Broadcast from Home

Page 1

by Lisa

Broadcast from Home

Composed, produced and edited by Lisa

Broadcast from Home was created via a participatory process, soliciting, collecting and combining vocal and instrumental phrases from singers and players sheltering in place worldwide. Individual parts containing short phrases and musical prompts were circulated and published on the project website, audio was compiled, then the rest of the composing process was completed in digital audio software. While there is no score, the individual parts used to create the piece are included here. Texts are excerpted from testimonies collected through the project website throughout the period of composition. Chapters were created and unveiled weekly over 15 weeks from April to July 2020.

Chapter 1 “That Other You Still Exists”……………………………………………………………………………………1 clarinet, horn, trombone, 2 violins, voices

After more than a week, of being at sixes and sevens, not caring about all the inside things I love to do. Where was music? Where was reading? Why wasn’t I cleaning closets? I finally succumbed to days of staying in bed…fearing that this lassitude might never end. And remembering my advice: Give in to what your spirit is telling you. It’s not forever! That other you still exists.

- Anonymous, Westchester, NY, March 23

Chapter 2 “Tiny, Powerful (for A.S.)” ………………………………………………………………………………………6 clarinet, violin, viola, cello, voices

…small, even tiny, acts of service (giving a ride, bringing a book, cooking a meal, lifting a spoon, fixing a pillow…)…Kindness leads to courage…tiny, powerful, and often final, exquisite experiences of love.

- Christina Jensen, Beacon, NY, April 6, 2020

Chapter 3 “The New Abnormal” …………………………………………..………………………………………………12 flute, trumpet, viola, percussion, voices field audio: Washington Heights, New York, NY 7pm, April 19, 2020

I don’t want to watch a concert on a screen.

I don’t want to meet you for happy hour online.

I want to sit across from you, next to you, behind you, in front of you…

- Catherine Womack, Los Angeles, CA, April 15, 2020

…it’s the New Abnormal….We’re all strangers in a strange land.

…masked and gloved and hooded, no one looks like themselves right now.

- James Rosenfield, Brooklyn, NY, April 14, 2020

I’m annoyed that all the rich people have left NYC. They should have to suffer here with the rest of us….careless people in their 20’s and 30’s aren’t wearing masks and won’t stand far enough away.

- Cindy Brome, Greenwich Village, New York, NY, April 10, 2020

…wanting to disappear to a deserted island…never to be seen or bothered by anyone again.

- Pea Hicks, San Diego, CA, April 11, 2020

Why are people hoarding and wasting?

- Sandy Kreger, Dexter, MI, April 7, 2020

[plus other improvised texts]

Chapter 4 “I Miss All That” ……………………………………………………………………………………………………23 clarinet, violin, viola, cello, voices

I miss…

sitting in the dining hall with my best friends…being in a place that makes me happy.

- Anonymous, Philadelphia, PA, April 22, 2020

…dancing with others.

- Anonymous, Harlem, New York, NY, April 6, 2020


singing with my friends.

- Kristina Boerger, Minneapolis, MN, April 10, 2020

…my partner. I haven’t seen him for three weeks. being healthy.

- Anonymous, London, UK, April 10, 2020

early mornings. Stepping out into the world by 7:44 each morning. …the library. If I concentrate, I can smell the paper, leather, coffee.

- Isabella K., Wellfleet, MA, April 14, 2020

…the sense of obligations to fulfill. The faces of people on the street, or in the park, unguarded. I miss their eyes.

- Julie Carr, Denver, CO, April 10, 2020

…shaking a stranger’s hand.

- Sommer Browning, Denver, CO, April 20, 2020

I would love to walk with my friends across town, go to the market and haggle over prices. Sit with them and argue over every little thing…then hug them goodbye…I miss all that.

- Edith Magak, Nairobi, Kenya, April 16, 2020

[plus other improvised texts]

Chapter 5 “Are We What Happens?”

flute, trumpet, percussion, violin, viola, cello, voices

I feel like I was finally getting my life on track, like I was figuring out who I am. I saw a future for myself, I had a plan.

I feel like I am going in reverse.

- Anonymous, New York, April 26, 2020

…all I need to do is make the next small decision, the next small step…If in divine timing there is no rush, maybe I can act as if there is no rush now. Moving one chess piece at a time. That itself is soothing.

- Jonnie Pekelny, Oakland, CA, April 28, 2020

…what happens when we’re stuck in the middle? Is this what happens? Are we what happens?

- Scout Pertofsky, California, April 20, 2020

Somehow it feels like the world has simultaneously paused and begun to go twice as fast.

- Caleb Thorn, Flat Rock, NC, April 22, 2020

Chapter 6 “Morning Again” ………………………………………………………………………………………….………45 flute, trumpet, percussion, piano, violin, 2 violas, cello, voices

Morning again. It’s not over yet. In this tiny, remote desert town, we are dangerously old…Meanwhile, we can sit outside the Post Office waiting for the mail, six feet apart. There are no stores, no businesses here…What can I touch? It’s hard to breathe. When I get back home I wash everything, beginning with my hands.

- Kathy Goss, 78 years old, Darwin, CA, May 2, 2020

Coming off a plane from Morocco, my life completely changed: no job to return to, no friends to speak with in person, no next trip…

- Sarah Dana, 67 years old, Cincinnati, OH, April 30, 2020

[plus other improvised texts]

Chapter 7 “Look Up and Look Around” …………………………………………………………………………………57 flute/piccolo, oboe, horn, viola, cello, double bass. voices

The people I love, and who love me back, are always with me…look up…and look around for a minute and appreciate the World that’s around us because while it is a mess right now, it is really beautiful.

- Will Roslak, 29 years old, New York, NY, May 7, 2020

Amid the gloom and doom, [this challenge has caused me to] reach out to old friends. I don’t know all the reasons.

