Myths about Counselling & How to Break Them

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Myths about Counselling & How To Break Them

Certain myths about Counselling need to be broken so that one can convince themselves to seek help when they need it. Kwow here about these myths and fact about them.

1. You are mad if you are being counselled

Counselling is seeked by those who are facing trouble in living a normal life due to some challenges, despite being capable of performing their tasks on their own. These challneges can be related to anything like health, work-stress, relationships etc.

2. People who ask for help are weak Many a times even the strongest people find it difficult to cope with their emotions and feelings. Counselling helps an individual to acknowledge and accept their emotions, and proccess them right ways.

3. Counselling is only for severe issues Why wait for a problem to become sever, a healthier and wiser approach would be to nip the problem in the bud, and avoid a situation that has us feeling emotionally drained and exhausted.

4. A counsellor should experience all my experiences to be able to help me A counsellor is equipped to help us overcome our emotional barriers without having the need to experience what we have experienced.

5. Only known persons can help somebody A counsellor who is not a part of your personal or social circle can be the best person to get an unbiased opinion if you are going for relationship counselling as a couple. Even in individual counselling a known person may already have an image of the person seeking counselling thus, you may chose an unbiased counselor who will be free of judgement and unnecessary assumptions about you.

6. Counsellors can also be advice-givers Couselors are not advice-givers. Couselling is rather a process that facilitates effective thinking in a person so that they can make better decisions in life.

7. Counselling is all about talking Counselling is about active listening, and speaking the right words in the right manner at the right time which enables counslors to provide effective and timely help to someone seeking it.

8. Anybody can counsel A counsellor is expected to ban their thoughts, judgements, biases, and personal belief systems from interfering with their counselling process – leaving your individual self behind while embracing your counsellor self.

Online Counselling (Audio, Video, chat)

Online Counselling or Telehealth allows you to avail therapy and counselling from anywhere, anytime. Don’t wait for peace to come to you, speak to an emotional wellness professional and discover relief!

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