1916 - EVINRUDE Outboard Sales Brochure

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RIGINALLY designed for rowboat use, its scope has been so broadened, that today you will find Evinrudes used on canoes, sharppointed skiffs, duck-boats, house-boats, sail-boats, yachts, tenders, dinghies, scows, work-boats, rafts, catamarans-in fact, every kind of craft within the range of its power. So varied are the uses, that the lEWllIlillfl!.ll<dl<e has sometimes been called the "universal motor".



. ~

For thousands of city and town folk living near lakes and streams, and hosts of summerhome owners and resorters, canoeists and fishermen, the lEWllIlillfl!.ll<dl<e has filled a longfelt want. Hunters, trappers, guides, yachtsmen, campers, boa t-livery owners, ferry-men, lighthouse-keepers, lightermen, freighters, loggers, boomers, contractors, commercial fishermen and steam-ship companies also use the lEWllIlillfl!.ll<dl<e extensively. Each day sees increased popularity and new uses. The same IEWllIlillfl!.ll<dl<e may be used interchangeably on different crafts, or for stationary purposes, such as pumping water, operating a washing machine, grindstone, saw or lathe. It's an allaround, all-year equipment, with an established reputation for doing real work.

In the Scandinavian fishing fleets alone, over four thousand are in every-day use; at present twenty-two different Governments have adopted the lEwllimmedl<e; Uncle Sam uses a total of nearly five hundred motors in the Navy, Lighthouse, Army Engineer and Reclamation Services. All this-to show you the wide-spread popularity and remarkable flexibility of the lEWllIlillfl!.lledl<e.


"lEVlllMI~JUIDlIE" or "lEVlllMlR1UIDllllMtG" and you unconsciously think of "rowboat motoring"-so familiar has the word become, through constant repetition' by thousands of IEVITlMlR1UIDllE enthusiasts the world over. Hardly a lake or stream but boasts its quota of Evinrudes - wherever there's water you will find "Evinruders" - whether you travel East, West, North or South. From a small beginning six years ago, the ever-increasing demand has built up a large industry, producing thousands of Evinrudes each year.


The original lEVlllM~1UIDllE has been constantly improvedeach year has seen new improvements, conveniences, and safeguards-we have never been content to stand still. Those who have followed the history of the JE,VlllMlR1UIDllE will confirm this. With a constant desire to improve-to deliver to our friends the highest achievement in mechanical efficiency, we offer for 1916, in addition to our single-cylinder models, the lEVlllM~1UIDlJE, Four-Cycle Twin - an entirely new development in this field. We believe that there is a widespread need for this motor-a model of greater power and speed than the single-cylinder type.


To the thousands who have awaited the two-cylinder lEVlllMlR1UIDlJE" as well as the thousands of others who will find the single-cylinder type, with its new features, ample for their needs, we guarantee a motor consistent with the high-quality standard of former years. Whether or not this comes to you as your first lEVlllM~1UIDllE catalog, we wish to welcome you as an old friend-and a future enthusiast, perhaps, of the sport of "JE,VlllMlR1UlDJlllMtG".






Evinrude-The autoist's motor boat



T has been said that "the lEWllllilll'\!.ll@<e popularizes the s n,:;le;- ~e50rt". While you cannot very well take a motor-boat \\'j h ~'o_,:. can take your lEWllllilll"\!.ll@速, and the ease of transportation br train, e:e ,:-ic car, and auto has influenced many people to visit different lakes a,.' resorts, spending a few days at each. Automobile owners place the ~T--"::::~ in the tonneau or trunk rack, or on the running board-out of ! e \\'a:'. The automobile for the road, and the IEWllllilll"\!.ll@速 for the water, make a mighty fine combination. With your JE,Wllllilll"\!.ll@~ attached to a rented rowboat-am' 01 ub \yill do-you can visit all the beauty spots around the lake, ex lore he little inlets, bays and creeks. The little island 'way up at the head of he lake-a good half-day's row-is just a half-hour's run for the IEWllllilll"\!.llC::~, The \\'eedy, snaggy shallows, inaccessible to the launch-owner, and often surpassingly beautiful, are open to the "Evinruder". The day is one of unalloyed pleasure, packed to the brim with continuous delights and new sensations. ,r On your return at nightfall, the IEWllllilll"\!.ll@~ is quickly removed and slipped into its bag or trunk. Tomorrow visit another lake, and still another the next day. Really, you have a launch for every lake.




Evinruding-The nation's water sport






the man living in the town or city near water, the IEwllITIlIf\lllcdl~ is a happy solution of that age-old problem of how to spend the evenings, Saturday afternoons and Sundays, economically, and still with a full return of pleasure and health. Perhaps you have stood on shore and watched others starting off on little trips-up-river or across-lake-and longed for some kind of a craft-you'd almost be willing to row-that would take you out on the water-anywhere to get away from town. Perhaps you have inquired the price of a launch and were dismayed to learn of the initial cost, the expense of care and operation, the necessity of a boat-house, etc. You need no boat-house for the IEwllITIlIf\lllcdl速, as it can be stored in any spare corner. Rent a rowboat by the day, week or season. The cost of running is practically nil. Operation is so simple that you'll "have the hang of it" in five minutes. A short afternoon is long enough for an IEwllITIlIf\lllcdl<e trip-you can visit every island and beauty spot for miles around. Delightful picnics and excursions with family or friends can be planned-trips on the water, where there's pure air and sunshine. An investment in an IEwllITIlIf\lllcdl速 i's an investment in health.

Page Five


The Evinrude made- the rowboat popular





VINRUDE ~Iotor with Cottage" runs the ad\"Cni-emen of many real-estate men in advertising their cottages for rcn ,0 e"ential has the lE.Wllllllll'1!.ll©l® become to the summer-home o,,'ncr. Con-j:e he absolute convenience of having ready at all times a motor that can be a/era cd by any member of the family-Father, ?\Iother, or even the \'oun~,te -, If you need groceries-there's the lEwnllllll'1!.llqj]ce, If you wa 1 to £0 across the lake to the bathing beach-the lEwllllllll'1!.llqj]ce is read", \rhcn friends are coming up for over Sunday, meet them with the lEwll::::::C:;=:~, I i Dad wants to get up early and troll, the lEwnllllll'1!.llqj]ce is a fine companion, For the \\'eekly dance over at the hotel-you can depend on the lEwiiIre:;c:i~ a take ''au there and bring you back, though the night be dark and the lake rou!?h, On land, as well as on water, the lEwiillllll'1!.ll<dlce is most useful. B,- simply remO\-ing the propeller and substituting a pulle)- and pump connection, the lEwnllllll'1!.llqj]ce is turned into a stationary motor for dri,-ing the \\'ashing machine, pump, etc, It's the faithful sen-ant of the whole famih--al\\'a\-s read,--never complains-~ever sleeps. '~Ir. E. \Vestveer, "-estern Representative for vVhite Rock \Vater says: "It is an indispensable adjunct -to a summer cottage" .


