Henry Oliver 2D fashion Design

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Henry Oliver


INTRODUCTION My digital skills are above average but could defiantly do with improvements. I can confidently construct flats and edit images, that being said a more in-depth understanding of illustrator, in design and photoshop could lead me to much better outcomes within my research. I intend to use a Traditional Digital Portfolio as i feel this looks more sophisticated and professional. The inspiration behind my brand is formal dresses/occasion wear, dresses that will be bought for the purpose of big events. Such as weddings, dinner parties and other black tie events. My target market will be middle and first class young women who attend many formal occasions on a regal basis, but not only limited to them but also their children as the age range will typically be able to suit all. My brand fits in with dover street market as my designs will be daring and unique. The silhouettes will challenge the conventional body shape and create new interesting shapes. Each design will have its own creative flair and will be visually pleasing, therefor will reflect the character of their interior within the store and will fit in with the rest of the garments. My research will involve going to some design stores to pick up on what people of that class really want and look at the details within the garments. Also by looking at WGSN, Vogue and Business of Fashion to have a look at what other up and coming designs are producing and finally going to art galleries and looking through textiles to reflect my own art into my designs. this will help me as I can find what silhouettes and detailing is wanted wishing the designer stores to keep a practical side to the designs but them also research into what happening on the catwalk to bring my own originality to the dress. As a concept I would like to look at structures, typically architecture basing the dresses around structures that you find everywhere and uses the textures and patterns within them too. By playing around with these ideas I think I would be able to produce new exciting designs. Thought my project ill start with a basic range of structures and patterns and then focus down more into clear path of how I would want the dresses to look and what structures would best fit my brand. I will record this by collating all my research and images and then start to collage with them and create interesting shapes by re arranging them on a figure in illustrator and then after using photoshop to manipulate the images. After this then refining the image and finalising the designs in a clear path. Evaluating your work thought the process is very important, as you can identify what is and isn’t working. so instead of focusing on something that may not fit the current trends and styles, you can reflect on your work and develop a new way to direct the process. i will constantly criticise my own work and try to always improve until a clear an obvious path is show and therefore i can efficiently present my ideas.


Winde Rienstra


£600 From looking into competetors at Dover Street Market I came across Marni. looking through thier websites and pricings of thier garments I found a typical dress costed around £600-£1,000. From this information I feel like I coud price my collection from around £700 to £1,000. Cecilie Bahnsen is probably my biggest competition at Dover Street Market as I will be creating the same style of stuctriual garments. For example the way the fabric goesnt cling to the models figure and they recreate the silhouette. Taking this into account I will probably add more fashion detailing and colours into the designs, bringing this creative element into a toned down version which would be suitable for occasion wear.


From the research I have gathered from other designers at Dover Street Market combined with my concept I’ve developed a range of research to help me with my brand style. My target market is for the young middle and upper class. my brand will provide dresses for occasionwear, such as balls, parties and weddings for a more sophisticated clientele who are willing to spend more on a dress for a one off occasion.



