kfz-Betrieb Special English

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SPECIAL August 2012



Prospects and Potentials Made in Germany

e c n a m r o f r y Pe n a m r e G n i e d ma

Since 1957, demanding car owners in Germany have used and trusted LIQUI MOLY. Our Company offers the highest quality motor oils and additives for both gasoline and diesel engines. Isn‘t it time YOU discover LIQUI MOLY?

Ausgabe 7/2012


A true stirrer LIQUI MOLY takes on the big boys of its industry


Success by humanity Interview with Ernst Prost, CEO and owner of LIQUI MOLY


On the road to becoming the global market leader Export offers potential for future growth


Always a little better Gerhard Riedmüller, Head of Export Business on perspectives abroad


Everything under one lubricant roof LIQUI MOLY the full range provider


Wellness for the workshop LIQUI MOLY‘s thought-through components and tools


A strong troupe Interview with Günter Hiermaier, Head of National Sales


„LIQUI MOLY? That‘s okay!“ Kfz-Schertl: A perfect partner


LIQUI MOLY: the smart alternative Auto Tischler goes its own path


Black on white 1a-certificates for LIQUI-MOLY additives


The difference: neither small nor delicate Workshops have to observe oil releases increasingly often


Learning is not just for school! LIQUI MOLY offers many trainings for workshop employees


Come in, take part Workshops can actively contribute at LIQUI MOLY


Known all over town How operations can profit from a brand‘s popularity


We do what others can‘t Interview with Peter Baumann, Head of Marketing


Right in the middle LIQUI MOLY is present at many trade fairs


Let us introduce: „Sir“ LIQUI MOLY The first place in consumer surveys


An online shopping tour LIQUI MOLY supports workshops in self-marketing as well


Likable brand ambassadors Helping others to increase our brand popularity


The many faces of success The people behind LIQUI MOLY


Impressum kfz-betrieb


David vs. Goliath These days, where do we go first  to book holidays, buy books or  look for a car or partner? That‘s  right – we go online. We Tweet,  post and Skype; our world becomes more and more „online“.  Even the small car workshop  around the corner has its own  homepage now, and Jane Bloggs  can register her car for   a license all on her own on the  World Wide Web.

Photo: Archive


The modern achievements of the  fully networked computer era  have their benefits. However,  Wolfgang Michel, chief editor »kfz-betrieb«. they also show us their downsides. Man as a worker has become an expensive asset as compared to his colleagues Bit and Byte.  More and more often, business life  takes place elsewhere in spite of  the prosperity we enjoy in this country. Many companies save staff  here and focus on different markets. All the more pleasing is it to learn  that some companies counter this trend. These companies don‘t just  make ends meet „somehow“ – they prosper and expand continually.  One of them is LIQUI MOLY. The lubrication multitalent from Ulm proves every day that it is possible to persevere as a David among many Goliaths, even in the tough  competitive environment everyone from the industry is aware of. How?  It‘s simple: the Ulm company counters common trends. It invests in  workers as the most likely largest field service team in its industry. It  offers its customers not only products, but also the required tools and  aids. It does not „invent“ things and then figures out how to market  them. Instead, it asks its customers, the car workshops, about their  needs and provides the answers. In a nutshell: LIQUI MOLY does what  others often merely talk about; they offer true added value. This »kfz-betrieb« special issued a bundled overview of the comprehensive product and service offers of the medium-sized business while also  providing an insight into the community that represents the lubricant  and chemicals specialist‘s success far beyond the borders of Germany.  In spite of all technology that is the basis for state-of-the-art concepts,  man is at the focus here. As a reader here and as a customer at LIQUI  MOLY, you are at the focus.

Das »kfz-betrieb-Spezial« ist als Supplement dem Träger-Titel »kfz-betrieb« beigelegt. Geschäftsführung Stefan Rühling (Vorsitz) Florian Fischer Ernst Haack Günter Schürger

Druck Vogel Druck und Medienservice GmbH, 97204 Höchberg

Redaktion Wolfgang Michel (Chefredakteur), Steffen Dominsky

Anschrift von Verlag und Redaktion Vogel Business Media GmbH & Co. KG Max-Planck-Str. 7/9, 97082 Würzburg Tel.: 0049-(0)931/4 18 - 24 17 Fax: 0049-(0)931/4 18 - 20 60 http://www.vogel.de

Koordination und Schlussredaktion Ute Jaxtheimer Fotos: Liqui Moly, Steffen Dominsky Layout Werner Heimerl Herstellung Franz Fenn

Special 2012

Erfüllungsort und Gerichtsstand Würzburg

Leserservice Birgit Rüdel/Ursula Zeiss, Tel.: 0049-(0)931/4 18 - 24 17 Fax: 0049-(0)931/4 18 - 20 60 E-Mail: birgit.ruedel@vogel.de ursula.zeiss@vogel.de

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Past and Present

A True Stirrer A small but sophisticated company successfully competes among the big boys of its industry What do many known lubricant providers of the  automotive industry have in common? That‘s right:  Many of them are huge as well as very old companies. Most of them produced lots of oil from  their founding, growing richer and more powerful  over time. For their customers, they became increasingly slow-moving and anonymous at the  same time. Customised action disappeared into  oblivion.  Business with products specifically for motor  vehicles, such as motor and gear oil and related  products, have become no more than a nice extra  for many of these companies. After all, the „Multi“  make their cash at the gas stations and airports  of this world. As so often in life, this rule has a  pleasant exception as well; one lubricant producer went down a different path and has remained  on it ever since. For him, people are at the focus  of all action, rather than stock values. For him,  economic success is tantamount to social responsibility. His products are reactions to his customers‘  specific needs. His name is LIQUI MOLY. The once-tiny company was founded around a  product specifically developed for the automotive  industry – and even more specifically for the engines. The operation founded in Ulm in 1957 held  the patent for production of molybdenum sul-

phide, a crystalline mineral with a friction-reducing effect. Inventive as the Swabian people are,  they developed it into a motor oil additive that  improves the lubrication properties of the oil and  extends the engine‘s service life. It protects the  engine even when no oil is present for lubrication  anymore. Turning this ingenious invention and  business idea into the company name was the  most obvious idea at the time. „Liquid molybdenum sulphide“ became “LIQUI MOLY”.

The Additive Experts The logical result from this is that LIQUI MOLY  has been dealing with the development and production of oil additives for more than half a century. In the course of decades, the company has  developed great competence and lots of know-how  in this very sophisticated market segment. As a  consequence,  LIQUI  MOLY  is  now  by  far  the  number one in oil and fuel additives. Many tests  of independent institutes have also confirmed that  their products keep their promises, in contrast to  many competitor products. In particular car operations can profit from and with additives. They  are highly welcome problem solvers and attractive  customer commitment instruments in one.

The brand logo across time

Logo until 1976

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Logo until 1982

Logo until 2002

Current logo

First advertising motif: Ad from 1956.

For many years, the range comprised additives  only. Towards the end of the 1970s, it was expanded to lubricants, first among them motor oils.  Both number and bandwidth of the products increased continually. This development even picked  up speed at the beginning of the new millennium.  Today, car care products, workshop supplies and  special  service  products  are  part  of  the  LIQUI  MOLY range as well as motor and gear oils and  additives. More than 4,000 items in total are offered by the company. In spite of a stagnating or  even reducing overall market, demand increased  with the offer. It‘s hard to believe that from 1999

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to 2010, the team manager Ernst Prost was  able to triple turnover! Even in 2009, the year  of crisis, turnover and revenue remained stable  against any market trend. This applied for the  market shares as well. In 2011, LIQUI MOLY  was able to climb to first place of the Gesellschaft für Konsumforschung‘s Panelmarkt “KFZ  Chemie”, displacing long-term market leader  Castrol from the lubricant throne. The survey  of January to October 2011 comprises car accessory trade, DIY shops, Cash & Carry with  consumer  markets,  department  stores  and  mail-order businesses.

The Benefit of Brand Value Success does not happen by accident. It is  based on high media presence of the brand  in the last two years, which made consumers  more aware of the LIQUI-MOLY products. Everyone advertises, of course. The Ulm company  has apparently done things a little different  or better than competition here as well. This  has not only brought them first place in the  mentioned large-area store but also created  increasing demand for its products across the  country among car operations. Prost’s team  has managed to do one thing ahead of everyone  else among the lubricant and workshop concept  providers; it has firmly anchored its brand in the  heads of car drivers! The car industry also greatly  profits from this. Workshops receive a welcome  opportunity  of  transferring  the  “power”  of  the  LIQUI MOLY brand to their CI and service, which  is a perfect symbiosis, the specialists say. Not only does the positive brand image of its  lubricant benefit the automotive industry, but its  offered range is just as great. With its thoughtthrough structure, LIQUI MOLY deals with workshops as a true “full-range provider”, enabling  car operations to buy everything they need in  addition to lubricants and additives from the  chemical-technical area from a single provider.  The best thing about it is that LIQUI MOLY not

Produced and bottled in Germany: lubricants by LIQUI MOLY.

only provides its partners with high-quality and  functional products, but the workshops will also  receive  the  right  tools,  aids  and  trainings  for  them. This satisfies workshops, drivers and the  company. At only 55 years and not quite 600 employees,  the medium-sized business from Ulm around company manager and owner Ernst Prost is not only  a young but also a “slim” company in the automotive lubricant business – and that‘s what it behaves like as well. While the industry‘s big boys  are often commercially and humanly slow-moving  on set tracks, LIQUI MOLY quickly adapts to market requirements and therefore the wishes of its

customers. Competition-free instruments like a  “workshop council” create new service ideas and  products up from the basis, enabling workshops  and companies to achieve a currently rare degree  of cooperation. Its business model is based on  interaction on eye level. The company‘s leaders  are certain that this approach could be exported  successfully as well. At this time, LIQUI MOLY delivers its products  to more than 100 countries around the world and  the number is ever increasing. Again, the combination of thought-through concepts combined with  technical competence, “Made in Germany” falls  on economically fertile soil for the benefit of everyone involved. It is hardly surprising that the Ulm  company is always looking ahead rather than back  as well.

Then and now: Additives over time.