- Kyle MacMillan, 57 years old, Chicago, IL, May 8, 2020

Something has been freed inside me out of all the sadness…[the desperate reaction to] try to make something good and hopeful of it, to build, create, reflect, express…

- Evelyne Luest, 62 years old, New York, NY, May 6, 2020

[plus other improvised texts]

Chapter 8 “Who Knows?” ………………………………………………………………………………………….…………69

flute/piccolo, oboe, clarinet, percussion, viola, double bass, voices field audio: 7pm, Washington Heights, NYC, May 14, 2020

Isolation’s tedious, My vacation’s ambiguous, Vitally vicarious, Cinema carrying us, Corona cases various, And I’m trying to stay precarious.

- Ethan Cotler, 19 years old, North Carolina, May 6, 2020

…[they] keep pushing the date further and further away. At first it was March, then May, and now June. Will July be next? Who knows? is inevitable there will be another wave of this…when will it start and end? …one day I will be able to wake up and throw my mask away…I hope the sky isn’t cloudy.

- Izabella Gozzo, 16 years old, New York, NY, May 17, 2020

I miss the way in where we can go outside and feel free…

- Anonymous, 16 years old, Location not given, May 11, 2020

no escape from my shoe box with paper thin walls

- Anonymous, 15 years old, New York, NY, May 11, 2020

[plus other improvised texts]

Chapter 9: “Hear me, hear me, hear me” ……………………………………………………………………………83 clarinet, bass clarinet, 2 horns, alphorn, 2 violins, voices field audio: peaceful protests in NYC and Minneapolis

Justice. My Justice. Despite their inability to receive True Justice, I will –I will, I will, I will.

“Justice,” for too long, has been a faint hum… Hear me, hear me, hear me.

- Anonymous, 15 years old, Brooklyn, NY, June 1, 2020

…I am finding out what is left of me… Will I enjoy being awake today?

- Kristina Boerger, 55 years old, Minneapolis, MN, May 22, 2020

The “I (myself)” is not so important. This place is suffering.

- Fumiko Miyamoto, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 23, 2020

Everything I do feel(s) like trudging up a hill with a backpack full of rocks.

- Casey Maher, 46 years old, Long Island, NY, May 21, 2020

I am recalibrating. I am creating a new life for myself.

- Anonymous, 65 years old, Philadelphia, PA, May 22, 2020


Who am I if I cannot work? Now is the time, when all is crumbling…

- Nancy Popp, 49 years old, Los Angeles, CA, May 22, 2020

[plus other improvised texts]

Chapter 10 “The City is Not the Same” …………………………………………………………………………………94 flute and piccolo, clarinet, piano, prepared piano, toy piano, percussion, voices

London, North Hackney – London is apparently “opening” but the city is not the same. I choose to believe that this is a good thing.

- Anonymous, 39 years old, London, UK, May 23, 2020

I am changing moving seeing sun set here and there and then back here way above the stillness of the city city that was in motion is now in non-motion i am a reflection of my city a reflection of these people one person with these people.

- Anonymous, 15 years old, Brooklyn, NY, June 1, 2020

I like the quiet.

The simple rhythm of trimmed back life. We are reopening…

- Andrew Purdam, 57 years old, Hall, CT, Australia, May 28, 2020

[plus city names from testimonies and vocal submissions]

Chapter 11 “Throw a Prayer” …………………………………………………………………………..…………………106 trumpet, percussion, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, 2 violins, viola, cello, percussion, voices

I do not believe in prayer but I pray these days. I do not believe in God but I don’t think God is offended by this. God knows that God is for the desperate…

- Katie Baldwin Eng, 51 years old, New York, NY, May 26, 2020

I am healthy, I am well…And yet the sadness is crushing me…I am healthy, I am well and I am crushed with sadness…

- Debi DeAnn, 67 years old, Apex, NC, June 4, 2020

Throw a prayer to cautious values, to vagueness, to trembling chords

Throw a prayer to open space and broken tapes Walk backwards

Throw a prayer to walking backwards

- Oriana Hawley, 15 years old, New York, NY, May 28, 2020

[plus other improvised texts]

Chapter 12 “Today is Enough” ……………………………………………………………………………………………118 clarinet (with digital processing), horn, trombone, 2 violins, viola, cello, voices

Abiding 2


People marching

People shouting

[All seen through the window Of my computer.]

Inside there is Mostly Waiting Just sorting it out; waiting

For the reason to be afraid has passed.

Quietly, Almost in silence, The days go On And on.

- Anonymous, 81 years old, New York, NY, June 15, 2020

There’s so much time. It’s totally luxurious…I’ve discovered that small joys are enough…I’m taking boat rides…reading novels…growing vegetables, playing with my pets, taking care of my Dad…I whistle a lot.

I’m just so grateful…that everything stopped. I was desperate for it to stop…Turns out it’s enough. Today is enough…I have enough, I do enough, I am enough.

- Anonymous, 39 years old, Covington, LA, June 14, 2020

[plus other improvised texts]

Chapter 13 “Where is Everybody?” ………………………………………,,,,…………………………………………129 string orchestra, electric guitar, voices field audio: amateur fireworks, Washington Heights, NYC, June 30, 2020

…I dream about being near people and…I wake up terrified. I can’t imagine hugging or shaking a hand ever again. “is it safe?”…Reopening? Reopening what? or more importantly, when? This isn’t a thing that we can walk away from. I’ve worked all my life to be patient, and now my life depends on that work.”

- Melissa Bybee, 54 years old, New York, NY, June 19, 2020

…Where is everybody? What is happening to our country and our world? Why didn’t we handle this differently? Why didn’t they handle this differently?...

- Anonymous, 35 years old, San Francisco, CA, June 18, 2020

[plus other improvised texts]

Chapter 14 “Still” …………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………142 piccolo, flute, clarinet, horn, melodica, harp

In the present moment, things are fine where I am…March seems like both days and years ago.

- Theo Trevisan, 20 years old, Princeton, NJ, June 28, 2020

Be still and know. Be still. Be. …we don’t know what lies ahead…

- Larissa Fall, 28 years old, San Francisco, CA, June 25, 2020

Breathing in I know my strength.

- Leila Sesmero, age unknown, location unknown, April 10, 2020

There is no room at all for division – …we all realize how intertwined we actually are when things start to unravel.

