Pollution and Mental Health

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Pollution and Mental Health

We all have a role to play when it comes to an increase in air pollution.

Recent research has shown the link or correlation between an increase in air pollution and significant rise in severe psychological disorders such as seasonal depression and anxiety. Thus, we need to be more cautious as citizens of this planet.

Some tips to prorect yourself from pollution:

Wear a Mask

Have Indoor air purifying plants

Build your immunity by eating ealthy.

Use an Air-purifier

Some of the other ways keeping it in control are

- regular check up of your vehicles, - checking the kind of products you use at home from electrical appliances to perfumes - avoiding bursting crackers.

It takes one person to be a part of a big change therefore let's pledge to be that person from today.

If you are struggling in life due to any reason like a relationship breakup, stress and anxiety, depression, or find it difficult to deal with work-stress, online counselling can help you discover your strengths to overcome such mental health issues.

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