Ron & Lisa's Favorite {Healthy} Things: Holiday Gift Guide 2012

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'If you were all alone in the universe with no one to talk to, no one with which to share the beauty of the stars, to laugh with, to touch, what would be your purpose in life? It is other life: it is love, which gives your life meaning. This is harmony. We must discover the joy of each other, the joy of challenge, and the joy of growth.' - Mitsugi Saotome



Green Your Home for the Holidays!

Raw Acorn Squash Soup [] I large acorn squash, skin and seeds removed, diced [] 114 c coconut oil (liquid) [] I tsp new mexico chile verde powder or 1/2 c diced mild green chile [] 2 green onions, whites only [] 3 c coconut water to blend [] Salt and pepper to taste Blend all ingredients until smooth and creamy. Top with chopped green onions and brazil nut parmesan. Rest. Relax. Rejoice!

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" - Hippocrates

A BREATH OF FRESH AIR Natural Room Scents By Monica at The Yummy Life Add fragran ce to yo ur home using simmering waters infu se d w ith spices, herbs, & fruit.

Ingredients: [] Citrus, sli ce d -- lemons, oranges, limes (may use peel only, if preferred) [] Herbs -- rosemary, th yme , & bay leaves [] Spices-- w hole cinnamon , cloves, nutmeg, allspice (optional), anise (optional); may substitute ground/powdered spi ces [] Ginger (fresh or pow dered) [] Extracts--vanilla, almond, mint [] Pine t w igs (or other fragrant t w igs) Directions: Use a pint (2 cup) jar, container, or pot to combine sce nt waters. Add ingredients to container, cove r w ith water, and choose from the se options: --simmer on stove top , topping off w ith more water as it evaporates --add heated mixture to a slow cooker, fondue pot, or so mething similar that w ill keep mixture heated . Preheat waters to a boil (in mi crowave or on stove top) . As water evaporates, always top it off w ith HOT water to keep the temperature as high as poss ible. Higher heat = more fragrance .


I. Orange, Cinnamon & Spice. I orange, 2 cinnamon sti cks

Add fl(l~rantc to your home using simmering waters mfused wil h spices, hClbs. & fruit.

(or 2 teaspoon s ground cinnamon), 1/ 2 table spoon w hole cloves


Ingredlenu : •

Citrus - lemons,orir'lges,llmes;~lcedtout'ldsorpeeI5orlv

• Herbs - rosemMy. thyme, 8. bay leaves • Splcc, - whole clnmmon. dwes, NJtmeg. allsplce, anise; fresh ~reer;m~ sl..bstlMe grOl.nd spl«'!s

(or 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves), 1/ 2 table spoon w hole allspice

• Extroct s- Y4nlHa,almOl"ld,mlnt

• Pine twl,, - or other ('&Jant twigs Dlret rion s: ~~!1r~)~;$~:' orpottoCOOlblne~ntedwater$.Addll"@'edlent$ to oontall'lef.

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(or 1/4 teaspoon ground allspice), I anise star (optional) 2. Lemon , Ro se mary & Vanilla. 3 sprigs of fre sh rosemary, 2 lemon s, I teaspoon vanilla extract.


• Pine. 8"VLcllve,. &NIlt:II"ItS- Handfu of pine twl~orl"leedl es.;4 bfIYlefIVes; 1 wl"lolenucmeg, outer I fI(~ grfltedll'ltomllrure (or l/4 ~. groI..l"ldN.llmeg).

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3. Lime, Th yme, Mint & Vanilla. 3 limes, 3-4 sprigs fre sh thyme , 1/2 teaspoon mint extract, I teaspoon vanilla.

4. Orange, Ginger, & Almond. I orange (or peel from 2 oranges) , I 4" finger of ginger, sli ce d (or I t sp ground ginger), 1/2 teaspoon almond extract. 5. Pine, Bay Leaves, & Nutmeg. Handful of pine t w igs or needle s, 4 bay leaves, I w hole nutmeg, outer laye r grated into mixture. Sce nted waters may be refrigerated betwee n uses. Reu se for 2-3 days, or as long as they still have a pleasant fragrance . Add a candle , a bow and a printable tag and give as a gift! Click to print a sheet of green gift tags Click to print a sheet of brown/orange gift tags



Reduce Allergens At Home!

Materials: *3 oz natural wool roving *Latex rubber gloves *Large bowl with warm water and dishsoap *Wax lined tray *Embroidery thread and needle 3 ounces of roving should yield approx 50 balls, which can create a 10 foot garland.

I. With gloved hands (you'll thank us later), pullout about a palmful of roving and dunk into warm water. 2. Begin rubbing the wet roving between palms in a circular motion. After a few moments it will begin to stick to itself and create a ball. 3. Continue rolling until the ball feels solid and is approx I" thick. To make thicker simply add more wool and repeat motions.

4. Set completed balls on a wax lined tray and allow to dry about 12-24 hours. 5. In the meantime, work out your color pattern. Measure out embroidery thread and add an extra 2 feet for each end. 6. Once dry, thread balls in desired pattern and tie off each end. We chose to tie one end and wrap the other around a wooden spool for a little versatility.

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