1 minute read

a tower for pleasure

The pool is created by a shallow dip into the ground topography, 18cm deep, only filling up substantially when there is a heavy storm.

On most days, the pool is used to simply drain the water trickling down the steel curtain, and also from the slab above via rain pipes.


The beginning of the ascent focuses on how water transitions between materials.

Moving up the tower, the steel mesh curtains start to layer, adding more density in material and water, helping to create a sense of separation from the street. The layered arrangement of steel mesh also amplifies the sound of water dripping off the curtains onto the metal handrail. The changing distance between the handrail and the curtain changes also the quality and intensity of sound.

The handrail is shaped to act also as a gutter, so the movement of water can loosely follow the movement of people or vice versa.

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