Page Six


Evinrude-The fisherman's favorite




the disciples of 1zaak Walton, the lEWllIlilIr1!.ll<dl<e makes a mighty appeal. The long trip up to the "holes" where the "big fellows" lurk, among the weeds and grasses, is turned into an enjoyable ride, and, what's more, you can troll all the way if you like. \Vhen the wind or the shadows shift, and the lure no longer tempts, give the fly-wheel a pull, "mote" over to the other side of the island, or acrosslake, and try your luck at another spot. Plow right through the weeds or shallows, if you want to-the lEWllIlilIrIlll<dl<e is built for it. With the "cut-out" closed, there's no chance of scaring the fish, or disturbing your fellow-fishermen. If you find the lake "fished out", the water roily or too high, take your lEwllIlilIrIlll<dl<e-it's portable you know-and try another lake or stream. Thousands of city sportsmen ship their Evimudes to the Northern woods and fish the lakes for miles around the camp. Henry W. Voss of H. W. Voss & Co., Brokers, Cincinnati, says: "I had a motor boat that never would run. Comparatively speaking, I cannot stop your motor. No trouble to go, back, start again or anything, and I taught others to run it in a few hours. Hereafter I won't go anywhere, hunting or fishing, without my lEwllIlilIr1!.lldl<e."

Page Seven


Canoe Evinruding exhilarates

"C A N 0 E


" ANOE IEwllllilll'\llldlllllilg"-the most fascinating of \\'ater sports-increases J'in popularity by leaps and bounds. Simply add an IEwllimll'\lll<dl<el to your canoe and you have a light, trim, sturdy craft that \\路ill "plane" o'er the waves at an eight-to-ten mile an hour clip. Any canoe may be used, but the sponson is the one recommended as the sponsons make the outfit unsinkable and non-tippable-absolutely safe, even for the children Instead of being placed on the stern, the canoe motor is installed inboard. The installation is not permanent, hO\\'ever, as the motor can be lifted out, and a cap placed over the stuffing box, making it water-tight, so that you can paddle if you wish. \'ibration is almost entirely absent, due to the position in the water. Mr. S. ?\Ieyer, Pewaukee, \Vis. has used the same motor in the same canoe for six years past. The canoe motor may be used on a rowboat by adding the simple rowboat fittings. For real, red-blooded sport there's nothing quite approaches "Canoe IEwllllilm<dlllllilg". You can take long trip3-with the IEwllllilll'\lll<dl<el to do the hard work-fighting up-stream, stemming the cross-currents, bucking the headwinds, and cutting through the waves. Seated among the cushions, swinging the tiller handle to and fro, while you watch the shore-line disappear, occasionally "zipping" past a slower craft, you'll feel the joy of living-you'll pity the poor fellow toiling away with paddle or oars. On a "choppy" sea, with the white caps flecking the waves, and the spray flying past the bow, you'll swear that "Canoe IEwllllilll'\lllcdlllllilg;" is the one sport above all others.


Evinrude-The sportman's friend

HUNTERS F you have ever pulled at the oars in the gray dawn, before the warmth of Old Sol has dispelled the damp mists, or with darkness coming on, labored painfully homeward, fighting a head wind, ~-ou have felt the need of an lEwlllllllf1!.ll<dlte-the motor that lengthens the day. The long, grinding row, with the skiff in tow, up-river or across-lake, is turned into a rapid, enjoyable ride, with the lEWllllllll'1!.ll<dlte to do the work. You can sleep an hour longer and still be there \\'ell ahead of the rest of the crowd. You'll get there fresh and smiling too-with keen eye and elastic muscles-refreshed and invigorated from the "rowless" ride in the early morning air. Take your gun from the case, untie the skiff at the stern, and you're ready to push off into the march. (You aTe not shooting from a motor bMt) You can shoot all day and then, when the sun sinks over the hills, the shadows fall, and night closes in, give the fly-wheel a pull and spin away the miles on the home-stretch. Enjoy the scenery as you anticipate the warm meal coming to you, hours ahead of the poor fellows with the "ash-breeze" laboring home through the darkness. Dr. Humphrey Bates, Castilian Springs, Tenn., says:-"Nly JEWllllllll'1!.ll<dlte purchased in 1911 is still giving entire satisfaction. Have run it over 3000 miles. I came down the Cumberland river, 315 miles, and the little motor worked like a charm. I have used it a great deal in duck-hunting and rarely go out but what I get them".


The Evinrude is built for service



AND hunters,



and explorers find


lEWllIlilIr\\ll<dl<e a most valuable part of their equipment, due to the great

ease of transporting and its ability to handle big loads, even under the most adverse conditions. Day after day the little motor will drin along a canoe, skiff, dug-out, raft or scow, piled high with tents, bedding and supplies. Along crooked, shallow, treacherous streams, where a motor-boat could not possibly be used, the lEWllIlilIr\\ll<dl<e does its best work. 'Vhen a portage is necessary, the lEWllIlilIr\\ll<dl<e may be quickly and easily removed and "packed" with the rest of the equipment. e. A. Hazen, President The Financier, who used the lEWllIlilIr\\ll<dl<e in the Canadian wilderness says: "For three ,,-eeks the motor was in operation every day and never gave a moment's trouble, nor did it fail to respond to the severe demands made upon it". TI S f P I R I le te ansson 0 aI', ooseve t South American, and other noted expeditions, have made extensive use of the lEWllIlilIr\\ll<dl<e. Anthony Fiala, in charge of equipment for Col. Roosevelt says :-"It proved very effective, particularly in forcing a way against the swift-moving waters of Brazil. vVe used the motor during the rainy season, and though it was necessarily out in all sorts of tropical rains, it never failed us".

Page Tp1"/.


