7-5 Poetry Portfolio- Hogg

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7-5 Poems

Then By Richard Liu It was a long time ago Back when the trees stood tall And the rivers were clean, The grass was green, and Children would play in the fall Everything seemed to be alright Life was by design Until one day, corporate greed, Said “Let’s go and cut down all the trees” One by one, we watched them fall Nothing was said, and that’s not all We thought: It’s Ok, it’s nothing new The trees started falling two by two

Then By Richard Liu “Hey, don’t be mad,just let it be” They trees started falling three by three They said “Don’t worry, it’s happened before” The trees were cut down thousands at a time Because there is a constant need for more money And there is not an infinite supply of trees This poem was printed on a sheet of paper That probably came from corporate greed And one day we’ll look back and say Why didn’t we care about the environment? Who knows what will happen next Only time will tell.

Haiku by Carter Lloyd Green leaves on the tree Flowers on the silken ground Winter is coming

Red River N.M. by Aiden Tucker Why do I love Red River New Mex’co? The friendly people who reside there in? Every winter the mountains dress in snow. Burning pinion wafted on wintry wind. Melting snow turns streams to running rivers. Bringing liquid life to colorful blooms. Warm winds bring end to morning shivers. Wild flowers give out wonderful perfumes. Wake to hummingbirds rising crescendo. Days spent hunting for that perfect suv’nier. Summer's eves rain bring misty night's repose. Morning hikes to explore piney frontier. Autumn's aspencade shimmers in glittry gold. Nature’s year round beauty and gifts behold.

April Showers by Daniel Li Raindrops fall from the sky. Plip! Plop! Drip! Drop! The clouds weep and cry. Soaking all the new grown crops, Spring is finally here, oh my! I see the flowers bloom From my room, And see the world teeming with rain. Have no fear, for Spring is here To erase all the pain.

Look At Her Closely BY ANNA CARROLL Look at her closely Is she smiling? That may be true, but it doesn't mean she is happy She will tell you she's fine Although her heart is hurting from all the pain and lies She cries herself to sleep every night Holding on with all her might Look at her again.. She may be laughing But truly inside she is crying Her heart has been shattered Her self-esteem is way down So low it is within the dirt in the Earth's fertile ground Look at her closely Look deep into her eyes Her soul is dark She can no longer fight anymore People come into her life Just to break her down And when they leave, They leave her broken while drowning in her own tears

Look At Her Closely BY ANNA CARROLL She may stop talking to everyone including you She does not intend to hurt you, She's doing it because she loves you No longer does she want anyone to worry About the struggles she battles And the memories that come back Is she depressed because of you? No. You are helping her, she loves you Just stay by her side, it's all she needs Through this time of depression and grief Comfort her Let her know that you're always there for her And you'll never let anyone hurt her As long as you are there Look at her Is she smiling? Probably, Because you are right there

Forgiving by Daniel Xiang It is hard to forgive someone Who played a volatile fraud against you, And to forgive them, May be easier said than done. The mental struggles Tearing the mind to pieces. The red hot anger that still flows, Even after the troubles. It is hard to forgive, After these head-splitting blows, The Feeling, The searing heat that flows through your veins, Never stops once to cool down. And it still remains For lengthy times to come.

Forgiving by Daniel Xiang When offered the thought to forgive, Especially if whom is a close friend, It seems to create a civil war in the mind, That seems to never end. Eventually, When the grudge runs to long, It becomes tired. And the vicious cycle of hate slows down. And Eventually the heat cools down, and the mind quiets down. And Eventually the bad blood fades into history. And Eventually you are ready to Eventually forgive.

