Simple Ways to Protect Your Own Mental Health

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Simple Ways to Protect Your Mental Health

Sometimes, a few simple ways can help you a lot to protect your mental health.

These little things can make big difference. These include:

Getting rest as much as necessary.

Spending time with yourself, family and friends – talking to them about your feeling.

Practicing mindfulness by living in the current moment and thinking who you are and what you want in life.

Do things that make you happy and don’t forget to laugh regularly.

Cultivate and encourage optimism in yourself and other around you. Avoid over-thinking and comparisons with others.

Learn to balance and accept what you can and cannot change about yourself.

Exercise regularly, preferably join a dance workout or gym where you can workout with a group of people and get all the good vibes.

Limit the intake of alcohol and avoid cigarettes and other substances.

Online Counselling (Audio, Video, chat)

If you are struggling with any kind of mental health issues, psychological counselling can help you overcome stress and anxiety, depression, relationship issues, work-stress etc. You can book and online counselling session with a therapist at and talk to them privately and confidentially.

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