it returned with a twig from an olive tree in its beak. Noah waited another seven days and sent it out once more. It did not come back. This was the sign that the Earth was dry and life could begin again.

the waters receded around the ark, and God told Noah to bring out his family and all the animals.


Noah was grateful to God for saving him and his family. He built an altar and worshipped the Lord.

The Tower of Babel Genesis 11

Look at what the people are building...

They will never reach you that way.


God promised that he would never send a flood over all the earth again. Then God showed Noah a rainbow, and told Noah that this was the sign of his promise.


Once, all the people of the world spoke a single language and used the same words. As they moved toward the east, they came across a great plain in the land of Shinar and SETTLED THERE. They said to each other, “Come, let us build a tower to try to reach the heavens.”

¡Hola! Hej!

When God saw the tower, he worried about what the people would want to do next. So God confused their speech and the workers could not understand one another.

Bonjour! Hi!

Ni hao!

Those who spoke one language moved away from the others who spoke differently. And so the people dispersed across the Earth.

Let’s go this way! Erre menjünk!



Abram, I am calling you. Leave your own country. Take your relatives and go to a country that I will show you. I will bless you and make you the father of a great nation. I don’t understand why you have chosen me to do this, but I trust in you, Lord, and will do as you have said.

God Calls Abraham Genesis 12-13, 17, 21

I have a plan to allow my work to continue on Earth. And it begins with a man in Haran.


This is the story of Abraham, a man God chose to become the father of a great nation. In the beginning, Abraham was called Abram. Abram, like Noah, followed and loved God.


There it is - Canaan!

Time passed and the herds grew even larger. Now the land could not support them all, and Abram’s and Lot’s herdsmen began to fight over territory. Abram saw the fighting and wished for peace, so he asked Lot to come and speak to him. Together they agreed to go their separate ways.

Let us enter the land and begin a new life.

So Abram made the journey to Canaan and continued to worship God. ABRAM’S wife Sarai and his nephew Lot CAMe with him.

We have done well in such a short time, Lot. We should count our stock.

It may be hard. They keep moving!


In the land of Canaan, God blessed Abram and his nephew Lot. Abram and Lot worked hard and became rich. Soon Abram and Lot’s herds became so numerous they could not be counted.


Abram, I have not forgotten my covenant with you. I shall give all the lands of Canaan to you and your children and all their descendants forever. Also, from now on you will be known as Abraham, which means “Exalted Father”, and your wife will be Sarah.

God spoke to abram again. Sodom isn’t a terribly appealing name, but at least it sounds better than Gomorrah.

It doesn’t look like a horrible place.


Lot looked out onto a great plain where two cities could be seen in the distance. THE CITIES WERE CALLED Sodom and Gomorrah. lot and his family made their way to Sodom.

What do you mean by “Exalted Father”, and that the lands will belong to my children and their children’s children? I am too old to have children.

Abraham wondered how God would keep his promise, for both he and Sarah were very old.


The Lord promised us a son and we shall have one. We must have faith.

Abraham did as God instructed and made his new home in the land of Canaan. but he kept wondering how God’s promise would be fulfilled.

I don’t think he looks like a Steve. Let’s name him Isaac!

Oh, Abraham, I am going to have a son, just as God said. You will be a father!

Praise be to God! Do you think we should call him Steve?



Then one day, Sarah came to him with news.

a son was born and they NAMED him Isaac.

Get off my property, you kids! Boy, this neighbourhood is going downhill quickly.

Sodom and Gomorrah Genesis 18-19

Meanwhile, Abraham’s nephew Lot resided in the city of Sodom.

Er, God?

Yes, Gabriel.



I hate you.

I think we have a problem.


I hate you more.

Sodom had become a bad city and its people were full of wickedness.


We must leave immediately! God is about to destroy this city.

Please listen: you need to treat each other with kindness. Do what God wants. Blah, blah, blah. I’ve heard it all before!

I don’t think so! And nothing you say will persuade me to sleep in a tent.

God shmod!

Lot tried to teach the people of Sodom right from wrong, but THEY would not listen. THEY tried to hurt him.

God was now intent on destroying Sodom and Gomorrah. So he spoke to Lot.

Lot WARNED his family. His two daughters wanted to leave, but the men they were about to marry refused to GO. They did not believe what Lot had told them.

Then God sent fire and brimstone to DESTROY THE cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Lot and his two daughters were the only ones to make it safely OUT.

Move your family away from Sodom. For I am going to destroy this evil city.



Joseph and his Dreamcoat

The story of Joseph BEGAN when he was a young man of seventeen. Joseph’s father, Jacob, loved Joseph more than any of his other sons. This made Joseph’s brothers wild with Jealousy.

Genesis 37, 39-46

This is better than the hand-me-downs I usually get!


Yes, Lord.

Do you remember Abraham’s baby, Isaac?

And he’s so smug!

Why does Father love him the most? He’s the stupidest of us all.

Yes, of course.

Well, when he grew up, he had a son named Jacob. And Jacob now has a family of his own. But I can see trouble brewing...

Oh dear.


to show his affection, Jacob gave Joseph a beautiful coat of many colours.

This made Joseph’s brothers even more jealous. Now they found it impossible to be kind to him.


One night Joseph had a dream. In it, he and his brothers were in a field, binding sheaves of wheat. Suddenly, his brothers’ sheaves bowed down to his sheaf.

Some time later, Jacob sent his sons, except Joseph, to tend to his flocks, which were some distance away. After several days, Jacob told Joseph to go to them, to check all was well. Joseph obeyed his father and set out.

ZZZZZ I wonder what “His Majesty” is up to, while we’re slaving away here?

In the morning, Joseph told his brothers about his dream. They reacted angrily.

Do you really think that one day you will be a king?


Oh, good – there they are! And that we will bow down to you?

If you think this dream means anything, you must be out of your mind!

It took some time for Joseph to reach his brothers, but after a long walk he finally saw them in the distance.


As Joseph APPROACHED his brothers, they were filled with hate and talked about how to hurt him. Reuben managed to talk them out of killing Joseph.

Get him! And let’s take off that stupid coat!

We can say he was eaten by a wild animal.

Good idea! Let’s kill him and then throw him into the pit.

When Joseph arrived, his brothers grabbed him and tore off his coloured coat.

Brothers, wait! We can put him in the pit but we mustn’t harm him.

What now?


Let’s leave him down there.

Then they threw him into the pit. Reuben left, secretly planning to return later and rescue Joseph.


Let’s sell Joseph to these men.

Yes, good plan! He’s yours!

While Reuben was gone, a group of traders came by. Judah, one of the brothers, had an idea.

they sold Joseph to the traders for twenty pieces of silver. I’ll give you a good price for that one. Quiet, you. You will be sold as a slave in Egypt.

My brothers, why are you doing this to me?

Take him far away from here. We never want to see him again!


Later, when they had returned home, they let Jacob believe Joseph was dead. Jacob was overcome with grief.

The traders sold Joseph to an Egyptian officer named Potiphar. He was the captain of the guard at the palace and was a very important person.


JOSEPH WAS A SLAVE BUT HE never forgot the values he had been taught. HE worked hard and was faithful to God. Potiphar saw that Joseph had good judgment and gave him more and more responsibility. God rewarded Potiphar’s behaviour toward Joseph with good harvests and many riches.

As well as being very capable, JOseph was also handsome. One day, Potiphar’s wife asked him to love her and to take the place of her husband. Joseph, being a man of God, refused.

Oh, Joseph, please love me instead of my husband. You will be so happy with me. No, I will not love you as a husband. I will not do such a wicked thing to Potiphar, who has been so good to me. I am your servant, as I am God’s servant. I am happy to work for you, Master.

I am putting you in charge of my household, Joseph. I know I can rely on you.


Joseph became an important man and now managed all Potiphar’s land as well as his household. He commanded respect wherever he went.


Get back here!

Why is this happening to me? I’m innocent!

Joseph walked away, but Potiphar’s wife came after him and grabbed his arm. Joseph shook himself free and ran off, leaving his coat behind.

Your slave attacked me! When I cried out, he ran off. See, here is his coat as evidence!

Anger clouded Potiphar’s mind and he could not see past the lies. So he threw Joseph into prison.

Wait, no... I’m not going to feel sorry for myself. I won’t lose faith in God.

