16 minute read

Minority business directory


Women Owned & Minority Businesses

1st Choice Autos, LLC Choice LLC 1stchoiceautosalisbury@gmail.com A.G. CREATIVEZZ Adriana Glover A.G.CREATIVEZZ@gmail.com Aarms Sta ing Agency Inc. Augustine Kotee augustinek@aarmsta ing.com Accented Glory Tonya Cross tonyacross@accentedglory.com Ambitiouz Minds Academy Michelle Bailey ambitiouzminds@gmail.com Aunt Lynn's Catering, LLC Lynn Burris auntlynnsmacattack@gmail.com BA Environmental Inc. Rony Euceda rony@baenviro.com Belmont's Construction & Design Stephany Beltran Beltmonts.llc@gmail.com Benefit Center, The Trina Fonville trinafonville@yahoo.com Benefit Center, The Timothy Fonville fonville.timothy@yahoo.com Blue Collar Cycle Company Brandon McNeely bluecollarcycleco@gmail.com Bonney Sta ing Center Bianca Warren bwarren@bonneysta ing.com Boone-Carroll Funeral Home, Inc. Annie Boone-Carroll boonecarrollfuneralhome@yahoo.com Bright Minds Academy Toni Cook-Smith brightmindsexcel@gmail.com Brighter Days Counseling Services Crystal Lewis, LPC, LCAS, CCS-I clewis102670@gmail.com Burlington Coat Factory Outlet Store Dewey Matthews Dewey.matthews@burlington.com CAC Plumbing, LLC Cedric Cuthbertson cac_plumbing@yahoo.com Candlelight Consultants LLC Esther Atkins-Smith estheratkins@gmail.com Candy Shoppe on Main, The Rohan Banton rohan@candyshoppeonmain.com CapTech Consulting Matthew Beaver mbeaver@captechconsulting.com Caribbean Island Cafe Ricardo 980.432.5300 Carl Martin & Associates Carl Martin carlvmartin1@gmail.com Catawba College Earl Givens ebgivens15@catawba.edu Charlotte Regional Business Alliance Laura Foor lfoor@charlotteregion.com

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1810 Lutheran Synod Drive, Salisbury, NC 28144 www.hoodseminary.edu I 704-636-7611 Admissions 704-6 36-6455 I admissions@hoodsemin ary. edu.

Theological Preparation for Effective Leadership in a Diverse Society

Children United with Miss D Shandrika Odom Drika_Odom@yahoo.com Co ey, Tim Photography Tim Co ey tim@timco ey.com Colbert's, Inc. Lydia Colbert lyoung6326@aol.com Communities In Schools of Rowan County James Davis james@cisrowan.org Complete Clean, LLC Talita Gilmore talitatorrence@gmail.com Conterra Networks Anne Hill ahill@conterra.com Conterra Networks Adrian Garcia agarcia@conterra.com DH Professionals LLC Milla Martinez sales@dhprofessionals.com Downtown Salisbury, Inc. Latoya Price latoya.price@salisburync.gov Mel Drye meldrye@salisburync.gov E & C Pro Pressure Washing, LLC Eric Diaz ericdh2001@gmail.com East Spencer, Town of Barbara Mallett mayor@townofeastspencer.org El Patron Mexican Grill & Cantina Jorge Morales jorge_morales82@hotmail.com Ellis, Quinta Quinta Ellis quintaellis@gmail.com Essential Connections Consulting & Wellness Services, LLC Niesha Diggs, MA LCMHC niesha@essentialconnectwell.com Event Center, The Tina Godair tina@cornerstone-church.net Exclusive Kuts & Lounge Willie McCree wmccree88@gmail.com F & M Bank Nick Means nmeans@fmbnc.com Financial Wellbeing Coach Small Business Operation HOPE Inc Traci Cameron Traci.Cameron@operationhope.org First Legacy Community Credit Union, A Division of Self-Help Credit Union Brie’Anna Cade brieanna.cade@self-help.org Melody McBroom melody.mcbroom@self-help.org Katherine Arrington Katherine.Arrington@self-help.org Garcias Insulation Services LLC Raul Salazar Garcia raulsgarcia13@gmail.com Gegorek & Associates Realty, LLC Elia Gegorek elia02@carolina.rr.com Gemstones and COMPASS Leadership Academy Alisha Byrd-Clark Lishbyrd@yahoo.com Gentle Dental Dr. Ernest Garner info@gentledentalnc.com Kristen Stewart info@gentledentalnc.com Girls on the Run Greater Piedmont Alison Ahrens alison.ahrens@girlsontherun.org Gloria M's Cleaning Service Rohan Banton rohan@gloriamscleaning.com H & R Block Tax Service- Adolphe Thorpe Muriel Thorpe muriel.thorpe@tax.hrblock.com Hairston Funeral Home, Inc. Velveeta Hairston blueroyalty75@yahoo.com HELLO Olen Bruner olenbruner@gmail.com

