Mythical Creatures

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Mythical Creatures

Han Siew, Alex Borengasser, Saitej Mummadi, and Sara Matuszyk,

Table of Contents Title Page .......................................................... 1 Table of Contents ............................................. 2 Chupacabra: Alex Borengasser .................... 3-4 Lochness Monster: Han Siew ........................ 5-6 Yeti: Saitej Mummadi ................................... 7-8 Bigfoot: Sara Matuszyk ............................... 9-10 Sources ........................................................... 11 The End ........................................................... 12

Chupacabra: by Alex Borengasser Chupacabras are legendary creatures that have been eerily sighted in multiple parts of the globe, including, Texas, Thailand, Mexico, Russia, China, and more. These sightings all began in March of 1995, where eye-witnesses report seeing creatures with, “A reptilian body, oval head, bulging red eyes, fanged teeth, and long darting tongue.” These mysterious animals killed and completely sucked the blood out of more than 150 farm animals. There have been dozens of accounts similar to this since then. So, obviously, these chupacabras are

not to be messed with. However, the question remains: is the chupacabra real or fake? An interesting clue from the Mayans may give us the answer. In ancient Mayan mythology, a creature called Camazotz, was known as the, “Death Bat,” or, “Vampire Bat.” Stories reveal that this creature was batlike, with a reptile head, and two arms, and had the ability to turn into a statue during the day. This definitely meets the descriptions of the modern chupacabra, and stories from Mayan literature as far back as 1400 B.C. even identify the chupacabras as “goat suckers.”

Chupacabra: by Alex Borengasser However, modern science may have debunked the chupacabra legend. The supposed chupacabra has been captured and tested on multiple times since 1995. Each time, the specimens turn out to be just coyotes or wild dogs, with manges of various type. These animals cannot account for all of the dead farm animals. So, is the chupacabra real or fake? It is difficult to come to a decisive conclusion. Even though many animals thought to be chupacabras have been proven fake by science, the sightings of these magical beasts continue. And, initial witnesses refuse to back down from their descriptions, even though they fit no animal discovered on earth. So, chupacabras may be just old dogs looking for a meal, or they may be a real, new animal species. One thing is clear, though: the chupacabras continue to mystify the world, and will continue to do so for a long time.

Legend of the Loch Ness Monster : By Han Siew The Loch Ness Monster is described to be a legendary creature which resides in Loch Ness, a lake in the Highlands of northern Scotland. Nicknamed Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster is said to be about 12-15 meters (40-50 feet). Many people believe it is shaped like a snake or a brontosaurus and is a female creature. The first sightings date back to 565 CE when the Irish Saint Columba claimed he saw the Niseag (the Celtic name for Nessie) also known as the Loch Ness Monster when he attended a burial for a man who had supposedly been bitten to death by the monster. The myth of the Loch Ness Monster remained quiet until 1933. In April of 1933, Mr. and Mrs. Mackay drove on a new road along the side of the loch. They saw the water surging and boiling in the center of the loch for several minutes. This news was reported by the Inverness Courier and spread around the world. The first known photograph of the Loch Ness Monster was taken in 1933 by a British Aluminum worker, Hugh Gray. Gray took many photographs but only one was able to process. Due to the poor quality of the photo, many critics have said that the photo was of Gray’s dog, swimming. Grayś Photo:

Legend of the Loch Ness Monster : By Han Siew In 1934, the Daily Mail newspaper was given a fuzzy black-and-white photo by the respected Harley Street gynecologist, Colonel Robert Kenneth Wilson. Wilson reportedly was driving on the road and saw the water boil and surge. He quickly took a few photos but only one was clear enough nicknamed the “Surgeon's Photograph” which gave the legend proof for 60 years. For many years, the photo was thought to be true and actual evidence but was discovered to be a hoax. In 1993, Christian Spurling, stepson of the movie maker and big game hunter “Duke” Wetherell, admitted he’d built the “monster” out of some plastic and a clockwork, tinplate, toy submarine. The picture had withstood careful scientific examination. Monster fans had speculated that the pictures showed a plesiosaur, while skeptics said it must have been an otter head or tree trunk. Nobody seemed to have thought it was actually a toy submarine. There have been many other reported sightings since 1933. Now, tech company,

Google has used their Google Maps program and partnered with Loch Ness Monster Adrian Shrine to explore Loch Ness and attempt to find Nessie.

Surgeonś Photograph:

Yeti: Saitej Mummadi In the folklore of Nepal, the Yeti or Abominable Snowman is an ape-like entity taller than an average human that is said to inhabit the Himalayan region of Nepal, Bhutan and Tibet. The names Yeti and Meh-Tehare commonly used by the people indigenous to the region, and are part of their history and mythology. Stories of the Yeti first emerged as a facet of Western popular culture in the 19th century.

Yeti: Saitej Mummadi The Yeti is said to be muscular, covered with dark grayish or reddish-brown hair, and weigh between 200 and 400 pounds. It is pretty short compared to North America's Bigfoot, averaging about 6 feet in height. There has been many sightings of the yeti, but most recently in the 20th century. Since there was more mountain climbing, there were more sightings of the Yeti. Western interest in the Yeti peaked dramatically in the 1950s. While attempting to scale Mount Everest in 1951, Eric Shipton took photographs of a number of large prints in the snow, at about 6,000 m (20,000 ft) above sea level. Some argue they are the best evidence of Yeti's existence, while others contend the prints are those of a mundane creature that have been distorted by the melting snow.

BIgfoot : by Sara Matuszyk There is a lot of talk about creatures in ancient legends, that have never been seen, however are believed to exist. One of which, is Bigfoot. BIgfoot is described as a large, hairy, muscular, ape-like creature, relatively six feet to nine feet, covered in hair commonly described as black, dark brown, or dark reddish. He is believed to be a half-man, half-ape creature that is said to live in various parts of the world.

Sources Alex’s Links: 1. bra/


Han’s LInks: 1. -sighted


Saitej’s Links: 1. tml


Sara’s Links: 1.

The End Thx for Not Falling Asleep During Our Presentation :)

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