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Rowan Chamber of Commerce Celebrating 97 years


The Chamber’s 2022 Campaign celebrated the 30th Anniversary of its very successful Leadership Rowan program PHOTO BY SANDRA KETCHIE

In May 2023, Elaine Spalding will celebrate her 10th year as president of the Rowan County Chamber of Commerce.

In 2026, the chamber will celebrate its 100th anniversary.

“We have a long and proud history of serving businesses in Rowan County,” Spalding says. “We have been blessed with wonderful leaders.”

In January, Elaine Holden will become chairman of the chamber’s board. Holden is outreach and program coordinator at the North Carolina Transportation Museum in Spencer. She came to the museum a er serving as vice president of enrollment at Catawba College. Brad Walser of Walser Technology Group served as the board’s chair in 2022.

Going into 2023, the chamber is partnering with the Rowan County Economic Development Commission. The two organizations have developed a Talent Attraction Plan to find workers in three main categories: young

By Susan Shinn Turner


The Chamber’s Dragon Boat Festival will be held on Sat., July 22, 2023

The Chamber’s Power in Partnership breakfast meetings feature education and business leaders Chamber President Elaine Spalding

professionals ages 21-40; “boomerang” employees returning to Rowan County; and employees with specific skill sets that manufacturers need.

“Our boomerangs moved out of town for that first big job, but now have had their families, and would like to have grandparents help. They’re looking for quality of life and a lower cost of living,” Spalding notes.

As far as specific skill sets, Spalding explains, “Since Covid, with the labor shortage and the supply-chain issues, people who can get products from point A to point Z are extremely valuable.”

Another group in this subset is veterans who are exiting the military, a process that takes about 18 months.

“We want them to know there are jobs here in Rowan County, and we want them to take advantage of the services at the V.A. Medical Center,” Spalding says. ✦

Power in Partnership attendees learn about new community development initiatives


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Ambassadors Annual Gala Breakfast Meetings Business A er Hours Mixers Candidate Forums Dragon Boat Festival Leadership Rowan Minority Business Council Power In Partnership Washington, D.C. Trip Raleigh Trips Women In Business Total Resource Campaign Young Professionals

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