- Anonymous, 52 years old, location unknown, April 15, 2020

[plus other improvised texts]

Chapter 15 “After-lives” …………………………………………………………………………………………..…………153 piccolo, flute, oboe, English horn, clarinet, bass clarinet, 2 melodicas, trombone, tuba, marimba, found percussion, piano, 2 ukuleles, 5-string violin, viola, double bass, voices

From “Medieval Lovers: A Book of After-lives”

zombie after-lives of lost novels, poetry left behind in a taxi, paintings secluded behind walls… …calendars buried in contiguity

Sabotage of seas, song

of polystyrene. Cereal aggression its red plastic end-game.

…now-cancelled concert gigs. Hours of practice keep musicians ready; although there are examples: those who put down instruments for years then play just like it was yesterday.

- Deborah Meadows, 63 years old, Los Angeles, CA, July 7, 2020

…I sorrow for those who cannot accept these new realities…I am sometimes one of them. What does it take to transform our ways of knowing what is? What more will we need to have happen in order to come together…?

- Kathleen Marquardt, 74 years old, Milwaukee, WI, July 5, 2020

[plus other improvised texts]

Moderato = 112 S.A. meet you for hap py - hour on line - I want to sit a-cross from you.

I don't wan na - watch a con -cert on a screen. I don't wan na -

A -cross from you Next to you Be -hind you In front of you

A -cross from you Next to you Be -hind you In front of you A -cross from you Next to you Be -hind you In front of you

We're all strang -ers in a strange land. Masked and gloved and hood -ed,

no one looks like them -selves right now. It's the new Ab nor - mal. -

Wanting to disappear to a deserted island. never to be seen or bothered by anyone again. I'm annoyed that all the rich people have left. They should have

Shout these phrases!!


Broadcast from Home Chapter 3

Moderato = 112 T.B.

I don't wan na - watch a con -cert on a screen. I don't wan na -

sing any or all of these phrases: II.

meet you for hap -py hour on line - I want to sit a-cross from you. T.B. A -cross from you Next to you Be -hind you In front of you

sing any or all of these phrases: III.

A -cross from you Next to you Be -hind you In front of you

We're all strang -ers in a strange land. Masked and gloved and hood -ed, T.B.

no one looks like them -selves right now. It's the new Ab nor - mal. -

A cross - from you! Next to you! Be hind - you! In front of you! 4 4

Wanting to disappear to a deserted island. never to be seen or bothered by anyone again. I'm annoyed that all the rich people have left. They should have to suffer here with the rest of us. Why are people hoarding and wasting? Careless

3 4 & As fast as possible repeat as many times as desired

Shout these phrases!! (no particular rhythm) (play)

A cross - from you!

Next to you! Be

hind - you! In

front of you!

Broadcast from Home Chapter 3

Repeat each phraselet as many time as desired

Susp. Cymb. and/or Triangle Other gentle objects (Wind chimes? Rain stick?)

8 4 & repeat as many times as desired As fast as possible

mp (cresc. gradually over all repeats)

Using these pitches, create blurt-like fast phrases: & gradually make phrases longer /

Shout these phrases!! (no particular rhythm) (hit stuff)

ff A cross - from you! Next to you! Be hind - you! In front of you!


As fast as possible repeat as many times as desired, gradually becoming more crunchy (sul pont., other effects) very crunchy

Shout these phrases!! (no particular rhythm) (play something aggressive)

Broadcast from Home Chapter 4

I miss... ... Slow, Thoughtful

I miss...

I miss...

Adagio = 60


Sing any phrase or phrases, alternating between these two notes (or use your own phrase about what you miss):

...being healthy. ...the sense of obligations to fulfill. ...sitting in the dining hall with my best friends. ...singing.

...shaking a stranger's hand.

I miss ear ly - morn ings. - I miss my part ner. -

S.A. I miss their eyes. I miss all that. I miss all that.

Chant in speech rhythm, gently S.A.

Step -ping out in to - the world by sev -en for - ty - four - each morn ing. -

Step -ping out in to - the world by sev en - for - ty - four - each morn ing. -


= 60

The fac -es of peop -le on the street or in the park, un guard - ed. -

Broadcast from Home Chapter 4 additional phrases for Women

Sing any phrase or phrases, alternating between these two notes (or use your own phrase about what you miss):

...people. my family, my friends. ...dancing with others. ...singing with my friends. ...being in a place that makes me happy. ...shaking a stranger's hand.

Chant in speech rhythm, gently

I have n't - seen him for three weeks.

Lisa Bielawa

Broadcast from Home Chapter 4

I miss... ...

Thoughtful I miss... I miss... ...

Adagio = 60

Sing any phrase or phrases, alternating between these two notes (or use your own phrase about what you miss):

...being healthy. ...the sense of obligations to fulfill. ...sitting in the dining hall with my best friends. ...singing. ...shaking a stranger's hand.

I miss the lib -ra ry. - I miss their eyes. I miss all that. I miss all that.

Chant in speech rhythm, gently

If I con-cen -trate I can smell the pap er, - leath er, - cof fee. -

If I con -cen -trate I can smell the pap er, - leath er, - cof fee. -

The fac -es of peop -le on the street or in the park, un guard - ed. -

I would love to walk with my friends a cross


Broadcast from Home Chapter 4 additional phrases for Men

...people. my family, my friends. ...dancing with others. ...singing with my friends.

...being in a place that makes me happy. ...shaking a stranger's hand.

Chant in speech rhythm, gently

Sing any phrase or phrases, alternating between these two notes (or use your own phrase about what you miss):

I have n't - seen him for three weeks.

Vln. mf Slow, Thoughtful

from Home Chapter 4

Vln. mp dolce Adagio = 60

Vln. p Various speeds

Repeat each unit as desired. Use any tempo in range above, very steady

Repeat each unit as desired.

Repeat each unit as desired. Use


Broadcast from Home Chapter 5





Chant in speech rhythm, gently

Sing any of these phrases, or make your own phrase beginning with the words "I WAS..."

I was finally... getting my life on track. I was figuring out... who I am. I saw a future... for myself.