He did what? How dare he!


Potiphar’s wife was so angry at Joseph for not doing what she said that she plotted to hurt him. She went to her husband, Potiphar, and lied about what Joseph had done.


Joseph met two men IN prison – Pharaoh’s butler and baker. The captain of the guard instructed Joseph to tend to these men, and so he came to know them.

The butler told Joseph his dream: “on A VINE were three branches, and as soon as buds appeared, there were blossoms and the clusters ripened into grapes. I had Pharaoh’s cup in my hand, and I plucked the grapes, crushed them into the cup, and put the cup into Pharaoh’s hand.”

Why are you looking so sad?

I have had a strange dream. But who will be able to tell me its meaning? Tell me your dream, and God will reveal its message to me.


The three branches represent three days. Within three days Pharaoh will release you. The cup means you will be back in Pharaoh’s favour and will be his butler again.


Each man had been having dreams that troubled him.

I, too, had dream there on my head. pecking and baskets.

a dream, and in my were three baskets The birds were eating from the

I am sorry, but this is the meaning of your dream: in three days’ time, you will be killed.

Your Majesty, I know someone who can help interpret your dream. He is a prisoner.

A prisoner, you say? Very well – I am desperate. I cannot rest until I know what it means.

The baker stepped forward.

He was devastated by JOseph’s explanation.

Two years passed and Joseph remained in prison. Then one night, Pharaoh had a troubling dream. The next morning, He called all his wisest advisors to him and asked them to interpret the dream... but none could. Then the butler remembered Joseph.

You, prisoner! My trusted servant here tells me that you can explain the meaning of dreams. It’s good to have you back. Happy birthday, Your Majesty!


Three days after Joseph interpreted the dreams, Pharaoh had a feast to celebrate his birthday. the butler was let out of prison and returned to Pharaoh’s side. The baker was killed, just as Joseph had predicted.

JOSEPH was taken from his cell and brought before Pharaoh.


Pharaoh did not believe in the God Joseph spoke about, but he was willing to give Joseph a chance. “Here is my dream,” he said. “I was standing on the banks of the River nile, and out of the river came up seven cows, fat and sleek, and they grazed on the reeds. So far, no one has been able to interpret my dream.

God will interpret your dream, Your Majesty. He will make its meaning clear to me.


“Then came up seven other cows that were thin and looked very unhealthy. The thin cows ate up all the healthy cows.”


Joseph has the kind of leadership we need. I hereby appoint him as my second-in-command. He shall be in charge of all matters that concern our food. Only I, the pharaoh, will have power above him. This is my decree.

God has revealed his plans for you. The seven healthy cows represent seven years of good harvest and plenty of food.

Joseph paused and then spoke.

Pharaoh was so impressed with Joseph’s wisdom that he put Joseph in charge of all of Egypt.

The seven thin cows represent seven years of famine. When the seven thin cows ate the healthy cows, that meant all the years of plenty will be forgotten, and the famine will ruin the country. We must do something! I cannot let my people suffer like this.


Your Majesty needs to appoint a man to oversee all the land of Egypt to prepare for the years of famine.

Joseph set about storing enough food to feed the nation during the famine that was to come.


Why are you here, strangers? My lord, we have come to buy food from you, so that we may return home and feed our families.

Wow, look at that! It’s amazing. The Egyptians must be great builders.

Joseph’s brothers came before him and bowed low. When Joseph saw them, he recognized them, but pretended not to know them. The men, however, had no idea that the governor of Egypt was their long-lost brother.

I’ve always wanted to see the pyramids.

I do not believe you! You are looking to see if the land can be conquered. You are spies!


Seven years passed. Joseph had completed his task. So much food had been stored that when the famine came, no Egyptian went hungry. The famine did not only strike Egypt, but all the lands around, including Canaan, where Jacob and Joseph’s brothers lived. Jacob learned that Egypt had food and so he sent his sons to Egypt to buy some. he kept his youngest son, Benjamin, at home.

Joseph spoke harshly to his brothers.

No, my lord. We have come from Canaan to buy food. We are brothers. There are twelve of us in all – our youngest brother is still with our father, and one brother disappeared.

his brothers fell into a panic. They insisted that they were not spies.


You are spies! I’m sure of it. But take the food and go home. Return to me with this younger brother. We will then see whether your story is true. Until that time, I will keep one of you here. We will do as you say, my lord, and return with our youngest brother.

Joseph did not reveal who he was but decided to test his brothers.

Didn’t I tell you not to harm poor Joseph? But you wouldn’t listen and that is why we are in this trouble now.

Do you think we’ll ever persuade Father to let Benjamin return with us?

Is this the youngest brother? Yes, my lord!

But Jacob did let his youngest son go to Egypt with his older brothers. At their return, Joseph invited them to a banquet. Inside, he was overcome at seeing Benjamin, but he did not show his emotion. Before his brothers left, JOseph instructed his steward to place his silver goblet in Benjamin’s pack.

To punish him for stealing, I will keep your youngest brother, Benjamin, as a slave. The rest of you may return to your father.

I’m not sure. He’s already heartbroken after losing Joseph.


The brothers gathered together. Reuben spoke first.

When the brothers had gone a short distance, Joseph sent his steward after them. The silver goblet was found and the brothers returned to Joseph, fearful of what he would decide to do.


Please, my lord, take me as your slave instead. Our father lost another son, and if we do not return with Benjamin, he will die from grief. It’s true! I am your brother Joseph, whom you sold into slavery. But do not feel bad, for God sent me here to save the people from famine. Now go back to my father and tell him that God has made his son Joseph lord of Egypt. Hurry and bring him to me. The whole family is welcome!

Judah stepped forward and begged Joseph to take him as a slave instead of Benjamin.

I am Joseph, your brother.



Joseph could not control his emotion any longer. he sent his servants out of the room and finally told his brothers who he was.

He began to weep and then asked his brothers to bring his father to see him.


Father, I have missed you.

I am so happy to see you, my son. I have missed you so much too.

Moses grows up Exodus 1-4

Jacob’s family and their descendants became known as the people of Israel, didn’t they?

That’s right – because “Israel” was the name I gave Jacob. But now they’re having a hard time in Egypt...


JACOB AND JOSEPH were reunited, and the whole family lived in the land of Egypt in peace.


Why has such hardship come to us? What have we done to deserve it?

This work is so hard.

Why did Joseph bring our people here?

The number of Israelites in Egypt greatly increased and they became very powerful.

The Israelites have become too many and too strong. We must make sure they don’t wage war against us.


A new pharaoh came to the throne of Egypt. He felt overwhelmed by the number of Israelites in his country.

But the Israelites continued to multiply and Pharaoh began to treat them as SLAVES. HE COMMANDED THEM TO WORK ON HIS BUILDING PROJECTS in the hope of breaking their spirits.


One day, a young Israelite couple had a baby boy. His mother was afraid of what would happen to her son, so she decided to place him in a basket that would float down the river Nile. You need to take care of those boys. Do you understand my orders? Yes, Your Majesty. I shall do as you command.

At that time Pharaoh’s daughter came to bathe in the river Nile. She rescued the baby from the basket and decided to raise the child as her own.

I will name him Moses!


Pharaoh was determined to reduce the number of Israelites in his land so he announced a decree that all newborn Israelite boys be thrown into the river Nile.

God protected the child as the basket went down the river. It was then gradually carried toward the riverbank.


I’m out of here! Come Again Soon

Now Leaving Egypt. Thanks for Coming! ROAD TO MIDIAN

Moses was afraid Pharaoh would punish him, so HE ran away TO the land of Midian to start a new life.

And so Moses was brought up by an Egyptian princess, and lived with Pharaoh’s family in the palace. Pharaoh treated him like one of his own family. when Moses had grown into a young man, he WITNESSED An Egyptian overseer STRIKing An Israelite SLAVE.

Who are you to talk, Moses? What are you going to do – kill me like you killed that Egyptian?

Stop fighting!


Moses rushed in to stop the overseer, and, in his anger, killed him. The next day, Moses tried to stop two men fighting, but realized one of them had witnessed his crime.

Years passed and the Israelites REMAINED slaves. They cried out to God FOR HELP.


Moses was living happily in Midian, tending to his flocks.

Do not come any closer! And take off your sandals, for you are standing on holy ground.

