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By: Nischal T, by Your Name Mohammad M, Sishir V, Colin M

Contents Table of Contents 2 The Past 4 The Present 6 The Future 8 The Idea 10 The End 11

The past


By Sishir Vallurupalli This scientific article was from The Mars-One website

Water on Mars Scientists have studied Mars for a long period of time, and they have finally found something very interesting. Something that could create life on Mars. Scientists have found water on Mars. I never thought that we would find water on Mars. A ocean on mars that once held more water than Earth´s Arctic Ocean. According to the NASA website scientists who measured water signatures in Mars's atmosphere have found that some of its water is in the atmosphere Scientists are still wondering how the vast water supply has left the surface. Researchers from Nasa now found out that there is still flowing water on Mars by using an imaging spectrometer that detected hydrated minerals on slopes with mysterious streaks seen on the planet. When do these streaks actually show? These streaks only show when the weather is above 10 degree Fahrenheit and when it gets colder they disappear. According to some scientist underneath all the dust there is a huge layer of ice, and in some places there is still water flowing and forms streak through the dust. By: Nischal Thota


The present


Creadit :

Journey People have had a hard times landing a ship on Mars. More and more trips have been planned to Mars than any other planet. On the NASA website it said half of the trials failed. Most of the failures occurred because mars was the first planet we have tried to board.


We have sent many rovers to Mars. They are all so cool like Calendar, Curiosity, Opportunity , and Spirit are just a very famous. Most rovers don’t make it though because of different types of problems such as the rovers could burn up in the landing, There could have been technical difficulties, or Different parts could be broken.

By: mohammad mahairi


The Future


Mars One Project

Did you know we are going to land the first human being on Mars as early as 2028? Which is really quick. NASA has been experimenting the Orion Multi-purpose crew vehicle(MPCV). The Orion MPCV will be Launch/Land shuttle that will go to Mars. in my opinion i think settling on Mars is really important because we are running out of resources. NASA has started building robots to make an underground base in Mars. Now we need to overcome certain hurdles in technology like have a rocket that has a heat shield but the heat shield will make it heavier. We found a type of bacteria that can produce oxygen called Cyanobacteria. We also have to figure out how to keep the bacteria alive during the journey to Mars.

By Sishir Vallurupalli Parts of the scientific article was from The Mars-One website

This Project is going to cost a lot of money because we are trying to find a new way to go to Mars. Well that is going to cost a lot. Then we have to have a plan to bring those people to Mars which will cost even more money. Then we would have to clean the spacecraft of bacteria because we don't want our bacteria infecting Mars.


The idea


By Sishir Vallurupalli This scientific article was from The Mars-One website


Eventually we will have to look for a new planet to live on. If it is because of pollution, lack of resources, etc. we will have to leave Earth, but what if we don’t need to go far. What if we could change another planet so it is similar to Earth, this is called terraforming. So how do you terraform a planet?

Mars is the only planet that we can terraform, because other planets are too hot, or don't have a surface. Well for start Mars needs an atmosphere. The way we could do that is greenhouse gasses. The easiest way to do that is make the same factories that are polluting Earth on Mars. This will help with several things, first green house gasses, second it will warm Mars because its average temperature is about -70 fahrenheit, third it could warm the ice caps on Mars for water. Now we have 2 problems left, radiation, and a magnetic field. To stop radiation from hitting the planet is done by adding ozone in our new atmosphere. The way we do that is by making ozone generators. They make ozone from oxygen, but you will need a lot of them to make enough ozone to protect Mars from radiation. Now the last problem is that Mars does not have a magnetic field, and if it doesn't solar wind from the sun will blow Mars atmosphere away, and as of now we have no real way to solve this. So until then let's just try to preserve Earth for as long as we can. Personally I think this is impossible, nobody would fund this even if it was possible. So until then let's just try to preserve Earth for as long as we can. By: Colin Myers Credits to:



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