The ever-ready Evinrude

YACHTSMEN and POWER BOAT OWNERS UNDREDS of yachtsmen and large power-boat owners are beginning to realize that an IEmll'1lllllll~ "stern-kicker", for the tender or dinghy, is almost a necessity. Those frequent trips between boat and dock, often made in the face of an approaching "blow", are negotiated in a hurry, with the IE\'fillmll'l!Jlllll~ at the stern. For placing guests and supplies aboard-ship, you'll find it wonderfully convenient. When the wind fails or something goes wrong, the IE\'fDIl'ilIl'l!Jlcdl~ attached to the "dink" or tender, will tow you safely home. The task of navigating a narrow channel with a "head wind" blowing is an easy one with the IE\'fillmll'1lllllll~ to take the tow-line. On a long cruise, the "dink" can be placed on deck and the little IE\'fDIl'ilIl'l!JlIlll~ stowed away in locker or cock-pit. Right there is a big advantage over the power tender. On a small sail-boat, the lE\'fnll'illl'l!Jldl~ can be clamped to a block on the aftdeck, at a moment's notice. It will pay for its "keep", over and over again, on the first cruise. H. L. Stone, Editor of Yachting, still uses a 1911 1E\'fillmll'1lllllll~ and says: "I could not ask for any better service than the little power plant has given me".

J 1


Page Elel'en


Evinrude-The handy power plant



ISHING companies, contractors, steamship owners, ferrymen, lighthousetenders, loggers, boomers and lightermen use fully one-fifth of our output. Consistent, reliable service under salt water conditions, first attracted the attention of the fishermen and power trollers. Today, the Scandinavian fishermen alone have over four thousand Evintudes in every-day use. The ignition-lEwnIlilIl'\1llitll~lVlagneto---Built-In Flywheel Type--is waterproofed and insulated, therefore not affected by rain, spray or waves. For the fishermen, reliable ignition is absolutely essential. For sewer, dredging, dock and bridge jobs, contractors find the lEwmll'\1llitll~ a valuable equipment. From a rowboat, it can be quickly attached to a scow, skiff, work-boat, or flat-boat, and handled by any man on the gang. By adding the stationary fittings, the same motor can be used for driving a grindstone or saw. The addition of the lEwnIlilll'\1llitll~ nit Centrifugal Pump attachment gives an equipment that will raise large quantities of water. 11r. C. S. Whitney, Superintendent for D. C. Stephens, Des 1\Ioines, Iowa, says: "Our barge, 12 ft. by 18 ft., carries eight tons of coal and the lEwnIlilll"\1llitll~ propels this load 174; miles in 35 minutes. Considering the horsepower, the towing power is surprising. Mr. B. Kuenstler, North Battleford, Saskatchewan, says: "Have towed a 32 foot flat-boat, with 6500 pounds freight, at the rate of 50 miles daily. The lEwmll'\lJlitll~ stood the acid test." Ship-owners like the idea of being able to stow the motor in the engine room, bring it out on a moment's notice, hang it onto the work-boat, dinghy or tender, and run into town for the mail, supplies, etc. 1\1r. E. R. ~Tood, Chief Engineer, Steamer "Geo. v\T. Fenweek", hailing from San Francisco, says: "I used that motor from State of "'ashington to Panama. It always ran and ran well". For the heavy work-loads above a ton, or boats exceeding 20 feet in length-you will want the 372 H. P. single-cylinder lEwnIlilIl'\1llÂŤll~. Like the 2 H. P., it's built for hard, every-day service and will stand up and "deliver" under the most adverse conditions. Evintudes are used by 22 different Governments, including the United States, which shows thay they must be built tight.


The Evinrude is always on the job

Hauling Coal Contractor C. S. Stephens. Des Moines.

Contractor Roemer. Okauchee, Wis.

Towing scow loaded with gravel.

Ship's Boat with Evinrude



/.J uyc 'l'hirtl.(,rt


There's no rival sport oj Evinruding

PORTABILITY ORTABILITY - that's the big feature of the Emll'11ll<dl<e. In its canvas carrying case, it is carried like a satchel. Take it right with you, wherever you go, whether it be by train, interurban or auto. Autoists place it in the tonneau, trunk rack, or on the running board. In the special trunk, or shipping case, it can be checked as baggage. You are confined to no single lake or stream-you can take your power plant with you:

with your fingers. If or angle, the propeller are no connections to ~eeded. Attaching is IS unnecessary.

Attaching to any rowboat is a simAfter the ple matter for anyone. final run on the testing tank, each EwiiImll'11ll<dl<e is packed, without disassembling, into a full-length shipping case. On removal, it is ready to go onto the boat. Drop it over the sternboard, and turn up the thumb-screws the stern-board is of more than ordinary depth sleeve can be quickly adjusted to fit. There make, no holes to be bored, no extra tools simplicity itself-previous mechanical knowledge

Operation is surprisingly easy-you can't go wrong. After pOUring the gasoline and oil, mixed, into the tank, you are ready to start. Give the fly- , wheel a quick pull, and away you go! Push the timer lever to the Right and you go faster. Shove it to the Left and you slow down. To stop, merely push the time-lever-button. Steer, by swinging the tiller handle, which, in turn, causes the entire propeller sleeve to swing. There is no rudder to bother with. There are no dirty oil-cups to watch or worry about. The lubrication, mixed with the gasoline, is automatically taken care of Thousands of ladies and youngsters operate and the motor is clean. the EwiiImll'1lll<dl<e without a bit of trouble or inconvenience. The cost of operation is very slight -a tank of gasoline and oil lasting for three to four hours of steady running, at full speed. "Simplicity makes for Efficiency"-holds good with the Emll'11ll<dl<e in every detail. There's nothing difficult to understand-no delicate

Paye Fuurleen,


Don't row-just GO! adjustments to be made. Read the General Description-it's well worth ten minutes of your time.


The little lEWiillllll"lUldl(6 will drive the ordinary rowboat faster than the usual launch engines of twice its power. Every bit of power developed in the cylinder is delivered at the propeller - there is no long shaft, stuffing box, or big, heavy fly-wheel consuming energy. The speed of 6 to 8 miles an hour (more with the "Twin", of course) has enabled lEWiillllll"lUldl(6 owners to carry away many prizes against boats of greater horsepower. Every year, we donate hundreds of beautiful silver trophy cups which are awarded to the winners of lEWiillllll'lUldl(6 races.