God SPOKE again to Moses. A bush on fire, yet it does not burn up...

ONE DAY MOSES saw something in the distance. he left his flocks and climbed the mountain to investigate the strange light. God appeared to him in the flame of a burning bush.

I am the God of your father, of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob.

Moses, Moses!

Here I am.



Moses shook at the words of God and bowed low.


I have seen the misery of my people in Egypt and I have heard their cries. I will send you to Pharaoh and you shall bring my people out of Egypt.

But who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt? I am just a simple man.

Home of the Pyramids

Welcome to Fabulous Egypt

I will be with you. This shall be the sign that I sent you: when you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall all worship God here on this mountain.

Please walk Like An Egyptian

If I am to go to the Israelites and tell them that the God of their forefathers has sent me, and they ask me his name, what shall I say?

I AM WHO I AM. Tell them you have been sent by I AM WHO I AM!


Moses decided he would do all that God asked of him. he left his home in Midian TO RETURN TO EGYPT.


Who is this that comes before Pharaoh?

It is I, Moses. I have a message for you from the God of the Israelites. He says this: “Let my people go!”

Moses and The Plagues Exodus 5-12

I have a feeling this doesn’t bode well for the Egyptians.


The day came when Moses went before Pharaoh. He stood tall and brave.


I am Pharaoh of Egypt, a living god on Earth, and I will bow to no one!

Who is this God and why should I take orders from him? No, I will never release the people of Israel – they are my slaves. But our God has revealed himself to us. This is his will.

No! Now go, Moses! Go to your people and be out of my sight.

Teach these Israelites a lesson work them harder! I will show them who their master is.

Yes, Your Majesty.

I fear for you, Pharaoh – you will humble yourself before this is finished.


Pharaoh stood firm and refused to do as Moses asked.

PHARaoH was determined to show Moses who was in charge. things got much worse for the Israelites.


When they make bricks, do not provide them with straw. But see to it that they make the same number of bricks as before. Lord, why have you brought pain and suffering to your people?

This is all your fault.

My life is worse now.

How are we to make the same number of bricks without straw to fatten and strengthen them?

the Israelites PLEADED WITH PHARaoH.

The Israelites blamed Moses for their troubles. he prayed for guidance.

Have no fear, Moses. I have not forgotten my promise to the people of Israel. Now watch what I do to Pharaoh!

With whips, you will! You can gather the straw yourselves, you lazy lot.


God reassured Moses that he would free the Israelites from slavery.


God says, “Let my people go!� If Your Majesty refuses, God will send signs throughout the land of Egypt to show that he is God. And he will bring out the Israelites to freedom.

What power has been given to do this?

Take your tricks and go. The Israelites stay!

Moses returned to Pharaoh.

If you wish for a sign, look at this.

Moses threw his staff to the ground.

Your cheap tricks will not move Pharaoh. I am supreme ruler of these lands and I will not give in to your demands or those of your God.



The staff turned into a snake.

I am warning you again. God has spoken and you have not listened. He says this: “Let my people go!”

As I said before, Moses, I will not. I do not fear your God.

You have seen the river turn blood red with God’s anger. Now will you set the Israelites free?

I do not know how you did it, Moses, but no, I most certainly will not let your people go!

The next day, Moses spoke to Pharaoh on the banks of the river Nile.

By this, you shall see that the Lord is God.


Moses TOUCHED THE WATER WITH HIS STAFF and the water turned to blood.

The next day Moses came before Pharaoh.

If you refuse, your country will suffer from a second plague: there will be frogs everywhere!


PHARAOH looked outside and saw that all of Egypt was covered in frogs.

Next, God sent a plague of gnats onto the land, and again Pharaoh refused to let the Israelites go. So then God sent swarms of flies.

This cannot be happening. Curse this God of Moses! Doesn’t he know who he is dealing with? I will never bend to his will!


Pharaoh still did not give in, so God sent plagues of disease to kill the animals, boils, and hail. Finally, a Plague of Locusts ate all that was green on the land, and plunged Egypt into famine.


God then covered the land in darkness for three days to warn Pharaoh that he must release the Israelites. But Pharaoh still would not let them go.

Your Majesty, God is ready to send the final plague, which will make you and your people greatly suffer. For God has said this: “All the firstborn of both people and animals shall die.” Pharaoh – please – let my people go!

Moses returned to speak to Pharaoh once again.

I will never let my slaves go!


Hate and anger swelled in Pharaoh. He uttered the fateful words that doomed Egypt.


At midnight, cries rang out over Egypt that would never be forgotten.

So came the tenth and final plague. God told the Israelites to place lamb’s blood on their doorposts that night. This would show the Angel of Death which households to spare.

Noooo, not my baby boy!

He’s dead! Why isn’t he breathing? What’s happened?

As the Angel of Death passed over each house that was marked with lamb’s blood, this became known as the Passover.


And so it was that the angel of death passed by the doors of the Israelites, but struck down the firstborn children of all the other families in Egypt, including that of Pharaoh.


That night Pharaoh summoned Moses. It was clear that Pharaoh had had a change of heart.

The Parting of The Red Sea Exodus 14

Get out, and take your people with you! At last – freedom for the Israelites!

But they’re not out of danger yet.


Finally free, the Israelites hastily set out with Moses to the land that God had promised them.


Once the Israelites had left, Pharaoh suddenly regretted losing all the slaves that had worked so hard for him. So he summoned his soldiers, and ordered them to pursue the Israelites.

There they are! Let’s get them!

Pharaoh and his army raced across the desert in pursuit of the Israelites, and soon caught sight of them.

Hurry! We must get our slaves back.

Moses, what have you done? We’re trapped!

Pharaoh will not show us mercy.

THE ISRAELITES were at the edge of the Red Sea. They were now cornered.

Do not be afraid. Stand firm. The God of Israel will show his power.



Moses stretched out his hand toward the water, feeling the presence of God within him.

Move quickly across the sea. God has saved us!

Follow me!

Look – it’s incredible!

God has rescued us just in time!


THE PEOPLE WERE ASTONISHED when they saw the sea parting.

The people of Israel passed between the two walls of water onto dry land.


Your Majesty, look! By some miracle, the sea has parted and the Israelites have escaped.

They have not escaped yet. Order your men to go after them.

The Ten commandments

Exodus 19-20; Deuteronomy 5

It’s time to give the Israelites instructions on how to live a good and holy life.


The Egyptian army WENT INTO THE SEA AFTER THE ISRAELITES. But Moses stretched out his hand and a strong wind blew, making the waters close over PHARAOH’S ARMY.


Moses and the people of Israel journeyed on in search of their homeland. Moses led the people to the foot of Mount Sinai. There God would make a covenant with them.

Moses, come up to the top of the mountain. But make sure the people stay down below.

God summoned Moses to the top of the mountain. And so he began the long climb up.


When he could climb no higher, Moses took one last look at the people of Israel. Then he stepped out of sight and went to speak with God.


High up on the mountain, all was quiet. Suddenly, Moses heard God’s voice.

Moses, I am the Lord your God who brought you out of Egypt. I give you these laws to live by.

Guide me in your ways.

I You shall have no god besides me

vi You shall not commit murder

ii You shall not make carved images of gods

vii You shall not commit adultery

iii You shall not misuse god’s name

ViiI You shall not steal

Iv You shall remember the sabbath day

Ix You shall not bear false witness

v You shall honour your father and mother


God carved these ten commandments into two tablets of stone. He also gave Moses instructions on how to live a good life and how to worship him. He said the holy tablets must be kept in a special box, the ark of the covenant.

x You shall not covet


Return to my people and give them these commandments.

The Battle of Jericho

Numbers 27; Deuteronomy 31; Joshua 1-4, 6

Good work on the commandments!

Thank you. Whether they’ll keep them is another matter!


Moses then left the mountain and brought the tablets down to the people.


It did not take long for the people of Israel to break God’s laws, So he prevented them from ENTERing the land of Canaan. They had to wander in the desert for forty years. Even MOses himself was disobedient to God and was not allowed to enter Canaan. After Moses died, his great friend Joshua became the leader of the Israelites.

God then spoke to Joshua and told him that the people of Israel could finally cross the River Jordan and enter Canaan. He promised that if they followed his laws, he would guarantee victory over all their enemies.