Largo = 48

I was finally... getting my life on track. I was figuring out... who I am. I saw a future... for myself.

Mov -ing one chess piece at a time. In di -vine tim ing - there is no rush.

Largo = 48

All I need is to make The next small de ci - -sion The next small step

Largo = 48 Quick but not rushed:

I feel like I'm go ing in re verse. I had a plan. Si -mul -tan -e -ous -ly

Adagio = 60

What hap -pens when we're stuck in the mid dle?

Is this what hap pens? Are we what hap pens?


Broadcast from Home Chapter 5





Chant in speech rhythm, gently

Sing any of these phrases, or make your own phrase beginning with the words "I WAS..."

I was finally... getting my life on track. I was figuring out... who I am. I saw a future... for myself.

Largo = 48

sing any or all of these phrases:

I was finally... getting my life on track. I was figuring out... who I am. I saw a future... for myself.

I can act as if... There is no rush now. That it self - is sooth ing -

Largo = 48

sing any or all of these phrases:

Mov ing - one chess piece Next small step Next small de ci - -sion

Largo = 48 Any length Really Fast!

I feel like I'm go -ing in re verse. Paused and be -gun to go twice as fast.

Adagio = 60

What hap -pens when we're stuck in the mid dle?


Is this what hap pens? Are we what hap pens?


= 60

Flute and/or Piccolo All repeats as desired

Tpt. in Bb Thoughtful

Tpt. in Bb mp cantabile Largo = 48 Tpt. in Bb p dolce Tpt. in Bb mp Largo = 48

p Largo

Broadcast from Home Chapter 5

= 48

/ Toms/Lo Drums with yarn mallets or hands cymbals with hands sizzle II. / Hand Drums

= 48

3 make other two-measure grooves, with similar material, adding more detail

Gradually get faster until you are double-time

repeat as desired, fade out To Perc.

3 2 / BD (kick)

/ SD (snares on) 5 V-b. / continue, fill and ad lib with similar rhythms. Repeat 3-4x / Cymb BD (sticks) exactly one half-note beat of any noises you want V-c.

exactly one half-note beat of any noise you want


Chant in speech rhythm, gently

Sing any of these phrases and/or add your own, starting with the word "NO" any note any note 3


no job to re turn - to, no friends to speak with in per son, -

& any note any note [add your own text here]

no next trip. no

S.A. It's not ov er - yet. It's not ov er - yet. Six What feet can a I touch? partWhat Six can feet I a touch? partAndante = 92-96


When I get back home I wash ev 'ry - thing - start -ing with my hands. Slower = c.74

We can sit out side - the post of fice - wait -ing for the mail.

from Home Chapter 6

Chant in speech rhythm, gently T.B.

Sing any of these phrases and/or add your own, starting with the word "NO" any note any note 3

no job to re turn - to, no friends to speak with in per son, -

no next trip. no T.B.

Six What feet can a I part touch?It's not ov er - yet. What Six can feet I a touch? partIt's not ov er - yet. Andante = 92-96 T.B.

When I get back home I wash ev 'ry - thing - start -ing with my hands. Slower = c.74

We can sit out side - the post of fice - wait -ing for the mail.

Broadcast from Home Chapter 6 phrases for Bass



Chant in speech rhythm, gently

Sing any of these phrases and/or add your own, starting with the word "NO" any note any note 3

no job to re turn - to, no friends to speak with in per son, -

? any

no next trip. no

T.B. It's hard to breathe What Six can feet I a touch? partMean whileAndante = 92-96


4 4 ?

Andante = 92-96


Morn -ing a gain - We are dan -gerous ly old We are dan -gerous -ly old

Chant in speech rhythm, gently (do a couple of different speeds) T.B. When I get back home I wash ev 'ry - thing - start -ing with my hands. Slower = c.74 T.B. We can sit out side - the post of fice - wait -ing for the mail.

There are no stores no bus -iness -es here.

Chant in speech rhythm, gently

Sing any of these phrases and/or add your own, starting with the word "NO" any note any note 3

no job to re turn - to, no friends to speak with in per son, -

It's hard to breathe It's hard to breathe Mean while -

Chant in speech rhythm, gently (do a couple of different speeds)

There are no stores no bus -iness -es here.

I. Lisa Bielawa

any pitch, your best note!

any quick or medium-quick tempo

any pitch, your best note!


Broadcast from Home Chapter 6

hold down these pitches and depress sost. ped.



Broadcast from Home Chapter 7

Moderately fast but not rushed

Sing any of these phrases and/or add your own things you tell yourself when you are low.



Buoyant = 104

reach out to old friends. look around for a minute. try to make something good. build, create, reflect, express...

reach out to old friends. look around for a minute. try to make something good. build, create, reflect, express...

The peo ple - I love and who love me back are al ways - with me.

Buoyant = 104

sing any or all of these phrases:

Reach f out to old friends! Look a -round for a min ute. -

Try to make some -thing good. S.A.

Quick speech rhythm S.A.

Buoyant = 104 4 4 &

sing any or all of these phrases:

while it is a mess right now... out of all the sadness... I don't know all the reasons... Amid the gloom and doom...

Look up and look a round. - Try to make some -thing good.

sing in either octave:

Some -thing has been freed in side - me Ap -pre-ci ate - the world that's a -round us.

Broadcast from Home Chapter 7

Moderately fast but not rushed S.A. The peo ple - I love and hope -ful of it Buoyant

Quick speech rhythm Slower, gentle



Broadcast from Home Chapter 7



Moderately fast but not rushed

Sing any of these phrases and/or add your own things you tell yourself when you are low.

Ah Ah

Buoyant = 104

reach out to old friends. look around for a minute. try to make something good. build, create, reflect, express...

reach out to old friends. look around for a minute. try to make something good. build, create, reflect, express...

The peo -ple I love and who love me back are al ways - with me.

Buoyant = 104

Reach f out to old friends! Look a -round for a min ute. -

Try to make some -thing good. T.B.

Quick speech rhythm T.B.