Special 2012

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Success by Humanity Ernst Prost, CEO and owner of LIQUI MOLY on entrepreneurial principles with a humane appearance Editor: LIQUI MOLY is swimming on a wave of success. Are you satisfied with what you have achieved? Ernst Prost: For 22 years, I have been working for  and with LIQUI MOLY in different functions. One  must never be satisfied – not as marketing manager, not as sales manager and not as executive  manager. Satisfaction leads to over-saturation and  a loss of effort. If you are satisfied in your business,  you stop looking ahead. This does not lead to  success but to stagnation and, by extension, to  backwards movement, degradation and failure. I  must never be satisfied. Can you still look back with a positive result? I do not look back. What‘s past is past. I prefer  focusing on new ideas, new tasks. I have visions  that I, or we all, pursue every day in our high-set  goals and challenges. Working in this is more fun  for me than looking back and praising my own  work. I, and all of us at LIQUI MOLY, prefer looking forward and actively tackling the future. This  doesn‘t mean charging blindly ahead. We have  defined structures, precise requirements and accurate schedules. We have very good business  management instruments in place that we act  according to. We leave others to act upon “wishful  thinking”. Why do you link economic action with strong social commitment? That‘s because of my origin and my experience  from early childhood. I come from what many  would call “the very bottom”. Everyone wants to  get away from there and move upward. This has  always driven people to become ambitious and  motivated. If you are able to bundle this drive in  a targeted fashion, a little luck and a good and  motivated team can take your ambition to results  and, in turn, to success. I am in the lucky situation  of being able to put my entire energy into the  company, which leads to visible success of LIQUI  MOLY as well.  Why is Ernst Prost the person he is? I wanted to take the consequences of my  experience at school and on the job. There  were things I didn‘t like. I wanted to be a  better boss than that. I have this goal in  mind every single day. You can demonstrate  against the problems in society, politics and  economy, as we used to. You can also, as I have  chosen to do as an executive, do things differently and better yourself. This means managing  a company with propriety, respect and love – with

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love  for  work  and  for  the  customer. Why do so few entrepreneurs act as you do? The idea that I am a laudable exception is not right. There are not  so very few who act as I do. They  are quite frequent among medium-sized  businesses.  There  are  entrepreneurs  who  think  in  the  long  term  and  sustainably,  act  properly and treat their employees  well and who do not engage in tax  evasion and fraud against other  people.  The  latter  specifically  is  something you hear often because  the  black  sheep  that  are  found  everywhere are often focused on.  It is easy to overlook all the white  ones. No one reports on someone  being decent, paying his taxes and  doing his work properly. Except when he‘s Ernst Prost? The  media  noticed  me  and  decided  to  report  on  me.  I  don‘t  know why. There are thousands  like me. In any case, some have  This was the company‘s foundation once: Ernst Prost with one of the many additive products. followed our example. They have  been motivated to act as we do. We  have triggered a thinking process in some circles  matter how good I am, I don‘t stand a chance on  people in need. I do not like the idea of publiciof economy and the financial industry. This is part  my own. I need my people to reach the goals we  ty-relevant donations here and there, like some  of the feedback I get regularly. Many didn‘t seem  have set. others do. to know that things could be done differently and  that values like humility, humanity and love can  Is producing good products enough for a company Do you have any goals left in life? If so, which lead to economic success. We phrased it like this  today? ones? once: We are not successful and still humane – we  I have been saying for 20 years that it is not. The  I have some, specifically in the business area. They  product is the basis. Added to it are the right  are goals derived from our visions and dreams. We  marketing and sales. You also have to be good  want to become the global market leader. I am  as a company and act properly and correctly as  certain that we will acquire an important position  You can be successful part of society. Pay your taxes, maintain your site,  in every country of the world in the course of the  with values like humility, create training positions, maintain jobs and pay  next 20 years with motor oils and lubricants. All  proper wages. Otherwise, society will oust you.  600 of us want to convert our ideas to direct suchumanity and love. Just look at Schlecker there. The products were  cess. I personally would like to have a little more  just as good as the competitor ones, but the mafreedom again. Not free time, I can take that at  are successful because we are humane. You can do  nagement  was  not.  Customers  then  stopped  any time. I mean freedom, light-heartedness, not  it without exploiting people, without pressure, withbuying from this provider. Things have to match,  being encumbered. This is mainly due to my media  out the whip. Never confuse this with Laisser-faire,  now more than ever, since transparency has inappearances in the last two years. The price for  though, or negligence. I can and I have to be hard  creased in society.  them has been very high. I am generally happy,  as well. I have to make unpopular decisions at need.  but I would like to take care of myself a bit again  I have to sack people who deserved it. If I didn‘t do  Do you have role models? in future. There‘s life before death as well after all  that, if I wasn‘t consistent here, the company would  Of course. Mother Theresa and Mahatma Gandhi  (laughs). be in danger of deteriorating. are personalities who have been and still are role  models for me in their social conduct. I have also  Personal information been inspired by interesting people from econoWhat is the employees‘ role for you? Ernst Prost (55) They aren‘t employees. They are colleagues. They  my that I met: Grete Schickedanz, Max Grundig,  ▶  CEO and owner of LIQUI MOLY GmbH are my companions and co-entrepreneurs. When  Reinhold Würth and Manfred Maus of Obi. I have  ▶   Career: car mechanic, marketing and sales  things go bad, they suffer with me. When things  role models who, I think, did their job in life well  manager at Hoffmann Sonax Chemie KG,   work well, they are my partners in success. This is  and others who did the same in business. I try to  marketing and sales manager for specialist  what my company is about. The team – the organcombine the two: economic success with social  trade LIQUI MOLY, manager of LIQUI MOLY ism – has to work as a whole. The community has  benefits for the society. I want to help others. I  ▶  Marital status: unmarried, one son to be strong, healthy and success-oriented. No  just founded a foundation for efficiently helping

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Foreign Markets

The Goal: Global Market Leadership Export offers the potential that LIQUI MOLY needs for future growth much  lower  outside  of  these  countries.  LIQUI  MOLY has to adjust its products accordingly to be  accepted on the respective market. This doesn‘t  mean reverting to “low budget products”. Quite  the opposite. Special motor oils are created for  these countries to cover the local needs. State-ofthe-art vehicle engines require low-sulphuric fuels  to meet current exhaust standards like the Euro5/6. The non-industrial countries mentioned often  only have a single fuel available, and that tends  to have too much of a sulphur content, which puts  a strain on the motor oil. These markets need an  oil that neutralises these contaminations to meet  the vehicle producers‘ requirements. Many large lubricant providers have terminated their contracts with general importers in  the last years to supply the markets on their own

LIQUI MOLY is present even in South America, as it is here in Montevideo, Uruguay.

Once, the German market was deemed a guarantor  for growth and security for the medium-sized business. Times have since changed. Not only does the  number of citizens go back, but those of them who  have cars use them less and less. That‘s a problem  for the lubricant market as well. All of a sudden,  remote places become much more interesting. Foreign countries come closer and closer as welcome  sales markets. LIQUI MOLY feels this as well. In  contrast to many others, however, the Ulm company has recognised the situation early on and  reacted to it. It has been busy in developing many  foreign markets or creating the prerequisites for it. LIQUI MOLY maintains dedicated subsidiaries  in Portugal, South Africa, the US and China. There

Welcome to the LIQUI-MOLY Shop in Jordan.

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is a sales office in Shanghai, as well as in Thailand, Australia and other states. In some other  countries,  the  company  cooperates  with  sales  partners. New markets can be developed quicker  and more easily with a partner on site assuming  sales work. However, these partners usually cannot act as efficiently as you can yourself. The  company knows its own products and history best.  Therefore, the Swabia lubricant pros act in a differentiated manner. This is also shown by the  single exception from the above rule: The market  in the former Soviet Union, where LIQUI MOLY  started development with a partner 15 years ago.  Success  is  still  great,  so  there  is  no  reason  to  change anything about it. The  managers  of  LIQUI MOLY consider  countries with lots of  workshops to offer the  greatest growth potential. These include, for  example,  the  US  and  Brazil and other places  where  the  company  has shown little activity before. Even though  the  technical  level  of  classic  brand  workshops  and  free  workshops  is  nearly  the  same in the industrial  nations, the standard  of  free  workshops  is

This workshop in Malaysia also trusts in the lubricant brand from far-away Ulm.

at virtually any price. Most brands have many  production sites so that the national dealer can  choose from where to buy his lubricants. This  leads to a competition that is harmful for the  brand. Such oil companies run danger of destroying their own brand image by causing price deterioration. The Ulm company, in contrast, focuses on long-term trust-based cooperation. With  them, partners can be certain that cooperation  will continue today, tomorrow and next week.  They help develop the brand and convey planning safety to create trust. Even though Ernst Prost‘s call to becoming the  global market leader sounds very ambitious, he  and his team have doubled turnover every four  years since 1999. The question is not whether or  not it is possible – the question is when. The Ulm  ladies and gentlemen have long recognised the  signs of the time. You don‘t seriously doubt that,  do you?