Joshua began to lead the Israelites into the Promised land, but a great city stood in their way: The city of Jericho. If they wanted to reach the land of Canaan, they would have to conquer Jericho first.

Speak to the people and find out what we need to know. Then leave as quietly as possible.

Joshua summoned two of his BRAVEST men. He asked them to go secretly into Jericho to find out whether the city was good or bad, and whether it would be an enemy of Israel.


Rahab, we have been informed that you are harbouring spies.

I have heard that there are spies in the city, Your Majesty.

They just left. If you head out right now, you can catch them.

You’d better be right, Rahab, or the king will punish you. They must not be allowed to escape. I order their immediate capture!

No sooner had the two Israelite spies entered the city, than the king of Jericho ordered the men to be captured.

The guards pounded on Rahab’s door.

Will she help us?

Thank you for protecting us. I promise you that no harm shall come to you or your family when we take Jericho. Can you hide us?

We will see...

Yes, but you must be as quiet as mice. The guards may search the house. Hang a red cord out of your window. We will tell our people that it is a sign that you are our friend and that your house must not be attacked.


The two spies saw the soldiers coming and RAN TO THE house of a woman named Rahab.

She hid the men in the straw that covered her roof.

I will.

Once the guards had gone, Rahab TOOK THE SPIES to the window that looked out over the outside of the city.


JOSHUA’S ARMY MARCHED toward Jericho. Between the Israelites and Jericho was the mighty River Jordan. It was too big and deep for them to cross.

Joshua instructed the priests to carry the Ark of the Covenant to the water. As soon as the priests’ feet touched the river, the waters divided and the people crossed on dry land.

TWELVE stones were placed on the river bed and twelve on the shore in Canaan to remind the people of what God had done.

soon afterwards Joshua saw an angel of the Lord. The angel said that he had been sent by God to tell Joshua how to defeat the powerful city of Jericho.

Rahab let the men down a rope outside the city walls.

We have seen the city and it can be taken. The people live in fear of us.

We nearly got caught, but a woman helped us. We promised no harm would come to her or her family.

How will we know who she is?

She will hang a red cord out of her window.


The spies returned to Joshua and told him ABOUT THEIR JOURNEY.


The angel told Joshua that if they did as he said, God would bring down the walls of Jericho, and victory would be theirs.

On the seventh time around the city, the priests blew their horns. After the long blast, everyone shouted with all their might. Then a great rumble was heard and cracks formed in the walls. As the noise continued, the walls of Jericho came tumbling down. Joshua and his army captured the city. But Rahab and her family were spared.

Seven priests carrying horns must march in front of the ark, ahead of the army. For six days everyone must march around the city once without attacking. On the seventh day you are to march around the city seven times, with the priests blowing their horns. The final time, when they make a long blast, you must shout loudly.



The great leader Joshua died after fighting numerous battles for the people of Israel. Many years later, there came a time when Judges ruled over the Israelites. A famine in the Land of Canaan drove Many people to flee their homes and travel to other lands.


Ruth 1-4

Now the people of Israel are in Canaan, everything’s going to be alright, isn’t it?

Not exactly.



Husband, I am worried about living with the Moabites. They are not like us and do not follow our ways. I am afraid that our sons will begin to worship idols or marry Moabite women.

In our new life we will continue to worship God, but we must go to the land of Moab for now. Our sons may well marry Moabite women, but God will look after us.

AN ISRAELITE NAMED ELIMELECH LEFT BETHLEHEM with his wife and sons TO LIVE WITH THE MOABITES. HE too WANTED TO ESCAPE the FAMINE. The Moabites lived to the East of Judah and the Dead Sea. There the land was still fertile.

Father, what are we to do if we are asked to worship idols?


We must politely say no. Remember the first commandment: “You shall have no god besides me.”

In time, Elimelech’s sons married Moabite women. one was named Orpah and the other, Ruth.

But a great tragedy came upon the family – Elimelech and both his sons died.


My daughters, please return to your mothers and begin a new life. You are young and can marry again.

How will you care for yourself?

By now the famine that had plagued the land of Judah had gone. Elimelech’s wife, Naomi, decided to return to Bethlehem. She advised Orpah and Ruth to go back to their parents.

Wherever you go, I will go. And your God is now my God. Goodbye!

I will miss my adopted home, but I look forward to returning to Bethlehem.


Orpah left Naomi.

But Ruth refused to leave NAOMI’S SIDE.

So Naomi and Ruth left Moab and returned to Bethlehem.


Mother, how can we get food?

Look at the mess the birds and mice have made! Don’t despair, Mother! With a little bit of work we can make it a home again.

Look at the house now. With just a few decorations it will be better than our home in Moab.


We have a custom in our land. A woman who is poor and in need can go to any field and pick up what is left behind. So, if the farmers leave some grain after gathering their crop, we can have it.

We should think about finding food.

Naomi had a relative named Boaz, who was a rich farmer. As a woman in need she was allowed to collect leftover grain in any of the fields.


Ruth left and made her way to a field nearby.

ruth began following the workers as they cut down the barley, gathering up any grain left behind. Boaz came to inspect the work, for by chance Ruth had come to a field that belonged to him.


And he sPOKE TO all the WORKERS with kindness.

Ruth saw how giving and caring Boaz was and FELL IN LOVE WITH HIM.

God be with you. Who is that girl? God bless you, Master.

That is the Moabite girl, Naomi’s daughter-in-law.

Very impressive.



Boaz saw Ruth working hard in the fields.

Why are you so kind as to pay me attention when I am only a foreigner?

A man named Boaz. He was very kind to me.

Who allowed you to gather so much grain?

God be with you.

And God be with you.

Daughter of Naomi, stay in this field – you may take as much as you want, and I will make sure nobody bothers you.

Boaz then TOLD HIS MEN to pull out the best of the crops and leave them for Ruth. Boaz walked over to Ruth.

Ruth fell to her knees.

My men have told me all that you have done for your mother-in-law, Naomi. May God reward you for your loyalty and kindness!


NAOMI could not believe the amount OF FOOD RUTH brought home.

Boaz! He is a relative of ours. God has not forgotten us.

We must think about your future. Go to Boaz tonight.


Soon afterwards, Boaz and Ruth got married.

Boaz was celebrating his harvest at a party.

God then blessed Ruth and Boaz with a son. they named him Obed.


Boaz and Ruth looked at each other, and when their eyes met, they both knew that they loved one another.




David and Goliath 1 Samuel 8-9, 16-17


The people of Israel want a king. Perhaps now’s the time...

Jesse SON OF Obed

Obed was the father of Jesse, and Jesse was the father of David, The great King of Israel. 134

David SON OF Jesse


A Lion once attacked the flock David was guarding. The lion grabbed a lamb and tried to make off with it. David showed no fear and attacked the lion with a sling and a stone.

Take that, you wild beast! I will not let you hurt any of my sheep.


The Story of King David begins when he was a young man. David was the youngest of eight brothers and his job was to look after HIS FATHER’S FLOCK.


the people of Israel asked God to give them a king so that they could be like other nations. God appointed the Prophet Samuel to anoint Saul as the first King of Israel. But Saul was not faithful to God and ruled with injustice. SO GOD told Samuel that the new King would be one of Jesse’s sons.

Guard, go and find me a musician who can play the harp. I need soothing music that will make me feel better.

God no longer blessed Saul because of all the wicked things Saul did while king. This caused Saul to feel bad.

Yes – David, my youngest. I will send for him.


Your Majesty, the son of Jesse can play the harp very well. He is also brave and handsome.

God has not chosen any of these. Do you have any other sons?

Samuel went to Bethlehem and spoke to David’s father, Jesse. Jesse showed Samuel his seven eldest sons.

Then Samuel saw David and anointed him, for he was the one God had chosen.

One of the advisors KNEW of a young man who could play the harp more beautifully than any other person he knew. He said that God had blessed him. Saul sent for that young man straight away.


Saul was on his throne when the young man arrived with his harp.

Greetings, Your Majesty. Would you like me to begin?

At this time, the people of Israel were always fighting their neighbours, the Philistines. Once again, the Philistines attacked. All the men of Israel were called to serve in the army.

The two armies held their ground on opposite sides of a dry riverbed.


DAVID’S music was so soothing that it helped Saul forget about his troubles. Saul praised David and made him one of his helpers.

It was the custom for each side to choose a champion to fight each other. The ARMY of the defeated champion would then surrender.