I taught my dad to clean his room by:Ryan Webb I taught my dad to clean his room, To use a bucket, brush and broom, To dust his clock and picture frames, And to pick up all his old toys and games

My Brother By Insherah Qazi My brother is rude and idiotic He eats all my candy and always lies about it He flies his toy helicopter near me just to annoy me But I still love my brother My brother is funny and kind He is a pain in the butt sometimes And he is annoying as can be But I still love my brother My brother is a special gift to me He is like a lollipop, sweet and nice My brother is the best I will always love my brother

My angel by Tessa Watson “Keep my babies in church� The only words i remember hearing my mom say. I was 3, my sister just 7, My mom was gone I was left with my sister and a father We were alone, she was our angel. Stupid diseases taking family away, Like candy from a baby. Two inspirational ladies, Taken by cancer, Watching over me from heaven. They are my angels. They're with me through my ups and downs They keep a smile on my face When i'd rather be frowning They are my angels Forever and always!

LIMERICK by David Shu The mother duck was like what the cluck When she found her dead son duck His name was Puck He found a buck He got run over by a water truck.

The Farmer by Gavan Mitchell There once was a farmer who lived on the countryside. He worked all day, and he danced all night. When he woke up in the morning, this is what he said. “I better grow some food, So the people do get fed.� So he hoed the dirt, and planted all his seeds. He then watered the ground beneath his feet. The farmer was honest, Yeah he never lie. This is the story of the farmer, Who lived on the countryside. Yee haw!

Freewrite: The world you have by: Khushi Modi The World You Have And Enjoy Your Life E V I L Ruins The World Betrayal The Continuous Cycle This Happens The World Is Upside Down When Friends Become Foes Foes Become Friends

Google Haiku by Jerry Li

Google is useful Nearly infinite searches Ah! Information!

Books by: Grace Rigsby Reading takes you on a journey to places you never imagined on going. It amazes you with every sentence that you read. This would not be possible without BOOKS! Books come in many different shapes and sizes. They come in many different adventures and expeditions. Books can also have a romantic side to them, they can have a funny side, as well. Though some books are fun and enjoyable, there are also books that make you think, cry, and appreciate what you have in life. Again, reading does take you on a journey, but books are the ones that start it.

Hypocrisy by Akshay Padala

Why Doesn’t Anybody Take The Stairs?

And Many Of These Same People Complain About Lack Of Physical Activity! Such Blatant Hypocrisy! Finally! The Elevator Is Here!

Limerick by Haarika Ayyadevara There once was a girl named Kate Who would always be up-to-date But up came the sun So it was time to run Or else she was going to be late

Swan By The Sea By: Angela Lou Once a swan lived by the sea Her name was Annabeth Shi One day she moved to a mountain And closed her eyes to the music of the fountain Oh, how she missed her home by the sea

Flowers by: Nandini Arunachalam It is Beautiful Flowers smell refreshingly Sweet and very great

“Poetic thoughts” By:Kaleb Burrell These are a few poetic thoughts, If you think they’re any more, They’re not I just wanted to write down ideas, In a place where none could ever steal, In this place ideas come to rest, Instead of trapped in my brain and chest, Just a few poems that rhyme, And just a little waste of time. Maybe I should think in Orange … nothing rhymes with orange…

Stars By Rishik Kanchanapally Up in the sky There they can be seen. All of them big And all of them round. When you look closer What do you see? Twinkle Twinkle Twinkle But nothing you hear! Waiting all day To look at the stars; Trying to count And missing some. Stars are so huge But to us they look like dots. So many stars. So many lights. So dark outside.

The Ocean By: Yashwanth Gokarakonda On the dazzling blue, The sun’s rays gleam on the surface Creating a paradise for all underneath And all who watch from the shore. It supplies to all, but it is fading Because of our human faults We need to restore the ocean to its majestic form.

TV Has Everything By: Braden Rainey TV has everything. It has news. It even has movies that are new. It has mystery, And even comedy.

Have you thought about it? by : Mckinnley Toney Have you ever thought about what you will look like when you get older? How successful you will be? Where you might live ( because most kids say when they get older they’re moving out of state ) ? Will the people you love most still be around? What your future husband will look like or if you will even have one. I have thought about those things. Let’s just say that I’m going to have a good life.

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