Special 2012



Always a Little Better Gerhard Riedmüller, Head of Export Business on perspectives abroad Editor: What does export mean for LIQUI MOLY? Gerhard Riedmüller: Until just a few years ago, the  export share at LIQUI MOLY was at 30 to 40 percent. By now, we are selling more than half of our  products abroad. We assume that the export share  will be about twice the national sales in the next  five to ten years. Why do you think this is the case? There are about 850 million vehicles in the world. About 40 million  of them drive on German roads.  The lubricant markets of the countries  we  focused  on  less  before  with  their  810  million  vehicles  would lead to truly great growth  potential if we can develop them  successfully. Why did export pick up so clearly  in the last five years? The  economy,  in  particularly  in  China, saw above-average development in this period. The global demand on the other markets remains  stable  or  grew  only  little.  We,  in  contrast, have always grown when  we clearly increased our investment  in manpower in the respective countries. For example, the staff of our  export department has grown from  nine  in  2001  to  60  today.  This  makes us able to act much more  successfully to begin with. Is international expansion difficult  for a medium-sized business? The  big  multi-national  groups  present in all countries based on  fuel and power sales see lubricant  sales as a little extra, if that. It is a  fraction of their business. For us,  sale of lubricants and other products is 100 percent of our business.  Therefore, we have to find ways of  persevering next to the big players.  We need to be a little bit better  than they are. The big groups focus  on volume only. They focus less on  the end consumer and the workshop. We, in contrast, would like to  sell concepts. We support our customers intensely. We support them  with trainings, with tools needed  for their service business. We en-

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able their own brand identity and other things  that large groups do not offer.

task as well as the opportunity to design visions  for their markets that match those of the company. In contrast to other companies, there are no  dedicated guidelines and provisions for action  How is export organised at LIQUI MOLY? We have 15 so-called export area managers in Ulm  abroad. Our salespeople make their own decisions  who support the respective markets. They have the  on where they go when, how and where they can  find the most successful and most  sustainable  transactions  in  the  Experience with long term. They are free in making  international business: their decisions. This has enabled  Head of Export Business Gerhard Riedmüller us  to  successfully  develop  new  markets,  e.g.  in  many  African  states, which we nor our competitors would not have been able to  do otherwise. Are you equally successful on all  markets? Not at all. Our offers are accepted  differently in different countries,  based on local attitude. There are  still countries that are very pricesensitive and where people cannot  afford a lot. With increasing vehicle  quality,  the  demand  among  drivers  and  workshops  for  top  products and professional support  in matters of lubricants increases  as well, however. Speaking  of  “high-quality  vehicles”: How important is Made in  Germany? Generally,  wherever  vehicles  are  sold with “Made in Germany” as a  sales argument, Made in Germany  is important for selling lubricants  as well. German car equals German  oil.  Products  made  in  Germany still have a very good reputation. There‘s a reason for this, of  course. Our oils offer a much better  quality than oils from other countries.

Personal information Gerhard Riedmüller (61) ▶  Head of Export Business ▶   Career: with LIQUI MOLY since 1973;  first as sales clerk in sales, responsible for  global export since 2000 ▶  Marital status: married, two children

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The offer

Everything under One Lubricant Roof A motto with a thousand facets: LIQUI MOLY – the full range provider “Time is money.” Everyone knows this old and ohso-true proverb. It applies particularly for those who, like car workshops, sell time in the form of services. It is all the more annoying to waste lots of time for “administrative” tasks. Many workshops are facing similar problems. They usually have to contact many suppliers to get their products, tools or information for their service business. With all

Smart and very helpful: Practical concepts such as the gear-oil cabinet.

the time and money required for this, it is truly annoying. When “sensitive” items are procured from different sources, there also is a risk of them not working together well. One company is very aware of this: LIQUI MOLY. The “all-rounder” in matters of lubricants and car chemistry has a good reason for claiming to be what others can only dream of: a full range provider. Car workshops can get nearly anything they need from the areas of oils including grease, additives, car care products and workshop chemistry from the company from Ulm. No matter if their business is aligned with car, industrial vehicle, bicycle or garden tool and boat services, from motor and gear oil to break cleaners to comprehensive skin care concepts – many products, a very wide range but only a single contact! The LIQUI MOLY business concept has been based on lubricants for about three decades. Oils are the most impor-



tant product group. If you expect to see motor and gear oils for cars, industrial vehicles and bicycles but nothing else, have a look at www.liqui-moly.de and check out the sections of “lubricants” or “motor oils”. You will find the oils named as well as oils for tractors, boats, vintage cars, lawn mowers and chainsaws, gas engines and so on. The gear oil section is similar in appearance. Additionally, there is a wide range of other special products like hydraulics and compressor oils, grease, pastes, etc. The company offers anything from PTFE dry lubricants to silicone Air-conditioning service? Get your solution from LIQUI MOLY! grease to brake assembly pastes. Have a look! of the all-round offer. Once, classic motor oil adAs a very special feature, LIQUI ditives held the monopoly in additive matters. MOLY offers car workshops not only Today, they are supplemented by a growing these lubricants, but also the tools and number of fuel additives. Again, even “niche products” that cause quite a few providers to only shrug aids required for their application. You can buy the matching gear oil filling device for your gear oil canister in Ulm More than 4,000 items in total: as well. The grease gun to match your the LIQUI MOLY range. grease bucket is easily available. Isn‘t it sensible to offer the right waste oil extraction device for the fresh oil you sell? Why doesn‘t your previous lubricant supplier offer an oil binder? We‘re sure that it has asked itself these questions a couple of times in the past as well. The additive group is, often also technically, connected to the lubricants. Once the main focus and namesake of LIQUI MOLY, the segment of practical and handy service aids is the second column


when asked about them, are part of LIQUI MOLY‘s serial offer. This includes wearing protection additives for gas-powered vehicles as well as special gear oil additives. Speaking of “special”, the offer also includes a specialist for any situation. There is a large selection of products that every workshop needs all the time: handy can-shaped helpers for quick service use in the blink of an eye. This range goes from “evergreens” such as rust removers and spray-on grease to leak search spray to liquid starting aids. All in all, there are several thousand items. This doesn‘t even include the comprehensive range of vehicle care products. It covers anything from top cleaners to rubber care to

The matching service tools for window repairs from LIQUI MOLY.

glossy spray-on wax. “Too much to list”, you would say. Once again, LIQUI MOLY offers a bandwidth that is truly unique. Are you still looking for more? We have it! The busy Swabians have summarised many products every workshop needs as well in the category of “gluing and sealing”. The range goes from adhesive and sealing material cartridges to cavity and underfloor sealants to window repair sets. Once again, LIQUI MOLY provides car workshops with a great selection of products and the matching tools required for processing. The company can do even better than this. LIQUI MOLY supports its partner companies with

service components that make it easier for workshops to render services in a more targeted manner and increase efficiency and turnover such as in car window installations. Dedicated, specifically developed concepts, such as a particle filter cleaning system, permit operations to also develop new market segments and therefore revenue sources and to differentiate from service competitors in this manner. If you want to learn more about this, turn the page! You think that‘s everything? Far from it! In spite of comprising more than 4,000 items already, the in-house range is growing every day. This is ensured not only by the LIQUI MOLY employee family but also by you. You, exactly! The many car workshops across the country. Like no other, this all-rounder keeps an eye on its customers. It notes the needs, wishes and suggestions and, in contrast to many competitors, puts them into practice accordingly if possible and sensible. Read more on how this works in practise on page 23. The “workshop council” example shown there quickly illustrates that things work a bit differently in Ulm. Maybe a bit better.

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Value-added service concepts: e.g. the air conditioning cleaning system.

Workshop Concepts

Wellness for the Workshop LIQUI MOLY‘s thought-through components and tools render everyday work more efficient Are you surprised to see wellness and workshop  in a single sentence? You‘ll be amazed. That‘s  just what LIQUI MOLY offers to car workshops,  far more than “just” top lubricants and additives.  LIQUI MOLY offers instruments with true added  value. Instruments that either help develop new  business fields or permit achieving additional  turnover – or both. Instruments that quite simply  make it easier to be successful an therefore relax  the car business a little more. It really isn’t that  different from wellness, is it? Not only has the company from Ulm the probably largest field service team in the German  lubricant business to always stay in close contact  with you, the customer, (see p. 14 et seq.). With  the “Workshop council” it also has a unique instrument that helps in trying out products and  services in a practice-oriented manner (see p. 23)  or to develop them in the first place. Ideas and  suggestions for these often come from the council – from you and your equals. On the other  hand, the LIQUI MOLY Headquarters have many  creative heads on site who look beyond the rims

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LIQUI MOLY has the matching concept answer for windshield removal as well.

of their teacups to use the opportunities provided by a medium-sized company with flat hierarchies, short paths to decision and personal  interaction. Since this is the case, the Ulm company keeps  surprising workshops with inventive and successful  functions that are often unique in the industry.   A good classic example invented by LIQUI MOLY,  often copied and never surpassed, is the oil cabinet. With simple looks from the outside, it hides  great benefits inside. Workshops can store many  different oil types cleanly, securely and space-efficiently in it with its lockable metal cabinet with  space for twelve 20-litre canisters or eight canisters and two 60-litre oil barrels. It comes with an  integrated collection tray for dripped oil and practical door compartments for useful extras like the  in-house oil guide. The same applies for its little  brother, the gear oil cabinet. In it, users can store  three 20-litre-canisters and 18 one-litre-cans as  practically. It can also be locked and has an extensive collection tray. By the way, the gear oil  cabinet has a twin in the motorcycle oil cabinet.

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We highly recommend it to any motorcycle workshop. Recyclable oil containers have also been in the  LIQUI  MOLY  offer  since  before  other  lubricant  providers even thought about the subject of environmental protection. It is a 60- or 120-litre oil  barrel, the collection device and oil separator required by law as well as a mobile oil cabinet in  one. It is even environmentally compatible; the  recycling-principle stainless steel oil containers  can be refilled and reused – great, isn‘t it? The  benefits for the workshop are clear: No annoying  emptying of residue and disposal of disposable  packages, no constructional requirements in operation. It‘s even available without any surcharge,  but at the same price as classic barrel goods. Optional  devices  such  as  pumps,  tapping  guns,  hoses, counters and rolling frames are available  free of charge in the scope of a provision and usage agreement. LIQUI MOLY partners can face  disposable waste oil calmly as well. All used lubricants will be easily disposed by in-house disposal  partner “Partslife” free of charge. The same applies  for empty cans and canisters.

Service Segments Deliberately Covered

One container – a dozen benefits: the reusable oil container.

MOLY if they hadn‘t also included the matching  service concept. This means that workshops receive not only the product, but also the tools they  need; in this case in the form of a cleaning gun  with application nozzles. Since the market offers  nothing that matches the demands of the Ulm  companies, they developed their own nozzles and  now have them produced. The cherry on this cake  once again is the practical aid serially provided  to the specialist in the form of information on  how to get to the vaporiser in the different vehi-

cle types, as well as the matching advertising  media for end customer contact. As mentioned before, the LIQUI MOLY team  always thinks about how to improve present products and concepts or how to develop new ones.  This is often triggered by the often-quoted practical experience that cannot, as we all know, be  replaced. The “tyre assembly spray” is one example.  Increasing  wheel  rim  diameters  and  connected low tyre cross-sections make quick and  correct application of tyres more difficult for workshops. There are also systems like “runflat” that  turn comparably soft tyres truly tough. This is what  the tyre assembly spray is meant for. Car workshops can mount the tyres faster, more cleanly and  safely with this aid that offers great creep and  sliding  properties  to  accelerate  mounting  and  unmounting of the tyres. At the same time, it keeps  them from slipping on the rim. You won‘t even  have to engage in the annoying removal of excess  mounting past from the tyre flank as usual. You want to see another example? Here you  go: The “throttle cleaner”. Its development was  based on an idea straight from the workshops,  from people like you. For a long time, they had  the problem of throttle bodies being contaminated and coked on a regular basis. The oftenelaborate removal and difficult manual cleaning  process was an annoyance for workshops and  owners alike. The workshops wanted a time and  cost-efficient alternative. LIQUI MOLY responded  without delay and was the first to offer the service front the matching tool. It is a spray that  cleans these components without disassembly,  easily, quickly and economically, making everyday work a little easier for them. It‘s all about  wellness.

