Advice Column Magazine

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Jaguar Times Tips & Tricks to engage your future

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by: Aniya James by Your Name

Amiya Anderson Andrea Daniels

Contents Middle School: What’s the Big Deal? 3

Central High 13 College Planning 14

Bullying Tips 4-5

Arkansas Colleges 15-17

Hello High School 6

Getting College Ready 18

High School Article 7 Hall, Bryant, NLR, and McClellan 8 Mt. St. Mary and JA Fair 9 LISA Academy 10 eStem Charter 11 Parkview Overview 12

Announcements 19 Basketball Games 20 Starbucks 21 Which is your favorite? 22 Authors 23

Middle School: What’s the big deal?

Middle School is hard. It’s even harder not having someone to guide you. Read this article for tips and tricks to help you by. Small things like getting to class on time and turning in your work on time can help you greatly to enjoy your middle school years. Then we have big things like relationships, peer pressure and friendships that create stress and other things. One thing that you have to keep in the back of your mind is getting to high school. You have to keep in mind that you have to graduate and you won’t be in middle school forever. However, this article can help you get through and make

There are smaller things like getting to class on time and turning your work in when it’s due that will be a very big help to getting you through your school year. Things like having a good GPA can make you stand out to your teachers helping them determine which students are really trying. Making connections with your teachers are some of the best connections you could make as a middle schooler. It could set your future teachers for high school, or even just help you keep a smile on your face everyday, in middle school, you need all the smiles you can get. They can make anyone’s year one thousand times better. Now we also have big things like relationships, peer pressure and friendships that create stress and other things. Middle school can become difficult when you are having issues with your friends and significant others. However, overall, you have to stay focused on your future. You can’t let relationships and peer pressure sidetrack you away from what’s important. Sometimes you have to sit down and just think about what’s going on and if it’s really worth the extra thought. If not, then remove the problem. There’s no rule saying don’t have fun while you’re in middle school, but don’t let it distract you from what you need to have done.


Middle School: What’s the big deal?

You also can’t be scared to ask for help. If you’re having a hard time, you have to stand up and talk to someone. I recommend an adult you trust or an older sibling. You can’t always just tell your best friend and hope everything passes by. If things really get worse you must tell someone immediately. Keeping in mind that you don’t have to have a significant other to be “cool”. Nor do you have to be “cool” to get through middle school. Be true to yourself and everything will be just fine. Now you have to keep in mind that you have to graduate and you won’t be in middle school forever. No matter what happens or what you go through, you have to graduate to high school. You won’t necessarily see all of the people you saw in middle school. Once you go to high school everything starts to count, GPA’s, grades, DPS, everything. You have to focus and worry about your future. Some people go to college and others don’t. However, whether you choose to go to college or not, high school will dictate what kind of future you have, and your middle school years can dictate how your high school years will unravel. Take these tips and tricks into note and you just might slide through.

Middle School may seem hard or even be hard if you’re already there, but it’s just the beginning. Maybe this article can make it go a little smoother. However, even if it doesn’t, one thing that will always work, is staying true to yourself. Stay true to your values and beliefs and you will make it out. Middle School isn’t too bad once you’ve made it out and you’re looking bad. Time sure does fly, so make the best out of it while you can.


Bullying Tips Have you ever been bullied? Has anyone you’ve known ever been bullied? Nine out of ten people have either witnessed a(n) act of bullying or have been apart of it, in any way. Being apart of bullying doesn't just involve the victim and the bully, it also involves the bystanders too. You may think since you’re just watching it happen, that you’re not doing anything wrong, well you are. You aren’t helping the person in danger. 5

Bullying can take place anywhere. At home, at school, at work, anywhere. Any age, race, ethnicity, and gender can get bullied. Typical bullies are people that have been apart of yours or someone else’s life. When they feel that you have done something so wrong to them, they need to make you pay. That is never the case. No one has the right to harass someone else no matter what the reason is. No one should have to go through that pain. So if you ever see bullying be sure to follow these tips.



If you see or hear any detected bullying stay cautious. Don’t jump to any conclusions.


If it comes up again, tell the bully stop. Remember to remain calm and assertive. Don’t be loud and aggressive, or low and passive.


If the bullying continues to happen, alert a teacher or someone you trust, immediately before the situation gets worse. Let them handle the situation. Never involve yourself.


After an authority figure has become involved, and the bullying is still present, continuously alert them and tell them it has continued.


Remember. Never put yourself in a bullying situation, even if you are just trying to help. Let someone that can handle the situation without violence take care of it.


Hello High School 7

High School Homework, teachers ,and tests. Oh my! As 8th graders we now are faced with a very important task, to decide which high schools to attend. Here in Little Rock, there are many high schools to choose from. When selecting a high school to attend, you have to consider several things, such as: location, academics, activities/ clubs, and social environment. Is it close to where you live? Does the school provide transportation? With so many choices, it may be difficult for you to just decide on one! If so, consult with family, teachers, and even friends for help. On the next few pages we will be providing some schools that we can choose from.


