How to cope when your Ex is getting Married?

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How to Cope when your Ex is getting Married?

A break-up makes us feel various emotions like guilt, denial, confusion, shock, grief, anger, and many more that at times we try to resist and at times get drowned in them. But what if something more hurtful comes next?

Situation can be worse when your ex is getting married. Know here the ways to cope when your ex is getting married.

To feel the hurt and pain is okay. Have a support system around you like family and friends. Try not to contact your ex. Do not compare your relationships to theirs. Know that you still have a future. Focus on the reasons why you broke-up

Seeing your ex getting married, can increse the pain to another level which you were experiencing after the break-up, but the best way to cope with the situation is to feel, recognize that you are feeling the pain and then let go of those feelings for the better.

At the end of the day, ask yourself, Is this the end or a new beginning?

If needed, seek help of a professional Therapist. Feeling sadness for a longer period of time can cause various metal health issues such as strees, anxiety and depression. Counselling for depression after break-up can help you overcome the pain and feel stronger than before.

Reach out Online Counseling (Audio, Video, chat)

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