"If there is enough water for a rowboat, there's enough for the lEWiillllll"lUldl(6" -is a common saying. As the propeller does not extend below the keel of the boat, only twelve to fourteen inches of water is required. Snaggy, weedy waters, where the launches cannot go, have no terrors for the "Evinruder". The skeg, or fin, protects the propeller, riding over the rocks or snags that would knock the shaft of a launch "galley-west". The propeller is practically weed less, and the lEWiillllrudl(6 plows through, where a launch would become hopelessly stalled. E. L. Vance of Popple, Minn., says that the lEWiillllll'lUldl(6 is the only motor which he has been able to use successfully in the wild rice fields. With the lEwiillllll'lUldl(6 Magneto-Built-In Flywheel Type-which furnishes perfect ignition at all times, the lEwiillllll'lUldl(6 can be depended upon to deliver the full power, no matter what the conditions - sunshine or storm. The Swedish Government took a stock lEWiillllll'lUldl(6, ran it for 24 hours in cold, drizzling weather-stopping only long enough to fill the tank-tested it in every conceivable way, and then adopted it for official service. Thousands of owners will attest to lEWiillllll'lUldl(6 reliability. G. Tait Kerr of Nome, Alaska, who completed an lEWiill\lll'lUldl(6 trip down the Yukon from Whitehorse to St. Michaels, a distance of 2100 miles says: "I was more than satisfied with the performance of my lEwiillllll'lUldl(6-it behaved as well in the rough weather in the Bering Sea as it did down the river."

Paoe Fijtefj/t








d.ve r





H. R. H. Infanta Isabel of Spain.

Salvage Co.• Norway.

BaTeelta. Spain.

Amazon River at Para. Brazil.

H. B. Barnelt. Nome, Alaska.

f'U(Jtj :ji.rlCt'lI





, ..





1and and


Stationary Use. FremantIe. Australia

Barceila. Spain.

H. B. Barneil, Nome 9 Alaska.


Evinrude-the sweetheart of the waves

THE 1916 MODELS HE 1916 single-cylinder Evinrudes correspond quite closely to the singlt~-cylinder models of 1915. There are again two models each in the rowboat and canoe types. The motor proper, including cylinder, shafts, gear housing, gears, propeller, etc., is the same on all models. All motors are fitted for use in either fresh or salt water. The "Standard" models, A and B in the rowboat type, and E and F in the canoe type, are DeLuxe motors with nickel-plated, polished fly-wheel, highly-polished exhaust pipe, silencer, propeller and gear housing. In the rowboat models A and B, the special waterjacketed exhaust system, (See General Description) is furnished. The "Commercial" models, C and D in the rowboat type and Models G and H in the canoe type, while constructed of good materials throughout and guaranteed as to workmanship, do not have the fine finish and polish of the "Standard" models, nor do they have all the conveniences and safeguards. Increased speed, due to extensive, successful experiments in pistons and piston rings, is found in all single-cylinder models. The lEwlilJi)rt'\l.ll<d!<e Magneto-Built-In Fly-Wheel Type-standard equipment on all Evinrudes-is entirely insulated and waterproofed, furnishing '-":>:~~ n> nll 3peeds, in any weather. rerse, by means of which )at can be changed from )r from Reverse to Forlin furnished on Rowboat = and Canoe Models E ~r models are reversed by stopping the motor and pulling the flywheel handle in the opposite Nay. tures and safe-guards, ::;eneral Description, are dels :-the oil-measuring shut-off, the removable r housing grease plug, cary dry-cell "booster" leto coil, patented piston case bearings, and the on propeller hub and .t weeds from "binding" Paye Eighteen


Rowing's work-Evinruding's fun

The single-cylinder IEwiillilll"1UlÂŤll<e with its increased speed, light weight, and the many safe-guards, improvements and conveniences, offers to the ordinary man, everything that could be desired in a detachable motor.

Evinrude Four-Cycle Detachable T "Win The IEwiiIlilll"1UlÂŤll<e Four-Cycle Twin combines with the opposed-cylinder construction, the well-known efficiency of the four-cycle principle.* Four horse-power is developed, permitting the use of a larger boat, if desired, and providing a reserve store of power for emergencies. Speed of eight to ten miles an hour can be obtained on a round bottom rowboat or skiff-ten to twelve miles an hour with a canoe. Vibration is eliminated by the opposed-cylinder construction which takes up all reciprocating motion. Starting is easy and the motor "picks up" quickly and runs with a smooth hum. The control of speed, or flexibility, is stri king. By means of the "butterfly" valve in the carburetor, the Twin can he throttled down to a speed as low as one mile an hour. Lubrication-the same system of mixing the lubricating oil with the gasoline as employed in the single cylinder models, is used. Gasoline consumption-Less fuel per horse pO\yer is required than in the single cylinder type. The fuel-efficiencY..-C>~ t",,,-_,,,,,,!,,, J)'lf't"r i. a well-known fact. Self-Draining-The cylinder jac is self-draining when the hose is remo -a convenience when the motor is use, cold weather. The Automatic Reverse and IEwiillilll"\1. 1agneto are used on the Four-Cycle Twin models, as well as the various new improvements, conveniences and safe-guards listed under the sie cylinder models. This two - cylin motor is provided with a distribu so that the full strength of the sp. goes to fire the charged cylinder and tl alternately to the other charged cylinc


*NOTE - A motor of the four-cy type makes one explosion to every t revolutions of the fly-wheel, whereas two-cycle motor makes an explosion each revolution. Page Xindee1l


Evinruding enchants everyone




The lEWlllJ1lll'lllJ<dl<e Magneto-Built-In Fly-Wheel Type-is standard equipment on all Evinntdes. The magneto is built into, and made part of, the fly-wheel. The armature and all connections are waterproofed and insulated, so that moisture or spray cannot affect the spark, as is the case with coil and batteries, or the exposed horse-shoe magneto. With the magneto in the fly-wheel, the lEWllJmll'lllJ<dl<e is one compact, complete unit, with no extra burdensome packages to carry. The lEwiilJ1lll'lllJ<dl<e ~1agneto has been in successful use on thousands of Evinrudes for the past two years and is also widely used by manufacturers of stationary gas and oil engines. It is absolutely guaranteed to supply a hot spark at high or low speed, under all conditions, fresh or salt water. Although the necessity for its use is infrequent, an additional safe-guard is provided by arranging two binding posts for the attaching of a single ordinary dry-cell. This dry-cell, operating through the magneto coil, acts as a "booster", when required under unusual weather conditions, due to dense, salt water fogs of the ocean. ELECTRICAL The high-tension cable, leading fr~m the armature to CONNECTIONS the spark plug, has. a heavy coat1l1g of pure rubber. Over the spark plug IS fitted a removable hood to prevent any short-circuit and also to protect the operator in the stern from shock. A bare elbow accidently bumped against the spark plug is saved that unpleasant "kick" that will be remembered by ome. To pre\'ent others from using the motor without authority, the hightension cable mav be removed by unscrewing the plug from the armature - - .:)Ur fingers. It's a matter of seconds, )revent a great deal of annoyance nience. It's a new feature. TO By means of a special induction VG coil, the boat can be electrically 7M lighted from the magneto. The , coil is clamped to the boat by neans of the motor-bracket-thumb:crew. The lamp, which is mounted on a pedestal, can be easily placed in any part of the t of waterproofed wire being furnished extensions. The connections are ease to the large screw of the timer lever, , the ground post. The lamp throws m of light for a considerable distance readily seen by passing craft. Right in front of the operator is the timer lever. To speed up, push it to the Right-to slow down, shove it to ) stop dead, press the little brassbutton g-er's end. Everything within reach, easily understood. For a very slow, ~d the lEwiilJ1lll'lllJ<dl<e "Sure Catch" Trollnent may be fitted to the propeller in time-or as quickly detached.



