A Healthy and Tasty Diet

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A Healthy and Tasty Diet

By. Laukika Kasetty, Sabrina Kabir, Manvi Arora

Contents Healthy Diet with Vegetables -1 By-Manvi Arora Healthy Diet with Meat-2 By: Laukhika Kasetty Healthy Diet with Desserts-3 By: Sabrina


Healthy And Tasty Diet With Vegetable It is really good to eat healthy food. I think you should eat more vegetables. You should try other portions so your body will be good and keep you away from any kind of health problems.Vegetables has vitamins such as A, C, and E. Although it’s really hard to eat vegetables. Honestly vegetables aren’t that tasty. So I have some recipes that are really tasty and healthy with vegetables

1.Salad is one of the good healthy source for our body. Usually there is only 100 calories in salad and that’s really good even if you sometimes want to eat unhealthy food, salad can be good for snacks or lunch. This dish is made out of a beetroot, beetroot is really good for your blood and when you are on diet. 2.Kale or leaf cabbage is a group of vegetable cultivars within the plant. Baked chips are healthy because they are not fry like other chips in market. If is vegetable Baked chips that’s really good because there is vegetable inside of the chips, and this are not even fried. 3. Smoothie is also really good as well because they are sweet and little savery if is made out of banana and spinach is really good. Spinach is green vegetable, People usually says that green vegetable are really good for your body and Spinach has vitamin A and mostly Vitamin A is one of the good source for your body.

Manvi Arora

A Healthy and Tasty Diet with Meat It’s really important to have a healthy diet , especially with all the fats and calories we are consuming. Sometimes it’s really hard to keep a diet when your taste buds don’t let you. Some people think that a healthy diet can only be with vegetables, but they are wrong. I have couple of high protein healthy and tasty meat dishes for you.

1.Ginger Glazed Mahi Mahi: This

2.Baked Tilapia: This dish

dish has a high protein healthy

contains very little oil. Tilapia

fish called Mahi Mahi. Mahi Mahi

has really good nutrition for

is fish that swims in subtropical Basil Chicken over Angel hair:

eyesight. This fish is also

Chicken is also a protein. Basil is


waters. This dish is also contains a strong ginger flavor. Although a really healthy herb. If you use this dish contains Balsamic multigrain pasta instead. This Vinegar it has many substitutes dish is really healthy and tasty. of nutrition to cover it up. You We also use olive oil to cook the can also serve some rice with it.

Laukika Kasetty

chicken. Overall, this dish is full


of Nutrition and taste.


A Healthy and Tasty Diet with Desserts By Sabrina Kabir Today Iḿ going to tell you how to make desserts more healthy so that you can eat more healthy food in life. Also if you have a healthy diet of foods and desserts you could eat these desserts below.

Vegetable cake It is healthy because it gives you Vitamin A.

Berry slushie Berries are really good for your brain because it makes your memory stronger.

Dark Chocolate Eating dark chocolate can lower the risk of heart attack.

Fruit sauce It is healthy because it gives you protein and energy.


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