Are your ears hurting from that big car glass  provider‘s advertising jingle? Is it starting to get  entrepreneurially annoying as well? Think about  taking the business with windshield and co. (back)  in your own hands. You can get lots of support  from LIQUI MOLY. The lubricant and chemistry  professional offers the adhesives and sealants, as  well as providing workshops with the necessary  tools. From glass scrapers to suction lifters, from  windshield block to cartridge heaters  and  adhesive  guns,  the  Ulm  company offers everything you can  think of. They even add their Autoglas-Info  as  the  cherry  on  this  cake.  Autoglas-Info  is  an  online  software  that  supports  partner  workshops  in  diverse  aspects.  It  tells them which pane is need for  each given vehicle type, helps calculate costs and even assumes the  correspondence  with  insurances  and customers. What else could a  workshop wish for? A stink around you or your customers may be caused by an air  conditioning  that  has  last  been  disinfected so long ago that you  can  smell  the  need  for  service.  That‘s why the LIQUI MOLY range  for state-of-the-art air conditioning service offers not only urgently needed compressor oils, but also  cleaning agents and disinfectants  for the popular cooling systems.  LIQUI  MOLY  wouldn‘t  be  LIQUI  The throttle cleaner makes elaborate service work obsolete in the blink of an eye.

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A Strong Team Günter Hiermaier, Head of National Sales on the interrelation of success and man power Editor: Mr Hiermaier, how does business go? Günter Hiermaier: It‘s going great. For quite some  time, our annual growth has been in the twodigit percentage area. In parallel with that, we  were able to continually increase the number of  our employees, in particular in field service. We  have now more than 100 field service employees  and therefore are able to support our four sales  channels in the best possible fashion. Which are those? They are car parts trade, car workshops and car  dealers, as well as large-area stores with consumer markets like DIY stores and supermarkets, and  the industrial area. We deliver our products right  to production for the vehicle producers and also  produce for these “private-label products”. On the  other hand, we provide our special lubricants to

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the vehicle supply industry. It, in turn, enters the  products in vehicle production in the form of system components. Which one of the four areas has developed best? The best dynamics could be found in car parts trade  with its connected workshop concepts. We have  nearly doubled our turnover there in the last four  years. The large-area business has developed very  well. Even though we are a comparably young lubricant provider – LIQUI MOLY started with the  production of additives in 1957 and only expanded  its range to motor oils in the late 1970‘s – they hold  a share of roughly two thirds of our turnover now. What are your objectives for the future? We will continue our growth strategy. Our market  share in the free car parts trade still offers suffi-

cient potential for noticeable growth for LIQUI  MOLY. This also applies for the segment of brandbound car workshops. We will continue to increase  our brand presence here together with the automotive industry and the downstream service organisations. How do you want to continue growing on the market for motor oils? It is shrinking here, after all. This area is very clearly subject to predatory competition; reducing annual mileage, increasing oil  change intervals, low oil volumes in the motors  – to name only the most important reasons – make  the cake smaller for everyone around. However,  we believe that rather than the biggest player, the  best one will prevail. This is usually the one who  keeps his ear closer to the market, supports his  customers comprehensively and reacts to their

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wishes and suggestions in an adequate  manner. We can provide all of this with  our wide-spread field service that we  continually improved while our competitors often reduce their sales teams. What benefits does this sales strength have for workshops? On the one hand, our customers enjoy  on-going specialist consulting on-site  for their lubricant business. Field service consults the operations on the service offer, gives them security regarding  correct use of lubricants and acts as an  uncomplicated  problem  solver  if  required.  Additionally,  our  colleagues  from the service hotline, among them  eight application technicians, will help  the car workshops at any time if they  need help in technical matters. We, in  turn, see a strong field service as a mediator for customer contact available  at any time.

sale. This gives us a certain financial  disadvantage as compared to providers who only or directly supply the car  trade. We balance out this handicap  with our comprehensive branding concepts and our strong field service. How did the steep increase of the prices for raw oil in the last years affect your product? We are an oil factory, but not a refinery. We have to purchase basic oils and  additive packages that we need for our  high-performance  lubricants  on  the  free market. The raw oil price increased  steeply in the last years and caused a  corresponding  noticeable  price  increase here. This is more of a disadvantage for us than it would be for a large  mineral oil group. The currency differences also play a part on this. We pay  for  our  raw  materials  in  US  dollar,  which went up by more than 15 percent as compared to the Euro in the  last twelve months. At the same time,  we cannot adjust the sales prices of  our lubricants directly to the global  market situation. Competition, in particular in the area of volume products,  does not allow this. Still, we cannot  avoid moderate price adjustments.

Why do you have a separate sales team for the industrial vehicle area? A workshop for industrial vehicles is set  up differently than one for private cars.  For example, they can hardly make any  Günter Hiermaier has been a member of the LIQUI MOLY team for 22 years. money from the purchase and sale of  He is responsible for sales in Germany and Austria. lubricants. An industrial vehicle owner  will see oils as a cost driver only. Since the precise  demand  here  in  the  car  specialist  workshops   How important is the foreign market for LIQUI opposite may be the case and special products,  as well.   like oils for smooth running, may noticeably reduce  MOLY? operating costs, a truck workshop needs to apIs high brand popularity the only LIQUI MOLY Export is very important to us. By now, it has a  proach its customers very differently. We have  characteristic that workshops can profit from? share in excess of 50 percent in the LIQUI MOLY  been supporting the workshops, forwarders and  Certainly not! We also offer products reserved for  turnover, and it still keeps rising. We support our  fleets on-site with ten dedicated industrial vehicle  specialist workshops, like the additives and lubriinternational markets with dedicated export area  team  members  across  Germany  for  about  two  cants of our “Pro Line”. These products have a  managers, who in turn closely cooperate with local  importers. The only exception is Austria, where we  years  to  convey  facts  like  this  in  the  required  qualified manner. pursue the same sales philosophy as on the German market, using the car parts dealers. Not the size of a company is Workshops are not happy that drivers may also buy a motor oil brand they offer in wholesale or Speaking of export: How important is it that a important for success, but DIY shops. Why do you still insist on selling in product is produced in Germany? rather comprehensive custoso-called “Cash and Carry Markets”? “Made in Germany” is still a very important quality  seal.  This  particularly  applies  for  high-tech  A brand always has the claim to availability. We  mer service and marketability. ensure this for our products by using the large area  products like state-of-the-art lubricants and addias a sales channel as well. Higher availability and  tives. Of course, a brand like LIQUI MOLY that  brand popularity in general will increase specific  produces in Germany exclusively, profits of this. If  different formulation and concentration, differing  a customer abroad purchases a premium product  clearly from the do-it-yourself items for large area  like a German car, he will often put great store in  Personal information sales. The workshop thus has a specific product  also having service products like motor and gear  Günter Hiermaier (48) oils that are “Made in Germany”. This makes it  and still profits from the LIQUI MOLY brand pop▶   Head of National Sales at LIQUI MOLY   easier for the car workshops there to sell our prodularity. since 2006  ucts. The addition is printed on all of our interna▶   Career: Trained as an industrial clerk at Sonax,  tional products. Together with the German product  How happy are you with development of the pricKey-Account Manager specialist trade at LIQUI  notes, it symbolises the high LIQUI MOLY quality  es you can achieve on the market for your prodMOLY since 1990, then sales manager specialist  standard,  as  is  also  documented  by  the  great  ucts? trade, then overall sales manager Germany and  authorised signatory, sales manager Germany  number of oil releases that we have received and  Every lubricant provider is subject to great comand Austria since 2004 petitive pressure. Added to this is that we are the  continually receive from nearly all renowned vehi▶   Marital status: married, three children only renowned branded oil producer to develop  cle producers. the workshop business under inclusion of whole-

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In Practice

“LIQUI MOLY? That‘s Okay!” Kfz-Schertl: a perfect partner for lubricant suppliers – unfortunately, it‘s already taken Let‘s not beat around the bush; the Upper Palatinate has a rather brittle charm. If they say “that‘s  okay”, they mean “it‘s truly outstanding!”. On the  other hand, the residents of the former zone edge  territories in North-Eastern Bavaria will initially  stay clear of anything unknown – or so they say.  Heribert Schertl, from Vilsek in the Upper Palatinate, wanted to stick with the old and proven as  well when he was looking for a lubricant partner  for his new workshop. For many years, he was running his car workshop as a secondary business in  his private double-garage. He focused on products  of the popular “C” brand for motor oils, gear oils

and similar products. However, the large group  didn‘t know of that before. After all, Schertl had  purchased the oils he required from his spare parts  supplier at rather homeopathic volumes for a large  group‘s business. There was no direct connection  to the global player. This changed when he opened the quite respectable  new  workshop  on  the  4,000  square  metre field in 2009: An “oil contract” as common  in the industry between the workshop and the  lubricant provider was to become the often-quoted win-win situation for both, Schertl thought. “In  practice, it turned out quickly that they didn‘t want

me as a small free workshop. Apparently, the few  litres of oil per year that I purchase are completely uninteresting for them. The relevant field service  employee ignored me,” the master car mechanic  and expert looks back on the conduct of his alleged partner. Can you imagine what followed? 39-year-old  Schertl made the best of the situation and went  looking  for  another  provider.  He  found  one  in  LIQUI MOLY. “The best provider for me,” Schertl  tells us. Soon after he had contacted his parts  wholesaler and his employee Andre Gradl had  contacted the three other potential field service

“LIQUI MOLY thinks about what car workshops truly need in practice,” says workshop owner Heribert Schertl. The best example are the oil containers.