'P wenty


Just steer-the Euinrude does the work

GASOLINE Realizing the great inconvenience which might be caused by a TANK leak, special care is exercised in the making of our gasoline tanks. The best 4X tin is used, all seam re-inforced by an extra fold of metal and cardully soldered. Of all the thousands in use, not one in a thousand have developed a flaw. There is absolutely no danger of fire, in any case, as the gasoline would drop into the water and not into the boat. A sieve-strainer at the bottom prevents dirt from getting down into the carburetor and a strainer plug, easily removed, permits cleaning at any time. Lubricating oil and gasoline are mixed together and placed in the tankdirections for mixing in the right proportions being stamped right on the tank. 'vVith the filler-cap for the gasoline tank is combined a cup for the measurement of the correct quantity of lubrication. Gues -work is done away with. A beautiful enamel finish-fE'lYfill'iIll'\\ll«ll<el gray-is baked on-not paintedwhich, with the fine finish of the other parts, gives the motor an exceedingly rich and tasty appearance. CA RBURETOR On all single-cylinder models, the efficient, little fEwnIrllIl'\\ll«ll~ mixing valve, which operates equally well at high or low speed, is used. Once set, it requires no further adjustment, as the gasoline flow is controlled from the shut-off valve. It is economical of fuel and does not get out of order, unless abused. The valves are set after testing at the factory and if direction are followed, there's no chance for trou ble. A pin shut-off valve at the bottom of the gasoline tank, controlled by a knurled thumb-screw, shuts off or starts the gasoline flow. The carburetor adjustment need not be disturbed as formerly, on stopping or starting-a great convenience, especially after dark. The nature of the design of the twod-clylinhdeflr IEwllIrllIl'\lllrdl<el req uirefs a catrbu retTor of different type, and f0rir t!l;se mo est e oat-feed design is urnisiled. llis type is not recommeo p~_o.r-the single-cylinder fEwmIl'\lll«ll<el, howev,-lind he CYLINDER, PISTON, cr . AND RINGS piston are from a mixture of soft,close-grained iron. fEw cylinders are bored, reamed and gro an accuracy of one-thousandth of al In the single cylinder models, t pass has a double system of ports, preventing the new fuel charge from being wasted through the exhaust. These ports are so arrange crank case explosions are impossible. Next to perfect ignition, pistOl probably rank in importance. Instead of using two wide piston I in former years, three narrow "com!, holders", of special design, are em Why? These rings, individually ca tough, springy stock, give almost compression, with a resultant big inci power and speed. Rings designed eSI for the fEwnIrllIl'\lllrdl<el, each set properly: fitted and lapped, to fit that pa

J _



Pnge Tlunly-nllt'


Everyone enjoys Evinruding

cylinder, tell the story of the remarkable compression obtained, considering the size of the cylinder. In the Four Cycle Twin, the design-cylinders slightly offset-sacrifices the strength of no one part at the expense of another. The cylinders being offset, it is not necessary to offset the connecting rods, which are given a straight thrust, thus eliminating all strain or uneven bearing pressure. The bearings, 1 i\;--inch wide, are amply large. Unlike the 2-cycle motor, the IEwllll'ilmcdl.e Four Cycle Twin does not charge both cylinders simultaneously, but instead, first one, and then the other, thereby insuring perfect ignition and combustion. CONNECTING ROD The co~nectin.g rod, .including the bearing at the crank pm end, IS of solid phosphor bronze, the troublesome babbitting being done away with. The oil wings, firmly riveted to the connecting rod, greatly aid in the uniform distribution of lubrication. The lEwiill'ilmcdl.e has no connecting rod troubles. CRA N K CASE The crank case is of a new design, cast in one piece, absolutely gas and oil tight. The upper and lower bearings, which are now removable, are bolted to the crank case proper by six machine screws. To the lower bearing is fitted a strong, steel tube which telescopes into the propeller sleeve. This propeller sleeve, at its lower end, is connected to the driving shaft bearing. This construction doubly protects the crank case and main driving shaft and assures perfect alignment at all times. CRANK SHAFT A.n in~ccurate crank shaft, if.used, would cause severe vIbration and wear. The IEwllll'ilmcdl.e crank shaft, dropforged, turned and ground, is accurate to one-thousandth inch, the center or crank bearing parallel to the main bearings, and all in absolute alignment. - -'~nTr> IITTflN Lubricating oil is mixed with the gasoline and each in'large bathes the cylinder walls, piston 19 rod, etc., with a thin film of lubricabrication for the upper bearing is proa little grease cup under the fly-wheel. The gears run in cup-grease, packed into the gear housing through a most convenient little grease plug. The iEwIDmmcdl.e system of lubrication is mighty efficient and there's no worry about oil-cups, feed-pipes or pumps. of oil;;;;;;(~:;r.l;aDThe ........ cups absence makes a clean motor and there's d of the operator donning old clothes. COUP LER A steel tube, with specially - designed key - ways, uples the crank shaft to the main driv, preventing slippage or undue wear. :ial coupler arrangement, in combinaI the JE,wllll'ilmcdl.e bracket, permits adof the motor to angle or depth of 'G OR stern, in a minute's time. HAFT The Tobin bronze driving , shaft has, at its upper end, lay for the steel coupler. This coupler


Pa.ge T1.venty-t.wo


Join the Evinruders!