Choose me. I’m not afraid.

Many brave men of Israel were willing to fight for their country, until...

For forty days Goliath waited for an Israelite to step forward. Then one day, David went to the front line.

No way am I fighting him!

He spoke to King Saul.

You are only a boy, and Goliath has been a warrior for many years.

I have killed lions and bears with only a sling. With God’s help, I will win this battle.


... The Philistines brought forth their warrior, Goliath. HE WAS AN ENORMOUS MAN.

All the soldiers of Israel became scared when they saw Goliath.


Goliath MOVED toward David.

David went to meet Goliath.

Am I supposed to fight this measly little boy?

You have a sword, but I come in the name of the God of Israel!

DAVID fitted a stone in his sling. It flew through the air and struck Goliath on the forehead.



David was not afraid.

The giant fell to the ground, dead.

We’re doomed. Run!

When the Philistines saw Goliath fall, they turned and ran in horror.

David Becomes King

1 Samuel 18–19, 22, 24, 26, 28, 31; 2 Samuel 5-6

Oh, Goliath – what an epic fail!

They tried to escape from the Israelites.



but The Israelites PURSUED them and were victorious that day.

You think you’re so great, don’t you? But remember, I’m the king and no one else will be king until the day I die! What have I done to make King Saul so angry with me?

In time, David won many battles. King Saul became jealous of David’s success. One day, he attacked David while David was playing the harp.

The king has fallen out of favour with God. Now he will do everything in his power to keep you from becoming king.

David went to see Samuel. David didn’t understand why these things were happening to him.

David was not hurt, but it had been a narrow escape. That night HE left Jerusalem to seek refuge from Saul’s anger. To King David!


David fled to the cave of Adullam. Many men who heard that David was taking refuge came to him and pledged their allegiance. David quickly gathered a following strong enough to oppose Saul.


I don’t want to harm him, for he is God’s anointed one, but...

I need three thousand men. See to it! Yes, Your Majesty.

David crept up on Saul and drew his sword.

But Saul was also gathering an army. He was determined to hunt David down. ... I just want to make a point. See this! I could have killed you, but I did not. I will never hurt you.

For months, Saul looked for David but he could not find him. Then one day, Saul went into the cave where David and his men had their hideout. Saul decided to rest in the cave.

I can’t believe how foolish Saul is.

Stay here. I have a plan.


But instead of hurting Saul, David cut off a piece of saul’s robe.

When Saul left the Cave, David held out the piece of cloth up for all to see. Saul left that day, knowing that he had been spared by David.


Oof! Wait for it... now go!

Careful – keep an eye on the guard and tell me when to make a move.

Ah, I can always rely on my trusty sling!

But SAUL STILL COULD NOT BE TRUSTED. So david and one of his followers stealthily came to Saul’s camp one night.

They entered the courtyard. There, in the middle, stood four towers with guards, and, between them, Saul’s massive tent. they eased along the wall into Saul’s tent.

Quiet! We’ll get in here. I’m right behind you.


David and his follower quietly made their way into the camp without raising the alarm.

Saul was asleep. Together, David and his follower TIPTOED over to Saul’s bed. The follower asked David if he could strike Saul but David refused.


They NOTICED A sword.

The Lord has delivered you into my hands and yet I have spared you once again. Make peace with me, Saul. Look, David – King Saul’s sword!


Let’s take it. I will not harm anyone anointed by God.

IN THE MORNING, David called out to Saul and held up his sword. Saul begged for forgiveness but David knew Saul would never really change.



Samuel died and a great army of Philistines gathered. Saul was at his wits’ end, so he turned to magic and sorcery to solve his problems. He went to a woman who could conjure spirits from the Dead, and asked her to bring back the spirit of Samuel.

When Saul heard this, he was overcome with FEAR.

soon Saul and all his sons died IN A BATTLE AGAINST THE PHILISTINES. Saul, God has become your enemy. Your kingdom has been taken from you and given to David. You have disobeyed God. And now the Philistines have come and you and all your sons will die fighting against them. You are finished!


Saul got a message he didn’t want to hear: GOD WAS going to punish him for his disobedience.


News of the battle came to David. When David heard about Saul and his sons, he wept and fasted.


Even though Saul had tried to kill David, David had honoured Saul as God’s anointed King until the end.

David became king and established the great city of Jerusalem. His ancestral bloodline went many generations, and eventually spawned Jesus Christ.


Jonah, I want you to go to the city of Nineveh. Talk to the people and tell them to stop their wickedness!


Jonah 1-4

Who’s Jonah?

One of the most stubborn humans you’ll ever come across. Yet he’s supposed to be working for me!

Oops! Almost wish I hadn’t asked.


God sent prophets to Israel to SPREAD his messages. One such prophet was Jonah. God told him to go to a city called Nineveh to tell the people to repent of their sinful ways.


God sent mighty winds to stir up a storm. The men on the ship were afraid.

Jonah did not feel like doing that at all, so he decided to go in the opposite direction.

This ship’s going to Tarshish.


Anywhere far from Nineveh is fine.

At the port of Joppa, he got on a ship that was heading for Tarshish.


Wake up! You must pray to your god – pray that we’ll be saved.

Jonah told them to throw him into the water. He hoped that by sacrificing himself, he would save the others.

So you want us to throw you overboard?

Yes – that will make the storm stop.

The captain of the ship went to Jonah and roused him from his SLEEP.

Some of my men say you are to blame for this...

I’m afraid that no prayer will help us.

Lord, show mercy!


Some of the men suggested the storm was Jonah’s fault. Jonah had a bad feeling they were right.


As soon as Jonah was overboard, the waters began to calm and the waves grew less intense.


As the ship moved further away from Jonah, a massive creature emerged from the deep. With one big gulp, the fish swallowed Jonah whole.


Jonah was inside the fish for three days and three nights. He prayed to God, thanking him and promising to obey him if his life was spared.

This time, Jonah obeyed and went to Nineveh. He told the people to repent, otherwise Nineveh would be destroyed.

The fish did not eat Jonah. it carried him to dry land and spat him out. again, God told JONAH to go to Nineveh.



The people repented. They fasted and prayed to God, and God spared them.

The Birth of Jesus Matthew 1-2; Luke 1-2

This is where you come in, Gabriel.

Woo hoo!



Mary! Do not be afraid, for you have found favour with God. You will have a baby, a son, and you will name him Jesus.

But how? I am not yet married.

The Holy Spirit will come over you.

Mary was a young girl, engaged to be married to Joseph. One day the angel Gabriel appeared, telling her she would have a baby. And soon afterwards Mary found she was pregnant.

Joseph! Mary’s baby has been conceived through the Holy Spirit. So don’t be afraid to take Mary as your wife.

The emperor Augustus issues a decree that everyone had to register in their home town. So Joseph journeyed to Bethlehem with Mary.

Joseph and Mary tried to find lodgings but the rooms at the inn were already taken. So They ended up spending the night in a stable.

Sir, I know you have said that you are full, but my wife is expecting a child and I’m sure it will come soon.

The best I can do is my stable.


Joseph did not want to expose Mary to public disgrace and decided to break off their engagement quietly. But an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream and told him to marry Mary.


Let’s go and see the messiah for ourselves.

It’s a miracle!

The time came for the baby to be born, and Mary gave birth to a son. She wrapped him up and placed him in a manger. As God instructed, the child was named Jesus.

The angels left and the shepherds hurried to Bethlehem. There they found baby Jesus lying in the manger.

Do not be afraid – I bring you good news! Today, in the town of David, a Saviour has been born; he is the messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign for you: you will find the baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.



The baby we saw is the messiah!

The shepherds told everyone they saw about the child and All were amazed.


We have come to see the new king and bring him precious gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

Look – the star has stopped moving!

That’s where he must be – the child born to be king of the Jews.

Let’s go and worship him!

the Wise Men found Jesus with his family. they knelt down and worshipped him.


After the birth of Jesus, a star appeared. Wise men from the east believed a king had been born and set out to follow the star. In Jerusalem, they asked where they could find the child and were told to go to Bethlehem. So they journeyed on with the star ahead of them, until it stopped above the place where Jesus was.

the Wise men began their journey home, overcome with joy at what they had seen.


