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What Is Bullying

Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Both kids who are bullied and who bully others may have serious, lasting problems.

Meet rosalie availa She was only 13 years old when she died because people made fun of her and called her ugly because of her teeth kids from her school will made pictures of her and even when she died they will still made fun of her once she was dead.


Meet Amanda Todd! She has been bullied all her life after she sent a inappropriate picture to a guy. That picture has been posted everywhere online.She has tried many ways to kill herself.People at her school has beat her up.Calling her names.October 10 2012 she died.


Why do people bully other people? I think people become bullies because they are jealous of someone or something a person owns. They might also bully other people because they are having family issues at home. Some people can feel a bit insecure about themselves sometimes so they make other people feel down or upset to make them feel better about themselves.


By yuliana murillo

The big concept is we should stop bullying as you can see our words and actions could end someone's life. Even some famous people have taken their lives because of it. It doesn't matter who they are anybody could be capable of doing this. Take example Jocelyn flores she was a model . She met someone and thought she wasn't pretty enough they made her feel like that so she killed herself. There's also shilohdynasty he was a musician and many people think he killed himself because he hasn't made music in over a year.it's like he disappeared we don't exactly know what happened but maybe someone said something...


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