Intro to actors

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Intro to actors

Lisa Fodder Female 18 Retail worker Within the video Lisa will be the camerawomen so you wont see her because she is behind the camera. Lisa is suitable for this role because she has past experience using a camera. She is used to being behind the camera rather then in front of it which means she has more experience with the camera controls and the way a camera works. This makes her suitable for the role.

Beth Veasey Female 17 Retail worker Within the narrative Beth is one of the dancers who will be performing the chair duet. Beth is suitable for this role as she has been on camera before. Also, she is a drama student and they have been exploring chair duets within their drama lessons. This makes her suitable because she knows what she is doing within the dancing element of the video.

Sophie White Female 17 Retail worker Within the narrative Sophie is one of the other dancers who will be performing the chair duet along side Beth in the video. Sophie is suitable for this role as she has been on camera before. Also, as well as Beth she is a drama student and they have been exploring chair duets within their drama lessons. Sophie also does/ has done dancing before meaning she is the suitable candidate for this video.

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