Humans shot a bullet in the head of this Elephant but what he gave in return will bring tears in your eyes
It’s been almost 2 months, an elephant found himself in a trouble, but the good thing is that he was knowing what he should do to get rid of it. In the month of June, an Elephant in the Mana Pools National Park in Zimbabwe was shot by a bullet in his head. However, he survived and lived with his would for a couple of weeks. The shot was clearly visible as it made a prominent hole in his head.
As soon as the news circulated, the veterinarians from AWARE ( Animal and Wildlife Area Research and Rehabilitation Trust), rushed to find the injured elephant. It was understandable that the elephant must be in a bad situation and so immediate medical assistance was mandatory at that point of time. Although, it’s not at all easy to find out an elephant from that park , but surprisingly the team found the elephant without much searching. But do you know how?The elephant in order to draw attention and to seek medical assistance was seen saying a big HI by lifting his trunk. As per the quote mentioned on the Facebook wall of AWARE, “He made himself available for examination within half an hour, coming right up to their car,”.
The elephant, named Pretty Boy was a gentle elephant and even with a bullet in his head was quite and calm. Instead of showing aggressive signs, he was calm and co-operating fully with the veterinarians to let him tranquilize and give medical assistance. It was like the humans gave him a bullet and in return he was gentle enough to say Hi and let them do their task without any problem.
The team because of Pretty Boy’s cooperation was able to examine him and patch up the wound to let him go freely in the nature. The gentleness of this elephant was noticed by everyone and even Dr. Lisa Marabini, the director of AWARE mentioned about about it.
The next morning after the surgery, she mentioned, that she was surprised along with the other team members that although he was in pain, he let everyone come closer to him with no signs of aggression at all. She gave him the right compliment- “Perfect Gentleman�. We totally agree with her complement.
Thanks to the team members of AWARE that they are at least setting a good example of humans in front of this Perfect Gentleman.