1 minute read
Washington Dangerous Waste
One variation from the Federal regulations is easy to spot right away for generators in Washington—the state refers to regulated wastes as “dangerous wastes.” The differences don’t end there.
Washington DOE requires annual training for dangerous waste personnel. (WAC 173-303-200(9))
Washington Dangerous Waste Management
Key Learning Objectives:
$449 per student
Online (RCRA 380)
• Help meet WA DOE’s annual training requirement for dangerous waste personnel.
• Build skills you need to apply the latest State regulations to your site’s waste.
• Identify State rules that are different and/or more stringent than the Federal RCRA regulations.
This training covers what generators in Washington State must know to properly identify, manage, recycle, and dispose of regulated dangerous wastes, including unique waste ID criteria and waste codes, state-specific exclusions, rules for wastes containing PCBs, and more.