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contacts of his four “oilers”, Isa Kurt from  the lubricant specialist from Ulm was the  first to visit Schertl. They signed the contract quickly. “They made an effort from the first,  and they still do. They are not in the  least vain or anything – quite the opposite. This is a business relationship on  eye level,” the company‘s owner characterises his “lubricant marriage”. It‘s a  classic marriage, not the kind where you  sign the papers and everyone goes their  own way without thinking about the  other‘s matters. Every four to six weeks,  the LIQUI MOLY field service, now in the  person of Manuel Primus, drops by the  Vilsek workshop. “He asks about whether  there  are  any  problems,  provides  technical help on site and makes sure  that we know about the new offers of  the Swabian oil and additive specialist,”  Schertl tells about the harmonious cooperation. If he needs spontaneous support, he can use the comfortable and  thought-through  online  oil  guide  or  simply call an application technician.  Is your “oil corner” as clean? The oil containers do not need shelves or collection trays. “I‘d like to see you try that with one of  the big guys.” The car specialist is happy about  chanics also can comfortably get the barrels to  with the oil cabinet: After a certain time, equipthe vehicle with a rolling frame and do not need  ment such as barrel pumps, roller frames etc. will  the mid-sized Ulm company and the direct interto run to the warehouse repeatedly for the oil volbecome his property. action. The recently presented LIQUI MOLY particle  ume needed. The returnable concept is also good  for the environment and saves me the effort of  filter cleaner is another example for the Ulm comSensible Concepts Contra emptying residue and collection or disposal of the  pany considering a lubricant partnership to be a  “Blind” Loans used disposable containers.” Again, Schertl uses  symbiosis, as well as for the products and concepts  Many providers want to sell oil, no matter how.  the alternative LIQUI MOLY concept illustrated  it develops that workshops need or that can be  They try to get the workshop to enter into coopused to achieve additional turnover. It permits  eration with low-interest loans or free provision of  cleaning of clogged diesel particle filters (DPF).  workshop equipment. The latter method specifi“In connection with the thought-through probe  cally makes the operations vulnerable in the recurspray system, the cleaner makes parts change or  ring discussion on alleged price rip-off in oils in  the elaborate and time-consuming uninstallation  the car trade. LIQUI MOLY takes a different direcof the DPF unnecessary. This saves high costs for  my customer and I can sell more working time  tion and offers its partner workshops an oil cabinet  that  will  gradually  become  their  property.  than in a filter exchange.” Schertl likes the smart  “Because of the increasing number of oil standards  system where, in contrast to other systems, no  and releases of the manufacturers, we have to  cleaner residue will be left over that may have to  store more and more different oils. If I put up a  be disposed of as hazardous waste. 60 litre barrel of types that I use only once or twice  a  year,  I  will  clog  up  my  warehouse  and  bind  Additives Offer Diverse capital unnecessarily. The practical 20 litre canisOpportunities to Workshops ters can be stored cleanly, safely and space-efficiently in the oil cabinet together with other small  This applies for additives, the second important  packages.” Schertl elaborates on the benefits of  column of LIQUI MOLY, as well: “Many workshop  an alternative provision/usage agreement on this.  owners do not like them much. They think they are  “They think before they make an offer.” without function or believe that using additives  According to him, the same applies to LIQUI  will cause them to lose paid service hours. This is  MOLY in other areas as well. The car workshop  quite simply wrong,” Schertl explains. “We had  purchases its oily fast-movers in returnable stainmany petrol direct injection units in which the  less  steel  barrels  instead  of  the  regular  sheet  customers complained about a repeated slight  metal ones. “It‘s very practical,” the car expert says.  jerking. It turned out that this was caused by de“I don‘t need any bulky shelves into which I have  posits in the fuel system or the combustion areas.”  The fuel additives from the LIQUI MOLY “profesto hoist the heavy barrels, and the oil containers  are certified to permit me to dispense with the  A practical and clean LIQUI MOLY invention: the oil sional” series, available to specialist workshops  cabinet for small packages otherwise mandatory oil collection tray. My meonly, solved this problem quickly. Both the cus-

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tomer and the workshop profited. Schertl counters  the often badly considered prejudice his fellow  industry members voice about additives, “I‘d like  to see the workshop that says that they would  have disassembled the cylinder head, taken apart  half the intake system, classically cleaned everything mechanically and found a customer to pay  a three- or four-digit amount for this.” The team purchases nearly all the items from  the product group of lubricants and the chemicaltechnical area from LIQUI MOLY. “I am happy that  I can get everything from a single source. I cannot  afford using some kind of stuff that works more  or less or not at all. That‘s not even mentioning  the valuable time that I will lose in dealing with

any number of agents – one for this product group,  one for the next – who do nothing but talk a lot,”  the specialist summarises. What about the new  skin protection and care range LIQUI MOLY offers?  “I‘ve ordered it already,” Schertl laughs, saying,  “One thing less to think of.” The Upper Palatinate service specialists have  five to ten orders a day. About one third of his  customer base of 1.300 are US citizens from the  US  military  base  in  the  area  with  its  10,000   residents “They don‘t drive a Golf or Fiat Punto.  They have Ford F150 and pick-up types as well as  unknown Japanese models by default,” Schertl  sketches his everyday oil needs, which aren‘t always easily met even by LIQUI MOLY.

Alfred Kraus also values thought-through workshop concepts like the ASD filling station for brake cleaners.

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Oil by Tank Truck Car workshops with a remote oil system may also  procure LIQUI MOLY oils right from the tank truck.  A lower price and less of an effort in storage and  handling  of  the  lubricants  in  the  workshop  make  the benefits clear. The Ulm specialists use dedicated  container  vehicles  and  three-chamber  trailers  for  packaging-free oil supply. Two separate pump systems with meters and voucher printer fill the tanks  in the workshops. Deliveries will be made within ten  working days of receipt of the order. The minimum  order  volume  is  1,000  litres  per  type.  Those  who  don‘t have a remote oil system yet can save money  with  LIQUI  MOLY  as  well:  Special  multi-purpose  tanks  that  can  bind  the  complete  tank  content  and  therefore  make  separate  collection  devices  obsolete  are  provided  free  of  charge  in  the  scope  of an oil contract.

Rarely is he able to sell his oils to the owners  of those vehicles, even though drivers can expect  truly moderate motor oil prices in a free workshop  as compared to large car dealers. Schertl sells a  litre of 5W-40 at ten Euros, plus taxes. “The Americans pay about three Euros per litre of a US full  synthetic oil even here, so I don‘t even have to  suggest mine,” he explains. If he is allowed to  procure the right lubricant for one of these exotic  vehicles after all, which, while rare, does happen  from time to time, he may rely on LIQUI MOLY‘s  support in the form of the oil guide and free service hotline with true specialists at hand. Still, he  values his US customers like all the others. The  businessman explains their benefits, “They accept  the amount of the cost estimate or invoice as it is.  They don‘t haggle, and I have less problems with  non-paying customers.” Speaking of “value”: Schertl values his lubricant  partner in many aspects. Not only is he thoroughly happy about the product quality LIQUI MOLY  offers, the motor and gear oils also have all vehicle product releases relevant for his service market.  He can cover all everyday lubricant needs with a  single provider. He has experienced some nice  episodes with it as well. “Four, five years ago, most  drivers here hardly knew about LIQUI MOLY. Now,  they come in and go You sell LIQUI MOLY, don‘t  you? I know that brand!. Often, that‘s the first step  to acquiring a new customer,” Schertl describes  the aspect workshops profit of more with LIQUI  MOLY than with most other providers; the brand  popularity and likability of their lubricant provider. Does he think that the brand that didn‘t want  him  back  then  has  regretted  its  decision  yet?  “Maybe,” Master Schertl speculates. The current  business situation suggests it. Once a workshop  with a single journeyman and Schertel‘s wife in  the office has become a respectable company of  nine that also provides agency services for new  cars. Would he even want to change his lubricant  brand? “Why? LIQUI MOLY – that‘s okay,” Schertl  says with a wink.

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In Practice

LIQUI MOLY: The Smart Alternative Contracted workshop – so what? Auto Tischler takes its own path in lubricant technology Things were once much easier for car dealers with their producers. They not only ensured enough of a profit when selling vehicles but also in lubricants. This changed over time. On the one hand, more and more vehicle producers try to push their own lubricant brand onto the market – see MercedesBenz. On the other hand, LIQUI MOLY now is one provider offering contracting partners everything that car workshops used to only get from large brands for the longest time. “I was really surprised to see that they even have a separate field service team for us brand operations,” Alfred Tischler, owner of Auto Tischler and Ford contracting partner in Lower Bavarian Ortenburg says as he looks back onto the first exchange of information with Peter Prechler. The area manager for brand-specific car dealers at LIQUI MOLY dropped by Tischler‘s company one day to tell him about the benefits of a partnership with the company from Ulm. Everyone knows that the German contract dealer world is changing. Once again, it‘s the mediumsized businesses that suffer. Some of the little ones survive while the big players grow even further. “We little ones grow increasingly uninteresting for the

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oil multis here,” Tischler concludes, referring to the lack of sensitivity and reduced dedication of the conventional car dealer oil brands.

Customer Commitment by Additives He likes being considered important and taken serious at LIQUI MOLY. 41-year-old Tischler illustrates the active cooperation: “Prechler actually still works for his money. He regularly drops by, asks questions, provides information and points out new ways of increasing customer commitment and developing new business areas. The best examples are the LIQUI MOLY additives.” Initially, he admits, he was sceptical about the additives as well. “Many providers promise more than their products can keep.” This changed thoroughly; the Ford partner now adds “Professional” series LIQUI MOLY fuel additives to more and more customer vehicle tanks during customer service. “We don‘t do so without comment. We explain to the customer how it works, acts and what benefits the products have. Most can follow our explana-

tion and decide to use the additive. Many of our regular customers say “You know, with the additive like always” when they hand over their car for customer service,” Tischler contentedly summarises his own sales practice. The additive business has become a fixed part of his service offer in the meantime. The master car mechanic describes his daily practice, “The technology in our cars become more and more sophisticated and the tolerances grow increasingly narrow. If tiny parameters are off, problems will often result, in particular, the fuel areas. It‘s the same for common-rail diesel and direct injection petrol engines.” Of course, he earns some money with the LIQUI MOLY additives as well. However, it is more important to him that this professional service aid helps him avoid many of the problems named before they occur or to remove them after the fact. “The most important thing is that we always give our customers the impression that we are a bit better and faster in meeting their automotive needs than one of the big players might. Size alone has never been decisive for success,” Tischler says.

