Don’s Liquor Barons West Aussie Lamb Slider Classic 500g WA lamb mince. 50g diced onion. 2 table spoon of garlic. 1 table spoon of tomato paste. 1 egg. 80g breadcrumbs. 1 table spoon of Worcestershire sauce. 1 table spoon of salt. Good pinch of pepper and smokey paprika powder. 10 dinner rolls (small) Turkish style. 100g of your favourite tomato chutney. 2 ripe beef tomatoes, sliced iceberg lettuce and a splash of WA extra virgin olive oil. 1. Cook the onion, garlic and tomato paste in a pan on a medium to low heat with a good lug of the olive oil for 5 minutes. 2. In a bowl add the mince, onion mix, garlic, egg, breadcrumbs, herbs, paprika, salt and pepper. Mix thoroughly. 3. Divide the meat mixture into 10 patties. 4. Cook the patties and construct the burgers as follows. 5. Spread some chutney on the top of the bun, place cooked pattie on the base, add tomato and lettuce. 6. Place lid on to burger and skewer through the centre. 7. Why not serve with some handmade West Australian Ruby Lou fries. H e r e ’ s t o a u s t r a l i a d ay