Media evaluation Question 3 What kind of media institution might distribute your media products and why?
Where will our film be shown? As a group we decided we were going to distribute our film at a picture/art house. This was our best option because of the Gothic sub-genre, these sort of films are rarely if not never in mainstream cinemas. If we put our film in a picture/art house it would suit it more than being in a mainstream cinema like vue and cineworld.
Where else? We have decided, because our film was filmed with such a low budget that we should also put it on YouTube. Also because of the low budget it will not be released on DVD. Because our film is aimed at a young audience by using YouTube it will enhance the amount of views who watch our film. This will help people who want to see it but don’t have to the money to go to a picture house, cinema or by it on DVD.
This film is similar to‌ By using this website, I was able to get some ideas similarities to our own film. • The short film I looked at was Black Sugar. I looked at this because it shows immoral teenagers. This is portrayed by the drug taking and drinking. The drinking is what we also used in our film, which makes it similar to our film.