Beating Holiday Blues- When You Fall Short of the Perfect Holiday

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Coping with Anxiety that a Holiday Brings In BETTERLYF.COM

The holiday season often inspires feelings of warmth, joy, and belongingness unconditionally. But for some people, this time of year can evoke feelings of loneliness, stress and anxiety.

Here are a ways to cope with anxiety that a holiday brings in –

1. Don’t let others define FUN for you -Fun is not only about having party outside, it can also be a night alone, a deep conversation or a walk. Fun is how you feel comfortable in it.

2. Forget about perfectionism. -No matter how perfect life appears on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, everyone has to deal with heartache, rejection, pain, and loss in life some day.

3. Fantasy of a Picture Perfect Holiday. -Hoping for a picture-perfect holiday would be like setting oneself up for disappointment, demotivation, feelings of worthlessness and inadequacy. So you need to just relax and feel comfortable even without pictires that's what a true holiday is.

4. Being Grateful -“Realize that the holidays do end ― so stock up whatever you can be grateful for,” says Sichel.

5. Focus on the process, not on the outcome.

6. Be OK with mistakes and failure. -Do not get demotivated if plans go wrong or fail. Looking at our failure with a new perspective is the best way to overcome it.

7. Too much to do, too little time - It is important to do some decluttering in life, that is, eliminating some of the less important stuff to save some time from yourself.

8. Not taking things too seriously. - Rather than spending all the time planning and expecting things to go as per our plans and being disappointed that they didn’t, let plans be Theoretical and have fun with the Practical.

9. Be Present - Presenting and living in the moment— focusing on what is happening at this very minute—can save us from the anxiety.

10. Showing oneself some heartfelt compassion. - Be grateful. Building oneself up instead of putting oneself down. We have to Stop judging ourselves.

You Deserve to be Happy! It can be very natural to feel lonely and that we don’t have anybody. Here is our time to pamper ourselves, watch a movie or a movie marathon, we always wanted to watch, draw, paint, dance, sing, go for a long drive to nowhere in particular.

Talk to a therapist and learn some mindful ways overcome anxiety. WEBSITE

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