Global Issues

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Global Issues By: Yashwanth Gokarakonda, Jerry Li Axel Estrada, Dario Cano, and Kaustav Sarkar

1 Famine and Poverty 2


You have three square meals a day, plenty of water, and food when you want it. However, this is considered luxury in many parts of the world. Many children cannot afford food and water, or these vital resources are not available to them. Most poverty takes place Sub-Saharan Africa and Southeastern Asia. The United Nations warned on Friday, March 10th that 20 million people face the threat of famine in Nigeria, South Sudan, Somalia, and Yemen, and that "the world is facing the worst humanitarian crisis [in which the UN has intervened] since the UN was founded in 1945." The statistics about this crucial issue are devastating. 3

20,000,000 face famine in just Africa



Every 3.6 seconds, a child dies from emaciation and three million children under five years of age die each year due to the same causes. Many countries such as the United States are trying to provide assistance to these impoverished people by donating food, but the amount of help is still not enough. Millions of people are starving from the lack of food and water to this day.




▰ Here you have a list of items ▰ And some text ▰ But remember not to overload your slides with content Your audience will listen to you or read the content, but won’t do both. 7

Meme Bring the attention of your audience over a key concept using icons or illustrations 8

2 Education Let’s start with the first set of slides 9


According to the global citizen, 59 million children do not have access to primary school education, and 65 million adolescents don’t have access to secondary school. Global financial support for this issue has been on a steady decrease, staying the same as it was in 2008. 10

According to the Global Partnership for Education, or the GEP, we need to raise approximately

39 billion u$ To be able to pay for quality pre-primary, primary, and secondary education for all children by 2030.


Most also: ▰

Have problems with having enough teachers and educator, let alone ones that are trained to the national standard.

Have problems when it comes to educating both girls and disabled children, as they are both commonly discriminated against and aren’t as able to afford it

Simply don’t have enough materials or even a designated location for teaching kids, and are in desperate need of this if they want to be able to get these kids ready for the future of work. 12

There are problems out there that are facing children without a good education system, but these alone should show us that something has to be done about this. Otherwise, there will be many out there who won’t be prepared.


1. ers-to-education-around-the-world-2/ 2. 3.


3 War Unrest Let’s start with the first set of slides 15

“There is no force in the world that can block the powerful march of our army and people, who are holding high the banner of the suns of great Comrade Kim Il Sung and great Comrade Kim Jong Il and continuing to advance under the leadership of the party and with strong faith in sure victory”. Kim Jong-un


War and unrest. The world is full of conflict and unrest, in this article I will inform you about them. First, the one currently with the largest impact is the forcible removal of thousands of rohingya people from Myanmar. The country's government and leader Aung San Suu Kyi are buddhist while the rohingya people are primarily muslim. This religious difference is causing the conflict between these two groups. Next we have the war in Syria and Iraq that has claimed the lives of 500,000 thousand people and moved more than twelve million out of the country. The unrest in ukraine caused by russia's intervention has killed 10,000 and may put the country in indefinite conflict. Another example of a dispute between two countries would be the border dispute between North and South Korea. A dispute that has gone on for more than fifty years. Finally One of the most recent conflicts is the differences between South Sudan and Sudan. The conflict between the two had caused a three year long civil war that has displaced 1.2 million people.The civil war of 2013-2015 displaced more than two million. The cause of this conflict is the differing views on religion and the two different political candidates . 17


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BIG CONCEPT Bring the attention of your audience over a key concept using icons or illustrations 19

4 Climate Change Let’s start with the first set of slides 20


We have a single mission: to protect and hand on the planet to the next generation. - Francois Hollande President of France 21

Impacts on Society

Climate change is a rising issue affecting millions of people across the world. Decreasing air quality, more wildfires, and extreme weather events are all caused by climate change. Water quality in many areas are diminishing and surface and groundwater supplies are already stressed. Even more, ecosystems such as forests, barrier beaches, and wetlands are greatly impacted by extreme weather conditions like wildfires and severe storms caused by climate change. The rising temperature and the changing chemistry of oceans increase overfishing and harm fishing communities. These are only a few causes of climate change and causes many complex and important impacts on the environment and many lives. 22

How Can You Help?

You might not think that simply reducing your carbon footprint could affect climate change much, however, the average annual carbon dioxide emissions per person is 20 metric tons. Some simple ways include: Eating organic and locally produced foods instead of processed foods, flying less as air travel leaves behind a huge carbon footprint, be energy efficient with simple steps such as unplugging a computer or TV when not in use, and getting involved. Supporting and donating to organizations such as the David Suzuki Foundation can help in developing solutions to climate change.




$10.8 BILLION The annual average cost from years 2011 to 2015 from weather and climate disasters in the United States caused by climate change according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 25

5 Disease Let’s start with the first set of slides 26


Disease is a disorder of the structure or function of a person, animal or plant, especially those that produce certain signs or symptoms or that affect a particular place and are not simply a direct result of physical trauma.


HIV and Aids

HIV and AIDS spread by sexual intercourse and interfere with how the body naturally fights infections.


Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder, or simply Autism, is a developmental disorder in which the ability to communicate and interact are impaired.



Cancer is a disease in which abnormal cells divide in an uncontrollable manner and slowly destroy the body's tissue.



Epilepsy is a disorder in which the nerve cells are disrupted, which cause seizures. 31

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