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Black on White 1a-certificates for LIQUI-MOLY additives from an independent Test Institute You know what? I don‘t think you had straight As  at school either. If so, you know what it‘s like. You  will remember the feeling we had every half year  when the grade sheets were rolling around. Although we generally knew where we were, there  was this kind of insecurity factor in the air. How  will the grades come out in detail? The LIQUI MOLY team faced this question or  situation as well, even though they were deemed  exemplary students where additives are concerned.  After all, they had been developing and producing  many different additives for motor oil, fuels and  the cooling circuit in their home base in Ulm for  more than half a century and were rightfully convinced of their efficiency and quality. In-house  tests, various examinations by larger and smaller  test  companies  and  the  positive  experience  of  many drivers and workshops – it‘s all quite well.  Still,  we  wanted  to  know  how  the  top  experts  would devaluate the quality and performance of  our products. What kind of grades would we get? Automobil-Prüftechnik Landau GmbH (APL),  with about 1,000 employees, is the largest independent test institution in the car industry in Europe. At more than 180 engine test benches, it  provides diverse test opportunities for engines,

gears, components and entire drive trains to car,  engine and gear producers. Volkswagen, Daimler  and  co.  are  frequent  but  top secret customers here!  The  Ulm  company  sent  three of its liquid troubleshooters to APL to have them  subjected to an all-round inspection. “I admit that my colleagues  and  I  were  sceptical  about the performance of these  additives  before  the  examinations,” Peter Kunz, team manager  oil and fuel tests at APL says, adding, “LIQUI MOLY was and still is  the  only  company  in  the  aftersales  market  that  volunteered  to  have  its  products tested by APL.” In plain English: The inspection specialist set the  All three products had great results in the APL test. standards very high. Kunz and his colleagues were all the  more surprised when their computers put out the  not even half as good. Another positive murmur  first test bench results: a motor oil with LIQUI  went through the sacred halls of APL when they  MOLYs  Cera  Tec,  a  ceramics  wear  protection,  received the Injection Cleaner result. 230 millireached resilience level nine in a classic gear wear  grams of deposits formed in a 60-hour long-term  test. Without this additive, it was at stage four,  test at the valves of a Mercedes-M111 test engine.  The same engine‘s deposits were  only at 27 milligrams, about 90  percent less, with the Injection  Cleaner.  The Super Diesel additive to  clean the injection system and  valves  in  diesel  engines  was  a  surprise for the APL inspectors as  well. In the 64-hour test bench  run, the additive was able to noticeably reduce artificial deposits  built up by zinc compounds.  The  final  expert  result  is  straight  As!  The  Landau  team  was so surprised and convinced  by the results that they now use  the Injection Cleaner and Super  Diesel additive as well to keep  some of their test engines clean  and  free  of  deposits.  The  only  thing LIQUI MOLY might be sad  about is that APL doesn‘t offer a  nice, colourful seal for their packages. However, they did issue a  great grade sheet. Isn‘t that what  counts? The test equipment of APL Landau, one of the largest car test companies.

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Standards and Releases

Neither Small nor Delicate Difference Workshops increasingly often have to observe manufacturers‘ oil releases The (advertising) world is often “creative” and tricky at once. It tends to use clever phrasings to circumnavigate facts and truths that may lead to King Customer now taking this or that specific product. Car specialists are not immune to such advertising phrases where release standards for motor oils are concerned. Do you know the difference between “meets” and “corresponds to”? The known ACEA and API-standards are often used only as a general reference “basis” these days. More and more vehicle producers start demanding their own standards for the lubricants used in their engines and gears. Complying with them and using the corresponding oils is sensible for drivers and workshops alone, not only within the warranty/guarantee or goodwill period. After all, the vehicle is to remain a joy for its owner for as long and with as little problems as possible. Car producers coordinate the lubricant with the engine at hand more and more precisely, already including it in development as a “construction element”. Only this permits reducing engine-internal friction further – as in fuel-saving oils – and longer replacement intervals – as in long-life oils. More and more sophisticated exhaust aftertreatment systems require use of increasingly specific motor oils. For example, the “low-” and “mid-SAPS

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oils” have a lower heavy-metal share for vehicles with particle filters. Therefore, car workshops should always use lubricants released by the respective producer for the oil change. The “all clear” is not in sight. Quite the opposite. Car workshops will have to keep an eye on producer-specific release standards in the future. The number of individual oil standards is expected to increase, at least within Europe. Not only LIQUI MOLY is convinced of this. Unfortunately, as is often the case in life, there are some black sheep as well. Some lubricant providers cannot or do not want to make the effort to use the corresponding, sometimes “expensive“ raw materials and additives for their oils. Others cannot or do not want to

go through the effort of having their products inspected for quality and performance by the producer in question to get the respective release. Both costs money, after all. LIQUI MOLY differs: This lubricant David among the big-brand Goliaths ensures that its products meet the producer standards named to ensure that workshops and end consumers can use the right oil. LIQUI MOLY invests greatly in this, in particular in research and development. The excellent result is that they meet the motor oil releases of all manufacturers in Europe. It‘s a feat to be truly proud of! Therefore, LIQUI MOLY oils state “meets” standard XY, and never “corresponds to standard XY”. The latter means that no proof has been rendered! It‘s certainly not the small difference it seems to be.

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Trainings and More

Learning Is not just for School! Workshop employees‘ knowledge must be updated regularly

Additional revenue with state-of-the-art service products: This is what LIQUI MOLY Academy teaches.

Supposedly the collective knowledge of mankind  doubles every twelve years. Specialists have good  cause to speak of the “knowledge explosion”. Double the double of the double will amount to quite  a lot at some point. Frequently, things have already  become obsolete and replaced by something new  by the time we learn of them. Everyone notices it  in private and business life alike. The best example  is the rapid development in vehicle technology. For LIQUI MOLY customers to remain up to date  at all times where lubricants, additives and other  chemical products in the workshop are concerned,  the company took the reins in its hands early on  and  introduced  measures.  One  of  them  is  the  “Academy”. This facility supports the people at the  service front with diverse trainings and presentations as well as practical trainings. It conveys cur-

Training at LIQUI MOLY‘s site will include a lab visit for additional knowledge.

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rent knowhow, information on the products and  useful tricks and skills for practice. The trainings are offered by LIQUI MOLY Academy employees adjusted to the customer‘s wishes.  They are designed according to their suggestions  and ideas. Where do they take place? Wherever  you prefer: At the sales partner, the customer or  the headquarters in Ulm. Just ask your relevant  field service employee. He will see to everything  else. The Academy currently offers the following  courses:

▶ Motor and Gear Oils ▶ Industrial Vehicle Lubricants ▶ Additives ▶ Unglazing and Glazing Car Windows ▶ Cleaning Air Conditionings ▶ Oils and Additives For Gas Engines ▶ Professional Plastic Repair ▶ Car Body Sealants and Underfloor Protection ▶ Cleaning Injection Systems ▶ Industrial/Hydraulic Oils and Lubricants ▶ Workshop and Service Products ▶ Professional Composite Glass Repairs  Brand-new and presented for the first time at  Automechanika 2012: The second largest LIQUI  MOLY knowledge dispenser: “hazardous substance  management”. It is a valuable support for everyone handling health and environmentally hazardous substances in everyday operations. As you may  expect, that means nearly any person working in  a car workshop. The old wisdom that “ignorance  is no excuse for law” usually is spot on in this  context. In particular smaller workshops have often only dealt sporadically with things like a list  of hazardous substances, operating instructions,  safety datasheets or danger assessment, if at all.  LIQUI MOLY offers its partners true help for selfhelp with its on-site instruction. The team around Michael Bader provides the  responsible  workshop  operator,  among  others,  with important documents like operating instructions in the scope of the hazardous substance  management concept. It also explains about laws  and regulations. You want to see an example?  Have you ever heard of the new “GHS” before?  No? You should have! The Globally Harmonised  System (GHS) is the internationally consistent version of the warning notes known here as orange  icons. In force since 2009, HGS introduces new  icons step by step as they are used already on  spray cans. Everyone using or storing them should  know what these icons mean. You know… ignorance…

An all-new offer: Instructions in the scope of hazardous substance management.

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Grassroots democracy: The members of the workshop council meet regularly in order to put in their ideas and suggestions for the LIQUI MOLY brand world.

Workshop Council

Come in, Take Part! A dedicated forum enables workshops to actively contribute at LIQUI MOLY They say that “he who pays the piper calls the tune”. That‘s right, but all too often it remains a theoretic principle. After all, it‘s common to buy a product and leave it at that. Having a say about production in terms of improvement of practical benefits is something most can only dream of. This is different at LIQUI MOLY. The company introduced a big grassroots democracy project four years ago. The customers, i.e.… the car work shops, are allowed to “have a say”. The platform for this initially experimental and now firmly established “elective right” is called “workshop council” by the Ulm company. The council acts as a parliament and active partnership between producer and customer. How can we efficiently improve our products and services? Christian Schwer, Key-Account Manager and “president of the parliament” at LIQUI MOLY says about the situation four years ago: “We asked the workshops this simple question and they were unable to answer.” Therefore, the mediumsized business set out on a new path and approached its customers. Since 2008, selected workshop owners/operators meet LIQUI MOLY “delegates” twice a year in a one-day workshop. “We selected the workshops with the field service staff. We wanted to include as many specialists as possible to collect wide-spread feedback on all of our products and services,” Schwer explains how the 15 council members were chosen. The council includes companies from different sections and service focuses. After all, LIQUI MOLY wanted to know

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about what parts of the present offer could be improved and which new things should be added. Each summit meeting starts with a look back upon the last one. The workshop people‘s representatives receive feedback on the suggestions and ideas provided the last time around. Current campaigns, new products or a new marketing concept will be presented then, followed by debate. “We have had members tell us frankly to forget about something because it was nonsense,” council officer Schwer tells about the Swabian model for success. “That‘s just what we need; effective estimates and feedback from those who have to know from practice.” One of the council members is Stefan Schlieck, owner of Auto Schlieck from Menden. The clever master car mechanic thought that being appointed a member of the “G15” Club was both an honour and an obligation. He and his colleagues are not only able to express praise and criticism towards their partner LIQUI MOLY. In contrast to other company regulars‘ meetings, they can also enter their own ideas and have them put into practice. Quite a number of products and services in the LIQUI

MOLY offers originate in the commitment of the workshop council. For example, an automatic gear oil cleaner, the oil change sticker with the precise product designation instead of a general viscosity note or “small things” like the fact that the clothes

A workshop council idea: the service documentation for free workshops.

in the team shop are available in XXL as well now. Another example is visible online; LIQUI MOLY now has its own fan page on Facebook. For the lubricant provider from Ulm, the adventure for “more democracy” has paid off in all respects. “In contrast to others, we are not consulted by corporate consultants, but by our customers or partners,” Schwer summarises. Wouldn‘t we like to see this kind of entrepreneurial understanding more frequently?