and key-way allows the up-and-down adjustment for depth. For boats with sterns of unusual depth, an extra length shaft can be furnished. The lower bearing for this lower shaft is an extension of the gear housing. This bearing also carries the outer brass tube which covers and protects the driving shaft. The driving and crank shafts are protected against injury, even though an obstruction is hit "head-on". This is a most important safe-guard. GEAR HOUSING The h.ousin~ for the driving gears !s of .bronze, cast in one piece With the fin or skeg, which ndes over snags and shallows, protecting the propeller and assisting in steeri ng. The gear case cover, reinforced by heavy webs, acts as a bearing for the propeller shaft. The forward bearing, combined with the thrust bearing in the form of a bushing, is threaded to permit of taking up any "play" in the gears, thus insuring smooth meshing for years. The "thrust" of the propeller is taken up by a solid block of lignum vitae. The gear housing is practically watertight, thereby preventing grit and sand from working in. On the Tobin bronze propeller shaft is mounted the lower miter gear. The hub of this gear forms a cam which operates against the plunger of the pump for cooling the cylinder. Too much attention cannot be paid to the driving gears, as they are subject to severe shock and must be capable of enduring sudden, torsional strains. IEWiiIlllIl'\lDtdI~ gears are of carbon steel, cut from the blank. Each set is carefully fitted to each motor, then "ground in", and run on the block for hours. The gears run in a bath of hard grease, which is easily packed into the gear housing through a convenient little plug provided for the purpose. PROPELLER WHEEL The IEwfumrutdl~ propeller wheel is the product of years of careful study; of just the right diameter and pitch to develop the full speed and power-' kn-L __ enough to prevent bending when striking roc' still not so brittle as to break a fluke; as near less as it is possible to design a wheel. The tailing shoulders on the propeller hub, and a gear housing positively prevent weeds lodg there and "winding up" (a new feature). Even though the propeller should hit a rock or snag while going at full speed, no serious damage could result, as a little brass pin in the propeneI' shaft would shear off an the gear and propeller.


With the Automatic Rever: boat is under absolute cont. all times. Without stopping the motor, the ch can be made Forward to Reverse, or from Re' to Forward, almost instantly. Turn the bo, its own length-go ahead-"back up"-mane: at will, even in crowded quarters. Mechanically speaking, the motor proper is reversed. The propeller sleeve hangs, figurativ in a swivel. A simple twist of the steering hal releases a dog, the propeller sleeve swings throu E half circle, and is "pointed" in the opposite dil tion. The natural reaction, or "thrust", of the r: Page Twenty-three


Clamps to the stern of any rowboat

peller against the water is utilized to swing it to its opposite direction automatically, where it is locked into place. This naturally changes the direction of rotation and the push of the propeller against the water exerts a backward thrust on the boat equal in force to that which was previously used in driving it forward. BRACKET To prevent vibration and even loss of the motor, the bracket design must be right. The lEWllIrilIr1!.ll<dlte bracket centers the weight right on top of the transom, not inside or outside. The thumb screws, with their broad-faced contact buttons, grip securely and yet do not mar the sternpiece. The motor proper is pivoted to the top of the bracket, being held by two heavy machine screws, while, at the bottom, there are two parallel segment forks to which the propeller sleeve is attached through the segment block. By loosening two nuts, the propeller sleeve may be adjusted on the segment fork to suit the angle of stern. Adjustment may also be made for depth. If it is desirable to attach the motor to the stern permanently, a bolt may be placed through a hole provided, and thence through the stern-piece. For comfort in carrying, the cross-bar has been rounded off to fit the hand.

TILTING DEl/ICE This equiJ?ment is .supplied as an extra, when desired, The motor for the slI1gle-cyhnder models only. hangs on a pivoted sub-bracket, rigid, while in operation. It can be quickly stopped and unlocked for tilting in very shallow places. STEERING The tiller clamp fits over the propeller sleeve ~etween ARRANGEMENT the crank case and the segment fork. The t1ller, or steering handle, is partially telescoped into this and held in place by a convenient little retaining pin. This steering handle, provided with a rubber grip to fit the hand, controls ~'- - _._-_:_~ h,. ~o"ol" ewino-ina it to right or left. The response is immediate. :lIe causes the entire propeller sleeve, includNo separate rudder is used, as a rudder inor cumbersome in carrying, and most serious . consequent loss of speed. vVith the AutoIways under absolute control and a landing :Ie in a single boat's length. " in it might serve as a muffler. With the .he expended gases are exhausted through a t pipe, thence into the Silencer, and the A conversation can be carried on in the .outing. 'When it is necessary to speed up, Ie same as with an automobile. rllIrilIr1!.ll<dl1e Shock Absorber, consisting of a 11 coil-spring, ratchet, and dog, designed to eller, is found on single-cylinder 'models Band the propeller sleeve just above the segment 1t vibration, but-assists materially in steering. Ie, little, submerged plunger pump, of great :y, operating from a cam on the miter driving rces a steady supply of water up through the the water jacket. This water jacket surrounds :antly filled with a cool stream of water, thus ,f bearings or rings. )plied with an adjustable wrench, a screw er wrench.


Evinrude-The universal motor





Showing installation of 2-Cyl. 2 Cycle Inboard Motor.

HE demand for a light motor, capable of developing a good speed, and embodying the lEwiiIl1l11'1llJcdlce qualities of simplicity and reliability, has brought forth the lEwiiIl1lll'1llJcdlce Inboard-for permanent installation in launches, rowboats and canoes. Two models-single and two-cylinder-are furnished for fresh or salt water use, with the fittings as listed. The motor proper (cylinder, piston, magneto, etc.) is almost identically the same as that furnished for the detachable models. On an 18 foot sponson canoe, or other light hull, the Two-Cylinder Inboard will develop a speed of 12 to 13 miles per hour. The motor is almost without vibration and by bolting the engine foundation firmly to each canoe rib, absolute stability is insured. \Yith the instructions provided, installation is an easy matter. PRICES r-rodel




One Cylinder 2 Cycle



I Two Cylinder I 2 Cycle

IWeight I Code I Complete Motor with Magneto, I I Carburetor, One-Way type I .50.00 351bs. Mart Clutch and Muffler. Price

Complete Motor with Magneto, I Carburetor, and One-Way type Clutch ....................... 90.00

50 Ibs.


SPECIAL EQUIPMENT PART r-rufHer and Out Board Exhaust. Tank .. Tail Shaft. Stuffing Box . Propeller. .... .. .. . . ... Log Strut Rudder Complete with Quadrant Complete Equipment. ...


Salt Water Use S 5.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 2.50 7.00 10.00 30.00

Fresh Water Use 5.00 2.00 1.50 1. 75 2.00 4.25 6.50 21.50

These prices apply only wben ordered wilh motor.