II. ? sing any or all of these phrases: III. ? ? while it is a mess right now... out of all the sadness... I don't know all the reasons... Amid the gloom and doom...

Buoyant = 104 4 4 ?

It is a mess right now. Out of all the sad ness. - It is a mess right now.

Some -thing has been freed in side - me Ap -pre-ci -ate the world that's a -round us.

Broadcast from Home Chapter 7

Moderately fast but not rushed S.A.

Sing any of these phrases and/or add your own things you tell yourself when you are low.

reach out to old friends. look around for a minute. try to make something good. build, create, reflect, express...

reach out to old friends. look around for a minute. try to make something good. build, create, reflect, express...

The peo ple - I love and who love me back are al ways - with me.

Buoyant = 104

Buoyant = 104 S.A.

Look a -round for a min ute. - and hope -ful of it

sing any or all of these phrases:

while it is a mess right now... out of all the sadness... I don't know all the reasons... Amid the


Broadcast from Home Chapter 7 phrases for Theo tenor clef

Moderately fast but not rushed T.B. Look a -round for a min ute. - Ap prec - -ia te - the world that's a round - us.

Sing any of these phrases and/or add your own things you tell yourself when you are low.

Ah Ah

Buoyant = 104 T.B.

Buoyant = 104 T.B.

reach out to old friends. look around for a minute. try to make something good. build, create, reflect, express...

reach out to old friends. look around for a minute. try to make something good. build, create, reflect, express...

Reach f out to old friends! Look a -round for a min ute. -

Try to make some -thing good.

Quick speech rhythm

Some -thing has been freed in side - me Ap -pre-ci ate - the world that's a -round us. Buoyant = 104 4 4

Slower, gentle

It is a mess right now. It is a mess right now. It is a mess right now.

Broadcast from Home Chapter 7

Quick speech rhythm

Slower, gentle

while it is a mess right now... out of all the sadness... I don't know all the reasons... Amid the gloom and doom... it is really beautiful.

It is a mess right now. It is a mess right now.

Buoyant = 104

sing in either octave:

Some -thing has been freed in side - me Ap -pre-ci -ate the world that's a -round us.

different-lengthed phrases using these pitches

Broadcast from Home Chapter 7

make downwards phrases using these pitches pizz.

use a variety of lengths and speeds ad lib sul pont.

Broadcast from Home Chapter 7


4 4 4 4 ? I.

Broadcast from Home Chapter 7

Buoyant = 104

mf legato

repeat as desired


sim. stop sound w/slap (LH)

pizz. make upwards phrases using these pitches di

Db. f Buoyant

= 104 Db.

use a variety of lengths and speeds use either note


sim. pizz and/or snap pizz.

erent speeds arco

Broadcast from Home Chapter 8

Sing in natural speech tempo

At first it was March, then May, and now June. Will Ju ly - be next? Who knows?

Sing any of these phrases, and/or add your own questions, using these question notes: , , &

When will it start? When will it end? What's next? Who knows?

Sing any of these words on either of these notes and/or add your own, as fast as possible in one breath until you run out

I miss the way in where we can go outside and feel free I don't really need anything but this to be over already no escape from my shoe box with paper thin walls it is inevitable that there will be another wave of this they keep pushing the date further and further away.

Sing any phrase as fast or slow as you want

Broadcast from Home Chapter 8 additional vocal phrases

Sing in natural speech tempo S.A.

Sing any of these phrases, and/or add your own questions, using these question notes:

When will it start? When will it end? What's next? Who knows?

Sing any of these words on either of these notes and/or add your own, as fast as possible in one breath until you run out

I miss the way in where we can go outside and feel free I don't really need anything but this to be over already no escape from my shoe box with paper thin walls it is inevitable that there will be another wave of this they keep pushing the date further and further away.

Sing any phrase as fast or slow as you want

Speak or speak very softly (on any note) I hope the sky isn't cloudy.

Broadcast from Home Chapter 8

Sing in natural speech tempo

At first it was March, then May, and now June. Will Ju ly - be next? Who knows?

Sing any of these words on either of these notes and/or add your own, as fast as possible in one breath until you run out

When will it start? When will it end? What's next? Who knows? T.B.

Sing any of these phrases, and/or add your own questions, using these question notes: , , ?

I miss the way in where we can go outside and feel free I don't really need anything but this to be over already no escape from my shoe box with paper thin walls it is inevitable that there will be another wave of this they keep pushing the date further and further away.

Sing any phrase as fast or slow as you want

Speak or speak very softly (on any note) and/or create a whisper phrase with this sentence, using your instrument (somehow!)

I hope the sky isn't

continue repeating this note in different rhythmic patterns, alternating faster and slower, in one breath

Speak or speak very softly (on any note) and/or create a whisper phrase with this sentence, using your instrument (somehow!)

I hope the sky isn't cloudy.

Broadcast from Home Chapter 8

repeat as desired, getting gradually slower or faster (and softer)

continue repeating this note in different rhythmic patterns, alternating faster and slower, in

Speak or

Speak or whisper very softly (ad lib play along with yourself using whisper tone or breathy harmonics)

I hope the sky isn't cloudy.

Rather slow and contemplative


I am find -ing out trudg -ing lis ten - ing - dis solv - -ing

S.A. re ca - li - brat - -ing Cre at - ing -



Find -ing out what is left of me. Cre at - ing - a new life for my self.Moderato = 80-88


Trudg -ing up a hill with a back pack - full of rocks. and not pro -ject ing. -

This place is suf fer - ing. - when all is crum bl - ingRelaxed speech tempo

feels like trudg ing - up a hill Ev 'ry - thing - I do

Broadcast from Home Chapter 9

Rather slow and contemplative


I am find -ing out trudg -ing lis ten - ing - dis solv - -ing

T.B. re ca - li - brat - -ing Cre at - ing -

Moderato = 80-88


Find -ing out what is left of me. Cre-at ing - a new life for my self. -


Trudg -ing up a hill with a back pack - full of rocks. Stay -ing in the pres ent.T.B.