John the Baptist was jesus’ cousin. He appeared as a preacher in the wilderness in Judea, PREACHing This MESSAGE: “Repent! For the kingdom of Heaven is near.” Many people came to John and were baptized by him in the River Jordan.

Jesus Goes About His Father’s Work

I will baptize you with water, but the one coming after me will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.

Matthew 3-4; Luke 5

What will Jesus do now he’s a grown man?

I have a plan for him. First he must carry out my work.


John, I am ready to be baptized.

Jesus arrived at the River Jordan, and came to John to be baptized by him.


If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread so that you may eat and ease your hunger.

This is my beloved Son. I am very pleased with him.

No! For it is written in the Scriptures: “Man does not live by bread alone, but by the word of God.”

Jesus was then led away by the Spirit into the wilderness. For forty days and forty nights he fasted, and at the end, the DEVIL appeared. Jesus was hungry and the devil tried to tempt him.

I shall give you all these kingdoms, if you kneel down and worship me.

Get away from me! For the Scriptures say: “You shall only worship the Lord your God and no other.”

If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down.


JOhn baptized Jesus. WHEN HE came up, the Spirit of God descended like a dove, and a voice from heaven was heard.

The Scriptures say: “Do not put the Lord your God to the test.”

The devil took Jesus to the Holy Temple of Jerusalem.

the devil THEN took Jesus to a high mountain.


Jesus HAD resisted temptation and the devil left him. Jesus came out of the wilderness and began preaching to the people about God.

One day, JESUS STOOD by the shore of Lake Galilee, preaching to the people. So that the crowd would be able to hear him more clearly, He got into A BOAT belonging to Simon, a fisherman. THE BOAT PULLED away from the shore. Then jesus sat down and taught the people from the boat. What an amazing teacher. How does he come by such wisdom?

Turn back to God! Say you’re sorry for the bad things you’ve done and start again...

Who is he? He speaks with such authority.

Is he a prophet? Let’s go further out, where the water’s deep, so you can let down your nets and catch some fish.

He’s the wisest man I’ve ever heard.


The nets were down all last night, and we didn’t catch anything, but we can try again.

When he had finished speaking, jesus turned to Simon.


Jesus helped Simon let down his NETS AND THEY were filled with so many fish that they began to break. Simon signalled to his friends James and John, who were in another boat, to come and help. In the end, both boats were so full of fish THAT THEY began to sink.

So Simon, James, and John left their boats and followed Jesus.

Don’t be afraid! From now on, I want you all to be fishermen of a different kind – I want you to catch people!


It took some time for the boats to make it back to shore. Simon fell at Jesus’ knees, For he did not feel worthy to be with someone who could work such miracles. James and John were also astonished at what had happened. But Jesus spoke reassuringly.


For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.

Jesus Heals the Sick Matthew 7-8; Luke 5, 7, 11

Wherever Jesus went, people gathered TO HEAR him SPEAK.

Wow – it didn’t take long for Jesus to become popular.


A GROUP CARRIED a paralysed man on a bed to lay him before Jesus.

When they could not find a way THROUGH the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him on his bed.


Friend, your sins are forgiven.

I can stand. I can walk!

Please heal me so I may walk again.

The crowd of people grew silent and waited to see what Jesus would do. Jesus spoke to the paralysed man.

Only God can forgive sins. Who does he think he is?

The Pharisees and the teachers of the law complained to each other.

Why are you thinking these things? I’ll show you that I have authority on Earth to forgive sins. Get up, take your bed, and go home.


Jesus knew what they were thinking.

he then spoke to the paralysed man.



This was a lovely meal. Thank you for your hospitality.

If this man were a prophet, he would know what kind of woman she was.

Do stay a little longer.

One day, one of the Pharisees invited Jesus to have dinner AT HIS house.

JESUS decided to ask A QUESTION.

Please forgive my sins.


A woman with a bad reputation learned that Jesus was at the Pharisee’s house, so she came there with an alabaster jar of perfume. She crouched at his feet, weeping, and wet his feet with her tears. Then sHE WIPED HER TEARS with her hair, kissed HIS FEET, and poured perfume on them.

Two people owed money to a moneylender. One owed him five hundred coins, and the other fifty. Neither of them had the money to pay him back, so he forgave the debts of both. Now which of them will love him more?


I came into your house. You did not give me any water for my feet, but this woman wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair.

I suppose the one who had the bigger debt.

She has been forgiven a great deal and now shows great love.

You are correct.

I say to you, my child, your sins are forgiven.



He forgave her sins?

The other guests began to talk among themselves.

Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.

Yes, be clean!

While Jesus was in one of the towns, a man came along who had leprosy. HE begged Jesus for help. Jesus touched him.

the leprosy left the man. Your faith has saved you. Go now, in peace. I am clean!

Thank you, sir.



Then Jesus ordered him not to tell anyone what had happened.

When Jesus entered Capernaum, a Roman Soldier ASKED HIM to heal his servant, who was very ill. the Roman Soldier left him and returned to fIND his servant healed.

Don’t say anything to anyone, but go and show yourself to the priest, and offer a sacrifice.

But the news SPREAD AND MANY people came to hear Jesus and to be healed of their illnesses.

Jesus was moved by his faith.

Please help me!




The Sermon on the Mount Matthew 5-6, 8, 10

Is Jesus going to go to Jerusalem?

He still has work to do.

Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who mistreat you.


There, on the hill, Jesus TAUGHT THEM about God, and about how to live their lives.


Treat people in the same way that you would like to be treated.

Don’t judge other people, and then God won’t judge you. Be fair to everyone.

Jesus came down from the hill. He HEADED TO THE LAKE WITH his disciples and the crowds, and decided to cross to the opposite shore.

When you pray, this is what you should say: “Our Father in heaven...”


Jesus also taught them how to pray.

Jesus got into the boat and his disciples followed.

The boat was some distance from the shore when all at once a great storm hit the lake. Jesus WAS asleep.


Teacher, don’t go by the road, for there are two men that will attack you. Everyone in the village is scared of them.

Save us, Lord! The boat might sink any minute! Why are you so frightened? What little faith you have!

Take me to them.

When Jesus reached LAND, a villager came to him.

The disciples went to wake Jesus.

What do you want?

Be still!

Jesus calmly approached the men. We have seen another miracle.

Come out, evil spirits!


Jesus made his way to the side of the boat. HE ordered the wind and waves to stop, and immediately all was calm.

He ordered the evil spirits to leave the men, and the men were healed.


I am telling you, I saw it with my own eyes! He walked right up to them. They were going to attack, but when they saw him, they stopped. Then he ordered the evil spirits to come out, and they did!

Jesus chose twelve of his followers to help him in his work: JOHN and JAMES, THE SONs OF ZEBEDEE; Simon; MATTHEW; BARTHOLOMEW; JUDAS Iscariot; JAMES, THE SON OF ALPHAEUS; Simon the Patriot; PHILIP; Thaddaeus; THOMAS; and ANDREW.

Can it be true?

A man who saw this went into the town and told the crowd how Jesus had cast out the evil spirits.

Whoever humbles himself like a child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

Jesus continued on his way. He went to many towns and villages teaching people about God.


Jesus gave his twelve disciples authority to cast out evil spirits and to cure every kind of ailment and disease.


jesus’ parables Matthew 13; Luke 10, 15

Jesus came by the lakeside once more. many people gathered around him to hear him speak. Jesus has a lot of followers now. How will he teach them all?

To make it easier for everyone to remember and understand his teaching, he often used parables. I’m sure he’ll find a way.

Listen to this story of the sower.



A sower went out to sow his fields, as it had become the time for planting. He walked along, scattering the seeds as he went. some seeds fell along the footpath.

THE SEEDS SPROUTED QUICKLY, BUT WHEN THE SUN shone, THE WHEAT became SCORCHED AND withered. Other seeds fell among thistles and the weeds choked the wheat.


These seeds could not grow, and the birds came and ate them up.

Some of the seeds fell on rocky ground, where THERE WAS not much soil.

But some seeds fell on good soil. They took root and began to grow. soon they grew into wheat that was strong and tall, some plants providing as much as a hundred grains.


The seed that falls among thistles represents someone who hears the word of God, but is choked by their everyday worries and desire to be rich.

When the disciples did not know what the story meant, Jesus explained it to them.

But the seed that falls on good soil is the person who hears the word of God and understands it, and bears much fruit.