Opened 1957, Hall High School has been dedicated to the academic achievement of all its students. It was the first high school to receive the Arkansas 21st Century Community Learning Center Grant in 2002.

Bryant offers a variety of clubs just for your specific interests. Though all are not covered, most are satisfied.

At North Little Rock High School, students have the opportunity to take AP classes and exams. AP participation rate is at 34%. The student body is 50/50 male: female. And the minority enrollment is 64%

McClellan focuses on students working towards careers and job readiness. The school is mainly based on technology and graphics. Here they have a school-wide computer network of 500+ computers to connect students and teachers with each other and with the world.


Mt. St. Mary and JA Fair

MSM an all girl catholic school is inspired by the works of Christ. Their mission is to influence humanitarianism and unity among all people in the eyes of the Lord..

JA Fair focuses on technology, environmental studies, and sports medicine. All classes drive for hands-on tasks and project based learning assignments. Students will also be required to complete different duties to reflect high levels of college and career preparedness. All students are given the opportunity to earn college credits and/ or certificates.


eStem is a charter school in Little Rock that focuses on building a steady foundation of learning for all of their students. Their goal is to guide all students to become critical thinkers and see the world in new perspectives. They encourage creativity and independence in all tasks. eStem, as you know, is a STEM school meaning they focus on engineering, science, technology, economics, math, and literacy. eStem holds high expectations for everything their students do. The learning environment is well kept and safe. Here, there’s no need to feel unwelcome. Teachers are highly educated and easy to talk to. Everyone’s opinions are respected and new ideas are always open for evaluation.


Students enrolled in the Fine Arts Magnet Program can select an area of emphasis of their choice and follow an expanded curriculum in their specialized area. If enrolled in the Science Magnet Program, your electives are combined with high tech specialty science courses that will prepare you for any career major you choose, but with the main focus on health and medicine. Parkview being the comprehensive school it is, students schedules include pre-AP or AP classes with gifted classes. Here there are over 26 AP classes available for the required students.

As a result of Parkview's outstanding student body, enthusiastic faculty and enriched community involvement, they have been rated the number one high school in Pulaski County by some. Parkview has been nominated for multiple awards, and have been awarded just as many. If you are interested in the arts, I suggest you look into Parkview High.


Central has 30 service, academic, and honors clubs available. Over 177 courses offered, including 30 BI courses and 5 foreign languages. Is named as one of the 16 best high schools in preparing students for college.

Central high has 170 teachers, with 85 of those having advanced degrees in multiple fields. The school has one principal with seven assistant principals. There are seven guidance counselors on the campus. Gifted and talented classes are also provided. If extra help is needed there are literacy and math coaches available for tutoring. Over the years, 42 teachers received a Stephens Awards for their excellence in teaching. So know, that you are getting the best education there is.

They have had the most National Merit and National Achievement finalists in state in the past 10 years. Just last year they gave away over $10 million in scholarships. Central has had 7 Presidential Scholars since 2000, and 134 BI Scholars. Central has been known to have the most participants in the GT Program. 77 of Central’s students have received a Stephens' Award for outstanding academic achievement.


College Planning 14

Arkansas Colleges




Getting College Ready Have you been thinking about college lately? Do you plan on staying here in Arkansas? Then you might wanna pay attention to this article. This article is about Hendrix college, located in Conway Arkansas.Though there are many more options to choose from here, I have been wanting to apply here for the longest. Students can choose from over 35 majors and 35 minors. I myself have been on campus multiple times and can only help to feel welcomed and inspired. The campus has a beautiful landscape and well- kept gardening. The staff on campus were very kind and helpful towards me. I like how they have financial-aid for students who need help paying the tuition. So be sure to check out Hendrix if you’re interested!



Basketball Games

Come out and support our LISA Academy Jaguars! Concession is available and the cheerleaders will be there 90% of the time. There’s no such thing as too many fans! Come out and show your Jaguar Pride!! For more information, you can ask any of the cheerleaders, players, coaches, or simply check the school website. Let’s Go Jaguars!


“It’s getting chilly so let’s chill at Starbucks” MS Student Council is now selling Starbucks Gift Cards! You can get one card for $7 or 2 for $10. For more information you can any of the MS Student Council members.


Which Was Your Favorite?

Elementary School: Naps, recess, snacks, and we were oh so adorable!

Middle School: No more walking in lines, lockers, responsibility and oh so many memories!

High School: Getting ready to drive, more responsibility, getting ready for college and oh so many parties!


Magazine created by: Aniya James Andrea Daniels Amiya Anderson


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