Page Twenty-fire


Makes any rowboat a motor boat





N order that lEWllITIlIl'lUl«ll<e owners may get the most satisfactory results from the use of their motors, we build, here in our own factory, these special boats. There are just two standard, stock models, a round and a flat bottom, each 16 feet long. These we build in large quantities; all work is standardized, and each workman an expert at his task. Smooth-seam construction-carvel-built-is one of the most important features. A clinker-built boat will not stand the grief, as will the smoothbuilt. The increased speed is important, and there's a clean "motor-boat" look that is most pleasing. The wide, deep stern of the lEWllITIlIl'lUl«ll<e boat prevents the bow from tilting in the air, which makes steering so difficult in a wind. This construction also prevents dragging in the water and increases the speed. The wide stern and the generous beam promote safety, even in a heavy sea. You can move about without fear of a sudden tip-over. Evinrude boats are safe for ladies and children. While specially built for use with a motor, either model is suited for rowing when desired. The ample sheer line permits of use in very shallow water and the amount of dead rise forward prevents pounding in a heavy sea. The seating capacity is ample and the seats high and very comfortable. There's plenty of "leg-room" also. Our designers had comfort, convenience and service in mind in every detail and the IEWllITIlIl'lUl«ll<e boats are constructed to give maximum service under all conditions. The especial care in the construction-screw-fastening throughout, for instance-insures a life of not one season, but many seasons. Evinrude boats are high class in every detail and you will be proud to own one.



Side' view of EVINRUDE Round Bottom Boat, showing smooth-seam, carvel construction

Top view of EVINRUDE Round Bottom Boat. showing ample seating arrangement.

t ... )

Write for special catalog of complete line of cushions detachable seats, steering wheels and

all boat fittings.

Cross-section of EVINRUDE Round Bottom Boat.

Page Twenty-six


No other enjoyment like Evinruding

SPECIFICATIONS (Round Bottom) Planking-Yz inch to % inch. Transom-lYz inch Oak. Ribs-Rock Elm and Oak. GUlmales-In-C)'press; Out-Oak. Bm,路-oak. crew fastened throughout.

Length-16 feet. Beam (extreme)--18 inches. Depth-Bow 22 inches. Depth-Amidship 18 inches Depth-Stern 23Yz inches. Draught-:\mid hip 5 inches. Draught-stern 7;"2 inches.

Outside finish-dark stain-top streak imide and outside, transom and stern piece. Balance-natural finish. Inside-below seats-Evinrucle gray and natural linish. Fittings-include 1 pair select Price-f. o. b.



foot Oars, Locks and Bm,路 Casting.




Knockdown f. o. b. Milwaukee.


Sail Rig, including mast, spars, sail, center board, ropes and pulleys.

25.00 extra.

FLAT BOTrO:',I Lines generally conforming to round bottom model with wide stern and plenty of shear. A very popular boat for family and fishing use-comfortable and serviceable.

Side view of EVINRUDE Flat Bottom Boat.

Longitudinal Section of EVINRUDE Flat Bottom Boat.

SPECIfICATIO:,\S Length-16 feet. Beam (extreme) 45 inches. Planking-Cq)ress. Ribs-Oak or Rock Elm (our option). Finish-Stained and Varnished. Equiplllent:-1 pair oars, oar locks and cast bo,,- piece. Price-f. o. b. \fil"路aukee. . -10.00 Knockdmm-f. o. b. \Iil,,-au kee. .......... 26.50

Cross-Section EVINRUDE Flat Bottom Boat.


Canoe Evinruding-The sport supreme



18 Ft. SponsoD Canoe showing motor installed.

HE Kennebec Sponson Canoe, which we furnish, is built especially for use with lEWIDmll'\1Jl<dl<e outboard and inboard motors. For additional strength and the elimination of vibration, a ~-inch by 4 inch keel, running the full length of the canoe, has been provided. This is fastened securely through the bottom to each rib. The width of this keel provides sufficient stock so as to leave a continuous stri p from stem to stern, even after the hole for the stuffing box has been cut through. The stuffing boxes used in installing the motors are so constructed that absolute rigidity of shaft, and freedom from leakage is assured. To turn the spray and splash, a trim, well-finished rail is provided at the edge of the cockpit, just inside the inner edge of the sponsons. The spray hood and canoe cover, when used, are fastened to this rail, making the canoe cover available for use in the heaviest weather, or for sleeping purposes. The steering wheel is an ideal equipment for the canoe. Rigidly mounted on the spray hood support, the wheel is in just the right position for the helmsman, protecting him from wind and spray. \Yith the outboard exhaust, the interior of the canoe is kept free from smoke and grime. No charge is made for the installation of the stuffing box and motor seat on the outboard models. The charge for installing the engine bed, stuffing box, strut and rudder on the inboard models is nominal, covering the cost of work only. \Ve also provide full working instructions for installation when canoe has been previously purchased. PRICES 18 Ft. Sponson Canoe only with special -! inch keel. 17 Ft. Sponson Canoe only with special 4 inch keel.

S-!9. 00 4 .00

18 Ft. Sponson Canoe, fitted with steering wheel, spray hood, cushions, tiller rope, guides and outboard exhaust.


17 Ft. Sponson Canoe, fitted with steering wheel, spray hood, cushions, tiller rope, guides and outboard exhaust..


18 Fl. SponsoD Canoe with motor installed and equipped with spray hood. steering wheel. tiller rope and cushions.

Page Twenty-eight


Euinrude-Built like a watch













3/1 4"

3Yz/l 4Yz/l


3-h/l (end) 2to/l (ctr)

3%/1 4%/1 1/1 l i16l l

1/1 1%/1 %/1

Ys" 1)4/1 %/1

2 Cyl Inboard

3U/I 3/1



4H.P. Twin

3Yz H.P.


Cylinder Bore. Cylinder Stroke. Diameter of Crank Shaft Bearings Length of Upper Crank Shaft Bearing. Length of Lower Crank Shaft Bearing. Diameter of Crank Pin. Length of Crank Pin Bearing. Diameter of Piston Pin. Diameter of Cam Shaft. Diameter of Valves .. Number of Piston Rings-each pislon. Diameter Fly Wheel .. Diameter of Propeller. Pitch of Propeller. Water Circulation.



l xt /l %/1

%" lL" 72

3 9U" 9Ys" 13" Piston Pump

8 19Yz" 24Yz" 5"

Tank Capacity in Pints. Top of Bracket to center of Propeller (min). Top of Bracket to center of Propeller (max) .. Maximum Adjustment of Slee\-e for depth* .. Greatest thickness of stern, clamps will accommodate.


i\!Iaximum angle adjustment at segment (figure from perpendicular).

2路-0 {


9Ys/l 13/1 Rotary Pump 25

30掳 { 4Yz" 1100 100


650 200

800 300

3 9U/I



300 { 4Yz"

Speed, :\Iaximum (\York Conditions) R. P. M.I Speed, :\Iinimum (\York Conditions) R. P. M.

