Fundamentals for Better Relationships with Self & Others

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Fundamentals For Better Relationships with Self & Others

Time Boundaries: “I really want to spend more time with you, but I have some work to complete hence can only stay for an hour.�

Physical Boundaries: “I understand you like to express yourself through physical gestures, however, I am not really a hug person so if you can keep that in mind it would be great�.

Conversational Boundaries: “I understand you wish to know about my past, but can we take it slow because I am not yet in a space to talk about it.�

Intellectual Boundaries: “I understand you have strong views about a few things, however, I would like if you could hear out my views and regard them equally important.�

Relationship Boundaries: “There might be times that you may feel hurt by me, I would expect you to tell me instead of passively reacting, so that I am aware of your feelings and we can resolve it.�

Emotional Boundaries: “I know you don’t want me to feel jealous but I cannot help with that right now. It will take some time for me to deal with it and I expect patience and transparency from you which can make it easier for me.”

How to know your boundaries? Read here here-to-draw-the-line-in-relationships/

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