High Road, Inc., The Kenneth Hardin hardingroupllc@gmail.com Holmes Iron & Metal, Inc. Nicole Holmes Matangira nicole@holmesiron.com Homes by Iksayana Iksayana (Yana) Vriesema homesbyiksayana@gmail.com Hood Theological Seminary Kelly Bryant kbryant@hoodseminary.edu Edna Coleman ecoleman@hoodseminary.edu Angela Davis-Baxter adavisbaxter@hoodseminary.edu John Everett jeverett@hoodseminary.edu Phyllis Wells pwells@hoodseminary.edu INSPIRU, LLC LaChelle Hines hinesmiller45@gmail.com Irby Johnson, Michelle Michele Irby Johnson michele@optimumpvs.com JAB Concrete Construction, Inc. Victor Alonso victor@jabconcreteconstruction.com JLT Fieldhouse Antwaun Thompson coacht@jltfieldhouse.com K&D Window Cleaning Demetrius Burns dburns32190@yahoo.com Kannapolis, City of Africa Otis aotis@kannapolisnc.gov Karessn me Beauty Bar Karessa Gray Karessnmee@gmail.com Kiddie Land Kindergarten, Inc. Herman Peterson petershf37@gmail.com Kinetic Vantage Markeatha Murphy markeatha@kineticvantage.com Konnected Entertainment & Wellness Center Kevan Glover, II Kevanglover2@gmail.com La Alcancia Inc. Rene Mercado la_alcancia365@yahoo.com Live and Love Cleanliness, LLC Marsha Cubero Livingstone College Kimberly Harrington kharrington@livingstone.edu Deborah Johnson djohnso@livingstone.edu Dr. Orlando Lewis olewis@livingstone.edu Pete Teague peteteague922@gmail.com Dr. State Alexander SALEXAN@Livingstone.edu Garette Hunter ghunter@livingstone.edu Dawn Mason dmason@livingstone.edu Terri Stevenson tstevenson614@gmail.com Vincia Miller LCAlumnia airs@gmail.com Tyesia Walker twalker@hoodseminary.edu LLRP Consulting, LLC d.b.a. Tastey Creations II Betty Kelly Betty@llrpconsulting.com M & G Enterprises Miriam Rush miriam.rush@outlook.com M3L Group Michael Brown mbrown@m3lgroup.com Main Street Marketplace Hope Oliphant Hope@marketandmeeting.org Mambo Grill and Tapas Ariella Sanchez mambogrillandtapas@gmail.com Matangira Business Recycling and Garbage Disposal Services Daniel & Nicole Matangira dmatangira@hotmail.com McLaughlin's Grocery Harry McLaughlin mclaughlingrocery@gmail.com Mean Mug Co ee Company Evelyn & Rigo Medina medina.rigo@yahoo.com Miller Davis, Inc. Kim Ramrez kimr@millerdavisagency.com Mission House Anthony Smith missionhousenc@gmail.com Monterrey Mexican Restaurant Jorge Diaz monterreysalisbury@hotmail.com Mother Earth Trina Fonville trinafonville@yahoo.com Muddy Sneakers Cynthia Peedin cynthia@muddysneakers.org Muhammad's Capital Partner, LLC Kenneth Muhammad El kennethfox577@gmail.com NAACP Gemale Black info@salisburyrowannaacp.org GUESTS Carl Martin carlmartin1@gmail.com Walter & Denise Russell wheresdae@gmail.com Fatina Little fatinalittle@gmail.com Tisha Warren trwarren4@yahoo.com Malik Brown Malik_Brown@live.com Brittany Clay bkclay@aggies.ncat.edu Sammitria Pinckney sammitria@gmail.com Amber Gilmore ambergilm93@gmail.com Janice Thomas jt0729312@gmail.com Helen Bailey hmbaileync@gmail.com Maya Candy macandy9899@gmail.com Jonathan Handy jonhandy34@gmail.com Alecia Kelly aleciakellymethodman@yahoo.com John Ford johnfcooks@gmail.com Machelle Parker machelleexum@hotmail.com Audrey Wright skybirdgirl@me.com Keenya Little kcraw2345@aol.com Melissa Quick melissabquick3@gmail.com April Muhammad organicsoul33@gmail.com Natalie Rivers luv2bling2@gmail.com Janeen Reid janeen.reid26@gmail.com Kay Lewis kaylewiss@aol.com Darnette Porter-Fairley fairportins@gmail.com Courtney Hunter huntercg1986@gmail.com Deirdre Davis deirdredavis428@gmail.com Nostalgia Hollow Co. Alicia Thompson nostalgiahollow@gmail.com Novant Health Rowan Medical Center Ms. Aaron Alexander ABAlexander@novanthealth.org Oxi Fresh of the Piedmont Mandral Blackmon oxifresh.pnc@gmail.com P & H Carpentry Pablo Martinez martinez7942@yahoo.com

Serving pizza, wings, and way more to Salisbury families for over 25 years.

Keep an eye out for our all you can eat pizza and wings special!