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Outdoor Advertising Concepts

Known all over Town This is how companies profit from a brand‘s reputation “I got the advice from my architect,” Karl-Heinz Ott  admits freely. Four years ago, he took over the lease  of the free petrol station in Neu-Ulm‘s Turmstraße.  Ott then went looking for a design concept or eyecatcher for it. He was not going to face the hard  competition without logo and outdoor signals. The  planning specialist‘s suggestion came right on time.  “Take LIQUI MOLY!” And he did. Just a few weeks

after the modernisation, the facility was dressed up  in the elegant colours of the Ulm lubricant specialist. The petrol expert tells us that implementation  went quickThanks to graphic designer Stephanie  Geiger from LIQUI-MOLY‘s marketing department.  How did customers react to the slightly different  petrol station outfit? “Some were surprised and  asked us if LIQUI MOLY is also producing fuel now,“

Ott chuckles. He tells them no, but emphasizes that  he  can  always  offer  them  lubricants  from  the  popular producer. He has a great selection of them  available at all times. If they want a complete oil  change instead of just buying their cars a drink,  they get sent to the workshop across from the station. “You‘ll recognise it easily. It has this popular  logo attached to it,” he says with a wink.

The outer façade of service operations can be designed nicely with the LIQUI MOLY design concept.

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The final corporate design is determined by the workshop. Even car dealers can differ clearly from competition with LIQUI MOLY.

Before-after effect: Petrol stations can be decked out in an advertising-efficient design with the LIQUI MOLY layout as well.

LIQUI MOLY‘s Next Top Model The  lubricant  expert  regularly  awards  a  price  to  the  best  of  the  best.  This  is  not  about  willow-thin  catwalk  beauties,  but  many  car  workshops  and  petrol  stations.  Specifically  those  that  have  designed  their  outer  appearance  in  the  red-blue-white  of LIQUI MOLY‘s corporate identity.  They  profit  double:  Of  the  brand popularity of the company  from  Ulm  among  end  consumers,  and  of  the  awards  for  the  best façade design concepts. The  motto  is:  participation  always  pays  off!  The  costs  for  the  stylish  corporate  approach  are  assumed  by  LIQUI  MOLY  in  full.  If  you  want  to  turn  your  „ugly  duckling“  into  a  pretty  swan,  ask your field service contact for  more information.

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A true eye-catcher in the elegant LIQUI MOLY coat: Tankstelle Ott now and then (small picture).

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We Do what Others Can‘t Peter Baumann, Head of Marketing at LIQUI MOLY, on the added value of a brand Editor: What role does marketing play in our modern multimedia society? Peter Baumann: A good product alone is no longer enough for a company‘s economic success today. Nearly any industry has many good products  today. The customer would hardly notice them  without good marketing. It is important to create  a kind of experience and, in the end, purchasing  need, around an item or service.

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This applies for car workshops and their products and services as well? I think that it is important for a traditional car  workshop to work with popular branded products  that represent quality and have a certain popularity. A workshop profits of transferring these attributes to itself and its work. It makes a difference  if a company can show that it cooperates with  company XY for some product group, e.g. with

LIQUI MOLY for the product group of lubricants.  Our many marketing measures ensure that drivers  connect a certain image and quality to the brand  of LIQUI MOLY. A consumer entering a workshop  working with a brand like LIQUI MOLY knows that  he will receive good products and good service. What are the benefits of car workshops working with the LIQUI MOLY brand?

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We have been able to anchor our  brand in the heads of consumers.  The next great advantage is that  we individually design everything  we offer by way of marketing and  CI services together with our workshop  partners.  One  example  for  this  is  outdoor  advertising.  We  have no standardised advertising  panels in sizes of two metres, four  metres and so on that only bear  the name and logo of the product  or  system  provider.  We  and  our  partners develop a design concept  aligned precisely with his wishes  and  the  local  needs:  With  his  name, logo and services on it. The  workshop determines how things  will look like. This can be transferred to our entire brand concept  with many sales-promoting measures. We do not offer a finished  solution from some construction  kit  system.  While  meaning  high  effort for us, it is just this effort  and the commitment connected to  it that makes us stand out from  competition.  We  do  not  expect  everyone to be the same, instead  reinforcing the respective company‘s brand image.

from practice that some large lubricant providers have made things  very simple for themselves regarding  environmentally  compatible  disposal  of  their  products  in  the  last  few  years,  leaving  it  to  the  workshop  and  merely  issuing  a  “support cheque”. We, in contrast,  have long been helping workshops  with waste disposal by providing  waste oil tanks and pumps as well  as disposal contracts that we have  entered into with the corresponding companies. This meets our and  the workshop‘s responsibility. We  offer concrete solutions. Our partners value this.

You offer many chemical products as well as services down to the windshield repair concept for the car trade in addition to classic lubricants. What is the LIQUI MOLY range made up of? A few years ago, we have decided  to become a strategic partner to  the workshops. This means that  we strive for a full range. We want  to enable our customers to procure all products from the chemically technical area from a single  partner. If our customer faces new  challenges in the automotive servLIQUI MOLY not only offers good ice business, our in-house research  products but also the corresponding tools for successful use and and development department will  marketing. Where do the ideas for see to it that we can provide soluPeter Baumann has been responsible for marketing at LIQUI MOLY since 1993. tions quickly. Our Pro-Line cleaners  this come from? for diesel particle filters are our  We believe that “marketing means  thinking with the customer‘s head”. This means that  What makes a medium-sized business like LIQUI only current example for this. Workshops can usumany ideas, such as our returnable stainless steel  MOLY different from or better than a large group? ally save their customers the costly DPF replaceoil containers or gear oil cabinet, were originally  We focus strongly on man power, in sales as well  ment with them. entered by our customers. If we ask them what they  as in customer service. If I withdraw from Gerneed to successfully work with LIQUI MOLY products  many and have everything done via a call centre  Additives can solve problems as well. Are they senand implement the answers accordingly, we are on  in Budapest, I may not be as close to my customsible for workshops? the right track. We have a sales team of 100 on site  ers and find it hard to put ideas and wishes into  Unfortunately,  many  providers  in  this  product  at the workshops and dealers across Germany. We  practice accordingly. Additionally, we have very  group make great promises and do not keep them.  meet our customers as well as drivers there, taking  short paths to decision, a flat hierarchy and great  This is a defect that frightens off customers. Still,  up their statements, wishes and suggestions and  decision-making freedom. We can react to our  we are the market leader in this segment not only  implementing them in the corresponding measures.  customers‘ needs individually and quickly. This is  in Germany. This is because we only promise what  The LIQUI MOLY concept has been developed in  something many large groups have forgotten toour additives can actually technically keep. We are  this manner. Many can offer good products and a  day. We, and our customers in turn, profit from  very trust-worthy and fact-oriented in development  and testing and can show positive practical results  complete range. In addition, everything you need  this. to match. Both TÜV tests and examinations by  for working with these products successfully is ofYou are pioneers in the oil containers already menAPL, one of the most renowned test and developfered by LIQUI MOLY only. tioned. How important is environmental protection ment institutes of the automotive industry, have  for car workshops today? proven that. Workshops can profit in several ways  Personal information In particular in the product group of lubricants  of using additives. On the one hand, they have a  Peter Baumann (52) and chemistry, car workshops hold great responsensible  solution  in  particular  for  vehicles  for  ▶   Head of Marketing at LIQUI MOLY since 1993 sibility for storage or disposal. There is a great  which the alternative repair would be uneconom▶   Career: Trained as an industrial clerk,   knowledge demand on the side of the companies.  ic for the customer. For example, this is the case  clerk at AEG in Ulm, in marketing at   Therefore, we offer our partners consulting and  when oil is lost. On the other hand, car workshops  LIQUI MOLY since 1986  the corresponding trainings as supporting meascan achieve additional revenue by targeted use of  ▶  Marital status: married, two children ures. Our help is not limited to theory. We know  additives in service and increase customer loyalty.

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Trade Fairs

Right in the Middle Looking for and finding customer contact on many events The LIQUI MOLY brand world is not all you can  see on the regularly more than 400 m2 at Automechanika. Personal meetings with sales consultants,  field  service  employees  and  application  technicians are often at the focus at the trade fair.  You will learn what you always wanted to know  but never quite dared to ask. Product presentations introduce new service concepts and revenue  generators to workshops. A current example is a  cleaning system for diesel particle filters or a repair  concept for composite glass panes. If you have  always wanted to talk to a technician about a

Workshops may gather information first-hand on trade fairs like Automechanika.

Do you agree that personal discussion cannot be  replaced even in times of email and newsletters?  So do we! That‘s why LIQUI MOLY provides information on new products and services as well as  current campaigns not only in bits and bytes, but  also live and in colour on the many trade fairs that  it exhibits at around the world. Mathematically  speaking, the LIQUI MOLY trade fair team is on a  different event every week – in addition to the  international sales partners‘ own appearances!

The clear number one in their trade fair calendar is the biennial Automechanika in Frankfurt am Main. The lubricant and additive professionals presented themselves there in 2012 as  well, setting another clear sign that while nearly all renowned lubricant brands are regularly  missing in Frankfurt – and elsewhere – the Ulm  company has traditionally made an appearance  and is striving to establish contacts within the  car trade.

