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Politics Daily Cover Story

Trump Wins!

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by Daniel LI, by Your Name

Akshay Padala, David Shu, Daniel Xiang

Contents Top Story- Trump Wins -page 3 Other Topics divider -page 5 Disputes in the South China Sea -Page 6 Iranian Nuclear Deal -Page 8 Death of Fidel Castro -Page 9 Bibliography -Page 11

DONALD TRUMP WINS People of America were shocked when Donald J. Trump was elected as the next president of the United States of America. Some people cried about it or got really mad. There were lots of protests and riots. Some of the protests were peaceful, but some weren’t. -”As thousands of people marched, some vandalised shop windows, lit firecrackers, and set waste bins on fire.” An estimated 4,000 protesters chanted "We reject the president-elect!", with some throwing objects at police, prompting several arrests.


DONALD TRUMP WINS On the east coast, protests occurred in Washington D.C., Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, while on the west coast demonstrators rallied in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Oakland in California besides Portland. “Dozens in Minneapolis marched onto Interstate 94, blocking traffic in both directions for at least an hour as police stood by.” It is apparent that these “peaceful protests” aren’t all that peaceful. -David Shu


Other Topics of Today


Disputes in the South China Sea rages on.

South China Sea Dispute Map

President Xi Jinping on the Issue

The South China Sea dispute has been raging on for a long time. So long ago, it started during the Ming Dynasty, as China says in their claim. However, the majority of China’s claims are not recognized internationally by most U.N. members, and a Arbitration on the South China Sea from the Hague, has a case ruling in the Philippines’ favor for the disputes in territorial waters between China and the Philippines. The Hague ruled that China had no legal and historical claims within a vast swath of territory in the South China Sea. However, President Xi Jinping says "China's territorial sovereignty and marine rights in the South China Sea will not be affected by the so-called Philippines South China Sea ruling in any way”, and China is still exercising its claims to South China Sea, within the notorious Nine-Dash line, which outlined a vast swath of territory within the South China Sea. Xinhua News Agency also says the ruling of the Hague was “without jurisdiction, and null and void” (continued on the next page)


(Continued from page 5)

Tribunal of the S. China Sea

Washington has since then exercised freedom of navigation exercises, to enforce the waters must be open to freedom of navigation, however Washington is not going for or against any territorial claims. They want the international waters to be open for all nations. Josh Earnest, a White House official, says, "We certainly would urge all parties not to use this as an opportunity to engage in escalatory or provocative action.� Currently, the South China Sea is a strategic position of trade, and is sitting on top of a vast reserve of natural resources. About 5 trillion dollars of cargo goes through the South China Sea, and fears that are especially present in that China would close down the South China sea, costing billions worth of dollars. The cartoon below shows how ridiculous, and how much extent the PRC is willing to go for its cause. Whatever the case, the South China Sea is still going on, and may have serious political consequences in the near future. -Daniel Xiang 12/13/16

S. China Sea Political Cartoon by Paresy


Iranian Nuclear Deal by Akshay Padala Recently, the P5+1 (China, France, Russia, UK, US, and Germany) created a nuclear agreement for Iran. The deal states that Iran’s enrichment capacity, enrichment level, and stockpile will be limited. Iran will be allowed to conduct and have research facilities. Nuclear material will not be weaponized. It will only be used for fuel purposes. These are the main points. In many cases this deal is helpful to Iran as it will help remove some of the sanctions and help its economy grow. However, many people are skeptical of the fact that Iran will end up weaponizing the program. To stop these concerns the UN has placed down many different measures. One of these being that Iran will be closely monitored during research times. They also will have a limited amount of time to conduct research. They also will only have the materials to conduct research for fuel sources.


Death of Fidel Castro On November 25, 2016, Santiago de Cuba Province, Cuba, former leader of Cuba, Fidel Castro, died at age 90. He led Cuba with “an iron will and passionate determination that bent the arc of destiny�. He introduced communist revolution, survived many assassination plots, and defied the U.S. for decades. Details of his death are unknown, but his old age and his illness in 2006 were likely factors to his death.

- Daniel Li


Death of Fidel Castro Raul Castro now leads Cuba, but has only one year of presidency left. In 2014, he and President Obama announced negotiations toward thawing relations between the U.S. and Cuba. What will become of Cuba after Raul steps down? President-elect Donald Trump wonders what the future holds for Cuba. Whether he shuts down the island to business again, or allows more openings can play into the hands of Cuba's reformists and hardliners The real change is expected to come on election day February 24, 2018 -- the day a Castro will no longer be running Cuba. It will be the first time since the revolution that a Castro will not be in power. All Cuba can do now is to hope for the best. - Daniel Li


Bibliography ●

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Picture of FIdel Castro https://www.britannica.com/ biography/Fidel-Castro Picture of Raul Castro http://www.biography.com/ people/raul-castro-183536 http://news.xinhuanet.com/e nglish/2016-07/12/c_135507 844.htm https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki /Iran_nuclear_deal_framew ork https://amti.csis.org/Arbitrat ionTL/ http://abcnews.go.com/Inter national/cuba-death-fidel-c astro/story?id=43941029

http://www.aljazeera.com/new s/2016/11/anti-trump-protests-t urn-violent-161111090846256.htm l

http://www.bbc.com/news/ world-asia-china-36771749 http://www.cfr.org/asia-and -pacific/armed-clash-southchina-sea/p27883 Picture of Donald Trump-CNN.com


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