The seed that falls on the footpath is like anyone who hears the word of God but doesn’t understand it – the Devil snatches what has been sown in their hearts.


The seed that falls on rocky ground is like a man who is joyful when he hears the word of God, but it doesn’t take hold, and when trouble comes, he falls away.


Teacher, what shall I do to have eternal life?

What is written in the Scriptures?

JESUS journeyed on. One day, he went into a Synagogue. A teacher of the Law came and spoke to him. He wanted to trap Jesus.

The mustard seed is the smallest of all seeds. a man put one into the ground. Love God and love your neighbour.

But who is my neighbour?



But when it grew, it became bigger than any plant – it became a tree, so big that birds came and made their nests in its branches. The kingdom of heaven is like this.


Now by chance a Priest was going down that road; and when he saw the injured man, he thought to himself, “There must be danger nearby – I’d better be on my way.” So he passed by on the other side, without helping the injured man.


A man was going down the road from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped and beat him, and then hurried off, leaving him half dead on the side of the road.

a Levite walked along the same road, and when he saw the injured man, he too passed by on the other side.


But a Samaritan came to where the man lay on the side of the road. He STOPPED and POURED oil and wine ON HIS WOUNDS and bandaged them. Then he put the man on his horse, brought him to an inn, AND CARED FOR him throughout the night.

Who acted like a neighbour toward the injured man?

The man who was kind to him.

Jesus looked down at the teacher of the Law.

Go, then, and do the same.


The next morning, the Samaritan took out two coins and gave them to the innkeeper, saying, “Take care of him, and whatever else you spend, I will repay you when I come back.�


IF A MAN with a hundred sheep has lost one of them, does he not leave the ninety-nine on the hillside, and go looking for the one that is lost, until IT IS FOUND?

Jesus Feeds 5,000 people Matthew 14

I think I’m beginning to understand how these parables work.

Wait until you see what he does next!

Come and celebrate with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost!


When he has found it, he lays it across his shoulders and carries it home, rejoicing. Then he calls together his friends and neighbours to celebrate with him. In the same way, there will be more joy in Heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine good people who need no repentance.


All we have here is five loaves and two fish. Master, the people must be hungry. We should let them go away to the nearest towns and find food.

One evening, THE DISCIPLES came to speak to Jesus. All Day jesus had healed people and now it was late.

There is no need for them to go; give them what we have.


Jesus asked the Disciples to bring him the small amount of food that they had.

JESUS said a prayer of thanks and then gave the loaves and fish to the disciples to distribute among the people.


It’s a miracle!

Jesus Walks on Water Matthew 14, 16

The disciples passed around the bread and fish, but it did not run out. Is there anything Jesus can’t do? He’s so talented!

There were over 5,000 people in the crowd, and they All ate to their heart’s content. The scraps left over were enough to fill twelve great baskets.


Like Father, like Son!


The disciples WERE frightened.

No, it’s me. Don’t be afraid!

The Sun was setting and Jesus told the disciples to go on ahead of him by boat to the other side of the lake. Jesus then went up the hillside to pray alone. It’s a ghost!

Several hours later, the disciples saw something in the distance. Lord, if it is you, tell me to come to you over the water.

Come to me, Simon.


As The Sun began to rise, they saw Jesus coming toward them. HE WAS WALKING ON THE WATER!


Simon stepped forward.

Simon stepped down from the boat, and walked on the water toward Jesus. when Simon noticed that there was a strong wind, he was struck with fear and began sinking. He cried out. Jesus took his hand and held him up. Then they both made their way to the boat.

Save me, Lord!

Who do people say I am?

One day, Jesus went with his disciples to a place near Caesarea Philippi. On the way, he asked them a question.

John the Baptist.



Some just say you’re one of the prophets.


Who do you say I am?

You are the messiah, the Son of the living God.

Jesus Raises Lazarus John 11

His miracles get more and more amazing. Well said, Simon! You did not learn that from any human being; it was revealed to you by God, my Father in heaven. And I say this to you: you are Peter, the rock; and on this rock I will build my church.


The disciples all hesitated except Simon. Jesus gave Simon a new name – Peter – which means “rock”. Then he told the disciples that he had to go to Jerusalem, where he would be beaten and put to death, BUT that he would rise again three days later.

This one will blow you away.


Philip, please take a message to Jesus: tell him his friend Lazarus is very ill.

A man named Lazarus was ill. He lived in the town of Bethany, as did his sisters, Mary and Martha.

Jesus chose not to rush immediately to Lazarus’s side. he stayed two more days in the place where he was. HE WANTED TO SHOW THEM THE POWER OF God.

Let’s go back to Judea. I must visit Lazarus. I’ll go straight away.

Is that a good idea, Master? The people there wanted to stone you.


Lazarus’s sister was the same Mary who had anointed Jesus with PERFUME and wiped his feet with her hair. Mary knew that Jesus would be able to help.

After two days, Jesus told his Disciples that they would be returning to Judea.


Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. But even now I know that God will give you anything you wish for.

Lazarus is asleep. I will go and wake him. If he is just asleep, Master, he will get well again.

Jesus understood their concern and confusion. he HAD NOT REVEALED his plan to them.

No, Lazarus is dead. But let’s go to him anyway.


When they arrived, Lazarus had already been in the tomb four days. MARTHA went to meet Jesus, but Mary stayed in the house.

Whoever believes in me will live, though they may die. And whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?

Yes, Lord.


Jesus told the disciples that Lazarus was dead.

Lazarus! Lazarus! Come out!

Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died! Please show me where you have buried him.

WHEN Mary finally saw Jesus, she once again dropped to his feet and began TO SOB. Jesus was very moved and asked Mary to show him Lazarus’s tomb.

Lazarus’s tomb was a cave made out of the rock, and a large stone lay against the opening. The men pushed and pulled the stone, and slowly it moved to one side. Jesus thanked God and then called out in a loud voice.

Take away the stone!


Jesus then walked over to the tomb, and spoke in a commanding voice.



Go into the village that is just ahead, and you will find a donkey tied to a post. Untie it and bring it to me.

Jesus goes to Jerusalem Matthew 21

On to Jerusalem!

The time of Passover was approaching, and Jesus and his disciples were on their way to Jerusalem. Jesus told two of his disciples to go on ahead to the nearest village.

Yes, that’s right! Enough groundwork has been laid. Jesus is ready to begin the end.

The end?


This was foretold through the prophet, who said: “Look – your King is coming to you... riding on a donkey.”


The disciples found a donkey exactly as Jesus had described.

Now I must go to Jerusalem.

Lead on.

Will you come with me?


They put some clothes over its back. Then Jesus sat on it.


Some of the CROWD WONDERED who he was.

Who is he?

This is Jesus of Nazareth!

people from all around rushed to greet jesus.


He triumphantly entered Jerusalem. People laid their cloaks and palm leaves on the ground before him.


Once Jesus entered the city, he made his way to the Temple. he was filled with outrage at what he saw: there were money changers and people buying and selling wares in order to make a profit. Jesus grabbed a rope.

Jesus in Jerusalem Matthew 21-23

Now it’s time for my Son to challenge the authorities.

Get out of my Father’s house!



He drove out all who were buying and selling there.

Which is the greatest commandment?

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” This is the greatest commandment.

The teachers of the Law wanted to test Jesus.

Do you hear what these children are saying?

The second most important commandment is this: “Love your neighbour as you love yourself.” The whole Law of Moses and the teachings of the prophets are based on these two commandments.


Later, the blind and the lame came to Jesus at the temple, and he healed them. the chief priests and teachers of the Law were indignant when they heard children praising Jesus.


the Pharisees TRIED again.

The Pharisees tried to trap Jesus under Roman law.

Teacher, we know that you are a man of integrity and that you teach the way of God. Tell us, is it right to pay taxes to the Roman emperor or not?

You must be careful to do they tell you. But do not the way they do, for they always practise what they

everything behave in do not preach.

You hypocrites! Show me a coin.


Everything they do is done for people to see: they love the place of honour at banquets and the most important seats in the synagogues; they love to be called “Teacher” by others.

Whose is on coin? whose

image this And name?

You are not to be called “Teacher”, for you have one teacher. For those who make themselves great will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be made great. The emperor’s. Then give the emperor what belongs to the emperor and to God what belongs to God.