LIQUI MOLY searches and finds contact with the trade fair audience in China as well.

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Who wouldn‘t want a picture with the LIQUI MOLY trade fair girls?

specific problem, take the opportunity here. The  cherry on this cake is the possibility of taking a  picture at the stall with the attractive LIQUI MOLY  lubricant girls. The trade fair professionals also  provided the right background motif – a BMW of  the Motorsport-Team and sponsoring partner Engstler. They just thought of everything!

Always dedicated: The regional sales teams – here in Italy.

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Let Us Introduce “Sir” LIQUI MOLY LIQUI MOLY has repeatedly made first place in consumer surveys Being knighted by the Queen is a wonderful thing that only few may ever enjoy and that is recognised anywhere. We may not have anything quite like it in Germany, but we do have titles awarded by the people that inspire envy in others. This is the case with LIQUI MOLY. In 2012, the readers of large and popular specialist magazines “knighted” the lubricant specialist from Ulm four times. It raised the company onto a throne to recognise its services like those of none other. The clearest win was that in a one-time Auto Bild survey. When asked who offered good car lubricants, 71 percent of the Auto-Bild readers answered with LIQUI MOLY. The editors say about this outstanding result, “It‘s not some great mineral oil group winning here, but a small German company. Their very personal contact creates trust and popularity among the customers.” Follow-up Castrol made second rank at nearly 20 percentage points less. Interestingly enough, as many as 80,000 (!) readers took part in the elections of the best automotive producers and suppliers. As often as the company from Ulm has been the hunter in the past, they became the hunted in 2012 – at least if looking at the “Best Brand” elections by Auto Motor und Sport. Again, they were able to keep a distance to their pursuers. “What company has products you are convinced of?” was the question that Auto Motor und Sport asked of its readers. 57.3 percent answered with

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“LIQUI MOLY” awarding it first place in the category of lubricants and exactly nine percentage points more than in 2011. “The likeable dedication to the production site of Germany apparently hits

Four awards in a single year: Ernst Prost with the „Motor Klassik Award 2012“.

the right tone and is well received by the audience,” the traditional Stuttgart magazine writes. This survey also saw the great competitors Castrol and Mobil on second and third place respectively. Ten percentage points more than in the previous year cemented a second place at 41 percent in the care product category as another outstanding result. The same is reflected in the elections of the “Top brand 2011” in Auto Zeitung; its readers also liked the Swabian best. The magazine asked about the brands readers had good experience with. Among lubricants, “LIQUI MOLY” was the most frequent answer. In the care product category, the company was named second-most often after Sonax, as in the year before. The success was continued, in chronological order, by the readers of “Motor Klassik” which also voted for LIQUI MOLY as best lubricant brand in the “Best Brand” survey. When asked “What company has products you are convinced of?”, most readers preferred LIQUI MOLY to large groups. This result is special because it is an impressive premier success for the lubricant specialist. The survey took place in a new format and under a new name in 2012. After making second place at 35.5 percent of all votes in the 2009 “Future classics” reader survey, they achieved a full 61.2 percent this year. You can’t get knighted – or rather celebrated by the people – any better than that!

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Shop Concepts

An Online Shopping Tour LIQUI MOLY supports workshops in self-marketing as well

Sports and leisure clothes or coveralls: LIQUI MOLY provides workshops with the matching outfits.

A shopping tour used to require driving to the  town centre or a shopping centre. Now, all you  need to do is go online. LIQUI MOLY also enables  special purchasing experiences online for workshops. What is this about? Quite simply, it is about  giving workshops the possibility of buying many  things for everyday operations at lower costs and  with an advertising-efficient logo. There is a shop  for advertising media, one for leisure and work  clothes and even a construction set that corporate  partners can use for creating their own online appearance.  Just “risk” a look at www.liqui-moly-teamshop. de. In addition to sports and leisure clothing for  anyone, there is a great selection of work clothes specifically for car workshops, comprising anything from T-shirts  to sweat and polo shirts, trousers and jackets to coveralls.  Nothing  will  keep  you  from  meeting a perfect workshop  dress  code.  The  advertising  media  shop  permits  even  smaller  operations  to  dress  their employees in a modern  and  consistent  fashion.  All  products are applied with the  LIQUI MOLY logo – as well as  the customer‘s own design elements like the workshop‘s scrip-

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ture!  Workshops  can  thus  acquire  corporate  or  leisure  clothes  designed  to  their  wishes  with  a  strong brand logo.  Another online offer is the “advertising media shop” (www.liquimoly. print-server.net). It is a logical supplement for the team shop. As the  name suggests, the advertising media shop offers many things that  every company needs, from stationary to license plate holders to the  flag  for  the  outdoor  mast.  These  items  are  also  branded  with  the  Ulm  brand‘s

logo. The main benefit is lower costs. The second  one is that buying things from a single source usually saves time, nerves and costs for the workshop  as compared to purchasing from several sources.  Large  or  small,  the  number  is  unimportant.  LIQUI MOLY gradually developed its online shop.  This applies for items that are not directly subjectrelated to the Ulm company‘s own products and  services.  They  include  posters  that  indicate  the  change from summer to winter tyres and reminder  cards for the pending general inspection. Any workshop can pick the parts from the offer that it wants  to use and that it thinks will help its business. Since  all  good  things  come  in  threes,  LIQUI  MOLY has another online concept at hand: the selfmade website. In cooperation with telecommunications service provider 1&1, the company offers a  construction kit with which car workshops can build  a professional website in just a few steps. It‘s like  an online calling card – text and design templates  in the LIQUI MOLY style included. The idea is bound  on the outdoor design concept (p. 24 a. 25). The  declared objective of all online offers: Any service  of the lubricant professional is to have a proven  effect on the customer by image gain or, better yet,  by generating more orders. No workshop can fault  us for that, can they?

The LIQUI MOLY offers a great selection to workshops in the areas of customer loyalty, organisation or other purposes.

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Likable Brand Ambassadors Helping others to increase our brand popularity

Sports conveys brand values in the LIQUI MOLY team Engstler at car races,

Sponsoring goes with perfect marketing like oil goes with an engine. It has a long tradition at LIQUI MOLY. In the past, the Ulm company supported the TSV 1860 Munich in the Federal soccer league and ski jumping during the Four Hills Tournament. At the moment, the corporate logo decorates the dress of the basketball players of Ratiopharm Ulm and all bibs in the young athletes‘ area and the new arena. The basketball players advertise on national and international levels. The same goes for motor sports. Sponsoring is almost an obligation for lubricant providers there, where LIQUI MOLY shows strong presence as well. The focus of automotive public relations is on the racing team of Franz Engstler, which successfully put itself in the spotlight with its BMW-3 racing car repeatedly in the touring car world championship and the ADAC-Procar series. The LIQUI MOLY logo was involved every time, prominently shown to the racing sports fans in Europe, North and South America, Africa and Asia. As a quick and likeable brand ambassador, LIQUI MOLY cooperates with the “local heroes” of the motor sports scene on foreign markets to set effective accents.

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as well as in Ratiopharm Ulm in basketball.

The brand from Ulm differs from others in matters of sponsoring as well. For example, it acts on eye level with its partners. As a mediumsized company, LIQUI MOLY does not prefer the sports scene Goliaths but the Davids with the potential of showing up the big guys. Another example is the “soccer balls for all” campaign, where soccer clubs can order a ball package at a reduced price from LIQUI MOLY and will also received free sports clothes from the LIQUI MOLY team shop. This project is mainly targeted at amateur clubs and supports young talent specifically as in basketball. How do LIQUI MOLY partners profit from the sponsor activities of their lubricant partner? The answer is clear: A strong media presence or appearance to the audience on site increases brand popularity. This in turn leads to consumers connecting a product or company to a certain popularity and quality. Together, these aspects will ideally lead to desire that generates demand that service providers, such as car workshops, can profit from. This is why you advertise as well, isn‘t it? Why not join a strong brand? Think about it!

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The executive level: LIQUI MOLY owner and CEO Ernst Prost (2nd from the right) with the heads of national sales, export and marketing.

The Team

The Many Faces of Success Thanks to them, LIQUI MOLY is what it is today: Larger and more successful than ever There are times in life when success is  solely  generated  by  hard  “work”,  for  example in sports. In many other areas,  however, such as art, culture, fashion  and  business,  this  is  not  always  the  case. You need creativity, free space and  the possibility to make individual decisions. LIQUI MOLY not only considers  these factors but also sets an example  in its own actions. The medium-sized lubricant and car  chemistry specialist practices what many  companies only talk about, which is honest and decent cooperation. This LIQUI  MOLY principle is not only applied towards customers, but also towards suppliers  and  employees.  “Co-entrepreneurs,” as owner Ernst Prost calls them.  As  manager  and  representative  of  a  slightly different “way of business life”,  he has assembled a creative, powerful  and highly successful team of now nearly  600  employees.  Strictly  speaking,  there are two teams: LIQUI MOLY in Ulm  and MÉGUIN in Saarlouis. Each of them  contributes to the group‘s success. See  for yourself!

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Not only attractive on trade fairs, but mainly at the customers‘: The LIQUI MOLY field service.

The export experts: They are mainly responsible for international calls for LIQUI MOLY products increasing in volume and frequency.

Technical questions? The application technicians will know the answer!

The press department: Speaking tube and direct line to the media “environment”.

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The research team in Ulm makes sure that things are still running smoothly tomorrow.

The logistics team: They know what it means to tackle things.

One of them is always close to you. That is why not all LIQUI MOLY field service employees are pictured here.

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Large package bottling at MÉGUIN: Class meets mass.

The lab team in Saarlouis: The lubricant detectives.

Small package bottling at MÉGUIN: Always the right measure.

“To the last drop” is the motto in the production department of LIQUI MOLY.

The LIQUI MOLY sales department knows how lubrication works.

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High Quality Lubricants from Germany

Ausgabe 6/2012

Ausgabe 7/2012

Ausgabe 10/2012

LIQUI MOLY is the most popular oil brand in Germany. Our motor oils meet the approvals of all leading car manufacturers.

LIQUI MOLY GmbH Jerg-Wieland-Str. 4 89081 Ulm, Germany

Tel.: +49 (0)731 / 1420-0 Fax: +49 (0)731 / 1420-922 E-Mail: info@liqui-moly.de


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