Before You Text Your Ex

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Before You Text Your Ex..

Anxious thoughts or unmet needs can drive us to connect back to our past. In these moments we can end up texting our ex to fill the void. But in that moment, take a pause and think what is the underneath reason for taking that step? Ask yourself these question before texting -

1. Are you seeking validation of being loved, important and worthy of affection? What exact need will it fulfill? 2. Pause. Think about the consequences of your actions in the near future and how will it affect you. Will you regret it? Will it be helpful? Does it violate your or their boundary?

3. Reflect on why did you break up in the first place and if the reason is still persistent. Is your hope futile? 4. You might be missing your ex for a reason that is important to know. What are the alternatives to fulfilling the unmet needs and soothing the anxiety? Can you connect to your old friends/family? Engage in a hobby that has been long pending?

Remember missing your ex is natural, but it can be an opportunity to connect with yourself better.

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