Relaxed speech tempo

This place is suf fer - ing. - when all is crum bl - ing -

feels like trudg ing - up a hill Ev 'ry - thing - I do

Rather slow and contemplative

I am find -ing out trudg -ing lis ten - ing - dis solv - -ing

Find -ing out what is left of me. Cre -at ing - a new life for my self.Moderato = 80-88


Broadcast from Home Chapter 9

combine these phrases in any order, keeping up a steady eighth-note

Broadcast from Home Chapter 9

= c.80

combine these phrases in any order, keeping up a steady eighth-note pulse

mf heavy, profound Di

erent tempos from Adagio to Moderato

other short phrases using only those same pitches)

Broadcast from Home Chapter 9

use a variety of lengths and speeds

(natural horn) use a variety of speeds harm gliss in Bb

Also on ALPHORN (F only) create other harmonic glisses over A, B, F or Bb (end on any fundamental)

Lisa Bielawa


Lisa Bielawa


Vln. mp gently

Vln. mf heavy, profound Different tempos from Adagio to Moderato

= 72-112


= 72

all repeats as many times as desired

mf pesante

Vln. mp gently Moderato


= c.80

Vln. mf heavy, profound Different tempos from Adagio to Moderato

Broadcast from Home Chapter 10

Rather slow


Choose any one note: , Add your own city or town or neighborhood, or that of your loved ones far away.

Lond North don Hackney -


The sim ple rhy -thm of trimmed back life.

Adagio Moderato

= 76


We are re op - en - ing. - Lon -don is ap -par -ent ly - op en - ing. -


But the cit y - is not the same.

Speech tempo, not too slow


The cit y - is not the same. The cit y - is not the same. I like the qui et. -

Here way a bove - the still -ness of the cit y. - Here and there and then back here.


Broadcast from Home Chapter 10


Use any of these notes (sing each city on one pitch):

once, much slower:

Lond f don -

Add your own city or town or neighborhood, or that of your loved ones far away.

We are re op - en - ing. - But the cit y - is not the same. Adagio Moderato = 76


Broadcast from Home Chapter 10

I. Lisa Bielawa

Rather slow

Choose any one note: , Add your own city or town or neighborhood, or that of your loved ones far away.

Lond North don Hackney -


The sim ple rhy -thm of trimmed back life. T.B.

Adagio Moderato

= 76 T.B.

We are re op - en - ing. - Lon -don is ap -par -ent ly - op en - ing. -

But the cit y - is not the same.

Speech tempo, not too slow


The cit y - is not the same. The cit y - is not the same. The cit y - is not the same.

I like the qui et. - Here way a-bove the still-ness of the cit y. - Here and there and then back here.

Sing a few times, try

Broadcast from Home Chapter 10

Make gestures like this with any of these notes: >

& unmeasured, as many times as desired

Adagio Moderato

play just once: Flute

repeat as desired:

Make gestures like this with any of these notes:

as many times as desired


Broadcast from Home Chapter 10

Use either of these notes (sing each city on one pitch) or speak or shout then make response rhythms in drum (ad lib - use these as examples): 3


Bos Far ton goCan -ber ra San Yo Fran kcis haco maBer T.B.

continue with other cities (use these plus others!):

Djembe lin Mad -rid Mi -am i T.B.

(sing first time only)


continue, free-style

The sim-ple rhy-thm of trimmed back life. p

repeat and ad lib as desired

We are re op - -en ing.Adagio Moderato


Lon -don is ap par - -ent -ly op -en ing. - But the cit -y is not the same.

I f espr. am chang -ing mov -ing see -ing sun set here Here mp way a -bove the still -ness of the cit y. -

a re -flec -tion of my cit y - a re flec - -tion of these peo ple. -

repeat as desired, end on "people"

Broadcast from Home Chapter 10


hold down these pitches and depress sost. ped.

ad lib hit various objects inside piano, close to strings

Shout names of various cities into piano choose vocal range for maximum resonance

strum inside piano

Using these pitches, try the following:

- pluck with guitar pick

- play while stopped with finger

- put buzzy light metal object or heavy cardboard on strings and play (with or without Ped.) - other

Adagio Andante or Largo

Repeat each unit as desired.

= 52-88

Use any tempos in range above, staying very steady at each chosen tempo. Always change tempo at barlines only.

Adagio Moderato

Pno. p

= 76

Adagio Andante or Largo

Repeat each unit as desired.

= 52-88

Use any tempos in range above, staying very steady at each chosen tempo.

Always change tempo at barlines only.

Pno. p mf


Broadcast from Home Chapter 11

Relaxed speech tempo

Throw a prayer to walk -ing back -wards Throw a prayer to cau -tious val ues. -

Add your own prayer using any of these notes.


Throw a prayer to

Slow, thoughtful A little faster


I do I do not I do not be -lieve I do not be -lieve in God

S.A. I do not be lieve - in prayer.

& but I don't think God is offended by this. but I pray these days.

Sing something you don't believe in on any note.



I do not be lieve - in

Andante = 88 S.A.

sing any or all of these phrases:

God knows that God is for the des -pe rate. - I pray and I feel I am heath -y I am well

And yet the sad -ness is crush -ing me. And I am crushed with sad ness. -

to vague -ness to trem -bl -ing chords to still ness - but not your own. Walk back -wards

from Home Chapter 11

Lisa Bielawa

Broadcast from Home Chapter 11

Relaxed speech tempo


Throw a prayer to walk ing - back -wards Throw a prayer to op en - space


Throw a prayer to T.B.

Add your own prayer using any of these notes. ?

I do I do not I do not be -lieve I do not be -lieve in God Slow, thoughtful A little faster

T.B. I do not be lieve - in prayer.


but I don't think God is offended by this. faster speech tempo As before but I pray these days. medium tempo ? Sing something you don't believe in on any note.

I do not be lieve - in



God knows that God is for the des per - ate. - I pray and I feel Slow, thoughtful

I am heath -y I am well And yet the sad ness - is crush -ing me. Andante = 88

And I am crushed with sad ness. - Walk back wards -

to op -en space and brok -en tapes to still ness - but not your own.