Buffalo Wing King

Palm's Cafe Marjel Tania Marjeltani83@gmail.com Pancho Villa's Mexican Grill & Bar Juan Santiago nino_usa@hotmail.com Pelican's SnoBalls Eric Harris pelicanssnoballsofsalisbury@gmail.com Post Group, The David Post david@thePostGroup.com Preservation Home Improvement Preston Wallace pwallace640@gmail.com

Pure Vision Barber Studio (Smilezthabarber) Daniel King stbarberllc@outlook.com Quentin Woodward- Uber Driver Quentin Woodward quentinwoodward@yahoo.com Queso Salsa Inc. Maria Bu mariabu 88@gmail.com Ricks, P J P J Ricks apdricks@yahoo.com Rowan-Cabarrus Community College William Mckee william.mckee@rccc.edu Megan Smit megan.smit@rccc.edu Rowan-Salisbury School System Jordi Roman RomanJ@rss.k12.nc.us S&H Youth and Adult Services, Inc. La Tanya Hardy Ldhardy@shyas.com Salisbury Housing Authority Stephanie Bruce stephanie@salisburyhousingauthority.com Salisbury Salon & Spa Leslie Stopper leslie@salisburysalonspa.com Alana Hughes achughes15@gmail.com Salisbury, City of W. Brian Hiatt Brian.hiatt@salisburync.gov Kimberly Bell kimberly.bell@salisburync.gov Salon and Beyond Kimberly Palmer ktpstyles@gmail.com Salon Los Pinos (Event Center) Olga Yanez olgayanez66@gmail.com Simms Maddox, Dr. M.J. Dr. M.J. Simms Maddox mjsimmsmaddox@gmail.com SNS Heating & Air Thomas Smith snsheatingair@gmail.com South Main Book Company Alissa Redmond yahoomailnomore@gmail.com Stowe Law Firm, PLLC Ryan Stowe ryan@stowelawfirmnc.com Superior Home Care Sherry Hargrave lorettahargrave54@gmail.com TCW Vizionz, LLC Cindy Washington cynthia.washington444@gmail.com Technocom William Coleman wcoleman@TechnocomUSA.com The Plenitude Challenge, Inc. Silvia Barreto plenitudechallenge@gmail.com The Yolk Cafe Greg Collier chefgreg@leahandlouise.com Subrina Collier Bayhavenbusiness@gmail.com Timeless Wigs Dileika Wilson dileikawilson@gmail.com Marva Wilson marvalousj@aol.com Tita's Cake House Luis Gomez lgomezv@titascakehouse.com Tri County Flooring Cli Long magiccee@yahoo.com Truist Fernanda Jaro Fernanda.Jaro@Truist.com Laura Head laura.m.head@suntrust.com UltraSlim and UltraSmooth Janice Junda jundajanice@gmail.com Unlock Me Bail Bonds Ralph Young ralph@unlockmebailbonding.com VA Medical Center - W G (Bill) Hefner Marchea Sovde Marchea.Sovde@va.gov Velazquez Produce Christian Velazquez Christian.Velazquezinc@gmail.com Vibes, The Creatives Art Incubator Sabrina Harris SabrinaHarrissalNC@gmail.com Yang Family Dentistry Dr. Steve Yang dsteveyang@carolina.rr.com Yard Boyz Neil Willoughby willoughbyneil5@gmail.com

How to Buy a Home

One of the very best things about choosing a home in Rowan County is the sheer variety of choices: in architecture, neighborhood settings, and price points – there is something for everyone. From the heart of vibrant downtown living in lo apartments or condominiums, to single family homes around the countryside, Rowan County has got it! Choose from a stately vintage home in one of the 10-historic districts in the Salisbury, a small city with a thriving arts scene, a variety of restaurants and unique shopping, and two microbreweries. . . or opt for a bungalow in one of our walkable neighborhoods in any one of the charming small towns that emanate from the county seat, or find a small farmette with acreage ‘out in the county’. Yes, we have it all! Is waterfront living your dream? YES, we have it! Is a golf course community on your radar? Rowan County features some of the area’s best public and private courses!

Rowan County IS the center of the Universe! With metro areas such as Charlotte, Greensboro, and Winston-Salem just an hour’s drive away, you’re never far from big city culture and vibrancy ~ yet you get to enjoy the laid-back atmosphere (and less tra ic!) that Rowan o ers. AND. . . our housing price points (and taxes!) are notably less for the same house – quality, character, and construction – that you’ll find in these larger cities.

As we welcome you to Rowan County, North Carolina, the best advice we can o er is to encourage you to work with a locally based agent: one that lives, works, and participates in the community they serve. Your local agent will be able to give you the very best knowledge of the area and its lifestyle and housing options. There are several locally based real estate agencies that are members of the Rowan County Chamber of Commerce with decades of local experience. You’ll appreciate working with professionals who know and love Rowan County.

Salisbury Real Estate LLC is an award-winning, locally based agency with a 20-year experienced track record in the Rowan County area. Please let us know if we can help you any way: Greg Rapp Realtor® | Salisbury Real Estate LLC at (704) 213-6846 or GregRappRealtor@gmail.com. ✦

By Greg Rapp

Salisbury Real Estate LLC

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