%/1 3 9U/I 9Ys/l 13/1 Piston Pump 11 19Yz/l 24Yz/l 5/1

3 llYz/l llYz" 15" Piston Pump 14 25Yz/l 31Yz" 6/1

1200 800

*On 2 H.P. :\Iodels Band D, and 3Yz H.P. Model B, the main shaft can be furnished up to 12 inches longer than standard, at an extra charge. On Models A, C and AA (which are equipped \\路ith Automatic Re\-erse) shafts can be furnished 6 inches longer than standard.

WEIGHTS IN POUNDS OF EVINRUDE MOTORS Models. Horse Power. Net Weight. . . . . . . . . . Boxed Weight .. .....


2 70 130







115 67% 106 200 130 180



[ 2



70 67% 60 130 120 125


2 60 120







70 67% 95 125 120 175


4 90 170

Page 'Twenty-nine


An Evinrude is an investmentlin!health




2 H. P. One CyLinder 2 Cycle

Standard, with l\fagncto, Evinrude Silencer ancl Automatic Heverse (Complele).




2 H. P.

One Cylinder 2 Cycle

Standard Reversible, with l\Iagneto and Evinrude Silencer (Complete).




2 H. P.

One Cylinder 2 Cycle

Commercial with l\Iagneto, Evinrude Silencel and Aut.omatic Reverse (Cornplete)




2 H. P.

One Cylinder 2 Cycle

Commercial Reversible, with :\lagneto and Evinrudc Silencer (Complete)




3Yz H. P. One Cylinder

Slandard, with Magneto, Evinrude Silencer and Automatic Reverse (Complete).




3Yz H. P. One Cylinder

Standard Reversible, with l\1agncto and Evinrude Silenccr (Complele) ..



4 H. P. Two Cylinder 4 Cycle

Four Cycle Twin, with l\Iagneto, Evinrude Silencer and Automatic Reverse (Complete) ..




2 H. P. One Cylinder 2 Cycle

EVINRUOE DETACHABLE CANOE MOTORS Standard with l\lagneto, Evinrude Silencer and A utOlnatic Reverse (Complete) ..

80. 00



2 H. P. One Cylinder 2 Cycle

Standard Reversible with J\Iagneto and Evinrude Silencer (Complete) ...




2 H. P.

One CyLinder 2 Cycle

Commercial, \....ith J\Iagneto, Evinrude Silencer and Autornatic Reverse (Complete).

70. DO



2 H. P. One Cylinder 2 Cycle

Commercial Reversible with Magneto and Evinrude Silencer (Complete) .

60. 00



4 H. P. Two Cylinder 4 Cycle

Four Cycle Twin, with i\Iagneto, Evinrudc Silencer and Automatic Reverse (Complete) ...





2 Cycle

2 Cycle

~ --




NOTE :-The Maxim Silencer can be furnished at a price of 82.50 extra for the 2 H. P. models and 84.00 extra for the 3Yz H. P. All the above prices are net cash F. O. B. l\1ilwaukee, and include packing in a strong, wooden cnsc with nailed covel'. The order should be accompanied with one-quarter of the alnount in cash, money-order or draft, balance payable C. O. D., if by expreBS, 01' by sight draft with bill of lading attached if by freight. EVINRUDES are classed as gasoline engines and the freight rates are low. MOTOR ACCESSORIES Pulley and Fittings for Statioll.ary Use {For all motors with Automatic ReYerse ..... lear all motors without Automatic lleverse. Canvas Carrying Case (for 2 H. P. Motors only) . Special EVINRUDE Cart .

Att.achment for using rowboat motor in canoe . Attachment for using Ctt,noe motor on rowboat . Evinrude Full-length trunk (motor assembled) . Evinrude Special Shipping Case with handles and hinges (When ordered with motor)* .... Evinrude Motor Cover (Canvas) . Evinrude Pointed-stern Bracket. . . .. .. Evinrude "Sure-Catch" Trolling Attachment .. Evinrude Magneto Lighting System (includes coil, 32 feet waterproofed wire, and lamp with pedestal) .. Tilting Device _._.~._ __._._._.._"." _. _


$4.00 2.50 2.50 3.50

2 H. P.

3Yz H. P.


$10.00 10.00 17.50

$15. 00 15. 00

$10.00 10.00 25.00

2 DO .75 3.50 2.00

1.15 4.00 2.00

2.50 1.25 3.50 2.00

6.00 10.00

6.00 15.00


Evinrnde Unit Centrifugal Pump for attaching to any 2 H. P. motor (l Cylinder) Evinrnde Unit Centrifugal Pump for attaching to any 3Yz H. P. motor (1 Cylinder). Evinrude Unit Centrifugal Pump for attaching to any 4 H. P. motor (2 Cylinder).

$30.00 40.00 40.00




.- ,

*When motor is shipped frequently, this container is preferable to the ordinary shipping case. The prices when furnished separately are $3.50 and $4. DO respectively. Catalog showing complete line of motor and boat accessories and fittings, including paint, cushions, scats, flags, lamps, etc., will be sent on request. Page TMrty






GUARANTEE N the shipping case with each 1E'lI'llll1l1f1lJl<dl<e is found a Registration Card. When this card is filled out and filed with us, the guarantee, reading in part,


" ~t

"The lE'lI'mlf1lJl<dl<e Motor is as well and carefully made as the best automobile engine. All parts are intel'changeable and each motor is given a working test before leaving 'the factory. All parts are guaranteed against impnfections in workmanship and material and any part proving defective within ninety days fl'Om the date of the ol"iginal sale, when sent to us, transportation charges prepaid, will be replaced free of charge, subject to our inspection and decision". will be come operative. "Over 60,000 Evimudes Sold" means 60,000 satisfied customers-a mighty army of boosters. It is our policy to deal with each and every customer, new or old, on an absolutely fair and square basis. To this, and the absolute merit of the motor, we attribute our success. Lewis A. Irons, of the Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., Philadelphia, says ;-"1 feel that any pleasantness and courtesy appearing in my correspondence is but a reflection of your own treatment of me, and I assure you that it has given me a great deal of pleasure to find a firm so anxious to please its customers" . SG:\IE PRm.IIt\'E:\T EVINR 'DE m\'l\ERS Col. Theo. Roose\'elt :\lacklyn Arbuckle Vincent Astor :\Iary Ryan Admiral Peary J Studebaker, J r. Alfred 1. DuPont Czar Nicholas II of Russia John MacCormack Infanta Isabel of Spain King Christian X of Denmark Vilhjalmur Stefansson Crown Prince Frederick William of Germany GOVERN~IENTS uSING

united States Austria Roumania Russia Denmark Sweden Holland

EVINRUDES Italv Queensland Ecu'ador Br, Honduras Brazil Argentina Germany England New Zealand Algeria Straits Settlements France India ~Iexico Br. Guiana







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