Broadcast from Home Chapter 11

Throw a prayer

Lisa Bielawa

Broadcast from Home Chapter 11

= 88

play 8va!! (loud)


thoughtful A little faster Tpt. mp I do not be lieve - in ...

optional: sing (down 8va):

create melodies using only these notes:

Sing something you don't believe in on any note. punctuate with a sound of your choice

make gestures like this with these pitches


try also with bucket or other mellow mute

Vagueness create sound objects for these five states of being/feeling:

Broadcast from Home Chapter 11

also play 8va, with or without LH (also record LH alone)

make descending patterns with medium-pitched resonant unpitched metals

create short melodies and chords using only these notes: sing/play: Sing something you don't believe in on any note. accompany with any sound

I do not be -lieve in ...

create sound objects for these five states of being/feeling:

Pno. mf

Broadcast from Home Chapter 11

Pno. mp semplice

play each hand separately, then together

create chords and short gestures using only these notes, senza Ped:

or sing/play at the same time:

Sing something you don't believe in on any note. accompany as desired

Broadcast from Home Chapter 11

if these are possible (quick strum or pluck): and/or create other chords using these notes:

create short melodies and chords using only these notes:

, , , pluck, strum fast or slow, play a variety of ways

optional: sing or sing/play at the same time (sing 8vb or 15mb):

Sing something you don't believe in on any note. accompany with a sound of your choice

I do not be lieve - in ...

all repeats as desired - strumming, starting gentle and becoming more hi-energy

mix and match these three measures and repeat as desired

Broadcast from Home Chapter 11

use double stops using these notes, create sul pont. flautando sounds

Vln. pp--mp

Vln. p Slow, thoughtful

create melodies using only these notes:

optional: sing or sing/play at the same time: Sing something you don't believe in on any note. accompany with a sound of your choice

Vln. I do not be -lieve in Vln. Andante = 88 Vln.

Vagueness create sound objects for these five states of being/feeling:

Broadcast from Home Chapter 11

use double stops using these notes, create sul pont. flautando sounds

Andante = 88

create melodies using only these notes:

optional: sing or sing/play at the same time:

Sing something you don't believe in on any note. accompany with a sound of your choice

I do not be -lieve in

play each octave alone and/or together

Play at several di

erent tempos

repeat as desired, pause between measures

Vagueness create sound objects for these five states of being/feeling:

(any 8ve) repeat as desired

Broadcast from Home Chapter 11

use double stops using these notes, create sul pont. flautando sounds

create melodies using only these notes (in any octave): (etc.)

optional: sing or sing/play at the same time (ad lib 8vb):

Sing something you don't believe in on any note. accompany with a sound of your choice

I do not be -lieve in ...

Relaxed speech tempo



e -nough Turns out it's e -nough To -day is e nough.... (is/are)e nough

I have dis cov - -ered that small joys are e nough. I'm just so grate -ful that ev -'ry thing - stopped. Broad

S.A. I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm tak read grow tak play ing ing ing ing ing--boat nov vege care with rides els ta of my- bles my

S.A. Out -side In -side There is most -ly wait -ing wait -ing Just sort -ing it out;

Broadcast from Home Chapter 12

T.B. mp gentle e -nough e -nough Turns out it's e -nough To -day is e nough.T.B.

sing a few of these and/or add things that fulfill you

Small joys are e nough.... (is/are)e nough

= 80


sing a few of these and/or add other simple things you are doing with your time.

I have dis -cov -ered that small joys are e nough.I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm tak read grow tak play ing ing ing ing ing--boat nov vege care with rides els ta of my- bles my


Broadcast from Home Chapter 12

mp gentle e -nough e -nough Turns out it's e -nough To -day is e nough. -

sing a few of these and/or add things that fulfill you



Small joys are e nough. - (is/are)e nough

= 80

I have dis cov - -ered that small joys are e nough.Broad

Agitated = 112 T.B. Qui p -et -ly Al -most in si -lence A little slower T.B.

sing a few of these and/or add other simple things you are doing with your time.

I'm playing with my pets. I'm taking boat rides. I'm reading novels. I whistle a lot.

The mp days go The days go on On and on On and on

Broadcast from Home Chapter 12

create upwards medium-tempo gestures using any combinations of these notes:

make aggressive repeated-note gestures on these notes

variety of upwards gestures like this:

cresc. gradually over all repeats

Broadcast from Home Chapter 12

create upwards medium-tempo gestures using any combinations of these notes:

make aggressive repeated-note gestures on these notes

repeat as desired WITH TROMBONE

repeat as desired

aggressive fltz. rips starting on either of these notes end on C or just wild

brassy (gradually over all repeats)

f pesante cresc. gradually over all repeats ff

Broadcast from Home Chapter 12

create upwards medium-tempo gestures using any combinations of these notes:

make aggressive repeated-note gestures on these notes

erent fast tempi repeat as desired end on either note

repeat as desired WITH HORN

Start fast, get slower repeat as desired

repeat as desired

dim. last time only

(gradually over all repeats)

create upwards medium-tempo gestures using any combinations of these notes:

gliss. (let harmonics pop out) repeat as desired repeat as desired sul pont. (noisy)

(over all repeats)

create upwards medium-tempo gestures using any combinations of these notes:

Broadcast from Home Chapter 12

create upwards medium-tempo gestures using any combinations of these notes:

create slow slides down to any of these notes:

ad lib flautando PLAY (either octave) while WHISTLING (whatever octave is comfortable):

harmonic gliss. repeat as desired repeat as desired,

Broadcast from Home Chapter 12

create upwards medium-tempo gestures using any combinations of these notes:

create slow slides down to any of these notes:

Broadcast from Home Chapter 13

Is mp gentle it safe? Where is ev -'ry bo - dy? -

sing a few of these questions, in quick speech rhythm/tempo and/or add your own questions

Where What Why Re is is did opev hap n't enpen we/they ing 'ry-ing han what? boto dle dy?our this coun dif try f'rentand ly?our world?

sing (on any one of these pitches), speak or shout any question (add your own)

Is it safe?