£2010 £2225



Baiba Ladiga

Damian Foxe

Nao Raviv

Winde Rienstra

Serkan Cura

Richard sun

Richard sun

TREND Sandra Backlund

Iris Van Herpen


LOGO IDEAS HenryOliver



Henry Oliver

Henry Oliver

Henry Oliver Henry Oliver

Henry Oliver

Henry Oliver

Henry Oliver













Henry Oliver

Henry Oliver H



Henry Oliver 10

£1000 £1000




Henry Oliver







EVALUATION Throughout this project i feel like I have competently managed to work to the best of my ability and use a range of digital techniques to enhance my brands reputation while delivering and communicate my ideas to a professional standard. Once i was given the brief for this projects my immediate response was to figure out what my brand would sell and who my target market group would be. I later decided on women occasion wear for the middle-upper class teenagers/young women. After this was decided i realised i needed to accumulate as much information that would help me to produce my ideas. I did this by making a trip to dover street market to collect some primary research and find some designers that would be competition for my brand. When these designers were chosen (Marni, Cecile Bahnsen and Roberts Wood), Furthered my research by collection secondary research on their clothing and their costs. I then needed to figure my trend concept and them of my collection, throughout my research i came to find structural outfits were being worn more and more and this gave me the idea for architecture and structure for my concept. I then looked what was on trend and produced a moodpboard that gave me my colour way to base my collection on. After completing my research I then decided to start creating my own surface designs based on the information i had accumulated. I then took these prints and tested them out in different colour ways and chose which designs came out on top. I then took these designs and filled sales with the pattern and collaged them onto a figure to play around with my architectural them and create some structural yet practical dresses. Once these designs were established I then had to produce the flats for them and try to think about how i turned these shapes into a functioning garment. This was properly one of the harder challenges i had to face during the project as I needed to take interesting shapes and make them practical to wear. Furthermore I then decided to take these flats and fill them again with the colour to really communicate my ideas to the fullest extent possible. Once my designs were all established and figured out I then chose a garment to create a specification sheet, this included measurements, construction details and costings and profit to show roughly how each design would be made and how much they should be sold for. Moreover I then needed to establish my brand identity. I started off by using the same patterns used in my collection and played around with my name in photoshop and illustrator to create numerous design ideas. Once a final logo was decided, I then started to create the swing tags, hangers, and bags. These were also produced in illustrator and photoshop. I then came to advertising, this was one of my favourite parts of the project, as I got to edit my logo into bill boards, magazines, shop windows and busses. These were all created in photoshop by creating a page set up I would like to use, and then warping the layout into another image, for example the billboard i then had to dodge the top of the image to create a brighter effect to where the lights would be shining. Finally I created an Instagram and Twitter to put my designs and products used in my brand to communicate with my clients via social media. Throughout this projects my skills have defiantly developed a lot in terms of digital fashion and I definitely feel very competent in using photoshop, illustrator and indesign. I really like where I went with this project and I think I showed a clear narrative of where my designs were from and how they developed, furthermore the brand advertisement showed off my patterns and designs in a creative way and I am very pleased with how this project turned out.

BIBLIOGRAPHY http://www.designboom.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/noa-raviv-stratasys-hard-copy-fashion-collection-3d-printing-israel-designboom-01.jpg [viewed 1 Febuary] https://uk.pinterest.com/pin/558376053780340170/ [viewed 1 Febuary] http://www.penccil.com/gallery.php?p=838953029811 [viewed 1 Febuary] http://www.shangri-la.com/male/villingiliresort/rooms-suites/ [viewed 1 Febuary] http://www.businessinsider.com/how-to-act-at-a-fine-restaurant-2013-10?IR=T [viewed 1 Febuary] http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2420192/Cara-Delevingne-Fashion-week-HORRIBLE-model-moment-London-Fashion-Week-miss.html [viewed 8 Febuary] http://us.christianlouboutin.com/us_en/shop/women/bianca-1.html [viewed 8 Febuary] http://www.ceciliebahnsen.com [viewed 8 Febuary] http://www.marni.com/gb/shop-online/women/dresses [viewed 8 Febuary] http://www.roberts-wood.com/ss17-balmacara/ [viewed 8 Febuary] http://shop.doverstreetmarket.com/us/dsmny-holiday-specials/roberts-wood [viewed 8 Febuary] http://london.doverstreetmarket.com/dsmpaper/collections_ss17/cecilie_bahnsen.html [viewed 8 Febuary] https://uk.pinterest.com/pin/90705379973431746/ [viewed 24 Febuary] https://uk.pinterest.com/pin/90705379973431746/ [viewed 24 Febuary] https://uk.pinterest.com/pin/428123508301256663/ [viewed 24 Febuary] https://uk.pinterest.com/pin/385831893050603397/ [viewed 24 Febuary] http://forwardcouncil.com/p/80/sandra-backlund-interview [viewed 24 Febuary] https://uk.pinterest.com/rafaellarue/textile-architecture/?lp=true [viewed 24 Febuary]

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