They brought him a coin and he asked them a question.


Thank you – you arranged everything just as I wanted.

Jesus’ Final Days Matthew 26-27; Luke 23

On the first day of the Festival, the disciples made arrangements, following Jesus’ instructions, to celebrate the Passover meal at the house of a man in the city. The crucial moment has arrived. My plan will be fulfilled.

It’s not going to be easy, is it?

One of you will betray me. Surely you don’t mean me, Teacher?

No – his greatest challenges are ahead of him.

The one who dips his bread into the bowl with me will betray me. How terrible it will be for the person who does this. It would be better for him if he had not been born.


while they were eating, Jesus revealed that one of them would betray him. Judas pretended not to know anything about it.


Take this bread and eat it; this is my body. Take this cup and drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many, for the forgiveness of sins.

Jesus took some bread and said a prayer of thanks. Then he broke it and DIVIDED IT AMONG THE DISCIPLES. Next he took a cup of wine and blessed it. Jesus handed it to the disciples and they all drank from it.

Who is it you want?

Jesus of Nazareth.


Later that evening, Jesus left with his disciples and went to the garden of Gethsemane to pray and reflect. Much later Judas came to the garden, together with soldiers from the chief priests and the Pharisees. They CARRIED torches, lanterns, and weapons.

Judas then came up to Jesus and kissed him on the cheek. This was a signal to show the guards which one was Jesus.


THEN JESUS WAS ARRESTED. If you are looking for me, then let these men go.

The guards stepped forward.

Put your sword away, Peter! All those who live by the sword will die by the sword.

Is it true, what I hear about your disciples and your teaching?

Why are you questioning me like this? I have taught openly, hiding nothing.


Then Peter, who had a sword, drew it and struck the high priest’s servant, cutting off his right ear. Jesus immediately TOLD him to put his sword away.

Peter followed Jesus and the officials to the high priest’s house, and waited outside.


Are you the messiah, the Son of God? This man has been leading our people astray by claiming he is the messiah.

Jesus was brought before Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor. The Pharisees began to state their case against Jesus to the Governor.

It is you who say this.

Are you the king of the Jews?

Does this question come from you or have other people told you about me?



Pilate took Jesus into his palace TO QUESTION him.

The man has done nothing wrong!

They want me to have you killed. Why?

My kingdom is not of this world. If it was, do you think my followers would have let the Pharisees hand me over? I come willingly.

Pilate ADDRESSED THE priests and the crowd.

But his teaching causes riots wherever he goes – all over Judea, from Galilee to Jerusalem!

Well, then, send this man to Herod and let him judge whether he’s guilty or innocent.


Pilate sent jesus to Herod Antipas. According to the law, Galilee was under Herod’s control, and Herod happened to be in Jerusalem at the time.


Nothing this man has done calls for the death penalty. So I will have him flogged, and then I will release him.

Are you the one that can perform miracles? If you are, then do one for me. Prove to me that you’re no fool.

Pilate called EVERYONE TOGETHER AND announced his verdict. Each Passover, a prisoner could be set free.

What’s wrong with him? Why isn’t he answering?

Kill him!

Kill him!

Kill him! Kill him!


Herod was delighted to meet Jesus, because he had heard much about him. He asked Jesus question after question, but Jesus refused to answer. HE WAS finally sent back to Pilate.

But with one voice the crowd shouted, “Kill him and release Barabbas!” Barabbas had been put in prison for rioting and murder.


Why? What crime has he committed? I have found no reason to sentence him to death.

Jesus was handed over to the Roman soldiers. He was then stripped and beaten, and a crown of thorns was placed on his head.

Crucify him!

Crucify him!

Crucify him!

Crucify him!


For the third time Pilate declared that Jesus was innocent, but the mob insisted that Jesus should be crucified. So Pilate sentenced Jesus to die and released Barabbas.

Next, Jesus carried his cross through the city, heading out to Golgotha, which means “the place of The Skull�.



At the edge of the city, Jesus could no longer bear the weight of the cross and collapsed. A man named Simon, who was from Cyrene, happened to be coming in from the countryside. The soldiers seized him and forced him to carry the cross instead.

OTHER CRIMINALS were led out to be executed along with Jesus. When they came to Golgotha, the soldiers nailed Jesus to the cross and set it upright. The criminals were also hung on crosses – one to the right of Jesus and one to the left.


So you’re the messiah, are you? Prove it by saving yourself – and us, too, while you’re at it!

We deserve to die for our crimes, but this man hasn’t done anything wrong. Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.

The Death And Resurrection of Jesus Matthew 27-28; Luke 23-24

I can’t look... I have to turn away.

I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise.

I know. But this was all part of the plan...


One of the criminals hanging beside Jesus started to mock and insult him, but the other man spoke humbly.


One of the members of the high council was a good man named Joseph. He had not agreed with the decision of the other religious leaders. He WANTed Jesus’ body to be treated with respect, so he went to Pilate and asked for it.

Father, I entrust my spirit into your hands!

Then, Joseph wrapped the body in a long sheet of linen cloth and laid it in a new tomb that had been carved out of rock. By nightfall, Jesus’ body had been placed inside and the tomb had been sealed, and now soldiers stood guard.


By this time it was afternoon, and darkness fell across the whole land. The light from the sun was gone. Then Jesus cried out, and with those words he breathed his last living breath.


He is not here – he is alive!

He’s gone! All that’s left is his white cloth!


Go and tell his disciples! How did that happen?

very early on Sunday morning, Mary, Jesus’ mother, and Mary Magdalene took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. They were very surprised to find that the stone had been rolled away from the tomb, and, when they entered, they could not see Jesus’ body.

suddenly, two men in dazzingly white clothes stood in front of them.


It’s true – Jesus has risen from the dead!

Yeah, right!

the women rushed to tell the disciples all that they had seen.


Peter ran to the tomb and saw that it was empty, except for the white linen cloth.

Peter returned to the other disciples, amazed at what had happened...


That same day, two of Jesus’ followers were going to a village called Emmaus, about eleven kilometres from Jerusalem. Jesus himself came up and walked along with them, but they did not recognize him.

Jesus IS TAKEN UP to Heaven

Matthew 28; Luke 24; John 20; Acts 1

What are you discussing?

You see, I told you it would all work out.



What has been happening?

You must be the only person to visit Jerusalem who doesn’t know what’s been happening there in the last few days.

We’re really sad. We thought Jesus was someone special who would change things. Some people say he’s risen from the dead but we haven’t seen him.

How foolish you are, and how slow to believe all that the prophets have said! Don’t you see that the messiah had to suffer these things before he could enter into glory?

Please stay to eat with us, for it is already getting dark.


They were surprised that Jesus did not know about the recent events in Jerusalem and told him everything.

When they arrived at the village of Emmaus, the followers urged JESUS TO stay and have dinner WITH THEM.


Peace be with you.

While Jesus was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it, and began to SHARE IT WITH them. Their eyes opened wide as they finally recognized him, but he quickly disappeared from their sight.

While they were talking about this, Jesus himself appeared among them.

At once, they returned to Jerusalem. There they found the other disciples and TOLD THEM WHAT had HAPPENED. Touch me and you’ll see I’m real – a ghost doesn’t have flesh and bones, but I do!



They were startled and frightened.

Thomas, touch my hands and my side. Now stop doubting and believe! My Lord and my God!

The Scriptures say that the messiah will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day. You have witnessed everything that has happened; and now you must tell the world about how people’s sins can be forgiven. You can begin here, in Jerusalem! I am going to send you a helper, as my Father has promised.


Thomas hadn’t been with the disciples then. He didn’t believe what they said and wanted proof. A week later, Jesus appeared again and showed Thomas his hands and the wounds in his side.

Jesus explained to the disciples how his deaTH and resurrection had been written about in the Scriptures, and that they now had a very important job to do with God’s help.


It is time for me to leave you. Go into the world with my blessing.

Then Jesus took his disciples to Bethany, where he lifted up his hands and blessed them.

Make people my followers wherever you go. I will always be with you.


Jesus then left them and was taken up to heaven.


The disciples returned to Jerusalem and gathered together frequently to pray to God.

Whoever believes in me will have eternal life.


Soon after, on the day of Pentecost, the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit sent by God to help and encourage them. And from that day they began to spread Jesus’ message all around the world.

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