Where is everybody? What is happening to our country? What is happening to our world? Reopening? Reopening what? or more importantly, when?

I mf can't im ag - ine - hug ging - or shak -ing a hand ev er - a gain. -


Re mf op - -en ing? - Re f op - en - -ing what? or more im port -ant ly, - when? Agitated = 120

= 72

I've worked all my life to be pa -tient And Adagio


Broadcast from Home Chapter 13

Is mp gentle it safe? Where is ev -'ry bo - dy?T.B.

sing (on any one of these pitches), speak or shout any question (add your own)

sing a few of these questions, in quick speech rhythm/tempo and/or add your own questions Is it safe?

Where What Why Re is is did opev hap n't enpen we/they ing 'ry-ing han what? boto dle dy?our this coun dif try f'rentand ly?our world?

Where is everybody?

What is happening to our country? What is happening to our world? Reopening? Reopening what? or more importantly, when?


I p dream a -bout be ing - near peo ple - and f I wake up ter ri - fied.Brisk = 96 T.B. I mf can't im ag - ine - hug ging - or shak -ing a hand ev er - a gain. -

Re mf -op -en ing? - Re f -ope -n -ing what? This is -n't a thing that we can walk a way - from. Agitated = 120 T.B. Why did -n't we han -dle it dif -f'rent ly? - Why did -n't they han -dle it dif -f'rent ly?A little slower

Where is ev -'ry bod - -y? What f is hap

play and/or sing (on either/both of these pitches), speak or shout any question (add your own), accompany with pitchless instrument sounds

Is it safe?

Where is everybody?

What is happening to our country? What is happening to our world? Reopening? Reopening what? or more importantly, when?

Vln. 2

As fast as possible

repeat as many times as desired, gradually becoming more crunchy (sul pont. other effects)

make phrases at any tempo, using any of these notes, in this order legato/slurred or separate bows

play and/or sing (on either/both of these pitches), speak or shout any question (add your own), accompany with pitchless instrument sounds

Is it safe?

Where is everybody?

What is happening to our country?

What is happening to our world? Reopening? Reopening what? or more importantly, when?

repeat as many times as desired, gradually becoming more crunchy (sul

make phrases at any tempo, using any of these notes, in this order legato/slurred or separate bows

play and/or sing (on any of these pitches), speak or shout any question (add your own), accompany with pitchless instrument sounds

Is it safe?

Where is everybody?

What is happening to our country?

What is happening to our world?

Reopening? Reopening what? or more importantly, when?

f appass.

repeat as many times as desired, gradually becoming more crunchy (sul pont. other effects) sim.

make phrases at any tempo, using any of these notes, in this order legato/slurred or separate bows

play and/or sing (on any of these pitches), speak or shout any question (add your own), accompany with pitchless instrument sounds

Is it safe? Where is everybody? What is happening to our country? What is happening to our world? Reopening? Reopening what? or more importantly, when?

As fast as possible

repeat as many times as desired, gradually becoming more crunchy (sul pont. other effects)

make phrases at any tempo, using any of these notes, in this order legato/slurred or separate bows

play and/or sing in any octave, speak or shout any question (add your own), accompany with pitchless instrument sounds

Is it safe?

Where is everybody?

What is happening to our country?

What is happening to our world?

Reopening? Reopening what? or more importantly, when?

Broadcast from Home Chapter 14

make fast legato phrases on Ah, using any of these pitches in any order, always ending with the same four notes:

repeat as many times as desired, fading to whisper:

Broadcast from Home Chapter 14

make fast legato phrases on Ah, using any of these pitches in any order, always starting with the same four notes:

repeat as many times as desired, fading to whisper:

Broadcast from Home Chapter 14

make fast legato phrases, using any of these pitches in any order, always ending with the same four notes:

Broadcast from Home Chapter 14

make fast legato phrases, using any of these pitches in any order, always ending with the same four notes:

Broadcast from Home Chapter 14

make fast legato downward phrases, always starting with these four notes and then improvising using any of these pitches:


make legato downward phrases, always starting with these four notes and then improvising using any of these pitches:

Using any of these pitches, make similar gestures (using two or more undulating notes):


make generally downwards phrases, always starting with these four notes and then improvising using any of these pitches:

Using any of these pitches, make similar phrases:

al -though there are ex -am ples - those f who put down in -stru

ments ff for years and play just like it was yes ter - -day Ah

can -celled con -cert gigs

Hours of practice sing quickly in spurts: keep musicians ready 3 3

al -though there are ex -am -ples those f who put down in -stru

any speeds, sliding: 3

ments ff for years and play just like it was yes ter - -day Ah

make similar upwards gestures using these notes:

6 4 & Flute and/or Piccolo

All repeats as desired

Susp. Cymb. and/or Triangle and/or metal object(s)

6 4 &

IV. & all repeats as desired snare or hi object exactly one half-note beat of any noises you want lo object

V. &

white note gliss.

Other gentle objects (Wind chimes? Rain stick?)

black note gliss.



hit various sets of 3 objects (hi-med-lo) in this rhythm:

various speeds, play whole phrases or just fragments: III.

Triangle and/or other resonant metal object(s)

Other gentle objects (Wind chimes? Rain stick?) IV. & all repeats as desired hi object exactly one half-note beat of any noises you want lo object


Separate objects (separated by double-bars):

c. 30"-1'00" or as desired

repeat as desired, cycle through hands separately from each other at different rates of change, using separate-hand hairpins (of varied duration) to bring out hands alternately:

Pno. p legatissimo mf

hold down these pitches and depress sost. ped. Ú sim.

strum inside piano

sost. Ped. f


= 72 f

white note gliss.

& make any sound(s) for exactly one half-note length

Broadcast from Home Chapter 15

use these rhythms and/or strum fill using these chords:

repeat as desired pitchless strum

exactly one half-note beat of any noise you want

repeat as desired > exactly one half-note beat of any noise you want

Repeat as desired, different tempos

Becoming more raucous and o

the string

repeat as desired

exactly one half-note beat of any noise you want

Repeat as desired, different tempos

Becoming more raucous and off the string

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